gg blog


Before You Rise… CONNECT

Before You Rise Blog image

When you waken in the morning, there is a fertile time before you rise that can be used to connect, align and empower your life.


As you lie in bed, before you let your mind start its endless chatter take a deep breath, settle your body back into the mattress and take a moment to gather Love into your heart.



As you gather that Love and appreciate and enjoy the peaceful sensation that it brings, with the speed of thought, imagine from your heart Love flowing out to touch the lives of all you will connect with today and as your loving energy touches them let it magnetize to you all who you can truly serve today and bring to you, those who can serve you.

If you are enjoying this sensation, as I often do, let your mind drift gently to awareness of the support you can draw from this quiet moment as you align your life with your Soul purpose and gather around you and be receptive and connect to the love your Soul brings to you.

You might wish to add to this brief interlude consideration of things for which you are grateful.

Then move on to your life activities and your day and this connection can bring you strength and support throughout the day.


Genevieve Gerard



Watching the Water Flow By

GG Home Dock

As I sit in my meditation chair, just outside is a canal of water.


To watch the water flow by in its endless exchange of energy with the sea is very peaceful and calms my mind.


It is said in Wisdom teachings that you can never step into the same river twice.


The ever flowing nature of water is also ever changing as life is ever changing, yet in one of those profound ironies that so influence our comprehension of the world, there is continuity, sameness to the flow of the waters of our life.

It seems in observing the flow of water, in and out from the ocean; back and forth with the tide we can better understand the nature of time and the mystery of the eternal NOW.” – Genevieve Gerard

The waters of life flow through our life and get divided into categories like past and future but remain present in the moment, in the NOW.

This continuity of consciousness like the water provides both the opportunity for sameness and the opportunity for possibility and potential as yet untapped.

This continuous flow whether it be of the water or life events creates awareness that in any moment everything can change. This potential, and the promise of this possibility, is part of the power of living in the moment.

The potential and promise of change brings hope and excitement to the adventure of our life while being in the moment releases us from the past freeing us from the burden of what has been while we are able to receive the joy of being in the NOW.


Genevieve Gerard


Simple Joys in Life

Simple Joys in Life

beautiful gardenia bush in nature

If we look around us and remain open and aware there are a myriad of little blessings and simple joys for which we can be grateful.

Perhaps it is the rare combination of colors in the sky as a dark cloud blends with a pink cloud at sunrise.

Perhaps it is the cool movement of the air on your face on a warm day.

Perhaps it is the waif of perfume in the air as you pass by a blooming bush.

These little blessings of beauty and nature make up the miracle of life.

We only need to open our eyes to see the gifts that abound all around us. These are the simple joys in life.
          – Genevieve Gerard

And, as we express our gratitude whether outwardly or just within our own hearts we expand our experience of joy and celebrate the wonder that can bring us happiness in the midst of life’s challenges.

Today, see how many little blessings you can find as you move through your life. Appreciate them and express your gratitude for them. Then notice how much more serene and content you feel when you recognize the simple joys in life.




The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Last updated 11-19-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2013-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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Independence Day 2013: Freedom

Independence Day 2013

Freedom of Forgiveness

Independence Day Freedom

Today is the 4th of July; a day that all across the United States the concept of freedom is pondered and considered.

This concept is very powerful and in the years since our Forefathers espoused the principles of governance to guide the emerging nation that became our country freedom has been a constant principle, sometimes misused, sometimes misunderstood and yet it remains a deep principle and tenet of our consciousness.

The freedom to do, the freedom to say, the freedom to think and the freedom to be are all cornerstones of the awareness of modern man all around the planet.
Today as I meditate and ponder upon these weighty concepts I am aware of a kind of freedom that comes not from a governmental system but rather from our individual heart, mind and Soul. That is the freedom to forgive ourselves.

It is not unusual that I would think of this as I have been working on creating meditations on Self-Forgiveness for a variety of different groups in a variety of circumstances of life events. But as I ponder the concept of Freedom as the dawn breaks over the skies of a 4th of July, the freedom to forgive oneself and to free oneself from the endless toxic cycle of self-judgment and recrimination seems to be important.

