
Holding Love in Your Heart

Holding Love in Your Heart

Heartbeat in the form of a heart with words Love In Your Heart
This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

What does it mean to hold Love in your heart?

How would that effect how you live?  How would that effect How you Love?

How would that effect What you do?

Life, it seems, is a huge lesson for all of us.  That life lesson seems to center around learning to Love. But how do you do that?

Over two thousand years ago Jesus walked the earth and prior to His departure gave His followers a commandment “Love One Another as I have Loved You.”

We need only look around us in the world to realize how far most of us have strayed from demonstrating that commandment.   Greed and selfishness seem to dictate so much of human behavior that Love is hard to find.

What would life be like if we, you, and me, and indeed everyone everywhere were to love one another?  That would surely be a new world.  It would bring heaven to earth in dramatic and life changing ways.

Kindness and compassion would govern your interactions.  Government would transform if we truly loved one another.  If the power of Love transcended the Love of Power, life would change.

This is not a secret.

Jimi Hendriks said long ago “When the Love of power transcends the Love of power the world will know peace.”

But it is not only peace that is promised when you hold Love in your heart.  Love has the power to transform everything we think we know about life.  That simple commandment that Jesus gave to His followers before He left may have been simple, but I must admit, it is by no means easy.

Loving one another, especially as Christ Loved us, is the opposite of selfish. It is Divine.  It incorporates the powerful principles of kindness and compassion.  It is steeped in giving rather than gathering and accumulating with greed.

So much of the suffering that is inherent in life on this planet would be resolved by Love.    So, I invite you to consider holding Love in your heart.  Consider how Love would be demonstrated in life.

What would you do
and what could you do to demonstrate Love?

Ask yourself: How might you hold Love in your heart?  Can you give graciously to the hungry, the poor, the prisoner and the disenfranchised?  Can you Love your neighbor as yourself?  And if you did would that not change the world? Ponder on these questions.

How might the concept of the brotherhood of mankind impact and influence your actions? Ponder on this question.

What can you do to transform the world with the power of Love? Ponder on this question.

How can you bring more Love into the world to manifest the victory of Love as the guiding influence of life? Ponder on this question.

Does that attempt bring you to the realization of the importance of harmlessness?  Does that enable you to realize the ancient truth that you cannot harm another without harming yourself? Ponder on these questions.

The Oneness, the Brotherhood of Humanity and the Power of Love are not separate energies and concepts.  When you hold Love in your heart, when you practice loving your neighbor as yourself, these concepts come to you more naturally.

This is the awareness that Loving grants.  This is how Love works, energetically and then begins to manifest into the world of matter and humankind through kindness and compassion, forgiveness and sharing. Love is the cure to greed and selfishness.

If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
               -Mother Teresa

Practice it and strengthen it in your heart, in your mind and in your Soul.  Demonstrate it whenever life brings you the opportunity.  In small actions great things are accomplished when you do them with Love.

Within the world there is an energy that is so strong, and so powerful, that unites us to bring it into life and the consciousness of humanity.  That energy is Love.
               -Genevieve Gerard

Full Golden Moon on a pitch black night reflecting on the water

A Meditation to Help You Hold Love in Your Heart for the Full Moon of Aquarius

Calm Your mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light. The Light you are inviting is the Light of your Soul.

Then take a deep and relaxing breath as you put all that has ever come before this moment firmly and completely behind you.  Enter into the NOW, this moment of time.

With the exhale of your breath release and let go of any troubling thoughts.

This is a new time of great promise and wonderful possibilities. Remember that you are at the beginning of the dawn of a new age of Aquarius.

Turn your attention to the way that Love can fill your heart to overflowing just by you opening your awareness to it. Draw into your being the essence of Love.

From the point of Light within the mind of God see Light streaming forth into the minds of humankind as Light descends to earth.

From the point of Love within the heart of God see Love stream forth into the hearts of men and women.

Now imagine the Light of the Full Moon of Aquarius filling you with a Divine Light that is empowered by Divine Love.

Consider how this Light from the Full Moon is already shared by all the world.

Imagine it igniting the energies of the unity of wo/men throughout the world.

Now imagine it empowering and infusing every one of your friends with Divine Love and Divine Light. See it coming to you and flowing through you as it infuses the world with the Divine Will of the Creator.

Imagine you are infusing Love and Light into the world.

From the Source of Love see your heart as a conduit of Love.

The Aquarian Full Moon invites you to use the Cosmic worldwide energy of the Full Moon to ignite change and transformation.

What better change can there be than to infuse Love by people everywhere to engage in holding Love in their heart and becoming a Source for the power of Love to transform the world.

By doing this you learn how to give Love, live Love and be a beacon of Love for all of humankind.

By Holding Love in your heart, you become a living example of what it means to Love, unconditionally, universally, and unselfishly.

You can surrender to the power of Love, and the Light that Love brings to your consciousness, by choosing Love.

Today, during the Full Moon of Aquarius cycle the whole world is invited to join a new way to demonstrate Loving One Another. Ponder on this.

Breathe in and take a moment to be Love, sending Love forth.


               – GG


This is your Divine destiny as you remember the truth that God is Love and when we Love one another we are demonstrating our union with God.

Never forget that this moment, this Full Moon of Aquarius is available to invoke and invite Love into the world today. You can be a part of a worldwide mission to radiate and transform the world with Love.



   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Holding Love in Your Heart Read More »

You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control

You Need to Know What Happens When You
Let Your Soul Be In Control

Read how to let your Soul be more in control article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a continuation of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

Many of the solutions to life’s challenges are simple.  That does not make them easy.

Free Will is an essential part of the human experience.

I believe the personality, the “lower self,” must make the conscious choice to surrender to Divine Will, the “higher self” or Soul.  Without that conscious choice, the choice to choose Love, the choice to put your Soul in control cannot give you the full power of your Soul.

It is with your decision to bring your Soul into a conscious partnership that you are empowered to work with the Angels and activate spirit to elevate the world of matter, that real enlightenment can happen.

By the very word, enlightenment requires bringing Light into the substance of matter.  This is the destiny of humanity.

The merging of your Soul, with your completely human body, emotions, personality, and mind is what I have called the “Greatest Merger and Acquisition” ever.

It was to fulfill this blending of spirit and matter, light and dark; personal will surrendered to Divine Will that the Creator designed the human adventure. Something magical and mystical happens when Love (the nature of your Soul) is infused into matter (the substance of the world.)

It was to bring Divine Love into manifestation into the world of matter that the struggle of life exists.

Matter, by its very nature, is devoid of Love.  Only through humanity learning to Love and surrendering to Divine Love can in this dual consciousness of Soul and Personality can the denseness of matter be infused by Love, can the denseness of matter be inspired by Soul Light.

This is the fuel of miracles and the purpose of life.  Not just to learn how to Love, but to let Love so thoroughly into your life that the very atomic matter of your being, your heart, merges with your mind into your Soul, whose nature is Love. Ponder on this.

Learning To Love

Your human adventure offers you the opportunity to learn and grow until Love is clearly the answer.  Surrendering to Love is your path to joy.  When surrendering to Love becomes your personal Free Will you automatically align with Divine Will.

Today, I invite you to choose Divine Love.  By making that choice, you have activated your free will on a path that aligns you with the teachings and wisdom of your Soul.  When you choose Divine Love, you are allowing your personality access to transforming power.

When you choose Divine Love, you become an agent of Divine Will here on planet earth.

I understand, although simple, it is far from easy to surrender to Divine Love and Divine WillBut don’t worry, the resistance you have to this kind of surrender is what makes you human.

Each and every time you are able to remain open to Divine Love and aligned with and surrendered to Divine Will you are taking a giant step forward in human evolution.

The fact that you are reading this article today speaks volumes to your openness to making a difference in your life.

The longing you have to be able to remain in a state of Love and aligned with Divine Will speaks to the presence of your Soul.  The nature of your Soul is Love.  It is with Love you can open to the wonder and wisdom of your Soul.

This walk in life with a human body, buffeted with needs and desires is a new kind of human being, a new kind of consciousness that is just emerging in the human experience.  To let your Soul be in control, while still walking in the world of sorrows is a whole new kind of experience in human life.

When you walk through life as the powerful and amazing being that you indeed are, you are thinning the veil between heaven and earth.  You are demonstrating the consciousness of Love.

 Meditation is a portal to the awareness of your Soul.

                   – Genevieve Gerard


If you would like to open yourself to the divine love of your Soul, download my Gift of Love guided meditation MP3 and experience the essence of your Soul.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 


Bringing Your Soul Into Control

The integration of your Soul with your personality is the result of lifetimes of lessons of love and karma.  The release of personal will to Divine Will is a lesson learned long ago by the Angels.

Coming from a Soul perspective shifts awareness of the illusions, glamor’s and desires of the world of matter to bring an understanding of what is true and real.

Each and every time you put your Soul in control you are fulfilling your destiny as the spark of Divine Light that you were created to be.

When you put your Soul in control, you automatically align with Love.  You activate your co-creator potential that came from the Creator with the breath of life.

Your whole perspective changes when you are integrating your Soul with your personality.  Harmlessness becomes effortless.

Kindness and compassion flow from your heart as you are moved by the sorrow and suffering of others.  You are aware of a unity of Spirit that makes clear your Oneness with all of Life.

Humanities next significant step forward is to master this dual perspective, this dual consciousness, and then bring it into the world.

To merge with your Soul, to restrain any selfishness you may be tempted by, is a significant step forward in the consciousness of humanity.  It is the evolution of a new kind of human being.  One who is in relationship and communion with the Divine.

Imagine, for a moment if you will, just how this world would be different if your Soul were in control.  Imagine if government and society were to follow the Law of Divine Love.  Imagine if the guidelines for the laws were crafted and passed with the principle of the Highest Good For All.

That would undoubtedly usher in a “Heaven on Earth.”  That would fulfill the prophecies of old of Peace on Earth, a time when the Lion could lie down with the Lamb.  These predictions and dreams have fueled all world religions because they are the plan in the mind of the Creator that humanity was created to fulfill.

It takes only a moment of both self-awareness and life awareness to see how far humanity is from manifesting that vision that has been foretold.  Yet, it is by learning to Love, by bringing your Soul into control and by merging your personal will into Divine Will that the best chance for humanity manifests.

