What Would Jesus Do Today?

Ask yourself,
what would Jesus do today?

Ask yourself by Genevieve Gerard

This is a question to ask yourself if you consider yourself a Christian.

When I started this article, I was directed to address it to the American Evangelical Church, because of the moral and political crisis that is facing that group in this moment of history.

The more I meditated and prayed on this time in the world; I realized that the problems being faced by the world today are being experienced around the world, in every geopolitical environment because they are the spiritual challenge facing humanity right now.

It Is A Time Of Crisis

Spiritual Cross Words by Genevieve Gerard

Across the planet, throughout the Country, throughout the church, people are being called to make decisions about what is wrong, and what is right, what is not moral and what is moral.

It is a time of crisis, indeed in the United States of America, yet, when I take a more realistic and global look at this moment in the evolution of human life and consciousness, the decisions and choices are being played out on a world stage and apply to all nations.

When I was first directed in my meditation to write this message, I must admit I resisted it.  I suggested the spiritual insights and guidance would reach the evangelical community better through ministers who focus on serving this group.  They are well known and would undoubtedly be listened to better than I, and although a Christian I am not of the evangelical tribe.

As I argued and resisted with myself internally, I was then reminded that I often pray “here I am Lord, use me.”  I was being asked to honor my word.  The Lord was asking to use me.  Would I turn my back in disobedience, or was I a woman of my word?

So, prayerfully and meditatively I opened my mind, my heart, and my Soul to listen to the message I was being called to share.  My argument that I was not worthy was countered by the reminder that those called to deliver a message from God often felt unworthy.  My Biblical knowledge flashed through a myriad of stories of the dire and disastrous consequences of those called to deliver a message from God, and the results when they tried to flee or disobey God’s call.

Chastised and committed to obedience in my meditation, I picked up my proverbial pen (although, it is a computer) re-entered a prayerful and receptive meditative state and began to record the thoughts and impressions being sent through me to this community.

What Would Jesus Do?

I was reminded that among Evangelical Christians many strive to live their faith by asking themselves the question, “What would Jesus do?”  This was the question I was guided to ask in this letter.

It is abundantly clear that asking that question is an excellent way to consider the many life choices we are called upon to make.

As I continued to ponder and consider the direction, I realized that the value and import of this question were broader than just one country or only one church.

However, the need for this article to be sent to and directed to Evangelical Christians is clear.

If you are an Evangelical Christian, or if you know Evangelical Christians I ask your help in sending this article to that group, for that was my initial instruction and purpose for writing this article.

As I continued to pray and meditate on this question “What would Jesus Do?” my thoughts expanded.  In the history of humanity, the choices Jesus made were so powerful and profound that over two thousand years later we are in awe of what he taught and demonstrated in His life and more amazingly in His death and sacrifice.

To make your life and moral choices by the guidance of the question “What would Jesus Do” can be a tough moral standard to follow.  His path was not an easy path, and choosing what is right over what is wrong may never be the easy way.

Human nature and being human is vulnerable to pride.  Self-righteousness and assurance of moral superiority are sins we must all consider when we make a moral choice.

To take a stand for right action in life, especially if you consider “what Jesus would do” requires that you answer how Love is served, how harmlessness and compassion are demonstrated.

With that in mind, I am reminded of the parable Jesus told as guidance for following Him.

The parable in Matthew 25:40 Jesus said:

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (New International Bible Version)

Now I believe that of all the lessons that Jesus taught and all of the ways he guided those who say they follow Him, there is no better guide for our moral decision to determine what you should do, than those words.  So, I ask you to consider the moral and political choices of today’s world and challenges by examining the question of “what would Jesus do?”

What would Jesus do about . . . immigration?  Would he close the borders to refugees?  Would he deport the DACA young people and deprive them the opportunity to live their lives and fulfill their Soul purpose because they are of a different culture?

Would Jesus deprive children of Health Care because their parents are poor?  Would he deprive the disabled of Medicare?  Would He defund Health insurance supplements for working families in need?

What would Jesus do about the Homeless, especially Homeless and Disabled Veterans?

