detached observer

Celebrate Every One of Your Accomplishments

Celebrate Every One of Your Accomplishments

Celebrate Your Accomplishments blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Life is a fantastic journey fraught with perils and pitfalls.  There are many dangers along the way.  That is why I think it is important that you make it a habit to consciously celebrate your accomplishments.

This morning, as I began to ponder this a young man I am providing Life Guidance Coaching to gave me a call.  In supporting his growth, I had the opportunity to consider ways that you can celebrate your successes that work.  Some of the ways you can celebrate your success may seem silly or hoky, but they work.

Being human I am often hard on myself.  You may be hard on yourself too.  Being hard on yourself is human nature.  Expecting a lot, or even perfection from yourself is one of life’s potential pitfalls.

You’re Not Perfect

Of course, you can’t be perfect.  No one can!

Years ago, I traveled to Iran.  In the tradition of the great Persian Empire rug making is a tradition.  As a tourist, I wanted to see how that great art and beauty were accomplished.  I went to a place in Isfahan where fantastic silk rugs were created.  The rugs were amazing.  As I admired the workmanship, I spoke with the owner.  He proudly showed me that each rug had woven into it a small flaw.  He said that was done as a reminder that only God is perfect.

In that little shop in Isfahan, a great truth about life was honored.  You don’t have to be perfect.  Only God is perfect.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

It is because you cannot be perfect that it is especially important for you to celebrate your successes.  You may note that I speak in the plural because your accomplishments can be little victories that may come easy to others, but for you were challenges.

In speaking this morning to the young man I am coaching I suggested he make a little checklist of 3 to 5 things he needs to do every day, and then when he has done them, as he does them, give himself a sticky starThis simple ritual may seem elementary, but this little celebration of success serves as a reinforcement for you to accomplish what you are striving to do.  This little technique is especially helpful when you are trying to establish positive habits in your life.

By doing a specific activity for 21 days in a row, that activity becomes a habit.  You begin to incorporate that habit into your daily routine.  This technique is a powerful way to build positive action into your life.  The more often you repeat the positive action, the easier it becomes to do.

When you use a technique like this, it is important that you keep your expectations of yourself realistic and simple.  The sheets of stick stars are most often found in sheets of red, green, blue and gold work really well.  They are inexpensive, and you can ascribe different values to the different things you are trying to accomplish.

This simple exercise can also help you observe your life from the perspective of what you have conquered or accomplished.  The victories of overcoming addictions, such as cigarettes, the urge to drink or drug, the urge to overeat, learning to manage your anger, are all behaviors that respond well to positive reinforcement.

Likewise, for many, positive habits and discipline, such as daily meditation and exercise, respond to the celebration of success once you have completed the regimen.  Although it is true that these positive habits are their own reward, a silly way to celebrate your success of building these habits into your life is a way of honoring yourself and your growth and loving and supporting yourself.

Another technique that I have found to be effective is that when you complete and accomplish a task, get up and do a little happy dance.  Not only does that signal joy and celebration at the accomplishment, but it gives you the opportunity to get your circulation going and breath engaged in a way that brings in more Prana (Life Force) and therefore stimulates your creativity.

In group efforts, the celebration ritual of the “high five” builds greater cohesiveness with the work team and gives everyone a sense of completion and satisfaction.  These little rituals may seem unimportant and silly, but they signal your consciousness in a positive way.

Building into your life the habit of celebrating your success gives you a visceral experience of accomplishment.  Suspend your judgment and look at your life objectively.  Do you feel joy when you accomplish a goal?  Is the completion of a task or project an opportunity to acknowledge and honor yourself?  Or do you just trudge forward from one duty to the next one in an endless drudgery of too much work performed amidst too little appreciation?

If it is the latter, I suggest that you build in the habit of celebrating your successes.  Whether it is one of the silly techniques or rituals suggested on this blog, or a celebration that has a meaning only to you.  I recommend you build in a way to confirm and acknowledge to yourself the satisfaction of success.

