Light Works GG Blog

GG Reflections on Life in the Predawn Light

Our Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey

Our Prayer for the
Victims of Hurricane Harvey

Read Our Prayer For Hurricane Victims


Lord of Life, Lord of Love, We Pray


We Call Upon Your Grace and Comfort, Your Help and Healing Power for the people of Texas and Louisiana as they begin the journey of recovery from the great storm Harvey.


Floods have ravaged the land destroying many lives, communities and the dreams of many people.  Our hearts cry out with compassion.


Our prayers from across the world petition You to commission Angels of comfort and support for the people whose lives and livelihood have been ravaged by the winds and rains of Hurricane Harvey.


There has been epic devastation and loss.  Recovery and restoration is a long and expensive road that will require everyone coming together to help and support our fellow citizens.


To provide what is needed will require compassion in the hearts of legislators and creativity in the minds of engineers.


Across the world and across our country nature has been creating increasing devastation and disasters.  More and more fires and floods are raging out of control. 


We believe that in all things You work for good, so we petition You to ignite the hearts and minds of those who work for good in the world to find solutions to this trend.  And we petition You to open the hearts and minds of those in leadership positions to engage and enlist creative solutions to this trend.


We know that the evil of selfishness and greed have hardened hearts and clouded the minds of many in leadership positions.  We ask that wisdom and insight direct them to a greater understanding of what is needed to have greater harmony between nature and humanity.  We ask that greater enlightenment and awareness infuse their considerations that they can see the unity and oneness of human kind and realize that by helping one they are helping all.


We pray for those who direct the laws of civilization to open their minds and hearts and to direct the amazing creativity of humanity to find new solutions to these problems.


We pray for those who control the purse strings of society to direct infrastructure solutions to the areas of land that Hurricane Harvey has so poignantly brought to our attention as needing solutions.


Let this disaster serve as the impetus to stimulate the creation of those solutions, not only for the Southwest but also for the world.


Let this disaster unify and inspire people to open hearts, open pocketbooks, and open minds to create a better world and greater safety for all people.


This we ask in the name of the Christ and in keeping and harmony with Your Will and Your Divine Plan of evolution for humanity on this planet at this time.





Genevieve Gerard


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P.S. If you are moved by this prayer to join your heart, mind, and Soul to pray for the hurricane victims, please share it with all who may like to join in the service to humanity.


Copyright © 2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Our Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey Read More »

You Can Conquer Your Fears

You Can Conquer Your Fears

Read How To Conquer Fears by Genevieve Gerard

Many of us, in fact, I dare say most of us are limited by our unexamined thought forms that keep us locked in fear.

When you read the above statement, you might identify with it; and realize to release your fears, especially changing your life so that you can transcend your fears, may be a challenging task.

Each of us faces our life’s journey from different perspectives and with different understandings.  Your patterns of behavior may be stuck in habits that stand in the way of living the life you desire.

I believe that through meditation, therapy and life coaching you can gain wisdom and insights that are different and more enlightened.

This spiritual journey requires integrating the Soul or Higher Self with the impulses and urges of your personality.  In times of great clarity and insight, the answers may be clear to you, yet you may find yourself stuck in patterns of both thought and behavior that conflict with the wisdom of your Soul.

Habits, in both your behavior and your choices, may seem automatic.  You may observe this when you examine your thoughts, or a more accurate word might be “thought forms.”  Insight, awareness, and understanding of underlying principles of the importance of what you think are much easier than controlling the often-toxic content of your thoughts.  Especially if the content of your thoughts is lace with your fears, it can be hard to control fear based mind chatter.” 

An essential stage in your spiritual evolution, and indeed one of the most challenging and arduous, is freeing you from the limitations of your fears.

Fears unchecked limit your potential for success.  Fears often form the base for “limiting beliefs” and even distort how you interpret new possibilities.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Sadly, much of what is most destructive about fear is that the fear voice in your head is frequently based on illusion.  It is what you imagine (indeed, fear) might happen or could happen; not what is real or true.

Your fears create a whole structure of fantasy that relies on worry and imagination that can keep you trapped within your thoughts in a way that discourages and inhibits creative solutions to your life challenges.

To live the life of your dreams it is important to learn to conquer your fears.  Some fears are natural and archetypally ingrained in the human experience.  As I mentioned other fears are not real.  Luckily, these unreal fears are a part of your psychological makeup and are well within your power to change.

Learning to differentiate something that is worthy of fear from what is mind chatter illusion is one of the first steps in conquering your fears.  If something is truly dangerous, you can still face it and overcome your fears.  If it is an illusion or part of the story you are just telling yourself, conquering your fear becomes far more important.

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,
but he is brave five minutes longer.
         – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The danger of these illusionary fears is the way they can limit and control your life.  The fear can become the problem even when there is no limitation there.  Therefore, one of the next steps is learning to transmute, transform, and ultimately transcend your fears so you can live the life of your dreams.

Fortunately, since being limited by illusionary fears limits you from achieving your Soul purpose, you can use the power of your Soul (Higher Self) to help you learn to transmute, transcend and transform your fears.

Releasing the emotions created by fear is such a significant step in one’s spiritual evolution, that it has long been incorporated into Spiritual teachings.

One of my favorite techniques I found helpful in learning to stop letting fear limit my life, is available as a guided meditation.  This method is taken from the Ageless Wisdom and has been adapted and converted by me for the Western culture and mind. It is called I Am Feeling Free.”

I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve Gerard

When I was on my Spiritual path focusing on the issue of fear, I would do this breathing meditation over 1,000 times a day.  Since, once you learn it, you can do it without anyone knowing you are doing it simply by directing your intention with your breath, I find it to be one of the most empowering meditations I have ever recorded.  It is something I frequently use in my life still to this day.

That you can use the power of your Soul to resolve such a significant part of your personality’s challenges is an example of living with the integration of “Soul personality duality” that is the next step in humanities evolution. Ponder on the meaning of this.

Your life purpose, your dreams, and your goals can best be fulfilled by you facing your fears and then learning to transmute, transform and ultimately transcend them.  Your thoughts and your beliefs are all subject to the Universal Principle that “Energy Follows Thought.”

Meditation is the portal to aligning with your Soul.  When you receive the guidance and direction of your Soul, then you, as a personality have a choice whether to live your life in harmony with that Soul direction.

Releasing your fears and learning to free your mind from your limiting beliefs is an essential step in freeing your life from the overly emotional aspects of your personality.

Parts of that action involve coming into and functioning within the present moment of time.  So, it is important to:

  1. Let your past be in your past, and move it out of your present.
  2. Forgive the wrongs of others and forgive yourself for your mistakes and errors.
  3. Open your mind to explore new possibilities and new opportunities, as you free yourself from your fears and limiting beliefs.
  4. Keep a journal near you to record any new ideas and inspirations you receive in meditation. They are more important that you might realize at first.

An empowering mantra for you to use in your meditation is:
“May the Divine Self inspire me and the Light of the Soul direct, that I may be led from the darkness into Light, the unreal to the real, from death to immortality.”

Free your life from the tyranny of your fears. 
Remember “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin Roosevelt

Watch Franklin Roosevelt short video on fear directly on YouTube.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-2-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


You Can Conquer Your Fears Read More »

Joy Is A Spontaneous Expression

Joy Is A Spontaneous Expression

Resolve To Be Joyful photo for Joy Is A Spontaneous Expression blog post

Joy in life is even more important than happiness.

Many issues can impact whether or not you feel happy.  I have often said, and long believed, that happiness is something you bring to life more than you receive from life.

Joy is a spontaneous expression that can permeate your life, adding depth and dimension to the most mundane events and activities.

Joy springs forth in your heart and your mind, not so much from what you are doing but from what you are being.  When you are being appreciative of the myriad of little things in life, joy fills your heart.  It may be as simple as enjoying the cool caress of a breeze on your skin or the fresh smell of the air after a rain.  Thousands of little things in life could easily be ignored as we hurry and scurry through our busy lives.  When we stop to notice the little things in life and appreciate them they can be a wellspring of joy in your life.

Awareness of the world around you seems to be one of the keys and essential elements to bringing joy to your life.  Likewise, gratitude for what comes to your awareness also seems to be a portal to experiencing joy.

What is amazing is that these awareness’s and gratitude’s need not be about major happenings in life. The little pleasures, the simple pleasures, serve to stimulate the wellspring of joy as a natural result of living a normal life.  By being aware of and being appreciative of what is available for you in life, you bring into your life hundreds and even thousands of moments that are joyful.  By the time the day has passed you find that you are, through these simple techniques, living in joy.

Living in joy opens you to a limitless wellspring of understanding and awareness that impacts your personal happiness.

Joy is a spontaneous response to connecting with your Soul.
         – Genevieve Gerard

Joy connects you with the Love and Light that is your birthright as a beloved Child of God.

In my own spiritual and meditative life I began to observe that engaging in life with greater consciousness had an impact on how much joy I had in my life.  By focusing my awareness and expressing my gratitude I expand my understanding of the connectedness of us to one another.  This shift in consciousness led to my life becoming more joyful every day.

This does not mean that I never became upset of sad.  It does not mean I walk through life inside a protective bubble.  Rather, it does mean that the pervading experience in my life, in the midst of the challenges and trials, is one of joy.

The change of perspective that accompanies this awareness is both powerful and profound.  There is an old folk saying, “it does not matter what happens to you, it is how you react to what happens to you that matters.”  This folk wisdom is a key to what opens your life to joy.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
        – Helen Keller

Gradually my experience of joy increased in my life.  I was able to see the many blessings that I came in contact with every day.  Celebration, praise, hope, and promise became common experiences in my life drowning out the voice of fear and leaving in its stead trust and faith.

