Search Results for: energy follows thought

What You Can Do in the New Year to Create a Happy New Year

What You Can Do in the New Year to
Create a Happy New Year

Celebrate the New Year with Genevieve Gerard

When a New Year comes there is across the planet the hope and desire that the New Year that is being born will be better than the year that is now fading into history.

This desire is embedded in the hearts and minds of all people, everywhere.

Practice These Simple Ways in 2023
of Relating and Interacting With the World

As this New Year is being born, I would like to suggest some simple practices you can do that can empower your life to be better.

They are simple practices that cost nothing and yet have great value in creating a better world and a better life for you and your community.  They set up energy that enhances and empowers you and encourages and strengthens others.

The more you practice them the easier and more habitual they become.  In these simple ways, you become a way to make this world a better place.  You become a co-creator of the world that has the power to make this New Year a happier and better year.

One of the most amazing Laws that govern the human experience is that “Energy Follows Thought.”  This is not personal, but it is profound.  If you practice these simple ways of relating and interacting with the world over this emerging year you will be engaging in creating magic that will have far-reaching results.  Physics tells us that every action has a reaction.  I have observed that energy sends out waves that make like attract like.

Energy is a subtle yet powerful force that transforms everything.  I offer these simple practices for you to incorporate into your day and into your life as a little way that you can do something to change the world into more of the world that you desire.

I invite you to become an agent for change in the world by incorporating these little actions into your day as you move through life and interact with others.

You don’t have to be perfect or completely consistent when doing them, but they are their own reward.  They will result in making the world a better place, but they will also enhance your own happiness.  The more you choose to engage in this little New Year experiment the more people will join with you, thus becoming a dynamic force in your community.

This list I call “The Practice of Peace” and I invite you to think about and add to it.

The Practice of Peace List

  1. Practice Kindness- Kindness costs you nothing and yet can provide hope and strength to someone who is burdened by sorrow. Make a habit of simple random acts of kindness to strangers, friends or family.
  2. Smile- Make eye contact with another and let your smile communicate your Light and your understanding of our togetherness in this journey of life. It is free.  Give your smile freely as you open your life.  Smiling works with your psyche to stimulate happiness while you share with another.
  3. Practice Patience- Let a little time pass when someone is in your way and holding you up. The few seconds or even minutes it takes will be compensated by the stress you are relieved from by slowing down and being patient.
  4. Breathe- Give yourself the time to just take a deep breath and let yourself just be in the moment, right here and right now accept the gift of life and the lesson of abundance as you realize that what you need is freely available to you from the abundance of the world.
  5. Find Something to be Grateful for- It could be a simple thing like the smell of the air or the caress of the breeze. Or it could be something someone did for you or gave you.  Express that gratitude if appropriate.  Enjoy the blessing even if it is just observing what is.
  6. Think of Someone You Love- Just take a brief moment to remember and celebrate your love, imagining a thread of golden light connecting your hearts with no needs or expectations, just celebrating your Love.
  7. Give Yourself a Chance to Just Be- take a few seconds, maybe even a minute to stop doing and let yourself just be. Appreciate the moment and just be in the present.
  8. Take a Pause to Dream- Let your mind drift to imagine having something you desire. Enjoy the daydream and pause to consider what you might do to bring it into manifestation.
  9. Release an Old Anger or Resentment- Take a breath and just let go of an anger or resentment you have been carrying. Let it float away and lift from you as you free yourself from the burden of the past.
  10. Connect with Your Higher Self and Listen To Your Inner Wisdom– Take a little break from your busyness and align with your Higher Self and listen to the voice of your own wisdom.


As you build these practices into your life you are working toward Peace by permitting inner peace in your consciousness.

By practicing kindness, you are transforming the world into a kinder and more compassionate place.

By smiling, you are affirming and celebrating your connection and unity with others as we all journey through the life experience together.

By practicing patience, you are reminding yourself that a minute here and a minute there is available in the fabric of life.  You have the time you need and you can let yourself use the time you have.  Acknowledge the higher source in others.

Breathing deeply helps you relax and remain productive in a gentle and relaxed manner.  It helps you stay energized and empowered and costs neither time nor effort to do.

Gratitude attracts to you more of what you appreciate.  It works on a subtle energetic basis and connects you to the life force of abundance and accepting.

Thinking of someone you Love reminds you that you are not alone.  You are connected to those you Love by invisible lines of force and you can draw upon that Love at random times throughout your day to keep you supported by the love in your life.

Letting yourself just be releases your stress and helps you notice what is good and right and positive in your life when you focus on what is in the present moment.

Your dreams will empower your life and are a way to fulfill your Soul purpose and your life purpose.  Use them for inspiration and guidance as you release your intention into the world on the wings of your dreams.

Releasing anger and resentment is a powerful tool for freeing you from the tyranny of your past.  You do not have to carry your hurts and what has harmed you into the present.  Forgiving and releasing old resentments frees you to live in the present and have greater joy.

Connecting with your Higher Self is a way to shift your perspective from what is negative to what is positive.  It opens you to a different perspective and allows a free flow of insight to empower you and enhance your life.  Actually, taking the time to meditate is more powerful, but just a brief shift in your consciousness to remind yourself that as a human being you are also a spiritual being and your Soul is available to help and support you in life can change everything for the better.

Happy New Year stars and wishes from Genevieve Gerard



Make these ten practices of peace a part of your daily routine and this year will be a Happy New Year.



Throughout this year remember your thoughts direct the energy of what comes to you and only you control your thoughtsCreate Happiness, Create Joy, Create Love.




The blessing of Love on all that you do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 1,775 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Last Updated 1-1-2023


Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2019-2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


What You Can Do in the New Year to Create a Happy New Year Read More »

Always Have Hope in Your Heart

Always Have Hope in Your Heart

Have Hope by Genevieve Gerard

Hope is one of the most essential sensations you can have in life.

Hope opens you to inspiration about what you can do to bring about change and transform your life.

Hope springs into your heart as you call upon your Soul for help.

When times are troubled, remember that life and everything in it can change in just a moment.  Hope reminds us of that.

Miracles are always possible, and change is inevitable.  Let hope guide your thoughts to the creative vision of your dreams and then as you dare to dream, dare to do something differently. 

Believe that all things are working toward what is good and right for you in your life.

It may not be possible to see or to know the consequences of any action or event.  Indeed, the law of physics that declares that every action causes a reaction is undeniably true; however, those consequences are beyond your ability to view.  While you are in the midst of action all you can do is what feels right.  You can do the best you can base on the information available at the time and then hope for the best.

Hope is a kind of impersonal prayer to which the Universe responds based upon the fact that “energy follows thought.”  Hope is the antidote to worrying (which I often call praying for what you don’t want.)

When you hope you are opening to new possibilities that are emerging before you todaypossibilities you may have never considered before now.  It is through the power of hope that you let yourself dream, and through the power of faith that you dare to do things differently.

What is impressive is that no matter how dire things may appear, change is inevitable.  Hope helps you empower that change.  Dreaming and daring is a partnership. To ignite hope to bring about the change you are dreaming requires doing and taking action.

