Breathe for Healing and Harmony

Breathe for Healing and Harmony:

A Meditative Experiential Article

Read Breathe for Healing and Harmony: A Meditative Experiential Article by Genevieve Gerard

Part of my ongoing
series on Healing.

Breathing is essential to maintain life.  A guided or controlled breath is often one of the best techniques used in meditation.

Breath is both a physical action and an energetic act.  Prana, life energy is available through the breath.

Follow me now as we enter a meditative experiential article about using breath for healing and harmony.

This meditation will unify your mind, your heart and your body with your Soul to heal you.  To begin this meditation, I invite you to Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart and Invite the Light. Now take a deep breath.

When using breath in healing, there are several purposes of the breath: Clearing your energy field and relaxing your body and releasing emotionally any fears and anxieties of which you are aware.

This breathing exercise becomes a meditation through your intentions.  Be receptive and aware as you peacefully and calmly just breathe.

As you read this meditation, let your breath move throughout your body, aware that prana, life energy surrounds you.

Begin by sitting quietly and receptively and let yourself relax.  As you relax, let your mind calm as you observe your breath.  Make no attempt to control your breathing; just follow the natural rise and fall of each breath.

As you breathe in the air that is essential to maintain and sustain your life force, let your awareness that this gift is freely available to the full extent of your need.

Draw in as much air as your lungs can hold, expanding your lung capacity by relaxing your solar plexus as you drop your diaphragm.

Then as you draw in your breath, as it moves up your body, let your energy move with the Prana (Life Force) you are breathing in.

Become aware that you are the one who is breathing in, and you are the one who is breathing out.  Let this awareness happen naturally and spontaneously requiring no conscious thought or consideration.

By bringing your awareness to the simple act of breathing you can expand your consciousness.  You may become aware of the symbiosis and cooperative dynamic of all of life.  The oxygen you freely partake of has been created by the trees and plants and verdant life that surround you.  It sustains you.  Your very act of breathing produces the carbon dioxide that the trees and plants require maintaining their life cycle.  There is deep magic in this cooperative and co-dependency of life.

As you observe that natural rise and fall of your breath, you can be a detached observer letting your mind calm, and your body relax.  As you just sit quietly receptively observe the rise and fall of your chest and your belly as you breathe in the vital life force of Prana, which is all around you and freely available to you.

As you continue to relax, breathing and observing the natural ebb and flow of the air that you breathe, you might notice the coolness of the breath as you breathe in or the warmth of your breath as you breathe out.

You might notice that this breathing process happens both naturally and spontaneously without requiring any thought or action on your part.

All that you need to do is Be, right here and right now.  As you just sit quietly and receptively and breathe, let the vital life force fill you, relax you and restore you.  This gift is available to you freely and spontaneously.  It is a gift you can use for your healing.   It is available to you now and always available as a vital force for your life and living.

To enhance and expand the healing power of your breath engage the healing power of your mind and the healing power of your higher source, your Soul.  You can invoke your higher source through the loving power of your Soul.  Just open your whole being to the Light of your Soul by imagining your Soul as a radiating golden white Light 3-to-6 feet above your physical body.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Upon observing the Light of your Soul, recognize its Presence as a part of who and what you are.  As a human being, you are miraculously composed of a physical body, although you are more than your physical body.  You have a creative and dynamic mind which you can use to focus your powerful capacity for thought.  Your heart is a spark of the force of Divine love. You are a Soul that is a unified part of the Divine Creative Source for all of life.

As you breathe in a full and relaxing breath, let these energies merge and blend to manifest as the healing Presence and the Healing Power that they are.

Use intention, visualization and invocation to invite this healing into your life through the air that you are breathing.

With your breath consciously consider that as you draw in this breath you can infuse the air with the dynamic healing power of Prana to rebuild, refresh and restore your body.

Let the very air that you breathe be filled with the healing Light of your Soul and the generous grace of God.  As the air fills your lungs realize that it has in it the atomic substance of your Soul. The creative power of Divine Light is now offered to you and available.  You can now heal your life on all levels, physical, emotional, and mental through your spiritual unity and integration.

Recognize that the air that you breathe now is infused with the atoms empowered by the Healing Presence of your Soul and the loving grace of the Divine.  The particles that make up the air that you breathe have been a part of earth’s atmosphere since the beginning of earth’s cycle of time.  The atoms that compose the air you call upon to serve your life were in their life used by every Avatar and Holy One, whoever walked the earth.

Let the miracle of the ancient ones Healing Presence enter your body as a demonstration of grace.

Through the power of your breath, you can be touched by the body of Christ as a manifestation of his healing Presence in the world.

As air moves from your lungs into your circulatory system by the agency of blood, it travels and touches every molecule of your body, every organ in your body, as a force of Prana. As it moves through you, in and around you atomically and molecularly it is healing you, balancing you and infusing you for a full expression of health.  This healing is available so that you can move forward from this meditation to fulfill your purpose and do your work in the world.

As your breath circulates through your body and into your circulatory system, visualize every part of your being align with your Soul Light.  As you release each breath, you can release your stress.  You can let go of emotions that no longer serve you.  

You can be peaceful and calm.  You can come into the unique gift of this moment of time, choosing to free your body, your mind and your emotions from thoughts, feelings, and fears that have held you back or limited your expression.

Continue to sit quietly and receptively as you ponder and consider the atomic restoration that is available.  As with the air, healing atoms circulate through the blood through all of your organs balancing, healing and helping them be restored to complete function and health. 

As the breath flows through your heart, imagine it infused with love. Let your breath send the energy on to draw out any toxins from which your body needs purifying.  The circulation continues to carry through the cleansing and purifying organs of your liver, spleen, kidneys, and colon. The atoms are infused and charged with Soul Light, Love and Divine Grace with power.

Allow the circulation that occurs both naturally and spontaneously with your breath to be a miracle of healing as you continue to breathe. You are quietly aligning with and infusing the wholeness of your being.  This gift is provided for your healing, for your happiness and vitality.

Before you return to your activities, pause and just let yourself breathe in and out deeply one more time, as you let the breath be a healing force in your life

As you just breathe and relax into the powerful potential to heal your body, your emotions and your mind, realize that you can release anything that is not harmonious and balanced.  With another breath, draw in life Prana and Life energy to fill, heal, restore, balance and transform you.

Give thanks for this great blessing of healing that your meditation has created while you paused in your life to “just” breathe.

I recommend that when you do this Breathing Meditation that you follow it by sitting quietly and receptively and record the impressions and thoughts you have received.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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