Life Guidance

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Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

– Connecting with Your Higher Self for Life Advice

Read Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Recently in a discussion with one of my coaching clients, we explored how to access the guidance and wisdom of your Soul for practical advice.

She was seeking revelation about the life challenges she was currently facing. She thought to receive this kind of clear information was the practical application of spirituality. My client insisted this desire is the reason that spirituality has relevance.

This conversation made me consider her point of view. Particularly, I wondered, what can you do to enhance and empower receiving guidance and direction from your Higher Self? Of equal importance, is the question what can interfere with receiving Soul guidance in your life? That led me to consider the process of receiving guidance and direction from your Soul as a practical real-life issue.

I believe your Soul is not only a part of you but it also a partner in your life. It has a vested interest in helping you learn and grow. However, from the perspective of your personality, the way that it provides the situations and circumstances from which you learn and grow are often not what you want. It is not always clear what is right or best to do.

You learn and grow in so many different ways. This issue seems to need some clarification. In my many years of life coaching, I have led individuals through many meditations in which they reached their Soul for guidance. There are some patterns I have observed. What is most revealing is how much of the preparation for the meditation is just a litany of what the seeker wants or more importantly what they don’t want.

I find it significant that often the answer that emerges as received in meditation is just a repetition of their hopes and desires that were expressed while preparing to meditate. That seems to be a clear signal that it is not the direction of the Soul they received, but rather their desires and their attachments speaking. In considering this result, I am reminded of the words of My Fair Lady, “she’ll listen very nicely then go out and do precisely what she wants.” It is all too easy to project your attachment and desire and then, because you meditated, assume that you have contacted and listened to the wisdom of your Soul.

Not only is this true but in the process of having asked for guidance, it is easy to have the expectation that your Soul is now responsible for what happens. The logical conclusion of this “magical thinking” is that the role of the Soul is to be a kind of “Fairy God Mother” who manipulates the world of matter to make your life easier and more compatible with your desires. I believe this is simply not true.

You can see this kind of “magical thinking” all over the internet and especially on Facebook with the number of abundance posts in which you are asked to type “Yes” to a positive meme graphic about prosperity or miracles. The implication is that by simply typing “Yes” you need only to sit back and receptively wait for the miracle you desire to happen.

This kind of “magical thinking” is a misunderstanding of the Law of Abundance and the principle that “energy follows thought.” It is no wonder that people become discouraged and confused.

What is missing in this kind of “magical thinking” is the role and responsibility of the personality. Whereas it is true that “energy follows thought” it is important to understand that this vital principle is not something you just turn on when you type “Yes” or “Amen” in response to a photo with an inspirational statement; then turn off all of the other thoughts in your mind.

What you do makes a difference. Your dreams, your thoughts, your plans and your goals are all an integral part of success.

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
           – Napoleon Hill

Indeed, meditation helps you to harness the power of your mind. Likewise, the Law of Attraction is activated and enhanced by all of the “Positive Mental Attitude” techniques you may use and employ. However, if you do these things only intermittently; that is exactly how they will work, intermittently.

If you ask, affirm or pray for abundance because you are afraid, you are using these principles to fuel the manifestation of what you fear. This is true even when you pray if what is in your mind while you are praying is fear. Worrying, I have often said, is like praying for what you don’t want. Saying a prayer in desperation without surrendering to Divine Will is an attempt to manipulate God. I don’t think that is how it works.

Likewise, typing “yes” for abundance while thinking about your fears and what is lacking in your life sends a mixed message. That mixed message is most often what you most often see manifesting in your life.

Asking For Guidance

This same principle is involved when you ask for guidance from your Higher Self. You have to stop your negative thoughts, your fear, and your worries. Otherwise, your personality will create from its litany of your concerns what you don’t want. You will not be able to hear anything at all from your Higher Self. Your mind chatter drowns out the still soft prompting of the voice of your Soul. To open yourself to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul or God in prayer requires surrender and a willingness to receive direction and guidance that may be very different from what you want.

To become more aware of how your fears and worries are controlling your unconscious requests is important. The power of your mind automatically responds to all of your thoughts. It responds to your wishes, and it responds to your fears. “The Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought” do not have a shut-off valve. It is on 24-7.

That energy follows your thought works with every positive affirmation. It also works with every meditation of intention. However, it also engages with every fear and worry that crosses your mind. Therefore, it is important to understand that what you are thinking is constantly creating what is manifesting in your life.

For this reason, it is crucial for you to be aware of your thoughts and value and respect the co-creative power that they have.

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you use your mind to live the life you desire by gaining mastery over your mind. To help you increase your awareness of what you are asking the universe to provide, I recommend that you do a technique I call the “detached observer.” If you follow my work and my writings you that will note that this is not the first time that I have recommended this technique. This technique is not a meditation but what I call a meditative technique.

Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing on your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Harnessing the power of your thoughts and making them serve you, while very simple is not always easy. Your mind functions in a multilevel way with ideas so rapid and diverse it is like catching quicksilver.

Throughout the eons of teaching meditation, helping the student gain control of what is often called “The Monkey Mind” or the “Chattering Mind” has been the goal.

In fact, the extended periods of meditating on the ‘no thing,’ ‘the void,’ ‘the sound of one hand clapping’ and other techniques that I learned in my early days of meditation, all seemed to be focused on learning to quiet your chattering mind.

Likewise, mantras repeated serve the same purpose. Similarly, the repetitive phrases of awareness that are taught in mindfulness meditations serve the same goal; they teach you to focus your thoughts and wrestle control from the chatter. Using guided meditations serve the same purpose. They are certainly easier than focusing on the “no-thing” or “the void.”

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


All are techniques to focus your thoughts in the desired direction you choose for your consciousness. Guided meditations are an effective and efficient way to harness the power of your mind to help you create the life and experiences you desire. Focusing on a problem with a focused intention on a daily basis can be transforming. The issue of regularity and repetition are key elements in using meditation to change your life.

Daily meditation need not be an arduous process. Moreover, although in my early days of meditating I was instructed to meditate for 30 minutes to an hour daily, I have found over the last 48 years that daily meditation consistently applied with intention is more important than the time spent.

When I create a guided meditation experience, I strive to capture the essence of the subject that I focus on in a 10 to 20-minute session. In meditation, it is quality rather than quality that counts.

The process of quieting your mind chatter enables you to receive the still prompting guidance of your Higher Self. Likewise, to be receptive to the wisdom of your Soul, it is important to cease your attachment to what you desire or expect in order to open your heart and your mind. Ponder on this.

