Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul

The Mystery of Eternity – The Magic of the Soul

Read The Mystery of Eternity - The Magic of the Soul by Genevieve Gerard

There is no deeper conflict in the human experience than the profound knowledge that you are, on some level of your very essence, an eternal being.

Contrast that with the stark confrontation that we all know that we will experience a physical death.

This conflict is the seat of most fear. It is often unexpressed, yet it colors and controls many life decisions.

What happens at death is unknowable and unknown. This mystery permeates the desire to understand the meaning of life. This division of your dual existence as a child of God and a Son of Man is one of the great insights of what it means to be a human being. It is integral to the miracle of life. For you, accepting this duality may be an act of faith and as such requires no further understanding. For others, it is accepted as being unknowable and thus occupies very little thought or concern. Yet, whether with a conscious quest for understanding or a resignation that this is just an unsolvable dichotomy of life, this mystery can fuel a great deal of your experience of life.

It can come into a primary focus when in the human experience, we are faced with the death and loss of those we love. The pain of that loss may bring you to a longing for greater understanding.

Yet, what if I said that as you journey through your life there are a vast array of clues that reveal the deeper truth of this mystery? What if I said that the truth that you have always sensed and hoped and prayed was true?

What if you could finally understand how this mystery works and what it means in your relationships and decisions in life? Would that be of value to you? Would you be willing to take some time and make some effort to open your life to experience what is real and true?

Much of what I call the clues is subjective. You can experience the truth but not prove it scientifically. Although there is recent, from the field of quantum physics and noetic sciences, more validation that is scientific of what has been kept secret since the dawn of man. These secrets have been buried in the esoteric teachings of what is known as the Ageless Wisdom.

Questions about the eternal nature of life are dismissed as unknowable and relegated to being issues of faith. Yet, it seems as human beings we have the capacity to better understand the aspects of life that are revealed to us by the use of meditation as a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world. We can in the worlds of the ancient mantra, “be led from the darkness into Light, from the unreal to the real and from death to immortality.”

The Bible’s prolific writer St. Paul said in 1 Corinthians: 13 12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.”   It is interesting that this statement is a part of his inspired teaching about the real nature of love, for it is Love that reveals the most about what is true in life. It is love that most reveals the nature of eternity. Ponder on this.

On a deep almost preconscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends.”
      – Quote by Genevieve Gerard

When you love someone, there is a bond of Love that is a connection of Souls. That makes Love a gateway to experiencing your Soul. The nature of your Soul is Love. It is your Soul that connects you with God, whose nature is Love. When you touch your Soul, you experience a love that is unconditional and eternal.

The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable, and timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed.
      – Bhagavad Gita

Your Soul is not only what connects you through Love to others and to the Divine; it is the dynamic part of your being that is eternal. It is in coming into relationship with your Soul that the mystery of eternal life is solved. It is by developing a relationship with your Soul that great wisdom and insight in your life is revealed. It is your Soul that is available to guide you to understand your purpose in life. Ponder deeply on these words!

Your Soul is much more than a vague concept. It is a source of dynamic power and deep Love that desires a relationship with the wholeness of your being, your personality, your mind, and your emotions. It is in the integration of these aspects of your human experience that a fullness of life, love, and real joy can be expressed. It is through your Soul that you are connected with God throughout your life.

We are told in the esoteric writings of the Ageless Wisdom, that when a human life is ready to incarnate, it is the Soul that draws together the atomic substance that will become the physical vehicle for the life. To do this it draws upon the one permanent atom that remains in a continuity of consciousness from previous life experiences. The Soul then merges it with a permanent atom that creates the emotional body with another permanent atom that becomes the mental body and finally with the permanent atom that forms the personality.

This phenomenon may explain why at birth, instead of a new life being a blank slate, as many believe, an astute observer will note that the personality nature of a baby, the way that they think and how they respond emotionally is already inherent in their being.

This mysterious role of the Soul in eternity opens our minds and our hearts to the unfathomable aspect of the mind of God and the nature of man as a being that is both material and Divine. Under its guidance, your human life is created and at the conclusion of your human life it is returned to and reunited with God in the Oneness of Spirit.

Ponder on this and consider what it reveals and explains in a way that resonates with you as truth.

Meditation, quiet reflection combined with the intention to open your conscious awareness to your Soul, not only empowers your life but also provides clarity and revelation that helps diminish the pain of loss that is so integral to the human experience when a loved one pass away. Touching the edge between the material and the eternal is just one of the blessings of meditation. It has been said in many spiritual circles, “you are a Soul having a human experience.”   That is much more powerful and exciting than the perspective that you are a human, having a spiritual experience. This little shift in your understanding can be significant.

Consider how this perspective is different from the thought that you are a material being striving for a spiritual experience. This shift in understanding, this expansion of your identity, opens your heart and your mind. It is the single simple step that can begin a journey to live less controlled by fear and more open to an active co-creative relationship with your Soul and ultimately with God.

This consciousness shift can create changes and greater empowerment in your life. It is a shift in identifying who and what you are. It is a portal to embracing and experiencing the Divine Love that is your birthright. Meditation is the practice that can open your mind and your heart while benefitting the health and wellbeing of your body. It is a way of integrating yourself into being all that you can be.

I Encourage You To Meditate

As you ponder the mystery of the eternal and the magic of the Soul, I invite and encourage you to incorporate the practice of meditation into your daily life. In the world, and in my work, there are wide varieties of meditations available. Many meditations, and most of my guided meditations that I have published, can be experienced in just 10-20 minutes. In many of my articles, I also provide mantra’s to ponder on and meditation techniques to experience.

I always suggest that to begin you “calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.”   Inviting and invoking the Presence of your Soul while quiet and receptive will yield amazing results.

Just know that there are many ways to meditate and none of them are wrong. An intention is important. A very simple meditation technique, which comes from the mindfulness community, focuses simply on awareness and breath by repeating the phrases “I am breathing in,” “I am aware that I am breathing in.”   Followed by noticing, “I am breathing out,” “I am aware that I am breathing out.”

Focusing on your breath, and observing your breath, are simple ways to enter the meditation experience. Setting aside quiet time in prayer after using words can also serve as an entrée to a meditation experience.

Try out different things. Guided meditations are often easier. One of the most challenging aspects of meditation is quieting your mind chatter, particularly the negative and self-destructive or fear elements of your mind chatter. Experiment; try different ways and different things. Find what works for you. Let your Soul guide you.

Once you have chosen a particular way to meditate, give it some consistency by setting aside 10-20 minutes daily to practice the meditation. Let your intuition and your Soul guide you.

Meditation is opening a door and if you are open, it will guide you in finding what you need from the experience. Peace of mind, emotional calm, and physical relaxation are some of the benefits of setting aside some time out of your material life for your spiritual evolution.

I also encourage journaling after a brief period of calming your mind and focusing on Love opening your heart energy, then recording your thoughts and impressions.

In my life meditation has been the tool that has enabled me to live a life of joy and spiritual relationship with the Divine and my fellow man. There is no greater gift that I can offer you than to provide you with the resources to connect with your own Soul and explore the mystery of eternity and the magic of your Soul.

To support you on your quest I have identified some other articles that may be of help to you and provided a link to one of my guided meditations that I feel would give you the experience of the gift of love and the magic of the Soul.




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P.S. You can always search my website for more information about the concepts you have seen in this post.


Last updated 10-14-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


1 thought on “Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul”

  1. I am happy so much & thankful that someone, out there understands me. Thanks for trying to guide me in the spiritual world.

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