It will increase your joy.  It will support you in the fulfillment of your life purpose.  It will energize and inspire you.  It will empower you.

Celebrating your success helps you have a “success conscious.”  It enhances your innovation and your creativity.

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


Success comes to those who become success conscious. 
             ― Napoleon Hill

I encourage you to celebrate your successes, large and small.  Let each accomplishment be a victory whether it seems large or small to the world is not what is important.  Many of the most challenging battles you face in life are in your personal habits.  Conquering your addictions, no matter how small are always a cause for celebration.

Overcoming your fears sufficiently to do something you want to do or need to do is always a success.

I ask that you not reserve your celebration of your success to only the massive and dramatic successes in your life.  Whether your challenge is only to do the tasks on your to-do list or your challenge is to gain mastery over your mind chatter, celebrate each win.

Below, I am including an additional technique that can give you an opportunity to have successes you can celebrate and transform and empower your life.  I call it the technique of the detached observer.

The Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing upon your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins a major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Celebrate your successes, check off your achievements on your to-do list.  Acknowledge your ever-growing mastery of your emotions, your mind, and furthering your alignment with your Soul (Higher Self) to fulfill those all-important steps in life’s dance.

As you journey through your adventure of life, there are many opportunities for success, large and small.  Each victory, each accomplishment is important.  Life is about learning however, it is also about doing and being.

I encourage you to build celebrating your accomplishments into your life as a way of expanding your success consciousness.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


P.S. Please share this post (using the social share buttons below) with anyone you think will benefit. If you feel inspired to help in my service to others click here to make a donation that will help me help others connect deeply with their Higher Self.


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Last updated 11-8-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Celebrate Every One of Your Accomplishments Read More »

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

– Connecting with Your Higher Self for Life Advice

Read Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Recently in a discussion with one of my coaching clients, we explored how to access the guidance and wisdom of your Soul for practical advice.

She was seeking revelation about the life challenges she was currently facing. She thought to receive this kind of clear information was the practical application of spirituality. My client insisted this desire is the reason that spirituality has relevance.

This conversation made me consider her point of view. Particularly, I wondered, what can you do to enhance and empower receiving guidance and direction from your Higher Self? Of equal importance, is the question what can interfere with receiving Soul guidance in your life? That led me to consider the process of receiving guidance and direction from your Soul as a practical real-life issue.

I believe your Soul is not only a part of you but it also a partner in your life. It has a vested interest in helping you learn and grow. However, from the perspective of your personality, the way that it provides the situations and circumstances from which you learn and grow are often not what you want. It is not always clear what is right or best to do.

You learn and grow in so many different ways. This issue seems to need some clarification. In my many years of life coaching, I have led individuals through many meditations in which they reached their Soul for guidance. There are some patterns I have observed. What is most revealing is how much of the preparation for the meditation is just a litany of what the seeker wants or more importantly what they don’t want.

I find it significant that often the answer that emerges as received in meditation is just a repetition of their hopes and desires that were expressed while preparing to meditate. That seems to be a clear signal that it is not the direction of the Soul they received, but rather their desires and their attachments speaking. In considering this result, I am reminded of the words of My Fair Lady, “she’ll listen very nicely then go out and do precisely what she wants.” It is all too easy to project your attachment and desire and then, because you meditated, assume that you have contacted and listened to the wisdom of your Soul.

Not only is this true but in the process of having asked for guidance, it is easy to have the expectation that your Soul is now responsible for what happens. The logical conclusion of this “magical thinking” is that the role of the Soul is to be a kind of “Fairy God Mother” who manipulates the world of matter to make your life easier and more compatible with your desires. I believe this is simply not true.

You can see this kind of “magical thinking” all over the internet and especially on Facebook with the number of abundance posts in which you are asked to type “Yes” to a positive meme graphic about prosperity or miracles. The implication is that by simply typing “Yes” you need only to sit back and receptively wait for the miracle you desire to happen.

