Surrender, Crucifixion, and Resurrection

Thoughts on Surrender, Crucifixion, and Resurrection

He Is Risen by Genevieve Gerard

As Easter comes around, I find that my meditations turn to thoughts on the resurrection. 

To consider the life of Jesus separate from the resurrection seems to miss the importance of what the final three acts of His story can teach.

That final step, resurrection, may seem so far above and beyond what you can ever accomplish in your own Spiritual life that you dismiss it as a life lesson.

When I look at the life of Jesus, I don’t think anything is accidental.  Every act, every miracle, every parable was His way of teaching.  He taught by doing and demonstrating through His own life what it meant to be both the Son of God and the Son of Man.

What Jesus Taught by Example

This teaching by example, through the activities and events of His own life, are never more significant than in understanding the last three acts of His life.  The fact that these acts were so amazing and so far beyond what the average human being feels they could do I believe has resulted in His followers sometimes dismissing the deeper message that is embedded within them.

Jesus came into human existence to demonstrate what a human being can be and can do.  Not only does He demonstrate His human nature, but He also demonstrated His Divine nature.  That was the message, not an accident.

Jesus, as the Son of God and the Son of Man, was demonstrating the full potential of what it means to be a dual being, a blending of being both fully human and fully Divine.  It is this mystery that I believe empowers the deepest meaning of these last three steps in His life adventure, Surrender, Crucifixion, and Resurrection.

It is easy to dismiss the life of Jesus as a story of a God and miss that is also a story of a Man.  It is easy to see the sacrifice of the crucifixion and forget the pain of the surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane.

It may also be easy to focus on the life of Jesus and think that because he was also Divine His example and demonstration does not relate to your life and isn’t an example you are being called to follow.

That would be a mistake, for Jesus told His followers, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” John 14:12-14 (New Revised Standard Bible Version.)

Jesus was not holding Himself out as an example of a miracle worker who was beyond human ability.  He was telling His followers, His disciples, what they can do and can be.  He was telling you what your ultimate purpose is as a material human being who is also endowed by the Father (Creator) with the spark of Divine Light that is the gift to every human being to become the dual being of a Man-God.

If you ignore the significance and the suffering of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane you may have missed the crux of the story.  It is reported that “Jesus wept.” John 11:35. Jesus was more than a Divine being playing out a drama on the stage of life.  He was a living, breathing, real human being who decided to sacrifice himself out of Love for Humanity.

Everything that happened in the next three days, the crucifixion and the resurrection were the result of that human choice, made in prayer and distress as He said, “Not my Will but Thine be done.”

The man Jesus, chose to surrender His will to Divine Will.  Jesus chose to sacrifice His human life as an act of Love.
                     – Genevieve Gerard

That choice and that sacrifice allowed a miracle to happen.  That miracle was mystical and the fulfillment of Divine purpose, as in that moment of total obedience and willing sacrifice the energy of Divine Love was able to be anchored on Earth.  That was such a powerful and profound shift in energy that the veil in the temple was rent.  Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two.  And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.’  Having said this, He breathed His last. (Luke 23:45–46)

The mystery is that is what marked the moment that humanity began to have true Divine Love available.

It is significant to note that Jesus committed His Spirit to the Father as his material body breathed His last.  It is noteworthy that the resurrection happened three days later, on Easter morning. Jesus, in the final act of His surrender, was totally aligned with the Father (Creator) and totally aligned with bringing the force of Divine Love to earth.  This was His act of Love and His act of service for all of humanity.

In that final act, not only was Love anchored on earth, but the human part of man that was Jesus completed His union with the Christ which had been over-lighting and guiding His message and His activities throughout His teaching and preaching.  It was this connection of the man Jesus, with the Divine aspect of the Christ, that explains the dual life of Jesus, how He could be both God and man.

The fusing of the personality of Jesus, (the man) with the energy of the Christ (the Divine) is the most profound part of the story of the life of Jesus.  It provides the best example of what you are directed to do as a human being, to bring through your Soul into your personal life, thoughts, words, and deeds through the Divine energy of the Christ.

It is this fulfillment of the example of the life of Jesus that creates the fulfillment of His words of “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” John 14:12-14 (New Revised Standard Bible Version)

Jesus going to the Father was more than hyperbole.  It was a mystical act of joining His human nature with His Divine nature.  And the Christ is the One who serves humanity as the conduit from human existence to the Father (Divine Creator essence).

When Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (Contemporary English Bible Version) He was speaking not a truth of separative requirement that limits people to Christian belief, but rather an energetic truth that the path to the Father is so vast and charged that the Christ serves as an energetic portal for reaching that exalted transcendent energy.

By Jesus embodying the Christ, He demonstrated how you as a human being and a Soul could go to the Father.  Going to the Father is what empowered the life of Jesus.  It is what gave Him the ability to perform miracles, especially those miracles that seem to defy the laws of matter and the laws of nature as we understand them to be.

This aspect of going to the Father is also what makes resurrection, not simply the last act in the drama of Jesus’s life but the confirmation that resurrection is the final example that Jesus demonstrated as what you and I are instructed to do eventually.

Each Easter, as we celebrate the joy of resurrection with the words shouted across the world “He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed” are offered as the comfort and reassurance of our eternal life through the miracle of resurrection.

Resurrection is a miracle and a mystery, but it is also a promise for the Son of Man who like Jesus is the Son of God.

Ponder on this and celebrate this Easter season in remembrance of the one who sacrificed His life to show us the way.




The Blessing of Divine Love on all that you do!


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