connect with your soul

Return to the Garden of Your Soul

Return to the Garden of Your Soul

Read Return to the Garden of Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard



This is an invocation to help you identify with the presence of your Soul.




In the Garden of my Soul, love makes everything bloom.

In the Garden of my Soul, Light irradiates my path.

In the Garden of my Soul, there is unlimited abundance.

In the Garden of my Soul, truth clearly shines.

In the Garden of my Soul, peace always prevails.

In the Garden of my Soul, grace is plentiful and awaits sufficient for my need.

In the Garden of my Soul, forgiveness sets me free.

In the Garden of my Soul, I embrace brotherhood.

In the Garden of my Soul, there is a resounding joy.

In the Garden of my Soul, the Angels dance with me.


I come to this garden to know Love.

I come to this Garden to receive Enlightenment.

I come to this Garden to be blessed by Abundance.

I come to this Garden for the wisdom of Revelations.

I come to this Garden to experience Peace.

I come to this Garden to receive Grace.

I come to this Garden to know complete Unity.

I come to this Garden for the guidance of my Angels.

I come to this Garden so that I can radiate pure Joy in the world.

I come to this Garden to drink my fill from the waters of Life.


The Source of Divine Love fills me to overflowing as I hear the charge, go forth, and share these gifts with the weary waiting world.

I pour forth my blessings to the thirsty world.

My heart sings with praise and gratitude for the many blessings I receive so freely in the Garden of My Soul.  My joy knows no bounds.

I rejoice knowing I can always find rest when I return to the Garden of My Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-8-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Return to the Garden of Your Soul Read More »

Childhood Angelic Message

Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message

Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Angels

There is, among those who identify themselves as spiritual, a common childhood experience.

This common childhood experience seems to be an early conscious awareness of the Soul as a presence and force in their life. It appears to be, most often an experience that occurs around the age of seven.  It may be interpreted, especially by the adults in the child’s life, as an episode of childhood imagination and sadly dismissed and discounted.

As such, it is often forgotten.

Angels often appear in our lives and just wait for us to say hello.
        – Katrina Mayer

When you begin to talk about Angels, it’s incredible how many people suddenly remember the experience.  It is almost as if when you open your mind and your heart to the awareness of Angels the memory gets unlocked.

What I have found most significant about unlocking this childhood memory is the importance it holds in your adult life.

This experience is often a forecasting and clarifying of the purpose of your life.  This event of foretelling and guiding is frequently described as a sensation of being so completely loved and so completely supported that the fullness of the heart can barely be contained.

Most people who describe this childhood memory have tears in their eyes.  The sense of feeling loved so unconditionally becomes a cherished memory that is re-affirming.  The guiding message and insights shared, for many, confirms a belief in God.

This angelic appearance and guiding message have for some long been cherished and pondered in their heart. Some seem to have forgotten this experience, but once they recall and remember it, find a sense of meaning and direction that is both life affirming and profound.

What is fascinating to observe is how such an intense experience can be forgotten and dismissed.  What is sad is that the answer you may have been searching for your whole adult life is often whispered to you by an Angel in your youth and then dismissed or forgotten.

Read my Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message article


You might not think that is possible, but I have found it to be such a common experience that it seems necessary to talk about that childhood experience.  Then it is important to consider its meaning and purpose in your life.  I have after the memory is revealed, heard people wonder “how could I have forgotten that?”

The relief and assurance that accompanies the memory can be life transforming.  With the memory comes the reassurance that you are not alone.  The relief of that realization is profound.  Consider that this message about the purpose of your life can often be life changing.


There are lessons and revelations available in the process of both forgetting and remembering.  The discounting and discarding of your childhood experience by adults and the influence of “conscious reality” is enlightening.


There are a few thoughts and observations that are important you understand.

  1. You are not alone in your life.
  2. Your Angels have been with you since the beginning of your life.
  3. Your Soul is the Divine spark of you that remains a source of unconditional love and grace throughout your life.
  4. Your Soul and your Angels reside together in the etheric plane.  Their substance is of energy and Light, a different creation or composition than the world of matter.

Many children find it easy to believe in an experience of the presence of what is invisible in the world.  In childhood the veil between the material world and the spiritual world is thin.  Children are born with an understanding and awareness that there is more to life than just the experience of the five senses.

Over time, that awareness of the dual nature of themselves as a being of both Soul and matter is all too often carefully and critically trained out of them.  Parental fears of what it might mean or how others might interpret it limit many childhood experiences.  Criticism and judgment ultimately cause a rejection of the truth and awareness with which they are born.