Knowing that no matter what touched my life each day I could bring forth so much joy, it allowed me to draw the strength to face each dawn excited by the potential of what beauty and blessings were in store for me every day.

Within you is an unquenchable, inextinguishable spark of Divine Light.  It comes through your Soul to be claimed as you take your first breath.  The nature of that spark is Joy.
          – Genevieve Gerard

You can let that divine spark guide your Soul and you can let that Light guide you.  The choice is yours; day by day; moment by moment.  With it, you were given the gift of thought.  Your thoughts and the choices give you the power of co-creatorship with God in your life, through the Universal Law that “energy follows thought.”


Transformation Through Joy

Your life, your success, your happiness, and your joy are a great adventure of consciousness and experience.  It is a magnificent opportunity to learn and grow.  You have the power to transform and change everything and anything you choose.

Embrace the situations in which you find yourself with an attitude of joyous celebration.  Examine your reactions to allow your perspective to focus on the positive.  These choices are uniquely yours.

Within these little choices and decision in life are the keys to joy.  You are never beyond hope.  New possibilities are part of the promise of life. 

Mistakes of the past can be immediately released because they are in the past.  From this moment forward you can be free of their tyranny.

Fears that have held you in thrall can be released, right now.  You can take the reins of your life and thoughts, and live the life of your dreams.

This is your life.  This is your great adventure.  This is your life laboratory, your school for consciousness.  There are no limits or restrictions unless you put them there or keep them there.

Let your Joy guide you.  Tune into your Soul, let your higher-self direct you.  It is never too late.  The greatest journey must begin from where you are.  That first step sets off a chain reaction.  Action, combined with intention magnetically attracts what you need, to you.

If you have breath, you have life.  If you have life, you can have hope.  Open your heart and your life to the new possibilities that are available to you.  An old saying that is still true is that “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Claim it.


Live The Life You Desire

There is never a better time to begin living the life you desire; living your life in joy.  Today is your moment.  Now is the call from your heart to embrace the unfulfilled possibilities that lie in the back of your mind.  Begin to manifest the dreams and desires, right here, right now, today.

Be and become all that you are meant to be; all you have ever dreamed of being.  The power is yours.  Rejoice, the time is NOW!  The possibilities are unlimited with joy.

In all of my work and in all that I teach: I wish you an abundance of joy in your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 2,895 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 3-4-2020


Copyright © 2017-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Joy Is A Spontaneous Expression Read More »

You Need To Experience The Power of Hope

You Need To Experience The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope post by Genevieve Gerard

Hope is a very powerful energy.

Some thoughts generate more energy than others because they tap into a reservoir in the collective unconscious of humanity and thus become energized and magnetized.

Hope brings with it a promise of possibility and promise.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.
          – Emily Dickinson

It is a little known and less understood phenomenon that the planet is surrounded by a field of energy in which is stored the aggregate emotions of humanity since the dawn of time.  That energy is, in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, known as the astral field.

Like all energy the astral-emotional field is invisible.  And, like all energy, it cannot be destroyed, but you can change its formHope is one of those emotions that works to do just that.

Just the simple understanding of human nature reveals that in a field of energy where the aggregate of all of the emotions of humanity is stored, there is a lot of fear.  Legend tells us that it is in the astral field that the monsters and dragons of archetypal legends are stored.

The ancient gargoyles that grace the architecture of medieval cathedrals are said to have their home in the astral field.  Nightmares are believed by some to be the result of your consciousness traveling to this energetic plane in your sleep.

It isn’t wise to spend a lot of time or thought dwelling on this plane of energy.  The universal principle that “energy follows thought” is sufficient to explain why directing your consciousness into the astral plane is a mistake.

For most people, they have enough of a battle against fear, without entering into an awareness of the stored terror of all of humanity.  In general, the astral plane is best avoided as a destination for your consciousness.  Particularly talented horror fiction writers often use this energy to create their stories.  It is not unusual for people to have nightmares and waves of fear after reading horror stories or seeing horror movies.  Your consciousness goes where you direct your attention.  I have never recommended directing your consciousness to terror and fear.

Likewise, part of the energetic harm that drugs and alcohol do to your consciousness is that it can open your energy to the astral plane.  That is true of even some prescription drugs as well as recreational drugs.

However, when you consider the negative energies of the astral field it is also important to consider what you can do to release and transmute the fears that are stored there.  Take a moment and consider what you can do to free your life from any fears you may have.

Replace Your Fears With Hope

Transmuting, transforming and transcending fears and negative emotions is one of the major steps in our spiritual evolution. This emotional transforming experience is known as the second initiation.

There are some things that may help you transmute these fears.

As I mentioned earlier it is a rule of physics that you cannot destroy energy, but you can change its formThis is a key part of your ability to change your consciousness.

The transformation of negative consciousness is so important to me that I have devoted many of my publicly disseminated products on instruction about it.  They are my Feeling Free and I Am Feeling Free meditations

These two guided meditations teach you how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.  In these two meditations are the directions for changing your life.

I Am Feeling Free Guided Meditation Download by Genevieve Gerard

Both of these meditations are taken from the deep esoteric practice of the Ageless Wisdom that has been passed down for generations.  After years of practicing this meditative technique in my own life to learn to conquer my fears, I created the CD “Feeling Free.”  Then I started teaching corporate executives and CEO’s stress management and from that, I was able to translate this esoteric technique into the simple (and shorter) guided meditation “I Am Feeling Free” that makes sense to the Western mind.

Freeing your mind from the limiting hold that fear can have is one of the most important things I teach.

As I am meditating on this concept of transforming and transmuting fear I am aware that when you release your own fears you are also working to release the hold that the astral plane has on humanity as a whole.  In that way, not only is your releasing fear a way of improving your life, but also an act of service for humanity as a whole.

As I pondered upon and meditate on what I can do and we as humanity can do to make this world a better place, I realized that there is great power in hope.

Much like transcending your fears has a powerful impact upon your life, freeing you from the tyranny of emotions that are limiting, so to hope is freeing.

When you hope you are igniting the creative power to not only conquer your fears but find solutions for the problems that plague humanity.

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
               – Bernard Williams

Because “energy follows thought,” the thoughts of each of us, indeed all of us influence the creative process of the world we share.

We are all ONE, mystically and spiritually.  The energy you create with your thoughts has an impact and an influence on the whole.

It is to have a positive influence on the world that I publish seed thoughts where I ask everyone to Imagine for 1 Minute something positive. You can follow these seed thoughts on my Imagine1Minute twitter feed, I also post them on my Facebook Fan Business Page

Harnessing the creative power of thought is a subtle way that you can serve humanity as a whole while benefiting your own life.  It is an act of unity and brotherhood (and sisterhood) that works with the nature of life.

I believe that thoughts of hope counteract thoughts of fear.

Positive thoughts about not only your personal life but life as a whole also move energy to help create a more positive world.

Hope Experiment

Today I would like to invite you to join me in an experiment of hope.  Over the next week, I will publish a seed thought on my Imagine1Minute twitter account and Facebook Fan page that focuses on creating and stimulating the energy of hope.

I need your help to add to the hope thought form every day! And, although the feed is called “Imagine 1 Minute” you don’t really have to focus on it for only a minute, just let the thought drift into your mind, and ponder on hope intermittently throughout your day.

If you enjoy and are empowered by ritual you can add it to lighting a candle for hope as I recommended in my recent post listed in the related links you may also like below.

Then, pay attention and observe your own thoughts and feelings throughout the day and observe the impact you are having on the world around you.

This little experiment has the potential to have a dynamic, yet subtle impact.

I would love to hear about your experiences in the comments section below on this article.

If you are willing to participate in this hope consciousness experiment, I also invite you to join my (free) consciousness community.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 18,321 times. Check out our other related posts below or in the Hot Topics sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 8-13-2020


Copyright © Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


You Need To Experience The Power of Hope Read More »

Light A Candle For Hope

Light A Candle for Hope

Read Light A Candle For Hope by Genevieve Gerard

Recently, the influx of spiritual energies has undergone a major shift for our planet.  As such we are seeing a period begin in which subtle energies will be intensified.  As always, energy follows thought, but as we enter this new period that principle will become even more powerful.  It is increased in power to allow those who work in the Light to have greater influence in bringing about the healing of the planet.  That same principle is at work bringing energy to all thoughts.

The most dangerous and one of the darkest thoughts is fear.  As people focus their energies on fear, they increase the danger of what they fear coming into manifestation.  Because of the fear, people take the actions of a few radicals and pass judgment on an entire culture.

In these times of global uncertainty, the fear adds power to the sense of shortage and lack.  Because of the fear and sense of lack, people refuse to share.  Because of the fear and sense of lack people hoard what wealth they have rather than investing.  Because of the fear markets drop and because the markets drop people become more fearful.  Thus, the fear creates a self-perpetuating spiral of despair.

People cling to their money instead of spending it, thus shutting down the engines of commerce that create jobs and prosperity for all.  Thus, the transcending of fear and replacing it with hope will work on a subtle level to resolve our current crisis.

Faith and trust are the antidotes to fear.  Remaining in the moment is the key to conquering fear.  The moment is the secret to transcending fear.

Disciples on the path, people of faith and workers in the Light have long known that learning to transcend fear is one of the most important and most empowering of the spiritual lessons.
        – Genevieve Gerard

When one has learned to transcend fear many new and exciting possibilities open before you.  You dare to dream and dare to hope and dare to do.

