Celebrating Wesak A Ceremony of Unity

Celebrating Wesak A Ceremony of Unity

Read Celebrating Wesak A Ceremony of Unity by Genevieve Gerard

In the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, a tradition of many thousands of years, we explore a profound spiritual event that is rich with mystery of the unity, cooperation, and unification of Divine energies.

These create a mystical blending of the ongoing work in the world of the two great avatars, the two most profound spiritual presences who have ever influenced the world.

These are the Buddha and the Christ. Legend tells us that at the Taurus Full Moon the wisdom energy of the Buddha descends from Shambhala (the home of the Father) and blends and merges with the Divine Love energy that is brought to earth through the work and service of the Christ in a mystical event that brings a unification and world unity to humanity.

This particular expression of Divine purpose and Divine Will is supported by a host of spiritual beings who bridge the consciousness of humanity, with what is known as the overall plan of evolution, a plan formed in the Mind of God within the Heart of God.

These are lofty thoughts that strive to explain some of how the Divine reaches out to humanity in an ongoing relationship. Like all legends, these events speak to a symbolic truth to explain the unexplainable and express the unknowable. To consider these concepts, open your mind and listen with your heart. Let your Soul and your inner sensing of truth guide you.

This legend of Wesak speaks to the ongoing support and service of the Buddha and the continued service of the Christ on behalf of humanity. This is a great mystery in the continuing story of grace and salvation that continues throughout the human experience.

As you may know, the nature of the teaching of the Buddha goes back over 5000 years. The Buddha was historically the first to reach enlightenment. His teachings focus on the principles of wisdom that led him to enlightenment. Since the Buddha walked and taught his tradition his teachings have expanded across the planet guided by the principles of The Four Nobel Truths.

The Buddha, through his life, is credited with grounding the Divine energy of wisdom on planet earth. In the practice of Buddhist meditation from Zen to Mindfulness wisdom, the Four Nobel Truths and the principles of detachment are expressed.

At the end of his life the Buddha, through his compassion, dedication, and service to humanity, vowed to continue until all sentient beings reached enlightenment. Legend tells us that the Buddha then left the physical plane and ascended to continue this work from the plane of the mind of God. It is in response to his dedication to serving humanity to bring them to the state of consciousness that is called enlightenment that the Buddha energetically returns each year to empower humanity.

This return of the energy of the Buddha in the Wesak Valley is the honoring of that vow. The teachings of the Buddha and the ongoing work and service of the Buddha have had a major impact on humanity as Buddhism in its many forms has become one of the world’s great religions. Indeed following the principles of Buddhism enabled countless individuals in the span of time since the accession of the Buddha to reach out to, and strive for, right relationship with God.

There is among those who seek to understand the nature of God and the nature of man’s relationship with God, a concept that I have always found to capture and express a profound truth. God has since the first Light of creation strived to bring man into right relationship with God. This right relationship is often described as an “I-Thou” relationship.

It seems as we look over the whole history of humankind there has been an ongoing attempt for God to reach and teach humanity how to relate to God. This is known in theological circles as God’s saving grace through history.

This ongoing attempt of God to find a way to bring humanity into the right relationship can be seen interwoven throughout even the most ancient of scriptures such as the Bhagavadgita, a plethora of Buddhists scrolls and the writings and the revelations of both the Old and New Testament. The prophets of the Old Testament, the covenant relationship with Abraham and the whole history of religions known and faded from memory, weave a dynamic story of the relationship between God and His creation, humankind.

If you look at the history of the world from the perspective of God reaching out to humanity to teach how to be in right relationship with God, you see a pattern of revelation and redemption that makes the life of Jesus and the sacrifice of the Christ far more understandable and far more profound. Ponder on this!
        – Genevieve Gerard

The salvation and sacrifice that is the mystery and miracle of the Easter story are clarified when you realize that 2,500+ years since the Buddha walked the earth Jesus was sent to transform how people understood and related to God. Before that time in the evolution of human awareness of God, the concept of God as love didn’t exist. This one change was vast. Part of the work of the Christ as the Son of God who was also a son of man was creating this transformation on earth.

The Ageless Wisdom reveals that in the sacrifice of the crucifixion the incredible power that shreds the veil in the temple, in those final moments of Good Friday when Jesus cried out “It is finished,” was the anchoring of Divine Love on earth.

This mystery, this miracle, changed everything that had ever been before and created a new covenant relationship with God, which was created and has continued, through the celebration of The Last Supper.

The sacrifice of God and the sacrifice of the Christ, aligned and assigned the Christ to the principle of Divine Love, a work that continues to this day. This great miracle and this great mystery are still being revealed and are evolving in human understanding.

Wesak Valley Festival

This blending of the work and purpose of the life of the Christ, which is manifesting Divine Love on Earth, with the work and purpose of the Buddha, which is the introduction and evolution of wisdom in humanity, is celebrated every year in a remote valley in the Himalayas known as the Wesak Valley.