This kind of “magical thinking” is a misunderstanding of the Law of Abundance and the principle that “energy follows thought.” It is no wonder that people become discouraged and confused.

What is missing in this kind of “magical thinking” is the role and responsibility of the personality. Whereas it is true that “energy follows thought” it is important to understand that this vital principle is not something you just turn on when you type “Yes” or “Amen” in response to a photo with an inspirational statement; then turn off all of the other thoughts in your mind.

What you do makes a difference. Your dreams, your thoughts, your plans and your goals are all an integral part of success.

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
           – Napoleon Hill

Indeed, meditation helps you to harness the power of your mind. Likewise, the Law of Attraction is activated and enhanced by all of the “Positive Mental Attitude” techniques you may use and employ. However, if you do these things only intermittently; that is exactly how they will work, intermittently.

If you ask, affirm or pray for abundance because you are afraid, you are using these principles to fuel the manifestation of what you fear. This is true even when you pray if what is in your mind while you are praying is fear. Worrying, I have often said, is like praying for what you don’t want. Saying a prayer in desperation without surrendering to Divine Will is an attempt to manipulate God. I don’t think that is how it works.

Likewise, typing “yes” for abundance while thinking about your fears and what is lacking in your life sends a mixed message. That mixed message is most often what you most often see manifesting in your life.

Asking For Guidance

This same principle is involved when you ask for guidance from your Higher Self. You have to stop your negative thoughts, your fear, and your worries. Otherwise, your personality will create from its litany of your concerns what you don’t want. You will not be able to hear anything at all from your Higher Self. Your mind chatter drowns out the still soft prompting of the voice of your Soul. To open yourself to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul or God in prayer requires surrender and a willingness to receive direction and guidance that may be very different from what you want.

To become more aware of how your fears and worries are controlling your unconscious requests is important. The power of your mind automatically responds to all of your thoughts. It responds to your wishes, and it responds to your fears. “The Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought” do not have a shut-off valve. It is on 24-7.

That energy follows your thought works with every positive affirmation. It also works with every meditation of intention. However, it also engages with every fear and worry that crosses your mind. Therefore, it is important to understand that what you are thinking is constantly creating what is manifesting in your life.

For this reason, it is crucial for you to be aware of your thoughts and value and respect the co-creative power that they have.

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you use your mind to live the life you desire by gaining mastery over your mind. To help you increase your awareness of what you are asking the universe to provide, I recommend that you do a technique I call the “detached observer.” If you follow my work and my writings you that will note that this is not the first time that I have recommended this technique. This technique is not a meditation but what I call a meditative technique.

Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing on your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Harnessing the power of your thoughts and making them serve you, while very simple is not always easy. Your mind functions in a multilevel way with ideas so rapid and diverse it is like catching quicksilver.

Throughout the eons of teaching meditation, helping the student gain control of what is often called “The Monkey Mind” or the “Chattering Mind” has been the goal.

In fact, the extended periods of meditating on the ‘no thing,’ ‘the void,’ ‘the sound of one hand clapping’ and other techniques that I learned in my early days of meditation, all seemed to be focused on learning to quiet your chattering mind.

Likewise, mantras repeated serve the same purpose. Similarly, the repetitive phrases of awareness that are taught in mindfulness meditations serve the same goal; they teach you to focus your thoughts and wrestle control from the chatter. Using guided meditations serve the same purpose. They are certainly easier than focusing on the “no-thing” or “the void.”

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


All are techniques to focus your thoughts in the desired direction you choose for your consciousness. Guided meditations are an effective and efficient way to harness the power of your mind to help you create the life and experiences you desire. Focusing on a problem with a focused intention on a daily basis can be transforming. The issue of regularity and repetition are key elements in using meditation to change your life.

Daily meditation need not be an arduous process. Moreover, although in my early days of meditating I was instructed to meditate for 30 minutes to an hour daily, I have found over the last 48 years that daily meditation consistently applied with intention is more important than the time spent.