Although the concept of transcending fear seems simple; one should not confuse simple with easy.  To transcend fear, especially in the midst of genuinely frightening news and world circumstances is a challenge of the spirit.  It is a challenge of faith.  And today it is a call to action for those who work in the Light to demonstrate a life of faith. It is a call to action to be a beacon of hope in the world.

In the link below, I offer a powerful 10-minute “I Am Feeling Freemeditation that can help you learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts for less than $9.
I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

As St. Francis said:

We cannot fight against the night! But we can light a candle.

As a single candle can dispel the darkness so a single thought can dispel the fear.

So let us each light a candle for hope and as we do so have a thought of hope.

Let us each light a candle to conquer fear, both our own and that of others.

And let us do this once each day; an act of faith and an act of hope.

As a call to action for those who work in the Light, as a call to action for people of faith, let us light a candle with intention each day as an act of faith and an act of hope.

If for just the moment of lighting the candle you are able to transcend your fear and focus on faith and hope you will be working to defeat the fear that is crippling the planet.  For whatever time you are able to transcend your own fear, you will be helping others and working to heal the planet transcend the energy of fears.  Each moment you are able to focus on the Light, the Light will build and multiply.  With each candle lit the Light will magnify.

This simple act of faith and hope is something you can do to make the world better.

This simple act is powerful in its very simplicity.

Today, as you light a candle to symbolically transcend your own fear you are helping to defeat the energy of fear.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.
        – Robert H. Schuller

As you light a candle to focus on your own hope you are igniting the energy of hope for everyone.

Make A Difference

As you light a candle, you give power to the thought that you can make a difference.

As you focus on your own faith, the peace it brings is shared with others.

The more people light the candle of hope and light the candle of faith the more we are working to dispel the darkness of fear.

It does not take long, it doesn’t cost much, but it is a powerful symbol that we are able to transcend our fears, that we are able to hope, that we are a people of faith.

We send out many thoughts by the internet.  If each person sends this thought to just 10 people the networks of the World Wide Web can burn bright with the energy of hope.  Throughout the planet, people of Goodwill can join in the defeat of fear and despair with this simple act, with these simple thoughts.

Moreover, you can have NO fear.  If you do not send this out, nothing bad will happen to you.

Free Gift of Abundance

As a companion to this article, I have also published on my website a free twelve-minute audio meditation that includes an invocation to magnetic attraction.  The invocation for magnetic attraction is also available in a written format as a PDF.  You can download these all here.

These gifts are given in the hope and intention to bring joy to your life that you may live your life, more abundantly.

In the Light,

Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8-1-2018


Copyright © 2011-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Light A Candle For Hope Read More »

Will You Stand For Truth?

Will You Stand For Truth?

Read Will You Stand For Truth by Genevieve Gerard

I do not spend my time writing about politics.  That is not my life’s purpose.  It is not my mission.

I do not even make political comments on Facebook.

My focus is on spiritual values and right relationships, love, harmlessness, right speech.

So, imagine my amazement when the direction I received from my Soul in my morning meditations was that I must write about the topic of truth.  Now, I have written about truth before, but never because of something political.  This is entirely new for me.  But there are times in life when it is important to take a stand for truth.

Sadly, my stand today must have a political overtone to it.  That stand is that I cannot be silent as I let the truth be hijacked by lies.


Kellyanne Conway, President and CEO of a Polling Company and Counselor to Donald Trump (the current President of the United States at the time of this post), came out to the American people trying to make obvious lies acceptable by calling them “alternative facts.”  That is just wrong!

The truth is such a powerful force that I have often suggested that you listen to the inner promptings of truth as the arbiter of what you believeI have even asked people to use that inner sense of truth to determine whether what I teach and say should influence their lives.

That, of course, comes from the understanding that truth is the truth, and, as such, has the resonance of the Soul to itWhat is so very dangerous about this concept of “alternative facts” is that it is a perversion of truth and just plain evil in its nature.

Opinions are always open to interpretation.  Your perspective on something can be modified, and that modification can determine how you experience something, particularly emotionally, however; a fact, by definition is a fact.  It is objective and real, and it is not subjective.

The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
         – Winston S. Churchill


Wikipedia Definition: A fact is something that has really occurred or is actually correct. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability—that is, whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are verified by repeatable careful observation or measurement (by experiments or other means).

Merriam-Webster Definition: Something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence. : a true piece of information. Definition: Something that actually exists; reality; truth: A truth known by actual experience or observation.

When someone tries to convince people that something that is true is not a fact or an “alternate fact,” that is a lie.

It is important that you realize and understand this.  It is important because truth is a powerful force for knowing what is good and right.

Jesus understood this and taught this when in John 8:32 he said,

and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
         – Jesus Christ (King James Bible)

The truth makes you free because that resonance that the truth responds to is the resonance of your Soul (and Love.)  Connecting to the wisdom and promptings of your Soul is what guides you in right action in life.  It is what makes clear what is right and what is wrong.  It is The Truth.


Perhaps the most dangerous part of what is happening with this concept of “facts” is that you must silence the wisdom of your Soul to believe an “alternative fact,” which is not a fact at all, just a lie dressed up to serve a particular political agenda.

To play fast and loose with the truth is morally wrong.  It is not ‘just politics,’ it is just wrong.

It is wrong because it is Gaslighting (a common technique abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders use.)  Because truth resonates deep within your heart, your mind, and your Soul, I believe a lie takes you to your dark side.

When spoken by someone in a position of leadership a lie can be dangerous.  It is dangerous because people must move away from the knowing in their Soul when they try to believe a lie.  The more they force themselves to believe a lie, the more they must reject their internal sense of knowing and connection with their higher source.

The Psychology Today website states that people who “Gaslight” mostly use the following techniques:

  1. They tell you blatant lies.
  2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.
  3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
  4. They wear you down over time.
  5. Their actions do not match their words.
  6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
  7. They know confusion weakens people.
  8. They project (and accuse you of the same wrongdoing.)
  9. They try to align people against you.
  10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.
  11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.

Do the techniques above sound familiar? You know what they are saying is an outright lie.  Yet they are telling you this lie with a straight face. You know they said they would do something… you know you heard itBut they out and out deny it.  It makes you start questioning your reality.  And the more they do this, the more you question your reality and start accepting theirs.

Gaslighters are masters at manipulating and finding people they know will stand by them no matter what – and they will use these people against you. By telling you that everyone else (your family, the media) is a liar, it again makes you question your reality.  What is so amazing is that you usually have never known someone with the boldness to do this, so they must be right, right?  No!  It’s a manipulation technique.

Many good and well-meaning people have let their love of their political party lead them down this slippery slope that evil will use.  History has shown us, and I pray taught us, the evil consequences of people making compromises with truthTo compromise your morality is spiritually dangerous and can be politically disastrous.

Hitler’s propaganda chief supposedly said,

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,
people will eventually come to believe it.
         – Joseph Goebbels

Although it is not clear who first said this, it seems that idea predated Goebbels and Hitler. The bottom line is that harm is created with a lie and it brings you out of resonance with your inner sense of knowing, an inner moral compass which knows the “real” truth and directs your life.


That is why it is important to call a lie a lie and not dress it up with fancy words that dismiss and diminish the importance of the lie by calling it a falsehood.  That is why the political art of spinning what happened is currently so damaging to the world.

Evil is tricky.  It tries to dress itself up to look good.  That is how it makes good people, moral people, complacent.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing.
         – Edmund Burke

The fact that this is the second time I have felt compelled to use the above quote in a brief span of time is because the world is at a tipping point.  This is particularly the case in the United States of America, but as I ponder, meditate and pray about this issue, I realize the slippery slope of playing fast and loose with the truth has been going on for quite a while.  This trend is not only in the United States but has been growing throughout the world.


As happens in the world, events and circumstances have emerged at this moment in time that requires you to decide what you believe.

It is a time to decide where do you stand?  Do you stand for truth or are you willing to accept alternate facts, racist comments, and lies as truth?

When you get to the core of the above questions, they really are not just political but rather spiritual.

Many people have responded with anger and fear to the recent political decisions that have been made on both “sides of the pond,” as they call the Atlantic Ocean.

As Master Yoda put clearly in the movie Star Wars,

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.

The answer to the challenges of this world moment is not anger or hate.

The answer is Love.

Humanity has come to this critical moment in history not as an accident but as a crucial stage in our spiritual and moral evolution.

Choices lie before us; decisions that will affect not only our country and people but the evolution of the planet as a whole.

The consequences of greed and separateness are now becoming more apparentWhat happens next is your choice. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

I believe it is more important to stand for what you believe than it is to stand against something.

The world your children will inherit, and your children’s children will inhabit is just one of the many decisions that hang in the balance of this moment of moral history.

I choose Love.  Not the “sticky love of attachment and need” but the powerful transforming dynamic unconditional Love that Divinely inspires you throughout your human adventure of life.

Along with choosing Love, I choose Unity and Brotherhood (and Sisterhood).  I choose Truth.  I choose Justice.  I choose Liberty.

I choose Right over wrong, and I choose Good over evil.

I invite and encourage you to look into your heart and connect with your Soul and make the choices that resonate as right for you and your country.

We the people of the world are at a time when it is necessary to decide and choose.  I encourage you to choose Harmlessness, Right Speech, and Right Action not only for your highest good but for the highest good of all.

To make the right choice requires honoring the truthThat requires honesty not only with yourself but also with the world.  Truth is not a “situational reality.”  It is either real or not, a truth or a lie.  Your Soul calls to you to honor what is true and take a stand.  Thank you for taking the time to hear what I have to say and connect with the truth of your higher self. Please share this post and comment about how you feel.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8-14-2023


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2017-2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Will You Stand For Truth? Read More »

Be Open To Love

Be Open To Love

– Love is Where Two Worlds Meet

Read Be Open To Love post by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

We live in a material world.  Life is impacted by what can be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted.  These five senses are of vital importance as they impact on your understanding of the world.