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
      – Bernard Williams

Tomorrow is always a new day.  Empowering your day with hope activates your creative imagination and opens you to inspiration.  Inspiration is a signature of your Higher Self.   Then it is time for your whole self to take your creative power to do something.

Do Something Differently

Doing something, especially doing something different than you have done it before sets off a chain reaction of circumstances and events that are different.  Doing something differently may be frightening but being frightening does not make it wrong.  The key to doing things differently is to do it with hope in your heart which activates your mind to dare, to dream, and to do.

Change is not only possible it is inevitable.  When you activate your life with hope in your heart, you empower your mind and your Soul to allow new opportunities to emerge.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Activate Hope With Inspiring Affirmations

    Click play icon below to listen to me reading these affirmations to you (under 2 minutes).

To inspire and activate the power of hope in your life you might try a few affirmations.  You might want to put them up where you can see them throughout the day, on your mirror or at your desk where you can see them and remind yourself to hope.

  1. With hope in my heart,
        I open my life to positive changes today.
  2. With hope in my heart,
        I open my mind to see new
        opportunities that are opening today.
  3. With hope in my heart,
        I let myself be creative and inspired to
        find new solutions to old problems.

Give yourself 5 minutes to record any thoughts or impressions you may have had after making these three affirmations.

Last, let yourself sit quietly, as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the light, and daydream for just another 5 minutes.  While you are doing this remember not to limit your dreams by your reality.  Just let yourself dare to dream.

Then return to your life and your day empowered and enlightened by hope.


Remember to Always Have Hope in Your Heart!




The blessing of love on all that you do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 4,778 times. Check out our other related posts below or in the Hot Topics sidebar.


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Last updated 9-24-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Always Have Hope in Your Heart Read More »

You Need To Experience The Power of Hope

You Need To Experience The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope post by Genevieve Gerard

Hope is a very powerful energy.

Some thoughts generate more energy than others because they tap into a reservoir in the collective unconscious of humanity and thus become energized and magnetized.

Hope brings with it a promise of possibility and promise.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.
          – Emily Dickinson

It is a little known and less understood phenomenon that the planet is surrounded by a field of energy in which is stored the aggregate emotions of humanity since the dawn of time.  That energy is, in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, known as the astral field.

Like all energy the astral-emotional field is invisible.  And, like all energy, it cannot be destroyed, but you can change its formHope is one of those emotions that works to do just that.

Just the simple understanding of human nature reveals that in a field of energy where the aggregate of all of the emotions of humanity is stored, there is a lot of fear.  Legend tells us that it is in the astral field that the monsters and dragons of archetypal legends are stored.

The ancient gargoyles that grace the architecture of medieval cathedrals are said to have their home in the astral field.  Nightmares are believed by some to be the result of your consciousness traveling to this energetic plane in your sleep.

It isn’t wise to spend a lot of time or thought dwelling on this plane of energy.  The universal principle that “energy follows thought” is sufficient to explain why directing your consciousness into the astral plane is a mistake.

For most people, they have enough of a battle against fear, without entering into an awareness of the stored terror of all of humanity.  In general, the astral plane is best avoided as a destination for your consciousness.  Particularly talented horror fiction writers often use this energy to create their stories.  It is not unusual for people to have nightmares and waves of fear after reading horror stories or seeing horror movies.  Your consciousness goes where you direct your attention.  I have never recommended directing your consciousness to terror and fear.

Likewise, part of the energetic harm that drugs and alcohol do to your consciousness is that it can open your energy to the astral plane.  That is true of even some prescription drugs as well as recreational drugs.

However, when you consider the negative energies of the astral field it is also important to consider what you can do to release and transmute the fears that are stored there.  Take a moment and consider what you can do to free your life from any fears you may have.

Replace Your Fears With Hope

Transmuting, transforming and transcending fears and negative emotions is one of the major steps in our spiritual evolution. This emotional transforming experience is known as the second initiation.

There are some things that may help you transmute these fears.

As I mentioned earlier it is a rule of physics that you cannot destroy energy, but you can change its formThis is a key part of your ability to change your consciousness.

The transformation of negative consciousness is so important to me that I have devoted many of my publicly disseminated products on instruction about it.  They are my Feeling Free and I Am Feeling Free meditations

These two guided meditations teach you how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.  In these two meditations are the directions for changing your life.

I Am Feeling Free Guided Meditation Download by Genevieve Gerard

Both of these meditations are taken from the deep esoteric practice of the Ageless Wisdom that has been passed down for generations.  After years of practicing this meditative technique in my own life to learn to conquer my fears, I created the CD “Feeling Free.”  Then I started teaching corporate executives and CEO’s stress management and from that, I was able to translate this esoteric technique into the simple (and shorter) guided meditation “I Am Feeling Free” that makes sense to the Western mind.

Freeing your mind from the limiting hold that fear can have is one of the most important things I teach.

As I am meditating on this concept of transforming and transmuting fear I am aware that when you release your own fears you are also working to release the hold that the astral plane has on humanity as a whole.  In that way, not only is your releasing fear a way of improving your life, but also an act of service for humanity as a whole.

As I pondered upon and meditate on what I can do and we as humanity can do to make this world a better place, I realized that there is great power in hope.

Much like transcending your fears has a powerful impact upon your life, freeing you from the tyranny of emotions that are limiting, so to hope is freeing.

When you hope you are igniting the creative power to not only conquer your fears but find solutions for the problems that plague humanity.

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
               – Bernard Williams

Because “energy follows thought,” the thoughts of each of us, indeed all of us influence the creative process of the world we share.

We are all ONE, mystically and spiritually.  The energy you create with your thoughts has an impact and an influence on the whole.

It is to have a positive influence on the world that I publish seed thoughts where I ask everyone to Imagine for 1 Minute something positive. You can follow these seed thoughts on my Imagine1Minute twitter feed, I also post them on my Facebook Fan Business Page

Harnessing the creative power of thought is a subtle way that you can serve humanity as a whole while benefiting your own life.  It is an act of unity and brotherhood (and sisterhood) that works with the nature of life.

I believe that thoughts of hope counteract thoughts of fear.

Positive thoughts about not only your personal life but life as a whole also move energy to help create a more positive world.

Hope Experiment

Today I would like to invite you to join me in an experiment of hope.  Over the next week, I will publish a seed thought on my Imagine1Minute twitter account and Facebook Fan page that focuses on creating and stimulating the energy of hope.

I need your help to add to the hope thought form every day! And, although the feed is called “Imagine 1 Minute” you don’t really have to focus on it for only a minute, just let the thought drift into your mind, and ponder on hope intermittently throughout your day.

If you enjoy and are empowered by ritual you can add it to lighting a candle for hope as I recommended in my recent post listed in the related links you may also like below.

Then, pay attention and observe your own thoughts and feelings throughout the day and observe the impact you are having on the world around you.

This little experiment has the potential to have a dynamic, yet subtle impact.

I would love to hear about your experiences in the comments section below on this article.