All too often our thoughts and feelings are trapped in self-blame, self-doubt and shame that not only limits our ability to be free but destroys our hope, our promise and our potential to both give and receive love.

This lack of self-forgiveness, this blame game we all play to varying degrees, disconnects us from those around us, separates and isolates us and denies both us and others of the Love that we all so desperately need and desire. It serves no purpose for all that you have ever done and all that has ever been done to you is in the past. It is only by your lack of self-forgiveness or forgiveness of the other that it is brought into the present to contaminate what is truly happening and deprive you of the peace the love and the joy that life is offering you in the now, in this moment, here and now today.

As we celebrate with family and friends the freedoms we enjoy, I invite you to add a new freedom to enjoy, the freedom from self-judgment, self-blame and self-recrimination.” – Genevieve Gerard

To do this I invite you into the present, into this moment of time. Consciously and with intention realize that the past is past. It cannot invade or influence this moment of time unless you invite it in. In the moment you have the power and the freedom to be released from any and all pain and circumstance in life that has come before.

Let yourself enter into the freedom that this moment grants by both expanding your awareness into this moment of time and confining your awareness to this moment of time. In this moment the past is both dissolved and resolved. In this moment all you have ever experience can be released because it is in the past. You are free from it. You are unfettered and released in the awareness that because it is in the past it cannot be altered or changed, but it can be forgiven.

In this moment is a magic that lays before you a future that has not been written that holds a potential and a promise that everything can be different and new from everything that has ever come before. This power is available to you as you enter into the reality and realization of what is truth, without the distortion of the past. Accepting this moment, while releasing and forgiving what has been, while opening yourself to all that can be, all that can happen in this ongoing adventure of life.

Shedding the past as the worn out garment you have worn and worried too long invites you into NOW and gives you true freedom, the freedom to be and the freedom to become all that you have ever longed to be.

Accept this freedom, release the past through self-forgiveness and embrace the full possibility of your life to celebrate true independence.

Happy Independence Day. Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life. Go forth freed from past errors and mistakes to fulfill you higher purpose and destiny.


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Wealth and Abundance

Differentiating between

Wealth and Abundance

Wealth and Abundance

Recently, while I was talking with a spiritual friend of mine he shared an insight a mutual friend of ours had that felt very significant. That insight is that many of us when focusing on manifesting our needs don’t understand the difference between wealth and abundance.

Often the lives of those who follow the principles of the Law of Attraction have lives of great and glorious abundance. What they may not have is abundance of wealth. What they may need is wealth. If you think of your own life, as I thought about mine through this filter, there may be a significant shift in your energy. Manifesting wealth is very different from manifesting abundance.

There are many wealthy people who lack abundance and as many spiritual people know there are many whose lives are overflowing with abundance that lack the wealth necessary for their needs.

Take a moment and consider and review your own life within the context of these two very different energies. Ponder upon which you need and which you need to manifest in your life. If you already have an abundant life take a minute to realize that and express your gratitude. If what you need is to manifest greater wealth then shift your words and intention when you practice your meditation or prayer and visualize with this clear differentiation in mind.

If what you need is to manifest greater wealth then shift your words and intention when you practice your meditation or prayer and visualize with this clear differentiation in mind.” – Genevieve Gerard

This subtle change, this subtle shift, will unleash great change in your life. Words possess great power and using the word that truly reflects what you need, especially when working with the Law of Attraction is very important. Consider this differentiation between abundance and prosperity. Remember that energy follows thought. Consider what you need and what you desire so your message to your Higher Self and your message to Source can be both accurate and clear.

Ponder on this and realign your thoughts to ask for what you need. This increased clarity can only enhance your ability to manifest in your life. Take a moment and comment about this below.


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Soul Purpose

The Joy of Expressing Your Soul Purpose

Expressing Soul Purpose by Genevieve Gerard

Recently, I was having a conversation about expressing your soul purpose with one of my dear friends. The dialogue prompted me to write this blog post on the joy of expressing your soul purpose.

