soul awareness

You Are Made of Starlight

You Are Made of Starlight

starry universe with text You Are A Spark of Divine Light

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

It is a fact that within us all are particles of the universe, and you are made of starlight.

It is this spark of Divine Light embedded in you that is available to guide you throughout your life.

Amazingly, deep within you is a felt sense of what is right.  This is your spark of Divine Light. This is your Soul.

You are designed to be aligned with and aware of what is good.  This goodwill toward others is at the core of your being.

Troubling at times is also a sense of knowing when lies are being fostered, and deep within you is also a nagging awareness of when something is wrong.

Listening To Your Soul

Learning to listen to that inner wisdom is important. You are a child of God and although you may be swayed by the influence and opinions of others, deep within you have a sense of knowing particularly what is right and what is not right.

This deep sense of knowing is the start of connecting with the presence of your Soul. It is always with you.

How much you use your Soul to guide you depends completely on you and the decisions and choices you make. Your Soul is always available but is never controlling or demanding. That is part of the amazing miracle of free will in life.

One of life’s amazing opportunities is the dance and dynamic of knowing and ultimately deciding between what is right and what is wrong. Your Soul, your spark of Divine Light is given to you to help and support you in making that choice.  It is always available for you, but it waits for your invitation.

You can, throughout your life call upon the wisdom of your Soul to guide you and help you determine what is right for you in the many times in life you may be being told things that are untrue.  Within you, from deep within you, your Soul will resonate with a recognition of TRUTH.

You sometimes may not listen to that recognition, but it gives you a felt sense deep within you of what is truly right, even when others are trying to convince you to do or believe what that sense is telling you is wrong.

As you journey through life you are presented with a myriad of choices that are presented to you moment by moment.

Thought Leader Bernie Gunther once created a little poem that speaks to this dynamic. “There’s a positive side and a negative side and at each moment you decide.

This is truer than you might realize but fortunately you are not alone in having to make that decision because you have a spark of Divine Light within you to help guide you.

Whether or not you choose to listen to it or dismiss it and ignore it is totally up to you in the moment you are experiencing it.

Sadly, the input of others can be a powerful force. And only you can decide what is right for you.

Life is amazingly only lived moment by moment.  Ponder on this!

Within that truth and within that concept is both great power and freedom.

I suggest that you consider and ponder on this for more than a minute, for within that truth is the key to happiness.

In the moment no problem and no pain are unbearable. It is when you take things out of the moment and project them into the future or begin to believe they will always be that way that worry, and fear get control.

That makes being present and being in the present a tool that is powerful beyond your imagining.  This is an awareness that your Soul can bring to you.

Part of accessing and using your Soul to guide you is the availability and perspective of eternity that is known as the eternal NOW.

The eternal NOW consciousness and awareness may not be fully understood but just the touch of it can vault you into an inner sense of truth and knowing about the many choices and decisions you are called upon to make in life.

That “Touch of the Soul” empowers you to choose good over evil, right over wrong, and most importantly love over hate.

These are important life choices to make.  These are moment by moment the decisions and choices you make that impact who you are and what you are as a human being.

Calling on your Soul to guide you grants you a superpower to live a life informed and empowered by Divine Light and even Divine Love.

By calling upon your Soul to guide you are engaging with and aligning with Divine Will.

That cannot help but bring you into the awareness of Divine Love, for the Divine nature of God is Love.

Connecting to Divine Love also informs your choices of right over wrong.

Using your Soul to help you make the myriad of moment-by-moment choices with which life presents you opens you to begin the exalted journey of being and becoming all that you can be and were created to be as a Soul-infused personality.

You are a being who is made of starlight, and infused with a spark of Divine Light, and a Soul, and you are also a creature who has a personality, a mind, and emotions.

The challenge of which part of you is in control and which part of you makes the moment-by-moment decisions about: what you think, what your feel, and what you choose from the great smorgasbord of life decisions and life choices is what this great adventure of life is all about.

The amazing and wonderful thing about life is that you are who makes the choices.

That is both the power and the promise of life. Free will assures you of that.

What you choose, what you decide, is important to you and all humankind.

Fortunately, in life’s adventure you are not alone.  All people everywhere are engaged in making the exact same kind of life decisions you are.

If people choose good over evil, truth over lies, kindness and compassion over selfishness and greed, that affects the whole world, societies, governments, war, and peace.

Your choices matter by influencing the energy of thought into matter and the tenor of what happens.

It is awareness of the group nature of reality that makes the principles of: Harmlessness, Right Speech, Right Relationships, Right Action, Right Governance, all important.

Demonstrating kindness is a way that you can help support and empower the positive choices that others are making in the world.

It is in the community of fellowship that positive change impacts the world in which we all live.

It is as Gandhi said,You must be the change you want to see.

You are made of Starlight embedded and informed by Divine Light, infused with Divine Love, and supported throughout your life by access to the guidance of your Soul.  That touch of your Soul offers but never demands or requires.  It offers you the opportunity to integrate these exalted energies into your life in all the choices you are challenged to make.”
                  – Genevieve Gerard

This is a gift.  This is a blessing, and this is the way that you and your consciousness grow and evolve into the amazing being you were created to be.

Invite the Presence of Your Soul

Accessing your Soul and being guided by it is best achieved through a combination of meditation, invocation, intention, and visualization.

To empower you and enable you to experience and invite the presence of your Soul there is an ancient meditation mantram from the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom that I would like to share with you.

Before you begin inviting and accessing the wisdom of your Soul I suggest and recommend that you prepare by having a paper and pen near you so that you can capture any insight and guidance that could become available to you.

This is a powerful tool to invite and invoke your Soul.  It is best done meditatively and contemplatively. Then if seeking guidance on a troubling life choice I suggest that you gather your journal so that you can record any thoughts and impressions you may receive from your Higher Consciousness, your Soul.

In the Ageless Wisdom we are assured that calling upon your Soul, immediately and spontaneously activates your access through invocation, intention, meditation, or prayer. Calling upon your Soul, for support, wisdom or insight opens you to an alignment with the Divine that is always available to you because that is both who and what you are.

I also recommend that before you begin to meditate that you take a moment to: “Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the light.


A Meditation to Invite and Align with Your Soul


To begin, sit comfortably and receptively.

Take a deep breath, relaxing and receptively surrender your weight to your chair.

As you do this realize you are being supported by the chair, which is supported by the floor, which is supported by the earth.  Realize that you find your support of the earth.

Surrender to the gentle pull of gravity knowing and trusting that it will always be there to help you relax and reach to the wisdom of your Soul whenever you need it.

Imagine your Soul to be like a Star of Light (a Soul Star) that is about 6 to 12 inches above your head.

Take a moment to pause and just breath deeply and evenly as you calm your mind.

In that pause realize that by connecting with your Soul you are opening your heart, letting love heal any part of you that needs to be restored to harmony and balance.

As you invite the light you are choosing to align with what is good, and right.

With the help of your Soul, exhale one deep breath imaging that with this exhale you are releasing any negative energies in your body, emotions, and mind that may be impacting your life, bringing you to a relaxed and receptive state.

Now visualize a two-way energetic conduit connecting your Soul Star to the higher energies of Divine Light and Divine Love.

