What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self

What You Need To Know To
Invoke Your Higher Self

Read "What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self" by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

There comes a time in the human experience that you need more than logic to solve a problem.

Your mind may replay possible solutions to your problems, only to cast them aside. You may have a sense that the wisdom you are seeking lies just outside of your reach.

You may feel a prompting that you cannot quite grasp. Your intuition may be warning you that you are about to make a mistake, but you lack the clarity to stand with the strength and assurance to find a different way.

This is the time to invoke the wisdom and the guidance of your Higher Self.

To invoke your Higher Self will aid and empower you. When you realize that the directions and insights are coming from the part of yourself that is most attuned, and aligned with your divine spark and the higher purpose in your life, it shifts your perspective and strengthens you.

Consciously connecting with your Higher Self empowers your life and your decisions. You can invoke Your Higher Self whenever you need its wisdom and guidance. Your Higher Self is internally tuned in with the purpose of your life. It opens you to a sense of your inner wisdom and your inner knowing.

Steps To Invoke Your Higher Self


Perhaps the most significant step in connecting with your Higher Self is your intention.

Intention fuels a manifestation of an energetic connection that is always there, although you may not always feel or experience it. Intention activates the pathway from your physical and etheric body to the subtle energetic substance that forms the Soul or Higher Self.

It is your intention that activates an energetic bridge from your lower mind and personality to the part of you that is your Higher Self. It is important to remember that your Higher Self is a part of your anatomy every bit as real and significant as what you can see, touch, smell, taste, and feel. It cannot, not help but be a part of you.

We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect.
The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.
        – Carl Jung

That you rarely consider your Higher Self consciously does not make it any less real and present. You rarely consciously consider the blood that circulates through your body or the oxygen it delivers throughout your physical body, but we all know they are real.

Your Higher Self is as much a part of the wholeness of your being, even though it’s substance is not composed of matter.


Because your Higher Self is composed of a substance that is uniquely different from the substance of matter, imagination in visualizing and experiencing your Higher Self can be very valuable.

Your Imagination is a function of your higher mind and is, therefore, more aligned with and attuned with the substance of your Higher Self. It is a valuable tool in helping you experience this part of your being that is beyond matter.


In consciously connecting with your Higher Self, it is important that you open your senses beyond what you may focus on in your so-called, “normal consciousness.”

You may need to expand your awareness of a part of your energy field that you may most often ignore. To come into a conscious experience of your Higher Self I recommend that you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. This is a prequel to the meditation experience.

The Soul speaks to you in the silence. The more you can quiet and calm your mind the more the soft, gentle whisper of the Soul can be heard.
        – Genevieve Gerard

When reaching for the conscious awareness of your Higher Self, meditation is a powerful tool. It is not essential, but the more often you forge the pathway from your lower nature and your personality to your Higher Self the easier the path is to follow (like any well-worn path in nature.) When you empower the pathway from your mind and your emotions, you build a way that etheric energy connects you with your Higher Self.

Relax and enjoy the construction of that pathway using your intention and your imagination as you open yourself to the experience of meeting your Higher Self in the meditation below.

Breathing Meditation To Invoke Your Higher Self


Begin, by inhaling a very deep breath, bringing the air in through your nose, letting it begin at your diaphragm energetically.

Bring the air into your chest and as you do this consciously open the energy of your heart to expand. Hold the intention of Love.

Then bring the breath all the way to the top of your lungs, just below the shoulders.

When you have filled your lungs as fully as you are able, release the breath through your mouth fully until you have released all of your air.

This is a relaxing breath. You might already notice how much more relaxed and at peace you feel having fully experienced a full breath.

Before you take another profound and relaxing breath, take a moment to come into this present moment. Let yourself consciously put the past behind you, and relax and appreciate the magnificent power and unlimited potential that is available, right here and right now.

Recognize that the past is now behind you. It has no further power over you or influence over you except what you choose to give it.

What will be, the future, is just beginning to be created as you let yourself relax and reside in the eternal NOW.

It is in the eternal NOW that your Higher Self resides. This moment, this peace, this Presence is available to you.

When you are ready, begin to draw in another deep relaxing and healing breath, in through your nose starting at your diaphragm, through your solar plexus and up into your heart allowing your heart energy to open and expand.

Again, bring the breath to the top of your lungs drawing in as much air as you can hold.

Then as you release this breath through your mouth it may form a sound like a sigh as you let go of any stress or concerns and let yourself relax and come to center.

Observe what you are feeling and experiencing.

Then, breathe naturally not attempting to control your breath, allowing your breath to direct how much you bring in and how much you let go of that you no longer need.

You might notice a calm and peace filling you at this time. You might be aware that you are more present.

Enter into the profound peace and potential of the eternal now, and release the past and open to the possibility of creating a new future that incorporates more of your purpose in life and your heart’s desire.

Taking one more really deep relaxing and filling breath with intention, invoke and invite the Presence of your Higher Self.

With the inhale draw into your heart and your mind the perfect amount of the very essence of your Being.

Let its Light circulate through your whole being with your breath.

As it moves from your lungs to your heart and throughout your entire physical and energy body, accept the healing power and profound love into your conscious awareness, into your heart and into your mind.

As you exhale breath out any negative thoughts or fears.

Release any limiting beliefs that keep you from expressing the magnificent and full being that you truly are.

Now sit in silence and receptivity as you listen for the still prompting of your Higher Self.

In this pause you can offer up any issue and concern on which you would like greater insight or understanding.

Be receptive and record your thoughts and insights in your journal.

Pause for reflection.

Observe the background sounds that surround you. Return to this present moment and give gratitude to your Higher Self for any insights and clarity you may have received in this guided meditation.


Now, move forward with your life confident and assured that the insight and wisdom you have applied to the situation is the right choice for your life and is aligned with your Higher Purpose.




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Last updated 10-03-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


2 thoughts on “What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self”

  1. Hi there! Would you mind if I share your blog with my facebook group? There’s a lot of folks that I think would really enjoy your content. Please let me know. Many thanks.

    1. Please feel free to share any of my posts with anyone anywhere that you think would enjoy them (just link to where they came from.) My purpose is to help people live a more joyful and empowered life and I appreciate help in that mission. Thank you. Love and Blessings Lynn!

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