If you are willing to participate in this hope consciousness experiment, I also invite you to join my (free) consciousness community.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 18,321 times. Check out our other related posts below or in the Hot Topics sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 8-13-2020


Copyright © Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


You Need To Experience The Power of Hope Read More »

Light A Candle For Hope

Light A Candle for Hope

Read Light A Candle For Hope by Genevieve Gerard

Recently, the influx of spiritual energies has undergone a major shift for our planet.  As such we are seeing a period begin in which subtle energies will be intensified.  As always, energy follows thought, but as we enter this new period that principle will become even more powerful.  It is increased in power to allow those who work in the Light to have greater influence in bringing about the healing of the planet.  That same principle is at work bringing energy to all thoughts.

The most dangerous and one of the darkest thoughts is fear.  As people focus their energies on fear, they increase the danger of what they fear coming into manifestation.  Because of the fear, people take the actions of a few radicals and pass judgment on an entire culture.

In these times of global uncertainty, the fear adds power to the sense of shortage and lack.  Because of the fear and sense of lack, people refuse to share.  Because of the fear and sense of lack people hoard what wealth they have rather than investing.  Because of the fear markets drop and because the markets drop people become more fearful.  Thus, the fear creates a self-perpetuating spiral of despair.

People cling to their money instead of spending it, thus shutting down the engines of commerce that create jobs and prosperity for all.  Thus, the transcending of fear and replacing it with hope will work on a subtle level to resolve our current crisis.

Faith and trust are the antidotes to fear.  Remaining in the moment is the key to conquering fear.  The moment is the secret to transcending fear.

Disciples on the path, people of faith and workers in the Light have long known that learning to transcend fear is one of the most important and most empowering of the spiritual lessons.
        – Genevieve Gerard

When one has learned to transcend fear many new and exciting possibilities open before you.  You dare to dream and dare to hope and dare to do.

Although the concept of transcending fear seems simple; one should not confuse simple with easy.  To transcend fear, especially in the midst of genuinely frightening news and world circumstances is a challenge of the spirit.  It is a challenge of faith.  And today it is a call to action for those who work in the Light to demonstrate a life of faith. It is a call to action to be a beacon of hope in the world.

In the link below, I offer a powerful 10-minute “I Am Feeling Freemeditation that can help you learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts for less than $9.
I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

As St. Francis said:

We cannot fight against the night! But we can light a candle.

As a single candle can dispel the darkness so a single thought can dispel the fear.

So let us each light a candle for hope and as we do so have a thought of hope.

Let us each light a candle to conquer fear, both our own and that of others.

And let us do this once each day; an act of faith and an act of hope.

As a call to action for those who work in the Light, as a call to action for people of faith, let us light a candle with intention each day as an act of faith and an act of hope.

If for just the moment of lighting the candle you are able to transcend your fear and focus on faith and hope you will be working to defeat the fear that is crippling the planet.  For whatever time you are able to transcend your own fear, you will be helping others and working to heal the planet transcend the energy of fears.  Each moment you are able to focus on the Light, the Light will build and multiply.  With each candle lit the Light will magnify.

This simple act of faith and hope is something you can do to make the world better.

This simple act is powerful in its very simplicity.

Today, as you light a candle to symbolically transcend your own fear you are helping to defeat the energy of fear.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.
        – Robert H. Schuller

As you light a candle to focus on your own hope you are igniting the energy of hope for everyone.

Make A Difference

As you light a candle, you give power to the thought that you can make a difference.

As you focus on your own faith, the peace it brings is shared with others.

The more people light the candle of hope and light the candle of faith the more we are working to dispel the darkness of fear.

It does not take long, it doesn’t cost much, but it is a powerful symbol that we are able to transcend our fears, that we are able to hope, that we are a people of faith.

We send out many thoughts by the internet.  If each person sends this thought to just 10 people the networks of the World Wide Web can burn bright with the energy of hope.  Throughout the planet, people of Goodwill can join in the defeat of fear and despair with this simple act, with these simple thoughts.

Moreover, you can have NO fear.  If you do not send this out, nothing bad will happen to you.

Free Gift of Abundance

As a companion to this article, I have also published on my website a free twelve-minute audio meditation that includes an invocation to magnetic attraction.  The invocation for magnetic attraction is also available in a written format as a PDF.  You can download these all here.

These gifts are given in the hope and intention to bring joy to your life that you may live your life, more abundantly.

In the Light,

Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8-1-2018


Copyright © 2011-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Light A Candle For Hope Read More »

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind

Read How to Harness the Power of Your Mind blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Your mind is a powerful tool.

As with any tool, it depends on how efficiently you use it.

Learning to use the great and amazing power of your thoughts to manifest your life’s purpose and fulfill your goals is a primary reason that many people explore the subject of consciousness.

By harnessing the power of your mind, you are transforming your life to align with your dreams and goals.  You are actively co-creating your life in a dynamic way.

It takes only a minute of sitting quietly and observing what you are thinking to realize that your thoughts are quicksilver.  The nature of thought is so multidimensional and diverse that it is easy to be unaware and unconscious of what you are thinking.

If the principle that energy follows thought is true and our thoughts create our reality as the “Law of Attraction” claims, we all have some work we need to do if we want to use our mind effectively and efficiently.

Gaining mastery over the mind, mainly controlling the free flow and often negative input of edited thoughts is a challenge.  In your observation of the nature of your unfocused and uncontrolled thoughts, you may notice how much of your thoughts reflect what you fear.  That is not a judgment of you, but a simple observation of the nature of what spiritual teachers have for centuries or longer referred to as the monkey mind.”

The practice of meditation provides a variety of techniques to help you harness the power of your mind and quiet the mindless chatter of the monkey mind.”  Different ways work differently for different people and at different times.  You could certainly ignore the input from the world of meditation and teachings about consciousness were it not for the understanding of the mechanics of the “Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought.”

Your thoughts have power, indeed the power to create your reality and can help by working for you, or can, unfortunately, work against you.  It is a powerful motivator to explore how these subtle principles and laws work.  These revelations about the power of your thoughts are not new.  Way back in ancient biblical times the book of Proverbs stated, “As a man thinketh, so shall he be.”

Since that time, there have been a variety of teachers and preachers, business leaders and thought leaders who have both validated and expanded on the great wisdom in Proverbs.  In writing this Wisdom Wednesday Blog, I realize that I could fill the whole post with books and resources of those who praise the truth about the power of your mind.  I have provided some links that I believe are the best at explaining or teaching about this important issue and help you explore these concepts from a variety of teachers and approaches.

I also want to provide you with a gift of one of my very favorite books about the mind, Napoleon Hill’s life changing book “Think and Grow Rich.”  This is a complimentary Adobe PDF of the entire book that you can download and ponder on.  I hope this gift empowers you to help achieve your dreams.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
       – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Manifesting your dreams and fulfilling your life’s purpose is an important reason to use the tools and techniques of meditation to harness the power of your mind and make it work for your benefit in your life.  To align you mind with your higher purpose and your Higher Self allows you to integrate what is spiritual with what is happening and manifesting in your life.

Reprogram Your Mind with Dr. Wayne Dyer

How to Harness the Power

My primary goal in this blog today is to discuss this ancient wisdom from a perspective of a technique you can use and activate in your life to help you harness this awesome power of your mind.  Your mind can then be a tool to help you achieve your life and your Soul purpose.

