Energy Follows Thought

Genevieve Gerard Posts About Energy Follows Thought

What You Can Do in the New Year to Create a Happy New Year

What You Can Do in the New Year to
Create a Happy New Year

Celebrate the New Year with Genevieve Gerard

When a New Year comes there is across the planet the hope and desire that the New Year that is being born will be better than the year that is now fading into history.

This desire is embedded in the hearts and minds of all people, everywhere.

Practice These Simple Ways in 2023
of Relating and Interacting With the World

As this New Year is being born, I would like to suggest some simple practices you can do that can empower your life to be better.

They are simple practices that cost nothing and yet have great value in creating a better world and a better life for you and your community.  They set up energy that enhances and empowers you and encourages and strengthens others.

The more you practice them the easier and more habitual they become.  In these simple ways, you become a way to make this world a better place.  You become a co-creator of the world that has the power to make this New Year a happier and better year.

One of the most amazing Laws that govern the human experience is that “Energy Follows Thought.”  This is not personal, but it is profound.  If you practice these simple ways of relating and interacting with the world over this emerging year you will be engaging in creating magic that will have far-reaching results.  Physics tells us that every action has a reaction.  I have observed that energy sends out waves that make like attract like.

Energy is a subtle yet powerful force that transforms everything.  I offer these simple practices for you to incorporate into your day and into your life as a little way that you can do something to change the world into more of the world that you desire.

I invite you to become an agent for change in the world by incorporating these little actions into your day as you move through life and interact with others.

You don’t have to be perfect or completely consistent when doing them, but they are their own reward.  They will result in making the world a better place, but they will also enhance your own happiness.  The more you choose to engage in this little New Year experiment the more people will join with you, thus becoming a dynamic force in your community.

This list I call “The Practice of Peace” and I invite you to think about and add to it.

The Practice of Peace List

  1. Practice Kindness- Kindness costs you nothing and yet can provide hope and strength to someone who is burdened by sorrow. Make a habit of simple random acts of kindness to strangers, friends or family.
  2. Smile- Make eye contact with another and let your smile communicate your Light and your understanding of our togetherness in this journey of life. It is free.  Give your smile freely as you open your life.  Smiling works with your psyche to stimulate happiness while you share with another.
  3. Practice Patience- Let a little time pass when someone is in your way and holding you up. The few seconds or even minutes it takes will be compensated by the stress you are relieved from by slowing down and being patient.
  4. Breathe- Give yourself the time to just take a deep breath and let yourself just be in the moment, right here and right now accept the gift of life and the lesson of abundance as you realize that what you need is freely available to you from the abundance of the world.
  5. Find Something to be Grateful for- It could be a simple thing like the smell of the air or the caress of the breeze. Or it could be something someone did for you or gave you.  Express that gratitude if appropriate.  Enjoy the blessing even if it is just observing what is.
  6. Think of Someone You Love- Just take a brief moment to remember and celebrate your love, imagining a thread of golden light connecting your hearts with no needs or expectations, just celebrating your Love.
  7. Give Yourself a Chance to Just Be- take a few seconds, maybe even a minute to stop doing and let yourself just be. Appreciate the moment and just be in the present.
  8. Take a Pause to Dream- Let your mind drift to imagine having something you desire. Enjoy the daydream and pause to consider what you might do to bring it into manifestation.
  9. Release an Old Anger or Resentment- Take a breath and just let go of an anger or resentment you have been carrying. Let it float away and lift from you as you free yourself from the burden of the past.
  10. Connect with Your Higher Self and Listen To Your Inner Wisdom– Take a little break from your busyness and align with your Higher Self and listen to the voice of your own wisdom.


As you build these practices into your life you are working toward Peace by permitting inner peace in your consciousness.

By practicing kindness, you are transforming the world into a kinder and more compassionate place.

By smiling, you are affirming and celebrating your connection and unity with others as we all journey through the life experience together.

By practicing patience, you are reminding yourself that a minute here and a minute there is available in the fabric of life.  You have the time you need and you can let yourself use the time you have.  Acknowledge the higher source in others.

Breathing deeply helps you relax and remain productive in a gentle and relaxed manner.  It helps you stay energized and empowered and costs neither time nor effort to do.

Gratitude attracts to you more of what you appreciate.  It works on a subtle energetic basis and connects you to the life force of abundance and accepting.

Thinking of someone you Love reminds you that you are not alone.  You are connected to those you Love by invisible lines of force and you can draw upon that Love at random times throughout your day to keep you supported by the love in your life.

Letting yourself just be releases your stress and helps you notice what is good and right and positive in your life when you focus on what is in the present moment.

Your dreams will empower your life and are a way to fulfill your Soul purpose and your life purpose.  Use them for inspiration and guidance as you release your intention into the world on the wings of your dreams.

Releasing anger and resentment is a powerful tool for freeing you from the tyranny of your past.  You do not have to carry your hurts and what has harmed you into the present.  Forgiving and releasing old resentments frees you to live in the present and have greater joy.

Connecting with your Higher Self is a way to shift your perspective from what is negative to what is positive.  It opens you to a different perspective and allows a free flow of insight to empower you and enhance your life.  Actually, taking the time to meditate is more powerful, but just a brief shift in your consciousness to remind yourself that as a human being you are also a spiritual being and your Soul is available to help and support you in life can change everything for the better.

Happy New Year stars and wishes from Genevieve Gerard



Make these ten practices of peace a part of your daily routine and this year will be a Happy New Year.



Throughout this year remember your thoughts direct the energy of what comes to you and only you control your thoughtsCreate Happiness, Create Joy, Create Love.




The blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last Updated 1-1-2023


Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2019-2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


What You Can Do in the New Year to Create a Happy New Year Read More »

Experience the Speed of Thought

Experience the Speed of Thought

Speed of Thought by Genevieve Gerard

Energy Follows Thought is a Universal Law.  Like all Universal Laws, it is neither good or bad, it merely is.

Universal laws can be used to help and empower you in a time of need, or they can be completely unknown and ignored.  Whether you use them to your advantage or ignore them altogether does not change how they work.

This Universal Law is also a key to understanding the thoughtful premise behind Napoleon Hill’s famous book, Think and Grow Rich, and Norman Vicente Peals The Power of Positive Thinking.”  More recently, it is the core of the very popular book and movie The Secret.”


A thought is an integral part of the creative aspect of life.  Your thoughts spring forth to create.  They move faster than the speed of light to create what you are thinking.  This principle is not personal, but it is powerful.

Unfortunately, your thoughts do not wait for your conscious consideration before they begin their creative process.  That makes your thoughts, your mind, more powerful than you realize.  That means that your thoughts are critical to how you live your life, far more critical than you are aware.

As a human being, you are made in the image of your Creator.  I believe your Creator created everything and most importantly created you to be a co-creator of life on this planet.  This belief about creation unveils an awesome power and at the same time a tremendous responsibility.

This co-creation enables you to use the power of your mind to influence the events and circumstance that are available through this dynamic and powerful principle that “Energy Follows Thought.”  Because your thoughts have the power to bring energy into manifestation, it becomes important to harness this principle for your benefit. Ponder on this!

In my experience, a thought begins the activation of its creative power at the moment of its inception.  That is equally true of thoughts of what you want, what you worry about, and even thoughts of what you don’t want.

Think about the subtle difference of the thought “I don’t know” versus “I don’t recall at this time.” How many times a week do you say this and other limiting beliefs to yourself?

The principle that Energy Follows Thought is a dynamic of the subtle and yet pervasive way in which you create your life and your reality.  It requires both conscious awareness and discipline to transcend, transform and transmute your fears and more negative emotions such as anger and limiting beliefs of pessimism.

The mind is a powerful muscle that has been proven in Science to be able to influence the outcome of an experiment just by the observer’s thought form of how they think the experiment should come out.

It is by learning to observe, yet not judge your thoughts, which can be filled with the self-criticisms of “should” and “ought’s” and perfectionistic expectations, that you can transform your life.


Thought does not discriminate between what you need vs what you are fearful of.  That is uniquely your responsibility as the thinker, the creator of a specific thought.  Therefore, you need to learn to utilize the power of your thoughts and the dynamic creative power of your mind to work for you; rather than against you.


Worrying is perhaps the easiest place you can see how the principle that Energy Follows Thought can work against you.  I think without too much consideration if you examine the contents expressed in your worries you would conclude that is not what you want.  Because the principle that Energy Follows Thought is impersonal and immediate, I have long referred to worrying as “praying for what you don’t want.”

Sadly, worrying can become enmeshed with your fears.  Then you are wasting your creative power as a human being, a spark of Divine co-creator potential to bring into manifestation your nightmares instead of your dreams.  That makes what you do with your thoughts important.

More importantly, you are using your creative power to manifest your dreams in the world to demonstrate what you fear and doubt most.  Clearly, that is not what you would consciously choose.  Unfortunately, for most people and perhaps for you, the content of your thought is unconscious, a “higgledy-piggledy” random flow from a wish to fear.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation by Genevieve Gerard


I have a 10-minute guided meditation that can help you learn to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts that is called I Am Feeling Free.


Use Meditation

The mind can be such a powerful force in life that for thousands of years spiritual teachers and thought leaders have strived to instruct humanity to harness the dynamic power of their mind and its creative power to help you create the life of your dreams.