Imagine that Light and Love coming to rest on the top of your head, and with another deep breath visualize it entering you and circulating clockwise on the breath throughout your whole being, filling your mind with insight and wisdom and filling your heart with the energy of divine love and peace.

Let that light energy, as it circulates, enrich, and infuse you to just the right amount (known by your Soul) as you continue with this mantram by saying:

I Am the Soul, and also Love I AM.
Above all else, I am will and clear design.

My will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine.

That Light I Am;
therefore, I must descend to where the lower self awaits my coming.

Now, making no attempt to control your breath, imagine and visualize your Soul energy descending from your Soul Star and entering your body through a lotus of light at the top of your head in the location of what is known as your crown chakra.

As that Light energy enters your being at the top of your head realize that you are given the power to move that Light as you direct it to circulate (in a clockwise pattern) creating a triangle from the top of your head to your ajna center (a minor chakra also called the third eye which is located between your physical eyes.)

Then conclude the triangle inside your head by bringing the light energy to the alta major center, a minor chakra located at the top of your spine.

Let the energy circulate through the triangle you have created with 3 breaths, integrating your Soul with your mind.

Visualize that Soul Light and Soul Love moving with your breath, on your breath naturally, gently, and easily as the energies move (clockwise) up and down your spine along an etheric energetic path that is known as the central energy channel which is located about 2 inches behind your physical spine.

In this way you are integrating your higher Soul with your lower personality helping to bring about personality and Soul integration and fusion.

Relaxed and receptive continue the circulation of these energies as long as feels right to you.

Moving the energies through the easy circulation of your breath up and down your central energy channel integrates and infuses you with the wisdom of your Soul and empowers you to make the choices that are wise and right for you in the moment of time in which you find yourself.  It clarifies your vision and empowers you to know Right Action.

Then continue the Mantra by saying:

That which intends to lift,
and that which invokes the lifting are NOW at ONE.


Then conclude your meditation by sounding the sacred sound of the OM three times.

As the OM resonates from and through you, see your Soul Light and Soul Love empowering and infusing the space around you as a blessing to the world.


Now take a brief pause to recap in your heart and mind what you have done.

Tune into your Soul to know the truth
            – Genevieve Gerard

Lastly, return to your day, your work, and your life letting the wisdom of your Soul influence and permeate your mind, your thoughts, and your emotions, realizing that having done this meditation you are a blessing to the world and source for Divine Light entering the world.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


You Are Made of Starlight Read More »

Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something to get Soul insights

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness and Soul Awakening.

In the process of gaining more enlightened awarenessyou are likely to encounter many who provide their opinions or their wisdom.

Some of what you are exposed to is wonderful as it grants you an ah-ha moment (sometimes after pondering on its meaning multiple times) that opens your eyes or your heart to something that makes your perception easier or clearer.  Unfortunately, some of what you are told is other people’s truth loaded with their fears, their judgments, and are filled with illusion.

As you journey through life’s magnificent adventure it falls to you to choose what you will believe, what teachings you will embrace to guide you.

This choosing is not easy, for you may love and respect the person who espouses rules, guidance, dogma, and doctrine that the still soft whisper of your Soul rejects.

Ultimately, determining what is right, what is the truth, falls to you.

What Does It Mean To Ponder On Something?

You are the one who must choose what will guide your life.  I believe, and I have found in the journey of my life that there is within my heart and mind wisdom from my Soul.  Whenever I have been presented with teaching that my Soul accepts or rejects, I have used a technique of the Ageless Wisdom by following the guidance to “Ponder On This.”

In my experience, there is within your Soul an arbiter of truth.  It is my recommendation that you put every teaching, especially every spiritual teaching to the test of “Pondering.”

The Free Dictionary defines ponder on (something): 
“To give great consideration to something;
to ruminate or think about something very deeply.”

In my experience, as one who has journeyed long on the spiritual path, the wisdom of your Soul is available to you whenever you open your heart and your mind to pondering.  Your Soul will guide you to the truth and insights about all wisdom or it will warn you if it doesn’t feel right for you at this time in your life.

Ultimately, your relationship with your Soul and your relationship with God (however you define God) is completely personal.  I recall the theologian Peter Marshall wrote about this fact, “God has no grandchildren.”  Each of us is charged to enter into our own relationship with the Divine, what theologian Marin Buber described as an I-Thou relationship.

The faith of your Father and Mother may have guided their path, and it certainly can have nurtured or fashion your own, but ultimately your relationship with the Divine and the relationship with your own Soul is up to you.

Truth always seems to be recognizable by the Soul.  That is the derivation of the folk wisdom of the phrase ‘the ring of truth’.  I have always, and will always, encourage those who read or hear my words to only accept and incorporate into their own spiritual life that which resonates as truth with you.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Ways To Ponder On Something

The technique of pondering on something presented as a Spiritual truth can be a part of your meditation.  It can be the subject of prayer or simply quiet contemplation.  I personally encourage the practice of daily meditation.

In setting aside time for reflection, prayer or contemplation you open yourself to a relationship with the Divine and a relationship with your own Soul as the arbiter of truth and a source for life guidance.

You can, of course, meditate anytime and anywhere, but there are some techniques that mediators have found helpful in maintaining the practice of mediation.  One such technique is to choose a time of day where you set aside time in your schedule.  For me, the first thing in the morning, just after awakening is a favorite.  I especially love the time that the light is returning to the sky and the sun is rising.  For me, that is a time of great potential and promise so I find it an especially empowered and empowering time in which to meditate.

I also find prayer and mediation just before I go to sleep a powerful way to let go of the stress of the day and surrender to the Divine.  My morning meditations and my before surrendering to sleep prayers form Spiritual support to my life enfolding my life.

The approach to meditation is different from your approach to other times and tasks of your day.  Meditation is the time to release your ego and invite the Soul perspective.  Your Soul perspective is timeless and eternal so it empowers you to be in the present.  It gives you the perspective to release attachment and release your fears.

There is a phrase that I use in my personal life and to lead into each and every one of the guided meditations that I offer you.  It is:

Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the light.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Of course, calming your mind is important because in meditation you strive to reach the wisdom of your Soul. The ceaseless chattering of your mind interferes with your ability to contemplate, meditate or ponder with its busyness and noise.  For many that noise is fueled by fear.

Learning to meditate is the optimum way to transcend, transmute, and transform your life to gain mastery over your fears.  Perhaps that is the greatest and most empowering result of meditation.

Because of how freeing transmuting and transcending your fears can be and how that can support and empower your life to fulfill your Soul purpose I have a guided meditation “I Am Feeling Free” that is a cornerstone to my teachings about meditation.  It allows you to learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

Download your copy of I Am Feeling Free Guided Meditation MP3 Now.

In fact, since transmuting fear is such an important part of using the empowerment of your Soul to live a more enlightened life, I also created a longer and more detailed meditation of the technique called, “Feeling Free.”

Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard



Feeling Free

Calm Strong Emotions and Transmute Fears and Doubts.
Feel Renewed and Alive




When I first discovered this technique, I used it constantly.  Now, many years later I still use it frequently.  Using your Soul connection as a way of living a more free and enlightened perspective is the blessing of meditation that is both life changing and life transforming.

I suggest you “Ponder on this.”