One technique that I have found valuable in my practice and my years of coaching and counseling people is that you can begin this by just self-observation.  I recommend starting with committing 3 minutes a day to this meditative exercise.  It starts with just consciously observing your thoughts.  When you notice a negative or fear based thought flash through your mind, take control of that thought.  Then deliberately, edit it, correct it and replace it with what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This editing, correcting (with intention) and replace technique is most important when what crosses your mind is fear.  To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state by aligning with your Higher Self and focusing upon your life’s purpose.  In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This alignment is not a meditation but rather a meditative and aligned perspective.

Keeping a dual awareness of your Higher Self while observing your thoughts activates both your Soul wisdom and your lower mind intelligence.
         – Genevieve Gerard

This observation technique is best done from the viewpoint of what I call “the detached observer,” free of self-judgment or criticism.  Both self- judgment and self-criticism work against achieving positive thoughts.  The result is that when you have the opportunity to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind” you gain control.

It is a meditative state because you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life. This allows you to be in a higher state of consciousness and a keener awareness than just thinking.

This exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between conventional uncontrolled casual thinking and meditation.

The 3-minute observation per day is a powerful and transforming technique.  That may seem very short, but if you consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind.

This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and empower your life.  At its core, quieting the chattering of your mind is a traditional goal of meditation.  Taking the additional step of observing the content of your thoughts with editing, revising and replacing that content with what is congruent with your goals, your dreams and desires make a huge difference.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily 3-minute practice of this method starts a major transformation in their lives.  You are no longer sending out your fears in your thoughtsYou are controlling your worrying.  Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.  You are now using the powerful universal principle that “energy follow thought” to your advantage.

The substitution process of exchanging a negative thought for a positive one can also be used with other meditation techniques such as affirmations Learning to harness the power of your mind enables you to send out into the world the energy to manifest what you want in a clear way that empowers your life.

Below are some links to some positive affirmations that have empowered many.  I have found listening to affirmations in the background, in the car while you drive, is especially useful.

The powerful principle that “energy follows thought” and the activation of “The Law of Attraction,” will be incorporated into your thoughts and life on a multidimensional basis, shifting your thoughts and your perspective on a daily basis.

The more often you practice this technique, the better the response in the material world.  Your thoughts are stronger than you realize.  Your mind is a co-creator in your life in cooperation with the Divine or Source (however you envision the Creator to be.)  The choice is yours.  The time to activate the awesome power of your mind to live the life you have always envisioned is NOW.  It is your life, and your mind is yours to master.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Power of Your Mind
Additional Resource Recommendations:







As a Man Thinketh by James Allen (no cost eBook download)









Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (no cost eBook download)



The Power Of Positive ThinkingThe Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale


Riches Within Your Reach by Robert CollierRiches Within Your Reach! by Robert Collier


Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell MaltzPsycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry Hicks

Disclosure: The book links above, if used to purchase the book will provide me with a small affiliate commission (thank you for supporting my work.)


Last updated 3-14-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


How to Harness the Power of Your Mind Read More »

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

– Connecting with Your Higher Self for Life Advice

Read Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Recently in a discussion with one of my coaching clients, we explored how to access the guidance and wisdom of your Soul for practical advice.

She was seeking revelation about the life challenges she was currently facing. She thought to receive this kind of clear information was the practical application of spirituality. My client insisted this desire is the reason that spirituality has relevance.

This conversation made me consider her point of view. Particularly, I wondered, what can you do to enhance and empower receiving guidance and direction from your Higher Self? Of equal importance, is the question what can interfere with receiving Soul guidance in your life? That led me to consider the process of receiving guidance and direction from your Soul as a practical real-life issue.

I believe your Soul is not only a part of you but it also a partner in your life. It has a vested interest in helping you learn and grow. However, from the perspective of your personality, the way that it provides the situations and circumstances from which you learn and grow are often not what you want. It is not always clear what is right or best to do.

You learn and grow in so many different ways. This issue seems to need some clarification. In my many years of life coaching, I have led individuals through many meditations in which they reached their Soul for guidance. There are some patterns I have observed. What is most revealing is how much of the preparation for the meditation is just a litany of what the seeker wants or more importantly what they don’t want.

I find it significant that often the answer that emerges as received in meditation is just a repetition of their hopes and desires that were expressed while preparing to meditate. That seems to be a clear signal that it is not the direction of the Soul they received, but rather their desires and their attachments speaking. In considering this result, I am reminded of the words of My Fair Lady, “she’ll listen very nicely then go out and do precisely what she wants.” It is all too easy to project your attachment and desire and then, because you meditated, assume that you have contacted and listened to the wisdom of your Soul.

Not only is this true but in the process of having asked for guidance, it is easy to have the expectation that your Soul is now responsible for what happens. The logical conclusion of this “magical thinking” is that the role of the Soul is to be a kind of “Fairy God Mother” who manipulates the world of matter to make your life easier and more compatible with your desires. I believe this is simply not true.

You can see this kind of “magical thinking” all over the internet and especially on Facebook with the number of abundance posts in which you are asked to type “Yes” to a positive meme graphic about prosperity or miracles. The implication is that by simply typing “Yes” you need only to sit back and receptively wait for the miracle you desire to happen.

This kind of “magical thinking” is a misunderstanding of the Law of Abundance and the principle that “energy follows thought.” It is no wonder that people become discouraged and confused.

What is missing in this kind of “magical thinking” is the role and responsibility of the personality. Whereas it is true that “energy follows thought” it is important to understand that this vital principle is not something you just turn on when you type “Yes” or “Amen” in response to a photo with an inspirational statement; then turn off all of the other thoughts in your mind.

What you do makes a difference. Your dreams, your thoughts, your plans and your goals are all an integral part of success.

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
           – Napoleon Hill

Indeed, meditation helps you to harness the power of your mind. Likewise, the Law of Attraction is activated and enhanced by all of the “Positive Mental Attitude” techniques you may use and employ. However, if you do these things only intermittently; that is exactly how they will work, intermittently.

If you ask, affirm or pray for abundance because you are afraid, you are using these principles to fuel the manifestation of what you fear. This is true even when you pray if what is in your mind while you are praying is fear. Worrying, I have often said, is like praying for what you don’t want. Saying a prayer in desperation without surrendering to Divine Will is an attempt to manipulate God. I don’t think that is how it works.

Likewise, typing “yes” for abundance while thinking about your fears and what is lacking in your life sends a mixed message. That mixed message is most often what you most often see manifesting in your life.

Asking For Guidance

This same principle is involved when you ask for guidance from your Higher Self. You have to stop your negative thoughts, your fear, and your worries. Otherwise, your personality will create from its litany of your concerns what you don’t want. You will not be able to hear anything at all from your Higher Self. Your mind chatter drowns out the still soft prompting of the voice of your Soul. To open yourself to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul or God in prayer requires surrender and a willingness to receive direction and guidance that may be very different from what you want.

To become more aware of how your fears and worries are controlling your unconscious requests is important. The power of your mind automatically responds to all of your thoughts. It responds to your wishes, and it responds to your fears. “The Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought” do not have a shut-off valve. It is on 24-7.

That energy follows your thought works with every positive affirmation. It also works with every meditation of intention. However, it also engages with every fear and worry that crosses your mind. Therefore, it is important to understand that what you are thinking is constantly creating what is manifesting in your life.