The strength of these five senses is so powerful that it is easy to believe that unless you perceive something with your five senses, it is not real.  That is a mistake!

The truth is that we live in the material world as citizens of two worlds.  Neither world reflects the wholeness of whom and what we are as human beings.

A human being is a miraculous blend of a physical being with a spiritual being.  Any attempt to be only one part of this equation is doomed to failure.  Indeed to require every part of life to be able to be perceived through your five senses, or to believe that only what you can see and touch is real, defies life’s experience.

The successful blending of your awareness as both a physical being and a spiritual being is one of the great mysteries of life. It is easy to err on one side or the other based on the situations and circumstances of your life.

Indeed, answering the questions of the dual aspects of human nature has fueled the ponderings of philosophers and theologians since the dawn of time.  Likewise, it has fueled many of my questions about life.

This dual nature of human experience led me to summarize this dichotomy in this way on

You are a miracle of Divine Light, created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience, right here and right now on planet earth.
       ― Genevieve Gerard

It is the blending of these two worlds, the material world and the spiritual world through which much of the mystery of life exists.  That is because it is challenging to understand how what is eternal can co-exist so intertwined with what is temporal.

Recently, my challenge to understand this mystery has led me to understand that the bridge between these two worlds and these two realities is Love. Anyone who has every loved has crossed this bridge.

One way this merging of the two worlds happens is when two individuals are initially drawn together by the urges and expression of physical desire.  Out of their romance, they begin to realize that something more is present.  That more is love.

Be Open To Love

In opening your heart and your mind to love you begin to experience something that is bigger than desire and subsequent gratification of physical expression.  Often, that drift across the barrier between these worlds is so subtle that you don’t even realize you have gone from the world of matter to the realm of your Soul, which is the realm of Love.

This transition is most often called “falling in love.”

Love requires a merging of Souls.  That fusion takes you out of the world of the temporal and physical into the world of the eternal.

When love is created, there is a subtle energetic shift.  This change is often tangible and may be a surprise to the one who has fallen in love.

The realization that love has been created out of a relationship changes everything.  It changes the nature of friendship, and it changes the depth of romance.  When it happens in the throes of passion and ecstasy, those who are aware of subtle energies can tell you that they felt the shift from “just sex” to love.

That transition can be frightening.  Love is powerful.  Not everyone wants Love.  Some people fear Love.  Free will enables an individual to run from Love and reject Love.

For some, just that touch across the bridge is so different that it is unknown and terrifying, and they choose to reject it.  For others, it opens them to a lifetime of bliss and joy.

Of course, sex and passion are only one way to cross that bridge between the temporal and the eternal, from the world of matter to the world of Soul.  It is one of the most amazing parts of life.

Poets praise that portal to Love.  The real miracle is not the passion or the sex, but that you, from your selfish, physical personality have been able to cross that bridge, a bridge from the limitations of matter into the eternal realm of unconditional Love.

In pondering this miracle, I am amazed at the wisdom of the Divine in using Love to create that bridge between these two realities and the two worlds.

As I mentioned, romantic and sexual love is not the only pathway on the bridge of Love.  True friendship is also a path that can take you across that bridge.

Friendship is a gentler and less threatening way to move into the experience of Love.  And it is one of the three ways the Ancient Greeks described Love.  Friendship is a portal to Love.

Love, no matter whether erotic or the Love shared by family and friends, is an essential part of the lessons of life.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
        – George Sand

Love serves as a bridge from your personality to your Soul.  The essential nature of your Soul is Love.  When you love someone, a bond between Souls is created that transcends beyond time and space.

The giving of love is an education in itself.
        – Eleanor Roosevelt

In the university of life, I have come to understand that learning to love is the most life transforming lessonWhen you Love, you merge the world of matter, which is temporary and fleeting with the realm of the Soul.

This is a major transition in consciousness.  To be consciously connected with Love opens the doors of awareness to joy.  Love is the most powerful healing force we can touch with our mind and heart. Ponder on this!

Meditate on Love.  Open your heart to Love.  Let your awareness be infused with Love and you will find your life filled with a joy that knows no boundaries and peace that passes understanding.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

Love has the power to guide your life as it opens you to your Higher Self (your Soul). 

The deepest ethical questions in life are best answered by considering “How Love is best served in this situation?”

The unconditional nature of Love allows you to forgive, even what seems unforgivable.

By loving you have crossed from the world or sorrows and the veil of tears to an awareness of the bliss of the world of the Soul and the Peace that passes understanding.  These are the hallmarks of the world of Spirit (the Soul.)

To begin to experience this joy watch my YouTube, Bliss is Perfect Happiness.

Just remember, Love is the bridge where two worlds meet and your life is opened to greater happiness and joy.  I recommend that you dare to learn the lessons of Love.  I suggest you open your heart to the love that is the essential nature of your Soul and let yourself love freely, unconditionally and spontaneously.

Share the radiance of your Love with everyone you meet.  Be a source and a force for Love in the world until you can “Give Love, Live Love and Be Love.”



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-7-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Be Open To Love Read More »

Prayer for the New Year

A Prayer for the New Year

Read my New Years Prayer



The measuring of time moves forward by another year.


It is a good time to turn our thoughts to prayer.



Join with me in saying:

Divine Lord who blesses all of life with your abundance and bounty. At this time of the turning of the year we pray.


For peace around the world, we join our hearts in prayer.


For wisdom and insight, we join our hearts in prayer.


For wisdom in governance, we join our hearts in prayer.


For a greater understanding of one another, we join our hearts in prayer.


For greater compassion for one another, we join our hearts in prayer.


Heavenly Father, Divine Mother,
Guide our steps to Right Action, our words to Right Speech, our work to Right Livelihood and help us to treat one another with Harmlessness so that we can, with our life, be instruments of your Divine Love manifesting in the world.







P.S. Make a difference and share this prayer (using one of the share icons below) with your friends and family!


Last updated 1-10-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Prayer for the New Year Read More »

The Healing Power of Sleep

The Healing Power of Sleep

Read about the Healing Power of Sleep by Genevieve Gerard

Did you ever wonder why you need to spend a third of your life asleep?

Amazing things happen while your body rests, amazing things that have a profound impact on your waking life.

While your body is at rest healing occurs in multiple ways and on multiple levels.

Just because you are not conscious and aware during sleep does not make your sleep time irrelevant.  What happens when you are asleep is healing and restorative on a physical level, integrative and calming on an emotional level and stimulates both insight and intuition on a cognitive level.

Sleep is a critical time for your being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The third of your life that you spend sleeping is an active and vital part of your life.  It is a time to activate and synthesize thousands of decisions and directions you have generated in your waking hours.  It is the time to set into motion your thoughts and desires.

It is a creative time of manifestation for your consciousness.  The directions of your thoughts throughout the day become the blueprint for your sleep.  During sleep, it is important to harness the power of your mind generated throughout your waking hours.  I believe your life force listens to your dream thoughts and resolves to create in your life what you have directed it to do.

This directing of your life through the power of your thought happens on a very diverse field.  It includes your glands and your organs and even works on an atomic level, shifting your subtle energies to bring them into harmony and alignment with your desires.  For this reason, it is best to reach a state of peace as you enter into sleep.

Sleep is not a time of unconsciousness, but rather is the fertile time in which your mind, your emotions, can align with your Higher Consciousness (your Soul).  Sleep creates a productive and creative time.  While you sleep, as your physical body rests and restores, the autonomic parts of your body are engaged in healing and balancing your hormones which activate a whole host of factors that were created by your emotions and glandular secretions in the day that has just passed.

It is a process of healing your, mind, your emotions, and your body that is a subtle yet powerful part of healing sleep.  Sleep as a healing balm is understood in our collective awareness since the time of Shakespeare.  Sleep is a vital and dynamic part of your day.

For this reason; it is important to learn how to sleep.

The vital and important role of sleep in your consciousness physically, emotionally and spiritual is why I created my guided “Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation.”

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD by Genevieve Gerard

Because sleep is such a difficult issue for so many people, and the failure to get a restful and restorative sleep has such far reaching implications in life, sleep was one of the very first challenges I addressed when I started publishing my guided meditations. My Sleep In Heavenly Peace meditation CD remains one of my most successful, widely distributed, and reviewed products I have ever created. Click learn more here to check out this MP3 download and glide effortlessly into sleep. USE COUPON CODE sleep5 and get the digital mp3 download for only $5 until Sunday May 13th 2018.


In addition to what is happening to you physically during sleep is the emotional processing of what you have experienced throughout your day.  This often occurs in the creation of your dreams.  Dreams are certainly the assurance that when your body sleeps your consciousness remains actively engaged.

At times your dreams may seem random or strange.  On other occasions through dreaming, it is clear that you have come to a resolution of a significant life issue.  In your dreams, you may gain insight into something you have been striving to understand and gain mastery over.

Dreams can leave you feeling empowered.  It is often beneficial to record your dreams in a journal to bring into your conscious awareness the insights and information that may have come to you as you sleep.  When you do this as a part of your spiritual and psychological development, many report that their intuition is enhanced and awareness is increased in a dynamic way.  To keep a journal next to your bed and then spend a few moments recording your dreams is a simple morning meditation.  Try it tonight.

It is hard to talk about the process of dreams, especially the healing power of resolution, without mentioning the less than pleasant part of dreaming, nightmaresI believe nightmares are a way of working through and resolving fears.