When I create a guided meditation experience, I strive to capture the essence of the subject that I focus on in a 10 to 20-minute session. In meditation, it is quality rather than quality that counts.

The process of quieting your mind chatter enables you to receive the still prompting guidance of your Higher Self. Likewise, to be receptive to the wisdom of your Soul, it is important to cease your attachment to what you desire or expect in order to open your heart and your mind. Ponder on this.

This dual process of quieting your mind as much as possible and surrendering your personal will and desires to be receptive to the guidance you are receiving are crucial steps in receiving advice from your Higher Self.

We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
           – Joseph Campbell

I also recommend that if you are seeking the wisdom and direction of your Soul in your life that you set aside at least 10 minutes a day, regularly to meditate on that very subject. Then apply the technique of the detached observer by revising and reframing every negative thought, aligning it with what you feel your Higher Self is directing you to. Do these meditations with as much of an attitude of surrender to Divine Will as you are able.

I further recommend that you follow your “asking” time with a reflective and receptive time that you write in a spiritual journal. This combination of meditation and journal entry will increase the effectiveness of your request.

You Higher Self, your Soul, is available to you. When you can quiet your desires, your fears and listen to your Souls wisdom and guidance, it becomes a partner on your life journey, and your life journey becomes your spiritual journey.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul Read More »

Joy Is The Antidote To Fear

Joy Is The Antidote To Fear

Read Joy is the Antidote to Fear by Genevieve Gerard

Transcending, transmuting and releasing fear is one of the most powerful and life-transforming steps you can take on your spiritual journey.

In the Ageless Wisdom, releasing fear is a step associated with the second initiation.  As such, there is a myriad of life lessons that accompany learning mastery over your fear.

To overcome your fears is a challenge for everyone. 

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
       – Unknown

Ultimately learning to transmute and transcend your fears cannot be done by your personality and your personal will alone.  For that reason to transform your fears becomes spiritual work

Fear is so very deep, archetypal and integral to the human experience that freeing yourself of fear is such a significant step in your spiritual evolution because to accomplish this you must call upon the strength, the power and the wisdom of your Soul.

Find a place inside where there’s joy,
and the joy will burn out the pain.
        – Joseph Campbell

As you transform your life by transcending your fears, everything changes.  Each victory you make and each step that you take is profound and significant.

It is best to harness the power of your mind and practice the powerful principle that “energy follows thought” by using a technique that I call the detached observer.

To use the detached observer technique, I recommend that you pay attention to the random thoughts of your mind.  Realize that these thoughts are what you are sending out on an almost constant stream as positive or negative instructions to activate the “Law of Attraction” in your role of co-creator of your life.

As you use the “detached observer technique” I have over the years recommended that you catch yourself engaging in “stinking thinking” as Zig Ziegler use to call it.  Once you have noted a fearful thought, just stop and restate it into a positive thought.  All it takes is to use the wisdom and insight of your Higher Self to reframe the thought and revise it, thus activating your personal will to manifest the life you desire. Ponder on this technique!

Reviewing, reframing and restating your thought is a very powerful technique that can empower you to transform your life.

If you have ever used this method, or if you choose to use it right now, I am sure that you will find buried in your previously unconscious “mind chatter” a myriad of fears you can address.

As you explore your preconscious thoughts, you may find that fears are often a component of your content. 

Fear is often embedded in your thoughts of worry, which I call “praying for what you don’t want.” 

Take just one minute right now to center quietly in yourself and listen from the role of the detached observer to the content of your mind chatter with the critical awareness of how much your fears are reflected in your thoughts.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Amazing isn’t it?  Fear can be a large part of your life.

The transmuting and releasing of your fears is such a significant part of your spiritual journey that of all my published guided meditations I have devoted not just one, but multiple meditations to that goal, (I Am Feeling Free and Feeling Free.)


What is clear to me is that because fear is so deeply rooted in the human experience it is only by empowering the personality with the power of your Higher Self (your Soul) are you able to release your fears.