Each of us has within us a sense of our true purpose in life, the reason for which we entered into life and donned the garments of a body, emotions, and mind. Having experienced life many times throughout the ages, we knew that we would be presented with challenges and lessons as we journeyed on our quest.

These challenges we accepted, these lessons we desired knowing they would nurture our development and allow us to grow and become and be a material expression of our essential being.

Having tread before the path of life we know there are dangers and pitfalls along the way. These we accept and acknowledge as we enter into incarnation before we forget who we truly are and what we truly are.

When we touch that purpose and express that purpose we are filled with a sense of joy. We are filled with the excitement of the promise and potential of life.

We can use that joy, that excitement, that delight, as a signal and direction from our Soul that we are fulfilling our purpose, our reason for living in this time, in this place, in this NOW. When we are aligned with our Soul purpose and manifesting our life purpose, fulfilling our hearts desire we are granted the strength of perseverance. We are fortified to stand even when others deny our purpose or fail to support us.

The support of our Soul and the joy that it bestows is sufficient to our need and carries us forward.
        – Genevieve Gerard

It connects us to Source and provides for us in ways that are often miraculous and unexpected. When we transcend our fears and release our attachments and enter into this relationship with our Soul and surrender to manifesting in the world the work and service we have come to do we begin to live in joy and possess a peace that truly passes understanding.

Therefore, follow your bliss; and let your joy be your guide. Only you can fulfill you purpose in life. Celebrate that truth. Enjoy this adventure we call life wherever the road may go. It is your destiny.



Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Last updated 11-29-2017


Copyright © 2013-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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Mothers Day 2013

Mothers Day 2013

Mothers Day 2013

Today (Mother’s Day 2013) I offer this Meditation on the Gift of Unconditional Love, free to you.

I hope it blesses and empowers your life with Love.

The blessing of Love on all that you do.

Genevieve Gerard




Just click on the Add To Cart button and use coupon code “mothers day” at checkout to get this $10 medition on Unconditional Love for free (our checkout system will ask for your credit card details but will not charge your card)

Free Meditation on Gift of Unconditional Love Meditation on the Gift of Unconditional Love MP3 Download FREE WITH COUPON CODE “mothers day”



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Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn | Genevieve Gerard
As the last breath of darkness surrenders to the Light of the dawn, I am reminded that the Light has the power over the dark

As a single candle can dispel the darkness, positive thoughts in our mind can dispel the fears that try to hold us captive

Each time we assert our dominion over the tyranny of fear we strengthen the Divine Light within us.  And as surely as the Sun chases the night from the sky, so our affirming and embracing positive thoughts activates the law of the universe that energy follows thought, which places the power for our life firmly in our hands.



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New Possibilities

Today, new possibilities reveal themselves.

Today, I open my awareness to the potential of transformation and healing.

Today, I am free of the mistakes and misunderstandings of the past, as I enter into this day renewed.

Today, the past is behind me. Now is my moment. The future is as yet unwritten.


Goodness and mercy are mine to claim in a celebration of the joy of being.


What new possibilities related to transformation have been revealed to you today, please comment and let us know.

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New Opportunities

New Opportunities

In our life we are given many opportunities to begin anew.  Today signifies a New Moon, the chance to start a new cycle.  Astrological and esoteric traditions tell us that at the New Moon, seeds of thought and energy are created, which develop and mature as the moon grows to its fullness.  The demarcation of a New Year has just passed for the Western calendar, and Chinese New Year lies immediately ahead, on February 10th.  Thus celebrations of a new start and new beginnings have been enjoyed by mankind for thousands of years.

The chance to put the past behind us and enter into present time with all of its promise and potential is an exciting and hopeful aspect of our great adventure in life.

It is this hopeful promise that is part of the joy that each day, each new dawn, brings to me.  The wonderful thing about these plentiful markers of new beginnings, from a new day to the New Moon or a New Year, is they can be used as a time of reflection or meditation, empowering us to truly put the past behind us and enter into now.