To help you on this path I have created an affirmation that you can say as often as you like.


Love & Light Are My Lanterns Affirmation


Today, I call upon my Guardian Angels, my Spiritual Inner Plane Guides, to provide help and assistance in my life that I may fulfill my life destiny and purpose to manifest God’s Will for my highest good and the highest good of all.

I surrender to and invoke the wisdom of my Soul as I place my Soul in control.

I do this to learn the lessons of Divine Love and to teach others the transforming empowerment of love and light.

As I sacrifice my little will and align my life and purpose with Divine Will, I assert and affirm that: “Purpose Itself Am I.”

To manifest this awareness in my physical reality, it is necessary to allow: “Two Minds to Unite.”

And to let “The Highest Light Control.”

To do this, I must “See the Greatest Light.”

This blending of my Soul with my lower self occurs as a simultaneous act of invocation and evocation.  In so doing I open my life to the fulfillment and furtherance of a plan that is held in the mind of God.

I acknowledge that the Saints, the Hierarchy and those who have served humanity to bring about the manifestation of this Divine Plan will guide and direct me as I put aside my personal lower will.

As I remain aligned and open to Divine Will, I realize that my joy, my bliss, and my fulfillment are found in that merger.

Each and every time that I am able to restrain my personal needs and desires, I am learning to Love, and I am strengthened and supported by resources more amazing and vast than I can imagine.

Love & Light are my lanterns.  Through Divine Love, I can align in full faith and confidence knowing that Divine Will has the Divine Wisdom of a purpose and plan that is beyond what I can see from the vision of my individuated lower self.  As I merge with that Divine Will and Wisdom, I relax and release all of the needs that have burdened my life.

Through my open connection to my Soul, the heavenly hosts are available to provide the healing that those I encounter in my life so desperately need.

Through my merger with Divine Will for the Highest Good of All, I am assured that I will do no harm through the unintended consequences of my personal ego or desire nature.

I walk this path of dual consciousness and awareness with vigilance, and thus I stand.  I am a point of light within a greater light, and thus I stand.  I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of cosmic love, and thus I stand.  And standing thus enlightens the way for others.

                – Genevieve Gerard


Your Soul grows ever more in control until the Soul, in power can bring to Light the Love that underlies the happening of the times.  That is the destiny and fulfillment of humanity.  That is the great adventure you can use your life to manifest for the world.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6-11-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control Read More »

Experience Love Being First

Experience Love Being First

Read Experience Love Being First Serenity Sunday by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

It is a simple truth that Love is more powerful than hate.

Love is not simply an emotion, but a dynamic transforming power that can lead humanity into its most dramatic step forward in its evolution.  This moment in the history of time is unprecedented.

Since the words of creation were first uttered in the Mind of God, “Let there be Light” life on this beautiful planet has been evolving.  There has been a plan and a purpose far greater than my mind can grasp.

The Mind of God is certainly beyond my human ability to understand.  When I consider this world and all its glory I am struck with such awe, I can scarcely take it in.  When I let my consciousness consider the vastness of the universe beyond this planet, there is such mystery that I cannot pretend to comprehend.

The Source of Life, the meaning of life, is a mystery.  Philosophers have written their realizations, sometimes with great wisdom and revelation and at times with errors that it has taken humanity many ages to untangle.  The course of human consciousness is not a straight line to enlightened awareness.  In fact, it is a circuitous path.

When I consider that pathway, after a lifetime of prayerful contemplation and regular meditation there is one force that seems to stand forth.  There is one thing that appears to give meaning to the many lessons that life offers in this University of Living, that something is Love.

If there is one thing, it seems that all of life conspires to teach, it is Love.  With all of the need for love and desire to love and be loved that motivates human behavior, Love often remains a mystery.

As I ponder, contemplate, and meditate upon the mystery that is love I am aware that it is the diverse power and force that is love that makes it is so hard to understand sometimes.  The ancient Greek philosophers tried to help humanity understand love by their three words to define Love.

And, since those ancient times, those three words are still the definitions that are used.   You may not understand the full breadth of each of those words and concepts, but that does not make them wrong.  Learning the differences and nuances of those different types of love and more importantly the ways to manifest those differences of various kinds of love has been grist for the philosopher’s mill for many, many centuries.

Learning about Love, how to Love, is so important that Jesus chose Love as His determination of how the Laws of God were fulfilled when he stated in Matthew 22: 35-40  35And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

This answer does not only direct your attention to ethical questions but also reveals a great deal about LoveLove is about a relationship.  Love for all of its dynamic power exists only in relationship.

Love Only Exists In Relationships

That relationship can then fall into those three categories that the Ancient Greek philosophers handed down to current generations.  Those relationships sum up all of our human experience:

  • Agape: the unconditional and transforming Love that God shares with you in relationship with Divine Love.  That powerful aspect of Love that grants you access to Grace and Forgiveness.
  • Philo: the love of friends. Those with whom we have the relationships of fellowship, our neighbors, our families, and the brothers and sisters of our emerging and awakening consciousness.
  • And Eros: romantic and sexual love, which is so laden with attachment, desire and need that my spiritual mentor Robert Gerard used to call it, ”sticky love.”

Sadly, the passion and pleasure principle of romantic love has led to love being wrongly considered just an emotion, when it is so much more than that.

This particular and unique moment in the history of human consciousness is making it possible for humanity to learn more about Love than has ever been possible in our long journey toward enlightened awareness.  This opportunity comes with energies that are emerging over this next period of the human adventure, energies that will advance the Plan that is held in the Mind of God for His creation, humanity, here on planet earth. 

Consciously or not, we are all on a quest for answers, trying to learn the lessons of life. We grapple with fear and guilt. We search for meaning, love, and power. We try to understand fear, loss, and time. We seek to discover who we are and how we can become truly happy.
            – Elisabeth Keebler-Ross

The Aquarian Age

What has been called the Aquarian Age in astrological terms is a span of earth history that will span over 2,500 years as time is measured on earth.  Of course, in the realm of Heaven, that span of time is an illusion.

But, for us as human beings, the lessons of life and lessons of love that are uniquely available to us in the next 2,500 years are profound because they are the lessons of brotherhood and sisterhood.  They are the lessons of unity and oneness and the lessons of Love that will usher in the foretold time “When the Lion will lay down with the Lamb.”   This is a time when it is said to be followed by Peace to reign for a thousand years.

Now you and I may have great difficulty imagining the lessons that life and more importantly the lessons of love that will emerge in the consciousness of humanity over that vast span of time, but in The Mind of God, and the overall plan of evolution, love prevails.

I do not know how that happens or when that happens, but I know with the wisdom of my Soul and the profound revelation of my heart that love prevailsWe are told from every source of life, about the nature of God and the nature of the universe that “God is Love.”

The Nature Of The Soul

So, as I connect to my Soul for my meditative insights, I am struck by the realization that the nature of my Soul, which is the spark of Divinity that enlivens me, is also loveTherefore, I am Love.  The love which empowered conception for this particular life adventure directs my life to learn the lessons of love.

If Love Is First

Today I would like you to consider how your life and your relationships, in all of the types of love the philosophers describe, would be different if you let love be your first consideration in what you do and in what you say? 

If Love is first, Harmless and Right Speech become automatic.  If Love is first, you are able to consider others beyond your personal needs and attachments.

If Love is first all ethical considerations answer to the question of: how is love best served in this decision?

These are broad and important questions upon which Soulful consideration will reveal a greater understanding of love.

Therefore, I invite you to ponder on this next question:  How would you handle your current situation, your current relationships or your current circumstance in your life if you put Love first?

I invite you to as a meditative exercise: calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light of Love to guide you in your life and relationships.  

Your understanding and revelation to these questions will be empowered by opening to and connecting with your Soul, whose nature is love.

Meditate on Love.  Open your heart to Love.  Let your awareness be infused with Love and you will find your life filled with a joy that knows no boundaries and peace that passes understanding.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

As you reflect upon and consider these revelations, I encourage you to record your impressions and thoughts in your spiritual journalIt is so important that the wisdom of your Soul be considered and integrated into your personality for greater success and joy in your life.

Consider, if you will, how laws and governance would be if they put Love first.  Letting Love guide the laws that regulate and govern society will do more to make the world a better place than anything I can imagine. 

When Love is first, selfishness and greed go away.  Love automatically aligns with the greatest good of all.  Love brings unity and dissolves the illusions of separateness that can create so much harm in the world.

Love is the nature of your Soul and each time you align with Love you open your heart and your mind to a Higher Power.  By aligning with Love, you are bringing your personal will into a dynamic and powerful expression of Divine Will.

By putting Love first and letting Love guide your actions you will be supported by the Heavens.  You become a Light Worker backed up by the most powerful force on earth, Love.



The Blessing of Love On All That You Do!


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Last Updated 8-05-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Experience Love Being First Read More »

Love Lessons Karma Teaches

Love Lessons Karma Teaches

Read Love Lessons Karma Teaches by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

We, the planet earth, the family of humanity are at a crucial moment in history.

The energy that surrounds and sustains life itself is shifting.

We are One life, One humanity.

Unique life lessons are becoming available to the people of the world.  These experiences are bringing a new consciousness into expression.  These lessons are guided by Love and the Law of Karma and the Divine Plan of evolution for humanity.

Despite the illusions of separateness that are fostered by belief in nation states and borders, we are all interdependent.

There is only One planet that we inhabit.  What one does in their little corner of this world has an effect and impact on the other corners in the world.

Because the world seems large, it is possible to ignore this.  Because human skin and eyes come in many different colors, it is possible to deny this.  However, there is only one race on this planet; the human race.

Humanity has been living, growing and evolving since the dawn of time.  Since the moment when life was created with the words “Let there be Light,” there has been in the mind of the Creator a planHumanity is a cornerstone of that plan.

That makes human life valuable.  That makes each and every life matter.  That makes your life matter.  That makes your life an integral part of a Divine Plan.

Philosophers and theologians have long pondered the meaning of life.  I have often pondered the meaning of life.  I believe life is too vast and amazing to exist without a purpose.