So much of becoming aware of the presence of Angels in our lives is a process of remembering and accepting what we knew to be real as children.
            – Genevieve Gerard

There are a special time and special event that often happen in your youth (a lot of times around the age of seven.)  This experience is uniquely empowering and revealing to remember as an adult.  Most often this event is a contact and communication with your guardian angel.  It is a starting point to a relationship that could be fostered to support and sustain you through your entire life.

What is most significant about this childhood meeting is that it is so life affirming and life changing.  When you remember the content of the message that is delivered by your guardian Angel about the purpose of your life it can provide a sense of purpose and direction.  In my many years of counseling and life guidance coaching, or as someone recently identified it “Soul Coaching,” finding your Soul purpose in life is inspiring.

The more clarity with which you can visualize and understand the purpose of your life the more empowering it is.  The more you can transcend your fears to achieve and manifest your dreams the more successful you can be.

So, this angelic childhood encounter of life guidance is critical.  It is important to remember this special blessing and, therefore, worth taking some time in meditation to consider.

For many just realizing that an experience that they have held deeply in their hearts was real is enough to unlock the memory.

For others, the habit of denying the reality of angelic presence has become deeply ingrained.  Even, when as adults they begin to explore the reality of the presence of Angels in the world and their lives, that parental voice that this event was just childish imagination might be a challenge to transcend.

If you are one of those people who was criticized or even reprimanded for your imagination as a child, it may help you to understand that imagination is a portal to the realm of angelic presence.  Angels can cross into the world of matter at times, but it is not where they reside.  Their substance, their guidance, and their messages are gentle promptings that work through the intuition and the imagination.

Their voice is a whispered prompting that often flashes so quickly across your mind that you need to quiet your mind chatter even to hear it.  The voice of your angels and the promptings of your Soul are often only heard in the silence of prayer, meditation or contemplation.  There they respond to your invitation and invocation.

In fact, it is during this childhood visitation that your Angel can reveal your Soul purpose.  It is one of the very few times in your life where those who remember the encounter may report a voice accompanying the revelation.  If you are someone who experiences communication with the Angels you know that most often their communication is telepathic and not frequently accompanied by sounds that can be perceived by your material senses.

It also seems significant to observe that among those who remember and report this visitation event, it often is at an age when you are too young to be able to write insightful notes to yourself.  This divine message is written on your heart.  It is meant to be pondered in your heart.

Remembering the guidance received from your Guardian Angel depends on opening your heart and your mind as you ponder.


Below is a meditation link to help you remember the advice you received as a child from your Guardian Angel.

Meditation is the most efficient way to open the threshold between the material world and the realm of spirit where the Angels reside wince it is where your Soul calls home.

I mention your Soul for two reasons:

  1. First, opening to the touch of your Soul is a dynamic way to transform your life.
  2. Second, is that there is a very special relationship that exists between your Guardian Angel and your Soul as partners to support you in your earthly life, from the heavenly realm.

So to come into greater awareness of your Guardian Angel and to have the increased awareness of the Presence of your Soul, use meditation as the bridge.

To meditate upon or to remember and clarify the childhood guidance you received, it is as always wise to prepare.  Since in this meditation, you have the intention of revealing guidance about the purpose of your life I recommend some preparatory steps.

  1. Get your journal or, at least, some paper and a pen and place it next to where you will sit to meditate. That is often important so you can record and remember the insights and impressions you receive in meditation.
  2. It is often helpful to take some steps to make the space sacred. It can be as simple or complex as you like, but this focus declares your intention to open your mind to the realm of Angels and your Soul.
  3. You might wish to light a candle or burn some incense or have a crystal’s energy to be infused from this meditation.
  4. These little rituals are sometimes helpful in realizing that meditation is a time apart from you ordinary consciousness. It is a special time designated for greater awareness and understanding.
  5. Then consider your intention to remember the guidance of your Guardian Angel and be open to gain the insight and wisdom of your Soul about the Higher purpose for your life.

Now click on this link to experience my gift to you a Meditation On Remembering




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Last Updated 3-26-2017


Copyright © 2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Childhood Angelic Message Read More »

Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Read "Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul" article by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most incredible and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that just experiencing it is often healing, transformational and profound. To me, it is the greatest gift of meditation.

An important factor in any meditation is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it increasingly easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage, “practice makes perfect.”

Each time that you consciously and with intention connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are reinforcing and building a pathway to ease your passage. In the Ageless Wisdom, this is often called the rainbow bridge.

Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
            – Michael Jackson

Whenever you call upon the Light of your Soul for inspiration or guidance you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul, your Higher Self.

You are connecting to and making the wisdom of your Soul available to you. This enables you to expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life. This pathway in consciousness strengthens with each journey you take along that path.

When you meditate regularly and invoke and invite the presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are expanding your world to have a greater scope than you may have believed possible.

The nature and essence of your Soul is love, so increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of love and increases your ability to love.

Amazingly, this Soul communication can also be experienced by your conscious mind, as a healing power in your physical body and as a sense of emotional peace and calm.

This is one of the most profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation. Awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life, and especially a sense of oneness, with others and nature, is a frequent result. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy.

Bliss Is Perfect Happiness Serenity Sunday Article


To enjoy bliss and happiness in your life
(after you have read this article,) check out my

>>>Bliss is Perfect Happiness Video Meditation.


Each time you meditate, I recommend that you focus your attention on aligning your whole being and all of your energies. As you do that with intention, you are consciously creating an energetic pathway to integrate your physical body, with your emotional body and your mental body with your personality; and then, raise that energy connection to you Higher Self, your Soul.

This energetic pathway forms etheric substance that is known as the Antahkarana in the Ageless Wisdom. This is known as the Rainbow Bridge and the conscious building and reinforcing of that pathway through meditation, especially through daily meditation, eventually provides support in the meditation experience and allows more conscious awareness of the presence of your Soul.

This formation of energetic substance to empower and support you in your meditative endeavors is significant in understanding why it is easier to meditate daily than at random times in your life. This is a part of the secret and science of meditation. Ponder on this!

The regular endeavor (I recommend daily) of meditation is more than just forming a habit. It is building a support system to enhance the power and breadth of the integration of your Soul within your life.

This is ultimately one of the main benefits of meditation. It allows you to increase the integration of your Higher Self with your personality, body, mind and Soul. This integration enhances your success and improves your overall wellbeing. Meditation, partially because of the creation of the etheric connection of the Higher Self with your personality, then becomes a valuable tool to help you overcome many of life’s challenges.

Every time you meditate, especially when you do it consciously and with an intention to connect with your Higher Self, you are reinforcing and strengthening this connection.

This supportive pathway in your consciousness is particularly useful in helping you transcend, transmute, and transform the tyranny that fear, anger, and emotion can exert over your life.

Fear is perhaps the most limiting and confining challenge in life. Yet, this principle of building the energetic rainbow bridge is the explanation why techniques such as myFeeling FreeorI Am Feeling Freemeditations are so effective.

Imagine if your anger were able to dissolve spontaneously upon expression.

Through the practice of meditation, especially a meditation with the intention to connect with your Soul, you can direct the Light of the Soul to the challenges of your physical desires and needs. You can clear your emotional body with that Light and thus bringing healing. You can receive insights and enlightened awareness in your mind that can be incorporated into a deeper understanding of life.

The full nature of the glory and power of your Soul is vast. Your conscious mind is limited and most likely only perceives but a glimmer of its true nature, and yet that glimmer begins the pathway in consciousness to a thread of awareness that builds and grows.

Through the ongoing and regular practice of meditation, your personality becomes increasingly integrated with the wholeness of your being and is swayed less by your physical or emotional desires.

Meditation, especially when used to expand your awareness and understanding of your Soul, can be even more significant than the health benefits of being calm or centered. It is an adventure in consciousness and a quest for freedom. It provides a portal to a profound and powerful peace and a resounding joy that impacts everything in your life.

Meditation is a tool that can be used to address most life challenges and situations. I have used it in this way in my life and for the benefit of those I have coached and counseled over the years. By using meditation to connect with the wisdom, love, grace, and forgiveness of your Soul there is no dark corner in your life that cannot benefit from shinning the Light of your Soul on it. This is the underlying principle in every guided meditation I have created.

It is no surprise that my answer when presented with a problem in my life, or in the life of others, is “I have a meditation for that.”

Meditation can empower and enhance your life. It is something that you can use wherever you are, with whatever time you have available. Although it is enhanced by a regular practice and discipline, it can benefit your life each time that you do it. Ultimately, there is no wrong way to meditate.

Using a guided meditation is often easier, and there are many available by me or a myriad of other teachers. You can experiment and try different experiences. You can learn from these and create your own meditations. Trust your innate wisdom to direct you to what works for you.

Like a path frequently traveled becomes clear and well-marked in the forest, so too does the path to your Soul become more clearly marked in your consciousness.
            – Genevieve Gerard

I have found in a life marked by many years of meditation that it becomes so reinforcing that I could not imagine not meditating. In my life, it has become the source for so much of my strength and so much of my joy that I am compelled to share and offer it to you.

