Light Works GG Blog

GG Reflections on Life in the Predawn Light

Improve Your Life

Improve Your Life

Using Meditation to Change Your Life

In the vast literature of meditation techniques, there are literally hundreds and possibly thousands of techniques that have been developed over thousands of years to help students of meditation resolve a myriad of life issues and life problems.  From this rich storehouse of ancient wisdom, we can draw forth solutions to many of the challenges we face in our modern life. 

Some of these techniques may require different words to be easily understood in our modern times, but the wisdom and the power transfers easily into our world to help the student of meditation grow and become all that they can be.

For the New Year resolve to explore from this reach storehouse of meditation techniques and open yourself to the knowledge of those who have preceded us on the pathway to enlightened awareness.

The whole evolution of human consciousness is yours to explore, to bring to today what we need to create a better tomorrow. 

Happy New Year!

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Gift of Love

The Christmas Gift of Love

Today is Christmas Eve.  Around the world, children await the magical arrival of Santa Claus laden with gifts.  Songs are sung and stories are told.  Families gather and feasts are prepared.  Celebrations abound each according to their own traditions, some more secular and some more religious.  Gifts are given or exchanged.  People rush around and worry as the hour descends, spending money, wrapping gifts, decorating trees, so very busy, so very determined that a good time is had by all.

But in these upcoming moments to the gaiety and fun, let us take a few moments to focus upon the deeper meaning behind this event.  Let us ponder less upon the business and the material gifts to focus our attention on the love that is shared and the bonds that are strengthened.  Let us understand the gift giving from Santa as symbolic of the real gifts we are giving one another, the gift of Love.  It is that which is tangible long after the toys have broken or are relegated to the latest garage sale.  Although the material manifestations pass quickly away to make room for the new latest and greatest trinket or toy, it is the love and the openness of the heart that remains.

So as you give and receive this season consider the true gift that lasts forever, the gift of love.  Let that be the mark of the day that you bring into your heart and hold there.  Let that be the memory you cherish as you look back upon Christmas.

As you hand one another the brightly wrapped trinkets take the time and intention to consciously imbue the gifts you give with the love in your heart.”

And as you receive the gift that may not be exactly what you wanted, open your heart to receive the love that was intended.

In this is the secret of Christmas revealed. In this is the joy that is shared by the positive energy being created all around us as the positive thought and the desire to demonstrate our love permeates the very air around us even in the midst of the bustling crowds of often rude people as they rush about too busy and too stressed by the season.

It is the demonstration of our love for one another that is the true gift of Christmas. Let us open our hearts to our family and friends to that love.  Let us take a moment to consider and ponder that deeper meaning of this season.  Let us give conscious thought and conscious consideration and intention to the love we are demonstrating. 

And if with Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Christ child tonight let us invite the love of the Christ into our hearts to be shared with everyone whose life we touch in this special season.  Sharing the gift of love is a gift we can all give, no matter the size of our wallet.  It is a gift we can give without worrying about if it is the right size or the right color.  The gift of love is always perfect and lasts forever.  It is a gift that keeps on giving long after the dishes are washed and everything is put away.

This Christmas, make the gift of love the biggest gift you give.

With Love and gratitude, from my heart to yours,

Genevieve Gerard

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The Return of the Light

The Darkest Day Marks
The Return of the Light

Read The Return to the Light by Genevieve Gerard

The Winter Solstice has always seemed to be a particularly mystical time in the cycle of days.

It is both the demarcation of the shortest day of the year and the day that marks the return of the Light.

In this way, it encompasses both our deepest fears and sorrows and our most profound hopes and promises. It reminds us that our life is one of constant change as we ebb and flow between sorrow and joy, symbolically Light and Dark.

The ever so brief shift of the days to the return of the Light has been celebrated since ancient times by many different cultures. There is something deep within our archetypal sensing to the world that this shift in the Light speaks to.