I have found throughout my life that the more I have consciously worked to transmute, transform and transcend my fears as an integral part of my spiritual and life lessons, the fewer nightmares have plagued me.

I have also found that there is a direct relationship between what I have focused my conscious attention on during the day and the creation of nightmares in my sleep.  For this reason, I discourage people from watching violent or dark movies or television shows or even reading horrifying novels right before bed.

In sleep, your mind processes all of the input of your day that pertains to your positive thoughts and your fears.  Somehow it all goes into the consciousness mixing bowl of your dreams.

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.
      – Leonardo da Vinci

That is why before sleep is a particularly valuable and vital time to say affirmations, especially affirmations that begin with the magic words of “I Am.”  Meditating before you sleep is also something that many people find beneficial and empowering.  And, of course praying just before sleep is a tradition many learned from their early childhood that remains an effective and valuable ritual with which to transition into sleep.

While you sleep your consciousness is often growing and expanding your awareness.  Sleep is a particularly fertile time for incorporating and synthesizing insights you have received in meditation. In fact, I have often found that after a particularly insightful and profound meditation, it is beneficial to take a nap to incorporate your experience.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following levels of sleep.

Age and condition Sleep Needs
Newborns (0–3 months) 14 to 17 hours
Infants (4–11 months) 12 to 15 hours
Toddlers (1–2 years) 11 to 14 hours
Preschoolers (3–4 years) 10 to 13 hours
School-age children (5–12 years)  9 to 11 hours
Teenagers (13–17 years)  8 to 10 hours
Adults (18–64 years)  7 to 9 hours
Older Adults (65 years and over)  7 to 8 hours


Many traditions consider sleep as a spiritually enlightening time because your Soul is free from the constraints of your ego and personality. Using your dreams as a portal to wisdom is common among the teachings of many of the world’s people. It is particularly valued by indigenous and spiritual teachings across the world.

Sleep is the best meditation.
      – Dalai Lama

Consciously considering what you do to prepare for sleep helps this part of your life to be valuable beyond just an opportunity to restore your ability to keep going.  If you consider the times in your life that you have, by necessity, been sleep deprived and how that affects your overall efficiency and sense of well-being, you can realize the significant opportunity for healing and empowerment sleep is.

It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.
      – John Steinbeck

Each day is divided into a time for doing and a time for sleep.  We all strive to use our doing time wisely and efficiently.  Now empower your sleeping time to be the blessing that it can be.  Sleep time is valuable to your success and your happiness.  You want to make it a productive part of the fabric of your life.

When you awaken with the light of the new day, you can place the past behind you and open your life to the promise and unlimited possibilities of a new day brimming with new opportunities!

Sweet Dreams and Rest Well.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-9-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The Healing Power of Sleep Read More »

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

Read How to Harness the Power of Your Mind blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Your mind is a powerful tool.

As with any tool, it depends on how efficiently you use it.

Learning to use the great and amazing power of your thoughts to manifest your life’s purpose and fulfill your goals is a primary reason that many people explore the subject of consciousness.

By harnessing the power of your mind, you are transforming your life to align with your dreams and goals.  You are actively co-creating your life in a dynamic way.

It takes only a minute of sitting quietly and observing what you are thinking to realize that your thoughts are quicksilver.  The nature of thought is so multidimensional and diverse that it is easy to be unaware and unconscious of what you are thinking.

If the principle that energy follows thought is true and our thoughts create our reality as the “Law of Attraction” claims, we all have some work we need to do if we want to use our mind effectively and efficiently.

Gaining mastery over the mind, mainly controlling the free flow and often negative input of edited thoughts is a challenge.  In your observation of the nature of your unfocused and uncontrolled thoughts, you may notice how much of your thoughts reflect what you fear.  That is not a judgment of you, but a simple observation of the nature of what spiritual teachers have for centuries or longer referred to as the monkey mind.”

The practice of meditation provides a variety of techniques to help you harness the power of your mind and quiet the mindless chatter of the monkey mind.”  Different ways work differently for different people and at different times.  You could certainly ignore the input from the world of meditation and teachings about consciousness were it not for the understanding of the mechanics of the “Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought.”

Your thoughts have power, indeed the power to create your reality and can help by working for you, or can, unfortunately, work against you.  It is a powerful motivator to explore how these subtle principles and laws work.  These revelations about the power of your thoughts are not new.  Way back in ancient biblical times the book of Proverbs stated, “As a man thinketh, so shall he be.”

Since that time, there have been a variety of teachers and preachers, business leaders and thought leaders who have both validated and expanded on the great wisdom in Proverbs.  In writing this Wisdom Wednesday Blog, I realize that I could fill the whole post with books and resources of those who praise the truth about the power of your mind.  I have provided some links that I believe are the best at explaining or teaching about this important issue and help you explore these concepts from a variety of teachers and approaches.

I also want to provide you with a gift of one of my very favorite books about the mind, Napoleon Hill’s life changing book “Think and Grow Rich.”  This is a complimentary Adobe PDF of the entire book that you can download and ponder on.  I hope this gift empowers you to help achieve your dreams.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
       – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Manifesting your dreams and fulfilling your life’s purpose is an important reason to use the tools and techniques of meditation to harness the power of your mind and make it work for your benefit in your life.  To align you mind with your higher purpose and your Higher Self allows you to integrate what is spiritual with what is happening and manifesting in your life.

Reprogram Your Mind with Dr. Wayne Dyer

How to Harness the Power

My primary goal in this blog today is to discuss this ancient wisdom from a perspective of a technique you can use and activate in your life to help you harness this awesome power of your mind.  Your mind can then be a tool to help you achieve your life and your Soul purpose.

One technique that I have found valuable in my practice and my years of coaching and counseling people is that you can begin this by just self-observation.  I recommend starting with committing 3 minutes a day to this meditative exercise.  It starts with just consciously observing your thoughts.  When you notice a negative or fear based thought flash through your mind, take control of that thought.  Then deliberately, edit it, correct it and replace it with what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This editing, correcting (with intention) and replace technique is most important when what crosses your mind is fear.  To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state by aligning with your Higher Self and focusing upon your life’s purpose.  In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This alignment is not a meditation but rather a meditative and aligned perspective.

Keeping a dual awareness of your Higher Self while observing your thoughts activates both your Soul wisdom and your lower mind intelligence.
         – Genevieve Gerard

This observation technique is best done from the viewpoint of what I call “the detached observer,” free of self-judgment or criticism.  Both self- judgment and self-criticism work against achieving positive thoughts.  The result is that when you have the opportunity to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind” you gain control.

It is a meditative state because you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life. This allows you to be in a higher state of consciousness and a keener awareness than just thinking.

This exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between conventional uncontrolled casual thinking and meditation.

The 3-minute observation per day is a powerful and transforming technique.  That may seem very short, but if you consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind.

This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and empower your life.  At its core, quieting the chattering of your mind is a traditional goal of meditation.  Taking the additional step of observing the content of your thoughts with editing, revising and replacing that content with what is congruent with your goals, your dreams and desires make a huge difference.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily 3-minute practice of this method starts a major transformation in their lives.  You are no longer sending out your fears in your thoughtsYou are controlling your worrying.  Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.  You are now using the powerful universal principle that “energy follow thought” to your advantage.

The substitution process of exchanging a negative thought for a positive one can also be used with other meditation techniques such as affirmations Learning to harness the power of your mind enables you to send out into the world the energy to manifest what you want in a clear way that empowers your life.

Below are some links to some positive affirmations that have empowered many.  I have found listening to affirmations in the background, in the car while you drive, is especially useful.

The powerful principle that “energy follows thought” and the activation of “The Law of Attraction,” will be incorporated into your thoughts and life on a multidimensional basis, shifting your thoughts and your perspective on a daily basis.

The more often you practice this technique, the better the response in the material world.  Your thoughts are stronger than you realize.  Your mind is a co-creator in your life in cooperation with the Divine or Source (however you envision the Creator to be.)  The choice is yours.  The time to activate the awesome power of your mind to live the life you have always envisioned is NOW.  It is your life, and your mind is yours to master.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Power of Your Mind
Additional Resource Recommendations:







As a Man Thinketh by James Allen (no cost eBook download)









Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (no cost eBook download)



The Power Of Positive ThinkingThe Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale


Riches Within Your Reach by Robert CollierRiches Within Your Reach! by Robert Collier


Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell MaltzPsycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry Hicks

Disclosure: The book links above, if used to purchase the book will provide me with a small affiliate commission (thank you for supporting my work.)


Last updated 3-14-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


How to Harness the Power of Your Mind Read More »

When You Love You Transcend Mere Emotion

When You Love, You Transcend Mere Emotion

Read "When You Love, You Transcend Mere Emotion" blog post by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

Love can heal your life.

Love can transform your life.

And in many ways, love is the most powerful and profound thing that you do in your life adventure.

This refers to the power of Love which is both transformative, and by its very nature takes you into what is Divine.  To love is a bond that is eternal and timeless.  Love is unlimited by time and not confined by space.

Love is so powerful and profound that it transcends even the tyranny of death.  The reason that love has all of this magical and mystical power is that it is much more than an emotion.

It is easy to fail to understand love in the midst of media and movies dramatic fantasies of what it means to love.  A lot of misinformation about love is the fuel for stories that are not about love at all, but rather are demonstrations of need and desire.  The cycle of attachment, need and desire are all too often described as love.  This failure in society to understand the real power of love makes it more challenging to recognize love when you do experience it.

