When You Want To Heal Someone

When You Want to Heal Someone

When You Want To Heal Someone - Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on healing.

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned healer when you want to give healing Light and provide energetic healing there are some important things to keep in mind.

These healing (literally meaning to make whole) guiding principles can increase the effectiveness of energetic healing and protect both you and the one you are striving to heal.

However, there are some ways that you can make sure that in your desire to provide healing you avoid unintended consequences and assure that right action is the result.  These are some of the important understandings that can guide your efforts.  They also can serve as a protection for the one to whom you are giving or sending Healing Light.

You need to remember that healing is a complex process that involves many factors.  Many of the factors and the dynamics that have resulted in dis-ease may be unknown to you as the healer.  There may be a Higher Purpose to the dis-ease or an important life lesson that is being revealed to the person by the disease.

These reasons and purposes are usually not known to the conscious mind.  The reasons may be a result of karma or things the person facing the dis-ease needs to learn through the dis-ease or come to understand about their choices, their decisions or their behavior.

Healing, true healing, happens on multiple levels and may require layers of healing, physical, emotional and mental.

It helps if you understand, all healing is in the sole direction and authority of the Soul.  The Soul is the part of the spiritual anatomy that, in its role as the Divine spark within you, that gathers from Universal Source the atoms that become your body for you to be born.  There are a myriad of miracles and factors that influence this process.  There are universal laws that must be considered as a new life is formed for a new birth.  Your Soul remains integral and essential in all healing.   It plays a vital part in both allowing the dis-ease and healing the disease.  It plays a vital role in bringing to you what you need to learn from every life situation.

Throughout your life adventure, your Soul remains a part of you.  Whether you are ever aware of it, or whether you connect with it as a source of unconditional love, guidance, and support (as I recommend.)  It is always with you from your first breath to your last, where it returns to the Creator.  It is an integral part of you.  It is a part of you as your life is being formed in the mind of God and it is the part of you that is eternal and returns when your life is through, to the heart of God.

It connects you to your Guardian Angel.  It functions unseen and unknown to help you learn and grow in this life’s adventure.  It is fundamental in any healing.  It is the force to which a healer provides energetic healing.  As a healer, you use your energy and your love to enhance and support the work and purpose of the Soul.  I believe any different direction of healing energy will miss the mark.

It is always the Soul that heals.  That is something to be grateful for because the Soul is never disconnected from Universal Source (God.)  The Soul is by its very nature both aware of and in complete alignment with Divine Will.  That is an important protection for the one you seek to heal.  The Soul being united with Divine Source in the process of creating the substance of your life remains as the force that directs and empowers what is good and right.

Not my will, but Thine be done.
        – Jesus

It also speaks to a very important factor for when you are engaging in energetic healing.  It is essential that at all times you remain aligned with Divine Will.  This can at times be difficult when you are providing healing to someone you love, but this alignment and surrender to Divine Will is an essential part of energetic healing.  To provide healing to another without the possibility of harm requires detachment.  This is why effective energetic healing is often incorporated into prayer in which the “healer” prays for healing.  I always use in any request for healing the protective phrase “within God’s will and for the highest good” I invoke the healing of… .

It is true that thoughts are energy and true that “energy follows thought” in every aspect of life, including energetic healing.  However, this ability to surrender to Divine Will is a core part of the responsibility of an energetic healer.  Although it is not always easy to consider or remember, death can be a part of the healing process.

If you have ever been with someone, who has lingered on the edge between life and death too long, you will understand this statement.  Life extended at all costs is not a blessing.  There is a reason they call death an Angel.  If you have ever sat with someone at the end of his or her physical life, you will start to understand what I mean.  Death can be a blessing and a transition to the next phase of life. Ponder on these thoughts.

As I write these words, I am reminded of the last line of the St. Francis prayer, “And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”  It is all too easy to fall prey to the illusion that physical life is the only life.  As one who may provide energetic healing, it is important to consider the whole experience of life, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or Soul life.

Whenever you are providing energetic healing, you need to be providing the healing essence from the power and wisdom of your own Soul (which comes from Source) to the Soul of the person you are intending to heal.  This Soul to Soul connection takes the healing process into the realm of miraculous and removes your personality and emotions from the process.

Miracles are a part of life.  A miracle is always possible.  As a healer your Soul, and your access to life energy can be used to help facilitate the process of healing.  However, it is only when the energy and intention are attuned and aligned with the Soul of the person you are striving to heal, and aligned with the Light and Love of your own Soul which provides access to the energy to fuel a miracle and the healing is in keeping with the highest good and Divine Will, that healing is right action.

Since you cannot know the highest good or the Divine purpose for every circumstance, the detachment and surrender aspect of energetic healing are of paramount importance.  For this reason, it may be most effective to pray while you are “laying on hands” for healing, or sending healing Light or Love across the miles.

An affirmation that may be helpful to say is:

I stand in spiritual being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the light shines throughout my form,
I radiate that light.
I stand within the love of God, and as that love streams through and from the heart, I magnetize the ones I seek to aid.
        – Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I, page 213, by Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul

A powerful way that you can safely provide healing energy to someone in need of healing energy and healing Light is to first imagine the Light of your Soul as a radiating Light three to six feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Then visualize that golden Light descending into your field of energy (your aura) into the top of your head, down into your heart filling your heart with Love.  You may then wish to let that energy flow into and infuse your hands.

Then imagine the same Soul Light three to six feet above the head of the one you are endeavoring to heal and visualize the Light of their Soul descending into the top of their head and moving effortlessly to the place in their body and there being that needs healing Light.

To further empower your endeavor, imagine the Light from your Soul connected to their Soul and build into your mind’s eye a third point of Light to represent the Light of Divine Will.  You might also want to imagine that, as a pure white Light emanating from the heart of the Christ, or Source.  Let that healing Light flow freely along the pathway activating and empowering healing on all levels, physical, emotional and mental in surrender to ‘Right Action” and the Highest Good of All.  Visualize the other person in their perfected health.

This image of your Soul, sending forth healing Light and healing Love, to the Soul of the one who needs healing, supported and enhanced by Divine Will and Divine Love is the fuel for miracles.

This combination of intention and surrender to Divine Will is what spiritual or energetic healing is all about.

The final step in this is gratitude for the healing that has taken place.  Thanks for the blessing of the healing is an affirmation of faith and assurance that whether you see it or not, or understand it or not, what is right action for that person is taking place.  The expression of gratitude is also an affirmation of faith that the requested healing is moving forward and taking place.

Then go about your life in the deep awareness that you have given all that is needed and the healing Soul Light will continue to work in keeping with your intentions and purpose.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6-3-2019


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