What has, for me, given meaning to life, is that each and every person who lives on this planet is involved in a great adventure.

In its various ways it can be experienced on this planet, life gives us a tremendous opportunity to learn and grow.  Absolutely nothing that ever happens in your life separates you from that opportunity.

Although the creator has a plan, we, human beings were created with Free WillFree Will gives you the opportunity to decide what lesson you take from each and every experience your life adventure offers up.

Free Will is a “Law of Life.”  However, it is not the only lawFor all of the free will, life is also subject to The Law of Karma.”

The Law of Karma

The “Law of Karma” actually enhances and empowers free will because the Law of Karma is all about you learning life’s lessons.  The Law of Karma presents life lessons as many times and as many ways as you need to learn that lesson.

Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

The Law of Karma always made more sense to me as the way a God who is described by Jesus as a God of Love would arrange lifeThe Law of Karma seems more efficient as a learning tool than the concepts of Hell Fire and Damnation.  Although fear of punishment may control behavior, I fail to see how you learn from that.  You are an eternal being, a Soul, and a human personality. To live life fully in relationship with God there are many mistakes and failures of your free will.

I would often ponder, what is the lesson that life and karma teach?

Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One’s own karma, one’s own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever.
        – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The Most Important Lesson is Love

As I consider the lesson karma teaches, I realize that the most important lesson is Love.  The lesson that life offers up time and time again is how to love.  Love cannot be demanded; free will precludes that.  However, Love can be demonstrated.

When you express Love, you activate the Law of Karma.  And, when you fail to love, you activate the Law of Karma. When you love, especially when you let your Love reflect Divine Love, you are learning one of the most valuable life lessons.

Love is meaningless if it is not given by Free Will.  Love based on need and desire falls short of what love really is.  In life, love is so much more profound than an expression of need and desire.

Divine Love is unconditional.  That is most often a challenge for a human being caught up in their separate ego and separative consciousness.  Therefore, the Law of Karma comes into play.

The lessons of the Law of Karma are often harsh and painful.  Loving is not easy.  The life lessons that teach us how to love are often lessons of loss that result in emotional pain.  That may lead to the illusion that love is only an emotion.

That misunderstanding about what it means to love someone is part of what can be so confusing about love.  In English, the same word is used to describe love in every form.  That can make you believe there is no difference between attachment and need focused upon a loved one versus Divine Love.

That cannot be further from the experience of love.

Love and need, and love and attachment need to become separate in your mind when you consider the lessons of love in life.

This merging of need and desire, this blending of attachment with the experience of loving is something it is important to consider.

Psychologist and philosopher Eric Fromm, who wrote a lot about the different forms of love and different expressions of love wrote:

Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’
Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’
        – Erich Fromm

That difference is one of Karma’s life lessons about Love.  It is one of the most profound and life transforming lessons you will ever learn. You need to ponder on this lesson.

The primary lesson that Love teaches is that “Love never ends.” 
Love is beyond attachment, desire, and need because Love is eternal.
        – Genevieve Gerard

This shift in consciousness, in loving, takes love from being a sticky and sentimental expression into a miraculous and transcendent experience.

Separating love from need; separating love from passion and desire; are just a few of the life lessons that the Law of Karma seems to teach us with broken hearts and broken dreams.

Love is the energy of the Soul
joining and connecting with
the Love essence of another Soul.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Because Love is an expression of your eternal Soul in connection and relationship with another Soul, Love is both transcendent and in some mysterious way transpersonalThis Soul-to-Soul connection of Love is what makes it possible to understand and to do what was commanded by Jesus in John 3:13 when he said,

A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another,
even as I have loved you,
that you also love one another.
        – Jesus Christ, John 3:13 New American Standard Bible

It is Humanities destiny to learn how to love.

Right next to this understanding and expression of Jesus’s teaching about Love is the direction to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Now, those two lessons about Love are so universal that I am sure they have been heard in every nation of the world, whether it is a “Christian nation or not.”

We need only a quick look at the world we live in to see that those lessons are still on the Law of Karma’s text book.

Had humanity learned the lessons of Love encompassed in those two teachings of Jesus, Brotherhood and Sisterhood would have created the world in which war was impossible.

Clearly we, as the family of humanity still have a lot to learn about Love.

The beautiful thing about the force of Divine Love is that it is unconditional.  Because of that, we are forgiven.  Our human failures to learn the lessons of love are forgiven.  And, the Law of Karma grants us the opportunity to try to get it right, again.

My prayer for the world today is that we all pay attention to the lessons of karma and consider what love is trying to teach us today.

Questions To Ask Yourself

I ask you to put your thoughts and your emotions to the test by asking the question:

  • How is Love Best Served Today?
  • Has the Law of Karma taught me the lessons of love that result in compassion and brotherhood?
  • Have I loved my neighbor?
  • Have I followed Jesus as a teacher and guide in my life when he said in the teaching parable Matthew 25:40, “Yea though you have done it to the least of these my brethren you have done it to me.” See my The Least of These My Brethren article.

These are the lessons of love that the Law of Karma will teach until the future day, perhaps seen only in the mind of God, when the Divine Plan is finally completed.

These are the decisions men and woman of Goodwill must consider across the world, across every religion and every culture.

These are the choices that every government and every government leader must decide.  And, as has always been the case, Love will be defended by the Law of Karma.

There is a part of a mantra that I focus on when faced with these decisions.  It is taken from a Mantram called the Mantra of Unification published in 1955 by Alice Bailey and a Hierarchical Master Djwhal Khul in their book “Discipleship in the New Age Vol II pp 146-147.”

Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events, And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.

Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let Love Prevail.

Let all men (and woman) Love.

I choose Love.  I fail sometimes, but I choose Love.  I invite you to join me in choosing Love.

I know the Law of Karma will come along and teach me the ways I need to learn what it means to love and how to “love my neighbor as myself.”

But today, as well as I can, I choose love and I invite you to also choose love.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2017-2020 Genevieve Gerard and The Touch of The Soul. All rights reserved.


Love Lessons Karma Teaches Read More »

Be Open To Love

Be Open To Love

– Love is Where Two Worlds Meet

Read Be Open To Love post by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

We live in a material world.  Life is impacted by what can be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted.  These five senses are of vital importance as they impact on your understanding of the world.

The strength of these five senses is so powerful that it is easy to believe that unless you perceive something with your five senses, it is not real.  That is a mistake!

The truth is that we live in the material world as citizens of two worlds.  Neither world reflects the wholeness of whom and what we are as human beings.

A human being is a miraculous blend of a physical being with a spiritual being.  Any attempt to be only one part of this equation is doomed to failure.  Indeed to require every part of life to be able to be perceived through your five senses, or to believe that only what you can see and touch is real, defies life’s experience.

The successful blending of your awareness as both a physical being and a spiritual being is one of the great mysteries of life. It is easy to err on one side or the other based on the situations and circumstances of your life.

Indeed, answering the questions of the dual aspects of human nature has fueled the ponderings of philosophers and theologians since the dawn of time.  Likewise, it has fueled many of my questions about life.

This dual nature of human experience led me to summarize this dichotomy in this way on

You are a miracle of Divine Light, created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience, right here and right now on planet earth.
       ― Genevieve Gerard

It is the blending of these two worlds, the material world and the spiritual world through which much of the mystery of life exists.  That is because it is challenging to understand how what is eternal can co-exist so intertwined with what is temporal.

Recently, my challenge to understand this mystery has led me to understand that the bridge between these two worlds and these two realities is Love. Anyone who has every loved has crossed this bridge.

One way this merging of the two worlds happens is when two individuals are initially drawn together by the urges and expression of physical desire.  Out of their romance, they begin to realize that something more is present.  That more is love.

Be Open To Love

In opening your heart and your mind to love you begin to experience something that is bigger than desire and subsequent gratification of physical expression.  Often, that drift across the barrier between these worlds is so subtle that you don’t even realize you have gone from the world of matter to the realm of your Soul, which is the realm of Love.

This transition is most often called “falling in love.”

Love requires a merging of Souls.  That fusion takes you out of the world of the temporal and physical into the world of the eternal.

When love is created, there is a subtle energetic shift.  This change is often tangible and may be a surprise to the one who has fallen in love.

The realization that love has been created out of a relationship changes everything.  It changes the nature of friendship, and it changes the depth of romance.  When it happens in the throes of passion and ecstasy, those who are aware of subtle energies can tell you that they felt the shift from “just sex” to love.

That transition can be frightening.  Love is powerful.  Not everyone wants Love.  Some people fear Love.  Free will enables an individual to run from Love and reject Love.

For some, just that touch across the bridge is so different that it is unknown and terrifying, and they choose to reject it.  For others, it opens them to a lifetime of bliss and joy.

Of course, sex and passion are only one way to cross that bridge between the temporal and the eternal, from the world of matter to the world of Soul.  It is one of the most amazing parts of life.

Poets praise that portal to Love.  The real miracle is not the passion or the sex, but that you, from your selfish, physical personality have been able to cross that bridge, a bridge from the limitations of matter into the eternal realm of unconditional Love.

In pondering this miracle, I am amazed at the wisdom of the Divine in using Love to create that bridge between these two realities and the two worlds.

As I mentioned, romantic and sexual love is not the only pathway on the bridge of Love.  True friendship is also a path that can take you across that bridge.

Friendship is a gentler and less threatening way to move into the experience of Love.  And it is one of the three ways the Ancient Greeks described Love.  Friendship is a portal to Love.

Love, no matter whether erotic or the Love shared by family and friends, is an essential part of the lessons of life.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
        – George Sand

Love serves as a bridge from your personality to your Soul.  The essential nature of your Soul is Love.  When you love someone, a bond between Souls is created that transcends beyond time and space.

The giving of love is an education in itself.
        – Eleanor Roosevelt

In the university of life, I have come to understand that learning to love is the most life transforming lessonWhen you Love, you merge the world of matter, which is temporary and fleeting with the realm of the Soul.

This is a major transition in consciousness.  To be consciously connected with Love opens the doors of awareness to joy.  Love is the most powerful healing force we can touch with our mind and heart. Ponder on this!

Meditate on Love.  Open your heart to Love.  Let your awareness be infused with Love and you will find your life filled with a joy that knows no boundaries and peace that passes understanding.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

Love has the power to guide your life as it opens you to your Higher Self (your Soul). 