This dual process of quieting your mind as much as possible and surrendering your personal will and desires to be receptive to the guidance you are receiving are crucial steps in receiving advice from your Higher Self.

We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
           – Joseph Campbell

I also recommend that if you are seeking the wisdom and direction of your Soul in your life that you set aside at least 10 minutes a day, regularly to meditate on that very subject. Then apply the technique of the detached observer by revising and reframing every negative thought, aligning it with what you feel your Higher Self is directing you to. Do these meditations with as much of an attitude of surrender to Divine Will as you are able.

I further recommend that you follow your “asking” time with a reflective and receptive time that you write in a spiritual journal. This combination of meditation and journal entry will increase the effectiveness of your request.

You Higher Self, your Soul, is available to you. When you can quiet your desires, your fears and listen to your Souls wisdom and guidance, it becomes a partner on your life journey, and your life journey becomes your spiritual journey.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul Read More »

When The Pupil Is Ready

When The Pupil is Ready, the Teacher Appears

Read "When The Pupil Is Ready, The Teacher Appears" Wisdom Wednesday post by Genevieve

Or as others have quoted it, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

This phrase is a proverb of how things work that has long been touted in the circles of the consciousness community.

Certainly, it is true that readiness is an important part of learning. After all, life is a series of lessons. From the moment you are born, you begin to learn.

But learning happens on multiple levels because you are a multidimensional being. Much of what you experience requires interpretation. It is in the interpretation that the art of life is demonstrated. Your perspective is of paramount importance. Another popular expression that outlines this truth is:

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
        – Epictetus

Every situation and circumstance in life involve both the stimulus of the event and your interpretation and response to it. It is in the response that deep learning takes place. It is in understanding how to incorporate the situation into your life, especially in your dominant thoughts and emotions, that guidance and coaching are most useful.

This is why the technique of “reframing” can be such a powerful dynamic. It is a potent tool that can be used when activating the principle that “energy follows thought.”

Life is a magnificent adventure. And there is a direct relationship between what you choose to take from it and what you choose to give. This makes every circumstance and every situation have the possibility to bring you more of what you want in life, or make it harder to achieve.

Living consciously becomes a powerful tool you can wield to create the life of your dreams. There is a multitude of techniques and significant ways that you can use the power of your mind to ignite the Law of Attraction to bring what you want into your life. This is likewise true of wielding the potential of the principle that “energy follows thought.”

What you spend the energy of your thoughts on is an important choice that has far-reaching results. You can choose to let fear limit your life, or you can choose to transcend, transmute and release your fears. You can choose to spend your time dreaming and envisioning the life you desire, or you can spin on the wheel of worry and self-doubt.

These are the choices being offered to you every single day. These are choices that you make minute to minute and day to day. These are the choices that have a significant influence on what you create and what you experience in life.

There are many choices that you may have made in the past that might make choosing harder, but the key to that statement is in the past. Right now is a new opportunity to choose differently. NOW it is possible to take hold of the reigns of your life. Now is the time that you can decide to be the cause, the director of your life. You can choose to release your fears and empower your life.

Thankfully, choosing differently, thinking differently, results in different opportunities and different possibilities emerging in your life.
        – Genevieve Gerard

You don’t have to limit your life with fear. You don’t have to waste your precious resources by worrying. The opportunity to change your life and bring to it what you actually want comes to you with every new moment, every thought and every intention. You can change your life in a split second when you change your mind.

For most people their negative thoughts, their fears, and their worries are just bad habits. And, most importantly can be changed. Limiting beliefs are just that, beliefs. Amazingly, you can change your mind and as a result, change your life. This is a gift of living.

You can re-interpret or re-frame every negative situation, and every experience you have ever had.

You can cling to your past mistakes and failures because they are familiar and what is familiar often becomes comfortable. Or you can grow, you can change, you can decide to live a more fulfilling and fruitful life. You can seize the new possibility that each new dawn brings.

For many to have a teacher or guide is helpful. I too have grown from the insights of my teachers and guides. Now I spend most of my life in that role for many individuals who desire a different life, a better life.

In my 40+ years counseling, coaching and guiding people along the path to more enlightened (Soul) awareness, I have found certain keys that are helpful when you are ready to transform your life.

Here is a list of 10 Keys To Transform Your Life
that you will likely find helpful:

  1. The past is past. The only power it has is the power you give it. You can let it go and move on to live a happy, fulfilling life.
  2. We have all made mistakes in life. What is important to take from a mistake is what you have learned from it. Then, you never need to make that mistake again.
  3. Sometimes it is important to forgive. This means to forgive yourself and to forgive others. Forgiveness helps free you from the limitations and restrictions of the past.
  4. What you think and what you believe is more important than you imagine. “Energy follows thought.” What you think is what you create in your life. Your thoughts have great power.
  5. Nothing is ever too much to bear when you keep it limited to the moment, to the present, to the NOW.
  6. What you say to yourself or think about yourself is especially powerful when it starts with “I Am.” You can choose to use that fact to positively transform your life.
  7. Affirming and clearly stating your intentions is a dynamic way to gain control of your life.
  8. Fear and worry are a colossal waste of time and effort. You can choose to wallow in them and invite bad things into your life. Or you can choose to live your life with intention, affirming and inviting what you want. You need to trust yourself to handle and resolve bad things, if they happen, realizing they are just one more lesson to learn from along the adventure of life. Worrying, as I have said before, is like praying for what you don’t want.
  9. Realize that you are a powerful and dynamic creation that is both a human being and a spark of Divine Light. You are on this planet and in this life to learn and ultimately demonstrate and experience Love. Love is the portal to joy and enlightened Soul awareness.
  10. Your Soul is the intrinsic part of you that connects you with the Divine and integrates your personality, your mind, your emotions, and your physical body. You are an amazing being with incredible promise and the amazing possibility of enlightenment.

Ponder on these!

               – Genevieve Gerard


Go forward in this school of life, committed to growing and thriving, being and becoming all that you are meant to be. It’s your life. Live it fully and joyously knowing that when you are ready, your teacher will appear.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. If you are “ready,” you might want to consider life guidance coaching. I offer my services by Skype worldwide, in person or by phone.

Thank you again for your time, talents and mentoring.
It has been priceless and I am grateful for the
gift of your presence in my life.”
        – Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California

Read more about what other people are saying about my Life Guidance Coaching.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”


Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


When The Pupil Is Ready Read More »

Dare To Dream

Dare to Dream

Read Dare To Dream by Genevieve Gerard a Wisdom Wednesday blog

A key element of being successful is that you dare to dream.