Perhaps, the best way to clarify what love is is to consider that love is much more than emotion.  Although when you love someone, you may feel many emotions, these emotions only serve to open your heart and your mind to let you learn how to love.

When you love, you transcend mere emotion and move into an awareness that is more vast and significant than just feeling.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Ultimately, love is where you co-exist as a miraculous creation.  As a human being, you are a multifaceted and complex beingYou have a body but are more than your body.  You have emotions, but you are more than what you can feel.  You have a mind, but your mind is greater than what you think.  And most significantly you are a Soul.

Love is the great synthesizer because Love unifies you into the full mystical expression of your unified self.  Love reveals the miracle of a complex being who is simultaneously both physical and Divine.

Love is a great teacher that is so marvelous and powerful that it teaches you to transcend your dual nature as a human being (a physical and material being) who is concurrently imbued with a spark of Divine Light.

Love is the place where you can bridge your eternal self with your mortal physical self.  That makes love the most formidable experience in your life’s adventure.

That also makes it possible to merge into your understanding of love a great deal that is not love.  This merging and projection is part of why many fear to loveThey associate love only with the emotions of “falling in love.”  The falling in love experience can be an opportunity to open yourself fully to loveIn that experience, your Soul merges with another.  That is a blending of being that enables you to celebrate a unity of heart, mind, and Soul.

Although marvelous, loving someone is often threatening and frightening to the separated individualize identity of the self.  Sadly, when you are given the opportunity to love it is painful if you cling to your isolated self and project your needs and desires upon the one who is the object of your love.  You may then bring away from the experience of trying and failing to love, the erroneous conclusion that “love hurts.”

If you are mature enough and wise enough, you may realize that it was your needs, desires, and attachments that hurt.  I ask you to consider this statement and ponder upon what is different about love and your needs and attachments?

Even if you were only able to experience the spiritual transcendence of actually physical emotional for a few moments, consider, in retrospect, that the experience of transcending your needs and desires can be an enlightening one.

Consider, if you will, what you experienced when you let yourself move beyond yourself into the bliss of a unity of Souls.  Even if that merger was not destined for your whole lifetime, in that brief transition from there is a powerful life lesson that can teach you about love.

Consider that in those moments that you were able to transcend your sense of isolation and better understand what love is.  When you have loved beyond the emotions that led you to touch love, it can be helpful to learn some things about your human anatomy and your spiritual anatomy. 

Within this understanding is the awareness of why learning to love is such an influential part of the human experience.

Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.
        – Petrarch

With love, when you love beyond emotion into the very essence of what it means to love you are blending and merging two very different worlds.  You, as a human being are a temporal material being.  You are born into a material body.  Your five senses guide you.  You have a physical body that has very specific needs.  Among these is: food to eat, shelter from the elements, and water to drink.  Along with these requirements are a lot of desires.  See my Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in my “Ways to Relieve Stress” blog post. 

A most significant part of your human experience is also emotions.   Many of these are vast and drive your life.   Your emotions are a dynamic part of your anatomy.  Fear, shortage, loss are all powerful motivators.  Beyond your physical senses, emotions are one of the most influential parts of your human experience.

Your mind and ability to engage in thought also join this human experience as a controlling aspect of the human experience.  What you think, and the very content of your thoughts is a dynamic creative force in your life.  Read my “Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts” blog post for more insights. 

These three parts of yourself are then integrated and merged into your personality.  Your personality is the integrative force that enables these seemingly diverse parts of your being to function.

This integration of your body, emotions, and mind under the direction of your personality are a vital part of the wholeness of your being.

Your personality is then available to further merge and integrate with the non-material aspects of your consciousness, your Soul.  It is with this dynamic and transformative step in your consciousness that the essence of love is finally revealed, not limited to your emotions and thoughts or expectations but in the miracle of the blending of Souls.

It is when, with your personality and physical emotional and mental parts of your nature you are finally able to move outside of the material world and move into the eternal, transcendent and transforming aspects of love, that everything can open and change.

When you love someone, you bridge from the world and limitations of matter into that which is Soul, Eternal, and Divine.  You can then leave behind the restrictions and limitations of the material world and open yourself to that which is timeless, and endless.

Love is so much more than emotion; for when you love you transcend the temporal and enter into the eternal.

Love is a miracle that blesses our life.  It remains as a living, moving, expanding and contracting life lesson that teaches you how to live in the dual existence as a physical being who lives a span of years and then must return to the dust of matter to consciously blend with the part of your Self that is eternal.

It is when you open your heart and your mind to love that you can transcend the limitations of your human experience and enjoy the world of your Soul which is limitless, endless and beyond both time and space.

Love serves both worlds as a bridge from the finite to the infinite.  Love never ends.  To touch the eternal with the temporal physical world which does someday end is to have the opportunity to dance into eternity.  That you can experience this by learning to love is a miracle.

When you learn to love another no matter which of the many and diverse forms that love offers during your life’s adventure you can create then you form a bond that is eternal and amazing.

Celebrate this miracle of love as many times and in as many ways as you can!

Learning to love is the greatest part of the human experience.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Love is the one part of your human material existence that bridges to your spiritual and eternal aspect of yourself.

It teaches you to live in the dual awareness of the physical with the profound awareness of your Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 02-18-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


When You Love You Transcend Mere Emotion Read More »

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Read Are You Awakening to the Light post by Genevieve Gerard

The word awakening is used a great deal among the consciousness community to describe an emerging awareness that is evolving in the world today.

It is for our time in the evolution of humanity the word most often used to describe increased awareness of the spiritual part of yourself, your Higher Self, or Soul.

The word awakening has, in modern times, come to replace the word
or illumination. Although the process of awakening, without a doubt, leads to ever increasing enlightened awareness, there is within the concept of awakening some underlying assumptions that I think it would enhance the process of awakening to consider.

The subtle and yet powerful difference in the use of the word awakening instead of the word enlightenment has within it the implication that what you are beginning to understand and what is emerging ever more into your consciousness is more a process of remembering. It implies an acknowledgment of what you already know, more than a process of learning or discovering something new.

If you consider that an integral part of who and what you are is a spiritual being having a physical human experience this all makes perfect sense.

Awakening implies that you are emerging from a dream or illusion, realizing what is real. That concept has within it a myriad of assumptions that are worthy of exploring. Most significant is: what are you awakening to and what are you awakening from?

It seems that the concept of awakening has captured the imagination of many who are reaching for spiritual enlightenment because it gives a hint to a deeper awareness that rings true in the human heart.

As I stated, the idea of awakening implies acknowledging and understanding something that was always known to you.

I like the idea of awakening because it affirms the wisdom of your eternal self (your Higher Self, your Soul) is communicating and revealing a deep truth to your personality self.

The concept that you are a temporal and material being, concurrently with your awareness of your nature as an eternal being is the beginning to the adventure of awakening .
           – Genevieve Gerard


Your Dual Nature

Since the dawn of time, the dual nature of the human experience as a physical, emotional, mental being and personality has co-existed in the human consciousness with an internal awareness of the Self as an eternal Soul. This is one of the major aspects of enlightenment. The understanding that I am a material and physical being whose body will ultimately return to dust lies mysteriously beside the deep inner truth of your spiritual Self as an eternal being.

Everything we know is taught to us by God
as He casts His light over the world.
           – Saint Augustine

That we are concurrently a physical and material being, while also the eternal spark of Divine Light is amazing. This awareness of the Self as both mortal and eternal has puzzled philosophers and spiritual leaders throughout the ages.

When I ponder these deep mysteries in the exciting context of the current revelations and awareness, I realize that it is love that teaches humanity about the eternal nature of the Soul. And, that seems appropriate because the nature of your Soul is love.

Ultimately, love is an eternal connection. In the deepest recesses of the human heart, beyond full comprehension is the awareness that love never ends. This is one of the most powerful and profound mysteries of the human life adventure.

It is by learning to love that we begin to comprehend this merging of our human awareness with the light of our Soul’s awareness. It is this merged being that is awakening to consciousness and expression in this dynamic time in human evolution.

The nature of God as love and the nature of the Soul as love combined with the understanding of love creates a state of being that is boundless. This leads our awareness into such mysteries as eternity and the eternal NOW.

The Divine nature of love takes the understanding of what it is to love out of the realm of limitations of matter then expands that experience into the awareness of love as an energetic force that is unlimited by either space or time, that is not confined by matter and therefore not limited by matter.

Open Yourself To The Love of Your Soul with my Amazon and iTunes 5-star Rated
Guided Meditation
Gift of Love Download.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

In this dual awareness, the mysteries of a new way of being and a new way of living are revealed. A concept such as accession becomes possible as you consider it is the consciousness and perspective that ascend as you incorporate your awareness of your Soul into your mind, into your emotions, and into your body and let it merge with your personality, ultimately merging into the wholeness of your being. Ponder on this.

This integration of your Soul and eternal spark of light with your body, mind, and emotions through integrating your Soul with your personality is an integral part of the consciousness of awakening.

This integration of the world of spirit with the world of what is physical and temporary is a significant shift in awareness.

This change in perception is a shift in human consciousness that changes everything. Functioning as a physical, emotional, and mental being that is also spiritual and eternal is a consciousness shift that expands your life journey.

That you can dually live in the eternal awareness of your consciousness as a Soul, while still functioning and responding as a personality, is a crucial part of the awakening process.


Meditation Is the Portal To Awareness

Meditation is the portal that can help you awaken to this dual awareness. Through meditation, you can begin to ignite the Light of your Soul and bring it ever increasingly into your awareness.

Connecting with your Soul through meditation opens you to the wisdom of your Soul which can be used to guide difficult life decisions. It can also connect you to the Source of Divine Love in life transforming and powerful ways.