The deepest ethical questions in life are best answered by considering “How Love is best served in this situation?”

The unconditional nature of Love allows you to forgive, even what seems unforgivable.

By loving you have crossed from the world or sorrows and the veil of tears to an awareness of the bliss of the world of the Soul and the Peace that passes understanding.  These are the hallmarks of the world of Spirit (the Soul.)

To begin to experience this joy watch my YouTube, Bliss is Perfect Happiness.

Just remember, Love is the bridge where two worlds meet and your life is opened to greater happiness and joy.  I recommend that you dare to learn the lessons of Love.  I suggest you open your heart to the love that is the essential nature of your Soul and let yourself love freely, unconditionally and spontaneously.

Share the radiance of your Love with everyone you meet.  Be a source and a force for Love in the world until you can “Give Love, Live Love and Be Love.”



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-7-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Be Open To Love Read More »

The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

– Even in death love prevails

Read The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

A profound truth that resonates deep within your Soul is Love Never Ends.  It defies logic and yet is cherished and depended on upon, especially when you lose a loved one to the tyranny of death.

Love and death are archetypically tied together in the human consciousness.  Death is one of life’s experiences that makes you wonder about life with a need to understand.

It is often the loss of a loved one through death that causes you to begin to explore life beyond the limitations of matter and the five senses.  It is not uncommon for the death of someone you deeply love to open your mind to reality and consciousness that is more than what you can touch and feel in the material world.

It may be that when you love someone, your awareness expands beyond the limitations of your physical awareness.  Take a look back over your life and consider whether life is larger and more wondrous than what is only physical.

Love is the key that unlocks your understanding of life beyond what is only physical.  This dichotomy exposes the reality and understanding of life as a dual existence.  This duality requires merging what you experience and perceive with your physical sensations, with the perceptions of your Soul.

It is both mysterious and miraculous that you can be aware of physical reality and spiritual truths simultaneously.  As you explore this duality, you begin to understand the full potential of what it means to be a human being.

Love is the greatest teacher of truth that you have in your life.  The lessons of love and perceptions of love are realer and may be more important than any doctrine ever preached.  This is because the lessons of love are recognized deep in your heart and Soul.  When you love someone you know you are transcending into what is real and meaningful in life.

Love allows you to take on power that is not available with any other human endeavor.  It is a unique force that is available when death brings the sorrow of separation.  In spite of the stark reality of mortality, the love is still there.

That makes the death of a loved one an opportunity to learn and expand your spiritual consciousness.  Somehow, the very breadth of love and the stark reality and pain of death are incongruent.  In spite of the loss and the sorrow of someone who you love dying you are confronted with the awareness that your love somehow not only did not die but also understand to the depth of your being could not die.

Life’s lessons, the particular lesson that love reveals come with a resonance of knowing that transcends understanding.  Although love’s lessons may support and fuel faith, they transcend faith.  Love teaches truth.  Truth has the power of revelation that extends into the very essence of your being.

Your Soul has no doctrine, no dogma, and no denomination, yet it always resonates with the truth.

You may not understand the hows & whys of this, but the knowing and recognition that comes with acknowledging the truth are unmistakable.  Your Soul recognizes the truth and understands the mysterious and miraculous with a profound sense of knowing.

Even in the midst of mourning and sorrow you realize that love is not limited to the physical body which you now know and understand to be just a temporary vehicle for your Soul.
       – Genevieve Gerard

There is within you an amazing teacher that always knows what is true.  That insight opens your awareness to understanding the mysteries of eternity that are otherwise incomprehensible and unknowable.  It is that knowing that becomes apparent when striving to cope with the death of a loved one.  Ultimately, to lose someone you love to death brings you face-to-face with the truth that love cannot die.



It is the test of truth known by your Soul that I ask you to apply to any and all of your teachings.  Simply give any experience the test of the “ring of truth,” if it resonates in your Soul as truth, you cannot be misled.

When you open your life to love, you create a bond that is beyond both time and space.  You open the door to what is Divine in life and what is eternal.

Comfort comes with realizing that love transcends even death itself because it exists within eternity.

Love is the bond that connects your Soul to the Soul of your beloved.  This bonding of love is beyond the physical expression because it happens between two Souls.  This bonding of love cannot be destroyed by death because it exists within the eternal.  This bond of love is what you know is still there as you face the fact of mortality.

You may have to learn to live without the companionship of a loved one’s presence in your life, but you can draw succor and strength from the realization that the bond of love continues throughout time.

When you consider the many ways and roles in life that express love, the eternal nature of love begins to make sense.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
         – Henry Van Dyke

When you remember all those you have loved in life, and the many diverse ways that love manifests in your life, the expression of eternal love through our life begins to make senseWe all seek to bond with others through loveThat occurs from the initial bond of love that an infant seeks from its MotherIt continues into the love of close childhood friends and the romance and sexual love of finding a mate.

Love ultimately directs all of the relationships of our lives.  Friendship bonds can be stronger than familial bonds.  There are also sisters and brothers whose relationships are so much more than friends are.  These differing themes and variations in relationships that provide the expression and support of love in life create what I call, “the dance of love throughout eternity.”



Each life adventure provides different roles and relationships through which you can experience love.

It is with this insight on love that you can expand your understanding and awareness to make peace with the concept of physical death.  It is through this expansion of your consciousness that thousands of little mysteries can be clarified.

To live in a temporal word of matter that experiences the loss and heartbreak of death yet be an eternal Soul who is a spark of Divine Light requires a dual reality and requires a dual awareness.  This duality in your consciousness can be a strength that explains many of life’s challenges.

This duality of a Soul, who has a body but is a being that is so much greater than your body, provides strength and guidance.  Ponder on this!  Coming to understand your dual natures as you face life’s challenges and potential is revealing. 

Death, by its very finality and limitation, brings you face-to-face with the Soul as it is only with an understanding of the life of the Soul and the actual nature of Love does death become bearable and comprehensible.

The eternal nature of your Soul and the eternal nature of love can be a comfort to you at a time of loss.  If you ponder these thoughts and put them through the test of the truth of your Soul’s knowing, your awareness expands to comprehend much in life that has previously been unfathomable and incomprehensible.

Love is exalted as the life lesson that honors the bonds of love throughout eternity as an expression of Divine Love in our adventure of life.  So remember that it is a dance of love throughout eternity.



The Blessing of Love On All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-20-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity Read More »

Feeling Love on Valentine’s Day

Feeling Love on Valentine’s Day

Read Feeling Love on Valentine's Day by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

All across the world on Valentine’s Day people celebrate love. They celebrate love in its many forms, but most of all they celebrate romantic and intimate love. They celebrate desire, passion and all of the fantasies that have been quietly nourished in the heart of what it means to love and to be loved.

This expression of Love was captured by the poet Robert Frost when he said:

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
        – Robert Frost

I have often written about love, but as I review my body of work I note that I focus more on the essence of love than upon romantic or erotic love. Still, in the adventure of life, we are given the opportunity to learn about life, and that means to learn about love.

Romantic love, or as the ancient Greeks called it erotic love, laced with passion and desire is necessary for all that it teaches about life. There are life lessons about love that can best and perhaps only be learned through romantic love. It is to celebrate that passion, that joy, and that sense of wonder that Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the world.

Love doesn’t make the world go ’round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
        – Franklin P. Jones

During this Valentine’s Day experience, let romantic love, with its intensity of yearning for union with a beloved, teach you about all love in a powerful way that allows you to comprehend the meaning of Union of Souls. It is a demonstration of deeper truths that you might never discover if it were not for the passion and promise that falling in love delivers.

When you fall in love may be the very first time you have been able to reach beyond yourself to consider the needs and desires of another. Life, with its infinite wisdom, rewards you with joyful celebration when you make that important step. Passion, fulfillment, and satisfaction are granted as you learn how to merge your needs and desires in cooperation with another.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

What would otherwise be a painful life lesson of sacrifice can become a beautiful expression of joy. To express love, to be generous, to strive to give your beloved what they wish and desire, all provides you with the opportunity to reach beyond the limitations of yourself. Not only is that step rewarded, but it can also be experienced, enjoyed and celebrated on all levels of your being.

At times, I have pondered the incredible miracle of romantic love and sex for the way that it transforms our life from aloneness and a sense of separation and alienation to a demonstration that we are not alone. Also, most amazing is that the fruit of having loved is the realization that we are aware of eternity. Ponder on this.

By loving we are transformed, changed and given the opportunity to be our true self, our best self.

Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
        – Barbara de Angelis

It is perhaps to help us learn and grow that God blessed us with the passion of erotic love, for love expands your heart with compassion and generosity.

Love is a force upon which you can anchor your life. It seems to grow miraculously and develop until you realize that through your love for another you have learned to not only love one another but also to love others. You have come to love life and with your appreciation of what love you have been given you see a world of wonder. You see the world where blessings can come to you when you least expect it.

Once you had loved and been truly loved nothing is ever the same as it was before you were loved. What is most strange and miraculous about this transforming experience is the way that it changes you and changes your life.

The “happily ever after” myths and, “happy endings” of Hollywood’s stories imply that the story goes on and on. And, certainly in life sometimes it does. The happily ever after is not what is most important. What is most important is that you have known what it is to love. Your life has been touched, changed and transformed by love.

The real miracle is that you have received and given love. Somehow, that warms you, nourishes and restores you in your darkest moments. It caresses and calms you and fills you with peace and joy. Having given love and having received the love you have been enfolded in a moment of eternity that is in some mysterious way beyond space and outside of time.

True love is less about the outcome and more about having opened your heart, your mind and your Soul to love. Having loved, you touched eternity. Having loved you created in this particular span of years something that is endless and timeless.

It is ironic to me that when I begin writing about romantic love and erotic love I find myself uncontrollably led to talk about love as the endless, eternal expression. Having noticed this, I find myself wondering and pondering upon how erotic and romantic love ends up being eternal love.

What I realized in thinking about and considering love is that sexual love and romantic love is a portal to love. Once you cross that portal, once you let yourself transcend the selfishness, the exclusive self-awareness that you are you, and I am I, into the unity and unification that loving brings everything changes.