Mindfulness emphasizes the physical senses for experiencing the here and now, but there is an acknowledgment of the mind as a sixth sense.
                   – Douglas Russell, M.S.W.

Society has found that meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation techniques, strive to help you control your undisciplined and random mind-chatter from letting you create what you don’t want with your thought power.  Check out this guest article by Doug Russell, M.S.W. on my website which talks about how mindfulness can make a difference in your life.

It does not matter how you meditate, meditation works to empower you to utilize the creative power of your mind and to calm the turmoil of your emotions and attune and align you with your Higher Self (your Soul.)
                   – Genevieve Gerard

As one who has meditated for over 50 years now in my life, I can say that every form and discipline of meditation I have tried has helped me gain greater control of my mind-chatter and therefore helped me focus clearer on what I want to accomplish in life.


By learning to use the creative power that thought contains in a way that will empower your life and help you create the life of your dreams, the life you deserve and desire, you must learn how to stop confusing the Universe with rambling conflicting thoughts that jumble your fears and your dreamsTo experience the speed of thought requires the focus of your thoughts.

I have learned that even brief times of clearly focused thought has a dramatic life-changing impact.  Your thoughts go out with the speed-of-thought, and when consciously directed and empowered with a positive will and attention can create an immediate change in your life.

Change your thoughts, and you change your world.
                   – Norman Vincent Peale

The power of thought can be used to create what you imagine.  Science has proven that the mind does not know the difference between something that is vividly imagined versus something that is actually experienced. Use your mind to focus in and manifest what you want in life.


According to Wikipedia, affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that “a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.” More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one’s self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.

When you identify with something, especially when you make an evocative thoughtful declaration, by an “I am” statement, you are guiding and directing things to what you desire. This becomes an important factor in your self-talk, and the thought forms you are creating. You then begin to think in a way that is congruent with that affirmation and feel in a way that is congruent with what you are affirming.

Using positive affirmations can help you achieve a specific state of mind or state of consciousness.

Empowerment Exercise

I have included a brief meditative and empowering exercise that I believe will help you use your thoughts in a way that will help in all situations.

Three Minutes to Empowerment Exercise

A brief technique you can use to empower and transform your life is to take 3 minutes each day to observe the content of your thoughts as the detached observer.

Sitting quietly and breathing naturally, review the content of your thoughts, realizing that through the creative principle “Energy Follows Thought” your thoughts are instructions you are sending out to the Universe.

During this 3 minutes of empowerment exercise, observe your thoughts, without self-criticism. When you find a thought that contains fear, any negative emotion, or limiting beliefs take that opportunity of observation to revise, re-frame, and correct that thought to bring your thinking into alignment with what you desire.

For those 3 moments of the day consciously request that your Soul is in control so that your creative efforts are aligned and empowered by your life purpose (even if you do not know what your life purpose is at that moment.)

Take a moment to consider your choice of words consciously and with care. Then restate the thought or desire as a positive thought. You can add a little will energy with that thought by making it an “I am” statement or an affirmation when appropriate.

The most important part of reframing a thought is to keep it positive and make sure you are not fueling your fears, your worries or limited beliefs during times of crisis.

Let this brief exercise of observation quiet your mind-chatter, calm your emotions, and open your awareness to new possibilities and new opportunities.

In this 3 minutes let your awareness come into the present, releasing your creativity from any contamination of the past.

Know that doing any meditative discipline 21 days in a row helps it become a habit. This is a habit that can empower your life, for the rest of your life. It works with the creative force of your creative energies to empower you.


I hope this post helps you focus and direct your thoughts into specific areas where you have determined you could use a little help and support in your process of growing and becoming. The concept discussed and the ideas and exercise given are simple to use and easy to do and they put immense power at your disposal to be all that you are meant to be if you just take a moment to experience the speed of thought.

I look forward to your enlightened awareness,

   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 4-02-2020


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Experience the Speed of Thought Read More »

What Are You Grateful For

What Are You Grateful For?

Grateful by Genevieve Gerard

Take a minute and think about abundance and gratitude during the Thanksgiving Day holiday (in the U.S.A.)

It seems to be a good time to consider the importance of gratitude in life.

It is an excellent time to take a moment to consider how being grateful can impact and influence your life.

One thing that I am aware of as I pause to look at my life with an attitude of gratitude is that there is always something for which I am grateful.

It can be a very small or simple thing, for what is more important than that for which I am grateful. And it is what happens in my consciousness when I express my gratitude.

The amazing thing is that the very moment in which I identify something for which I am thankful my perspective changes, and I am invited to experience hope, love, and joy.

You might ask why do hope, love, and joy spring into my consciousness when I am thankful?  To understand that opens me to understanding one of the primary laws of the UniverseThe Law that energy follows thought.”

The Universal Law of Energy Follows Thought

That universal law is how you as a human being are an active force in co-creation with the Creator.  It is through this Universal Law that “energy follows thought” that you possess a power you can wield in the worldEach time you take the time to notice and appreciate what is good in the world and beautiful in your life, you participate in the work of creating more of what you enjoy in the world.

This concept that “energy follows thought” is the cornerstone of the Law of Abundance.  It is the mechanism through which you as a human being, endowed with the spark of Divine Light, are invited to be a co-creator with the Creator of Life.  In this statement is a profound truth that reveals deep magic. Ponder on this.

It is this understanding you can use to create the life of your dreams.  It is a power you can wield to fulfill your Soul’s purpose and manifest it in the world.

It is a powerful tool that requires clarity and consistency.  For that reason, it is often ignored or misunderstood.

What it is essential to understand the Law of Attraction is that it is a law.  It is always at work.  It does not discriminate between thoughts of what you want and thoughts of what you fear.  The energy is activated into creation by the thought.

If you wish to use the Law of Attraction to manifest what you dream and desire, you must learn to control your thoughts.  The endless chatter of your mind only creates confusion.

Whenever you send out a hodgepodge of fear, mixed in with half-formed ideas that switch to different half-formed ideas, the Universe does not know what to create for you.  It does not know what you want.

Only you can tell the Universe when you want to activate the Law of Attraction.  To do that you must learn to harness the power of your mind.

Un-disciplined mind chatter sends out confused requests to the Universe.  It is also usually so interwoven with your fears that it becomes like listening to the mindless chatter of a bunch of drunken monkeys as the Buddha described the contents of the mind, many years ago.

A Time For Gratitude

This day of Thanksgiving (in November in the US and October in Canada) is a time when you consistently and consciously focus on what you appreciate in order to activate terrific energy in your life.

Focusing on gratitude is a force to release Hope, Love, and Joy.
                         – Genevieve Gerard

As I mention above, I associate focusing on gratitude as a force to release Hope, Love, and Joy.

To take advantage of this special time to empower your life and support you in manifesting your Soul Purpose and fulfill your dreams, I offer you a little no-cost simple exercise anyone can do.  I suggest you give this activity at least 10 or 15 minutes.

If you keep a journal, I suggest you get your journal and use it for this exercise.  If you don’t have a journal, just get out some paper and a pen to record your thoughts and feelings.

Gratitude & Blessings Exercise

This exercise is to ignite the Law of Abundance and demonstrate how the dynamic principle that “energy follows thought” helps you manifest in the world.

While you are doing it, it is imperative that you maintain awareness of what you are thinking.  If you observe a negative thought, fear, or a limiting belief slipping in, stop immediately and reframe, edit and bring your thoughts back into alignment with the attitude of gratitude.

It does not matter how much time you have set aside to do this gratitude exercise, you need to stop and reframe any negative thoughts. Do not let a fearful or negative thought remain unedited.  Each time you catch yourself sending out an idea that conflicts with what you want, STOP, Correct, and reframe that thought into what you desire.

I suggest you read these instructions once through and then come back and do the exercise.

Now let’s get started by relaxing and centering your energies.  Take a deep, relaxing and satisfying breath.

Then, for the next 10-15 minutes write as fast as you can as many of the things for which you are grateful…

They can be simple and small things or significant and grand things.  Just capture as many as you can on paper while making sure you do not let any thoughts that are fear based or limiting remain unedited or uncorrected.

Do this free of judgment or self-criticism.  If you catch yourself being negative or fearful, just let it go and focus on the corrections, editing, and reframing of the thought.  If you catch yourself being fearful, release that fear with a deep breath.

Let your energy re-center with the intentions of finding as many blessings as you can count to create your “What Am I Grateful For” Gratitude & Blessing List.

Return to writing and pondering the many things you appreciate about your life.

GG Thanks You

When your allocated time is finished, take the time to read over the listWhen you hit upon something or someone for which you are especially thankful, smile.  If it is someone, let a beam of love go from your heart to theirs and in your mind, bless them and thank them.


You might notice how happy and contented this little exercise has made you feel.  You might be aware of how much hope you feel.  Your heart may be full of Love along with the gratitude.

Then, I suggest that you take this list of written blessings and review it every morning for 30-days.

Observe the difference this makes in your life.

I would love to hear your comments below about your experience with this exercise.

With Love and Support for you to Be and Become All That You Can Be.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!

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P.S. The Law of Love, the Law of Attraction and the Laws of Karma positively ignite when you demonstrate your appreciation through support.
Please donate to help me help others! Donation = Loving


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Last Updated 11-07-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2017-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


What Are You Grateful For Read More »

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

Read How to Harness the Power of Your Mind blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Your mind is a powerful tool.