Ultimately, you can only achieve what you have dared to dream.

Now is a good time to spend some conscious thought on what you want in your life. Then let your mind free as you dream the details.

Dreaming is an important part of creating success in your life because as Napoleon Hill wrote long ago,

Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.

That makes dreaming not idle fantasy but an integral part of the creative process.

Imagining is a powerful tool in achieving. Imagination reveals things that you may just sense intuitively that are often integral to your success.

Dreaming and imagining open the consciousness to your Higher Mind and ultimately, your Higher Self, your Soul. Therefore, I encourage you to dare to dream and to dream in as much detail as you can.

As you do this, it is a good time to journal so that when you are dreaming, thoughts and impressions of how to create the life you desire, you can write the details as they emerge and have the ideas to develop consciously.

Dreaming and imagining, followed by conscious consideration of what actions help bring your dreams into manifestation is powerful. Napoleon Hill also said that, “Goals are dreams with deadlines.”

Achieving what you want in life is empowered by an integration of the forces of your desire and your intention. It involves planning and then putting your plans into action. When aligned with your life’s purpose you are not only manifesting your dreams, but you are also fulfilling your destiny. You have available to you, not only the power of your mind but, the wisdom and guidance of your Soul.

Success, when aligned with your Soul purpose, is spiritual work.
      – Genevieve Gerard

As you strive to bring your dreams into manifestation, you may notice thoughts, or encounter beliefs, that limit you or work against your success. It is in facing these challenges that the practice of meditation can be of great value. Meditation is a practice that belongs in the midst of life to help and support you in living a life of success and joy. It is not just for bringing calm to your mind and body. It can be an active force to help you grow into the full integration and the full glory of being both human and a spark of the Divine Plan of Evolution.

Meditation uses many techniques to help you live a conscious life. The more you are aligned with your Higher Self and are living with conscious attention and intention, the more successful and empowered you become. Meditation can influence your perspective in ways that bring greater joy and freedom from much of the negative self-talk that carries emotional pain and often result in dis-ease.

If you have followed my previous writings, or explored my meditation products, you will notice some very significant interwoven themes that are available to give you ways to live in joy. I hope these writings help you have a better life, a more joyful successful life.

Life is both an amazing gift from God and an amazing adventure in being and becoming all that you are meant to be. Being happy and successful are a part of the very best of what life can offer.

Meditation is Integral to Success

For me, meditation is integral to success on multiple levels. That is why I have created guided meditations to help you deal with a wide variety of life challenges. It has become a bit of an inside joke among my friends and family that when someone is expressing a life problem I often respond by saying “I have a meditation for that.” I think that is because I have used meditation in my personal journey to resolve most of the challenges limiting my success and happiness, a practice I continue to this day.

When I identify a difficult problem in my own life, or in the life of someone I am coaching or a friend, I ponder upon it and usually create a meditation to help bring greater perspective and understanding to how it can be approached differently, or reframed to eliminate the obstacle. Over the years, this has resulted in a wide range of meditations that help with all kinds of specific life challenges.

Involving my Higher Self, my Soul, in an active role has led to an integration of my body, emotions, mind and personality that incorporates the best of me, with the rest of me, resulting in a full and joyful life.

It is my dream and my life’s purpose to take the challenges, difficulties and even sorrows and pains and produce from them what can help others along their path. When I write and share my thoughts, my insights and solutions then it reframes my experiences into a service to help make life better for others. It is my Soul purpose and my joy to share with you the techniques and tools that come from my lifetime study of meditation and the Ageless Wisdom; to provide a practical application in life of the gifts of the spirit into integration to empower the experience of life.

Many obstacles along the journey can help or hinder your success. How you deal with these obstacles, the growth, and mastery you achieve, are all a part of conscious living and fulfilling your purpose in life. Using meditation to enlighten you and grant you the wisdom of your Higher Self, by learning to cope with life’s many challenges, is a way that you can direct and control your destiny.

Achieving success requires an integration of many aspects and elements. It is best achieved through the full integration of your whole body & being, for taking action is essential. Emotion and desire can fuel the fires of achievement, and your mind can be your most effective power as energy follows thought. When you add to this strong influence the dynamic guidance of your Higher Self, you have a winning synergy. Ponder on this.

Daring to Dream is a significant step in living the life you have envisioned. It is, however, only one step. Many have found their dreams shattered or never even started because of the limitation of letting your fears control your life. Learning to transmute, transcend and transform your fears so they are not a barrier to your success and happiness is a significant part of a spiritual path. Conquering your fears and overcoming your limiting beliefs is a task that requires discipline and vigilance. It is one of the best uses for meditation; it is one of the most transforming and empowering gifts that meditation can give.

Fundamental aspects of creating the life you envision include being successful in a variety of life’s trials. Some of these are basic. However, when you gain mastery over these challenges, life can be happier and healthier. Some may come easily to you; others may provide a greater challenge. It is in the integration and mastery of these life issues that growth and progress are demonstrated.

On my website, in my many articles, blogs and among my guided meditations, are a variety of spiritual tools that are available to help and empower you along your path. Dare to try something new.

To help you more easily find the articles and products from my body of work, type in any topic you are looking for into the Search Site bar on the top right-hand side of most of my web pages. It is my profound hope that these results will provide you with ways to move forward to accomplish your goals.

If you find a gap or have a need that I have not covered, I always welcome feedback and requests. I also work with a small number of individuals as a Coach by Zoom, Skype or telephone as well as personally. In this relationship, I can create custom prescriptive meditations to address your personal life challenges.

Results from doing a search on my website will direct you to articles, blogs and guided meditations, many which are offered for free, some are available for a modest fee. Most products are available on my website or through Amazon or iTunes.

It is my deepest hope that these articles and meditations will give you ways to move forward on your path to accomplish your goals. As always, I welcome your comments and your sharing with your friends and family. We are all on this adventure together, learning, growing, developing and becoming. Dare to Dream!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2-18-2023


Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Dare To Dream Read More »

3 Questions To Ask Yourself To X Out Expectations

3 Questions To Ask Yourself To
“X” Out Expectations

Expectations by Genevieve Gerard

There is a simple way that you can immediately increase your happiness and enjoy your life more.

It is by freeing yourself from the expectations you have layered onto your life.

Those expectations not only cause you pain but they are most often a fantasy of something that is both untrue and unreal.

Many, dare I say most of our expectations come from a belief that any event or situation in life “should” be different than it is. This tendency to hold our lives up to the judgment that any circumstance “should” be different than what it is, or what is expected, is a guarantee to interfere with the ability to enjoy and appreciate what is actually happening in your life.