Just as the darkest hour proceeds the dawn, so the darkest and longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere heralds the return of the Light. This fact of nature serves as a metaphor for the promise and potential of transformation to a better day, a better life, a better world.

Change is truly the one constant in life.

When the change that is coming is the return of the Light and the experience of living reassures us that this transition from the darkness to the Light is guaranteed we can dare to hope and work toward bringing the Light into more and more of our thoughts and consciousness.
         ~ Genevieve Gerard

As energy follows thought, so the collective consciousness of all of the people on the planet, regardless of culture, irrespective of religions and independent of race, brings us together as the unity of the human family; a brotherhood of man yearning for the Light to return to our lives, more each day as it brings us the perspective of new possibilities and new clarity to the challenges of our lives.

So, as humankind has done since the dawn of time we celebrate the Solstice as the depth of our sorrow, knowing it brings in its wake the height of our joy; the return of the Light with all of the blessing and promise that entails.

Let us invite the hope of the Light into our hearts as our ancestors have since the dawn of time.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2011-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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colorful butterfly of welcome change

Pondering on change,
in the midst of change.

Life is constantly changing.

Change is the one part of life that we can always count upon.

This is often a blessing that sees us through hard times.  It is a factor in all of our attempts to plan for what will be.

We might welcome some changes with anticipation or strive for with all of our might to avoid others, but change will come.

Quotes On Change

All great changes are preceded by chaos.”
   — Deepak Chopra

It is only as we focus upon the present moment, the now, that we can let the changes in our life unfold and flow free of fear.”
   — Genevieve Gerard

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.”
   — Walt Disney

Change Process


Each breath that we take, each step that we take slips seamlessly into the next.  Then, often when we least expect it we can stop and look around our life and realize how profoundly these little changes have grown until we realize that our life has entered a different chapter.

But that too will change.  So let us enjoy and appreciate each season of our life and each and every transition.  Just this being in the moment that we live, the thoughts that we have, the things we experience, all open the door to our ongoing process of being and becoming what we call life.

You might desire change, or you might as many do, fear it, but change is a part of life. It is a constant in a world in which nothing is ever really constant.

The amazing factor that must be considered when contemplating the nature of life is the power of being in the moment, in the NOW. Being in the present is life empowering. It frees you from fear and keeps you open to the many new opportunities that are opening for you. It frees you from fearing what is going to happen in the future. It frees you from the tyranny of the past.

No one ever knows what the future will bring. The future has not yet been created. That is the wonderful thing about the change it continuously opens new possibilities for you. It is the creative force of life and can as easily bring to you what you desire as to bring to you what you fear.

As you understand the Universal principle about life that “energy follows thought” you can use the power of your mind to manifest your dreams. You can dare to dream and let the constant of change in life work for you. You can embrace change without fear and welcome it with excitement and anticipation. There is as much chance that it will be a good and positive change as it is that it will be a negative or troublesome change.

Using your mind to keep hope and open to the new possibilities and opportunities that can manifest for you is how you can work with change to help it manifest into fulfilling your dreams and desires. Likewise, worrying and indulging in fear uses that same principle to work against creating what you want and desire. Because of this principle that energy follows thought influences your life, I recommend accepting change and avoid worrying (which I often call “praying for what you don’t want.”)

As much as you are able to keep your heart and your mind open to change as the force in life that can bring good. An attitude of anticipation and appreciation helps you remain both open and receptive to the abundance and blessings that are available for you.



Last updated 12-12-2019

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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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Reflections on Life

That Was Yesterday: No Regrets

Yesterday has passed. It shall not come again.  Whatever you have done, or left undone can be released into the moment, the nowForgive yourself and any others who may need forgivenessFlow into today open to the promise of becoming with No Regrets.  Every moment brings you to the NOW.  Celebrate!