As with any tool, it depends on how efficiently you use it.

Learning to use the great and amazing power of your thoughts to manifest your life’s purpose and fulfill your goals is a primary reason that many people explore the subject of consciousness.

By harnessing the power of your mind, you are transforming your life to align with your dreams and goals.  You are actively co-creating your life in a dynamic way.

It takes only a minute of sitting quietly and observing what you are thinking to realize that your thoughts are quicksilver.  The nature of thought is so multidimensional and diverse that it is easy to be unaware and unconscious of what you are thinking.

If the principle that energy follows thought is true and our thoughts create our reality as the “Law of Attraction” claims, we all have some work we need to do if we want to use our mind effectively and efficiently.

Gaining mastery over the mind, mainly controlling the free flow and often negative input of edited thoughts is a challenge.  In your observation of the nature of your unfocused and uncontrolled thoughts, you may notice how much of your thoughts reflect what you fear.  That is not a judgment of you, but a simple observation of the nature of what spiritual teachers have for centuries or longer referred to as the monkey mind.”

The practice of meditation provides a variety of techniques to help you harness the power of your mind and quiet the mindless chatter of the monkey mind.”  Different ways work differently for different people and at different times.  You could certainly ignore the input from the world of meditation and teachings about consciousness were it not for the understanding of the mechanics of the “Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought.”

Your thoughts have power, indeed the power to create your reality and can help by working for you, or can, unfortunately, work against you.  It is a powerful motivator to explore how these subtle principles and laws work.  These revelations about the power of your thoughts are not new.  Way back in ancient biblical times the book of Proverbs stated, “As a man thinketh, so shall he be.”

Since that time, there have been a variety of teachers and preachers, business leaders and thought leaders who have both validated and expanded on the great wisdom in Proverbs.  In writing this Wisdom Wednesday Blog, I realize that I could fill the whole post with books and resources of those who praise the truth about the power of your mind.  I have provided some links that I believe are the best at explaining or teaching about this important issue and help you explore these concepts from a variety of teachers and approaches.

I also want to provide you with a gift of one of my very favorite books about the mind, Napoleon Hill’s life changing book “Think and Grow Rich.”  This is a complimentary Adobe PDF of the entire book that you can download and ponder on.  I hope this gift empowers you to help achieve your dreams.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
       – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Manifesting your dreams and fulfilling your life’s purpose is an important reason to use the tools and techniques of meditation to harness the power of your mind and make it work for your benefit in your life.  To align you mind with your higher purpose and your Higher Self allows you to integrate what is spiritual with what is happening and manifesting in your life.

Reprogram Your Mind with Dr. Wayne Dyer

How to Harness the Power

My primary goal in this blog today is to discuss this ancient wisdom from a perspective of a technique you can use and activate in your life to help you harness this awesome power of your mind.  Your mind can then be a tool to help you achieve your life and your Soul purpose.

One technique that I have found valuable in my practice and my years of coaching and counseling people is that you can begin this by just self-observation.  I recommend starting with committing 3 minutes a day to this meditative exercise.  It starts with just consciously observing your thoughts.  When you notice a negative or fear based thought flash through your mind, take control of that thought.  Then deliberately, edit it, correct it and replace it with what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This editing, correcting (with intention) and replace technique is most important when what crosses your mind is fear.  To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state by aligning with your Higher Self and focusing upon your life’s purpose.  In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This alignment is not a meditation but rather a meditative and aligned perspective.

Keeping a dual awareness of your Higher Self while observing your thoughts activates both your Soul wisdom and your lower mind intelligence.
         – Genevieve Gerard

This observation technique is best done from the viewpoint of what I call “the detached observer,” free of self-judgment or criticism.  Both self- judgment and self-criticism work against achieving positive thoughts.  The result is that when you have the opportunity to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind” you gain control.

It is a meditative state because you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life. This allows you to be in a higher state of consciousness and a keener awareness than just thinking.

This exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between conventional uncontrolled casual thinking and meditation.

The 3-minute observation per day is a powerful and transforming technique.  That may seem very short, but if you consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind.

This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and empower your life.  At its core, quieting the chattering of your mind is a traditional goal of meditation.  Taking the additional step of observing the content of your thoughts with editing, revising and replacing that content with what is congruent with your goals, your dreams and desires make a huge difference.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily 3-minute practice of this method starts a major transformation in their lives.  You are no longer sending out your fears in your thoughtsYou are controlling your worrying.  Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.  You are now using the powerful universal principle that “energy follow thought” to your advantage.

The substitution process of exchanging a negative thought for a positive one can also be used with other meditation techniques such as affirmations Learning to harness the power of your mind enables you to send out into the world the energy to manifest what you want in a clear way that empowers your life.

Below are some links to some positive affirmations that have empowered many.  I have found listening to affirmations in the background, in the car while you drive, is especially useful.

The powerful principle that “energy follows thought” and the activation of “The Law of Attraction,” will be incorporated into your thoughts and life on a multidimensional basis, shifting your thoughts and your perspective on a daily basis.

The more often you practice this technique, the better the response in the material world.  Your thoughts are stronger than you realize.  Your mind is a co-creator in your life in cooperation with the Divine or Source (however you envision the Creator to be.)  The choice is yours.  The time to activate the awesome power of your mind to live the life you have always envisioned is NOW.  It is your life, and your mind is yours to master.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Power of Your Mind
Additional Resource Recommendations:







As a Man Thinketh by James Allen (no cost eBook download)









Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (no cost eBook download)



The Power Of Positive ThinkingThe Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale


Riches Within Your Reach by Robert CollierRiches Within Your Reach! by Robert Collier


Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell MaltzPsycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry Hicks

Disclosure: The book links above, if used to purchase the book will provide me with a small affiliate commission (thank you for supporting my work.)


Last updated 3-14-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


How to Harness the Power of Your Mind Read More »

Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Read Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

As I was reading a previous post, I came across the phrase “a life that is soul infused.” 

The phrase “a life that is Soul infused” stayed with me in my morning meditations because in this dance through life’s adventures it is when you can let your personality and ego be infused by the love and wisdom of the Soul that the real power and resounding joy of a spiritual life are experienced.

It led me to ponder how life is different when you are “Soul infused.”

In the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, your Soul is not only an integral part of your essential nature but is also a resource you can draw upon to empower and transform your life.  That your Soul provides support and power in the overcoming of physical addictions has long been an essential element in the success of Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step programs.  The connection and surrender to the “Higher Self and Higher Power” have been a source of strength and comfort to many who have struggled with addiction.

This transition is so deeply embedded in the spiritual journey that the Ageless Wisdom refers to it as a step in your spiritual evolutionWith each spiritual initiation, there is an increasing amount of atomic energy that the Soul gains control over.  The first initiation helps and supports you in achieving mastery over your physical cravings.

Likewise, what is referred to in the Ageless Wisdom as the second initiation the individual can use their Soul influence to transcend the domination of the emotional body.  This use of your Soul as an integral part of learning life lessons is esoteric.  It clarifies ways you can gain mastery over your life through a dynamic and active relationship with your higher self, your Soul.  It takes you from being powerless in your physical cravings or vulnerable to your emotions and desires to being able to integrate and fuse the wholeness of your being in a way that allows you to manifest your full potential as a human being.

As I write these words and consider the struggle and pain that life is for so many, I cannot help but take this opportunity to assure you that within you, within the depth of your heart, within the promptings of your intuition, within the essence of your being, is your Soul.  It is and has always been with you.  Your Soul has always been a part of you.  And, most miraculously you can call upon it to help you in your life.

If, before reading these words you have through your life come to know your Soul, even in glimmers of peace and comfort that may have come to you when you prayed or meditated, then these words will resonate with you.  You might find a smile coming spontaneously to your lips.  You could feel yourself relax a bit even though nothing has changed in your life at all.

What it is empowering to understand about yourself and your Soul is that although your Soul is an essential part of your spiritual anatomy, it is most often silent allowing your personality and “lower self” to control your life.  Free will, which is an essential part of the “rules” of spiritual life require that you reach for the connection to your Soul before it gets involved

To have a relationship with your Soul is a choice.
        – Genevieve Gerard

In times of great sorrow, great duress, and great danger it is common in the human experience for you to reach out for that higher source connection unconsciously.  Since you are on an archetypal and intuitive level aware that your Soul is an integral part of who and what you are, this is natural.  Your consciousness is, on an ongoing basis most likely functioning as a duality that exists between your Soul and your personality ( and ego.)  What is most often the wisdom and perspective of your “Higher Self” is often unconscious.

Flashes of intuition and awareness of what is right action bargain for control of what you do and say.  Your Soul is always available to respond to your invitation and invocation.  Otherwise, it stands silently by as you explore the university of learning life and spiritual lessons from your mistakes and mishaps.

The Soul does not interfere.  It may give flashes of insight through intuition, but it leaves the control for what decisions you make firmly in the hands of your personality and ego so that can choose to listen to the intuitive nudge, or not.

Ultimately, in your life, there is a myriad of choices that need to be made.  They fall into choices you make that relate to the key aspects of your anatomy.