If you were to actually consider where most of these “should” thoughts originate you would realize that many of them come from media input, found in television, movies, and magazines. It is important to understand that these stories have been created and edited to match up with fantasy expectations of life. They are not real stories of real people, and even when they are taken from real-life stories they have most often been manipulated to make a good drama or an engaging comedy. They are not real life. Real-life, your real life, when freed from these projections of unrealistic expectations is for most people filled with many opportunities and blessings if you stop to evaluate your life realistically.

Happy endings (an obsession with many American audiences,) and happily ever after, a required part of the modern fairy tale, are a fantasy. To meet this need for happy conclusions, many foreign filmmakers create alternate endings, one for American audiences and a more realistic and some might say sad ending for other parts of the world. That practice has waned as the worldwide media distribution has carried the proliferation of unrealistic expectations to the far reaches of the earth.

It seems to me that even though you probably know that these imitations of life are not life itself it is all too easy to hold your life up to these fantasy portrayals in your mind. Then, unfortunately, you experience the pain of disappointment when your life fails to measure up. The fact that these expectations came not from your observation of reality, but rather from the illusions of the media industry might never cross your mind.

Dealing with your expectations and freeing yourself from the litany of “should” and “ought’s” is one of the single most powerful things you can do to increase your joy and satisfaction with your life. Dropping unrealistic expectations of how an event or situation “should be” opens you up to be able to experience what is actually happening in your life. Frequently, when you stop evaluating your life through the fantasy the media portrays you realize just how amazing your life really is.

This single shift in your perspective does so much to make your life happier and more fulfilling that I began in my own life journey to refer to the times that I was “shoulding” on myself with the byline of “how I make myself miserable.” Fortunately, since the fantasy of these “happily ever after” “happy endings” are clearly not real, a little application of logic and a simple decision to “X” out the expectations and let yourself look at your life without holding it up to an imaginary standard goes a long way to increase your experience of pleasure and happiness.

You were born with an amazing mind and it is helpful to use your mind to shift your perception. I have prepared a few questions you might pose to yourself when you find yourself caught up in the thrall of unrealistic expectations.

The Questions To Ask Yourself:

1. “Who says I “should”?

Britney Spears Before & After Airbrush
Britney Spears Airbrush


This may be one of the most powerful questions to ask yourself.

Xing out expectations is a process of freeing yourself of often well-established glamours and illusions in your mind so it is helpful to identify the “voice” that is generating that message.

This identification of either who in your life or where in your life you developed the message that you “should” is very freeing.

Very often that “should” comes from the news, television, magazines, or the movies and your logical mind can immediately comprehend is not real life and therefore is not a realistic standard by which to judge an event or situation.


If this is from someone else, a parent, a sibling or friend look objectively at their life and consider if their life meets this imaginary expectation. Most often, it does not.

Brittany Murphy Photoshopped to fill expectations


Just ask yourself, “who says I should ______________” and fill in the blank.

As an example, “who says I should try to look like a movie star in order to
feel glamourous and feel good about myself


As you can see, even movie stars don’t really look like movie stars (in everyday life.)


2. “Why Not Me”?

This is a very revealing question. In my years of counseling and coaching individuals often ask “why me” when dealing with catastrophic life circumstances. I coined a phrase to address that question. I would ask, “why not you?.” I would often then say, “Show me the ‘life guarantee’ you got with your birth certificate and I will make God honor it.”

In over 40 years, I never once saw such a guarantee.


3. “Is that experience really better than what is really happening?

This is a question where I often, and I hope you can upon examining a situation or circumstance, realize that actually what is really happening is not only perfectly fine but is often preferable to what was being proposed in the unattainable “should” category.

Asking yourself the three simple questions does a lot to free you from the pain and sorrow that evaluating your life based upon unrealistic fantasy expectations cause. Freeing yourself of expectations opens you to experience, appreciate and enjoy your life. It is a way to enable you to feel the full breadth of joy that is available to you in any moment of time.

Bringing your consciousness and attention into what is actually happening in any given moment of time and leaving behind the expectations and illusions of “shoulda, coulda, oughta” gives you the strength to deal with what is real in your life. And although not every event or circumstance in your life will be exactly what you may wish it to be, experiencing what is really happening is so much more satisfying and fulfilling than trying to live up to your unfulfilled expectations that can never be.

This simple application of your logical mind can create greater joy and satisfaction in your life.

Clearing your life of the self-induced sorrow and pain of never-ending expectations will be freeing and will open you up to the unlimited potential and magnificent possibilities that life can bring with each new day.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 10-3-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


3 Questions To Ask Yourself To X Out Expectations Read More »

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Finding your Life’s Purpose

Read Finding Your Life's Purpose by Genevieve Gerard

Each of us has a purpose for our life.

To fulfill this purpose brings us into harmony and alignment with our Higher Self, our Soul.

To engage in that purpose brings you more than happiness, but joy.

Knowing that in your daily work you are expressing your higher purpose gives a satisfaction that no paycheck or material reward can ever match.

Unfortunately, as you work for survival in the world the importance of manifesting your purpose in the world and finding “right work” can be lost. This is a sad reflection upon our society and demonstrates the ways we fail our children and more importantly, fail ourselves.

Years ago, Paul Goodman in his book Growing Up Absurd noted that

we work in jobs that are meaningless,
for which we get money, which is meaningless,
with which we buy things, which are meaningless
and wonder why we have a meaningless society.”

Right work, doing what you love in life, is a key to joy and often the best way for you to unlock abundance. So, as I ponder these things I wonder why more people don’t manifest their life purpose in their work.

As I question this and ponder this I find that there are multiple factors that influence this issue. As with so many things in life, we let ourselves be limited by our fears. We are afraid that if we hold out for the kind of work we love the kind of work we enjoy and what would bring us satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment that we will not make enough money for all the stuff we believe we need and desire. Perhaps what we should fear is living our whole life dissatisfied and burdened as we take on roles and responsibilities that are justified by society’s values that we cannot fulfill. This attitude is often summed up in the expression “that’s why they call it work.” Unfortunately, that expression and the values that it espouses are antitheses to living a full and fruitful life, living a life of joy.

Because we as a society do not value finding our Life’s Purpose, generation after generation is condemned to jobs that do not express or fulfill them as the materialistic values of our society encourage people to live lives of consumption and quiet desperation. This is despite the advice of various thought leaders to “Do what you love, and the money will follow.”