That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.
           – Eckhart Tolle

Awakening and incorporating your Soul (your Higher Self), with the life lessons that challenge your days, opens you to being a new kind of human being that is coming into being in this new age of evolution. Humanity is just now at the beginning of this new way of being.

The process of awakening is a dual process of being and becoming. Living in the Light of the Soul while also living as a Soul infused personality is a different approach to life. It is a new adventure for humanity.

After eons of human evolutions, this emerging Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that people are experiencing across the globe gives new hope.

I encourage and invite you to open your heart and your mind to the transformative touch of your Soul that guides you to this new spiritual awakening so you can live a more inspired, joyful and fulfilling life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 11-19-2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Are You Awakening to the Light? Read More »

Be the Change You Want to See

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Read Be The Change You Want To See blog post by Genevieve Gerard

The new day dawns.

Once again I am reminded that the Light is victorious.  This world gives us that reminder every day.

For me the transition from darkness into light every morning is one that brings joy and hope into my heart.

Yet, as I enjoy and appreciate the blessing of peace, love and joy that comes as the prequel to my morning meditations I am aware that for many the peace of mind and spirit that I enjoy is only a dream.

As I began my morning meditation with the question of what I can teach and demonstrate that will help and serve those who read my words this week, I became aware of how fear limits so many lives.

Recent geopolitical events, the Presidential impeachment hearings of Donald Trump, the threat of Countries being invaded, bombings and multiple acts of terrorism across the planet have raised the fear threshold.

As I write these words the logical part of my mind argues that the world has long been plagued by both wars and rumors of wars.  Certainly in my lifetime I cannot remember a time of peace in the world.

It seems that new words are used to describe the “not peace” experience of life on the planet that deprives people of the peace that is so deeply desired.

Although in my life I spent great effort working for peace, being both an advocate and activist for peace, the only thing I could ever really achieve was inner peace, the peace I enjoyed in my morning’s meditations.  Sadly, the peace in my heart and mind is not the peace in the world.

How Can Peace Be Achieved? 

What can I do and what can you do to create peace?

As I pondered on this awareness a quote that Mahatma Gandhi made during his epic fight to end apartheid came to my mind.  He said:

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
      – Mahatma Gandhi

As he fought against the evil of apartheid you can observe in his life and his writings something that is very important:

Evil cannot be overcome by using the tools of evil.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Evil has a way of taking the forces of Light and converting them and perverting them to serve its purpose.  Fear mongering, hate and anger can be dressed up by what is evil in the world to justify and encourage greater evil.  Revenge and retribution long used, draped in patriotism and nationalism serve to perpetuate war and stimulate hatred.

Love Is Stronger Than Hate

Gandhi, in the midst of his life’s struggle for equality, and liberty realized, much like Martin Luther King did, that love was where the power is.

Recently, reactions to a variety of global acts have increased people’s fears once again.  And fear seems to quickly be the handmaiden to hate.  The well of man’s inhumanity to their fellow man seems to never run dry.  If when you look at another who believes differently or dresses differently you focus upon what is different it is easy to create a belief in separateness.  Yet, that separateness is an illusion.  That sense of separateness is used to create fear and from that fear comes violence.  That fear stimulates hatred and for some justifies acts of evil.

If when you look at someone you realize we are all more alike than different then the unity of the human experience stimulates compassion.  Love is ultimately stronger than hate.  The desire for peace can be a common denominator in our human experience.

Transcending fear is a part of the path to enlightened awareness.  Learning to Love is what our spiritual journey is about.  As Light by its very nature ends the darkness, so love ends hatred.

I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love
will have the final word.
      – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Be The Change You Want To See

Ultimately, you can choose to be the change you want to see in the world.

To bring love into the world you must love.  To bring peace into the world you must be peaceful.

At times despite your best efforts you may not be able to achieve peace of mind.  At times even when you strive to love unconditionally you may realize that your needs and expectations have more influence than you desire.

Compassion for others and compassion for yourself are very important.  Forgiveness of yourself and forgiveness of others is a grace you can claim as you acknowledge that you are a work in progress.

Just to strive to be the change you want to see in the world is already a significant choice.

You are not perfect and fortunately you don’t have to be perfect but each time and circumstance in your life that you demonstrate unconditional love you have brought love into the world.

Each time you have forgiven, even what seems to be unforgivable, you are an instrument of grace and compassion.

Each time you conquer anger or the ravages of hate you are joining in bringing in the Light to dispel the darkness.  Each time you are able to bring peace to your heart and peace to your mind is a victory.

The more life situations where you are kind, loving and treat others the way you wish to be treated you are an instrument of good in the world.

Do To Others What You Want Them To Do To You

Since the ancient times of Babylon when the code of Hammurabi was first written, a code of right relationship was created.

In many human religions, human cultures, and animal kingdoms it is believed that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. Today we know this as “The Golden Rule.”

The “Golden Rule” has been attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, who used it to summarize the Torah:

Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.
      – Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:12)

It is such a simple concept, yet as I often say, “simple is not easy.”  So much of what is wrong in the world would be eliminated if everyone followed that simple Golden Rule.

If you are considering how you can be the change you want to see in the world this simple golden rule is a good place to start.  The Golden Rule is found in almost every religion and affirms the unity of the human experience in a way that acknowledges the principles of brotherhood of all humankind.

Imagine for a minute what the world would be like if everyone everywhere did only to others what they wish for themselves.  Harmlessness, one of the most important parts of Right Relationships is inherent in the Golden Rule (checkout my article about the Golden Rule.)  Right speech is also included.

Loftier and profound concepts such as love, forgiveness, and kindness are enjoined by this way of being.  World peace is the logical conclusion.  It seems that to fall back to this very ancient code of conduct creates the change that the world needs today.

Loving unconditionally and forgiveness may not be that easy.  However, to treat someone in any interaction in life the way that you wish to be treated is eminently understandableBy the very application of this way of relating you are affirming unity with all of humanity.

So, today I encourage you to be the change you want to see by actively treating all who cross your path the way you wish to be treated.  To do so is to be an agent for Light in the world.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 8,037 times. Checkout our other related posts below.


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Last updated 11-13-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Be the Change You Want to See Read More »

At Each Moment You Decide

At Each Moment You Decide

Read At Each Moment You Decide by Genevieve Gerard

I love mornings.

There is magic in each morning. No other time of the day is so rich with promise.

Just think, this day has never been before; it is unique.

What is possible today has never been possible before.  Whatever has happened in your past is NOW over.  You are free.  You can lay your burden down and release it into the past where it belongs.

The only power it has over you is what you choose to give it.  You can, in the magic of this morning and the magic of this moment, start anew.  This is the power of the dawn.

To claim this power, you may have some things you need to do.  You may need to forgive yourself.  You may need to forgive someone else.  Whatever forgiveness is required is possible.

Claim the magic of this morning to open your heart and your mind to the unlimited potential of this day.  This day has never been here before.  It is just NOW emerging and being created.

The ideas and solutions to life’s mysteries that are revealed to you today belong only to this moment and are filled with your co-creative power.  What you think of in the magic of the morning takes form and substance through the laws of life that “energy follows thought.”

You are a child of God imbued with the spark of Divine Light that gives you the power in your thoughts to control and create your reality.  You are, of all of the creation, the only one given the power of co-creation.  That is the miracle of what it means to be a human being.

The choice is yours.  Make of this day what you will.  Create with this day what you wish. In each moment you get to decide.

Joy is yours for the taking.

What is most surprising about this miraculous morning is you can create whatever you need.  If you need to suffer, you can suffer.  If you need fear, you can paralyze yourself with fear.

Today is an adventure in your experience of life.

All of the drama that life contains can come into your day,
for good or ill, by your will.
        – Genevieve Gerard

You might ask “why would I create pain and sorrow.”  And, that is certainly a good question to ask yourself.  “Why would I choose to suffer paralyzing fear?”  “Why wouldn’t I choose anything but joy, success, or happiness?”  The pain, sorrow and the failures you experience can provide valuable lessons that have a profound impact on your life.

These things may seem to be just happenstance, the accumulation of circumstances beyond your control.  And you can cloak yourself in the illusions of life that make situations and circumstances seem beyond your power to control or influence.  You choose whether these moments give you comfort or excuses that relieve you of the responsibility for your life.

In the magic of morning, I invite you to let the darkness fall from your eyes as the Light comes into being.  You are a miracle of creation infused with a spark of the Divine.  You are the Son of Man who is a co-creator with the creator.

This can be both a great blessing and a great responsibility.  What you do with this day matters.  What you create with your thoughts have consequences.  They may be unintentional consequences or very intentional consequences; the choice is yours.

There is in every day and every circumstance two possibilities.  There’s a positive side and a negative side and at each moment you decide.
           – Bernie Gunther (High Cards)

What will you do with the magic of this moment?

What will you choose for this as yet unformed day brimming with potential and unclaimed possibilities? What will you create with this formless day that lies before you with no footprints yet upon it?

This moment, this opportunity has never been before.  Life can change in the twinkling of an eye.  All that has ever come before this time can be safely tucked into the past.  Its time is now over.

It can only affect you if you let it if you cling to it.  Come into NOW.

Your life and your future are being molded into being what you choose NOW.  What you think and how you use your co-creative power is the creative force that shapes your emerging experience.

Seize from this magical moment the power to take control of the day and do great things with it.  Free yourself as you forgive and forget every limitation that has ever held you captive.

Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light of the new day into the new being you are becoming with the magic of this morning.  This day has never been before and will never come again.  Make the best of it, take the best of it.