I invite you to use meditation to unite with your Soul and experience true joy and insight daily.



The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


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Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul Read More »

Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul

The Mystery of Eternity – The Magic of the Soul

Read The Mystery of Eternity - The Magic of the Soul by Genevieve Gerard

There is no deeper conflict in the human experience than the profound knowledge that you are, on some level of your very essence, an eternal being.

Contrast that with the stark confrontation that we all know that we will experience a physical death.

This conflict is the seat of most fear. It is often unexpressed, yet it colors and controls many life decisions.

What happens at death is unknowable and unknown. This mystery permeates the desire to understand the meaning of life. This division of your dual existence as a child of God and a Son of Man is one of the great insights of what it means to be a human being. It is integral to the miracle of life. For you, accepting this duality may be an act of faith and as such requires no further understanding. For others, it is accepted as being unknowable and thus occupies very little thought or concern. Yet, whether with a conscious quest for understanding or a resignation that this is just an unsolvable dichotomy of life, this mystery can fuel a great deal of your experience of life.

It can come into a primary focus when in the human experience, we are faced with the death and loss of those we love. The pain of that loss may bring you to a longing for greater understanding.

Yet, what if I said that as you journey through your life there are a vast array of clues that reveal the deeper truth of this mystery? What if I said that the truth that you have always sensed and hoped and prayed was true?

What if you could finally understand how this mystery works and what it means in your relationships and decisions in life? Would that be of value to you? Would you be willing to take some time and make some effort to open your life to experience what is real and true?

Much of what I call the clues is subjective. You can experience the truth but not prove it scientifically. Although there is recent, from the field of quantum physics and noetic sciences, more validation that is scientific of what has been kept secret since the dawn of man. These secrets have been buried in the esoteric teachings of what is known as the Ageless Wisdom.

Questions about the eternal nature of life are dismissed as unknowable and relegated to being issues of faith. Yet, it seems as human beings we have the capacity to better understand the aspects of life that are revealed to us by the use of meditation as a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world. We can in the worlds of the ancient mantra, “be led from the darkness into Light, from the unreal to the real and from death to immortality.”

The Bible’s prolific writer St. Paul said in 1 Corinthians: 13 12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.”   It is interesting that this statement is a part of his inspired teaching about the real nature of love, for it is Love that reveals the most about what is true in life. It is love that most reveals the nature of eternity. Ponder on this.

On a deep almost preconscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends.”
      – Quote by Genevieve Gerard

When you love someone, there is a bond of Love that is a connection of Souls. That makes Love a gateway to experiencing your Soul. The nature of your Soul is Love. It is your Soul that connects you with God, whose nature is Love. When you touch your Soul, you experience a love that is unconditional and eternal.

The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable, and timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed.
      – Bhagavad Gita

Your Soul is not only what connects you through Love to others and to the Divine; it is the dynamic part of your being that is eternal. It is in coming into relationship with your Soul that the mystery of eternal life is solved. It is by developing a relationship with your Soul that great wisdom and insight in your life is revealed. It is your Soul that is available to guide you to understand your purpose in life. Ponder deeply on these words!

Your Soul is much more than a vague concept. It is a source of dynamic power and deep Love that desires a relationship with the wholeness of your being, your personality, your mind, and your emotions. It is in the integration of these aspects of your human experience that a fullness of life, love, and real joy can be expressed. It is through your Soul that you are connected with God throughout your life.

We are told in the esoteric writings of the Ageless Wisdom, that when a human life is ready to incarnate, it is the Soul that draws together the atomic substance that will become the physical vehicle for the life. To do this it draws upon the one permanent atom that remains in a continuity of consciousness from previous life experiences. The Soul then merges it with a permanent atom that creates the emotional body with another permanent atom that becomes the mental body and finally with the permanent atom that forms the personality.

This phenomenon may explain why at birth, instead of a new life being a blank slate, as many believe, an astute observer will note that the personality nature of a baby, the way that they think and how they respond emotionally is already inherent in their being.

This mysterious role of the Soul in eternity opens our minds and our hearts to the unfathomable aspect of the mind of God and the nature of man as a being that is both material and Divine. Under its guidance, your human life is created and at the conclusion of your human life it is returned to and reunited with God in the Oneness of Spirit.

Ponder on this and consider what it reveals and explains in a way that resonates with you as truth.