There are also opportunities to forgive yourself of any past failures, and to forgive others of any past wrongs or betrayals.  Each new day, each new moon and each New Year reminds us that our most powerful time is now.  It is in the present that our full promise and full potential are available to us.

Whether we are young or old there is truth in the saying “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Celebrate it by letting go of the past and entering to the power of Now with all of the freedom and joy that offers you, right here and right now.

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Ponderings on a Christmas Morning

Ponderings on a Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas 2012
Today we celebrate the birth of the Christ.  We celebrate by giving gifts and joining together with friends and loved ones.  We celebrate in the remembrance of the gift from God of the birth of him who was to become the World Savior. He through an act of complete obedience and surrender sacrificed his all. In so doing he eliminated of the separation of mankind from God and anchored Divine Love on earth. 

The life of Christ was both a miraculous and a mythical event that fulfilled prophecies and enacted rituals unknown to our understanding.  Just the foretelling of his life was sufficient to make a Cosmic Star rise in the east and, the Angelic hosts sing. 

Since the life and willing sacrifice of the Christ, much has changed in the world.  There is still great work to be done in the world for the Love that was grounded by the Christ 2000 years ago to become manifest on earth and reign in the hearts of humanity.

We can join in this great work by living in Love, expressing love, demonstrating love and letting love guide our thoughts, our feeling and our actions.  The more we can express love in our life, the more we can give love in our life, and then we are filled with the joy of love and the ability to live our life more abundantly.


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The Blessing of Beauty

The Blessing of Beauty

It is all too easy to take for granted the blessings we have in our lives.  This morning, as I watch the light chase away the shadows and bring into focus the world before me, I realize how we can fail to notice the beauty that surrounds us, the blessings that surround us.  Nature in her glorious abundance makes a gift to us that we may easily ignore.


The simple joy, the subtle beauty of the light of the morning, is part of an ever-changing, constantly renewing demonstration that we only need open our eyes to see.” -Genevieve Gerard

No dawn is a repeat performance.  Each dawn is a unique blessing, its own gift.  We receive this gift whether we are rich or poor.  It is available to us by simply opening our eyes and observing.  It is an ever-changing drama, readily available for our enjoyment, our pleasure, our blessing.

This awareness leads me to ponder the question, how many other experiences in our life do we take for granted and thereby ignore?  How many blessings are we being given that we fail to see and fail to appreciate as we hurry and scurry from event to event, caught up in the glamour of busyness?

Today, now, in this moment of time, let us focus our awareness on the beauty that surrounds us, the blessings we may not have observed or have taken for granted.  Let us open our minds and hearts to appreciate all that is being given to us, right here, right now.

Let us focus our attention on what we have, instead of what we think we need or believe we want.  And in this spirit of receiving, let us allow our gratitude and our joy to spring forth.

Let us enjoy this experience of observing and appreciating the beauty that surrounds us and the blessings that are available to us each moment, each day.

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The Joy of Earth’s Beauty

The Joy of Earth’s Beauty

Life on Planet Earth is challenging. Mired in matter and all too often ruled by greed it is often known as a veil of tears. Love, the universal principle of our spiritual being is obscured by our desire nature, our glamour’s and illusions. Suffering and a sense of separateness keep us from experiencing the joy that is available to us if we could just break free to access the fullness of our being.

Meditation can reveal the potential of joy that resides within us, but sorrow and suffering are triggered by so many events and so much of the negative offerings of our mind chatter that is easy to slip away from the consciousness of our Soul’s nature as we return to life even from the most exalted of meditative experiences. It seems unfair that we, the citizens of planet earth should be so rationed.

Yet, as I ponder this I realize as I look around that we have been blessed with the portal to thousands of joys by the beauty that surrounds us. From the first glows of the light of dawn to the last streaks of the sunset across the sky, beauty is available to us. To the verdant green of the rainforest to the windswept sands of the Sahara, and in way the light is captured by the ripples in the water all around this planet, the gift of beauty is here for us as a portal to joy if we only choose to take advantage.

