Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something to get Soul insights

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness and Soul Awakening.

In the process of gaining more enlightened awarenessyou are likely to encounter many who provide their opinions or their wisdom.

Some of what you are exposed to is wonderful as it grants you an ah-ha moment (sometimes after pondering on its meaning multiple times) that opens your eyes or your heart to something that makes your perception easier or clearer.  Unfortunately, some of what you are told is other people’s truth loaded with their fears, their judgments, and are filled with illusion.

As you journey through life’s magnificent adventure it falls to you to choose what you will believe, what teachings you will embrace to guide you.

This choosing is not easy, for you may love and respect the person who espouses rules, guidance, dogma, and doctrine that the still soft whisper of your Soul rejects.

Ultimately, determining what is right, what is the truth, falls to you.

What Does It Mean To Ponder On Something?

You are the one who must choose what will guide your life.  I believe, and I have found in the journey of my life that there is within my heart and mind wisdom from my Soul.  Whenever I have been presented with teaching that my Soul accepts or rejects, I have used a technique of the Ageless Wisdom by following the guidance to “Ponder On This.”

In my experience, there is within your Soul an arbiter of truth.  It is my recommendation that you put every teaching, especially every spiritual teaching to the test of “Pondering.”

The Free Dictionary defines ponder on (something): 
“To give great consideration to something;
to ruminate or think about something very deeply.”

In my experience, as one who has journeyed long on the spiritual path, the wisdom of your Soul is available to you whenever you open your heart and your mind to pondering.  Your Soul will guide you to the truth and insights about all wisdom or it will warn you if it doesn’t feel right for you at this time in your life.

Ultimately, your relationship with your Soul and your relationship with God (however you define God) is completely personal.  I recall the theologian Peter Marshall wrote about this fact, “God has no grandchildren.”  Each of us is charged to enter into our own relationship with the Divine, what theologian Marin Buber described as an I-Thou relationship.

The faith of your Father and Mother may have guided their path, and it certainly can have nurtured or fashion your own, but ultimately your relationship with the Divine and the relationship with your own Soul is up to you.

Truth always seems to be recognizable by the Soul.  That is the derivation of the folk wisdom of the phrase ‘the ring of truth’.  I have always, and will always, encourage those who read or hear my words to only accept and incorporate into their own spiritual life that which resonates as truth with you.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Ways To Ponder On Something

The technique of pondering on something presented as a Spiritual truth can be a part of your meditation.  It can be the subject of prayer or simply quiet contemplation.  I personally encourage the practice of daily meditation.

In setting aside time for reflection, prayer or contemplation you open yourself to a relationship with the Divine and a relationship with your own Soul as the arbiter of truth and a source for life guidance.

You can, of course, meditate anytime and anywhere, but there are some techniques that mediators have found helpful in maintaining the practice of mediation.  One such technique is to choose a time of day where you set aside time in your schedule.  For me, the first thing in the morning, just after awakening is a favorite.  I especially love the time that the light is returning to the sky and the sun is rising.  For me, that is a time of great potential and promise so I find it an especially empowered and empowering time in which to meditate.

I also find prayer and mediation just before I go to sleep a powerful way to let go of the stress of the day and surrender to the Divine.  My morning meditations and my before surrendering to sleep prayers form Spiritual support to my life enfolding my life.

The approach to meditation is different from your approach to other times and tasks of your day.  Meditation is the time to release your ego and invite the Soul perspective.  Your Soul perspective is timeless and eternal so it empowers you to be in the present.  It gives you the perspective to release attachment and release your fears.

There is a phrase that I use in my personal life and to lead into each and every one of the guided meditations that I offer you.  It is:

Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the light.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Of course, calming your mind is important because in meditation you strive to reach the wisdom of your Soul. The ceaseless chattering of your mind interferes with your ability to contemplate, meditate or ponder with its busyness and noise.  For many that noise is fueled by fear.

Learning to meditate is the optimum way to transcend, transmute, and transform your life to gain mastery over your fears.  Perhaps that is the greatest and most empowering result of meditation.

Because of how freeing transmuting and transcending your fears can be and how that can support and empower your life to fulfill your Soul purpose I have a guided meditation “I Am Feeling Free” that is a cornerstone to my teachings about meditation.  It allows you to learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

Download your copy of I Am Feeling Free Guided Meditation MP3 Now.

In fact, since transmuting fear is such an important part of using the empowerment of your Soul to live a more enlightened life, I also created a longer and more detailed meditation of the technique called, “Feeling Free.”

Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard



Feeling Free

Calm Strong Emotions and Transmute Fears and Doubts.
Feel Renewed and Alive




When I first discovered this technique, I used it constantly.  Now, many years later I still use it frequently.  Using your Soul connection as a way of living a more free and enlightened perspective is the blessing of meditation that is both life changing and life transforming.

I suggest you “Ponder on this.”

Likewise, meditation opens you to the resource of the wisdom of your Higher Self (your Soul.)  This wisdom can be the arbiter of truth and insight that you can make available to yourself when you use the advice to ponder on this (that you will find in my writings and the writings of the Ancient Wisdom.)

Setting aside a special time to meditate, is a way to empower this technique and your life.  For some, the ritual of a special place in which to meditate is also helpful.  Although neither a special place or a designated time is essential, it is something people have found helpful to encourage and maintain the discipline of the practice of meditation.

I have meditated for over 50 years of my life and can say without any hesitation that it has been the greatest source of strength, peace, and joy in my life.  Over the 50 years, I have tried a wide variety of ways in which to meditate and each of them is valuable.

Although over my life the tools and techniques of meditation have changed as my life has changed, the practice of setting aside a special time for connecting with the Divine and my Soul hasn’t changed.  Meditation opens the portal and supports both prayer and contemplation enriching my life in ways that bring peace, love, and joy into my life. I encourage you to meditate!

Meditation brings many gifts.  That I see meditation as a gift of the Spirit is revealed in the name of several of my guided meditations that I offer to you:

Gift of Love guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Love Guided Visualization Meditation
Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love &
The Love That Your Soul Brings To You




A guided visualization to release stress by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Relaxation Guided Meditation
A Guided Visualization To Release Stress





In my body of work, I offer many meditations that are based on the technique of “mindfulness meditation.”  If you would like to be guided through a meditation you can access and utilize my meditations as mp3’s on AmazonApple iTunesand a variety of other internet sites like CDBaby.  I also have them available on my website https://genevievegerard.com/products.

For me, meditation has provided strength and support through the challenges of life, the pain, and the problems, and brought me to a place filled with Peace, Love, and Joy.

My offerings of this website, articles, and free and paid guided meditations, affirmations, and mantrams are my attempt to share with you the wisdom I have gained through pondering to bring joy to your life.

My website is over 1,500 pages of articles and insights you can use and share freely with your friends and community at no cost.  It is an offering of Love as my gratitude for the grace I have received.

My paid guided meditations are a way to support my work in the world and are downloadable for your immediate use.  Many of my guided meditations were created to give you tools and techniques for a happier and more successful life.  Please support my work by downloading my meditations or make a donation to help continue our work and help individuals, like you, connect deeply with their Higher Self.

However, in all that I offer, free or fee, I encourage you to subject it to the wisdom of your Soul and “Ponder On This”, incorporating and using your own internal wisdom and guidance to choose what has the “ring of truth” and resonates for you right now.



The Blessing of Love on All that you do!


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