The personality can be engaged by seeking more enlightened awareness as you call upon the wisdom, the will and the power of your Soul (Higher Self or Higher Power) to transcend your fears.  By so doing, you are demonstrating a powerful spiritual lesson.  You are created as a spiritual being (a Soul) to work in harmony, and unity with a material being that directs, body, mind, and emotions with your personality.

In this statement above, there is both great truth but also a secret for managing your life.  Ponder of this.

There is no higher purpose to meditation than to become aware of the power and magnificence of your Soul.
         – Genevieve Gerard

To use this higher power and this majesty to be and become all that you are meant to be and live a life of joyful abundance is the reward of enlightened awareness.  It is the inherent secret ingredient in all of the ways to live in joy.

Joy spontaneously arises when you call upon your Soul and activate it as an integral part of the choices you make in your life.

That joy is the antidote to fear came to me recently while coaching someone in the release of his or her fears.  It is such a significant thought and principle that I have meditated upon it for several days now.

As I pondered upon opening my heart and my mind to the touch of my Soul and experienced the rush of joy that accompanied it, I realized simultaneously that in doing so, there was no space for fear.

Miraculously, fear and joy are antithetical to one another. That led me to consider how I can use joy to conquer fear.

Lately, in my meditations, I have been experiencing the blessing, joy, and grace of an angelic presence that I call The Angel of Perpetual Joy She is an angelic being who has had a profound benefit in my daily life.  In fact, it was the transformations her presence has created in my life that stimulated the writing of my recent article, “When Angels Come to Earth.”  As I stated in that article, Angels often choose to come to earth for the purpose of helping humanity.

In my meditations, I gained the insight that joy dispels fear.  It is important that you understand that Angels have a role of assistance and support.  The Angel of Perpetual Joy then went on to reveal in telepathic communion that Angels communicate through their union with your Soul to provide your personality a special blessing that I was charged to offer to you.

She, as an Angelic Presence will respond to your invocation by her presence to help you transcend and overcome your fears.  Therefore, with both her direction and blessing I encourage you to call upon her presence in your prayers and meditations to let joy serve as the antidote to your fears.

I invite you to invoke her presence in your life; I published in my previous article, “When Angeles Come to Earth” a meditation you can use and customize that is called,A Meditation on Angelic Presence.”

You can use this meditation to request her blessing of joy and her presence to transmute, transform and abolish your life of fears.

As you meditate upon her presence, I invite you to invoke and call upon the power and the presence of your Soul.

I believe connecting with your Soul is always accompanied by a rush of Love and Joy.  However, in my experience after calling upon “The Angel of Perpetual Joy” and meditating with her, the presence of my Soul was also magnified and expanded.  Such is the gift of angelic dedication to a particular purpose in life.

Because transcending and transmuting fear can be such an important part of your spiritual journey, I encourage you to use both the reframing technique of the detached observer and take advantage of the blessings of angelic presence regularly in your meditations.

I invite you to use Joy as an antidote to your fears.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!

P.S. I also ask your help and support to share this article with those you know who you feel would be open to and responsive to this teaching.  When you consider how limiting fear can be in someone’s life, this would be an act of service and a blessing.


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Last updated 1-21-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Joy Is The Antidote To Fear Read More »

New Year New You

New Year, New You

Read New Year, New You blog post by Genevieve Gerard

A New Year signals a new opportunity to manifest your life’s purpose and fulfill your heart’s desire.

It allows you to take the collective energies of the hopes and dreams of all humanity to build upon, to empower and stimulate you to create the life of your dreams and fulfill your Life’s Purpose.

There is no time like the present. It is never too late. As the old expression says, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

Your life is a Divine gift to you, and you can make it be what you want it to be.

You Are A Co-Creator Of Life

The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom tell us that as human beings we are all created to be a co-creator with God. This concept of being a co-creator of your life is integral to many of the teachings on The Law of Attraction and the prosperity wisdom, such as the famous Napoleon Hill book, “Think and Grow Rich” that provides techniques to help you achieve your dreams.