There are many choices and options.  There are decisions of what you eat or drink.  Decisions about whether or not you choose to indulge in the vast variety of things that are known to be bad for your body, whether or not they are addictive.  There are throughout your day a bevy of seemingly insignificant decisions that have an impact.

There are emotional choices you make.  How you express or limit your expression of your emotions has a significant impact on your life.   These are all selections you make throughout every moment and day of your life and how you make them influences your experience in a way that little else can.

Whether you are trapped in your fears or worries effects your health and your overall well-being and your personal happiness.  Your emotional choices have a dynamic influence on your life and so, calling upon the guidance and wisdom of your Soul as you strive to manage and master these volatile and dramatic parts of your being make sense.

There is also a myriad of choices you continually make that activate your mental powers.  As I have written many times in a variety of ways your thoughts are energy released into the world that has creative and magnetic power“Energy Follows Thought.”  Even in the most ancient of times, spiritual teachings from the Bible (Proverbs 23:7) declare “As a man thinketh so shall he be.”

As I review each of the parts of your nature and being that influence who you are, how you live and what you experience it is evident to see that your Soul can help you master every area of your life.  The incredible miracle of your nature as a human being who has been endowed by your creator with the spark of Divine Light (your Soul) is that integrated into your nature is a resource to help you through all of life’s challenges.  That is your Soul.

Expressing your Divine Spark; is a significant way to demonstrate your love and your service to others.
Enter coupon code “NGWS50” to instantly download this meditation for only $5 USD.

Your Soul is uniquely yours and always available to you to help you, guide you, support you, and empower you.  It offers you unconditional love and understanding.  It is a limitless resource that is available to you whenever you need it.

You can open your life to this love, this source of wisdom and this Divine blessing through meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

Your Soul speaks to you in the silence, through your intuition, in your dreams, and through your consciousness.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Your Soul is always an integral part of who you are.  The more you can recognize the voice of your Soul within your being, the easier it is to let the Soul’s perspective of love and wisdom direct your life decisions, physical, emotional and mental.

In so doing you invoke and invite “Soul control” and Soul infusion into the miraculous blend of your life.

There are words from the Mantram of Unification I like to use in my meditations and invocations that talks to this way of living.  I invite you to add them to your affirmations or meditations when and where you will.

Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events,
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the times.
      – Alice A. Bailey (Djwhal Khul – Discipleship in the New Age Vol II)

If moved to do so, you can also invoke the balance of the mantra, “Let vision come and insight.  Let the future stand revealed.  Let inner wisdom demonstrate, and outer cleavages be gone.  Let love prevail.  Let all men and women love.”

I find this mantram empowers and influences my life in dynamic and dramatic ways. I encourage you to take a few moments throughout every day to connect with your Soul so that you can lead a life that is Soul infused.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last Updated 4-14-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are Read More »

Act As If

Read Acting As If blog by Genevieve Gerard

Act As If . . .

Within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom is a very powerful tool you can use to transform your life into the life you desire.

It is Acting As If what you want already is.

Acting As If uses and combines many of the laws and universal principles of which I have previously written. Energy Follows Thought and the Law Of Attraction are two of the most important that become activated when you Act As If.

Acting As If is a great way to bring into your life the events and circumstances that you want and need.

The creative power of the mind is impressive when activated. To use that creative force to fashion the life of your dreams is what the power of positive thinking and positive action is all about.

A great many subtle factors go into being successful with any of these techniques. Perhaps one of the most significant things to realize is that the creative potential of the mind works when you are sending the thought signals of what you want. However, it also can work when you have fears and worries.

The creative power of the mind does not stop to evaluate the content of the directions it is receiving. That is up to you. You can choose to bring into your life what you desire (both good or bad) at any moment in time.

The best way to achieve your outcome is to act as if you have already reached it – live your dreams now and let reality catch up.”
      – Roger Ellerton

At times it may require releasing your fears and acting on faith so that you do not bring those fears into reality. What is wonderful is that you can choose not to be limited by your fears.

Acting As If is a dynamic technique to keep the creative aspect of your mind focused on manifesting what you desire. When you Act As If what you want and need is already happening you help focus your creative mind. The attention to what it takes to Act As If clarifies your intention and colors in your thoughts with valuable details.

Clarifying what you are invoking when activating the Law of Attraction is often an effective mechanism. Many have found creating a vision board or a mind map to be helpful. The more details you can envision and more in tune with the feelings you want to experience once you have manifested what you need, the easier it is to keep your mind focused on the outcome you desire. Ultimately, you still have to take action on those thoughts to create your new reality.

I was speaking to a coaching client of mine recently whose life experiences just demonstrated this. My client had recently transcended her fear sufficiently to let herself be open to the abundance of purchasing a new car. This was a big step for her. Within days of making the purchase and living in gratitude, her employer, who had originally only had contract work available, came to her and offered her a permanent position that had just unexpectedly become available. Her act of faith was rewarded by what she needed coming to her almost instantly.

To efficiently Act As If, it is important to envision what you want to manifest and become, using all of your senses. So, to help you manifest the life of your dreams, today I am suggesting a smorgasbord of techniques you can use to empower Acting As If.

  1. Create a Mind Map or Vision Board to use when you are Acting As If. I suggest that you fill in as much detail of how your life will be when the goal or dream you desire has manifested. This detail will serve as a guide to your behavior when you are Acting As If.
  2. Declare your intention by identifying an “I Am” statement. Think about the identity you are creating. As an example, “I am a successful _________,” “I am competent in _________,” “I Am an effective __________.” In this use of an “I Am” statement you are focusing on your role in demonstrating your goal.
  3. Whenever you “catch yourself” worrying, being fearful, or having any doubts about manifesting your needs and desires, stop and focus your thoughts on what you are striving to create and release the fears. This clearing of the negative self-talk is the key to making this technique work. In the link below, I offer a powerful 10-minute “I Am Feeling Freemeditation that can help you learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.
    I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

Now, in each moment of the day, in what you do and how you respond to every situation and circumstance that presents itself to you, Act As If what you desire and need is already a reality.

William James altering their attitudes of mind quote

Remember that consistency and repetition add power to this technique. This is a state of mind, you must act and live your life As If you already have accomplished your goal and feel what it would feel like when you did.

What you believe and present to the world as a fact that you know and believe in your being, becomes a reality. Then, the more you can manifest what you desire and need, the more real it becomes.

Act as if you are poised and confident. Act as if you already have it!

Many layers go into the creation of your identity and your reality. This technique of Acting As If will empower you to be and become all that you are meant to be.

Using meditation and affirmations are also helpful. Confirming that what you are focusing upon is in alignment with your life purpose or your Soul purpose eases the way. This is your life and your thoughts, and your actions are what determine what your life will be. Today, you are exactly where you believe you should be. Ponder on this!

You have unlimited choices and before you are unlimited possibilities.
      – Genevieve Gerard

It is never too late to live your dreams. Whatever mistakes you may have made in the past are now over. When you relegate them to the past, you free yourself from having to repeat them. What is important is to live in the present moment.

Letting go of what has been and is now past is important in opening your life to the potential that is available in the future that has not yet been created.

It is to create that positive future and to fulfill the life of your dreams where the As If technique is most valuable. It immediately opens new doors and new opportunities.

It is wise to clear away the residuals of your past as soon as possible, so the slate is as clean as you can make it. One of the most dynamic and freeing ways you can transform your life is by forgiveness. Forgiving someone of their transgression against you frees you from being trapped in the past. It also releases the anger, the hurt and the sense of betrayal that can keep you in a victim role.

Self-forgiveness is also an important piece of becoming free to accept and manifest your new life. Often forgiving yourself is significant in freeing your life to move forward because it is common to be angry at yourself for letting the person you need to forgive do you wrong.

Most of the time, you failed to protect yourself or assert yourself. It is that you need to forgive. When the forgiveness has been accomplished, your life is more open to creating the reality you have chosen. The obstacles that you were holding onto are now swept away.

I encourage you to use this tool today to create the life that you want.

Your life is before you waiting to be manifested and enjoyed. Consider what you desire and begin living it today. Today is, after all, the first day of the rest of your life; celebrate it.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Related Posts You May Enjoy Reading:

  • How to Forgive Yourself: A 40 minute meditation to help you free yourself from the blame and self-criticism of the past.

Last updated 1/4/2017

Copyright © 2015-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Act As If Read More »

Activation of Healing Energies

Activation of Healing Energies

Read Activation of Healing Energies article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on Healing.

When you pray for healing, you are activating energy.

Healing energy activation takes place on many levels.

First, it activates your thoughts, engaging the powerful life dynamic that “energy follows thought.”

Immediately by focusing positive thought, intention and desire on healing, the healing power within your body is empowered.  This happens in the organs and glands, all the way to the cellular level of your body and even into the atomic substance of your being.

Also, when you pray for healing you are calling upon help from the Divine.  In so doing, you are surrendering to and aligning with God’s Will and purpose for your life.  That is always powerful and empowering.  Re-aligning, or aligning for the first time in your life is transformative.

Your prayers also draw the conscious attention of your physical problem(s) to your Soul.  Praying for healing alerts your Higher Self that you are now open to learning whatever lesson the dis-ease was created to teach.

Dis-ease often manifests to alert you to the ways your life may have gone out of balance, physically, emotionally or with your thoughts.  Invoking healing and inviting healing declares your desire and your intention to rebalance and restore your life.