Likewise, meditation opens you to the resource of the wisdom of your Higher Self (your Soul.)  This wisdom can be the arbiter of truth and insight that you can make available to yourself when you use the advice to ponder on this (that you will find in my writings and the writings of the Ancient Wisdom.)

Setting aside a special time to meditate, is a way to empower this technique and your life.  For some, the ritual of a special place in which to meditate is also helpful.  Although neither a special place or a designated time is essential, it is something people have found helpful to encourage and maintain the discipline of the practice of meditation.

I have meditated for over 50 years of my life and can say without any hesitation that it has been the greatest source of strength, peace, and joy in my life.  Over the 50 years, I have tried a wide variety of ways in which to meditate and each of them is valuable.

Although over my life the tools and techniques of meditation have changed as my life has changed, the practice of setting aside a special time for connecting with the Divine and my Soul hasn’t changed.  Meditation opens the portal and supports both prayer and contemplation enriching my life in ways that bring peace, love, and joy into my life. I encourage you to meditate!

Meditation brings many gifts.  That I see meditation as a gift of the Spirit is revealed in the name of several of my guided meditations that I offer to you:

Gift of Love guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Love Guided Visualization Meditation
Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love &
The Love That Your Soul Brings To You




A guided visualization to release stress by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Relaxation Guided Meditation
A Guided Visualization To Release Stress





In my body of work, I offer many meditations that are based on the technique of “mindfulness meditation.”  If you would like to be guided through a meditation you can access and utilize my meditations as mp3’s on AmazonApple iTunesand a variety of other internet sites like CDBaby.  I also have them available on my website

For me, meditation has provided strength and support through the challenges of life, the pain, and the problems, and brought me to a place filled with Peace, Love, and Joy.

My offerings of this website, articles, and free and paid guided meditations, affirmations, and mantrams are my attempt to share with you the wisdom I have gained through pondering to bring joy to your life.

My website is over 1,500 pages of articles and insights you can use and share freely with your friends and community at no cost.  It is an offering of Love as my gratitude for the grace I have received.

My paid guided meditations are a way to support my work in the world and are downloadable for your immediate use.  Many of my guided meditations were created to give you tools and techniques for a happier and more successful life.  Please support my work by downloading my meditations or make a donation to help continue our work and help individuals, like you, connect deeply with their Higher Self.

However, in all that I offer, free or fee, I encourage you to subject it to the wisdom of your Soul and “Ponder On This”, incorporating and using your own internal wisdom and guidance to choose what has the “ring of truth” and resonates for you right now.



The Blessing of Love on All that you do!


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P.S. Please share this post (below) with anyone you think will benefit.


Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Ponder on Something Read More »

I Want To Be My Whole Self

I Want To Be My Whole Self

Be Your Whole Self by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

When your lower-self (your personality [body, emotions, and mind]) merges with your higher-self (your Soul which is the essential part of you into which your Divine Spark is embedded) you become empowered by your whole-self.

In your natural life journey, there is a development process that goes on throughout your life between your lower-self (personality) and your higher-self (Soul.)

This developmental process occurs naturally but for you may be unconscious.  When you invite the integrative process of your Soul to merge with your personality, you bring into your consciousness a greater awareness and empowerment of your life’s purpose.

Most likely, inviting your Soul to be an active player in your life is not something you learned to do in Sunday School.  After countless hours in churches and listening to countless hours of homilies and sermons I can say the Soul is rarely mentionedEven the Bible does not specifically teach you how to activate and engage with your Soul.

Although throughout your life, your Soul may have opened to you its presence, your conscious awareness of your Soul may have well been hit or miss.  You may have felt your Soul most present in times of heart-wrenching sorrow when a loved one has died.  And, that pain and compassion may have driven you to your knees and opened your mind and heart to the Presence of your Soul, although it’s doubtful that you were consciously aware that your Soul was the comforter.

I believe your Soul may have given you insight through your intuition that may have saved you or a friend from harm’s way.

I believe that your Soul is willing to step in at times of crisis as an act of Love or Grace, but to really provide the power and majesty of which it is capable it requires a relationship.

Most likely you have been raised from infancy to focus on your five material senses as the way you experience the world.  Any insights you may have experienced beyond the reality of those physical senses is usually discouraged by parents, adults and those who are not seeing or feeling what you might be experiencing.  This limitation is factual across most cultures and is especially true in the Western world.

This emphasis on the physical and material world has led to a long span of evolution that denies awareness of the spiritual realm.  This tendency has limited the education and knowledge of the Soul to mystics such as Hafiz, King David (in the Psalms) or Osho. Without this spiritual education, you are left with a part of you that is missing.

You may have unconsciously longed for contact from and connection with your Soul, while steadfastly ignoring or denying the reality of anything spiritual.  You may have turned to religion to find out about your Soul, but religion, unfortunately, is currently usually not the source for learning how to develop a relationship with your Soul.

All religions are true, but none are literal.
           – Joseph Campbell

The core belief of these spiritual writings of King David, Hafiz, Osho, and other spiritual writers you might cherish is that within every human heart is the longing for connection and relationship with your Soul.

No matter which religions or religious beliefs each of these inspired writers serve, their words call to you because the Soul, your Soul, is calling to be part of you through their wise words.

How To Be Whole

If you listen to the yearning of your heart, you will find a longing to love and be loved.  Your Soul is the portal of Divine Love.  When you bring your Soul into active relationship with your personality, body, emotions, and mind, you start a process of integration that brings joy and wisdom to your life. This Soul integration with your personality makes you whole.

Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes.
          –  Paramahansa Yogananda

The Soul is universal and beyond any dogma or religion.  Connecting with your Soul, and engaging in the process of merging your Soul with your lower-self “personality” is also beyond any dogma or doctrine.  It is universal and the next step in the spiritual journey of humanity.

Almost everybody agrees that you have a Soul.  When touched, that awareness opens you to the true nature of the Divine and the unifying principle of Love that transcends religious bigotry or dogma disagreements.

When you consciously open your life to increased Soul awareness and Soul control, you are engaging in what I have referred to as Soul/Personality merging.  Something I have called “The Greatest Merger and Acquisition Project Ever.”  This is when you can live a full life that is Soul infused.

Advantages of Connecting With Your Soul

Connecting with your Soul connects you with your internal source for Divine Wisdom and Divine Guidance.  Your Soul is the teacher that always knows and understands what you need at every phase and step of your life.  Your Soul as your teacher and guide aligns you with the Divine, however, you understand the Divine to be.


To bring your Soul Light into your physical body facilitates healing on many levels.  For some, it is resolution and relief of pain.  It can also manifest as a sense of deep and profound relaxation.  When aligned with your Soul, it might be that you realize that your breath is more accessible, more profound and each breath you breathe is more fulfilling.


To bring your Soul Light into your emotional body frees you to forgive, let go of deep and troubling resentments.  It fills you with a profound peace and calm that releases closely held negative emotions, such as fear and anger.  As your emotional body fills with Soul Light, there is also an activation of Love, deep in your heart.  That Love brings you awareness of unconditional love and Divine Love.


Inviting your Soul Light into your mind opens you to insight and ignites your intuition.  It also activates more creative thinking and has a dynamic impact on problem-solving in your life.