Gratitude on Veterans Day

Today we celebrate Veterans Day 2011.  Today let us take the time to express our gratitude to all who have served our country to protect and maintain our freedom

Feeling Free
In this spirit of gratitude, and to honor all Veterans, and to celebrate our Freedom, I am offering for 4 days only a very special 90% off the $9.99 download price (only $1.00) of my “Feeling Free” meditation/visualization through my website:

This has consistently been one of my most popular meditation/visualizations on my 5 star ratedMeditations For Daily Joy” 4-CD Set. 

Using this Feeling Free meditation visualization gives you the power to transmute and transform the impact of your emotions on your life and the world around you.

Get your download

If you or anyone you know are dealing with a lot of emotional issues, or are struggling with fear, or whose life is limited by outbursts of anger, please do yourself a favor, invest the $1 and get this now.

This step-by-step simple meditation/visualization will change your life and the lives of those you love.

As we celebrate our freedoms, take the time to celebrate learning to master your emotions by taking advantage of this opportunity to Feel Free and share it with all of your friends and family.  ACT NOW.  TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE for $1.  Limited time only.

This visualization comes in a MP3 format.

If you like the idea of taking control of your life and think it would be helpful to you or someone you know (veteran or civilian), please show your appreciation by clicking on the Google +1 or Facebook Like buttons at the bottom of this post. (If you don’t see them just click on the FREEDOMS headline to be taken to the actual post page. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

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Meditation for Inner Peace

Meditation | Inner Peace

To quite the mind of meaningless chatter, to calm the emotions to peaceful repose and then to receive the Transcendent Love of the Soul is the joy of meditation that is available any time, any where you are, once you learn how to meditate daily.

If you would like to hear about my future programs and products related to meditation and joy, receive discounts and get your FREE copy of my article: 10 Keys To A Happier Life, please opt in to our community.

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One Day At A Time

Reflections on Life

One Day at a Time

In spite of our attempts to plan and control our lives, all that we can ever do is live our lives one day at a time.  In fact, even that is a misnomer, for truly all that we can do is live in the moment, in the now.  No matter how much we plan or try to bring our wishes or will into the future, we have only this moment of time, this now.  Refusing to accept this essential fact or trying to change it is a significant factor in denying us the peace and joy that is our birthright.

Ironically, it is in understanding this fact that we are freed from our fears and the tyranny of our worries.  In the moment, we know that we will never be tried beyond our ability to cope with the challenges that life puts in our path.  Fear becomes both meaningless and useless as we acknowledge the deep truth that what we most fear may never happen.

Forgiveness too becomes more powerfully possible as what we need to forgive is in the past, and thus looses much of its pain in the transition to the moment.

You can remember the pain, but the pain has passed.  You can worry about the future, but the future has not yet happened.

In the moment, in the now we are granted a grace that gives us the strength to bear what we had feared would be unbearable and forgive what we thought would be unforgivable.” – Genevieve Gerard

To help us bring our awareness to this moment and let go of the fears and illusions our mind and emotions create we can meditate, and through meditation be blessed with a life free of fear.  Our sorrows and losses are diminished by the realization that they are in the past and you have survived and thrived; your have transcended and conquered all.

You are here, right now and whatever life brings you can handle it and cope with it in the blessed awareness and wisdom of the now. 


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Promise of A New Day

Reflections on Life

The Hope and Promise of a New Day

Each morning comes with the hope and promise of a new day.  What was is dissolved and what is now opens into being and manifests.  This quality of opportunity seems to be held in the light of the moments before the dawn.  We are in the moment held within the embrace of possibility.  All being and all becoming are available to us.

In the magic of this moment we can release and forgive mistakes of the past and enter with joy into the creative potential of the present, the now.  Grace is ours for the taking.  All of our dreams are available as the energy from which we can sculpt the expression of our work and our purpose in the world.

In this moment of time, in the poignant pause between yesterday and today we are granted the sorcerers’ power to transform our life to reflect our Soul purpose and bring into manifestation what we have always known are the gifts we have for life.