Working for survival can condemn you to a life where you may survive but it lacks a sense of meaning and purpose that will lead you to despair. The “stuff” you buy does not bring you satisfaction or joy. It becomes the clutter of a life of compromise and frustration.

We too often fail to believe in and trust ourselves, life, God or the very purpose of life itself to make fulfilling our life’s purpose work for us, even though it is in doing that is where the subtle energy of life aligns to help and support us. We buy into the limiting beliefs of our world that drudgery is fine if it is amply rewarded. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Perhaps, before you agree to let your fears and limiting beliefs condemn you to a life of sorrow and suffering as you commit to most of your life experience unhappy and unfulfilled, you might consider taking the time and attention to understand what actually brings you a sense of joy, what your real purpose in life is that will satisfy your hearts desire.

Ironically, that does not need to be a high-status job or a dramatic or glamorous one, but rather one that fulfills your sense of higher purpose. The most mundane and tedious jobs known in our society, as basic as a greeter at Wal-Mart, can be the fulfillment of one’s life purpose if as a worker greets customers, they express the intention to be a beacon of pure comfort and joy to other’s as they greet them. When you are doing this as an act of service, and you are aligned with your life’s purpose, yours is the most important job and you are important doing that job because what you are delivering and bringing to that job is more than can be imagined or rewarded. Joy and purpose can often be found in doing whatever you are doing with the fullness of your whole being infusing the task.

When you passion becomes your vocation you don’t need a vacation.”
      – Genevieve Gerard

Early in my work life, I was a waitress. Although it was hard work physically, and I was tired at the end of my shift, I left the job satisfied and fulfilled because of my goal, my purpose, was to make my customer’s experience of eating out as pleasant and relaxing as possible. This focus of service to those who crossed my life gave me a sense of satisfaction that filled each day. I approached the job by desiring to be the very best waitress I could be and anticipate and fulfilling the needs and desires of my customers made it a challenge and satisfying. Remembering them from time to time, and remembering what they liked and how they liked it, made the human interaction valuable. This was equally true whether it was a fancy dinner restaurant or a sit on a stool, coffee shop. Not surprisingly, I was always rewarded with more tips than my fellow waiters who approached their service as demeaning or drudgery.

Each day was a pleasure to serve others and bring a little joy into their life even though it may have been as simple a pleasure as a well brewed and warm cup of coffee.

So, it seems to find right work not only has within it the element of finding the right job but also of finding within you that job that you can do to bring the energy from your Higher Self to make it align with your purpose in life.

Through meditation, by opening yourself to the guidance of your Higher Self, you can gain clarity on this issue. Because this is such an important factor in life that has such far reaching impact in not only your life but your relationship and opportunities for service with your fellow man, I recently conducted a group meditation on “Finding your Life Purpose.” This meditation is available as a MP3 download on my website on my New Group of World Servers meditations page.

It is not your purpose to be corralled by your fears into accepting compromises and be demeaned and limited by work but to find where in the world and how in the world you can be a fulfilled glorious expression of your real self.

Look into yourself and consider what you can do and what you can bring to each circumstance and each opportunity in life to align with your Higher Purpose which will bring you more and more opportunities and experiences compatible with that purpose.

Spend some time in meditation to consider what your true passion – your real purpose is, and then be brave and bold as you go forth to do it and live it to the very best of your abilities. Find your life purpose!


Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Last Updated 3-14-2017


Copyright © 2014-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Finding Your Life’s Purpose Read More »

Live A Balanced Life

Live A Balanced Life

Read Live A Balanced Life by Genevieve Gerard

In your life experience, learning balance is important.


You must learn to balance work with play. You must learn to balance your selfish desires with charity. You must strive to balance your joys and your sorrows. Even when something is good and enjoyable we can realize that too much is not good because it takes us out of balance.

But more important is another step to living a balanced life.

Balance is important in so many subtle aspects of our life that we seem to gravitate toward it unconsciously. There are aspects of the concept of balance that serve as primary lessons for the spiritual demonstrations that are a part of our evolving consciousness.

A part of our growth and maturation as a conscious being and a spiritual being requires learning to use each distinctive part of our being in harmony and balance with the other parts of our being. The lessons that come about from harnessing the desires and impulses of our physical nature and our body are not only important psychological lessons but also important as spiritual lessons.

The Ageless Wisdom speaks of these lessons of consciousness in terms of calling upon our Soul to give us dominion over the desires of the flesh. Likewise, the insight and perspective of the Soul is called upon to enable us to conquer the dragons of our fears and calm the troubled water of being overly emotional.

Balance is the most important of all qualities. We don’t want a little bit of rapid growth and then to stagnate. We want continual growth, continual development, which implies balance, always.
        – Dr. Frederick Lenz (Zen Master Rama)

In a higher turn of the spiral, the wisdom of the Soul is invoked to bring the mental body into balance and alignment with the impressions of the Soul. In each of these important developmental tasks on the spiritual journey, integration is significant. In each of these significant milestones, the evolution of our human consciousness and understanding of the scope of the human experience is demonstrated.

This process of integration continues as a theme in variation through our many lifetimes as we explore the vast array of possibilities in life. You may or may not believe in the continuity of consciousness that is known as reincarnation. If you consider that a possibility, within the context of our evolving and growing into the fullness our dual nature as fully human and our sense that we are in some way connected with that which is Divine in life, as a hypothesis many unanswerable questions seem to find an explanation.

To consider that our nature and the fullness of our being includes a physical body which we must not let run amok in life seems pretty clear. We have all seen the disastrous results of unchecked lusts, gluttony, and laziness. These temptations along the spiritual path are well established and they are even listed in the seven deadly sins.

To expand your thinking to include the challenges of the other parts of your nature, wrath, greed, pride and envy you can see that bringing your emotions back from uncontrollable expression is also an important part of living an integrated life. Likewise, learning to harness the impressions of the mind beyond just the capacity of thought into the more spiritual application of wisdom is a task that often requires courage and conviction. To bring the needs and desires of our physical body into balance and bring our mind and emotions to equilibrium are all vital to have a truly successful life experience.

Integration of these often conflicting urges and influences is the work of the personality. The better integrated, the more balanced and cooperative these dynamism’s are the happier and I believe the more successful and fulfilled an individual is. We can see the truth of this by observing our fellow man.