Your Soul then can call for the help and support of the angels.  It may call for the assistance of your guardian angel that is committed to you in this life, or it may call upon angels and devas who provide specialized energy that is more responsive to the healing that you need.

Energy is activated, and that activation creates a response on the physical level of your being, as well as in your emotional and mental bodies.

The merger of energies that invoking and surrendering to healing activates bridges the spiritual world with the world of matter and demonstrates the integration of the wholeness of the Self, body, emotions, mind and Soul.

It is important to remember that all of this happens energetically and spontaneously when you pray for or invoke, healing help.  Your conscious part in all of this is to keep your thoughts positive.  It is also important to remain receptive to what you need to learn from this dis-ease experience.  In that are the seeds of miracles and wisdom, ponder on this.

As you ask for healing it is of vital importance that you join in with the efforts being activated by your prayers.  Healing is a team effort, and you are by definition a key player on that team.  Divine intervention and angelic help are no substitutes for doing your work of consciousness to facilitate healing.

Important Ways That You Can Activate and Support the Healing Process:

Maintain a positive mental attitude.  The dynamic principle that “energy follows thought” is of paramount importance when you are involved in a healing transition.  It is a powerful time to engage the power of your mind.

Engaging the power of your mind as a support to the prayers and invocation for Divine and Angelic help is a way that you can help yourself.  That requires being conscious of what you are thinking and what you are feeling and, when you find your thoughts negative, immediately replacing that negative thought with a positive or hopeful one.

As much as it is important to cooperate in your healing by maintaining a positive mental attitude and using your mind to encourage and support your healing, so too is it important to use your time of healing and restoration to learn to conquer your fears.  Often in times of illness, you may experience fear.  This is normal and to be expected.  With severe illnesses the logical result, if there is no healing, is often death.  Focusing on your fears hinders healing.  Realize that sometimes the ultimate healing is the release of the physical form from this planet.  When invoking healing its best to invoke “right action” and live in the NOW moment.

Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.
       – Thich Nhat Hanh

These are two of the most important life lessons so it makes perfect sense that they would be significant in a time of healing.  Fear is both debilitating and damaging to your body, mind, and emotional well-being. Therefore, to take the time, while you are healing, to gain mastery over your negative thoughts and replace those with positive thoughts make perfect sense.  Likewise, take the time of healing to learn mastery over your fears.

Healing creates a fertile time to learn important life lessons; lessons which when mastered in the healing process, empower and improve the rest of your life.   That is why among those who work with “laying on of hands”, psychology and energetic healing often refer to an illness as a healing crisis.

Healing is a matter of time,
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
       – Hippocrates

When you pray for healing and invoke the power of the Divine, the power of your Soul and the help and assistance of Angels, it is a good time to consider your life particularly in light of how you can improve your life.  What is the purpose of this life and how can you bring your life into alignment to manifest that purpose.

If your healing requires, as is often the case, a time of recovery then I suggest again that you use that time to strengthen your ability to maintain a positive mental attitude and to conquer your fears, and ultimately let go of any negative influence from your past by forgiving yourself.

You may need to use your recovery time to re-evaluate your life and consider mistakes you have made and what you need to do differently.

You may recall from the biblical stories of Jesus’s healings that very often forgiveness played a crucial role.  Jesus made the statement “your sins are forgiven.”  Forgiveness is always available once you have the understanding and insight that you have made a mistake. Forgiveness is available to empower the transformation process.

Although Divine forgiveness is assured, in my many years of coaching and counseling I have found that although most people can accept the concept of forgiveness coming from a God of Love and Grace, they often have a hard time forgiving themselves.  Forgiving yourself is often a key element in healing.  Once you have understood the lesson of a dis-ease and modified your thinking or behavior, it becomes essential to stop clinging to the self-recrimination and blame.

It becomes important to put the past in the past where it belongs and let yourself move forward into the present where the great release is available to you.  Forgive yourself and then open your life to the unlimited possibilities of a future that is only now being created and coming into manifestation.

There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.
       – Eckhart Tolle

Self-forgiveness is the final step in the process of healing.

Over my many years of helping people through healing crisis’s, be they from injury or illness, I have found the following things to be important steps in the healing process.  To facilitate and help with these important steps, I have created guided meditations to help you and your loved ones.

For positive mental attitude,
consider the use of positive affirmations:

         Awaken to Success Affirmations

         Soaring to Success Affirmations

For transcending, transforming and
transmuting negative emotions and fears:

         I Am Feeling Free Meditation

For forgiving yourself and
freeing yourself from the past:

         How to Forgive Yourself Meditation

And to help you experience
the healing blessing of sleep:

         Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation

I hope you are drawn to using these guided meditations and visualizations and that their use enhances and empowers your healing and your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


You Might Also Like:

Lessons Learned From Injury or Illness 

The Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts 

Release Your Fears 

How to Call on Angels for Help 

Ways to Use Affirmations 


Last updated 11-05-2017


© 2015-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul


Activation of Healing Energies Read More »

7 Mind-Body Techniques to Increase Your Feelings of Confidence and Success

7 Mind-Body Techniques to Increase Your Feelings of Confidence and Success

Read "The 7 Mind-Body Techniques to Increase Your Feelings of Confidence and Success" by Genevieve Gerard

This article is about using the mind-body-spirit relationship to enhance happiness and increase your feelings of confidence and success.

In the past I have discussed how smiling enhances happiness.

Today I would like to expand on my smiling concept to offer you some additional powerful techniques to help you increase your feelings of confidence and success and live the life of your dreams.

   Click to listen to me reading this post to you (15 minutes).

Mind-Body-Spirit Relationship

These are tools that are a dynamic part of your mind-body relationship and work on a physiological level using the inherent power of your autonomic nervous system to give you greater success in your life.

There is within you simple but miraculous ways in which your mind, body, and your emotions work together. It is important to understand the ways that they can work together to your advantage and empowerment.

More and more as science can reveal the subtle interrelationship of body, emotions, mind, and spirit, we are beginning to understand how much of what we experience in life is within our command.

Science has been constantly unfolding with new studies and research into the amazing ways that your state of being responds to synthesis and integration of the mind with the body and the emotions, by signaling the production of endorphin’s, serotonin, and other mood-enhancing and mind-expanding chemicals.

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
        – Franklin D. Roosevelt

I first became fascinated with the ways that the mind could influence the body, and the body could influence the mind and emotions when a new technology called biofeedback came into my awareness.

The biofeedback technology was so amazing to me that I became one of the first to learn and become certified in this emerging field in the 70’s. I am not by nature scientific, so to learn to understand the physiological and psychological implications of this inter-relationship was challenging. I was then, and continue to be, deeply committed to understanding how life can be empowered to bring greater success and joy.

Fortunately, in the subsequent 40 years since I struggled to learn how the body, the mind, the emotions, and the spiritual aspect of man worked together many scientists have used this technology to study and reveal to humanity the power of this integration of the self. My many years of counseling people through catastrophic injuries and debilitating pain demonstrated time and time again the ways that this integration and synthesis could be used to resolve and empower an individual life.

New studies are emerging all the time from the scientific community that prove how these parts of human nature can work together to enhance and empower the individual.

Recent studies on the physiological advantages of meditation on physical health and a sense of well-being have confirmed what has often been taught in the Ageless Wisdom. Your body works in synergy with what you think and what you feel. It uses the signals of body language to integrate feelings of happiness and success.

Gain Mastery Over Your Life

Today, I would like to reveal how you can use some of these new discoveries to gain mastery over your life. What is known as the autonomic nervous system is perhaps the most amazing part of your anatomy, yet it is something you most likely rarely even consider. It enables you to breathe in and breathe out without requiring conscious thought. And when engaged consciously can have a profound impact on your state of being.

This is true in helping you enter a meditative state of consciousness and in helping you to relax and manage your life’s stress. As simple an act as moving your breath from the autonomic to conscious awareness can have subtle influences in how your whole being responds. The relationship between the glandular production, hormones, and all of the very subtle signals that are sent based upon a specific action and stimulus are amazing.

There are a wealth of studies available if you are interested. It is fascinating to explore how these autonomic responses can be used to help you achieve your goals. Beyond the power of breath, which spiritual teachers have used for thousands of year is the intricate response of certain physical actions, such as a smile, to the impact and influence of your body language and how that signals emotional responses. Your thoughts, especially your affirmations and expressions of intention combine to help bring into manifestation what you desire.

The starting point of all achievement is desire.
        – Napoleon Hill

I recently saw a T.E.D. talk that had been viewed more than 55 million times, called “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School. It discussed the increase in performance and confidence in people who went into a job interview after having performed body power poses associated with victory and success. Watch your body language shapes who you are and try the power pose technique.

As I listened to the T.E.D. talk, I related it to a subject on which I often write, “Energy Follows Thought” and on the quote, I often refer to “As a man thinketh so shall he be.”

That these success postures can influence you to be more successful reaffirms the mind-body relationship.

As I suggested in my blog “How Smiling Enhances Happiness,” I encourage you to experiment with and read more about the mind-body relationship.

