Breeze of an Angels Wing

Feel the Breeze of an Angels Wing

Be Not Afraid by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a part of my on-going series on Angels

Angels are shy beings, composed Spirit and not matter.  For that reason, they do not appear in a way that can be seen with the physical eye.

There are those whose eyes are focused in such a way that they can see what is etheric.  It is they who can see the fairies and other Spirit beings who live among us, often both unknown and unseen.

It is important to remember that there is more to life than what appears in solid matterSpirit, your Soul, and angelic beings are real and reside outside of the visual field of your physical eyes which are attuned to the material world.

Stories of Angels

Children are the most likely to experience these beings.  To be born able to see the etheric along with perceiving the material is a gift.  However, when with childish innocence, they share their vision with the adults in their life, many if not most adults, deny that what they are seeing is real.  This invalidation often convinces the child not to share their gifted perception and makes them doubt their experience.

In the scriptures of every culture, and in the legends or every religion there are stories of Angels.  In some of these stories, the Angels appear more in physical form.  In others, they appear more ethereal. In some stories, they seem to be a fully formed physical appearance differentiated by a glow, often around their head or sometimes their whole body, complete with wings.  Consider the many paintings of Angels by Renaissance artists.

What seems to be common in Angelic visitations is that their very first message is for the human to “be not afraid.”  Angels know that people are not used to seeing them and are not used to receiving messages from God.  An angelic message is an unusual and rare experience.  It is a great blessing and a great honor.

The universality of angelic appearances makes me wonder why the ability to see an Angel is systematically trained out of children the world over. This phenomenon applies even to many parents who claim to be believers and have faith.

The very word Angel means messenger of God.  It would seem that a message from God is a great gift, not something to be feared or ignored.  It appears that children could be encouraged to explore and develop their etheric vision rather than be told that it is their imagination.

Somehow, in a world that is composed of both Spirit and Matter, Spirit can make people uncomfortable.  Angels, who are the messengers of God and who watch over you to help you your entire life are often summarily dismissed by those they serve.

This tendency has not always been so.  Perhaps it is because the reality of matter has become so invasive in this world that the presence of Spirit is denied.  It seems easier to deny the existence of Angels than it is to accept that the world is wider and more fantastic than what the five senses perceive.

Still, people long for the comfort of Angels.  They cry out for the aid of Angels.  They use Angel cards for guidance and desire the assurance of God’s grace and awareness through their trials and tribulations.  They hope that Angels are real even though they dare not believe.

Many people, when you speak to them of Angels recall their childhood experiences.  It is not unusual for a child, around the age of 7 to have an Angelic visitation that reveals the mysteries and direction for their life.  This event often requires prompting even to be remembered.

I wrote about this phenomenon in an article: Open Your Heart to Your Childhood Angelic Message.

What is amazing to me is how universal this experience is; and how frequently it can be completely forgotten. Forgotten even as someone struggles with finding their life’s purpose; that is most often the subject of the childhood angelic vision.  Remembering, and opening to the Presence of Angels in your life is life empowering.

Spirit vs. Matter

It is interesting that while focusing on living your life, you can ignore such a significant part of the world, Spirit.  Matter is interpreted as “real,” while perceptions of Spirit are often labeled as “unreal.”

That may be why the words of an ancient mantra from the writings of the Ageless Wisdom declare:

“May I be led from darkness into Light, from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality?”

Sadly, the overemphasis on the material parts of life make Spiritual truths and Spiritual experiences harder and harder to understand.  It is as if the compass to guide people between these worlds has been lost in the annals of time.

To limit your perception of the world to only the world of matter
is to deny much of what is most mysterious and most glorious about life.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Meditation in the stillness, quiet contemplations, and dreams are ways that you can listen to the guidance of your Soul, or experience the Presence of Angels.

The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises and messages that God sends us directly: they are nothing but His Angels, His ministering spirits, who usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament.
       – Paracelsus

To deny the realm of Angels and the world of Spirit is foolish.  Although the Ageless Wisdom teaches that there is a veil that separates the world of Angels from the material world, that veil has been thinning as part of the transition in the consciousness of humanity.

The cries and need of humanity have moved heaven to grant greater awareness and understanding of the realm of Angels and the realm of the Soul.  This shift in perception is a part of the evolution of humanity over the next phase of planetary life.

Those who, as children, had an awareness of Angelic beings are able, through meditation and prayer, to find that the Presence of Angels is becoming more accessible.  This change is an integral part of the plan for humanity.

More and more, as books about Angels are published, and more and more as Angel cards are created, the reality of the realm of Angels finds its way into humanities understanding.

The near stillness recalls what is forgotten, extinct angels.
       – Georg Traki

Angels are real.  The fact that you do not often see them with your eyes does not mean that they are not present.  That you do not see them is not important.  You can feel them and sense them in the stillness.

Commune With Angels

When you wish to connect, and perceive the Spirit World, while you are in the consciousness of the material world, a shift in your attention is required.  It is not the Angels who need that change but your personality, your emotional needs, your ego and the aspects of your “lower self.”  Otherwise, even though full heavenly hosts surround you, you can ignore them, see nothing and feel nothing.

Angels are attracted to humanity whenever you reach out to your Soul when you pray or meditate when you are open to the world of Spirit and quiet your mind.
      – Genevieve Gerard

That is why I instruct you when reaching for communion with your Soul or the Angels to first “Calm your mind, open your heart and Invite the Light.”

Since your Soul and the Angels share communicating with you through soft and still impressions, I always advise that you have beside you a special journal to write and record the direction or wisdom you have received in your meditations.

I have found the path to the awareness of your Soul and the way to commune with Angels is similar.   Both your Soul and Angels reside in the awareness of Spirit and therefore require some transition in your consciousness to be available to you.

Meditation is the most useful tool for coming into contact and communication with Angels.  However, let us not forget that Angels are automatically attracted by prayer and rituals that invoke spiritual experiences.  That is why places of worship are often so imbued with Angelic Presence that they can be felt or sensed without conscious calling upon Angels.

Detecting the Presence of Angels is often the unexpected blessing of spending quiet time in contemplation in the great worship houses in the world.  Over the years and centuries, these citadels of worship have called the Angels.  The atoms of these places have become infused with Angelic Presence in ways that make the awareness of the realm of Angels more accessible.

Angels come with your invitation and invocation.  Their presence is subtle most of the time.  You may sometimes have an impression that is on the edge of seeing, or you may feel the subtle movement of air that is the gentle breeze of an Angel’s wing. Let me know your thoughts on this!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-5-2018


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