What has been in the past has already passed away.  What we bring to this moment is the full power of our creative self to express the love and the service to life that is uniquely ours to give.

Take advantage of these pregnant moments of power and promise to open yourself to the wisdom, insight and intuition of your Higher Self to guide you in this day that opens before you.  Use the power of attraction and invocation to strengthen and support each step that you take, each word that you speak and each though that you release into the world to be a clear reflection of love you have to share with the world. 

Recognize that what has been before is not a limitation to what will be, but a preparation to bring you to right here, right now. – Genevieve Gerard

Let go of any self-criticism or self-judgment and let yourself receive and accept the forgiveness and grace that the new day offers to you.

Know to the depth of your being that in the twinkling of an eye, in the mystery of the moment all that you have known and understood is available to you.

There are no limits other than the limitations you place upon yourself.  You have the ability to transform your world today.  Everything that you need is here for you, available to you in the clear promise of the unfettered potential of the pre-dawn light…  Now!

To change the world, you need only to change your mind. – Genevieve Gerard

This is the promise.  This is the power and this is the potential promised in the Light.


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Keeping A Journal

Keeping A Journal
Can Be A Pathway To Spiritual Insight

Read Keeping A Journal Can Be A Pathway To Spiritual Insight by Genevieve Gerard

The very process of writing in a journal can help you find more joy and spiritual insight in your life.

This may sound strange, but after many years of keeping a life journal, I began to discover a benefit that I would not have been able to imagine when I began. That is the benefit of keeping a journal that naturally emerges in your emotions and perspective by the process of journaling.

To help you achieve the maximum benefits of how to write in a journal and take advantage of the wisdom gained over the many years of my experience I have prepared some tips on how to journal.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you,
pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
        – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keeping a journal can be a pathway to spiritual insight and awareness. It is a discipline much like meditation. It is a technique to help you get in touch with your Higher Self (what is also called the Soul) and gain mastery over life’s everyday emotions. The very act of writing in your journal can become a gateway to help you calm your mind and gain a perspective of deeper understanding. Journaling can become a way to open your awareness to your inner wisdom.


10 Tips on How To Write In A Journal

1.) I have found that having a special book for your journal is important. This helps you develop a mindset (trigger) that when you sit down to write in your journal you are engaging in a special and important activity.

How to write a journal
2.) I have also found that having a special pen is helpful. Personally, I prefer a fountain pen for journaling. I also like the look and feel that using a consistent ink color brings. These little rituals are not important but have a subtle impact on the experience of writing.

When I look back over old journals, I realize that even the color of ink I choose during a particular period in my life can be significant. The color often followed a theme of the issues I was dealing with at a particular time of my life. It is symbolic of a mood or tone with which I faced my growth and challenges.

3.) Making a daily entry seems essential. We all live busy lives, but for me, it seems the discipline of making an entry in my journal on a daily basis is important. Even if all that I write on a given day is “too tired to write today” or “too busy to write today,” those little entries keep the continuity in a way that helps maintain the discipline of keeping a journal. It is all too easy to drop away from the practice of maintaining a journal, especially in times of stress when the writing is often of the greatest benefit. This little technique helps show you are in control of your life and supports the process.

4.) Do not be concerned about ending the journal entry because of interruptions. Keeping a life journal can be an integral part of your being. Interruptions happen, and it may not always be easy to return to your journal. Depending upon the nature and scope of the disruption you may well be in an entirely different mindset when you do return. A series of three dots can symbolize that the thought needs further exploration. It demonstrates that your process was not finished.

5.) As you write, suspend judgment. Let your thoughts flow free of your internal censorship. It is more important to record your thoughts and feelings than you spell things correctly or don’t leave a participle dangling. If you choose to use what you have written for another purpose, give yourself permission to edit it later. While journaling, you are looking for a stream of consciousness that is an energetic flow.