You, as is true of each individual, are created to be a being of matter and a being of spirit. You have a physical body, emotions, a mind, and a personality, and you have a Soul.

This alchemy grants you a status unique to humanity, a being of free will who can co-create with God, your personal reality and the dynamics of your life. This power of co-creation is inherent in the energy and vibrations that emanate from your thoughts.

This co-creation enables you to use the power of your mind to influence the events and circumstance that are available through a dynamic and powerful principle that “energy follows thought.” Ponder on this!

Use the empowering techniques of harnessing the power of your mind, using affirmations to direct your creative thoughts and incorporate the Law of Attractions magnetic power of gratitude and appreciation.

The principle that “energy follows thought” is a dynamic of the subtle and yet pervasive way in which you create your life and your reality. It requires both conscious awareness and discipline to transcend, transform and transmute your fears and more negative emotions such as anger and limiting beliefs of pessimism.

It is by learning to observe, yet not judge your thoughts, which can be filled with the self-criticisms of “should” and “ought’s” and perfectionistic expectations, that you can transform your life. I call this the detached observer.


Three Minutes to Empowerment Exercise


A brief technique you can use to empower and transform your life for this New Year is to take 3 minutes each day to observe the content of your thoughts as the detached observer.

Sitting quietly and breathing naturally, review the content of your thoughts, realizing that through the creative principle “energy follows thought.” Your thoughts are instructions you are sending out to the Universe.

During this 3 minutes of empowerment exercise, observe your thoughts, without self-criticism. When you observe a thought that contains fear, any negative emotion, or limiting beliefs take that opportunity of observation to revise, re-frame, and correct that thought to bring your thought into alignment with what you desire.

For those 3 moments of the day consciously request that your Soul be in control so that your creative efforts are aligned and empowered by your life purpose.

Let this brief exercise of observation quiet your mind chatter, calm your emotions and open your awareness of new possibilities and new opportunities.

In this 3 minutes let your awareness come into the present, releasing your creativity from any contamination of the past.

Doing any meditative discipline 21 days in a row helps it become a habit. This is a habit that can empower your life, for the rest of your life. It works with the creative force of your creative energies to empower you.

Put The Past Behind You

Consciously, right here and right now, put your past behind you and open yourself to the unlimited possibility that is available for you.

The future is a mystery still being written in the recesses of your mind. Now is the call to action to create the life you desire.

Release Your Fears

To come into the present most powerfully and effectively there are some steps in your consciousness it is helpful that you do.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


One is releasing your Fears

I have a 10-minute guided meditation that can help you do that which is called “I Am Feeling Free”.


Live In The Moment
& Forgive Yourself For The Past

Likewise, coming into the present, the “Now” is often enhanced when you forgive yourself from the past. Self-forgiveness is a way of freeing yourself from the limitations that are too often imposed by the mind that you are not deserving of creating the life of your dreams. Taking this important step of Self-Forgiveness is freedom unleashed. It emboldens and empowers you to be in the present.

As much as you can release yourself of the burdens of negative emotions, fears, old fits of anger, and unrealistic expectations, the more you can invite in the promise of the present, experience it, embrace it, enjoy it.

Releasing these residuals that can create resistance to the energy you are striving to invite and invoke in your life is key.

Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs

Another important step to unlocking the potential and promise of releasing the past and empowering the present is to free yourself of, what is often called, “Limiting Beliefs.”

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.”
        – Anthony Robbins

You have the remarkable ability to take an experience and create a meaning in your life that can disempower you or one that can literally save your life.

The choice is yours. You are more powerful than you realize. You can have more than you imagine.

Life is a banquet before you filled with delights of unlimited diversity. Celebrate it and enjoy it.

Celebrate the New Year

Now, as we celebrate the dawning of a New Year we also celebrate that you can always begin again.

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.”
        – Buddha

As we transition into the New Year, we let the old pass away as we put this year behind us.

Take some time to forgive yourself of any old mistakes.