Within the myriad of manifestations of life on this planet, plants, flowers, birds and insects, water and clouds and the whole of nature combine to offer up to us the potential to portal to joy by observing and appreciating the vast and awesome beauty that surrounds us every minute of every day.

If we take a pause to look around us we can see this reminder of the joy that is available to us. If we draw in our breath, or feel the gentle movement of the air that surrounds us we can open our eyes to beauty. This beauty can open us to joy.

Take a minute to just breathe in and appreciate all the beauty that is here for us in life. It is there for us in each moment no matter what sorrows batter our lives. It is free for the taking as a gift from life to every man, woman or child who walks on this earth. And no matter how caught up we get in our busyness, our stresses and our struggles, beauty is there to remind of us the joy, the peace and the potential life offers us in the moment.

In gratitude let us appreciate this gift and enjoy these gifts of beauty of life on planet earth.

Genevieve Gerard

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New Group of World Servers

New Group of World Servers

– Those who work for a better world

New Group of World Servers photo

Throughout the world are men and women of Goodwill, men and women who work tirelessly to help their fellow man. These people live in every nation but transcend all borders. They are citizens of Planet Earth. Their work is not heralded. It may never be noticed by the media. Yet this world is impacted daily by their efforts.

They may not be known to one another but they are drawn together in a vision of the potential for a better world.

They belong to many different religions, many different groups and many different clubs.

The principles they aspire to are self-forgetfulness and harmlessness and right speech.

You can help support their work by joining people all around the world in all languages at 5pm daily.

They are known as The New Group of World Servers.

This invocation incorporates the principle that energy follows thought. It is a simple act that helps align you positively with a better world. It requires no belief. It takes only a moment of joining in your intention. Your voicing this invocation helps support their work for a better world.

The Blessing of the New Group of World Servers

May the Power of the One Life
pour through the group of all true servers;

May the Love of the One Soul
characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.

May we fulfill our part in the One Work
through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.

  • Self-forgetfulness – We are demonstrating self-forgetfulness any time we respond to the needs of another without considering our desires or our needs or our personal ambition. This is an act of service and most often engaged in as a demonstration of love.
  • Harmlessness – This is being aware of the consequences of our actions (often unintended) and making a conscious choice to do no harm to another.
  • Right Speech – Words have power. It is important to use that power wisely to use the power of your intention and your will to bring about good.

You are invited to join in this effort of world service each day in a brief meditation at 5 p.m., your local time wherever you are, by just voicing the Blessing of the New Group of World Servers above.

Namaste and thank you for joining in this great service. Please share this with other like-minded friends.


Last updated 9-5-2018


Copyright © 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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Independence Day

U.S. Independence Day

4th of July

U.S. Declaration of Independence signing

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America developed the principles of our great country as a part of an experiment in consciousness; they supported and encouraged an energetic movement in consciousness referred to by esoteric and wisdom practitioners as the “overall plan of evolution.”

Prior to Thomas Jefferson penning the immortal words “We hold these truths to be self-evident”, the truths espoused in the Declaration of Independence were anything but self-evident in the history of mankind in governance.  Most of our Founding Fathers were influenced by the thoughts and writing of what is known in the development of thought and consciousness as “The Age of Enlightenment.”

Often I have pondered on the convergence that occurred in the development of mankind that brought into incarnation such an amazing group of thinkers who emerged at the time of the American Revolution.  This movement, forward in consciousness, was spearheaded by not only one great thinker or philosopher but rather a group of like-minded men who were not only brilliant but who understood the lessons of the history of human development and the foibles of individuals.  Their willingness to incorporate the fragility of the individual and to understand the dangers of too much power in the hands of too few is seen throughout their dialog and debates.

