Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Read "Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul" article by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most incredible and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that just experiencing it is often healing, transformational and profound. To me, it is the greatest gift of meditation.

An important factor in any meditation is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it increasingly easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage, “practice makes perfect.”

Each time that you consciously and with intention connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are reinforcing and building a pathway to ease your passage. In the Ageless Wisdom, this is often called the rainbow bridge.

Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
            – Michael Jackson

Whenever you call upon the Light of your Soul for inspiration or guidance you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul, your Higher Self.

You are connecting to and making the wisdom of your Soul available to you. This enables you to expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life. This pathway in consciousness strengthens with each journey you take along that path.

When you meditate regularly and invoke and invite the presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are expanding your world to have a greater scope than you may have believed possible.

The nature and essence of your Soul is love, so increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of love and increases your ability to love.

Amazingly, this Soul communication can also be experienced by your conscious mind, as a healing power in your physical body and as a sense of emotional peace and calm.

This is one of the most profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation. Awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life, and especially a sense of oneness, with others and nature, is a frequent result. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy.

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Each time you meditate, I recommend that you focus your attention on aligning your whole being and all of your energies. As you do that with intention, you are consciously creating an energetic pathway to integrate your physical body, with your emotional body and your mental body with your personality; and then, raise that energy connection to you Higher Self, your Soul.

This energetic pathway forms etheric substance that is known as the Antahkarana in the Ageless Wisdom. This is known as the Rainbow Bridge and the conscious building and reinforcing of that pathway through meditation, especially through daily meditation, eventually provides support in the meditation experience and allows more conscious awareness of the presence of your Soul.

This formation of energetic substance to empower and support you in your meditative endeavors is significant in understanding why it is easier to meditate daily than at random times in your life. This is a part of the secret and science of meditation. Ponder on this!

The regular endeavor (I recommend daily) of meditation is more than just forming a habit. It is building a support system to enhance the power and breadth of the integration of your Soul within your life.

This is ultimately one of the main benefits of meditation. It allows you to increase the integration of your Higher Self with your personality, body, mind and Soul. This integration enhances your success and improves your overall wellbeing. Meditation, partially because of the creation of the etheric connection of the Higher Self with your personality, then becomes a valuable tool to help you overcome many of life’s challenges.

Every time you meditate, especially when you do it consciously and with an intention to connect with your Higher Self, you are reinforcing and strengthening this connection.

This supportive pathway in your consciousness is particularly useful in helping you transcend, transmute, and transform the tyranny that fear, anger, and emotion can exert over your life.

Fear is perhaps the most limiting and confining challenge in life. Yet, this principle of building the energetic rainbow bridge is the explanation why techniques such as myFeeling FreeorI Am Feeling Freemeditations are so effective.

Imagine if your anger were able to dissolve spontaneously upon expression.

Through the practice of meditation, especially a meditation with the intention to connect with your Soul, you can direct the Light of the Soul to the challenges of your physical desires and needs. You can clear your emotional body with that Light and thus bringing healing. You can receive insights and enlightened awareness in your mind that can be incorporated into a deeper understanding of life.

The full nature of the glory and power of your Soul is vast. Your conscious mind is limited and most likely only perceives but a glimmer of its true nature, and yet that glimmer begins the pathway in consciousness to a thread of awareness that builds and grows.

Through the ongoing and regular practice of meditation, your personality becomes increasingly integrated with the wholeness of your being and is swayed less by your physical or emotional desires.

Meditation, especially when used to expand your awareness and understanding of your Soul, can be even more significant than the health benefits of being calm or centered. It is an adventure in consciousness and a quest for freedom. It provides a portal to a profound and powerful peace and a resounding joy that impacts everything in your life.

Meditation is a tool that can be used to address most life challenges and situations. I have used it in this way in my life and for the benefit of those I have coached and counseled over the years. By using meditation to connect with the wisdom, love, grace, and forgiveness of your Soul there is no dark corner in your life that cannot benefit from shinning the Light of your Soul on it. This is the underlying principle in every guided meditation I have created.

It is no surprise that my answer when presented with a problem in my life, or in the life of others, is “I have a meditation for that.”

Meditation can empower and enhance your life. It is something that you can use wherever you are, with whatever time you have available. Although it is enhanced by a regular practice and discipline, it can benefit your life each time that you do it. Ultimately, there is no wrong way to meditate.

Using a guided meditation is often easier, and there are many available by me or a myriad of other teachers. You can experiment and try different experiences. You can learn from these and create your own meditations. Trust your innate wisdom to direct you to what works for you.

Like a path frequently traveled becomes clear and well-marked in the forest, so too does the path to your Soul become more clearly marked in your consciousness.
            – Genevieve Gerard

I have found in a life marked by many years of meditation that it becomes so reinforcing that I could not imagine not meditating. In my life, it has become the source for so much of my strength and so much of my joy that I am compelled to share and offer it to you.

I invite you to use meditation to unite with your Soul and experience true joy and insight daily.



The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


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Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


3 thoughts on “Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul”

  1. Patria A. Cillo

    It helps uplift my body soul & spirit. Very inspirational for anybody in any form or way of life. I definitely urge my family to continue ready & practicing and also promote it to anyone who is in the midst of circumstances in anyway…! I personally enjoyed.


  2. Maria Lourdes Buentipo

    Hi ma’am, i think i found the one who can help me with my struggles. I lost my husband 7 months ago and i am still struggling and don’t know how to move on. I want to have a copy of your MP3 about how to forgive yourself but i don’t have a credit card. Can you suggest another option on how can i pay? I am really interested in your writings. I think it will help a lot of people who are in the midst of any circumstances like me. Thank you.

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