You Can Heal Your Life

You Can Heal Your Life

Read "You Can Heal Your Life" article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a continuation of my on-going series on Healing.

There is a direct relationship between your ability to heal your life and your ability to connect with your Higher Self.

The more consciously you can experience this integral part of your being, the more impact it has on your life experiences.

This integration influencing your awareness opens you to a myriad of benefits that can empower your life.  There is a direct relationship between this and self-healing.

Within your being, there is a variety of energies that relate to being healed.  There is physical healing; this is focused on ailments and limitations that are physical in their nature.  There is emotional healing; this is often one of the most challenging aspects of healing.  It involves bringing the volatile diverse emotional sensations into integration and alignment.  Emotional healing may require releasing your fears that inhibit you or stop you from taking advantage of new opportunities.

Overcoming fear is a frequent need for healing.  Fortunately, transcending fear is a significant life lesson that responds well to spiritual healing and techniques such as meditation that put you in touch with your Higher Self.

There are many spiritual lessons that have a dramatic impact on emotional healing.  These include forgiveness, learning to come into the present moment and lnearing to center your energies.

Healing also requires focusing the power of your thoughts; this involves using your personal will and intention and harnessing the creative power of your mind.

Healing is a complex issue requiring the integration and inclusion of the wholeness of your Self; this means your Higher Self, your physical self, personality and your emotions and mind.

The relationship between your thoughts and your life is renowned.  These thoughts lead to such bold statements as:

If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.
      – Louise L. Hay

Healing takes place on all of these levels.  Your Higher Self, also known as the Soul, serves as the director of this integrative process.  Ultimately, the reformative energy that creates healing, physical, emotional or mental comes from your Soul.

The role of the Soul in the process of healing is also protective.  Your Soul, as the spark of Divine Light within you, has an awareness of factors that may well not be clear or significant to you as a personality composed of mind, emotions, and physical being.

This protection of the Soul is why in striving to heal either yourself or another, the Ageless Wisdom instructs firmly to incorporate surrender to Divine Will and Divine purpose into your request for healing.

In my many years of studying healing, there are many phrases that I have been instructed to use.  Among these are, “I ask this in accordance with God’s will” or “within God’s Will and for the highest good of all.”

These protective phrases align your purpose with the higher purpose in life.  Aligning your personal will with the Divine Will serves to prevent unintended consequences.  Illness, injury and dis-ease, all can serve a purpose in helping you learn and grow.  These experiences can reveal an incredible mystery, ponder on this.

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Through adversity, illness, and injury, it is possible to experience remarkable growth and ultimately bring your life closer to fulfilling your purpose.

Healing is ultimately about healing your life.  Whether the healing needed is primarily physically, emotionally or the opening and empowering of your mind, healing is about opening yourself to greater understanding and awareness of your higher self.

In the practice of healing, there is a phrase that describes this process.  It refers to an illness or an injury as a healing crisis.  That perspective helps you see an ill-ness as a manifestation of dis-ease.  When you bring your life into balance and are aligned with your Higher Power (your Higher Self) you open yourself to miraculous healing potential.

If you consider every life event as a situation or circumstance that has an opportunity for transformation and growth, you have already made a shift in your consciousness that empowers you. Ponder on this.

Sometimes a miracle is a change in material conditions, such as physical healing.  At other times, it is a psychological or emotional change.
      – Marianne Williamson

Whatever part of your being requires healing, it is subject to your Soul.

Prayers for healing and affirmations of healing, all help to focus your Higher Self on a particular need or desire for healing.  Moreover, when you look at your life, considering what you can learn from illness or injury, you empower yourself to transcend, transform and transmute; in other words heal.

A powerful mantra that speaks to this point invokes:

Let the Soul control the outer form and life all events, and
bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.
      – Mantram of Unification Invocation for the New Group of Word Servers

Because healing is ultimately the work of the Higher Self (Soul), whether, in you or another, all healing is spiritual healing.  Which part of the being requires healing does not matter.  Healing can be physical, emotional or psychological.

The actual mechanism of healing requires a synthesis of a person and their Divine spark that is known as the Higher Self.

Real healing takes place from the Soul level. 
Everything else is just treatment.
      – Genevieve Gerard

When the lesson is learned, or the purpose for which the dis-ease was created has been accomplished, there is a significant release of energy, which often can result in miraculous healing.  In discussing this issue is it important to remember that to the Soul, which is the eternal part of your being, even physical death can be seen as the ultimate healing.

This perspective on the true nature of healing may be different for you, yet, if you have ever sat beside a loved one in the end stage of life or watched the sense of peace that comes with the last breath of life, you will understand this perspective.  It is a perspective that is wise to keep somewhere in your awareness when you are praying for or invoking healing.  It is a perspective that helps you stay aligned and centered in Divine Will and focused and surrendered to Right Action.

Healing is always miraculous.  It is a blessing available to you to heal your life when you are touched by the healing power and the healing presence of your Higher Self.  Remember and affirm, “I can heal my life!”



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 9-16-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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