Be Open To The Divine Mother On Mother’s Day

Be Open To The Divine Mother
On Mother’s Day

Be Open To The Divine Mother

Mother’s Day comes around every year.

And for many, probably most of the world who celebrates this day, it is a special opportunity to show appreciation for the love and sacrifices of your Mother.

Within this day of celebration, the bonds of family are honored and celebrated.

But, for some this day is not so easy.

Among us, in the human experience, there are those of us who did not have a mother in their life growing up or did not have a Mother who fulfilled and demonstrated the amazing sacrifice, love, and support that is associated with the celebration of Mother’s Day and especially of motherly love.

In my many years as a counselor and life coach, I have learned that this day, Mother’s Day, comes with mixed feelings and sorrow for some.  Indeed, it was for me challenging and frustrating for much of my life.  I recall spending hours in a card section of a store, often with tears, looking through countless cards trying to find one that was not dishonest in its message so I could send one to my Mother for Mother’s Day.

Most greeting cards express gratitude for the love, support, and selflessness of motherhood.

The reality of life is that all woman are not found of love or support and certainly not selflessness that society honors on Mother’s Day.

If you have or had a wonderful, loving, and supportive Mother I suggest on this day you express, not only your appreciation but that you take a moment to understand and realize what a blessing that is or was in your life.

I had a Mother, but unfortunately, she did not know how to love.  This was a challenge especially in my years of growing up.

Fortunately, although my Mother did not understand or demonstrate love, I was blessed with an amazing Grandmother who both loved me and supported me emotionally, but most importantly taught me how to love and loved me unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

Unconditional Love

The greatest expression of a Mother’s love is that it is unconditional and accepts you.  That is the archetypal understanding of a Mother’s love.  Yet, for the child for whom that was not the experience, or even for the Mother who failed to provide that experience, Mother’s Day is often a difficult time.

Loving is not easy and yet we expect it of one another as if it was, just because it is a natural part of our being does not make it easy.  This is especially true of what is considered the example and expectation of a Mother’s love.

For many, the lack of having had the blessing of a Mother who loved them accepted them, and cherished them is painful.  At the core of that pain is the expectation that a Mother’s love is just the way life is.  And, for those who do not, for whatever reason receive that ideal in their life, it is painful.

As a child who was raised with that lack, I can speak to that pain.  As one who has spent endless hours learning about love and life, there are some important things I have learned and can share that can help heal that pain.

I believe a lifetime of learning about love has given me an understanding and grace about some important things to understand about love, and specifically what is traditionally the Mother of the feminine aspect of love, that can help.

Good Mother or Bad Mother

All of us have within our psyche the voice of those who have taught us, raised us, and guided us.  For most people, the loudest of those voices is their Mother.  And for most people that is the most loving and supportive voice that they have.  For those who do not have that archetypal loving and supportive voice in their head, more discernment and discrimination is required.

The first level of discrimination that is required is to determine if what you are thinking about yourself is the voice of what I call “Good Mother”, or “Bad Mother.”  The voice you, as an adult, have in your head doesn’t come from just the personage of your physical biological mother.

Throughout your life, grandparents, aunts, the Mothers of your friends, and countless life teachers have created and formed what I refer to as the “Mother” voice in your head.  Even if you have been so unfortunate as to have had a bad mother, you will, if you explore your awareness, realize that life provided you with those who served in the role and example of what Mother’s love is.

If you are someone who had challenges with your relationship with your Mother, and many have, this discrimination is important.  The best Mother in the world was not always an expression of “Good Mother” all the time.  Sometimes your Mother might have been dealing with her own issues and challenges and failed to be what “Good Mother” is.

Unfortunately, in the more challenging familial relationships “Bad Mother” may have spoken more often than “Good Mother.”  This may have created a paradox and a problem for you in your relationship with your Mother.

Free The Past

This process of determining and discriminating which force was at play, when you remember something said, either in the past or the future is freeing and empowering.  You are not perfect, and your Mother, no matter how good or bad she is/was is not perfect.  I suggest as you realize that, use that awareness to forgive your Mother for whatever failures she may have had along the way of life involved in your relationship.  That may be the greatest gift you can give her this Mother’s Day.  And fortunately, you don’t even need to say you forgive her.  A simple expression of your love for her will carry that energy.