Yesterday is history, a history you can learn from,
but also be freed from.”
        – Genevieve Gerard

Let go of your old angers and resentments. They are too heavy to carry, so lay them down and leave them in the past where they can no longer control or harm you. If you need to, use my How To Forgive Yourself guided meditation.

Free your mind of any, and all, limiting beliefs you can identify. Free yourself from your fears and open to what is being created especially for you. The full magnificence of life’s adventure is possible. You can live your dreams. You can fulfill your destiny. You can manifest your life’s purpose.

Ponder On Your Purpose

This is a fertile and powerful time of year when thoughts across the world allow you to think of ways to change things for the better. Ponder on this.

Use This Affirmation

To assist you in the New Year you might like to use this affirmation.

A New Year’s Affirmation


I am free of all that has ever happened that is now past.
I choose to no longer give the past power over me.
I choose to forgive myself for any mistakes or errors I have ever made.
I choose to forgive others for any hurts
or harm they have ever done to me, intended to unintentional.


Starting right here and right now,
I consciously release my fears
and open myself and my life to
create the fulfillment of my dreams.


I open my heart to love
and open my mind to insight.
Nothing that has come before can limit me.
I go forth from within the power of this moment, free.

Take this change in the measure of time to use the energy of the New Year to manifest a new you, the you that you want to be. The future is unwritten and in an ongoing process of forming. Guide it with your creative thoughts, into the life that will fulfill your purpose in life and fill your days with love and joy. Remember, new possibilities are filled with unlimited potential to create the life of your dreams.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 1-13-2023


Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


New Year New You Read More »

It All Depends on Your Perspective

It All Depends on Your Perspective

Read It All Depends On Your Perspective blog post by Genevieve Gerard

How you experience something is influenced by your perspective.

Everything that happens in life is always being processed, cataloged and interpreted by the combined influence of the input of your physical senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

As quickly and spontaneously as that information is noted and processed a flood of emotion is added to the situation. Immediately, your quicksilver mind begins evaluating, processing and analyzing. The sum total of your life experience is spontaneously judging and comparing what is being experienced.

The power of realizing this amazing way that information and events are being experienced is that you have the potential to interpret and truly understand an event simultaneously. This gives you great power to be in the role of the director in your life.

In spiritual teaching, in the Ageless Wisdom and in so much of psychological and motivational thinking is the reminder that how you react to any life circumstance is important. Every situation and happening require interpretation. In that process of interpretation lays a profound secret of being happy vs. sad, frightened or excited, fulfilled or disappointed.

When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective.
      ~ Harvey Mackay

Perspective is important. Unfortunately, so much of your response to an occurrence is framed in an automatic almost knee-jerk reaction to what is happening and does not come from a fair evaluation and comprehension of what is unfolding. So much is being colored by fear and the desire to avoid pain that it takes being conscious and living in the moment when you consider something to have a true perspective.

This is one of the reasons that when you do the personal work to release your fears you can have a cumulative effect on every aspect of your life.

To be able to consider something consciously requires a multitude of very important and significant factors.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider when you are evaluating and responding to something is to ask if your response is based on what is happening right here, right now in your present situation.

This is very important because the tendency to respond to something is often influenced by the past. Unfortunately, in making a correlation between something that is happening in the present and in the past, all too often fears come in. Once fear enters the equation, whether it be from the input of your mind chatter (also at times called the “Monkey Mind”), you are no longer experiencing the present, the moment, the NOW, but living in the past.

When you observe the influence of the past from the perspective of the detached observer, you are able to shift your consciousness into the present moment, and that can transform your experience of the past or the present.
      ~ Genevieve Gerard

The realization you gain as the detached observer enables you to engage consciously the power of your mind to reframe and reinterpret your experiences of the past.

To use your awareness and your perspective in this empowering way enables you to be the director in your life rather than the actor and reactor. It allows you to harness the incredible power of your mind to manifest the life that you have dreamt about. It puts you into an active and vibrant partnership with your Higher Self or Soul so that you can be a co-creator in your life with that Source.