It is NOW and in the NOW there is a great power.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.
Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
           – Eckhart Tolle

Unleash the power in your mind to claim the unlimited potential of the present.  That is the magic of each morning.  That is the promise of every new day.

Align yourself with your Life’s purpose.  New possibilities are revealing themselves to you today.  New thoughts, ideas you have never thought before, emerge from the creative power of your mind.

Open the space for new opportunities to come to you today.  Let the Law of Attraction attract to you all that you need for success.

Shed from your thoughts any limiting beliefs.  Clear from your being all that has ever held you back.  This is a new day; let yourself find a new way.

This is the magic contained in the morning.  This magic is available for you to claim today, right here, right now.

As the old saying reminds us, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Make it the best of your life.” – anonymous.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 4,421 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 5/14/2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


At Each Moment You Decide Read More »

How to Use Empathy Effectively

Learning How to Use Empathy Effectively

Read Learning How to Use Empathy Effectively blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Empathy is an ability with many different definitions.

They cover a broad spectrum, ranging from caring for other people and having a desire to help them, to experiencing emotions that match another person’s emotions, to knowing what the other person is thinking or feeling.

According to Simple English Wikipedia, empathy is a word that means that someone is able to share or understand the emotions and feelings of another person.

I believe empathy is a gift.  However, for some who are awakening to their higher power, their Soul, it can be a challenge.

From reading many recent posts on Social Media, it is clear to me that empathy is rarely understood.  Those who are striving to be of help and service to humanity in this powerful time are often unaware of the higher purpose of being an empath and more importantly understand how empathy works.

I wrote this post because,

Learning how to use empathy effectively is an essential part of the process of spiritual awakening.
        – Genevieve Gerard

The openness of your energy field to the emotions and pain of others can be very useful when you are trying to heal another person.  However, when you are only moving through your life and find yourself feeling the pain and feelings that are not your own, it can be confusing.  Part of the process of empathy emerging in your consciousness is for you to learn to identify what comes from your individual consciousness and what is from your expanded consciousness.

There are some truths about empathy that I will explain briefly in this post along with some techniques and practices that can be helpful.

One truth is that spiritual gifts, like empathy, emerge spontaneously.  On the other hand, they may be difficult to integrate into modern life in our modern world.

We do not live in a society where spiritual experiences are explored and talked about or explained in daily life as a natural part of life.  As more and more individuals are facing the challenges of awakening without the support and guidance of a guide or mentor, confusion, and misunderstandings abound.

One of the advantages is this process of awakening is happening too many and not to only one individual.  However, the danger of these phenomena emerging outside of traditional spiritual instruction is the plethora of misunderstanding and misinformation that can be rapidly spread as well-meaning people struggle to teach others beyond what they know.

Recognizing that you know what you know, and recognizing that
you do not know what you do not know — this is knowledge.
       – Confucious

For many centuries, the source materials for volumes of spiritual knowledge have been kept secret and behind a veil.  In earlier times the Ageless Wisdom was revealed under the guidance of a master who worked with an individual or a group of students in a spiritual community that supported the nurturance and unfolding of their spiritual gifts.

In those times and under those conditions empathy was understood as an evolving part of a spiritual journey.

In our modern society, a spiritual journey is often not only misunderstood but since it is an experience outside of “consensus reality”, it may be labeled, diagnosed and medicated away.

If you are undergoing a process of spiritual awakening, it may be helpful to have a guide to the changes of enlightened awareness that can protect you from the danger of the misuse of your gift which can lead to misery and discomfort.

These risks are unique to our times and the trappings of our modern society.  When someone’s empathy gifts are emerging, and they begin to realize they are feeling the pains and emotions of others they most often suffer in silence.  When you share what you are experiencing to those who have never had the same experience you stand a good chance of being judged as crazy.  Worse still, you may judge yourself as crazy.

Fortunately, the emergence of the concept of empathy into consciousness groups gives some framework with which to begin to understand this strange reality.  However, although this loose explanation within social networking groups may be sufficient to provide a label that enables you to realize that you are not crazy, it falls short of teaching you how to use your gift without harming either yourself or those you seek to aid.  Knowing that you are not the only person who feels and experiences other people’s pain and emotions, falls short of teaching you how to use your gift for the service and support of others on their life journey.

Likewise, how empathy can be utilized as a dynamic part of your life journey is still missing.  What you can do to wield your gift from a centered and calm perspective is rarely addressed.  What you can do to protect yourself from the pain and raging emotions of others is a source of much confusion and misinformation.

How you incorporate your empathy into your social relationships is also important.  There are both ethical issues and issues of right relationship that you need to consider.  Your empathetic gift which has the underlying purpose of enabling you to be of help and healing to people can create harm if not used with compassion and understanding.

Certainly helping is the intention of most of those blessed with empathetic vision.  It is doubtful that you would have ever received the spiritual gift of empathy if you wanted it to harm others.

However, in all spiritual endeavors as in all of life, there is always the danger of unintended consequences.  It is to avoid those unintended consequences that it is important that you learn to use your empathy to heal, not hurt.

Most importantly, that also means to learn how to be an empath without hurting and harming yourself.

As I read through the hundreds of problems in posts shared on social media, I have become increasingly aware that adjusting to empathy without an underlying understanding and structure of the why and how to use the gift is a problem for many.

Using the gift of empathy effectively identifies some basic principles that are of great importance to understand.  Learning to recognize what is coming to you empathetically and then being able to discriminate and differentiate it from your personal thought reactions and feelings is an important first step.

Discernment and discrimination are of vital importance to use your gift of empathy in a way that both is of healing help to those around you without creating harm or hurt in your life.

Meditation is a valuable tool in helping you to do this.  It is also important to have a way to transcend, transform and transmute those emotions in yourself, and as a healer in others.  Part of being an effective healer and efficient as an empath is learning mastery of your emotions. Ponder on this.

Understanding your emotions is a significant step in your spiritual evolution, and it is often a challenge that happens concurrently with the emergence or increase in the spiritual gift of empathy.

Mastering your emotions is a significant life challenge.  Taking that mastery to a level where you can work with healing the emotions of others requires a deeper understanding of the nature of the emotional body and how you interact energetically with others.


Feel Free of All Negative Emotions

Understanding emotions are so important that in my body of work I created two different products from the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom to explain emotional transmutation.

The shorter (10 minute) version is called, “I Am Feeling Free.”  It allows you to learn to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts. The longer and more technically complex guided training called “Feeling Free” takes about 20 minutes and is a guide to feeling free forever of all negative emotions.

Check out these short guided trainings on Amazon:

I Am Feeling Free Meditation MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


I Am Feeling Free:
Learn to Calm Strong Emotions and Transmute Fears and Doubts



Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard


Feeling Free
Guide to Feel Free Forever of All Negative Emotions



Both involve learning to master your emotions and transmute and transform the energy.  Feeling Free is especially valuable for an empath because when you do it with the added intention of clearing and raising the emotional energy of everyone in the room it impacts the experience of everyone as a healing event.


Empathy Is A Gift

What is most empowering and significant to understand about being an empath is that not only are you aware of the emotions and hurts of others but that the purpose of that awareness is to empower you to help heal those hurts.  That is why empathy is considered a spiritual gift, and not as you may fear it to be a spiritual curse.

Using the universal law that “energy follows thought” makes intention a most powerful tool for an empath.  Part of the education of an empath is to enable them to use their empathy as a healing tool for the betterment of othersThat is the higher purpose for which the gift is available to Lightworkers and Light-bearers.

It is important to understand that as an Empath when you transmute, transform and transcend your negative emotions you (with intention) have the power to impact the vibration and emotional pain of all who are around you.  That is why Empathy is a gift and power you must learn to use wisely with discrimination and discernment. 


How to Use Empathy Effectively

Meditating upon these issues is helpfulClearing your emotional field is essential. Understanding how to do that and incorporating emotional mastery into your life as a healer is also one of the keys.

Compassion and respect are essential elements of using your empathetic gift.  Practicing kindness and learning to be non-judgemental are attributes that are important to master.

Recently, as a lifetime student of the Ageless Wisdom, and a lifelong meditator who is also a healer and an empath, I have been feeling directed to offer an opportunity for empaths to learn and grow into how to better understand their gift.

Since I can only explain and write so much in a blog post, I am willing to offer my experience and wisdom as a longtime counselor, life coach, and healer, to teach and train those interested in learning to master their empathic gift through a series of webinars.

I will begin with a general webinar for those who need and desire this informationIf you are interested, you are invited!

Please simply join my community email list (I will only send out things occasionally and promise never to flood you with email) if you would like to be notified about the webinar.  When the time is right, I will then contact you personally by email to invite you to join the online event.

Out of the first empathy webinar event (and experience) and based on the needs and interest of the participants, I will develop a series of educational webinars on How to Use Empathy Effectively.

I trust the wisdom of the universe to attract to this event those who can grow and learn from it.  I encourage you to trust the knowledge of your internal guidance to know if this is something that would benefit you or a close friend.

If you are interested in learning more about how empathy works and how you can master your empathy gift, please opt-in above with your email and I will notify you about the webinar and any further articles I write on empathy.

You, as an empath have been given a powerful ability to having a healing presence and impact on those around you.  But you need to learn how to use your gift without taking on the emotions and pains of those you endeavor to help and heal.

To not learn that mastery and the Ancient Wisdom can make empathy a painful journey in a modern world where what you are experiencing is outside of the understanding of the world around you.

As a longtime empath, helping those who are awakening with the gift of empathy to understand it and use it effectively is something I have been directed to do in my meditations.  If you wish to learn more about How to Use your Spiritual Gift of Empathy, these webinars are for you.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-13-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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