Journaling is by its very nature a work in process,
not a final product.
        – Genevieve Gerard
             Tweet: Journaling is by its very nature a work in process, not a final product. @Genevieve Gerard #journaling

6.) As you write in your journal, you often find that your understanding of the events about which you are writing begin to shift you into a greater wisdom, a greater understanding. Expand into this greater awareness. Let this insight guide you.

7.) The process of taking up your pen and writing helps you be the detached observer of your life, inviting the insight and perspective of your Higher Self. As you write, you naturally begin to resolve any uneasy feelings you may be having now as the very act of writing shifts you into a state of greater awareness and understanding.

8.) Keep your journal in a private place and make sure that those around you understand that your journal is for you, not to be shared with even the most intimate other.

9.) Allow your journal to become your closest confidant and advisor. The freedom from criticism and judgment it can offer will open you to a greater insight and understanding of yourself that reveals more clearly than a conversation with another, the deeper issues behind your thoughts and feelings.

10.) Over time be sure to return to your journal and read past entries to get a profound confirmation of your growth. When I began to journal, I resolved to keep a journal so that when I was old, I could look back on my life and smile. Re-reading old journal entries often showed me how I had developed and evolved over time. Recognize you have the capacity to grow and develop and rejoice in it.

With the wisdom of hindsight realize you will now be able to see that much of what concerned you in the past just did not matter in the long run. This is a lesson that helps when you think about the issues you face now. This is a way to encourage you to trust in yourself to weather life’s challenges.

Learning how to write in a journal will become a pathway to letting you experience the joy inherent in all the little pleasures and adventures of life.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-8-2019


Copyright © 2011-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox and the Seasons of Our Life

Ancient Druids, magic and mystery, all seem to accompany thoughts of the equinox or its sister times, the solstice.  Perhaps it is archetypal or an ancient memory of times when our lives were more attuned with nature.  There always seems to be something significant about these passages into the seasons. 

Various groups around the world use these ancient demarcations of time to call for people to come together and celebrate through ritual or in some cases meditation.  Any time that groups draw together with the intention of helping others or healing the planet has a positive impact on the world around us. 

Since energy follows thought, the conscious intention of men and women of Goodwill throughout the planet unite to focus upon and celebrate our unity in the human family and help us realize how we are more alike than we are different. Realizing our oneness as a part of the human family and our bond as we observe the common changes that manifest in the world around us with the changing of the light helps bring us together.

The changes in the light from the Sun and the changes in the weather demonstrate wisdom about life that influences us on a subtle, preconscious level.  As the leaves begin to change, we can reflect upon the changes in our life and the changes in our self as we journey through life.  Autumn often seems a melancholy time to me as we loose length to our days and find ourselves moving forward into winter.  It is often a bittersweet time of reflection.

To take the time of this ancient ritual to monitor the movement of the Light through our lives by a special focus on the seasons of our life, whether through meditation, writing in our journal or sitting by the fire with a cup of tea or a special friend, the autumnal equinox provides us the opportunity to observe and evaluate our lives in harmony with the movement of the Sun and our Planet.

Enjoy this day and celebrate all that you are becoming and all the ways you are growing as you journey through the adventure of life.

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Using Meditation to Transform Your Life

Using Meditation to Transform Your Life

In the vast literature of meditation techniques, there are literally hundreds and possibly thousands of techniques that have been developed over thousands of years to help students of meditation resolve a myriad of life issues and life problems. From this rich storehouse of ancient wisdom, we can draw forth solutions to many of the challenges we face in our modern life.

Some of these techniques may require different words to be easily understood in our modern times, but the wisdom and the power transfers easily into our world to help the student of meditation grow and become all that they can be.

By opening ourselves to the knowledge of those who have preceded us on the pathway to enlightened awareness, we are able to benefit from truth when it is revealed to us without the limitations of dogma or doctrine. The whole evolution of human consciousness is ours to explore, to bring to today what we need to create a better tomorrow.