The Final Step In The Process Of Balance

A less obvious factor in our comprehension, because it is less tangible to our human expression, is the final step in this process of balance and amalgamation. This is the dynamic that becomes available with the integration of our Soul into the wholeness of life experience. It is, however, only when we embark upon this final quest of human consciousness that we can begin to fully understand and express the mystery of our creation as being fully human and at the same time in union with the Divine. That mankind has known itself to be of this dual nature as both human and Divine is reflected in the ancient greeting of “Namaste,” a Sanskrit phrase that means “the Divinity in me recognizes and honors the Divinity that is in you.”

Initiations Into Different Stages of Consciousness

The developmental tasks along the spiritual journey have been explained in the Ageless Wisdom in the terms of initiations into different stages of consciousness simply expressed as:

  1. The first initiation, Soul dominion over the physical body;
  2. The second initiation, Soul domination of the emotional body;
  3. The third initiation, Soul domination over the mental body.

In this integrative process the personality is also integrated with the Soul as the sum total of our body, emotions and mind.

This step in our spiritual evolution of integrating and fusing our Soul with our personality is the culmination of so many life lessons and spiritual lessons that it is rare to find. It is a stage in consciousness to which you can aspire and open yourself to in meditation. There are, in the Mantram taught in the Ageless Wisdom, specific opportunities to open your heart, your mind and your Soul to this experience.

One of my very favorites, the Mantram of the Soul, comes from the works of Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II. p. 123.

Affirming, asserting and invoking this blending of light and fusion of your Soul with the personality brings about a shift in your life experience and consciousness. These, in turn, bring about a new way of being and facilitate the expression of the new kind of human being who is evolving into the world. It is with the development of this new type of human being, that you can imagine the changes and transformation the world will need to undergo if the long-predicted golden New Age will come to fruition.

This step in your consciousness and expression of your dual nature, fully human and Divine, is a giant step for mankind that has been eons in the making. This expression of your role as a co-creator of life in harmonic cooperation with the Divine promises new possibilities and potentialities as you venture through this experience we call life.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 9-25-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Live A Balanced Life Read More »

Life Guidance Coaching Testimonial

Here is a Life Guidance Coaching
Video Testimonial about Genevieve Gerard

Taped by a member of her Life Guidance Coaching program.


Video Testimonial about Life Guidance

To view this short 1 minute video on YouTube directly
click Genevieve Gerard Life Guidance Coaching Testimonial.


What you’ll accomplish with Life Guidance:


1.  Experience Peace of Mind
     Free From Your Chattering Self-Talk

Experience how it feels to have a completely Peaceful Mind that doesn’t get anxious, fearful or critical about your circumstances.


2.  Feel Perfectly Centered

Experience how you are going to feel to be perfectly centered so that people feel the depth of your presence.


3.  Enjoy Clarity and A Focused Mind

Experience the clarity in your life and business when you really have a mind that focuses on what’s important.


4.  Bust Through Your Fears

Experience releasing all of your fears and anxieties and move forward with confidence.


5.  Learn How To Recharge and Invigorate Yourself

Experience taping into an unlimited source of energy.


6.  Touch Your Soul

Experience the true joy, bliss and wisdom that result from the spontaneous "Touch of Your Soul."


What is Life Guidance Coaching.

For more information about this please click ==> Life Guidance Program
or click below to talk to me directly.


Last updated 8-29-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Life Guidance Coaching Testimonial Read More »

Light Has the POWER Over the Dark

Light Has the Power Over the Dark

Let the Light Empower You by Genevieve Gerard

As the last breath of darkness surrenders to the Light of the dawn, I am reminded that the Light has the power over the dark.

As a single candle can dispel the darkness, positive thoughts in our mind can dispel the fears that try to hold us captive.

Each time we assert our dominion over the tyranny of fear or hate we strengthen the Divine Light within us.

And as surely as the Sun chases the night from the sky, so our affirming and embracing positive thoughts activates the law of the universe that energy follows thought, which places the power for our life firmly in our hands.

In times of troubles and problems, it is important to remember that Divine Light can dispel the darkness. Indeed, a single candle claims victory over darkness.

As you face within your life, situations and problems that may seem to overwhelm you and diminish and discourage you it is important to remember, that things always look darkest just before the dawn.

Each new day is an opportunity to put the past behind you. Each new day brings new possibilities and new opportunities. You are not the victim of your past. In fact, the past should fade away with the birth of each new day.

With each new day you have a dynamic opportunity to start anew and shed the mistakes and problems that have limited your past. The power of the Light is in the power to change and transform your life.

But you must open to the Divine Light. You must shed the limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back from all of the unlimited possibilities that are becoming available in the creative expansion of opening your heart and your mind, your eyes, and your ears to what is possible for you.

When you want to change your life you only need to change your mind, change your perspective and all of a sudden with that decision new opportunities can be revealed. What is available is different because you are different. You can shed the fears and limitations that have held you captive by deciding to.

Never underestimate the power of making a decision. The harnessing and invoking of your will opens your awareness, much like the rising of the sun opens you to a new vision. The way your life has been in the past is not a dictator of the present and is certainly not the dictator of the future, a future that is unformed and has not yet unfolded.

Light has the power over the dark blog image



Within each dawn and within each new day is a principle of creation that is an ignition that holds the power of possibility. However, it is within you, within your heart and within your mind that the magic must take place.

It is up to you to determine if you will use the Light to make things visible or allow the darkness to flavor your day.


Here are a few simple affirmations that you may wish to use while you initiate the brilliant power of the Light in your life, by activating your will and opening to the Light of potential, the Light of possibilities, and the Light of Hope and promise.

Today Affirmations

  1. Today, I consciously and with intention realize that the past is now past and has no power or sway over me.

  3. Today, I choose to Light my way by expanding my awareness of the creative power I hold by opening my heart and mind to the Light.

  5. Today, I claim the power of hope and open my life to create the life I desire and the life I envision.


                   – GG


The energy of Light has power over the dark. Use that illumination to transform your life by opening to the blessings that flow freely to you with the miracle of the radiant Light every day.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-25-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2013-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Light Has the POWER Over the Dark Read More »

Find The Truth

Find The Truth

-The difference between a feeling and a fact

Discover the Truth article photo by Genevieve Gerard

Recently, in conversations that reflected emotional pain, sorrow, and confusion, I came to the realization that we often confuse our feelings with facts.

Just because you feel something, does not make it true.

A feeling only is valid as a feeling. For something to be true requires a higher standard of proof than just being felt.

Too often it seems that reality is perceived only through the lens of our feelings and evaluating the truth of a situation is ignored. To so highly weigh our emotions while ignoring the input of our minds is to place our being out of balance. This over-reliance on one part of our being is every bit as dangerous to our growth and development as it would be to ignore our feelings.