And it changes not just for the moments of passion and sex, but it changes everything. And it is for that reason I call it a portal. It is a portal that it seems that once crossed cannot be re-entered. It is a great mystery in my life that having deeply loved someone; I have never stopped loving them.

That may be inconvenient, especially when life and circumstances converge so that you are no longer with the person you loved. And sadly in today’s world of relationships, that may be challenging.

Yet, with the understanding that the “it” is the lesson and experience of love, that makes the difference. It is the change you can undergo because of having loved that is important. Perhaps that grants a different perspective that helps you avoid the need and attachment that interferes with you experiencing love.

To love, by its very nature, requires transcending that need an attachment that so often disguises itself as romantic love. Loving another requires moving from loving them because you need them, to needing them because you love them. Ponder on this. That shift and transition are significant. However, it also puts you in direct conflict with the fact that loving someone makes you want what is best for him or her.

I recently saw the quote below that I would like you to ponder. Today, in celebration of love and dedication to love on Valentine’s Day, I share it with you.

Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up. Often. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering.


But unconditional love? Stop telling that story. Love, in truth, doesn’t need ANY other adjectives. It doesn’t require modifiers. It doesn’t require the condition of perfection. It only asks that you show up. And do your best. That you stay present and feel fully. That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU. It’s enough. It’s Plenty.”
        – Courtney A. Walsh

As you go through your life’s adventure, I encourage you to open to and explore love in all of its beautiful and glorious forms. Open your heart and celebrate love as a celebration of life.

Happy Valentine’s Day!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2-13-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Feeling Love on Valentine’s Day Read More »

Open Your Heart To Love

Open Your Heart To Love

Read Open Your Heart To Love blog post by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

In this great university that we call life, there is perhaps no more important lesson we receive than learning to love.

Love manifests in our lives in so many different forms and circumstances that it is an ongoing opportunity to explore, experiment and express. If we open our heart and deeply consider what we have been learning in life that has given us the most joy and the most challenges, we can see that love is a predominant theme.

The great philosophers of old, most particularly Plato, defined love in three basic categories, that of Agape, how God loves us or how we are directed to love God; Philos, or love of friends and others; and the all important Eros, erotic or sexual love. And of course, the love of parents and children and family seems to be another important category.

Indeed, within these three or four very diverse categories that define love is enough lessons and life experiences to fuel millions of books, thousands of films and television scripts, and a seemingly endless stream of talk shows on media outlets around the world.

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
      ~ Khalil Gibran

There is perhaps no greater desire in the human heart than that of both giving and receiving love. Of course, as with so many dynamics of our all too human consciousness, we seem to feel that it is better to receive than to give. But if we explore the experience of love, dispassionately and deeply, we may find that we receive as much if not more love by giving rather than receiving it.

This may explain the teaching of Jesus when he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Love, and lessons about Love are without question exalted in the life and teachings of the Christ.

When we think of the span of our years and focus on the times we have loved and the ways we have loved, we may realize that those times and events where we gave love unconditionally created such joy that we treasure the experience throughout our life. If we hold those experiences in our hearts and consider the power of those times to guide and transform our lives, we will begin to understand more of the dynamics of this great life lesson called love.

An honest review of our life will reveal to us that the times we have succeeded beyond our expectations in giving love have yielded rich dynamics to our experience of living. Likewise, those times when we have failed, on either side of the experience of love, to either give or receive, have resulted in profound heart-wrenching pain and sorrow.

Contained within the lessons of love is a microcosm of the many consciousness shifts we need to make to live a life of joy. We truly do need to be aware of the benefit of mastering this great lesson of life. Love is best learned in the act of letting ourselves give love and equally important, letting ourselves receive love. Ponder on this!

If we open our hearts to give love, we are immediately transported into the joy and blessings of love.
      ~ Genevieve Gerard

Loving is an experience that is immediately reinforced by expanding and enhancing our life experience.

Therefore, to learn about love we need only to give love as fully and completely as we can and to accept all that love offers to our life. It is profoundly simple, but strangely, it is often not easy.

Opening to love opens us to so much of what is the very best of life that making a commitment to love is a powerful portal to the gifts of awareness and joy. I encourage you to open your heart to love and embrace this lesson as a great adventurer and explorer of life.



The Blessing of Love On All That you Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 37,186 times. Check out our other related posts below.


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Last updated 3-28-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Open Your Heart To Love Read More »

To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal

To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal

Read "To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal" by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

Love has the power to heal and transform the most wounded life.

It is in loving that we are most connected to the Divine.

It is in loving that illusion can fall from your eyes and truth can be revealed.

There are of course many different ways that love is felt and expressed. However, love is more than a feeling. This is part of what the adventure through life is undertaken to reveal.

Learning To Love

Learning to love and fully comprehending what it is to love is one of the most important and most profound lessons of life.

It is within this experience of love that the deepest healing takes place. It is within the lessons of love that the full richness of life is expressed and experienced.

Love comes in many different expressions and manifestations, and each and every one of them can be a challenge.

You might think that it is easiest to love yourself, yet for many people that is the most challenging of all. You might wonder why it is so hard to love yourself, but who knows more than you how many times and how many ways you have failed to love another. Who knows better than you, all of the selfish and self-serving things you do and more significantly the selfish and self-serving thoughts and judgments that run through your mind.

Luckily, it is in learning to love yourself that you can truly open your heart, your mind, and your Soul to the transformative power of the true essence of Love.

Each time you love in the many different ways that you can manifest love; you are opening and expanding the portal to the Divine. We are told that God is Love and there is no greater truth. The more we can demonstrate love, the more we are joining with God in the Oneness and unity of humanity.

One of the amazing miracles of Love is that Love is merged and blended with both forgiveness and grace. Love also activates compassion and with compassion most often comes understanding. And because Love unites us with the Divine, the more you love, the easier you find it to forgive. True Love cascades with grace and transforms your life.

Learning to Love is one of the most important experiences in this life that is filled to overflowing with lessons.

Because you are learning, any attempt you make to love benefits you. You don’t have to be perfect. However much you are able to give love is always a blessing. Romantic love is often the stimulus that opens you to the experience of loving, much like priming a pump. While romantic love is the doorway many use to enter into love, to truly love is so much more since it involves your whole being, body and mind, heart and Soul. Loving truly is more. It involves looking beyond your needs. It involves expanding your awareness of needs beyond your own, to the greatest good, perhaps of others.

One of the amazing parts of love is that it connects you to the spark of the Divine that resides in your Soul. When you love you are connected with what is eternal in your life. When you love you grow in understanding others. You become aware of a higher-level unity and brotherhood/sisterhood that bonds you with others in a way that enhances all of your life experiences.

We are all told in the bible to, “Make love your aim” 1: Corinthians 13. We are told that of all the gifts of a spiritual life, “the greatest of these is love.”

You don’t need to criticize yourself or judge yourself or others for the inability or failures you may experience along the path of life in learning to love. Whatever progress you make or understanding you achieve about what it means to love is a step toward more enlightened awareness. In each step you take, or revelation you are granted, there is an automatic, spontaneous reinforcement because you experience more joy and more peace in your life.

Learning to love is its own reward. That is a miracle. When I consider the amazing grace and wisdom of that design, by the Divine, I cannot help but be filled with awe. I cannot help but feel loved by God and in that great and amazing grace realize that it is Love that I am born to share and disperse.

As love is given to me freely,
I am guided to give love freely.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Furthermore, the wonderful and amazing blessing of giving Love is that by giving I also receive. This is a mystery of loving and one of the great blessings of loving. Each time that I love I am joined with God, whose nature and very essence is love. I cannot help but rejoice.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts,
there can be no more hurt, only more love.
        – Mother Teresa

Love is the life lesson that seems riddled with paradox because it is so very powerful and so very transformative. I know very well in my life how many times I have failed to truly love, even when I have professed love and strived to love. Our human nature, our personal desires, and needs are such that loving does not always come easy. Romance, sexual desire, and selfishness all confuse this.

Be gentle with yourself. Love is the nature of God. You are not God. You are a human being. Each time you love, you brush up to the majesty and glory of God and are blessed and transformed in your very human life.

The more you open your heart and your mind to Love, the more you touch the divine breath of love that comes from your Soul, and the more your life reflects joy.

Affirmations and Reflections on Love
– A meditation focused on Love

I suggest you have a journal with you so you can record and remember any thoughts or impressions you receive in this meditation.

As you begin, calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

This short meditation will combine both affirmations and reflections. The affirmation allows you to activate your will, your intention and your desire.

The reflection then reveals what you are learning about love.

Before you begin, take a minute to come into the present and presence of you higher awareness, your Soul, where you know what love is. Put the past behind you. Breathe deeply as you relax into this moment in time. Let your awareness be free to experience the guidance of what it means to love truly and freely.

Then calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Then Say to yourself:

I am created by Love to learn how to Love.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

With my mind calm and my heart opened, Divine Love fills me.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

Divine Love heals me and brings me closer to my Soul.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

I am grateful and blessed by the touch of my Soul
and the touch of God’s love that I have received today.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

The Love that flows to me flows through me to the world.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]


Ponder on the words of this meditation.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 6,603 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 2-16-2020


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul, All Rights Reserved.


To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal Read More »

A Serenade to the Dawn

Read A Serenade to the Dawn by Genevieve Gerard

A Serenade to the Dawn


A touch of morning pink enters the sky.

Joy blooms in my heart.

There is so much promise in that gentle blush.


Quietly the new day dawns.

The clouds of yesterday storms transform with hope.

The Light is victorious.


New possibilities come into my mind.

I pause to dream.


What can I do with this new opportunity to make manifest what I desire?

Softly my Soul whispers, seize the day with joy.


Spread your Light, give your Love.

All is well in the peace of this potent time.


        – Genevieve Gerard



Last updated 3-14-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


A Serenade to the Dawn Read More »

You Need Not Earn A Mothers Love

You Need Not Earn A Mothers Love

– Thoughts on Love for Mother’s Day

Read "You Need Not Earn A Mothers Love" article by Genevieve Gerard

From the first breath of life, a baby begins to learn about love.