It is because of all of these powerful advantages that with every guided meditation that I create I invite you into the meditative state by asking you to “Calm Your Mind,” “Open Your Heart,” and “Invite the Light of your Soul.”

Your “personality” is the integrator of those three significant energies of the human experience.   When you consciously and with an intention (supported by meditation) affirm these embedded suggestions you are taking a significant step forward in your human evolution experience.

You are embarking on an adventure to become a new kind of human being, a human being who is aware of and in touch with their Divine Spark and their co-creatorship with God. When your lower-self merges with your higher-self you become empowered by your whole-self.

This awareness begins a quest not only to live life but live it more fully.  The adventures on this quest may bring you in touch with much that is unknown to you as you start down this path.  That is true of any great quest or adventure.  There is much your Soul knows and wishes to teach you about your true nature that is beyond the current knowledge of humans at this time.

Merging your personality with your Soul opens your life to new possibilities.  It is a magnificent adventure upon which humanity is only now embarking.  You can be the explorer of this merged awareness.

I invite you to join me in this exploration into the full power of what it means to be a human being, a being that is a part animal man but is also a creative living evolving spark of the Divine.  I invite you to Be and Become All You Are Meant to Be.

I invite you to experience the Touch of Your Soul!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. Please share this post (below) with anyone you think will benefit. If you feel inspired to help in my service to others click here to make a donation that will help me help others connect deeply with their Higher Self.


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Last updated 2-4-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


I Want To Be My Whole Self Read More »

You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control

You Need to Know What Happens When You
Let Your Soul Be In Control

Read how to let your Soul be more in control article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a continuation of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

Many of the solutions to life’s challenges are simple.  That does not make them easy.

Free Will is an essential part of the human experience.

I believe the personality, the “lower self,” must make the conscious choice to surrender to Divine Will, the “higher self” or Soul.  Without that conscious choice, the choice to choose Love, the choice to put your Soul in control cannot give you the full power of your Soul.

It is with your decision to bring your Soul into a conscious partnership that you are empowered to work with the Angels and activate spirit to elevate the world of matter, that real enlightenment can happen.

By the very word, enlightenment requires bringing Light into the substance of matter.  This is the destiny of humanity.

The merging of your Soul, with your completely human body, emotions, personality, and mind is what I have called the “Greatest Merger and Acquisition” ever.

It was to fulfill this blending of spirit and matter, light and dark; personal will surrendered to Divine Will that the Creator designed the human adventure. Something magical and mystical happens when Love (the nature of your Soul) is infused into matter (the substance of the world.)

It was to bring Divine Love into manifestation into the world of matter that the struggle of life exists.

Matter, by its very nature, is devoid of Love.  Only through humanity learning to Love and surrendering to Divine Love can in this dual consciousness of Soul and Personality can the denseness of matter be infused by Love, can the denseness of matter be inspired by Soul Light.

This is the fuel of miracles and the purpose of life.  Not just to learn how to Love, but to let Love so thoroughly into your life that the very atomic matter of your being, your heart, merges with your mind into your Soul, whose nature is Love. Ponder on this.

Learning To Love

Your human adventure offers you the opportunity to learn and grow until Love is clearly the answer.  Surrendering to Love is your path to joy.  When surrendering to Love becomes your personal Free Will you automatically align with Divine Will.

Today, I invite you to choose Divine Love.  By making that choice, you have activated your free will on a path that aligns you with the teachings and wisdom of your Soul.  When you choose Divine Love, you are allowing your personality access to transforming power.

When you choose Divine Love, you become an agent of Divine Will here on planet earth.

I understand, although simple, it is far from easy to surrender to Divine Love and Divine WillBut don’t worry, the resistance you have to this kind of surrender is what makes you human.

Each and every time you are able to remain open to Divine Love and aligned with and surrendered to Divine Will you are taking a giant step forward in human evolution.

The fact that you are reading this article today speaks volumes to your openness to making a difference in your life.

The longing you have to be able to remain in a state of Love and aligned with Divine Will speaks to the presence of your Soul.  The nature of your Soul is Love.  It is with Love you can open to the wonder and wisdom of your Soul.

This walk in life with a human body, buffeted with needs and desires is a new kind of human being, a new kind of consciousness that is just emerging in the human experience.  To let your Soul be in control, while still walking in the world of sorrows is a whole new kind of experience in human life.

When you walk through life as the powerful and amazing being that you indeed are, you are thinning the veil between heaven and earth.  You are demonstrating the consciousness of Love.

 Meditation is a portal to the awareness of your Soul.

                   – Genevieve Gerard


If you would like to open yourself to the divine love of your Soul, download my Gift of Love guided meditation MP3 and experience the essence of your Soul.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 


Bringing Your Soul Into Control

The integration of your Soul with your personality is the result of lifetimes of lessons of love and karma.  The release of personal will to Divine Will is a lesson learned long ago by the Angels.

Coming from a Soul perspective shifts awareness of the illusions, glamor’s and desires of the world of matter to bring an understanding of what is true and real.

Each and every time you put your Soul in control you are fulfilling your destiny as the spark of Divine Light that you were created to be.

When you put your Soul in control, you automatically align with Love.  You activate your co-creator potential that came from the Creator with the breath of life.

Your whole perspective changes when you are integrating your Soul with your personality.  Harmlessness becomes effortless.

Kindness and compassion flow from your heart as you are moved by the sorrow and suffering of others.  You are aware of a unity of Spirit that makes clear your Oneness with all of Life.

Humanities next significant step forward is to master this dual perspective, this dual consciousness, and then bring it into the world.

To merge with your Soul, to restrain any selfishness you may be tempted by, is a significant step forward in the consciousness of humanity.  It is the evolution of a new kind of human being.  One who is in relationship and communion with the Divine.

Imagine, for a moment if you will, just how this world would be different if your Soul were in control.  Imagine if government and society were to follow the Law of Divine Love.  Imagine if the guidelines for the laws were crafted and passed with the principle of the Highest Good For All.

That would undoubtedly usher in a “Heaven on Earth.”  That would fulfill the prophecies of old of Peace on Earth, a time when the Lion could lie down with the Lamb.  These predictions and dreams have fueled all world religions because they are the plan in the mind of the Creator that humanity was created to fulfill.

It takes only a moment of both self-awareness and life awareness to see how far humanity is from manifesting that vision that has been foretold.  Yet, it is by learning to Love, by bringing your Soul into control and by merging your personal will into Divine Will that the best chance for humanity manifests.

To help you on this path I have created an affirmation that you can say as often as you like.


Love & Light Are My Lanterns Affirmation


Today, I call upon my Guardian Angels, my Spiritual Inner Plane Guides, to provide help and assistance in my life that I may fulfill my life destiny and purpose to manifest God’s Will for my highest good and the highest good of all.

I surrender to and invoke the wisdom of my Soul as I place my Soul in control.

I do this to learn the lessons of Divine Love and to teach others the transforming empowerment of love and light.

As I sacrifice my little will and align my life and purpose with Divine Will, I assert and affirm that: “Purpose Itself Am I.”

To manifest this awareness in my physical reality, it is necessary to allow: “Two Minds to Unite.”

And to let “The Highest Light Control.”

To do this, I must “See the Greatest Light.”