Below are seven free no-tech life hack techniques
to get you started:

The 7 Mind-Body Techniques To Increase Your Feelings of Confidence and Success

  1. Pick a positive affirmation that asserts the truth of what you are striving to achieve and repeat it throughout the day.
  2. Create a positive “I Am…” statement that confirms and affirms what you desire and say it to yourself each time you look at yourself in a mirror.
  3. Imagine the feelings of having accomplished what you want. What would people be saying to you? What would they now think about you and your accomplishment?
  4. Consider what the posture that someone of this level of confidence and success would have. How would they enter into a room?
  5. With your body language signal (by your actions) the emotional state you want to achieve. YES!
  6. Open your attention to this exact moment in time by putting your past behind you and opening yourself to the unlimited possibility and potential of what is now about to manifest.
  7. Get up and move your body to celebrate achieving a goal to solidify the sense of joy and well-being that comes from fulfilling an accomplishment. My dear friend calls this the “Happy Dance.”


You may wish to say your positive affirmation while you look at yourself in a mirror. This is especially effective with the “I Am” statements. You may wish to listen often throughout the day to a specific affirmation by streaming it and replaying it to reactivate your sense of the truth of what you are affirming. This is powerful way of bringing your affirmations into manifestation.

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


You can empower yourself to create the life of your dreams by using my five-star rated “Awaken To Success” Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 available on Amazon and iTunes.


Observe how affirming and identifying yourself with the accomplishment you desire affects your feelings. Notice how your posture and your facial expressions shift and change in subtle ways.

Experiment with celebrating your successes with a “Happy Dance.” How does that make you feel?

You may wish to adjust your physical posture throughout the day to reflect the sense of purpose and success you are striving to achieve.

Do these little activities throughout the day and then incorporate them into your everyday routine.

By incorporating the integrative functions of your body, by activating activity and production of the autonomic nervous system with positive thoughts and expression of joyful emotions, you can influence your life in positive ways.

Experiment with what works for you, what makes you feel empowered and happy.

Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes.
        – Amy Cuddy, Professor Harvard Business School

This is your life. You have been given a vast array of tools and techniques to help you achieve your purpose. Use what works for you and incorporate it into your life and keep your mind open to the new opportunities and new possibilities that are being created in the ever emerging and evolving future.

Celebrate! Create! Enjoy!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 9-10-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


7 Mind-Body Techniques to Increase Your Feelings of Confidence and Success Read More »

The Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts

The Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts
to Create Your Life

Read "The keys to harnessing your thoughts to create your life" blog by Genevieve Gerard

In the writings and the teachings of many, the human potential movement is an amazing and very powerful concept, Energy Follows Thought.”

It is powerful because as you really understand this principle and how it works, you have the tools to create the life of your dreams.

However, to really utilize this to its full potential there are some things that will help you to understand.

Read "The keys to harnessing your thoughts" blog by Genevieve Gerard
Understanding the subtle way that “Energy Follows Thought” works and then applying it in your life is a key to empowering you to fulfill your life’s purpose.

This potent law about life is one you can use to change your life right now. It enables you to claim your full potential to be and become all that you are meant to be.

It is a key element of success. When you use this dynamic principle that energy follows thought, you activate the Law of Attraction.

What is very important to understand about these (often touted but frequently not fully explained) is that when using a universal law or principle to impact your life, that rule is always active. You can use it to help you or it can be a stumbling block, but it is at work all the time. Once you realize this, it becomes your choice whether to use it to have what you want or not.

Like many truths about life, the fact that energy follows thought is simple. However, harnessing your thoughts to create what you envision in life is not always easy.

This is because thoughts are multilayered, also multifaceted and run through your mind lightning fast. Unfortunately, thoughts flow constantly and are most often unconscious. This unconscious and unharnessed element of your thoughts is what is known as mind chatter.

For eons one of the most significant goals of learning to meditate has been to gain mastery over the chaotic damage created in life by undisciplined mind chatter. It is a challenge that is sometimes explained as learning to master the monkey mind.

The monkey mind is a phrase that teachers have used to describe the content of thought that creates the chaos that is evident in most people’s lives.

This content is filled with fears and worries, jumbled in with occasional hopes and aspirations. Therefore, what you are sending out to the universe to activate the principle that “energy follows thought” is the hodgepodge of your hopes, mixed in with a generous dose of your fears.

Is it any wonder, that your life doesn’t unfold consistent with your dreams and desires when what you are sending out as instructions for creation is garbage. To borrow a phrase from the early days of computer science the function of your mind power is “garbage in, garbage out.”

Learning to quiet and control the negative impact of the chattering mind is a primary purpose of practicing meditation.

An important step in gaining mastery over the creative power of your mind is to become aware of the content of your mind chatter, and then to use that awareness to create what you intend.

A Key Tool

Read "The keys to harnessing your thoughts" blog by Genevieve GerardA technique I often recommend is to pay attention to the content of your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer. As the detached observer you will notice what you are thinking, and therefore you will be sending out to the universe your correct instructions for manifestation..

As you do this, suspend judgement and just observe.

It may be easiest to see how this principle is at work by considering and observing your own emotions. You might like to experiment and try this exercise:

Every time you feel depressed about something, try to identify a corresponding negative thought you had just prior to and during the depression. Because these thoughts have actually created your bad mood, by learning to restructure them, you can change your mood.
        – David D. Burns

Read "The keys to harnessing your thoughts" blog by Genevieve Gerard
Your ability to observe, to become aware, to reframe, to replace and change your thoughts, are some of the other keys to changing your life. Change your thoughts, change your life.

When you begin to pay attention, to really listen and consider the content of your thoughts, you will be amazed or you may be horrified. If you consider the ways that your thoughts create your reality through the elements of the Law of Attraction, and the principle that energy follows thought, you will begin to realize the control and mastery you can achieve in your life.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
        – Willie Nelson

You will begin to understand that you are more in control and more powerful in your life than you have ever dared to dream.

With the understanding of the creative power that is available to you also comes the realization that you are not a victim of your own life. Therefore, you have a responsibility to yourself to create in your life that which will support you in fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Know that the process of mastering your negative mind chatter and learning to replace and reframe your thoughts will require vigilance and discipline.

Negative thoughts stick around because we believe them, not because we want them or choose them.
        – Andrew J. Bernstein

This isn’t the first time I have spoken about that energy follows thought and how to use it to ignite the Law of Attraction. It is a subject that I have written about frequently (there are several links to related posts listed below.)

It is a subject that I plan to explore further in a webinar in the near future, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Please watch for the announcement of that event.

What you think, is not beyond your control. You can choose to use these tools to be empowered in what you do, to create your life and bring it into more alignment with your goals and your desires.

Taking control of the creative power of your mind is a dynamic first step in learning how to create your life, and bring into your life what you need and what you desire more effectively.

This is your life. It is the stage on which to act out your dreams. It is the opportunity for you to be the director of your life, to act positively and affirmatively instead of being reactive.

Overcoming your fears is an important part of learning to use the creative power of your thoughts in a way that manifests positively. So is using positive affirmations.

Throughout this website, contained in many of my guided meditation products and affirmations are tools that can help you in your quest. You are more powerful and capable than you have ever imagined. You have unlimited potential to manifest the life of your dreams.

This quest to harness your thoughts to create your life will enlighten your awareness as you travel along your journey and you will find much that you can use to transform your life to be more joyful.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-4-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts Read More »

The Magic of Saying I AM

The Magic of Saying “I Am”

Read The Magic of Saying I Am by Genevieve Gerard

“I Am” are two of the most powerful words that can be said. Those words direct not only your thoughts but also your very being and becoming.

The magic of the “I Am” words are that they are a way by which you can direct your life and direct yourself to be and become the person you want to be; what you intend to be, the person who deep in your heart and mind and Soul you know yourself to be.

Those simple words have dominion over the very fabric of your life in a way that begins a chain reaction to bring into your life the circumstances and events that make the “I Am” statement true.

The famous philosopher Descartes had a profound influence upon humanity’s understanding of being and consciousness with his famous declaration “I think therefore I am.” It could also be said that in truth “I am therefore I think.”

Now many people, perhaps you, might ask what the difference is. And others might say who cares? These are some of the word plays and considerations that may only interest the philosophers in the world. Long ago in my college days, I learned that my fascination with these thoughts and subtle distinctions were not shared with most of my fellow students.

Plato with his dialogues and Descartes with his famous statement were all too often greeted with an attitude of “so what?” Yet, over a lifetime of exploring the nature of truth I have found that it is in the pondering and exploration of these admittedly subtle differentiations that an incredible power can be unlocked. It is the power to help you manifest your life purpose and destiny. It is the power to help you transform your life.

To unlock the magic of saying “I Am” it is helpful to understand some of the subtle ways that this statement works. Perhaps the most revealing consideration would be to ask, who is the “I” that is saying “I Am”?

This may seem like a silly question to some, but to me, it is an essential distinction of empowering you to gain mastery in your Life. The I who makes that potent declaration is an amazing creation, a human being, and as a human function on many levels of energy concurrently, often unconscious of all of the tools, power, and gifts with which the Creator has granted a human being. The “I” is the Soul, your Soul, that which has created and directs your life force.

It is in understanding these different tools and in learning to use them consciously, with the intention that you can come into your full power and expression of all that means. First of all, it is helpful to clarify and understand that you are a Soul, having the adventure of your life, a human experience. It is to you as a Soul that you have been granted the role and responsibility of being a co-creator with God. It is when you are identified with your Soul that you have the power to manifest the full glory, the full power and the full potential of a beloved child of God.