Throughout life, until that baby takes its last breath, love will amazingly be the most natural, joyful and wonderful experience in life and simultaneously the most challenging.

Learning to love and letting love evolve and grow is part of the miracle of life. Some might say that it is the purpose of life, the reason for living.

On Mother’s Day, here in the United States, it seems natural to consider the birth of my son, as I consider writing about love and the amazing lessons and changes that becoming a Mother gave me.

Motherhood is a life-changing event. Once you are a Mother, you are always a Mother. Being a Mother is perhaps nature’s best opportunity to learn about love.

I remember, as I am sure most Mother’s do, that powerful moment when after all of the discomfort of pregnancy and pain of delivery, my child was placed in my arms. In that moment there was such a welling up of joy and love in my heart that it could not be contained. Love, in that moment, became the most important thing I would ever do or could ever do with my life.

As I held my child in my arms and looked deeply into his eyes, he smiled. That moment, that first connection, opened a place in my heart and touched my Soul and spontaneously filled me with unconditional love that was so powerful and so profound that I knew I was in some way miraculously changed.

In that moment, by that connection of our Souls, I learned something about love that was beyond any lesson that life had ever offered me before. I was transformed, and I felt deep in my heart what I would learn, experience and grow with, by having this child, loving this child and protecting this child.

It was not simply the miracle of being a co-creator of life that overwhelmed me; it was how my awareness of what it means to love was transformed. To love unconditionally is, we are told, how God loves us. I knew at that moment that my son would never need to earn my love.

Yet, to really understand that is not easy. Unconditional love is selfless, and most of us, as human beings know ourselves to be selfish. To learn to love unconditionally is to learn to express that spark of the Divine that makes a human being unique and wonderful out of all of creation.

When you let love be your guide, you will never get lost.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps it is through the miracle of becoming a Mother that this great life lesson is empowered. The miraculous event of motherhood will transform you and will provide the lesson of unconditional love.

It will teach you that it is not dependent upon the act of giving birth, but is related to becoming a Mother. This I learned when my nephew joined our family as a very welcomed adoptive addition. Being a mother is much more than just giving birth. It is a way of expressing love that is unique to that experience.

If your life was blessed with the experience of being a Mother, take a moment to pause and consider all that you have learned from that life’s adventure. Make sure that your loved ones know that they need not earn your love, but rather you give it unconditionally.

On May 10th and throughout the year, we should celebrate Mothers everywhere. Take the time to consider and be grateful for the love that has transformed and touched your life. It could be from your biological mother or from a grandmother, an aunt, a teacher or even a supportive neighbor.

Mother’s Day provides an excellent opportunity to remind us to express our gratitude for those who have loved us, guided us and supported us throughout our journey and who have provided us with the unconditional love that is called a Mother’s love.

Also, remember that the bonds of love and the lessons that love can teach in life most often reach their culmination in family life. And although families are imperfect, there is no other human structure that gives you more opportunities to learn about love, and to demonstrate what it means to love, than family.

Ironically, family not only teaches you to love, but also teaches you about the need to forgive, and hopefully also how to forgive.

No one anywhere can trigger our emotional response more powerfully than our families.
Check out my Heart of the Family Meditation CD-MP3 for a transforming awareness meditation
that will unite your family.

Erik Fromm, humanistic psychologist and philosopher discusses in his book, “The Art of Loving” the importance developmentally of the unconditional love of a Mother’s love. He is quoted as saying,

“Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.”
        – Erich Fromm

It is through your relationship with your Mother that you first begin to learn life’s lessons about love, so it is wonderful that by becoming a Mother you can learn how to love unconditionally.

In my deepest moments of meditation and reflection upon the meaning of life, I have found that learning to love is the most important of the lessons we are given throughout life. It seems that most of life’s challenges and the very best of life’s blessings and joy are interwoven with love.

I believe in your life, it is what you have done for love, that gives you the greatest sense of accomplishment and the deepest sense of satisfaction and success. If you take this celebration of Mother’s Day, and consider the Mother’s love in your own life, I feel you will also find that to be true. Ponder on this.

Take this moment to consider and meditate on all that you have learned about love in your life.

You may wish to record these thoughts and impressions in your journal. If you don’t have a journal, you may wish to take this day to begin one.

You might wish to add to your consideration of what love is, the words of St. Paul in his famous epistle to the Corinthians.

The Way of Love

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

Love never ends… so now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
        – 1 Corinthians, English Standard Version (ESV)

From the moment of your birth to the moment of your death, giving and receiving has more impact on your life than anything else you do. Throughout your life, the lessons you learn about loving are the most profound.

This is true of learning to love within your family relationships. It is true when you strive to love one another as you have been loved by God. It is true of learning to love yourself. One might say that life is a classroom where the primary lesson is love.

Love has the power to redeem and the power to heal. It is a bridge across the divide between life and death because when you love another, the bond is forged from Soul to Soul.

The spark of your Self that is both Divine and eternal is what gives love its greatest power and provides the greatest joy.

This day is the perfect time to celebrate love and to consider the many ways that love manifests in your life. This day is a perfect time to consider the ways that love influences your life. Throughout your life is the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude for the love you have received.

We love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving.
        – Fredrick Nietzsche

Mother’s Day can also be a powerful time to forgive and let the hurt of your past heal. It is time to accept the grace and healing love of the Divine Mother. It is a time to invoke the work and wisdom of the Divine Mother in your life.

This Mother’s Day, celebrate love, celebrate life and demonstrate love in your life!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2015 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.

You Need Not Earn A Mothers Love Read More »

The Forgotten Truth That Will Set You Free

The Forgotten Truth That Will Set You Free

Heart Nebula in Space with text Love Never Ends

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

Each of us has within us a sense of what is true, what is real.

It comes from deep within and no amount of teaching or preaching can ever really dislodge that – deep inner voice.

It may be a truth you have rarely thought of. On the other hand, it may well be an expression of the wisdom of your higher Self or Soul.

It is an acceptance of what you simply know.

How do you know, that you know, what you know?
      – The epistemological question

After a lifetime of trying to explain and justify some truths that I just know to be true, I have concluded that these truths are preconscious and archetypal and form an underpinning for all of our awareness and all of our knowledge.

These truths resonate to the very depth of your being, spring forth as a comfort and assurance from your Soul, and give credence to the expression “the truth shall set you free.

It is interesting that when these truths are expressed to you, they resonate and somehow, almost mystically, you know them to be true. There is an inner recognition that says “yes, that is true.”

When a concept has been revealed to me that has that “ring of truth” to it, I realize that it seems to be something I have always known, even if I didn’t have the words to express it, or had never realized it before consciously. Perhaps I had thought it, or even acted upon it, but never put it into words.

I have learned over the experiences of a lifetime to trust that inner wisdom, that clarion ring of truth without exception. It has never led me astray. I invite you to use that test for all that I teach and write and encourage you to keep an open mind and heart, but disregard anything, if you like, that fails that test of inner knowing or truth.

I invite you to enter into that inner seat of wisdom where you recognize and know the truth. I encourage you to apply that standard to all teachings you come in contact with.

What is so profound and powerful about reaching that true point of knowing is that it is very freeing, giving understanding to the words, “the truth shall set you free.” From that center, in the core of your being, you can see clearly and old illusions and glamour’s fall away.

I believe this recognition of truth is even more profound than a statement of faith, for when your faith is enfolded in the armor of knowing, it expands.

One of The Forgotten Ways to Find A Core of Truth

I am writing to you today because it seems to me one of the forgotten ways to find that core of truth is in the phrase “Love Never Ends.” This truth seems to resonate with most people, even if it is not understood logically.

We love life, not because we are used to living,
but because we are used to loving.
      – Fredrick Nietzsche

This is not a new idea. St. Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians, in his now famous definition of love, writes in 1 Corinthians 13:8 (ESV) “Love never ends;” he goes on to list a number of things that will pass away that are esteemed, and goes on to advise in 1 Corinthians 14 to, “make love your aim.” Why? Because he knew and understood the real truth, that love is eternal.

Love is born on the wings of the Soul and
serves as an energetic bond between Souls throughout time.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Love is not composed of matter but rather is energy. As such, it is not limited by that which is made of matter, such as the body of the one who first stimulated the blossoming of love. Although the body is temporal, the love lives on.

When you love, in the full assurance of the eternal nature of love, you are free to love unconditionally. You are granted a perspective to forgive the ones you love, which is its own healing and freeing action. The comfort and strength that awareness of the eternal nature of love gives is amazing.

I believe Love comes into being through a Soul connection. Your Soul, and the Souls of your loved ones, are the eternal part of your being. This has a profound impact on empowering your love with the Divine Love that “bears all things, believes all things, and endures all things.” – 1 Corinthians 13:7.

Recognition of the truth that love never ends, frees you to love without confusing love with attachment or need. It sets you free in your love relationships to shed your fears of losing your loved ones. That, in turn, releases you from the worries that may, all too often, consume your thoughts about those you love.

Everlasting Love Meditative Moment

Begin by sitting quietly and calmly, bringing your emotions to a place of deep and profound peace.

Quiet your mind and let the chatter fade away as you drop self-judgment and self-criticism.

Assert your intention to have the wisdom of your Soul revealed to you in a way that is clear and provides insight and direction in your life.

As you do this, take the time to open your heart energy and be receptive to the Love that your Soul brings to you.

To do this you can visualize your Soul as a radiating point of golden Light about three feet above your head at the tips of your fingers if you raise your hands above your head.

Invite the Light of your Soul to provide clarity, insight, and truth. As you invite your Soul into your life as a source of love, wisdom, and guidance, it is also important to understand that you Soul is an integral part of the wholeness of your being.

From that point of radiating Light visualize the gentle descent of Soul energy into the top of your head (crown chakra), illuminating your mind, infusing and enlightening you.

Now visualize the gentle descent of golden white Soul energy through the top of your head down into your heart, gently expanding your heart, infusing and enlightening you with Love.

As this energy circulates from your Soul down your chakras to your heart and back up again, be open and receptive to the expansion in your awareness and understanding that this focus can bring.

Let your heart be healed and your mind comforted. Open yourself to the love that is the nature and being of your Soul.