For this reason, it is crucial for you to be aware of your thoughts and value and respect the co-creative power that they have.

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you use your mind to live the life you desire by gaining mastery over your mind. To help you increase your awareness of what you are asking the universe to provide, I recommend that you do a technique I call the “detached observer.” If you follow my work and my writings you that will note that this is not the first time that I have recommended this technique. This technique is not a meditation but what I call a meditative technique.

Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing on your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Harnessing the power of your thoughts and making them serve you, while very simple is not always easy. Your mind functions in a multilevel way with ideas so rapid and diverse it is like catching quicksilver.

Throughout the eons of teaching meditation, helping the student gain control of what is often called “The Monkey Mind” or the “Chattering Mind” has been the goal.

In fact, the extended periods of meditating on the ‘no thing,’ ‘the void,’ ‘the sound of one hand clapping’ and other techniques that I learned in my early days of meditation, all seemed to be focused on learning to quiet your chattering mind.

Likewise, mantras repeated serve the same purpose. Similarly, the repetitive phrases of awareness that are taught in mindfulness meditations serve the same goal; they teach you to focus your thoughts and wrestle control from the chatter. Using guided meditations serve the same purpose. They are certainly easier than focusing on the “no-thing” or “the void.”

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


All are techniques to focus your thoughts in the desired direction you choose for your consciousness. Guided meditations are an effective and efficient way to harness the power of your mind to help you create the life and experiences you desire. Focusing on a problem with a focused intention on a daily basis can be transforming. The issue of regularity and repetition are key elements in using meditation to change your life.

Daily meditation need not be an arduous process. Moreover, although in my early days of meditating I was instructed to meditate for 30 minutes to an hour daily, I have found over the last 48 years that daily meditation consistently applied with intention is more important than the time spent.

When I create a guided meditation experience, I strive to capture the essence of the subject that I focus on in a 10 to 20-minute session. In meditation, it is quality rather than quality that counts.

The process of quieting your mind chatter enables you to receive the still prompting guidance of your Higher Self. Likewise, to be receptive to the wisdom of your Soul, it is important to cease your attachment to what you desire or expect in order to open your heart and your mind. Ponder on this.

This dual process of quieting your mind as much as possible and surrendering your personal will and desires to be receptive to the guidance you are receiving are crucial steps in receiving advice from your Higher Self.

We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
           – Joseph Campbell

I also recommend that if you are seeking the wisdom and direction of your Soul in your life that you set aside at least 10 minutes a day, regularly to meditate on that very subject. Then apply the technique of the detached observer by revising and reframing every negative thought, aligning it with what you feel your Higher Self is directing you to. Do these meditations with as much of an attitude of surrender to Divine Will as you are able.

I further recommend that you follow your “asking” time with a reflective and receptive time that you write in a spiritual journal. This combination of meditation and journal entry will increase the effectiveness of your request.

You Higher Self, your Soul, is available to you. When you can quiet your desires, your fears and listen to your Souls wisdom and guidance, it becomes a partner on your life journey, and your life journey becomes your spiritual journey.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul Read More »

Joy Is The Antidote To Fear

Joy Is The Antidote To Fear

Read Joy is the Antidote to Fear by Genevieve Gerard

Transcending, transmuting and releasing fear is one of the most powerful and life-transforming steps you can take on your spiritual journey.

In the Ageless Wisdom, releasing fear is a step associated with the second initiation.  As such, there is a myriad of life lessons that accompany learning mastery over your fear.

To overcome your fears is a challenge for everyone. 

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
       – Unknown

Ultimately learning to transmute and transcend your fears cannot be done by your personality and your personal will alone.  For that reason to transform your fears becomes spiritual work

Fear is so very deep, archetypal and integral to the human experience that freeing yourself of fear is such a significant step in your spiritual evolution because to accomplish this you must call upon the strength, the power and the wisdom of your Soul.

Find a place inside where there’s joy,
and the joy will burn out the pain.
        – Joseph Campbell

As you transform your life by transcending your fears, everything changes.  Each victory you make and each step that you take is profound and significant.

It is best to harness the power of your mind and practice the powerful principle that “energy follows thought” by using a technique that I call the detached observer.

To use the detached observer technique, I recommend that you pay attention to the random thoughts of your mind.  Realize that these thoughts are what you are sending out on an almost constant stream as positive or negative instructions to activate the “Law of Attraction” in your role of co-creator of your life.

As you use the “detached observer technique” I have over the years recommended that you catch yourself engaging in “stinking thinking” as Zig Ziegler use to call it.  Once you have noted a fearful thought, just stop and restate it into a positive thought.  All it takes is to use the wisdom and insight of your Higher Self to reframe the thought and revise it, thus activating your personal will to manifest the life you desire. Ponder on this technique!

Reviewing, reframing and restating your thought is a very powerful technique that can empower you to transform your life.

If you have ever used this method, or if you choose to use it right now, I am sure that you will find buried in your previously unconscious “mind chatter” a myriad of fears you can address.

As you explore your preconscious thoughts, you may find that fears are often a component of your content. 

Fear is often embedded in your thoughts of worry, which I call “praying for what you don’t want.” 

Take just one minute right now to center quietly in yourself and listen from the role of the detached observer to the content of your mind chatter with the critical awareness of how much your fears are reflected in your thoughts.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Amazing isn’t it?  Fear can be a large part of your life.

The transmuting and releasing of your fears is such a significant part of your spiritual journey that of all my published guided meditations I have devoted not just one, but multiple meditations to that goal, (I Am Feeling Free and Feeling Free.)


What is clear to me is that because fear is so deeply rooted in the human experience it is only by empowering the personality with the power of your Higher Self (your Soul) are you able to release your fears.

The personality can be engaged by seeking more enlightened awareness as you call upon the wisdom, the will and the power of your Soul (Higher Self or Higher Power) to transcend your fears.  By so doing, you are demonstrating a powerful spiritual lesson.  You are created as a spiritual being (a Soul) to work in harmony, and unity with a material being that directs, body, mind, and emotions with your personality.

In this statement above, there is both great truth but also a secret for managing your life.  Ponder of this.

There is no higher purpose to meditation than to become aware of the power and magnificence of your Soul.
         – Genevieve Gerard

To use this higher power and this majesty to be and become all that you are meant to be and live a life of joyful abundance is the reward of enlightened awareness.  It is the inherent secret ingredient in all of the ways to live in joy.

Joy spontaneously arises when you call upon your Soul and activate it as an integral part of the choices you make in your life.

That joy is the antidote to fear came to me recently while coaching someone in the release of his or her fears.  It is such a significant thought and principle that I have meditated upon it for several days now.

As I pondered upon opening my heart and my mind to the touch of my Soul and experienced the rush of joy that accompanied it, I realized simultaneously that in doing so, there was no space for fear.

Miraculously, fear and joy are antithetical to one another. That led me to consider how I can use joy to conquer fear.

Lately, in my meditations, I have been experiencing the blessing, joy, and grace of an angelic presence that I call The Angel of Perpetual Joy She is an angelic being who has had a profound benefit in my daily life.  In fact, it was the transformations her presence has created in my life that stimulated the writing of my recent article, “When Angels Come to Earth.”  As I stated in that article, Angels often choose to come to earth for the purpose of helping humanity.