In order for you to experience this and have a better understanding, I will share with you a detached observer technique.


Seeing As the Detached Observer

– a technique to transform your life

The first step in this process is found in really understanding the word “detached.” When you look at your life, events and situations using the detached observer technique it is important to be as “detached” as you possibly can. The detached observer does not judge or criticize; the observer only needs to observe.

It helps if you realize that the part of you that is the observer is the Higher Self. By affirming and connecting with your Higher Self in the start of this process, you have already shifted your perspective to a more enlightened awareness of the situation.

The second step is to focus your attention and determining how much of what you are experiencing is leftover fears of frustration or failure from the past. You are then able to enter into the present as you consciously and with intention put the past behind you, knowing and affirming that the past is powerless in the present moment and in the future. What has the potential to be created now is filled to the brim with potential and possibility because it is yet to be manifested.

Next you want to reinforce further your alignment with your Soul. This can be aided by the addition of the aspect of Divine Will into the unfoldment of your circumstance or situation. Your will, intention and goals will be enhanced when they are in union with Divine Will in your role as a co-creator of your life with the Divine.

Ultimately, focusing your conscious mind on being in the present also has a ripple effect on your life because by doing this you release your fears that are based on your past or your unknown possible future. This further empowers you when you, again consciously, choose to observe without judgment or criticism, stilling the toxic mind chatter of “should have, would have, could have” thinking.

While using this detached observer technique it is helpful to take deep and relaxing breaths. You may be pleasantly surprised how much stress you can relieve by doing this. Simply breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe out long relaxing breaths through your mouth.

Next having aligned with your Higher Self, and opened your mind to the objective assessment that is required to be detached be open to automatically creating a shift in your perspective and perception. This new perspective and perception are now having a dynamic change for good in your life.

With this new frame of reference you can now consciously reframe your interpretation of the situation and apply insights or use techniques such as affirmations; I am statements, or even prayers, meditative ponderings and invocations to reinforce what you have realized in this perspective shifting technique.

It is also frequently reported that using the method of the detached observer and accordingly releasing the fears that come from the past, has a healing influence on your emotions as you realize that you are not bound or limited by your past beliefs that may have been limiting you.

Remember, you can receive these benefits when you consciously align with your Soul and use your mind as the powerful tool that it is in your life.

Having now aligned with the consciousness, the Love and the wisdom of your Soul, it is with your mind and your emotions that your personality must incorporate the new insights, the promptings and the guidance you have received. You are a whole being as a human being.

Finally, to actually manifest your full possibility and potential in life you must utilize, integrate and incorporate the wholeness of yourself, calling upon and using all of you, valuing and including all of the input awareness granted to you by your body with your five senses, then appreciate the sensing’s that are provided by your emotions and the insight of your intellect and mind. This is the information that your personality can integrate and utilize instantly in any and every life situation. The simplest way to reinforce this is with regular meditation.

I have found daily meditation is a powerful tool for helping you free your fears and clear your energy field of the congestion of clinging to old hurts, past failures, and past pains. Although I recommend daily meditation, when you are working to release the residuals of your fears and your sorrows, it helps to do an energetic clearing technique throughout the day to help process these emotions.

Because of the law that “energy follows thought” you are able to use your thoughts to release your fears throughout the day while you are busy living your life. Recently, I was speaking to a friend of mine, and we were talking about 2 of my most effective healing meditations “I am Feeling Free” and the longer “Feeling Free” meditation. I shared that during the most difficult times in my life I used the energetic clearing techniques included in these two meditations hundreds of times in a day. Moreover, I still use this technique (that you can do instantly in any situation) whenever I find myself experiencing anger, frustration or fear.

I hope you now have a better understanding that the sooner you clear away the residual of an uncomfortable or unsettling experience, the sooner you can be in present time and react and respond to life free of what is having an influence over you from the past, from your fears or from your limiting beliefs so that you can take advantage of what opportunity of possibility is in the here and now for you.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 9-8-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


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