This blending of my Soul with my lower self occurs as a simultaneous act of invocation and evocation.  In so doing I open my life to the fulfillment and furtherance of a plan that is held in the mind of God.

I acknowledge that the Saints, the Hierarchy and those who have served humanity to bring about the manifestation of this Divine Plan will guide and direct me as I put aside my personal lower will.

As I remain aligned and open to Divine Will, I realize that my joy, my bliss, and my fulfillment are found in that merger.

Each and every time that I am able to restrain my personal needs and desires, I am learning to Love, and I am strengthened and supported by resources more amazing and vast than I can imagine.

Love & Light are my lanterns.  Through Divine Love, I can align in full faith and confidence knowing that Divine Will has the Divine Wisdom of a purpose and plan that is beyond what I can see from the vision of my individuated lower self.  As I merge with that Divine Will and Wisdom, I relax and release all of the needs that have burdened my life.

Through my open connection to my Soul, the heavenly hosts are available to provide the healing that those I encounter in my life so desperately need.

Through my merger with Divine Will for the Highest Good of All, I am assured that I will do no harm through the unintended consequences of my personal ego or desire nature.

I walk this path of dual consciousness and awareness with vigilance, and thus I stand.  I am a point of light within a greater light, and thus I stand.  I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of cosmic love, and thus I stand.  And standing thus enlightens the way for others.

                – Genevieve Gerard


Your Soul grows ever more in control until the Soul, in power can bring to Light the Love that underlies the happening of the times.  That is the destiny and fulfillment of humanity.  That is the great adventure you can use your life to manifest for the world.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6-11-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control Read More »

What Your Soul Can Do For You Today

What Your Soul Can Do For You Today

Awaken to your Soul by reading What Your Soul Can Do For You Today by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening. 

Your Soul, also often referred to as your Higher Self, is an integral part of who you are and what you are.

You probably believe you have a Soul, yet, your Soul is probably something which you give very little or no thought or attention.

Perhaps, as a child, you said a nighttime prayer as you memorized the words of a famous children’s prayer Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. 

But now, as an adult, the concept of having a Soul may not cross your mind.

If you are a participant of A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) or N.A. (Narcotics Anonymous), you may have wondered about step 2 of turning your life over to a Higher Power.

You may even have relegated the concept of your Soul to only matter as the eternal part of you that only matters when you die.  Then you may imagine your Soul may go to heaven, or return to God.

Welcome To The Beauty Of Your Soul

Today, I would like to make you aware of your Soul as a dynamic, active and vital part of your life.  A part of your life that can make you more healthy, joyful, and empowered.

I would like to introduce you to your Soul, not as something you tuck away to call upon as your life is fading away.  I would like to introduce you to your Soul as a source of wisdom, a portal to divine energy that can impact and influence every day of your life starting today.

I would like to bring you into awareness of a tool that can help you every day in your life.  I would like to introduce you to your Higher Self and encourage you to begin a lifelong adventure of integration and awareness that will change your life for the better, that will ultimately awaken your life.

Your Soul is more than simply the part of you that is eternal and therefore grants you access to eternal life when your material body fails and fades.

Your Soul is designed to be an active part of the wholeness of your being.  It exists to be a resource engaged in your life adventure, a companion on the quest for love, for success and happiness.


The reason that A.A. and N.A. teach that it is important to turn your life over to a Higher Power is that by so doing you are empowered.  You are empowered by the part of you that has always been there, and will always be there to help and support you, your own Soul. You just need to awaken it.

Your Soul is not separate from God; however, you define God to be, because your Soul is the spark of Divine Light that was granted to you as you became an individuated life.

It is the part of your anatomy that maintains a connection that is eternal.  No matter what you do.  No matter how many mistakes you make.  No matter if you stumble or fall, that connection cannot be severed.

Your Soul, like God, always works for goodIt has the power to heal you once you have learned whatever life lessons dis-ease may have entered your life to teach you.  From the perspective of eternity and the Divine, your life experience is designed to teach and empower you to reach higher states of consciousness.

Major Life Lessons

The Ageless Wisdom speaks of these life lessons regarding your Soul giving you the power and strength to overcome your lower urges driven by your material nature, to greater Soul control as four major life lessons.

In each of these four major life challenges, it is your Soul that stands by to help and support you in transcending the lure or temptation of your lower (animal) self.

These four major life lessons can be broken down into:

  1. Overcome the Desires of the Flesh – the physical part of your nature. Among these are the needs and urges that are sometimes called the seven deadly sins.  They include Lust, Gluttony, Avarice or Greed, Sloth or Laziness, Wrath, Envy or Pride.  I would like to re-frame these seven human challenges as the issues you are faced with in life.

Although these are sometimes called sins, I consider that they are simply the result of selfish and self-centered identification.  They are tendencies and mistakes that you make when you see yourself as separate from others and separate from God.

  1. Managing Emotions – Inherent in life lessons are also learning to manage emotions by learning to transmute, transform and transcend fear, anger, jealousy, and Ego.


  2. Mastering the Thoughts of Your Mind – Overcoming worries, fears, negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.


  3. Surrendering to Your Spiritual Nature – Using your Soul to integrate and master your physical, emotional and mental full lower natures (ego.)

Because these are the urges and desires of your physical and emotional nature, your Soul is ready, willing and able to help you gain mastery over these aspects of life so you can learn what it is to express Love.

The Nature of Your Soul is Love

Learning to Love is what your life adventure is about.  If you break down the seven deadly sins, they can all be summarized as not expressing the highest form of Love.

As learning how to Love is the business of life, so teaching you how to Love and opening you to Love is the business of the Soul in your life.
                  – Genevieve Gerard

Your Soul is available to help you transmute, transform and transcend any and all aspects of your lower-self that keep you separated from the highest forms of love.  Among these lower-aspects are addictions to alcohol, food, sex, cigarettes or drugs.  The power of your Soul to empower you to conquer these urges is why all of the Anonymous programs encourage step 2 in the A.A. model.

Connecting with your Soul and surrendering your addiction to the healing power of your Soul gives you the strength and ability to conquer physical desires and cravings.

Likewise, being guided by your Soul frees you from the emotional attachments of desire that led the Buddha to acknowledge that life was suffering and that attachment was the cause of the suffering.  Attachment is not love, although it can easily get confused with Love.

Love is life’s greatest gift.  Love is life’s greatest blessing.  Love is eternal.  It is perhaps the one thing we can create as material beings that open us to our eternal and Divine nature.

Your Soul can guide you to learning to Love, not the “sticky and needy” love of attachment, but rather the freeing and inspiring Love of the Spirit.  It is that which is eternal, empowering and life transforming.

Your Soul is a resource to empower you to be all that you can be.  Through Soul Awakening, you are open to who you truly are as a “child of God” who is also the “Son of Man (Human).”  It is your Soul that keeps you connected with God, and with the whole heavenly realm of angelic beings.  It is your Soul that is your internal and external source of truth and wisdom.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
                  – Rumi

By activating and engaging in a conscious awakening of your Soul, you activate peace, love, and joy in your life.  By surrendering to the wisdom of your Soul in times of trouble and confusion, temptation or terror, you are opening to living life abundantly.