This is a celebration that brings to the world the energies of Love-Wisdom. Legend reveals that one Moon after what is known as the Festival of the Christ, which is followed by the Celebration of the Resurrection, which is known as Easter, is a third powerful ceremony, Wesak.

These Full Moon ceremonies follow one another in the cycle of astrology which has long been associated with the energies of these exalted beings.

Wesak or Vesa, known as Buddha Purnima (purnima meaning the full moon day in Sanskrit) and Buddha Day, is sometimes called “Buddha’s Birthday”, because it actually commemorates the birth, enlightenment (nirvāna), and death (Parinirvāna) of Gautama Buddha.

Even though the Full Moon of Taurus has traditionally been a celebration of the Buddha’s birth, the festival of Wesak is much more mystical and magical than just the remembrance of a birth. It is at this time that the world service and the world purpose of the Christ as the avatar of Divine Love and the world service and world purpose of the Buddha, which is the Divine infusion of wisdom, merge.

Energetically at this time, there is a great gathering of those who serve God and humanity to bring about the Will of God, through the overall plan of evolution, to help disperse through humankind, the energies of the Divine that come to earth through the joined efforts of the Christ and the Buddha.

This event has taken place for thousands of years, although it may have never come to your individual awareness.

In the Wesak Valley, this blending of the Divine energies of Love and Will, for the distinct purpose of serving humankind, attracts on the inner plane the dedication and efforts of a vast array of beings. These beings are known by a number of names and descriptions. Among these being saints, masters of the hierarchy, initiates, angels, devas, and the men and woman of Goodwill. They are all part of the planetary effort to make this world a better place; that is under the direction of the Christ and are known collectively as the New Group of World Servers.

Those who meditate and pray as a part of their spiritual journey may find that they have recognized this special celebration through a sense of expanded insight or even in dreams. Long before I ever heard the description of these energies or had any conscious awareness or understanding of this happening I found myself drawn to meditation and prayer at his time of the year. Old journals are filled with guidance and impressions. After this time, I note that I often began important creative or writing projects. If you look back over the span of your life, you may well see that these subtle energies have had an unknown influence on your life. If so, you might wish to consider this and ponder further on this.

The Ageless Wisdom teaches that the energetic influence that is associated with a Full Moon is a 3-day span of time. This is called the orb of the Full Moon. The highest point of this inner plane ceremony takes place at the apex of the Full Moon.

On April 23, 2024, at 4:49 pm Pacific (USA) and 7:49 pm Eastern (USA), 12:49 am April 24th in London and 7:49 am in the Philippines or Hong Kong, people around the world will be gathering in groups, in meditation or in spirit, to join their Souls to this energetic blessing and infusion of Love-Wisdom.

Join us anytime up to two hours ahead off the full moon for a world wide meditation for the Wesak Full Moon of Taurus by calling or Skyping into the USA number 1(857)216-6700 (enter the Conference Code: 569953 when prompted, toll charges may apply) starting on April 23, 2024 at 2:45 am Pacific (USA), 5:45 pm Eastern (USA), 10:45 pm London, and 5:45 am April 24th in the Philippines. The exact time of the lunar full moon event is April 23, 2024 4:48:44 PM (Pacific US time.)

If this is completely a new concept to you, I invite you to gather your journal and pen, take the time, and connect with your Soul, as I have instructed you in many previous articles, with the intention of receiving whatever Soul guidance and impressions are available to you today.

If you are familiar with the Wesak Festival many groups are providing individual meditations in a wide variety of ways and venues. Please take the time to tune in!

Remember that the Wesak Festival is not affiliated with any religion, sectarian or denomination. It does not require any belief and all are welcome.

The way that God works in the world is not limited by your understanding. What you receive in impressions through the prompting of your own Soul is exactly perfect for you in this moment of time. As much as you are able, suspend thought and judgment as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

I invite you to, as a Soul, join in the celebration of oneness and world unity across the planet as humanity is receiving this blessing. Bless you for all that you do to demonstrate these divine principles of love and wisdom in the world.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 4-23-2024


Copyright © 2015-2024 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


2 thoughts on “Celebrating Wesak A Ceremony of Unity”

  1. Milagros L. Jose

    Today May 11th is my birthday..! On May 14th, we are celebrating the SYMPHONY OF PEACE PRAYERS at Sunrise, 5:30 am at our mountain home at Villa Romana Inn Baguio, #307 Tiptop Ambuclao Road, Baguio city, Benguet Province, 2600, Philippines. This is the 3rd year that we have been part of and have been supporting this Spiritual endeavor. Let us join hearts across the globe in prayers for peace and harmony radiating oneness, love, and joy. MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH. Today is my birthday, I thank God and I thank you.

    1. Happy Birthday. I will join you in radiating peace, harmony, love and joy, across the globe.


      Thank you for you efforts and service.


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