Ponder for a moment on those you have loved, whether still with you or not, whether in their body or not and open your heart, your mind and your Soul to the sweet depth and comprehension of what it means that “Love Never Ends.”

Open your life to the freedom to love unconditionally, that comes when you release love from need and expectations, and open your whole self to the beauty and blessing of loving, resting in the glory and fullness of the eternal bond of Love.

Take this moment to appreciate and enjoy the true joy of love that never ends. Let yourself heal from any sorrow or fears that may have previously limited your ability to love freely.

Know that, “there is no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”

Know that healing comes from this Divine eternal Love. This Divine Everlasting Love is your forgotten truth. Ponder on this!


Experience the amazing healing and freedom that comes when you open your heart, mind and Soul to the blessing and the realization that Love Never Ends.

I invite and encourage you to find this forgotten truth of everlasting love and let your heart be comforted and freed by the eternal nature of love.



The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 2,673 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Last updated 1-19-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


The Forgotten Truth That Will Set You Free Read More »

Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First

Read "Love Yourself First" Super Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

It is one of the great mysteries of life that in order to love others, it is essential to love yourself first.

I have often thought it was interesting that when Jesus, in his role of Rabbi and teacher, considered self-love as a basic element in life he taught that the most important law was to Love God with all of your heart, your mind and your Soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

What good is loving thy neighbor as thy self, if you don’t love thyself?
        – Donald L. Hicks

This famous teaching assumes as self-evident that you love yourself. Unfortunately, in my many years of counseling people and coaching them to live happier and more fulfilling lives, I observed that self-love is far from self-evident.

For many, the idea of loving yourself is challenging. It is not a basic part of self-evident consciousness as it may have been when Jesus walked the earth. It falls into the same category as forgiving yourself. For some reason many of us find it easier to give than to receive, loving yourself, forgiving yourself, being gentle and compassionate with yourself is something we need to learn.

Although this is logically counterintuitive it is a result of societal training and pressures that get confused as we strive to be and become what we are told that we should be. Unfortunately, this is most often seen in women who have been reinforced and rewarded by how self-effacing and self-sacrificing they can be.

Many lessons that are passed through the traditions from Mother to daughter do not consider or understand how harmful and damaging they can be. These are often subtle and specific but when accumulated, result in a message that is toxic and damaging. It is not that there is the intention to harm or limit the full expression of success and joy in the life being molded, but rather, parents are teaching what they were taught without the conscious awareness or consideration of the consequences and the impact of the cumulative effect of these life instructions.

The result is often a belief on the part of the child as they emerge into adult life that to love oneself, to nurture oneself and to let oneself receive, is in some way wrong. The wounding that this wrong teaching and wrong interpretation can result in is so pervasive and so deeply embedded in the myths and culture of our society that to break through to truth is often the most powerful transformation one can do to heal your life and embrace success.

To understand, release and reframe all of the subtle destructive messages that it is wrong to love ourselves and wrong to receive not only love but the vast array of blessings that are available for us is a profound journey that leads to joy, success, and empowerment.

One of the cornerstones of this transformation is learning to love yourself. Inherent in that concept is learning to receive and allowing yourself to receive. Loving yourself and opening yourself to receiving will change your life on so many levels and in so many ways that it may be beyond imagining. The success you can achieve, the joy and happiness you can experience will cascade through your life. As you dissolve the lies and illusions that keep you removed from the freedom of expressing you will enjoy being who you truly are.

Key Elements To Loving Yourself

There are inherent in this journey certain key elements and key experiences that have great significance and have the power to heal you on a very deep and profound level.

The first of these elements is to shed the illusion and reject the lies that you have been taught in favor of a realization of the truth. That truth is that you are an amazing being, a creature of love and joy and this is the natural expression of your being. In coming to the full realization of this truth, it is also an important step to forgive yourself for all the ways you have limited and denied your full power and potential to be all that you were meant to be and all that deep in your heart you knew you could be.

Along with the important act of self-forgiveness comes the act of forgiving those who perpetuated and propagated these untruths and wrong thinking. We can assume that they only taught what they believed or thought was right, handed down through generations. Illusion and lies become embedded in our society.

It takes courage to see the truth and let the truth free you. Forgiveness and even compassion for those who cling to wrong thinking, is a part of affirming and enhancing yourself in this new expression of life as someone who has learned to love themselves and opened themselves to the opportunity to be a being of love.

Forgiveness, both of yourself and those who taught and fostered mistakes and illusion unlocks grace and joy in your life. It is in these acts and affirmations of forgiveness that you begin to demonstrate what it means to not only love yourself but how that self-love results in love and compassion for others.

It is by loving yourself, and honoring yourself, that you manifest your true power and potential as a child of God.
        – Genevieve Gerard

You are an amazing being. You deserve to be loved, not only by yourself but also by others. You are a spark of Divine Light.

Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love & The Love That Your Soul Brings To You with my Gift of Love Meditation MP3.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Here are some simple affirmations you can incorporate into your daily practice to allow this important principle of Self Love to manifest in your life. It is best if you can do these quick simple affirmations three times a day, perhaps in the morning as you do your morning rituals, once more during the day, then again as you cleanse and prepare yourself for sleep.

Love Affirmation

Look in the mirror and affirm the following:

  1. I Love myself
  2. I deserve to be loved exactly as I am
  3. I am worthy of being loved
  4. I give my love generously
  5. I accept the love of others appreciatively
  6. I delight in who I am becoming.
  7. I am a beautiful, successful, joy filled being
  8. I open myself to the love that surrounds me and gather it into my heart to support and strengthen me.

[NOTE: Some people prefer typing these affirmations on a small piece of paper that they stick on the upper corner of their bathroom mirror.]



Affirmations are a powerful tool to healing and transforming your life. When I have had my coaching clients add these affirmations to their life practice, their life begins to change, especially their relationships with others and themselves.

To come into the present, freed and unfettered by the past is opening your life to unlimited possibility. This is available to you through the healing power of your Soul and the enlightened embrace of your will as you affirm and accept that you have the power, the promise and the intention to love yourself and open yourself to the many joys and blessings that are available to you for the taking.

The timeless dance of giving and receiving, loving and being loved is before you. Celebrate and enjoy all that comes to you. Your Soul knows the real truth; your heart knows the truth.

Ponder on this. You deserve it.

To Love Yourself is one of the Greatest Gifts, begin right now to give that gift to yourself.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 2,848 times. Checkout our other related posts below.


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Last updated 11-17-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Love Yourself First Read More »

LOVE Is An Action Word

LOVE is an Action Word

Read Love Is An Action Word Wisdom Wednesday Blog by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my ongoing series on Love.

As I am sitting in meditation pondering what to write and teach about, I realize that many people in the world do not understand the relationship between loving as a feeling and love that makes life an exciting and amazing exploration of relationship and togetherness.

The phrase “love is an action word” came into my mind attached to a myriad of lessons and impressions about love and loving.

I shall try to unravel and share the wisdom and implications of this revelation with you today, lessons about love.

Love in action takes love from being just the emotions of love, into being a guide for your love relationships.

It supports and encourages your loved ones in coming into the fullness of their being. It supports their journey, even when it goes in a direction you may not personally desire.

Love is, of course, a powerful and dynamic force that has the power to transform your life and fill you with incredible joy and fulfillment.

Certainly “falling in love” is a peak experience in anyone’s life. For some love lasts a lifetime as cherished support that permeates their lives.

However, for others love becomes a source of agony, riddled with pain and sorrow, marked by disappointment and betrayal.

Love is certainly a complex emotional energy-riddled with a great many differing aspects. Although it is perhaps one of the most important issues in life, it is something that everyone assumes you know how to do.

In my experience, and my many years of teaching and coaching people to have a happy and successful life, I have realized that there is much about love that is not easily understood.

My meditations, and I hope my writings, will open you to a new way of considering love.

What It Means To Love

The very word love has so many variations to it that ancient Greeks divided love into multiple words.

Here is what Wikipedia says about these Greek love words:

Agápe means “love: esp. brotherly love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God.” Agape is used in the biblical passage known as the “love chapter,” 1 Corinthians 13, and is described here and throughout the New Testament as brotherly love, affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence.

Éros means “love, mostly of the sexual passion.” The Modern Greek word “erotas” means “intimate love.” It can also apply to dating relationships as well as marriage. Plato has Socrates argue that eros helps the soul recall knowledge of beauty, and contributes to an understanding of spiritual truth, the ideal “Form” of youthful beauty that leads us, humans, to feel erotic desire – thus suggesting that even that sensually based love aspires to the non-corporeal, spiritual plane of existence; that is, finding its truth, just like finding any truth, leads to transcendence.

Philia means “affectionate regard, friendship,” usually “between equals.” It is a dispassionate virtuous love, a concept developed by Aristotle. Philia is expressed as loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality, and familiarity.

Storge means “love, affection” and “especially of parents and children.” It is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring.

Unfortunately, in modern society, we only have one word that is supposed to fit all forms and aspects of love and we have romantic books, films and media products that seem to go out of their way to define love in a way that creates unrealistic expectations about what it means to love.

All too often, this fairy tale fantasy about love leads to the expectation and belief that when you love someone they want exactly what you want, that in some way doing what you need gives them what they need. This fallacy leads to many broken hearts.

As I pondered further about these love issues, the phrase, “Love is an action word” loomed in my consciousness.

To say ‘I love you’ is often easy.
To demonstrate that love in action is much more powerful.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Put Your Love Into Action

What does that mean, put your love into action? How does just considering that concept change how you act with someone you love?

These are all valuable questions to ask yourself. There is no primer for how to love or what it means to really love someone. And, there is a lot of glamors and illusion surrounding love. In fact, in spite of how very important love is in life, there is very little available about how to truly love another.

To love and manifest your love for a beloved in a way that communicates to them that you love them requires action. To act in a loving way in the midst of your needs and their needs often requires sacrifice, clearly involves taking the time and effort to understand what they want that is different from you and what they need that is different from your needs.

Because love is such a vast, multi-dimensional and powerful force in life with so many distinctive and differing forms, it, unfortunately, falls into a category of everyone believing it is something that just comes naturally. However, you only need to consider the number of loves and lives that have crashed and burned, to realize that this is far from true.