Meditation, quiet reflection combined with the intention to open your conscious awareness to your Soul, not only empowers your life but also provides clarity and revelation that helps diminish the pain of loss that is so integral to the human experience when a loved one pass away. Touching the edge between the material and the eternal is just one of the blessings of meditation. It has been said in many spiritual circles, “you are a Soul having a human experience.”   That is much more powerful and exciting than the perspective that you are a human, having a spiritual experience. This little shift in your understanding can be significant.

Consider how this perspective is different from the thought that you are a material being striving for a spiritual experience. This shift in understanding, this expansion of your identity, opens your heart and your mind. It is the single simple step that can begin a journey to live less controlled by fear and more open to an active co-creative relationship with your Soul and ultimately with God.

This consciousness shift can create changes and greater empowerment in your life. It is a shift in identifying who and what you are. It is a portal to embracing and experiencing the Divine Love that is your birthright. Meditation is the practice that can open your mind and your heart while benefitting the health and wellbeing of your body. It is a way of integrating yourself into being all that you can be.

I Encourage You To Meditate

As you ponder the mystery of the eternal and the magic of the Soul, I invite and encourage you to incorporate the practice of meditation into your daily life. In the world, and in my work, there are wide varieties of meditations available. Many meditations, and most of my guided meditations that I have published, can be experienced in just 10-20 minutes. In many of my articles, I also provide mantra’s to ponder on and meditation techniques to experience.

I always suggest that to begin you “calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.”   Inviting and invoking the Presence of your Soul while quiet and receptive will yield amazing results.

Just know that there are many ways to meditate and none of them are wrong. An intention is important. A very simple meditation technique, which comes from the mindfulness community, focuses simply on awareness and breath by repeating the phrases “I am breathing in,” “I am aware that I am breathing in.”   Followed by noticing, “I am breathing out,” “I am aware that I am breathing out.”

Focusing on your breath, and observing your breath, are simple ways to enter the meditation experience. Setting aside quiet time in prayer after using words can also serve as an entrée to a meditation experience.

Try out different things. Guided meditations are often easier. One of the most challenging aspects of meditation is quieting your mind chatter, particularly the negative and self-destructive or fear elements of your mind chatter. Experiment; try different ways and different things. Find what works for you. Let your Soul guide you.

Once you have chosen a particular way to meditate, give it some consistency by setting aside 10-20 minutes daily to practice the meditation. Let your intuition and your Soul guide you.

Meditation is opening a door and if you are open, it will guide you in finding what you need from the experience. Peace of mind, emotional calm, and physical relaxation are some of the benefits of setting aside some time out of your material life for your spiritual evolution.

I also encourage journaling after a brief period of calming your mind and focusing on Love opening your heart energy, then recording your thoughts and impressions.

In my life meditation has been the tool that has enabled me to live a life of joy and spiritual relationship with the Divine and my fellow man. There is no greater gift that I can offer you than to provide you with the resources to connect with your own Soul and explore the mystery of eternity and the magic of your Soul.

To support you on your quest I have identified some other articles that may be of help to you and provided a link to one of my guided meditations that I feel would give you the experience of the gift of love and the magic of the Soul.




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P.S. You can always search my website for more information about the concepts you have seen in this post.


Last updated 10-14-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul Read More »

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Read Ways To Connect With Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most wonderful and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that experiencing it is often transformational and profound.

To me, to connect with your Soul is the greatest gift of meditation.


An important factor is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it easier and easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage practice makes perfect. Each time you consciously, and with intention, connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are creating additional threads of energy that build a bridge to ease your passage.

Whenever you call upon the Light of the Soul for inspiration or guidance, you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul. In so doing you are making the wisdom of your Soul available to you.
      – Genevieve Gerard

You are able to tap into and expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.


Connecting with Soul Light by Genevieve Gerard

When you meditate regularly, invoke, and invite the Presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are raising the frequency of your mind and your physical body. This leads to an expanded awareness, and insights and clarity greater than you may have believed possible.

In addition, since the nature and essence of your Soul is pure love, increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of true love and increases your understanding and ability to love.

One of the other profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation is an awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy. This sense of universal Oneness, with others and nature, can be a life-altering, magnificent experience of bliss.


Some find that the act of using rituals helps to prepare them for meditation. The primary purpose of preparing to meditate with a ritual is that the action of preparation serves to reinforce your conscious intention.

You can experiment with creating rituals that work for you. When you find one that you feel is of help, you can incorporate it into your meditation practice.