I leave you today with a little Mantram of Unification I have adapted that you may find helpful to affirm out loud daily:

I let my Soul control my outer form in my life and all events so it may bring to Light the Love that underlies the happenings of time.


Let wisdom come with insight.  Let the future stand revealed.  Let inner wisdom demonstrate and any outer illusions be gone.  Let Love prevail in my life.


May all know love.

– Alice A. Bailey, Djwal Khul

 Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II (adapted by Genevieve Gerard)


The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!





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Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


What Your Soul Can Do For You Today Read More »

Understanding Our Dual Nature

Understanding Our Dual Nature

Read Understanding Our Dual Nature article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness.

The experience of being human is an amazing blend of seemingly contradictory factors.

Let us take a moment to consider the diverse parts of the human being that must be integrated every day of our lives.  Understanding this better may help you understand the different aspects of your human nature that are often challenging.

A dear spiritual friend of mine calls this duality, but I feel that term may not capture the full depth and breadth of the dynamics of what it means to be a human being in incarnation, especially at this exciting time in human evolution.

Since the dawn of creation, when human beings first drew in the breath of life, we as human beings have been a unique creation.  We are told in the scriptures, that man was created in the image of God, the relationship between the part of ourselves that is the animal man and the part of ourselves that is Divine created in the image of the creator, has been a source of many questionsIt is that concept on which I wish to expand.

Let us take a minute to consider the meaning of the dual nature of man.  This is a subject that I have long pondered and studied. Within the understanding of that dual nature are many factors that are important to consider.

Divine Observations

The most ancient religions across the planet, even when they differ dramatically in dogma seem to have observed certain essential truthsOne of these truths is that a human being has within them something that is both Divine and eternal.

This truth is acknowledged by the ancient greeting Namaste.”  The meaning of the ancient Sanskrit phrase Namaste is that you honor and recognize this Divinity in another.  This recognition happens in a deep pre-conscious part of your being.  It is both a deep truth and a profound mystery about the human condition.

There are some things that help to consider this dual nature of your being.  Some of these are common sense observations of reality.  Others are more abstract.  Yet, even the most abstract of these seem to be a part of your collective understanding, and archetypal awareness of what it means to be a human being, a unique and amazing blending of what is material and what is spiritual. 

As you delve into this mystery, there are many beliefs that may have been taught to you throughout all of our life that come into play.  When we talk about these issues, these beliefs can be a great support in your understanding or a great hindrance because what I am saying is being judged to match up with the dogma of those beliefs.

What Resonates For You As The Truth

As I write to you today I try, to my best ability, to discuss and explain these issues in a way that have a practical implication upon your life, the decisions you make and how to best take advantage of this miracle of life with which you have been blessed.  As you read this, I am going to ask you to calm your mind and open your heart.  I am going to ask you to consider these words from a place deep within you that resonates and is recognized by you when you hear the truth.

I am going to ask you today to read my words and only judge them by what resonates for you as the truth.  If anything that I write, today or ever does not live up to that standard, I request that you dismiss it.  I am a human being on the same path to being more enlightened in my awareness as you and every other human being who walks the earth.

Nothing I have ever said or will ever say should be given greater authority than the truth.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Inner Sense of Truth and Knowing

Amazingly, each of us has within us a deep sense of truth when we are open to receive it.  The common phrase, “that has the ring of truth to it” describes this experience of considering the truth in what you are hearing or reading.  There is a phrase I have often considered and pondered on along my own path, “no religion is higher than the truth.”  Therefore, it is to this inner sense of truth and knowing that I direct you as we explore this fully human and Divine aspect of your human nature.

As we consider these truths, I also ask you to consider how these truths relate to the practical daily decisions you make in your life.  In my own meditations lately, when I connect to my Soul, my own spark of Divine Light to grow and understand my life and my work, I have been pondering upon a phrase, “practical spirituality.”  Indeed, if being spiritual has a purpose in life it must be to help us live life more abundantly and more joyfully.

The more that I have come to know and understand the spiritual part of my being, the more solutions I have found to the multifaceted and myriad of life’s challenges.  Meditation has been the portal through which I make contact with the Divine spark in me, my Soul, and it is through the vast and unconditional love that is available to me when I touch my Soul, that I am granted both understanding and wisdom to solve life’s problems. 

I have, to the very best of my ability, tried to capture these solutions to share with you in my guided meditations and my writings.  From my own very human challenges in life and from my many years helping others resolve life challenges I have created many meditations.  My husband jokes that my epitaph will be “I have a meditation for that.”  It is my experience that my relationship with my Soul is both immensely practical and life-enhancing.

It is from the perspective of my own awareness of my dual nature as a Soul or Spiritual being that I must integrate the needs of my body, my emotions, my thought with the directing of my Soul.  I shall strive to describe the practical applications of that dual perspective to you now.

Understanding Your Dual Nature

You Have a Physical Body

In order to have this discussion, it is important that we consider what you know to be the seeming diverse parts of your human natureFirst, you know you have a physical body.  That part of your human nature and your human experience is the source for many delights.  The five senses of the physical body are a source for a great deal of enjoyment.  It is a precious gift from the Creator.  It is a bountiful blessing.

If you apply that recommended filter of truth to the preceding statement about your body, I am sure it will pass the test.  There are those in the name of spiritual teaching who have taught you to deny the blessings of the body, with thoughts of shame and guilt.  Nevertheless, I ask you to consider with gratitude and celebration the miracle that your body is.  Open yourself to enjoy and appreciate that amazing part of the wholeness of yourself.

As it is true that the physical part of your human experience is wonderful and glorious; it is also true that you are more than a physical body.  Life, your life, is multilayered and multifaceted.  Yet, from your awareness of your physical nature, you know that the desires and the pleasures of the flesh can easily get out of balance and out of control.

Amazingly, it is your Higher Self, your Soul, which can help you keep your physical desires in balance.  The Soul, or as addiction treatment refers to it, a Higher Power, is often the key to overcoming excess and addiction to the desires and pleasures of the flesh.  This is for many a first step in calling upon their dual nature in a practical and life-changing manner.  It is by calling on the Higher Self, your own personal Higher Power, that you can gain mastery and start a process of integration.

In the Ageless Wisdom, this process is referred to as an important step in human evolution, that of bringing the Soul into dominance over the physical desires and urges.

You have a body, but you are more than your body.  This is powerfully demonstrated when you use the influence and strength of your Soul to transcend out of balance physical desires to move forward in your life.   This is an example of calling upon the advantages of being a dual being, material and spiritual.

You Have Emotions

Likewise, you have emotions.   This is one of the true challenges of our human experience.  Just as dealing with the desires of the flesh can create untold challenges in the human adventure, so too can the experience of emotions present an ongoing challenge.  The wildly erratic nature of emotions, from anger to joy, from hate to love, make having emotions, and especially not letting your emotions be in control in your life, a major focus of the practical application of spirituality.

There is no doubt that coping with and managing the desires of the flesh is an important part of life.  We have all seen the disastrous results of lives where desire and pleasure were allowed to be out of balance in life decisions.  Likewise, the rampant expressions of the volatility of emotions do not lead to a happy or fulfilling life.  This is the conclusion of a thinking man. 