From the wit and the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin to the poetic idealism of Thomas Jefferson and the profound pondering and thinking of John Adams these were men who were aware of the way the world worked and they worked to build in safeguards to protect this amazing republic they were crafting.  They knew well the dangers of greed and human nature.  As students of history they worked tirelessly to create a structure of government that was wise and compassionate.  Wherever possible they tried to build in safeguards, checks, and balances.

They knew that this Republic they were forming was unprecedented in the long history of humanity.  They knew the importance of these principles, these truths that they were willing to risk their lives to bring into being.  They understood that a government contained would grant unprecedented potential to future generations.

History tells us these men were willing to debate and negotiate tirelessly often far from the comfort and support of their families and loved ones until they had, through dialog and debate, chosen just the right word.

They understood the power in a word and the power of intention and the ways that thoughts have power.  They worked on and on, finding points of compromise that did not compromise their principles.  They constantly held themselves to a higher standard realizing this work in which they were engaged, this sacred task of providing governance, took sacrifice and honor, and they held themselves to that standard.

They certainly did not always agree, but they worked together until they found a point of agreement that did not violate their beliefs for the sake of expediency.  They examined the decisions that they made in the light of an understanding that the best of intentions could have unintended consequences that could be disastrous to the life and integrity of what they were creating.

If we read the letters of the times we see the struggles of these men to work together in spite of vast differences in backgrounds, economy, and values.  One theme that emerges in their writings as a constant value was their belief in the importance of honor and a sacred duty to those they gathered to represent in the present and as best they could project the implications for the future.

They knew this experiment needed organic growth and the ability to evolve and change along with the evolution and change of the citizens.  They did not always agree.  In fact, they often disagreed on not only what to do or how to do it, but even why it should even be done.  But they knew it was important to find that place of agreement, that place of unity and unification for the common good.  In reading their stories and struggles we are given a guide for our modern times.

They knew the people were capricious and selfish.  By entrusting the decisions of the future into the hands of various layers of representation and decision making they tried to develop a structure and a system that would balance out the diverse cries of the crowd.  They built in not only a series of checks and balances in the dual representation process but in the balance of powers between the branches of the government.  They built in a process that would slow the changes that could be made to the Constitution in a way that allowed the time to cool men’s passions and required thoughtful consideration of the issues at hand.

As evidenced by the famous “remember the ladies” exchange of letters between Abigail and John Adams (click here for the “remember the ladies” letters), they knew they could only move forward at a pace that was congruent with the consciousness of the times.

They warned and foresaw many dangers on that day hundreds of years ago when they risked their lives to pen their names on the Declaration of Independence.  They knew the risk.  Benjamin Franklin’s statement on that day right before they signed summed it all up, “Come now gentlemen, we must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Come now gentlemen, we must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
   – Benjamin Franklin

They knew that the Republic they were forming would take vigilance to maintain as evidenced by the words of Benjamin Franklin after the signing of the Declaration of Independence; he was reportedly asked by a lady, “well doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”  He famously replied, “a republic madam, if you can keep it.”

The responsibility of keeping a Republic vital and moral was also reflected in the words of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote “Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.”

Our Fore Fathers knew that what they were building was only a framework for Freedom.  The Bill of Rights was still to come after the hard work of negotiating the Declaration of Independence, the work we celebrate today was the hard negotiation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Throughout this process of compromise reaching common ground with representatives of diverse belief and different cultures they worked for compromise without compromising their deepest beliefs, and their “sacred honor”.

Today, and in the days to come, as we ponder this gift they gave us, let us take time out to be grateful for the sacrifices they made to create this great experiment in governance that has forever changed what humanity requires of its leaders.  They provide an example that I hope is a renewed commitment to every representative in Congress, to every representative in Senate and to every Judge in every office of the nation, and every layer of the executives of our government from the White House to Main Street in the smallest town.  You have been given a sacred honor, a sacred responsibility that is not to be dismissed for ease or expediency.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. Are you a veteran (military personnel) or know a veteran, send them this link for our Independence Day bonus week giveaway “I’m Free MP3 Veterans Bundle.”


Last updated 7-3-2018


Copyright © 2012-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul


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