One of the simple techniques that is taught through Mindfulness meditation is to focus your awareness on your breath with a repetitive phrase such as “I am breathing in” followed by the thought “I am aware I am breathing in”.  This could also be followed by the thought “I am breathing in and out” concluded with the thought “I am aware I am breathing in and out.”  For further information about this simple technique look for more information about Mindfulness on the Plum Village website at: .

Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing. We bring our body and mind into harmony while we wash the dishes, drive the car or take our morning shower.
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Ultimately, the wisdom of all that you have ever been and all that you are becoming is available to you from your higher self (Soul.) To connect to this source of wisdom you can let your mind calm by sitting quietly observing your breath, making no attempt to control your breathing, letting the natural rise and fall of the breath bring you to a centered relaxed place. Then visualize or imagine your Soul as a radiant point of Light above the tip of where your arms can stretch as you reach above your head. As you bring you mind to the calm and quiet that comes from observing the natural rise and fall of your breath consciously with intention open your mind to be receptive to your Soul through your intuition and insight. Then maintain receptivity keeping the chatter of your mind as quiet as possible for as long as possible.

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When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

Are you feeling blue - then read my When You Wake Up Feeling Blue blog post

We have all had them, the occasional morning when instead of awaking with the joy and promise of a day opening to new opportunities, you just feel blue.

Feeling blue might be the residual of some now-forgotten dream, fear, discomfort, or anxiety.  It could be the result of some pollen in the air that leaves you a little clogged up.  It might even be something someone said to you yesterday that troubled you, subtle enough to pass without conscious notice.

Logic and analysis can tell you that today is no different from any other day in your life except for this amorphous feeling of sadness.

Because you are feeling this way, for no specific reason it is easy to let this feeling grow and escalate.  It is all too tempting to be caught up in your gloominess.

You could let yourself sink into and ruminate upon you sorrows until you can release it all with a little cry.  The little cry can be healing, but most of us feel silly to sit and cry over nothing.

What You Can Do When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

What I find most helpful is to begin by acknowledging that what you are experiencing is just a feeling.  If you observe that fact with dispassion, just that observation is often enough to make the feeling fade away.  The mere act of entering into the consciousness of yourself as the dispassionate observer shifts your awareness.  It gives you freedom from the emotion, as you are able to identify your emotions as just a part of your experiencenot your whole self.

The realization that you are more than what you are feeling at any given moment in time can serve as a portal to other parts of yourself.
       – Genevieve Gerard

It can be a way to explore your inner self and your higher self by observing a place of deep peace that co-exists next to those feelings of being blue.  In addition, if you quietly explore that deep peace and let it arise within, you may find a glimmer of joy that begins to grow.

Whether You Think You Can or Think You Cant You're Right quote by Henry Ford


Nothing has really changed in your life but the focus of your attention onto your higher self, away from your emotional self.  But that change can be significant, and most importantly, that change is available to you through your attention, by your intention and your will.


This is a more powerful step than you can imagine.  By shifting your consciousness from your emotions, and to your mind, and then ultimately to the wisdom of your Higher Self (your Soul), you can transform and empower your life.



Steps To Gain Mastery Over Your Emotions

There are several simple and profound steps you can use to help you gain mastery over your emotions.

The very first, as mentioned above is to acknowledge that an emotion (feeling blue) is just an emotion.  An emotion does not define what is real.  A feeling is just a feeling.  It is not the truth.  It is just an associated feeling that you have given a meaning to. It does not have any power over you unless you choose to give it power.

I have found that differentiating between what I feel, and what is real is an important step to gaining mastery in your life.  Sometimes the simple act of identifying something as a feeling is sufficient to shift your consciousness to a higher and more positive perspective.

You're not stuck. You're just committed to certain patters of behavior quote


 At other times your emotions may be so strong or entrenched or depressing that to dispel especially troubling or sad emotions you need to take a more proactive step. 