When you use a ritual the time and the effort of performing the ritual serves as a preparation and helps you be ready and receptive to the meditation process. An additional benefit of setting up a ritual is it serves the purpose of helping to quiet your mind chatter as you focus on the intent of your meditation time.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to prepare for meditation. Although you may choose to set aside a specific amount of time for the meditation, this is all your choice and should be guided by what works for you and for your life.

Some rituals that have been helpful over the ages:

  1. Lighting a white or gold candle. If you choose this, having a special or specific candle is usually recommended.
  2. Burning incense (again choosing a specific scent is often helpful) although as you gain more experience with meditation you can change or shift that scent. Some choose the scent based on the desire for a specific energetic result. You may find some favorite scents that you associate with feeling peaceful or calm or feeling more empowered to reach the desired state of consciousness.
  3. I begin all of my guided meditations with an instructional invocation:
    Calm your mind, Open your Heart and Invite the Light.
  4. Sitting quietly and receptively for some time before you start to meditate helps you quiet your mind and put everything behind you.

You can experiment with different rituals and see if they enhance the ease with which you become calm, and quiet your mind chatter so you can experience the presence of your Higher Self.

Setting aside a time daily to meditate, whether you choose to use mantrams, guided meditation experiences or affirmations or mindfulness techniques will empower you and enhance you.

Ageless Wisdom Mantram

A Mantram from the Ageless Wisdom that is often used to help you gain the wisdom of your Soul is:

May the energy of the Divine Self inspire me
and the Light of the Soul direct.
May I be led from darkness to Light,
from the unreal to the Real,
from death to Immortality.

Then, still holding your consciousness in the head and visualizing a sphere of deep electric blue, vivid and living, say the following words, endeavoring to realize their significance as you say them:

I stand in spiritual Being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the Light shines
throughout my form, I radiate that light.
I stand within the Love of God,
and as that Love streams through and from the heart,
I magnetise the ones I seek to aid.”
      – Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul “Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I” p.306

You can incorporate this mantram into a daily meditation, or it can be used as an affirmation of intention to connect with the Light of your Soul. This is a sacred time that you arrange, as much as possible, to be free of distractions or interruptions.

Regularity of the practice of meditation helps it become increasingly easy to give yourself the blessings and benefits of meditation. I can think of nothing else that provides so much opportunity for mastery, success, transformation and joy and takes such little effort.

Because meditation is such a powerful opportunity to grow and expand your consciousness, I recommend keeping a journal where you can record your insights and impressions. Writing or recording what you have received in mediation will be valuable to you over time so you can ponder, look back over, and appreciate the ways you have improved your life adventure.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-30-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Ways To Connect With Your Soul Read More »

The Soul Connection

Soul Connection

by Genevieve Gerard

Genevieve Gerard The Soul Connection Article image


Connecting to the Soul is the most profound and transformative part of the meditative experience.

It is through the connection of the personality, the lower self, to the energy of the Soul, the Higher Self, that we are able to experience that within us which is eternal.

It is our Soul that contains the Divine spark. By connecting to our Soul we are granted a glimpse into an awareness of our oneness with all of creation. It is through our Soul that we are receptive to the Divine.

Through the practice of meditation, when the mind is quieted and the emotions are calmed the Soul shines forth in all of its glory.”

   – Genevieve Gerard

It is through the connection to the Soul that we are granted the insight into the moment that brings relief and release from life’s burdens.

Through meditation, as we connect to the Soul we are bringing ourselves into union with our Higher Self that we may experience wholeness. This unified self opens more and more to the Light, like the petals of a lotus allowing more and more awareness to flow into our life. The union with the Soul gives us an awareness of the Self that is greater and wiser than we are able to experience when focused upon our personality and personal needs and desires.

By meditating regularly to come into union with the Soul we find our perspective changing. We begin to see alternative interpretations of the events of our life. This begins slowly, and initially can only be experienced in the meditative state, but in a regular relationship with the Soul the awareness of those brief moments of connection to the Divine begins to expand and give us new insights and understandings throughout the day.

Through the process of systematically learning to quiet the mind and calm the emotions you change your life by reducing stress. Confidence in your ability to be in control of your body, mind and emotions translates into confidence to be in more control of your life.

Each time you make the conscious decision to meditate you are creating the opportunity for your lower self to gain a greater understanding of life. Just the process of quieting the mind and calming the emotions is its own reward.

When you add the connection to the Soul, the experience of meditation can expand into a receptivity that increases your understanding of your self and your life. The more regularly the connection with the Soul is experienced, the more the insights and wisdom of the Higher Self become available to you. The sense of being centered and the sense of calm confidence make their way into your daily life.