You Have A Thinking Mind

Truly, the mind is an equally powerful part of the wholeness of your being. Through the power of your mind, you are able to understand that you, in your human experience are more than a body.  And, by observing life you know that you are more than the sum total of your rollercoaster emotions.

Your mind and most importantly the content of your thoughts is essential to understanding what I call your spiritual anatomy.  How these diverse parts of the human nature of physical, emotional and mental combine and work together is truly amazing.  The integration and blending of these concurrently diverse forces of the self is the function of the personality.

You Are A Soul

Although the personality does a great job of striving to balance the parts of the self, the real dynamic power of one’s dual nature resides in the Soul. The Soul, that spark of Divine Light that is so rarely even considered in many people’s daily life, is where the real magic of the human experience resides.  However, as we consider the magnificent multifaceted parts of “being” a human being it is important to understand the different nature of the Soul from your personality.

The Ageless Wisdom teaches that the Soul, your Soul, is available to help you live the full breadth and the full joy of your life.  This is a power you can engage and activate in ways that help you conquer the challenges of the desires of the flesh.

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
          – Swami Vivekananda

The Soul offers the support to transcend fears and one’s more unpleasant and painful emotions.  Your Soul provides the ignition to the mind to serve in a co-creator relationship with the Divine.  With the empowering of your thoughts through the spiritual principles of the Law of Attraction and the energetic dynamics that “energy follows thought,” you can create your life.  Ponder on this.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
          – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Although your personality does an ok job of integrating your body and your emotions with your mind, your personality is not your Soul. Your Soul, which is a spark of Divine Light, is a part of the Creative force and eternal and evolving essence of life itself.

Your Soul, rather than your personality, can do a much more enlightened job of integrating the human nature of your body, mind, and emotions.

To touch your Soul, to open your heart and your mind to that resplendent radiance and glory is life-transforming and can take place every day.  Making this distinction is important in understanding your dual nature as a human being. 

As you develop, learn, and grow as a spiritual being on your quest for more enlightened awareness, it is the touch and transforming power of your Soul that will make the greatest difference.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Soul-Infused Personality

Along the path of spiritual evolution, the integration of the body, the emotions and the mind with your Soul are significant achievements. The integration of each of these parts of the self with the Soul is the forerunner to integrating your personality with your Soul.

To incorporate the consciousness of your Soul with your personality, you must focus your awareness beyond your individual self, into your oneness with all of life. Throughout the day, allow your Soul to overshadow your personality and influence every action you take.  This will make a powerful and profound difference in how you experience even the most mundane things in the world.

It is in the integration of your very human nature with your spiritual nature that the real majesty of being a physical being and a Soul comes into its full glory.

It is in this step in the evolution of a human being and a Soul that the full miracle of merging the physical with the spiritual can be demonstrated. 

Check out any of my guided activity-based awareness meditations to have an experience of this.

I invite and encourage you to experience the many ways that your human nature can benefit from the greater perspective of your Soul’s wisdom and vast unconditional love.

This merging and integration with your Soul (and the ultimate understanding of your dual nature) is the most rewarding and exciting adventure you can undertake. I welcome your comments on understanding your dual nature below.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 8-18-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Understanding Our Dual Nature Read More »

What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self

What You Need To Know To
Invoke Your Higher Self

Read "What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self" by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

There comes a time in the human experience that you need more than logic to solve a problem.

Your mind may replay possible solutions to your problems, only to cast them aside. You may have a sense that the wisdom you are seeking lies just outside of your reach.

You may feel a prompting that you cannot quite grasp. Your intuition may be warning you that you are about to make a mistake, but you lack the clarity to stand with the strength and assurance to find a different way.

This is the time to invoke the wisdom and the guidance of your Higher Self.

To invoke your Higher Self will aid and empower you. When you realize that the directions and insights are coming from the part of yourself that is most attuned, and aligned with your divine spark and the higher purpose in your life, it shifts your perspective and strengthens you.

Consciously connecting with your Higher Self empowers your life and your decisions. You can invoke Your Higher Self whenever you need its wisdom and guidance. Your Higher Self is internally tuned in with the purpose of your life. It opens you to a sense of your inner wisdom and your inner knowing.

Steps To Invoke Your Higher Self


Perhaps the most significant step in connecting with your Higher Self is your intention.

Intention fuels a manifestation of an energetic connection that is always there, although you may not always feel or experience it. Intention activates the pathway from your physical and etheric body to the subtle energetic substance that forms the Soul or Higher Self.

It is your intention that activates an energetic bridge from your lower mind and personality to the part of you that is your Higher Self. It is important to remember that your Higher Self is a part of your anatomy every bit as real and significant as what you can see, touch, smell, taste, and feel. It cannot, not help but be a part of you.

We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect.
The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.
        – Carl Jung

That you rarely consider your Higher Self consciously does not make it any less real and present. You rarely consciously consider the blood that circulates through your body or the oxygen it delivers throughout your physical body, but we all know they are real.

Your Higher Self is as much a part of the wholeness of your being, even though it’s substance is not composed of matter.


Because your Higher Self is composed of a substance that is uniquely different from the substance of matter, imagination in visualizing and experiencing your Higher Self can be very valuable.

Your Imagination is a function of your higher mind and is, therefore, more aligned with and attuned with the substance of your Higher Self. It is a valuable tool in helping you experience this part of your being that is beyond matter.


In consciously connecting with your Higher Self, it is important that you open your senses beyond what you may focus on in your so-called, “normal consciousness.”

You may need to expand your awareness of a part of your energy field that you may most often ignore. To come into a conscious experience of your Higher Self I recommend that you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. This is a prequel to the meditation experience.

The Soul speaks to you in the silence. The more you can quiet and calm your mind the more the soft, gentle whisper of the Soul can be heard.
        – Genevieve Gerard

When reaching for the conscious awareness of your Higher Self, meditation is a powerful tool. It is not essential, but the more often you forge the pathway from your lower nature and your personality to your Higher Self the easier the path is to follow (like any well-worn path in nature.) When you empower the pathway from your mind and your emotions, you build a way that etheric energy connects you with your Higher Self.

Relax and enjoy the construction of that pathway using your intention and your imagination as you open yourself to the experience of meeting your Higher Self in the meditation below.

Breathing Meditation To Invoke Your Higher Self


Begin, by inhaling a very deep breath, bringing the air in through your nose, letting it begin at your diaphragm energetically.

Bring the air into your chest and as you do this consciously open the energy of your heart to expand. Hold the intention of Love.

Then bring the breath all the way to the top of your lungs, just below the shoulders.

When you have filled your lungs as fully as you are able, release the breath through your mouth fully until you have released all of your air.

This is a relaxing breath. You might already notice how much more relaxed and at peace you feel having fully experienced a full breath.

Before you take another profound and relaxing breath, take a moment to come into this present moment. Let yourself consciously put the past behind you, and relax and appreciate the magnificent power and unlimited potential that is available, right here and right now.

Recognize that the past is now behind you. It has no further power over you or influence over you except what you choose to give it.

What will be, the future, is just beginning to be created as you let yourself relax and reside in the eternal NOW.

It is in the eternal NOW that your Higher Self resides. This moment, this peace, this Presence is available to you.