Would Jesus eliminate funding for breakfast for school-age children or meals for seniors?

Would he punish addiction by profitable prisons, or might he support treatment and rehabilitation?

“What would Jesus do?” is a question I invite all of you to consider in light of the many issues and challenges coming before the American people and Evangelical Christians in these troubling times.

There is in our world and in our society a battle for the Soul of America.  If America is to be a Christian nation as I believe the Evangelical Christian Church desires, then we must behave in a way that is congruent with the teachings of Matthew 25:40, or risk being rejected by the King as the parable teaches.

Asking the question “What would Jesus do today?” is a call of conscience to not only the Evangelical Church but to the Catholic Church and every denomination that identifies as Christian.

Many countries have made these decisions, yet I write especially to the United States of America today because she is in a battle for the Soul of American over the forces of greed.

Make A Choice & Take A Stand

If you want America to be a Christian Nation, then you must in your political life take a stand.

The forces of greed and selfishness are strong.  Asking yourself “what would Jesus do?” will help you consider what you can do to solve many of these social and societal issues.  What are you funding to support and help in the world?  Does it reflect what Jesus would do, or does it support the forces of selfishness and greed?

These are the questions every citizen who identifies themselves as a Christian are being called to consider.  It is not easy to follow Christ.  Jesus was an example that we all fall short of achieving.  As I pen these words, I remember that in every Christian variation is the creed and affirmation that Christ will come again.

Jesus Knocking

The promise, the hope and the belief of the reappearance of the Christ cross all the divisions in the Christian faith.  We are told of His coming, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36.

We, as Christians are charged to live every day prepared for His coming.  Certainly, looking at the choices and changes in the world today, the world may well be preparing for that moment.  Are you?

Are the causes you are supporting today compatible with you being more than a Sunday morning Christian? Are you living your life and making your political decisions based on the guidance of the question, “What would Jesus Do?”

Are you making the choices as if your Lord himself were one of the disenfranchised, needy and poor?  Do you see Jesus in the face of every person?  Are you following His commandment, indeed His only commandment to Love, but to your neighbor as yourself?

These are the questions I was guided to place before you as a member of the Christian movement.  This is the message I was directed to offer to you from my morning prayers and meditations.

There are significant decisions before you in our modern world, in our country, America and indeed in every country across the planet.

We need to decide who and what defines us as a culture, as a society.  I invite you and encourage you to take direction and guidance of your faith as you ask yourself and then answer, “What would Jesus Do Today?”

The Christ in me greets the Christ in you with the ancient greeting “The Peace of the Lord be with you.” 
                           – Genevieve Gerard

Before I close this article and my own prayerful meditations I am guided to offer you a prayer to support you in your desire to follow the teachings of Jesus.  This is a prayer to support you as you strive to walk your talk, to demonstrate to the world what Jesus would do.


Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus Prayer


Let Us Pray

Beloved Lord,

I humbly ask that you come to me and guide me in the choices I make today.  Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart and in my life.

I open my heart to the power of the Holy Spirit that I may find the strength to Love my neighbor as myself.

As I invite the Love of the Christ into my heart compassion fills me.  In the face of every stranger let me see the face of Jesus.  Let every act of kindness be of service to you my beloved Lord.  So, you instructed us, and so I strive to be more like you today.

I know I may fall short of being able to accomplish this, so I surrender to the Love of the Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to fill me and infuse me so that I may be an active demonstration of what Jesus would do.

As I offer myself to this work and service, I ask that not my will but thine be done, through me.

Help me to consider harmlessness as I consider the plight of others.  Please guide my thoughts and words.  Grant me the strength to stand up for what my heart and Love tell me are right action in this world of sorrow and need.

Lord empower me to see your face in everyone I see that I may express my gratitude to you for your sacrifice by my own service to those you called “the least of these my brethren.”

Help me remember that my service to the hungry and sick, the refugees and prisoners, the addicts and alcoholics is my service to You.

Let me be a living example of Your life, Your Love and Your Grace.  Let me be a source of good in the world.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do! 



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