It is in that powerful statement of “I Am” that you are brought into alignment with the very highest part of yourself. When you state “I Am,” particularly with the intention and desire of connecting with and aligning with your Soul, you are releasing powerful magic that is shrouded in a deep affirmation of spiritual truth. Therefore, I invite you to use the following ancient mantra to help you come to conscious awareness and identification with your Soul.

It is best to use this mantra with openness and heartfelt intention and desire to connect with and experience your Soul. As you sit quietly and receptively have your spine aligned, and your feet placed firmly on the floor. Then say in your mind the words of the mantra as you read them.

The Soul Mantra

I am the Soul
I am Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design
I am the Soul infusing the personality
I am the personality Soul infused

Following using this mantra I suggest being quiet and receptive as you listen in the quiet to what may become apparent to you through the prompting and revelation from your Soul. Ponder on this.

The Soul speaks and guides with promptings and insights and intuition.

Often, in my writings I encourage you to connect with your Soul, to invoke the wisdom or direction of your Soul. I recommend that you use this portal of awareness, affirming your identification with your Soul, to make available to your conscious mind, personality and emotions the clarity, guidance, and wisdom of your Soul.

Using the mantra with your mind calm and your heart open will help you to experience your Soul.

The more you use this Mantram, the more you call upon the wisdom of your Soul to guide your life, the more you are choosing to live as the amazing creation that you are.

Your Soul is a vital part of your wholeness as a human being. You are not a person who is having a spiritual experience but truly a Soul having a life experience. This shift in your identification of yourself with the powerful “I Am” statement creates a ripple effect in your life, bringing you into greater alignment and integration with your whole self. In so doing it puts you into greater alignment and integration with God, whether you experience God as Creator, Source, Father or Higher Power. It is through the identification of yourself as Soul that you can begin to manifest your role and ultimate destiny as a child of God and your amazing gift as a co-creator with God.

Understanding this mystery of the nature of life, the nature of what it means to be a human being and what it means to be a beloved child of God, reveals so much that can be used to unlock your full power.

The potential of using this mantra in meditation becomes its reward. Using the powerful tool of affirmation by incorporating the “I Am” affirmation is something to use with conscious intention. Keeping an “I Am” statement short and clear limits the possible contamination of your mind chatter, which may resist the truth you are affirming.

When you identify yourself from your Soul’s point of view with an “I Am” affirmation you are invoking a subtle magical power and influence in your life. Therefore, choosing or creating an affirmation for yourself requires careful and conscious thought.

There is within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom an important law in the universe called “The Law of Unintended Consequences.” The existence of this law is among many subtle and powerful universal laws that might be familiar to you, such as the law that “Energy Follows Thought” of which I have frequently written and the better-known “Law of Attraction.” Many of these laws are activated by using an “I Am” declaration. Ponder on this.

I Have Created An Affirmation To Share With You Today

I am created in the substance and image of God to know love and joy.”
      – Genevieve Gerard

I encourage you to unlock your power and your potential by the use of the “I Am” statements of the Soul Mantram and to use other affirmations that are out in the world and available.

Some other simple yet powerful affirmations that you can weave throughout your day to reveal the truth to you as you go about your daily life are:

  • I am Love

  • I am Light

  • I am a beloved child of God

Also you can download for FREE a track called “How to Use Affirmations Effectively,” when you join my consciousness community.

Affirmations are a tool to help you achieve your life’s purpose that can help you manifest your full potential in your life’s journey. I encourage you when choosing an affirmation to align your whole self, Soul, mind, and emotions. These are gifts that are available to you to help you live a happier and more fulfilled life as you learn to manifest the life you are meant to live and the life that you want to live.

When you choose to align consciously with and identify with your Soul you are affirming what is true. Bringing that truth into conscious awareness enables you to receive the many blessings of the Soul. The nature of the Soul is Love. The gifts of the Soul are joy. It is your Soul. It is there for you. The more you consciously align with and integrate with your Soul in your life, the more you can express and manifest the purpose of your life.



The Blessing of Love on All that you do!


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Last updated 3-17-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Magic of Saying I AM Read More »

To Be Free

To Be Free

Read Genevieve Gerard's thoughts on Being Free

Around 4th of July,
our thoughts turn to freedom

In the 241 years since a gathering of revolutionaries met and decided to risk their lives in a quest for freedom, this date has stood out, certainly for Americans but also as an example to the wide world of the importance and value of freedom.

At that gathering so long ago, the United Sates of America Founding Fathers declared freedom to be an inalienable right of a human being. This was a powerful thought that spread throughout the world. It was at the time a synthesis of thought that emerged from the philosophy and expression of what has been called by scholars, “The Age of Enlightenment.”

Certainly, nothing in human history until that fateful act of defiance had identified freedom as a right, a right given to mankind by its creator. This powerful thought still impacts lives, governments, policies, and humanity across countries and cultures today, and will influence people for years to come.

Such is the power in a thought. This is certainly a demonstration of the powerful principle that “energy follows thought.”

I am sure that every veteran who ever offered their service and their honor to fight and quite possibly die, did so in the name of preserving freedom for those who waited at home.

Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”
     ― Abraham Lincoln

But war has always taken its toll on those who served. The very inhumanity of war, on whatever shore has left behind warriors wounded in body, mind or spirit. For many of our veterans, they long to be free of the memories, the nightmares and the vigilance required by war.

As our technology and science is applied to war we have veterans returning with unprecedented pain. There are many reasons for this. It, unfortunately, leaves those who fought to defend us with less freedom than their sacrifice granted us.

It is to provide a way to use the tools of meditation and visualization in the service and for the benefit of our veterans that I am offering a gift to any and all veterans. Over the years I have created several meditations and visualizations that have been offered to people with great success, people from all walks of life.

Recently, I created a special series of meditations and visualizations to help with many of the challenges that are faced by our veterans. This 4th of July weekend through midnight the 4th of July, I am offering for FREE a Veteran’s Bundle called “I’m Free.”

This $64 bundle is available for FREE to veterans over the 4th of July holiday week. It contains 3 meditations “I’m Free to Sleep,” “I’m Free to Relax” and “I’m Feeling Free.” For more in-depth details about these three products look here.

Please help deliver this gift to any you know who could benefit from becoming free of the residuals of war.

I have created a special website, to support our veterans. In addition to the Veteran’s Bundle gift it has articles and information special for veterans and posts from those who have also dealt with the issues of recovery and restitution from war.

It is with gratitude to those who have served that I offer this gift bundle.

I thank you for the safety and security you have provided me and hope the healing and resolution available in these techniques provide restitution from the ravages of war.

Namaste, (which means the divinity in me salutes the divinity in you)


The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. Are you a veteran (military personal) or know a veteran, send them this link for our Independence Day bonus week “I’m Free MP3 Veterans Bundle.”



Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


To Be Free Read More »

New Color of Promise

New Color of Promise

Color of Promise blog post by Genevieve Gerard

The unique tone of pink that comes with the dawn always gives me hope and promise. It always makes me smile.

For me, the color of dawn, the way the light of the rising sun merges and mingles with the emerging blues of morning as gray is chased away, is one of the purest joys in life.

The colors of the dawn seem to come with the assurance that there are new possibilities available. All that I have known to be a problem or a pain can fade away with the emerging of the light of a new day. It reminds me of the truth of the old saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

To me the dawn comes embedded with the promise that new possibilities are available today. It is a reminder that the past is past. What may come into being with the emerging of the new day is really unknown. It is a part of the magic of life and the mystery of life that change is always happening. Change is a constant in a life experience that may seem to have no consistency.

This is one of the most amazing things about life, and at times the most terrifying. That change can bring into manifestation the fulfillment of our deepest desires, and at the same time create the circumstances of our greatest fears is an element of the adventure of the experience of living. What has been before, is not a guarantee for what is now emerging. This is as equally true for our desires and our fears. Change is the one constancy in life. We can embrace it or we can flee from it, but no matter what we do, we cannot change that.

The chance that change will be positive and move my life forward to the manifestation of my goals and desires is at least equal to the chance of something I do desire not unfolding.
        – Genevieve Gerard

I choose hope with the emergence of the day. I see the possibility that the life experiences that will unfold in the emerging day will be wonderful. The chance that change will be positive and move my life forward to the manifestation of my goals and desires is at least equal to the chance of something I do desire not unfolding. However, when you add to the mix the powerful principle of life that energy follows thought, it seems the odds tip in the favor of the new day bringing the fulfillment of my dreams.

No matter what happens in the circumstances of the unfolding day, holding hope in my heart has not only empowered the subtle influence of the universal law of energy following thought to work in my favor, it has removed the temptation of worry and fear. Likewise, holding hope and trusting in life, not only reduces the experience of fear, but it also reduces stress and anxiety.

Since none of us knows what will happen in the future, remaining in the present with the promise and potentiality of the new day, leaves me strong so if the winds of change blow ill for my life, I have the strength and energy to cope and deal with events, but need only to deal with something once it has really happened. “Sufficient for the day are the challenges I face today.” This is a choice I make about how to live my life. It is a decision that I make when the dawns early light emerges from the shadows of the night. I choose hope. I choose faith that great good is coming to me. What do you choose?