When you are ready, begin to draw in another deep relaxing and healing breath, in through your nose starting at your diaphragm, through your solar plexus and up into your heart allowing your heart energy to open and expand.

Again, bring the breath to the top of your lungs drawing in as much air as you can hold.

Then as you release this breath through your mouth it may form a sound like a sigh as you let go of any stress or concerns and let yourself relax and come to center.

Observe what you are feeling and experiencing.

Then, breathe naturally not attempting to control your breath, allowing your breath to direct how much you bring in and how much you let go of that you no longer need.

You might notice a calm and peace filling you at this time. You might be aware that you are more present.

Enter into the profound peace and potential of the eternal now, and release the past and open to the possibility of creating a new future that incorporates more of your purpose in life and your heart’s desire.

Taking one more really deep relaxing and filling breath with intention, invoke and invite the Presence of your Higher Self.

With the inhale draw into your heart and your mind the perfect amount of the very essence of your Being.

Let its Light circulate through your whole being with your breath.

As it moves from your lungs to your heart and throughout your entire physical and energy body, accept the healing power and profound love into your conscious awareness, into your heart and into your mind.

As you exhale breath out any negative thoughts or fears.

Release any limiting beliefs that keep you from expressing the magnificent and full being that you truly are.

Now sit in silence and receptivity as you listen for the still prompting of your Higher Self.

In this pause you can offer up any issue and concern on which you would like greater insight or understanding.

Be receptive and record your thoughts and insights in your journal.

Pause for reflection.

Observe the background sounds that surround you. Return to this present moment and give gratitude to your Higher Self for any insights and clarity you may have received in this guided meditation.


Now, move forward with your life confident and assured that the insight and wisdom you have applied to the situation is the right choice for your life and is aligned with your Higher Purpose.




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Last updated 10-03-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


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An Invitation to Your Soul

An Invitation to Your Soul:

The First Step to Greater Soul Awareness

Read An Invitation to Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness and Soul Awakening.

Do you believe that you have a Soul?

Does having a living and empowering relationship with your Soul interest you?

My purpose in this article is to talk with you about your Soul. I want to expose you to ideas of how you can come into greater communication and a sense of connection and integration with your Soul so that your Soul’s power and magnificence can be a conscious part of your life.

Invite Your Soul

The journey to Soul consciousness is a great journey, but like all great journeys, it begins with a single step. You can choose to take that step today. You can choose to open your heart and your mind to the awareness of the presence of your Soul. This single step begins by choosing to be aware of what you experience or sense when you consciously invite your Soul to make itself known to you.

This step of invitation to your Soul may sound strange to you. After all, your Soul is an integral part of you. Why would it be important for you to issue consciously an invitation to your Soul to reveal itself to your consciousness? Consider if you will those moments, those times when you feel you may have experienced the presence of your Soul.

It may have been in a time of deep prayer or meditation. It could have been in a time of profound sorrow when the Soul revealed itself to you in the role of comforter. These fleeting times may well have been held reverently in your heart as a precious blessing that you don’t have the words to express.

That there are not adequate words in our language (or any language I know of in the world) to discuss the Soul is part of why the Soul is a mystery. It is amazing that the Soul, the seat of your Divine Spark and portal to your relationship with God should have so little written about it.

Soulful References

When I began teaching about consciously connecting with your Soul and developed guided meditation experiences to help people come into awareness of the presence of their Soul I thought I could find a vast resource in the Bible. However, I was astonished to find very little to reveal the nature of the Soul and nothing about how to increase your individual relationship and understanding of the nature of your Soul and its role in your life, which I know personally to be of profound importance.

The best resource I found in the Bible for understanding the role of the relationship with the Soul is found in the Book of Psalms, mostly in the Psalms of King David who clearly had the kind of personal relationship with the Soul that my spiritual practice and journey revealed to be so important. The Book of Psalms reveals the joy of a deep relationship with your Soul and how it supports your relationship with God.

As I expanded my search to find sources for the words to describe the Soul and its role and significant relationship in life, I discovered that although the Soul is an accepted dynamic or presence in life, it is most often referred to in poetry, or song. The Book of Psalms is a perfect example of this poetic language. I found this very vagueness to be intriguing. Unfortunately, expanding my search to even the very ancient spiritual literature of the Bhagavad Gita was not revealing.

Poets such as Hafiz, Rumi, and Omar Kham all write beautifully of the Soul. Certainly, the existence of the Soul is embedded in the human heart in some archetypal level of awareness. In much of the Western world, children went to bed saying the prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my Soul, to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Soul to take.” This simple child’s prayer speaks to your deep understanding of the Soul as the everlasting part of your being. It acknowledges the integral relationship between God and your Soul.

The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.”
      – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ageless Wisdom

My quest for greater understanding of the Soul and its role in relation to an individual life led me, as so much of my study does, to the Ageless Wisdom. There I found much discussion of the optimum relationship of the Soul with the personality, the mind, and the body. It is from that body of work that I learned that I could call upon the wisdom of my Soul as an integral part of the wholeness of my being.

Also throughout the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are mantras to use in meditation to enhance the conscious relationship and integration of the Soul, many of which I have sprinkled through my articles. According to the Ageless Wisdom, identifying with your Soul, through the power of an “I Am” statement is extremely powerful. Ponder on this.

Likewise, in my years of guiding and teaching people to enter into greater experience and awareness of their Soul, I have found that stating clearly your intention when you meditate to receive the guidance or the wisdom of your Soul in addition to consciously issuing an invitation to your Soul is a significant step.

Developing a Relationship with Your Soul

Your Soul is an integral part of you, but do you pay attention to it? Developing a relationship with your Soul is like all relationships in life, it takes attention. The more you strengthen and enhance that relationship the more it is accessible to you at your need.

There are subtle yet significant factors related to the principles of free will that have an impact upon how your relationship with your Soul is nurtured. Thankfully, your Soul knows these and can guide you through the development of a greater and more profound relationship, once an invitation is issued.

As with all relationships, attention and constancy are beneficial. Although your Soul loves you completely, and unconditionally it requires nothing from you (as your “personality” self.) To move into the full potential of a Soul relationship and Soul integration of what is possible and available for you only takes providing the time and space for communication and awareness as a part of your daily meditation practice.

Making a connection with your chakra energy centers to your Soul is called, “building the Antahkarana.” This bridge of Light and energy makes your Soul connection more accessible.

A Simple Soul Connection Meditation


To begin I recommend sitting quietly and receptively. Take a deep breath through your nose and let it out completely through your mouth. Do this three times while you relax and release any stress and get centered.

Imagine your Soul as a radiating point of golden Light 3 to 6 feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

As you enter into a meditative state, it is important to “Calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the Light.” Then identify with your Soul as an integral part of your being by saying this Soul Mantram with intention and affirmation.

I am the Soul
I am Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design
I am the Soul infusing the personality
I am the personality Soul-infused
As the Unified Self, I invoke the One
The One in Whom we live and move and have our Being

Then sit quietly and receptively in meditation and ponder on these phrases.


I have found it very helpful to then record your thoughts and impressions in a journal. I have over the years received amazing revelations and understanding from this process.

I encourage you to use the practice of meditation to invite a connection with your Soul and develop a relationship and get to know the wonder of your Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 10-15-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


An Invitation to Your Soul Read More »