To ignore or repress what we feel through denial or inhibition stifles and restrains the free flow of energy that enables us to express and live a life of joy. Likewise to over-value and over-emphasize our feelings disrupt our ability to live in joy because a feeling is not a fact or a truth.

In order to live fully, joyfully and expressively, we must use and integrate our whole being; our body, our emotions and our mind. If we evaluate any given situation from the perspective of what I call the dispassionate observer, the Higher Self, then we are able to determine the truth of a situation. This very act of consideration of truth changes the tenor of our feelings and our thoughts to deliver the nexus of control into our mind and our ability to understand and evaluate a situation in a way that is liberating and empowering.

To be caught up in only our emotions, ignoring the blessing and benefit of our minds is to face life’s challenges deprived of the amazing tools of consciousness, awareness, and discrimination.
        – Genevieve Gerard

These are important skills to develop along the adventure of life. To grow, to mature, to develop and to become all that you can be and to manifest all that you are meant to be, you cannot leave any of the important skills of life or tools lying on the shelf, unused.

Repressing emotions leads to a great deal of dis-ease and disaster. Likewise, over-valuing and overemphasizing emotions lead to emotional pain because the validity of the truth of a situation is ignored.

You need to use all of your skills and abilities as a human being to consider and evaluate a situation, recognizing and validating the truth of a feeling, as a feeling, but then considering truth in its higher aspect of your mind and perspective to understand in a way that relieves and reduces the pain of the emotion by granting you a greater comprehension and wisdom with which to evaluate and respond to the event or circumstance that created the feeling in the first place. Ponder on this!

Find The Truth graphic


This willingness to consider the truth of a situation and to evaluate happenings and circumstances from the perspective, insight and wisdom of your Higher Self, by considering what situation created the feeling is a path to freedom from being tyrannized by your emotions to letting yourself have the full power and glory of your emotions, without giving control of your life to your emotions.

This calling upon the wisdom, the understanding and perspective of the Higher Self is a time-honored technique of meditation when in quiet you call upon the wholeness of your being, your mind, your emotions and ultimately your Soul to consider and evaluate, from the perspective of the dispassionate observer, the truth.

All of us can do this by sitting quietly as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light, breathing deeply, entering into the peace of the moment of time, letting go of the past and coming to the reality of a situation, as you consider whether what you are feeling is indeed true, or only a feeling.

Although the feeling may be completely valid as a feeling, considering the truth of a situation, from the perspective of your mind, there is greater understanding and, the energy shifts. This is the advantage of using the objective observer and your mind and your Soul to consider the truth and validity of a feeling.

If the feeling does not stand up to evaluation, then you are freed from all of the pain that was being generated by the feeling because you know it is not true. It is only a feeling and you can move forward in your awareness reassured that you can have the unlimited expression of your emotions without letting your emotions have you or rule you.

Ponder upon this and try this as a part of your meditation experience.


   Genevieve Gerard

P.S. Please feel free to share this article with others who may find it of interest. Also, check out my other related posts below.


Last updated 12-8-2019


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2013-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul, All Rights Reserved


Find The Truth Read More »

Living In Joy Workshop

Living In Joy Workshop


Living In Joy Workshop

April 3rd, 2016 in Boca Raton, FL

9:00am—1:00pm (gather at 8:30am)

Explore & Experience
Living In Joy



Are you living in joy?  Genevieve Gerard wants to share with you the joy of life that is your birthright and empower you to heal and transform your life to be all that you can be.  Her work utilizes the techniques of awareness, visualization, release and meditation as she guides you through transformation into joy.  Let Genevieve guide you to follow your heart, your mind and your soul, to celebrate the joy that fulfilling your purpose and finding your place in the plan of life will bring to you.

In this workshop you will be guided to discover, perceive, and appreciate joy in your life.

Among the subjects we will cover are:

  • how to attract and feel more joy in our lives,
  • the relationship between gratitude and joy,
  • how we can enhance our interpersonal relationships to create joy

And how meditation, a sense of oneness with life and our ability to “be in the now” can play a role in finding joy and embracing it in our experience.

You will learn new ways to find grace through forgiveness, and you will be given tools to release negative thoughts and emotions.  Genevieve will show you how being in the now, conquering negative self-talk and releasing expectations, frees you from the toxic influence of living with “shoulds” and “oughts”, thus releasing joy and love into your life and into your relationships.

The wisdom revealed in this workshop is rooted in the rich soil of experience Genevieve gained over decades of spiritual study and practice that have brought her to a life of profound joy.  It is her deep desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Please join Genevieve Gerard for her

— SATURDAY, April 3rd 2016 Workshop

9:00am—1:00pm (gather at 8:30am)

Limited Seating is available (this is a small group setting)

Click here to reserve your seat at her Living In Joy Workshop in Boca Raton, Florida.

Reserve my seat at my Living In Joy Workshop
Special Introductory Early Bird* Pricing (40% off)

Will be $199 USD  Now only $120 USD with Early Bird* Special

*Must order before March 23rd 2016


Book the How To… Why To… Meditate Workshop at
the same time by March 16th and get a further discount:

Reserve your seats (by March 16th 2016) for the Living In Joy Workshop and
get to experience the 4-hour How To… Why To… Meditate Workshop
on March 20th for the super low combo investment of $199
(that’s 50% off the combined list price)

Workshop Location: Our Boca Raton, Florida location will be emailed to you one week before the event.

P.S. Bring a friend or significant other (and order at the same time) and each save another 10% at checkout.
Reserve my seat at my Living In Joy Workshop

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Living In Joy Workshop Read More »

Another World Is Possible

Another World is Possible

new possibilities with light rising over energy grid covered earth

This morning as I looked at the videos on YouTube that were highlighted on Facebook I was moved by the slogan “Another World is Possible.”

The truth and power of those words moved me to hope and a sense of promise.

Another World is Possible and as we look around our world, the emergence of the spirit of the urge to bring about a positive change cannot be denied.

It emerges from a wellspring of a deep understanding that we have strayed off of the path of right action and right relationships, but that as a group collective of consciousness we have within us the power to transform the world to a better world for all.

The evil of greed that has wormed its way into our world, disguising itself as business and commerce, will not continue to be accepted by the people. The abuses of power that have become all to commonplace are being unveiled.

The ancient wisdom speaks of humanity “renting” the veil of materialism. This is an important step in the evolution of the planet as we move forward into the new world, the new age of man.