Fortunately, right along next to your emotions you have a mind.  And you can use your mind to help you gain both perspective and mastery over your emotions.


The Technique of Reframing

There is a simple technique called “reframing or “rethinking” that is empowering and I believe can help you at this time.

Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts and emotions to find more positive alternatives.

The technique of reframing requires using your mind and your emotions in cooperation in a way that transforms your perspective and your consciousness.  Reframing uses the power of the Universal Law that “energy follows thought.”

If you change your words it will transform your life.
       – Adam Houge

I'm Telling You It's Going To Be Worth It quote by Art Williams

As an example, my husband was in a very bad car accident when he was at college and he had a hard time remembering facts at first.  When someone would ask him a question he would say, “I don’t remember, I was in a car accident.” Months later he realized that he was creating a story, a reality, that he repeated over and over again (because energy follows thought) wherein his mind he didn’t remember, even after his brain had recovered from the accident. This made him very frustrated.

Ultimately, my husband came to the realization that by simply reframing his negative “I don’t remember” answer to a more positive “I don’t recall at this time, but I will later” that he was able to access his memory more and more and his associated feelings about temporally losing his memory then became more positive.

Another example of how energy follows thought can be a self-fulfilling prophecy are individuals who keep repeating to themselves, “if I could just make it through the month,” and then wonder why they only have enough to barely make it through the month.

The concept that “energy follows thought maybe a new one to you.  However, if you have in your life followed any of the teachings of “thought leaders” in business or motivation, from Napoleon Hills now famous work, “Think and Grow Rich” to the abundance masters of “The Secret” and new thought “Law of Attraction” [LINK: ] or Jerry and Esther Hicks with the “Law of Abundance,” and their “Emotional Guidance Scale” the concept may be familiar.

The value of using the power of your mind to manage and focus your life rather than be a victim of what you may be feeling is well known.  You, as a human being are multifaceted and to live your life fully you must learn to balance and utilize all aspects of yourself.  Part of that is understanding and using the full scope of yourself in overcoming and managing life issues.

Using the Reframing Technique To Empower Your Life

Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny quote


As I mentioned above, the power of reframing your deceptive brain thoughts relies on the universal principle that energy follows thought.  Therefore, what you think and how you frame the powerful thoughts you have about any circumstance and feeling, matters.

By engaging in reframing your thoughts about something that is troubling you, you are activating and empowering your partnership and co-creative power in a way that ignites your will and empowers you to be the director of your life.

The technique of reframing your thoughts takes you out of the passive role in your life and sends out instructions to the universe working with the dynamic energies of how Spirit and matter interact and inter-relate.   The principle that energy follows thought impacts ripples of subtle energy that affect the mind in your response and reaction to what is emerging to manifest in your life.

All too often the tendency of human nature is to allow life to happen to them, rather than use the power of the mind and the power of thought to invoke your will and apply your wisdom.  Reframing your thoughts requires that you consider what you want, replace your limiting or self-destructive (“negative”) thoughts with more empowered, adaptive (“positive”) thoughts and then apply your will power to create that.

The process of reframing something also involves evaluation and consideration of what meaning and feelings you associate with something in your life, and therefore in shifting your thoughts, your wisdom is also invoked.

Reframing does not mean one has to find a positive re-interpretation at any costs. It simply means to be able and willing to scrutinizing interpretations and re-interpretations, thoughts and behavior.
       – Rauh

It is both essential and necessary to expand your consciousness and stop the damaging impact of worry and fear, both of which are limiting and self-sabotaging thoughts.

Reframing can use affirmations in a positive way or can simply design a positive outcome to a situation.  Reframing is a technique that requires both observing and then changing the instructions you are sending out to yourself and to the universe on the waves of your thoughts.

Simple Reframes You Can Think About To Make You Feel Better

Reframe your thoughts by changing your words.