In my meditations, I gained the insight that joy dispels fear.  It is important that you understand that Angels have a role of assistance and support.  The Angel of Perpetual Joy then went on to reveal in telepathic communion that Angels communicate through their union with your Soul to provide your personality a special blessing that I was charged to offer to you.

She, as an Angelic Presence will respond to your invocation by her presence to help you transcend and overcome your fears.  Therefore, with both her direction and blessing I encourage you to call upon her presence in your prayers and meditations to let joy serve as the antidote to your fears.

I invite you to invoke her presence in your life; I published in my previous article, “When Angeles Come to Earth” a meditation you can use and customize that is called,A Meditation on Angelic Presence.”

You can use this meditation to request her blessing of joy and her presence to transmute, transform and abolish your life of fears.

As you meditate upon her presence, I invite you to invoke and call upon the power and the presence of your Soul.

I believe connecting with your Soul is always accompanied by a rush of Love and Joy.  However, in my experience after calling upon “The Angel of Perpetual Joy” and meditating with her, the presence of my Soul was also magnified and expanded.  Such is the gift of angelic dedication to a particular purpose in life.

Because transcending and transmuting fear can be such an important part of your spiritual journey, I encourage you to use both the reframing technique of the detached observer and take advantage of the blessings of angelic presence regularly in your meditations.

I invite you to use Joy as an antidote to your fears.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!

P.S. I also ask your help and support to share this article with those you know who you feel would be open to and responsive to this teaching.  When you consider how limiting fear can be in someone’s life, this would be an act of service and a blessing.


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Last updated 1-21-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Joy Is The Antidote To Fear Read More »

Act As If

Read Acting As If blog by Genevieve Gerard

Act As If . . .

Within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom is a very powerful tool you can use to transform your life into the life you desire.

It is Acting As If what you want already is.

Acting As If uses and combines many of the laws and universal principles of which I have previously written. Energy Follows Thought and the Law Of Attraction are two of the most important that become activated when you Act As If.

Acting As If is a great way to bring into your life the events and circumstances that you want and need.

The creative power of the mind is impressive when activated. To use that creative force to fashion the life of your dreams is what the power of positive thinking and positive action is all about.

A great many subtle factors go into being successful with any of these techniques. Perhaps one of the most significant things to realize is that the creative potential of the mind works when you are sending the thought signals of what you want. However, it also can work when you have fears and worries.

The creative power of the mind does not stop to evaluate the content of the directions it is receiving. That is up to you. You can choose to bring into your life what you desire (both good or bad) at any moment in time.

The best way to achieve your outcome is to act as if you have already reached it – live your dreams now and let reality catch up.”
      – Roger Ellerton

At times it may require releasing your fears and acting on faith so that you do not bring those fears into reality. What is wonderful is that you can choose not to be limited by your fears.

Acting As If is a dynamic technique to keep the creative aspect of your mind focused on manifesting what you desire. When you Act As If what you want and need is already happening you help focus your creative mind. The attention to what it takes to Act As If clarifies your intention and colors in your thoughts with valuable details.

Clarifying what you are invoking when activating the Law of Attraction is often an effective mechanism. Many have found creating a vision board or a mind map to be helpful. The more details you can envision and more in tune with the feelings you want to experience once you have manifested what you need, the easier it is to keep your mind focused on the outcome you desire. Ultimately, you still have to take action on those thoughts to create your new reality.

I was speaking to a coaching client of mine recently whose life experiences just demonstrated this. My client had recently transcended her fear sufficiently to let herself be open to the abundance of purchasing a new car. This was a big step for her. Within days of making the purchase and living in gratitude, her employer, who had originally only had contract work available, came to her and offered her a permanent position that had just unexpectedly become available. Her act of faith was rewarded by what she needed coming to her almost instantly.

To efficiently Act As If, it is important to envision what you want to manifest and become, using all of your senses. So, to help you manifest the life of your dreams, today I am suggesting a smorgasbord of techniques you can use to empower Acting As If.

  1. Create a Mind Map or Vision Board to use when you are Acting As If. I suggest that you fill in as much detail of how your life will be when the goal or dream you desire has manifested. This detail will serve as a guide to your behavior when you are Acting As If.
  2. Declare your intention by identifying an “I Am” statement. Think about the identity you are creating. As an example, “I am a successful _________,” “I am competent in _________,” “I Am an effective __________.” In this use of an “I Am” statement you are focusing on your role in demonstrating your goal.
  3. Whenever you “catch yourself” worrying, being fearful, or having any doubts about manifesting your needs and desires, stop and focus your thoughts on what you are striving to create and release the fears. This clearing of the negative self-talk is the key to making this technique work. In the link below, I offer a powerful 10-minute “I Am Feeling Freemeditation that can help you learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.
    I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

Now, in each moment of the day, in what you do and how you respond to every situation and circumstance that presents itself to you, Act As If what you desire and need is already a reality.

William James altering their attitudes of mind quote

Remember that consistency and repetition add power to this technique. This is a state of mind, you must act and live your life As If you already have accomplished your goal and feel what it would feel like when you did.

What you believe and present to the world as a fact that you know and believe in your being, becomes a reality. Then, the more you can manifest what you desire and need, the more real it becomes.

Act as if you are poised and confident. Act as if you already have it!

Many layers go into the creation of your identity and your reality. This technique of Acting As If will empower you to be and become all that you are meant to be.

Using meditation and affirmations are also helpful. Confirming that what you are focusing upon is in alignment with your life purpose or your Soul purpose eases the way. This is your life and your thoughts, and your actions are what determine what your life will be. Today, you are exactly where you believe you should be. Ponder on this!

You have unlimited choices and before you are unlimited possibilities.
      – Genevieve Gerard

It is never too late to live your dreams. Whatever mistakes you may have made in the past are now over. When you relegate them to the past, you free yourself from having to repeat them. What is important is to live in the present moment.

Letting go of what has been and is now past is important in opening your life to the potential that is available in the future that has not yet been created.

It is to create that positive future and to fulfill the life of your dreams where the As If technique is most valuable. It immediately opens new doors and new opportunities.

It is wise to clear away the residuals of your past as soon as possible, so the slate is as clean as you can make it. One of the most dynamic and freeing ways you can transform your life is by forgiveness. Forgiving someone of their transgression against you frees you from being trapped in the past. It also releases the anger, the hurt and the sense of betrayal that can keep you in a victim role.

Self-forgiveness is also an important piece of becoming free to accept and manifest your new life. Often forgiving yourself is significant in freeing your life to move forward because it is common to be angry at yourself for letting the person you need to forgive do you wrong.

Most of the time, you failed to protect yourself or assert yourself. It is that you need to forgive. When the forgiveness has been accomplished, your life is more open to creating the reality you have chosen. The obstacles that you were holding onto are now swept away.

I encourage you to use this tool today to create the life that you want.

Your life is before you waiting to be manifested and enjoyed. Consider what you desire and begin living it today. Today is, after all, the first day of the rest of your life; celebrate it.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Related Posts You May Enjoy Reading:

  • How to Forgive Yourself: A 40 minute meditation to help you free yourself from the blame and self-criticism of the past.