This blog post, this concept, is only a drop in a vast ocean of need. Even so, I think “Love is an Action Word” is an important concept and an important way to empower your relationships and your life.

It is important to tell someone that you love them, for to feel loved is a deep longing in the human psyche. To tell someone you love them reinforces a lot of wonderful energies. Moreover, when you back up what you are saying by what you do with them and for them, by supporting and encouraging them, it is powerful indeed.

To make your love into an action word, to behave in a loving way that manifests that love into the world, is a way that can have a profound influence on the success of a loving relationship and the happiness of both you and your beloved. It requires extending beyond your needs to the consideration of who they are and what they need. In this way, you can honor and cherish them.

Immature love says, I love you because I need you.
Mature love says, I need you because I love you.
        – Erich Fromm

To manifest love into action requires stepping outside of yourself, your needs, and your thoughts and take a fresh look at who they are. This honesty with yourself and honest consideration of who they are, and what they want or need that is distinctive and different from what you may want or need, is active loving. It demonstrates the respect that is affirming for them.

Doing this also avoids the senseless sacrifices that are often made in the name of love. All too often people make sacrifices for someone they love without this step.

When sacrifices are made without thought and consideration of what they truly need, or are really asking for, it is possible for you to have made a real sacrifice and find it is not appreciated.

Rather than being hurt or disappointed by this response, consider your sacrifice in the context of whether or not it was what was really needed or being requested.

To demonstrate love in an action that considers who your beloved is, separate from you is potent. It does require stepping outside of your perspective and considering the perspective of someone other than yourself. It also means loving unconditionally. This may not be an easy or natural thing to do, which is why it is so significant. This is why I say, it is putting love in to action.

Unconditional Love Meditation MP3


To help you get in touch with your ability to love unconditionally and to be freed by forgiveness I created my Gift of Unconditional Love meditation. This meditation will help heal the hurts in your heart and open you to a source of love and grace that aligns your mind and your emotions with your Soul and invites you into a community of consciousness to help make the world a better place.


Sadly, all too often, the giving in a relationship falls into the tragedy of O. Henry’s tragic story “The gift of the Magi.” You may recall that this story of loving sacrifice ends with the irony of lovers both left with less by their great sacrifice for the other.

When you love someone, I recommend considering them,
what they need, what they desire, and
then take the step of demonstrating that love by action.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Think of the little ways you can take action to make the life of your loved one a little better, a little easier. These need not be big things and need not cost money. Little considerations, small kindnesses that honor and support the other are all demonstrations of love.

These little gestures may not even be consciously observed by the one you love, however they will establish an atmosphere of love and support that builds and becomes more tangible with each active expression of your love. To truly understand and acknowledge and honor the person you love as a unique individual, who although they have joined their life circumstances with you, is a dynamic way of demonstrating your love.

It may require forgiving things they have done that you do not understand. Seeing your loved one as who they are, different and separate from you. This differentiation and clarification is the first step in learning to love unconditionally.

This requires thought and consideration. It is all too easy to fall into the pattern of projecting your thoughts and feelings onto your beloved and then expect them to think and feel exactly the way that you do, or to want exactly what you want.

To give your loved one what they want, especially when it is different from what you want may require sacrifice on your part, but if you have taken the time and the effort to consider what they want and need that is truly meeting their needs and wants, you avoid the all too frequent issues of unappreciated sacrifice because what you have given was not really what they wanted or needed.

Taking love from romantic fantasy’s, to the action required by understanding and respecting that your loved one is separate from and different from you, may shift a lot in your relationship that makes it happier, healthier and more supportive and empowering.

…let’s not merely say that we love each other;
let us show the truth by our actions.
        – Bible, John 3:18

So, in this season of love I invite you to explore and consider who your beloved is as a unique person who is different from you; who may want different things and have needs that make no sense to you. Then, act upon that understanding. Make love an action word in your life and in your relationship.

This shift in your behavior, when you express your love, will strengthen and empower your relationship and your expression of love in a dynamic and life-changing way that can increase the happiness and satisfaction of both you and the one you love. Your love will mature and bring you both greater joy and happiness.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-22-2020


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About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


LOVE Is An Action Word Read More »

Give Love, Live Love, Be Love

Give Love, Live Love, Be Love

Give Love, Live Love & Be Love Wisdom Wednesday Genevieve Gerard blog post

Love is a powerful force in the world.

To give love and be loved is for many the pinnacle of satisfaction and success. For most people love adds meaning to every action in life.

The giving and receiving of love is a variable in life that may well be the most significant factor in personal happiness and success.

To have love in your life brings joy and a sense of well-being. It is interesting to note that both giving love and receiving love can be deeply satisfying experiences.

Love blesses the life of the giver and the one who receives love. Remember love can take on many forms.

It has long seemed too limiting that in language there is only one word to express a concept that is so complex and manifests in so many different ways.

To give love and live love is much more profound than to simply have a successful romantic relationship. Love can empower all of your relationships in a way that expands and enhances your success and personal gratification.

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
        – Arthur Rubinstein

The power of love can also be seen all around you. If you stop and take a minute to observe life and think about what you see in the context of love, the many forms through which love is manifested will most likely amaze you.

Kindness, compassion and consideration are all expressions of love. Little things do so much to influence your day’s experience and the experiences of those around you.

When you begin to see love in the essence of its nature and expand your definitions beyond the limitations of romance, family, and even friendship, you can see the dynamic force of love that can influence and direct your life.

Long ago in my academic days when I studied philosophy, I explored the concept of situation ethics. In so doing, I gave great thought and consideration to evaluating in life a vast array of situations and circumstances the question of how is love best served?

Amazingly, that question is very complex. Love is not always simple and is rarely as simplistic as you might want it to be. So, to give love, live love and ultimately be love, involves principles that can both guide and transform your life.

Relationship interactions influence all areas of your life. And, whereas business relationships, casual relationships, and impersonal relationships may not be considered when you think about love, they clearly have a profound influence and impact upon your success and how pleasant and satisfying your daily experiences are.

This makes your capacity to give love a power that can support and affect your life in a myriad of subtle ways that has a profound result.

The transformation in energy that giving love brings to each and every life situation is empowering. Touching, even the most casual of human encounters, with love may have a profound result that you will never know.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of my Gift of Love Meditation MP3 instantly

A smile to a lonely clerk who recently lost their mate may give them the strength to face the lonely night. You can never know and need never know, the pain and sorrow of another, but when in your encounter with them you express love, you can help support and sustain them on untold levels.

Relationships and our inter-relationships with one another fuel so very much on an energetic level that every time and every encounter in your life that you give love, live love and be a source of the energy of love in the world, you are dynamically making the world a better place.

When you are a source for the precious gift of love in the world, even casual contacts through the day sense the energy you bring and are moved to respond to what you request and need.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Amazingly, the more you share the energy of love in the world, the better, more successful and more joyous your life becomes. That awareness seems to be the genesis of the wisdom that it is more blessed to give than receive.”

It is wonderful that by giving, especially when you give freely with no expectation or demand, there is a spontaneous response for people to give back to the giver.

This is an integral part of the Law of Attraction and an integral part of living a conscious life. Consider for a moment that when you smile at someone, really smile and share your energy through the smile, it is almost impossible for him or her not to smile back.

Years ago, when I lived in New York City, I used to try a little experiment on the busy city sidewalks. I would pick a distance, trying different lengths at different times, to make eye contact with someone coming my way and then smile at them. Since New Yorkers are notorious for hustling and bustling without smiles or eye contact, my behavior was a bit of an anomaly.

What I found was that as they drew near, there was most often a softening of their expression and that by the time we passed each other we exchanged a smile.

This little gift of warmth in our interaction helped me feel more joyful in my day. I think it gave them a little less stress, a little less anxiety, as it seemed that within a space of a few feet, I could make a connection of a smile and they would be a bit more relaxed, a little less anxious. That human touch had an impact.

Your influence, your impact on their life need never be known to you. It is a gift you can give freely with no expectation or demand. You have, by the very act of giving already received. Your world is a little better. You are a little happier. You are a bit more empowered to achieve your goals. Your energy is more open and expansive.

The simple instruction to give love, live love and be love
can have a profound impact upon your life.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Try it! You will ignite a magnetic force to draw to you what you need by sharing what you can so easily give, a touch of love, a simple smile, the grace of contact and community.

You can at any moment open your heart and your mind to love. The love that you share will move through you. It can come from Source where Love is an aspect of the Divine and when you let it into your life, your heart, your mind and into your consciousness, you become a limitless source and force for good in the world, for love in the world, and for “right relationships.”

A Holding Love Short Meditation

A simple visualization meditation you might enjoy is to imagine that you can gather Love into your field and as it gathers you hold the Love.

Call upon Love as a viable energetic force from Source. Your call and your intention are to be a conduit for Love into the world. Open first your heart and your mind to the transforming Presence of Love.

As you call forth the energy of Love, realize that the Presence of Love is unconditional, transcendent and transpersonal. It can be given and received, requiring nothing in return. It is, in this form, pure energy that can flow to you and through you to others.

Take a moment to invite and invoke that Presence into your awareness and your field.

Affirm that you are now connected with Source. That the essence of Love and the Presence of Love flows to you as a radiating glowing Light represented as the golden fiery white Light of the Sun, filling your heart, your mind and your Soul with Love.

Let your whole aura be filled with the sensations of peace and joy and well-being that come with a touch of the Presence of Love. This is a gift to you and a gift that you can freely share. Since it comes from Source, there is an endless stream available to you whenever you call upon it or need it.

Open Yourself To Love by reading Give Love, Live Love, Be Love blog post by Genevieve Gerard
Open your arms as wide as you can to embrace and receive that down pouring Love energy. Gather Love into your arms and then taking your hands as receptacles, bring them to your heart and let your heart be filled to overflowing.

As you prepare to leave this visualization and return to your world and activities, realize that you are a dynamic instrument to give love, live love and be a force for Love in the world.

You are more powerful and more amazing than you know. Embrace the full scope of your being. Be an instrument of love in the world, in little ways throughout the day. It will magnetize people to you and draw to you what you need from the Source of universal abundance and the Will to Good.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 1-17-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Give Love, Live Love, Be Love Read More »