The process of discriminating and determining which comment that you carry in your mind chatter from the past is an expression of “Good Mother” and which is from “Bad Mother” can be very freeing.

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.
      – Bryant H. McGill

You can choose to forgive and forget all of the “Bad Mother” messages and that will expand and enhance any of the “Good Mother” messages you received.  As you learn about love you can demonstrate it.  Ponder on this.

In my life, I am grateful that through my demonstration of unconditional love and forgiveness, my Mother was able to finally say the words “I Love You.”  My mother learned what it meant to be loved and because of that learned about how to love. I feel that my being able to teach my Mother to love and to let her know the experience of love, was an empowering and amazing part of my spiritual journey.

Because of this Soul connection, and that love happens at the Soul level, it is possible to open your heart and mind to your Soul and receive healing and restoration from the Divine Mother.

The Divine Mother

The Divine Mother is sometimes called the Holy Spirit and her presence is often experienced when people pray to Mary, Mother of Jesus.

If you have any hurts or pains from the failures and foibles of your earthy Mother, I suggest that you open yourself to receive the blessing and grace of the love, light, and healing power of the Divine Mother.

Fortunately, the energy, grace, and love are available to you through either prayer or meditation.  You can, through prayer or meditation connect with the love of the Divine Mother, an energy that is also referred to as the Divine Feminine.  This is a dynamic and powerful aspect of the Trinity.

There is something that is very important to understand about the nature of Love.  That is that Love is created and ultimately expressed on the level of a Soul-to-Soul connection.  That is what makes love a real connection and that is what makes Love eternal.
      – Genevieve Gerard

The energy of the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine is integral to helping humanity learn about love and as such is a source for Divine Love anchoring on Earth.  It occurs on the Soul level and it is with your Soul that you can connect with it and experience it, learn from it, and be healed by it. Ponder on this.

I share with you today a short guided meditation that I wrote just for this article.

A Meditation on Love and
Opening to the Divine Mother


Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light.

Take in a deep breath and relax into this moment.

Put all that is past behind you as you enter into right here and right now.

Open your heart to the essence of Love that is available to you and flowing through you from your Soul, your spark of Divine Light, and your Source of Divine Love that is endless, abundant, and eternal.

Let the completely unconditional nature of that Love fill your heart to overflowing.

As you breathe in, realize that the very air that you breathe is a blessing from Source and infused with Divine Love.

As the air circulates from your lungs to your blood realize you are incorporating into your body and into your being, Love.

As the molecules of oxygen move throughout your body along your whole circulatory path imagine that within those molecules, down to the essential atoms of your existence, is the Light of your Soul.

Let yourself be one with your Soul and let yourself receive from the vast universal presence of Source, the healing Light, and the transforming Light of Love.

Draw in another deep breath as you surrender to the empowerment and infusion of your Soul, as you open your heart and mind to the Love that is available to you, that is now flowing through you through the miracle of a simple breath.  Let it heal you.  Let it restore you.  Let it infuse you and enlighten you as you calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the Light.

You are not alone.  You are a child of the Divine, supported and loved unconditionally and eternally through your Soul by the love of the Divine Mother and the love of the Creator which can be called the Father of you and of all of life.

Let yourself receive the perfect amount of abundance that is available for you, that was created for you, to empower you and support you and sustain you throughout your life so you can fulfill your purpose throughout this life adventure.

Let every breath you take give you what you need to sustain and nourish that purpose.

Open your awareness to the wisdom of your Soul and the strength and support of Divine Love that is freely flowing to you and through you now.

Breathe in the grace and guidance of your Soul and the sustaining love of the Universal Presence that is here for you and available to you with every breath you take.

Within you is the power to heal your life and live your life in joy.

Quietly sit, breathing in that love, that strength, and that blessing until you are restored refreshed and filled so you can go forth to do and be in the world all that you are meant to be.

      – Genevieve Gerard


May the Love and Grace of the Divine Mother continue to bless you and your entire family!




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 5-10-2020


Copyright © 2019-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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