Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Read Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

As I was reading a previous post, I came across the phrase “a life that is soul infused.” 

The phrase “a life that is Soul infused” stayed with me in my morning meditations because in this dance through life’s adventures it is when you can let your personality and ego be infused by the love and wisdom of the Soul that the real power and resounding joy of a spiritual life are experienced.

It led me to ponder how life is different when you are “Soul infused.”

In the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, your Soul is not only an integral part of your essential nature but is also a resource you can draw upon to empower and transform your life.  That your Soul provides support and power in the overcoming of physical addictions has long been an essential element in the success of Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step programs.  The connection and surrender to the “Higher Self and Higher Power” have been a source of strength and comfort to many who have struggled with addiction.

This transition is so deeply embedded in the spiritual journey that the Ageless Wisdom refers to it as a step in your spiritual evolutionWith each spiritual initiation, there is an increasing amount of atomic energy that the Soul gains control over.  The first initiation helps and supports you in achieving mastery over your physical cravings.

Likewise, what is referred to in the Ageless Wisdom as the second initiation the individual can use their Soul influence to transcend the domination of the emotional body.  This use of your Soul as an integral part of learning life lessons is esoteric.  It clarifies ways you can gain mastery over your life through a dynamic and active relationship with your higher self, your Soul.  It takes you from being powerless in your physical cravings or vulnerable to your emotions and desires to being able to integrate and fuse the wholeness of your being in a way that allows you to manifest your full potential as a human being.

As I write these words and consider the struggle and pain that life is for so many, I cannot help but take this opportunity to assure you that within you, within the depth of your heart, within the promptings of your intuition, within the essence of your being, is your Soul.  It is and has always been with you.  Your Soul has always been a part of you.  And, most miraculously you can call upon it to help you in your life.

If, before reading these words you have through your life come to know your Soul, even in glimmers of peace and comfort that may have come to you when you prayed or meditated, then these words will resonate with you.  You might find a smile coming spontaneously to your lips.  You could feel yourself relax a bit even though nothing has changed in your life at all.

What it is empowering to understand about yourself and your Soul is that although your Soul is an essential part of your spiritual anatomy, it is most often silent allowing your personality and “lower self” to control your life.  Free will, which is an essential part of the “rules” of spiritual life require that you reach for the connection to your Soul before it gets involved

To have a relationship with your Soul is a choice.
        – Genevieve Gerard

In times of great sorrow, great duress, and great danger it is common in the human experience for you to reach out for that higher source connection unconsciously.  Since you are on an archetypal and intuitive level aware that your Soul is an integral part of who and what you are, this is natural.  Your consciousness is, on an ongoing basis most likely functioning as a duality that exists between your Soul and your personality ( and ego.)  What is most often the wisdom and perspective of your “Higher Self” is often unconscious.

Flashes of intuition and awareness of what is right action bargain for control of what you do and say.  Your Soul is always available to respond to your invitation and invocation.  Otherwise, it stands silently by as you explore the university of learning life and spiritual lessons from your mistakes and mishaps.

The Soul does not interfere.  It may give flashes of insight through intuition, but it leaves the control for what decisions you make firmly in the hands of your personality and ego so that can choose to listen to the intuitive nudge, or not.

Ultimately, in your life, there is a myriad of choices that need to be made.  They fall into choices you make that relate to the key aspects of your anatomy.

There are many choices and options.  There are decisions of what you eat or drink.  Decisions about whether or not you choose to indulge in the vast variety of things that are known to be bad for your body, whether or not they are addictive.  There are throughout your day a bevy of seemingly insignificant decisions that have an impact.

There are emotional choices you make.  How you express or limit your expression of your emotions has a significant impact on your life.   These are all selections you make throughout every moment and day of your life and how you make them influences your experience in a way that little else can.

Whether you are trapped in your fears or worries effects your health and your overall well-being and your personal happiness.  Your emotional choices have a dynamic influence on your life and so, calling upon the guidance and wisdom of your Soul as you strive to manage and master these volatile and dramatic parts of your being make sense.

There is also a myriad of choices you continually make that activate your mental powers.  As I have written many times in a variety of ways your thoughts are energy released into the world that has creative and magnetic power“Energy Follows Thought.”  Even in the most ancient of times, spiritual teachings from the Bible (Proverbs 23:7) declare “As a man thinketh so shall he be.”

As I review each of the parts of your nature and being that influence who you are, how you live and what you experience it is evident to see that your Soul can help you master every area of your life.  The incredible miracle of your nature as a human being who has been endowed by your creator with the spark of Divine Light (your Soul) is that integrated into your nature is a resource to help you through all of life’s challenges.  That is your Soul.

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Your Soul is uniquely yours and always available to you to help you, guide you, support you, and empower you.  It offers you unconditional love and understanding.  It is a limitless resource that is available to you whenever you need it.

You can open your life to this love, this source of wisdom and this Divine blessing through meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

Your Soul speaks to you in the silence, through your intuition, in your dreams, and through your consciousness.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Your Soul is always an integral part of who you are.  The more you can recognize the voice of your Soul within your being, the easier it is to let the Soul’s perspective of love and wisdom direct your life decisions, physical, emotional and mental.

In so doing you invoke and invite “Soul control” and Soul infusion into the miraculous blend of your life.

There are words from the Mantram of Unification I like to use in my meditations and invocations that talks to this way of living.  I invite you to add them to your affirmations or meditations when and where you will.

Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events,
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the times.
      – Alice A. Bailey (Djwhal Khul – Discipleship in the New Age Vol II)

If moved to do so, you can also invoke the balance of the mantra, “Let vision come and insight.  Let the future stand revealed.  Let inner wisdom demonstrate, and outer cleavages be gone.  Let love prevail.  Let all men and women love.”

I find this mantram empowers and influences my life in dynamic and dramatic ways. I encourage you to take a few moments throughout every day to connect with your Soul so that you can lead a life that is Soul infused.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last Updated 4-14-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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