To empower and enhance this hope, I often use affirmations. I find that affirmations activate a sense of my identity about what I aspire to be. We each make these choices about what we think, what we consider, what we believe, often without intention or focus.

For me, the pink of the dawn is a reminder to choose hope and believe in the unlimited possibilities of time unfolding, which will bring great blessings and new opportunities to fulfill your life’s purpose and manifest what you desire.

Hope can spring eternal in your heart and it can be renewed with each dawn as you affirm in the morning’s light, that this new day holds the potential for the very best of change in your life.


The Blessing of Promise & Possibilities on All That You Do,



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Last updated 5-22-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


New Color of Promise Read More »

Words Have Power

Words Have Power

Read Words Have Power Wisdom Wednesday post by Genevieve Gerard

A word, once spoken can never be recalled. The good that you can do with just a word or the harm that you can do with just one word is legendary.

Have you ever said something just to feel like you put your foot in your mouth? Of course, you have. We all have. But once the word is spoken, it cannot really ever be retracted. We can of course apologize. We can try to clarify or explain. But once the word has been spoken the energy it creates for good or ill is a tangible force.

I once read that a word is like a living organism, capable of growing, changing, spreading, and influencing the world in many ways, directly and indirectly through others.

To understand this important principle we need to understand that in a word is great power. The power in a word is a building block to creating the reality that surrounds us. Remember in the creation story of Genesis, creation manifested according to each word of God’s intention, the most famous words “Let there be Light” was followed by Light manifesting from nothingness.

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.
          – Oliver Wendell Holmes

How Words Impact

It is important to consider two very important principles.

  1. First is that Energy Follows Thought, so even before the word is spoken the energetic flow is empowered by the thought. This can be shown by the Japanese scientist and water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto who has revealed that thoughts and vibrations affect the molecular structure of water. Just think, since a human body contains 70% water, how it can have a strong impact on human consciousness.
  2. Second is the principle of harmlessness. In what you say and in what you do it is always important to consider the impact your words can have on others. What you say can have a major impact on the one with whom you are speaking.

All too often, we speak without thought, without considering the impact or influence our words can have. Even if you are alone, and you are the only one who hears, the intermingling of words and thoughts create your reality or influence your perception. Part of becoming a more conscious being includes taking responsibility for yourself on many levels, thoughts, words, and deeds.

Part of realizing the power that words possess is taking responsibility for the words that come forth from our mouths.
          – Genevieve Gerard

By considering the important desire to live and act with harmlessness by looking to the words that you choose and use to express both your thoughts and your feelings, is a wise and powerful tool to transform your life and your relationships. Ultimately, you need to consider before you speak the impact your words may have on others, and you need to consider the impact your self-talk has on your own life.

When you get ready to speak, think:

Is it true? Is it kind? Will it help or cause harm?

If you apply this filter to your words and consider each word you speak in light of the principles of harmless you will find your relationships transform. If you then apply the same filter to your thoughts about yourself you will transform your life.

Words have power, thoughts have power. Words have the power to incite and divide or to calm and connect. These influence your life all the time whether you are conscious of it or not so by bringing these principles to your conscious mind, invoking your will and intention to wield these tools with wisdom and compassion gives you a potent force for success in life on multiple levels. By becoming aware of the consequences of your speech, and making a conscious attempt to engage in Right Speech, you are harnessing a mighty force to influence your life.

Living consciously, observing and accepting responsibility for your words and the influences they have is one of the steps to wisdom. One advantage of observing your speech is that in so doing you are also observing your thoughts. By harnessing these two dynamic forces in life to make them work for you, you are empowering your life in a way that strengthens and supports your relationships with others but also increases your potential for success.

Finally, I leave you with these words because the intention to speak consciously and think consciously puts me in mind of a blessing may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight.

Ponder on this.

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!




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Last updated 8-7-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Words Have Power Read More »

It Is What It Is

It is What It Is

It Is What It Is

Often when events occur in our life we engage in an intellectual and emotional process of trying to determine whether what is happening is good or bad. Although a habitual response to evaluating our life, this is really a waste of our energy. The reality is that “It Just Is”. Because it is the way things are now, does not mean that it is the way things will always be, but right now, whatever is, it is what it is.

The practice of judging what is or evaluating what is, serves no real purpose in our life.

Visualizing the path from what is happening now to what we desire to see unfold is a better use of our efforts. — Genevieve Gerard

As we have explored in a prior article – Energy Follows Thought and other Energy Follows Thought related posts using the powerful resource of your mind to reinforce that which we determine to be negative just adds power and substance to negativity.

Therefore, acknowledge ‘what is’ as a powerful tool for letting it be in the now, in the moment and free the power of your mind to create with intention what you wish to see different in your life.

It Is What It Is Read More »

Feeling Free Download

Feeling Free Visualization

Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard

Achieve greater balance and clarity in your life by transforming and transmuting all of your negative emotions, freeing you of any accumulated angers, and fears by cleansing your energy with this step-by-step visualization.

Feeling Free is a visualization to help you transform and transmute all of your emotional energy, finally freeing you of any accumulated angers, and fears by cleansing your energy with the power of breath and clear intention. It leaves you released and restored.

Once you learn the steps of the visualization you will be able to free yourself from the oppression of negativity enhancing your wisdom and insight in all life situations.


This powerful guided visualization and training
is designed to help you finally free yourself
of negative feelings and emotions.



  • Calm Strong Emotions
  • Free Repressed Anger
  • Transmute Fears and Doubts
  • Release Built-up Congested Feelings and Pressures
  • Replace Anxiety and Stress with Happiness and Joy



My diverse visualizations and meditations are rooted in a rich soil of experience gained over years of studying, practicing and teaching. My deep history spans the Transcendental Meditation of the Maharishi, the revelation of Zen, and Tibetan Raja Yoga.

I have developed applications of meditation to heal and release emotions and pain through the use of the science of biofeedback. My visualizations and meditations were created to guide you to receive what you need, even to experience the oneness of all things and the source of all joy.

After forty years of clinical (mind-body studies) and life experiences I modified this technique from the ageless wisdom that has been passed down throughout the ages to be appropriate to modern times.

I have personally used this visualization for many years many times a day in my own life. It is one of our family’s favorite techniques that anyone of any age can now experience and take advantage of.



When I taught executives stress management techniques all over the country this was always the technique they found to be most helpful.

As this has been available for download (previously as part of a bundle) on a variety of internet sites, it has been one of my most popular word-of-mouth, 5-star rated recommended visualizations. I regularly receive e-mails from all over the world with comments on how using the Feeling Free Visualization has transformed lives.



  • You are required or would like to speak in front of groups or audiences and reduce the butterflies in your gut
  • You want to Easily Transmute Any Negative Feelings you may have quickly
  • You need a powerful technique of transformation to Give You the Power Over Your Own Life and Emotions
  • You like to be able to master your response and reactions to others
  • You would like to Use the Technique Anywhere at any time (without people knowing) to very Quickly Help You Restore Emotional Equilibrium and Harmony In Your Life
  • You like to Be In Control of when and how often you might need to use the technique



  • You want to continue to be tortured by fear
  • You like how your anger affects your friends and family
  • You would rather pay a therapist
  • You are unwilling to do the work to better yourself

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Now Only $8.88

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This visualization is part of a growing body of work that I continue to develop for you to have a better life. The Feeling Free Visualization helps you grow and transform, and is my loving gift to you and the world.

Because my reputation was built by delivering results for individuals with extreme physical, mental, emotional or spiritual challenges, you can be assured that this powerful visualization will work to help you reach your full potential and overcome your challenges, no matter what they are.

The real power of this visualization is its ability to allow you to Easily Transmute Any Negative Feelings you may have quickly.

This visualization can be done at any time and repetition enhances the effectiveness. You can do it, it’s as simple as breathing.



How Do I Know If This Is Right For Me?

Simple. Do you struggle with a temper? Do you react emotionally when people push your buttons or to life circumstances? Could you use a good emotional cleanse? If you need help in any of these areas, this step-by-step guided visualization is perfect for you.


How Quickly Does This Work?

That depends on how much stored negative feelings and emotions you have but our answer for this training visualization is “Immediately.” Once you have listened to the twenty-two minute Feeling Free guided visualization and training, you’ll see how easy it is to do the three-breath exercise and get instantaneous results as often as you need. It’s as simple as breathing in and out.



1. I’ve seen people waste decades of their life tortured by fear and frustrated by all of the built up negative feelings and emotions. Don’t be that person.

2. If you want to eliminate negative emotions and feelings that can affect your life then it’s best to find someone who’s already done it and learn from them. Feeling Free gives you a step-by-step roadmap for how to do it and why it works.

3. You can be the nicest person in the world, but if you don’t transcend and transmute all of the negativity that gets thrown at you, it will affect everyone, and everything that you do, in your life.

4. It’s not fair that negative feelings and emotions can be so overwhelming and make such a difference in your life. You have tried to overcome them so now let me support you in getting back in control. Once you know how that won’t happen anymore. And that will make you very happy.

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Normally $14.99
Now Only $8.88


It’s time to own this visualization now.

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This visualization comes in a MP3 format. Download yours now.


P.S. Need more convincing check out this free 2-minute sample cut


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Last update 8-28-2018


Copyright (c) 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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