Original Thought Reframed Thought
I can’t do this I can do this because it’s important to me
It’s going to be hard It’s going to be worth it
Why is this happening to me? What is this trying to teach me?
I keep making mistakes Learning from my mistakes is what is important
This is too difficult I can always improve if I keep trying
Everything happens to me Everything happens for me


Three Minutes to Empowerment Exercise

A brief technique you can use to empower and transform your life is to take 3 minutes each day to observe the content of your thoughts as the detached observer.

Sitting quietly and breathing naturally, review the content of your thoughts, looking at them through the creative principle “energy follows thought.” Your thoughts are instructions you are sending out to yourself and the Universe.

I suggest spending 3 minutes daily actively reframing your thoughts to be more aligned with what you want as an active empowerment exercise.

During this 3 minutes of empowerment exercise, observe your thoughts, without self-criticism. When you observe a thought that contains fear, any negative emotion, or limiting beliefs take that opportunity of observation to revise, re-frame, and correct that thought to bring your thought into alignment with what you desire.

For those 3 moments of the day consciously request that your Soul is in control so that your creative efforts are aligned and empowered by your life purpose.

Let this brief exercise of observation quiet your mind chatter, calm your emotions, and open your awareness to new possibilities and new opportunities.

In this 3 minutes let your awareness come into the present, releasing your creativity from any contamination of the past.


Know that doing any meditative discipline 21 days in a row helps it become a habit. This is a habit that can empower your life, for the rest of your life. It works with the creative force of your creative energies to empower you.

So, when you wake up feeling blue, I encourage you to take control of the power of your mind and invoke and invite your creative nature to let yourself be and become all that you are meant to be.




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P.S. We all have blue days, but some people experience more than that. Learn the signs of clinical depression, a serious illness that may need the help of a trained therapist or the support of a life coach or at times medication to adjust your bodies chemistry.

P.P.S. Have a journal available to record what you choose to reframe.


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Touch of the Soul LLC and Genevieve Gerard. All Rights Reserved.


When You Wake Up Feeling Blue Read More »

Thoughts on Forgiving

Thoughts on Forgiving

This morning I was reviewing the comments made to my Blogs and I noticed something very interesting.  Every Blog except the blog post on “What is Forgiveness” had comments.  Many of the Blogs had a significant number of comments.

This observation made me wonder why.  Is it because we find it hard to forgive?  Is it because we do not understand the importance of forgiveness in our life?

Forgiving is one of the most profound and powerful things we can do.  It is life changing.  It can relieve us from carrying an unbearable burden.  It can free us to be in the now.  It can remove the filters of illusion from our sight and allow us clear vision.  It is a significant tool to transforming our lives.  It frees us to experience the joy that is in our life.  It increases our awareness of our many blessings. It is special because it simultaneous benefits us when we give to another.  Forgiving ourselves is one of the keys to living a joyful and fulfilling life.  

It is not easy to forgive, but when you do so the reward far outweighs the effort.

So… Since no one had commented on this blog post since I wrote it in June I decided to write an article on Forgivess: The Key to Freedom and Happiness.

You can read it here

Let me know what you think!

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What to Do While Waiting

What we can do while we are waiting for Godot

Often, in life, we find ourselves ready to proceed with whatever we are planning to do, but find that we have to wait.

Waiting brings up a lot of feelings, impatience, frustration, annoyance, even at times anger. But waiting patiently also provides us with a unique opportunity not found at other times in life: the chance to rest in, or be in the moment, without the distractions of doing.

That sense of powerlessness can be turned into a time of empowerment by turning whatever time we are required to wait, into a space to center ourselves, and let ourselves bask in the pleasure and the joy of just being in the now.

Surrendering to the moment in which there is nothing else to do (and therefore nothing else you need to do) but just enjoy being, in the now. Comment and let me know your experience.



The Blessings of Love on All That You Do!


Last updated 5-06-2017


Copyright © 2011-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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