Last updated 1/4/2017

Copyright © 2015-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Act As If Read More »

Experience Praise and Gratitude

Experience Praise and Gratitude

Read the Experience Praise and Gratitude article by Genevieve Gerard

Words have power.

They each resonate with their own energy.

This is a part of the deep magic that was revealed in the opening passages of Genesis. God’s use of words was inherent in the process of creation. So too are your words inherent in the process of what you create in your own life.

Since we think using words, this is also a significant factor in the principle that “energy follows thought.”

When you choose one word over another, you are on a subtle yet powerful level choosing to experience the energy of that one word over another.

This dynamic of word choice can influence what you experience when you choose specific words.

This is always true and provides a significant hint for how you can live a deeper, richer and more joyful life.

Songs of Praise

In my life, I have found song to be especially potent when applied to expressing praise and gratitude.

There seems to be a spontaneous connection to feelings of joy and the words of praise especially when lifted in praise to God. This is especially powerful when you “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

I can think of countless songs that will lift my spirit even in times of the darkest sorrow or despair. These are most often songs of praise. What songs move you?

When I was a young girl mundane household chores were dispensed with quickly and much more happily when songs of praise were sung while they were being accomplished.

My Grandmother and I would sing hymns and songs of praise while washing the dishes in the evening. This was a wonderful way to end the day. Remembering this is a part of what I wish to share with you today.

Praise can both lighten the heart and lighten the burdens you bear. Most songs of praise or prayers of praise are interwoven with gratitude. Praise can support you and help sustain you in both your life and your faith.

It is such a simple thing, that it is often forgotten or ignored.

In the very act of praise, you are affirming deep truths. By the act of affirmation and by expressing the gratitude that is so often entwined with it, you unleash a mighty force. This is true in your own heart, mind, and Soul.

Praise is not prayer, although there are certain prayers of praise. Praise is a unique expression of your relationship with another. It is an appreciation and celebration of the love and grace of that relationship. It is such a deep understanding of the loving dynamic of that relationship that your heart bursts forth with gratitude and joy.

When you focus on how wonderful God is and all the great things He’s done… is doing… and even will do in your life,
your natural response will be praise, adoration and awe. Don’t let yourself ever get used to it… stay amazed!
        – Joyce Meyer

Using Songs of Praise As a Meditation

Just as prayer is different from praise, there is a technique I have used in my life that turns praise into a meditation or meditative experience.

Choose a song that expresses the gratitude or joy you are feeling. One of my personal favorites that I have used many times in this way is “How Great Thou Art.”

Either play the song or sing the song, and each time really consider and listen to the words in the song.

I have found to set up the song to play repetitively creates a joy that impacts me and integrates me with my whole being and aligns me with the Divine.

Let the meaning deep into your heart. Let your listening become the meditative experience.

Let the experience of the song help you calm your mind.

As you do this open your heart to love, grace, and gratitude.

Invite the Light of your higher Self into your life.

The Lighter Side of Praise and Gratitude

You can also lighten this experience up by doing other things while you are doing this.

As you listen to music that invokes praise and gratitude in the background as you go about your day, allow it to permeate your consciousness without requiring your full attention.

You will find the praise becoming integrated within the energy of your home and your life in this way.

I have found this a very powerful way to influence your thoughts and your feelings in a subtle positive way.

Focusing upon the bounty and the blessings you have received will stimulate an expression of joy.

The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate.
        – Oprah Winfrey

Praise and the Law of Attraction

Praise is also a powerful way to activate the dynamic Law of Attraction in a way that both honors and affirms the source of the good we have received in the world.

It is not insignificant that the gratitude expressed in songs of praise also ignites the Law of Attraction in a way that is asks nothing more but delights and enjoys the bounty and blessings that have already been bestowed on you. It is an expression of both our gratitude and our faith.

It is fine well and good to praise God and raise your voice in thanksgiving and praise in a church service.

However, when you bring that expression of joy into your daily devotions, into your home, and then incorporate it into the simple activities of your daily life as a backdrop, it takes on a different energy. It becomes integrated into the experience and expression of your gratitude.

Ultimately, you attract more of what you are expressing.

Integrate Praise In Your Exercise

Praise can also be incorporated into physical exercise such as walking or running, much like meditation.

Check out my awareness guided meditations for




Walking Aware:
Celebrate and Appreciate Your Unity With Life On All Levels




Jogging In The Sun Meditation MP3 by GG




Jogging In The Sun:
Celebrate the Strength of Your Body While Aligning to Your Higher Self



Praise can spontaneously align your body, your mind and your emotions with the powerful loving presence of your Soul.

It can bring you into a greater awareness of your relationship with all that is around you and with that awareness, you become more receptive to the oneness of life and the true meaning of love.

Dual Awareness

An amazing aspect of consciousness is that you can be concurrently aware of your body, your thoughts, your emotions and the expression and sense of your Higher Self.

This multifunctioning aspect of the self can enable you to let any or every activity in your life become a meditative expression to empower and enhance your life.

This principle of dual awareness enhancing your consciousness is inherent in each of my Meditations For Daily Joy activity based awareness guided meditations.

The Spiritual Side of Praise

Using praise as a way to enhance and expand your spiritual awareness uses these same principles.

You are by your nature as a human being multifaceted and multidimensional. That is a part of the miracle of your being that can be experienced and expressed in a myriad of ways.

It is the benefit of experiencing the power of this alignment to which the vast array of spiritual devotional techniques strive.

As many roads can lead to the same destination, so there are many ways to come into a greater integration of your body, mind, emotions and your Soul, each of which ultimately brings you into greater relationship with the Divine.

There are so many possibilities and paths to the Light that you can experiment and explore a variety of ways to expand your consciousness and awareness.

Thankfully, there is no wrong way to open your Self to the Divine. This journey from the darkness into the Light and from the unreal to the real is directed by a Higher Power.

Life is a glorious adventure of being and becoming. Celebrate, with gladness and praise and enjoy the journey. It is your life.
        – Genevieve Gerard

I invite you to enter with a spirit of joyful playfulness and delight into ever increasing, growing and expanding, enlightened awareness of the full magnificence and glory of praise and gratitude in your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-18-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Experience Praise and Gratitude Read More »

Reasons Why to Keep a Journal

Reasons Why to Keep a Journal

Read "Reasons Why to Keep a Journal" blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Journaling is a wonderful tool you can use to help yourself in the process of transformation and growth.

A journal is a way you can share your thoughts and your deepest feelings, knowing there is no judgment.

It can help you understand yourself better and open your awareness to thoughts and feelings that seem to gain clarity when put into words. This is true when you share with a friend, but becomes even truer when you symbolically serve in the role of befriending yourself by keeping a journal.

One of the main reasons why to keep a journal is because your journal can become a way of clarifying what you are experiencing. It becomes a meditative experience, which helps you gain insight and get in touch with the perspective and wisdom of your Higher Self. In this way, writing in your journal becomes a tool for deeper insight and understanding. It becomes a way that you can heal your life.