As you build and reinforce the pathway of connection to the Soul it becomes increasingly easy to touch the Light of the Soul as you go through your daily life. This touch of Soul contact helps you gain a different understanding and more profound awareness. Over time, as the connection is reinforced and strengthened you find that your life is freed more and more from the lure of negative emotions, and the experience of peace and joy will pervade your being.


About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”  Browse her body of work at Copyright © 2014 by Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul.
All rights reserved.


Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest. You may reprint the article by following our standard Permission to Reprint information.


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Before You Rise… CONNECT

Before You Rise Blog image

When you waken in the morning, there is a fertile time before you rise that can be used to connect, align and empower your life.


As you lie in bed, before you let your mind start its endless chatter take a deep breath, settle your body back into the mattress and take a moment to gather Love into your heart.



As you gather that Love and appreciate and enjoy the peaceful sensation that it brings, with the speed of thought, imagine from your heart Love flowing out to touch the lives of all you will connect with today and as your loving energy touches them let it magnetize to you all who you can truly serve today and bring to you, those who can serve you.

If you are enjoying this sensation, as I often do, let your mind drift gently to awareness of the support you can draw from this quiet moment as you align your life with your Soul purpose and gather around you and be receptive and connect to the love your Soul brings to you.

You might wish to add to this brief interlude consideration of things for which you are grateful.

Then move on to your life activities and your day and this connection can bring you strength and support throughout the day.


Genevieve Gerard


Body and Soul

Body and Soul

-Your Soul as your Teacher

Read Body & Soul article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

Within each of us lies wisdom, an awareness of truth and more important knowledge of what direction we need to travel in our life to grow, to learn and to develop into who we truly are and what we can become, that is our Soul.

Our Soul is an integral part of our Self, but it is not usually that which most readily springs to our conscious mind when we ponder on and reflect upon ourselves. It remains the most profound and in many ways useful part of what for better words we may call our Spiritual Anatomy.

Our Spiritual Anatomy is usually not a part of our everyday consciousness because when we think of ourselves we most often think of our personality. Indeed, our personality is the vehicle that does the bulk of the “heavy lifting” as we move and function in the world of men. Indeed, our personality is usually a most significant part of our being as we live and move and have our being in any given incarnation.

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
            – Mahatma Gandhi

The ancient wisdom tells us that our being is composed of a variety of vehicles that come together to form the fullness of life. These parts of ourselves are often referred to as bodies, and it is in the interplay and integration of these diverse parts of ourselves that we learn to live and express the fullness of our human nature. It is through this interplay, this integration that we learn that we grow, that we come into our full awareness and learn to express the fullness of what it means to be a human being.

It is through the integration of our physical body, our emotional body and our mental body that our personality fully develops and grows. But the adventure of becoming does not stop there. As we increase our awareness and our integration of Self the process of integration grows and expands as we begin to incorporate the fullness of our nature, that of our spiritual nature or our Soul.

It is through the emerging awareness of our Soul that we begin to understand and come to the joy of what it means to be a human being. It is through the “Touch of the Soul” that we begin to understand what a myriad of spiritual paths have taught throughout the ages, that as human beings we are a spark of the Divine. It is through becoming aware of our Soul that we can begin to manifest the fullness of this miracle we call life.

To start to understand your Soul as an integral part of yourself and begin to connect with your Soul as a part of your full being and your true nature, is the beginning of wisdom and the portal to real joy.”
            – Genevieve Gerard

This part of your Self, your Soul, contains within you a jewel of the greatest value we can find in life. The ancients have long referred to it as “the jewel of the lotus.”

What is wonderful and glorious is that this jewel of great value is within you and available to you. It is yours to use and come to know. It is yours to call upon for the wisdom it possesses. It is yours to enjoy and express. It is yours as a teacher, as a guide and as a source of love, joy, and peace, the “peace that passes all understanding.”

It is through meditation that this part of your being becomes accessible to your mind, to your heart and your personality. This quest to learn to touch your Soul and to incorporate the fullness of your Soul ultimately into the fullness of your being is a journey that has been undertaken by wise men and sages throughout time and is available to reach by everyone.

I invite you to embark upon this journey of meditation to awareness, to wisdom to joy through meditation. As the ancient Chinese saying expresses “every great journey begins with a single step.” As you embark upon this step be assured that your Soul awaits your intention to know yourself to the fullness of your being with such a deep and abiding joy, and such a powerful and profound love, that the best in life is yet to come.



   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2012-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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Guiding Light Mentoring Program


Guiding Light Mentoring

Guiding Light
Mentoring Program

Empower Your Life

Price: $To be arranged

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Learn How to Focus and
Use Your Energy More Effectively in the World

The Guiding Light Mentoring Program focuses on helping you incorporate the principles of personality integration, and Soul Personality Integration and fusion, into your life.  This brings about a new vision, a new clarity of purpose and a new way of being in the world. 

In this program you do not focus upon fixing the personality, but on empowering the personality into the dynamic achievement of full integration of the self.  As you connect with your Soul and realize you higher purpose, you discover your ability to fulfill your work in the world while manifesting your deepest wish.

Genevieve specializes in helping leaders in the world of business and the arts resolve creative blocks and understand the worldwide vision and larger scope of their work.  She works with a combination of techniques that include meditation, visualization and intention.  There is a special emphasis on how to focus and use your energy more effectively in the world.  She has a natural ability to help you identify your Soul purpose in life, and show you how to manifest and achieve what you desire.

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

An Introduction

The Opportunity Package, $5,000 USD.  Includes (4) 1-hour one-on-one mentoring sessions with Genevieve, and (5) Laser Light 10-minute at need phone calls or emails.

The Opportunity Package is the most accessible of the Guiding Light Mentoring Programs.  Mentoring will take place by telephone or Skype unless other arrangements are made.  This package is offered as an entry point and an opportunity to start the process of manifesting your purpose.  It can be purchased to create a specific transition or transformation in your life, or to complete the qualifications for the Ultimate Mentoring Program.  This introductory program can only be purchased three times.  After this, individual participants will either have the success in their life to justify transferring to one of the regular Mentoring Packages, or be qualified for the Ultimate Mentoring Partnership Program.

Choose your mentoring program

The Mentoring Packages

The Sapphire Package, $10,000 USD.  Includes (8), 2-hour one-on-one mentoring sessions with Genevieve, and (10) Laser Light 10-minute at need phone calls or emails.  

The Ruby Package, $25,000 USD.  Includes (10), 2-hour one-on-one mentoring sessions with Genevieve, and (15) Laser Light 10-minute at need phone calls or emails.

The Emerald Package, $50,000 USD.  Includes (25), 2-hour one-on-one mentoring sessions with Genevieve, and (30) Laser Light 10-minute at need phone calls or emails.

The Diamond Package, $100,000 USD.  Includes (50), 2-hour one-on-one mentoring sessions with Genevieve, and (75) Laser Light 10-minute at need phone calls or emails.

Note: Phone calls will be returned with expedience but not as emergencies.  Mentoring will take place by telephone or Skype unless other arrangements are made.

  • These prices are subject to change without notice. 
  • Once a contract has been purchased, the fee is secured at that rate.  The contract does not expire. Once a contract has been purchased, Genevieve agrees to make the contracted time available by mutual agreement.
  • Other configurations of services are available based upon need.

How can you discover something new if you think that you already know all of the answers? Click here to choose your Guiding Light Mentoring Program. 

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and never starting.” -Buddha

Choose your mentoring program


The Ultimate Mentoring Partnership Program.  Rare and special private work and business partnership with Genevieve.

In a few rare and special circumstances, Genevieve will offer a unique opportunity for participation in the Ultimate Mentoring Partnership Program.  Because Genevieve’s goal and purpose is world transformation and service, she wishes to work with like minded people bringing transformation into the world through this special program.  She is now making her Guiding Light Mentoring available in this new and different way. 

This program is priceless and is only available under the following conditions. The program is based on mutual agreement.  The time and frequency of contact will be based on mutual availability, and project need.  If your project or vision is chosen, Genevieve will offer to provide all mentoring to you with the understanding that when the project manifests, she will be compensated by a 10% share in the venture.   

Part of your honor agreement as a participant in this special program is to be respectful of Genevieve’s contributions by honoring her time.  Contact will be by telephone or Skype unless special circumstances of the project require her physical presence, at which time costs of travel and accommodations will be covered by the project as a business expense. Genevieve’s on-site participation will only be available by mutual agreement that it is necessary for the project or the group.

To apply for consideration in this special program you must be registered in a Guiding Light Mentoring Program.  Once you are enrolled in a Mentoring Program, Genevieve will personally review your completed proposal.  Based upon your initial proposal, if your project is of interest, more information may be requested. 

Genevieve wishes to be available to those dedicated to service and transformation in this changing world.  If you have an idea that shares this vision she may offer you support by extending to you the opportunity to turn your idea into an Ultimate Partnership Project.

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