Over the years that I have kept a journal there were countless times when a problem or issue that was troubling me resolved when I sat down to write because my thoughts and my feelings were clarified and resolved by the process of writing. This happened so frequently and profoundly that I now associate journal writing as a way of transitioning from the perspective of my personality to the wisdom and insight of my Soul. This is why I recommend to my counseling and coaching clients that you keep a journal.

It not only becomes a record of your personal growth and healing, but becomes a way you can look at your life circumstances and situation from the perspective of the detached observer, something I frequently recommend as a tool for insight when you are striving to change your life. By understanding the power of your thoughts being sent out into the universe, you can gain a better perspective.

Understanding that “energy follows thought” helps you look more objectively at the consequences of your thoughts. You then, after seeing your thoughts expressed in black and white, have the opportunity to revise and re-frame your thinking to enhance the result you desire.

At times, I have noted that what I was initially thinking was not only dramatically different from what I wanted to create in my life but also at times upon reflection was actually silly or absurd. The opportunity to consider my thoughts helped to shift my feelings and empowered the technique of reframing.

Journaling also helped me to identify and release limiting beliefs that came to my awareness as I wrote.

The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.
            – Hannah Hinchman

Keeping a journal can be a valuable and comforting experience. That is why I am always amazed when someone drops the simple discipline that regular journaling requires.

I have played with the idea of intermittently recording my thoughts and feelings, but the very intermittency of that sacrifices the primary benefit in keeping a journal, which is to reveal the process of change and transformation you are undergoing.

For that reason, I encourage you to approach journaling with discipline to make an entry daily. Even if that entry is as simple as, “too tired to write tonight,” or “too busy to write today,” those entries become launch points for your next entry.

A journal is really a record of your life over a period of time. Like life itself, some are good, some are difficult. Some are well done and some of it has room for improvement.

As a record of your life for a particular span of time, I recommend that when you decide to start a journal you get a fresh book. Indeed, a new journal is a symbol of a fresh start. At this time in my life, I like to pick a new blank book. There are many beautiful blank books to choose from. The choosing of a new book in which to record my new revelations and my new story has become for me a significant step in the process of keeping a journal. The cover, the design, and any pictures often reflect the place I am in with my consciousness at that time.

You may choose a book with lined or blank pages. Journals are certainly available either way. I like a blank book because that gives me the freedom to make lists, chart things or draw pictures or images along with the words I write.

Many, many years ago, when I first began keeping a journal I did not purchase books with a designed cover. I purchased basic black artist sketchbooks and only the dates within revealed when I wrote in them. However, when I chose a book that had a beautiful cover or image, I found that it enhanced my overall satisfaction and enticed my interest when I went back to read my old entries.

I would now recommend that you choose your book cover by what you are intuitively drawn to as part of the reason you are journaling. It is a special book, almost a sacred book, where you can capture and reveal the promptings of your heart, mind, and Soul. It deserves special attention.

I have always liked to identify a special pen for journaling. My all-time favorite is a fountain pen, although they have over the years become more and more archaic.

Another designation is to choose a particular type of pen or a special color of ink. As strange as that may seem, the shift in ink color has often signaled a shift in my growth and consciousness. It has often surprised me how significant a change in ink color can be, even over a specific period of time.

The rituals of a special book, a special pen and, or ink color, enhance the experience of keeping a journal. When I determine I will start journaling, choosing those things seem to prepare me and commit me to the discipline.

I have also found it beneficial to have a particular time of day to write. Most of my years, it has been early morning upon awakening. In that way, my journal can also serve as a dream journal where I record any significant dreams that I can remember.

I now use that ingrained discipline to do the writing that I share with you in these various articles and books. Still, a journal is different from, and in many ways more special than regular writing.

When I began journaling, I resolved to live each day so that when I looked back upon it when I got older I would smile. Now, no matter what sorrow or loss I may have been experiencing at the time I was writing, when I pick up an old journal to read, I find I do smile.

Although it may be bittersweet, I realize that I have new understanding and compassion for the person I used to be. The love and compassion that the passage of time has granted to others, put everything into perspective.

Journaling Affirmation

I find that journaling allows you to look back and affirm:

I did survive,

I did prevail, and

I have arrived in a different moment of time,

bringing with me the wisdom that those events long ago imparted.

I am able to see the growth and understanding I have achieved.

            – Genevieve Gerard

The very act of journaling has brought magic into my life with the healing way it has brought me through the dark night of many experiences into the light.

Early in my experience of journaling, I began to notice that no matter how unhappy or unsettled I was when I began to write, the process of writing would begin to clarify things. By the conclusion of the writing, my perspective had shifted and I was able to understand life and events with a greater depth and clarity. This aspect is still one of the main reasons and primary benefits of keeping a journal.

The change to a new season, a significant shift in time, such as a New Year, or a new monthly Moon which starts a new lunar cycle are all powerful times to make a commitment to starting a journal. Picking out the book and bringing it to where you can easily reach it, with your special or designated pen helps encourage you.

Whatever your choice of book, I encourage you to write the start date on the title page and when the book is filled, record the end date. This is valuable when you go back to remember specific times and life-transforming events.

For that reason, specifying a book for a special trip is often helpful. By just letting the dates record the start and end of the journey clarifies that those insights or even people who came into your life were unique to that experience.

If you chose to begin journaling now, I would recommend you take the time to choose a special book, identify a pen, and make the choice of those things special. It is too easy to lose random notebooks.

Certainly, in these days of computers, notepads and smart mini computer cell phones, any of those could be used to journal. The advantage I could see to using these new technologies is they tend to be kept with you and easily available. The cloud and new platforms open up a completely new possibility. The ease of accessing your journal from where ever you might be, opens new opportunities and potential.

Another good reason to keep a journal is it is a great way to make valuable use of waiting time. I have found it often a great way to nourish and support myself when eating alone. Keeping a journal gave me the freedom to be alone in many of the places and times that people were with others, without making me stand out of feeling lonely. In the years that I frequently traveled on business and found myself eating in restaurants alone, it also helped me to not feel lonely.

Whatever equipment and whatever platform you choose to use, I would recommend that before you begin to write in your journal you take a few minutes to ground your energy, to center yourself, to open your heart and mind and to consciously choose to be aligned with and receptive to your Higher Self. This can only enhance and magnify the benefits and advantages of journaling.

Check out Grounding Arrow MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Experience how to ground your energy, center yourself, and rebalance yourself to your life force with my Grounding Arrow Guided Meditation MP3 Download.
Click here to >>
learn more about this guided meditation.


Remember, your Higher Self, your Soul is an integral part of you and is always available to you wherever you are.

As I write these words to you, I realize that I would like to add this new technology to my smartphone through Google Docs. I will share my experience of that with you the next time I reach out to you and write about the advantages of keeping a journal.

Whatever tools or techniques you choose to use, I encourage you to make the commitment to yourself to use this way to transform your life and grow. Make a commitment to open your life to the increased awareness and insight the journaling can give you.

This is a gift you can give to yourself, to empower yourself. It is something you can do today to open your life to becoming all that you are meant to be.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!

P.S. Do you keep a journal? Why or why not? I’d love to hear your thoughts on journaling in the comments section!


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Last updated 1-24-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Reasons Why to Keep a Journal Read More »