This clarion call “Another World is Possible” is a first step to the manifesting of a better world. As I write, often of the concept “energy follows thought,” it is important that we focus our thoughts on using this powerful upswell of the unified human spirit to see that “A Better World is Possible.” A world guided by principles of Right Action, Right Speech, Right Human Relationships, and Right Management of our Earths Resources.

Deep within us all we have a sense of what those principles are, a moral sense that comes from our inner guidance of knowing right from wrong. Evil can hide from view and disguise itself for a while, but it eventually is revealed as what it is. We can all, within ten minutes, list a litany of the injustices that have seeped into our world through the evil of greed disguising itself as business.

As the light of our consciousness turns to the imbalance that has occurred, the 99% – 1% dynamic that has created this very powerful tipping point, we are compelled to respond to the need to change the world and make the world a better place as our forefathers did when they penned the immortal words “We hold these truths to be self-evident”.

The United States was founded on deep principles of self-evident truths. These truths resonate deeply with many all around the world. Many movements have called this into our consciousness by the call “Another World is Possible” and by logical conclusion “A Better World is Possible.”

Over 100 years ago U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt in his Second Annual Message to the Senate and House of Representatives stated:

Our aim is not to do away with corporations; on the contrary, these big aggregations are an inevitable development of modern industrialism, and the effort to destroy them would be futile unless accomplished in ways that would work the utmost mischief to the entire body politic.


We can do nothing of good in the way of regulating and supervising these corporations until we fix clearly in our minds that we are not attacking the corporations, but endeavoring to do away with any evil in them. We are not hostile to them; we are merely determined that they shall be so handled as to subserve the public good. We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.”

Many of the principles of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights speak out against and warn against the abuses of power that have slowly invaded our world until the imbalance is so obvious that we must as a people re-evaluate and restore the principles that guided the creation of the United States of America.

These ideas are not new. The internet overflows with warnings from the U.S. founding fathers from Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Adams that are all relevant to this time.

Another World is Possible. A Better World is Possible and the time to create it is right here and right now. We have that ability, you have that ability.

We need prosperity to blossom for everyone with the seeds of commerce pollinating success and innovation (see my prior article Blossoming Prosperity) and as we face these troubled times we need hope and promise to bring about a new way and a new day (see my prior article Light a Candle For Hope.)




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Another World Is Possible Read More »

Life Guidance Coaching

It’s Time To Stop Trying To Figure It Out On Your Own…

Get the Personal, Life Guiding
Expert Insight and Advice
You Are Craving to
Take Your Life to the Next Level

Life Guidance Coaching Program insights into physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual personal development

After years of working with hundreds of individuals, I have realized one essential truth.

If you’re trying to transcend challenges in your life & gain real momentum fulfilling your life purpose, you need 1:1 mentorship and guidance to unveil your blind spots, keep you moving forward, to allow you to quickly learn from the wisdom of others who have figured it out and save you time and effort by teaching you techniques that will help you transform your life.

Otherwise, you waste too much time and energy on the wrong things, get emotionally derailed on a regular basis, and can stay stuck for way longer than necessary.

Overcoming issues such as anger and fear or establishing more satisfying and successful interpersonal relationships are all life issues for which my Life Guidance coaching is effective.”
     – Genevieve Gerard

What is Life Guidance Coaching. Clearly identifying what is not working well in your life and focusing on the techniques of integration of body-mind-spirit and emotions to help bring yourself into greater alignment with your life purpose in order to achieve harmony and success in the world around you is critical to your well-being.

Inherent in this challenge is mastering the integration of the physical desires and appetite, mastering the emotional influences that can impact your perspective, possibilities and your joy; bringing your mind into consciousness and alignment with your Higher Self and your Higher Purpose in life and ultimately fostering your ability to live as a new evolution of humanity who demonstrates the life and love of the Soul.

With my help you will incorporate skills and abilities to heal the wounds of the past in your mind, your emotions and your physical body.

One of the techniques that I offer to accelerate this process is incorporating the power and perspective of your Soul consciousness. This enables you to grow and thrive as you move to ever increasing integration and wholeness of your being. This will guide you along the pathway to becoming a Soul-Integrated and Soul-Infused personality that can tap into your higher source at will to become the powerful being that you are meant to be.


What you’ll accomplish:


1.  Experience Peace of Mind
     Free From Your Chattering Self-Talk

Experience how it feels to have a completely Peaceful Mind that doesn’t get anxious, fearful or critical about your circumstances.


2.  Feel Perfectly Centered

Experience how you are going to feel to be perfectly centered so that people feel the depth of your presence.


3.  Enjoy Clarity and A Focused Mind

Experience the clarity in your life and business when you really have a mind that focuses on what’s important.


4.  Bust Through Your Fears

Experience releasing all of your fears and anxieties and move forward with confidence.


5.  Learn How To Recharge and Invigorate Yourself

Experience taping into an unlimited source of energy.


6.  Touch Your Soul

Experience the true joy, bliss and wisdom that result from the spontaneous "Touch of Your Soul."


Integral to my coaching are meditation and guided visualization techniques. These are used to help you gain dominion over the challenges with which you are faced in your life experience.


You are perfect just as you are… and you can use a little improvement.”
   – Shunryu Suzuki, the author of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind


Why Do I Need A Coach?

The most successful people in life have personal coaches. You deserve the opportunity to harness within you the power to transform you life. You owe it to yourself to move forward in your life and act now.



Life Guidance Coaching Empowerment

My coaching is designed to empower you to live your life more fully with greater joy and appreciation for life. As a bonus the techniques you will be given are prescriptively created just for you as tools to bring you into greater awareness and fulfillment so you can be all that you are meant to be, and all that you truly are.

Part of a session involves instruction in specific self-empowering techniques that you can use on your own between sessions. As your life begins to change, these techniques will be modified for greater and greater effectiveness. As you progress you will have the perspective and experience to handle life’s new challenges in the future.


What Other People Are Saying About
Genevieve Gerard Life Guidance Coaching


Video Testimonial about Genevieve’s Coaching

To view this short 1 minute video on YouTube directly
click Genevieve Gerard Coaching Testimonial.


Hi All, a quick note to tell you about a magnificent healer, teacher, meditation leader, and all round special person, Genevieve Gerard”
    -Dr. Steve Hinkey in Virginia


Thank you for sharing your knowledge, humour, healing and
insight with me.”
    -Artistic Director in the United Kingdom


When you speak about the work it seems to click clearer, its like a simpler version or easier to follow, but still profoundly powerful.”
    -Yoga Studio Owner in Phoenix


Thank you again for your time, talents and mentoring. It has been priceless and I am grateful for the gift of your presence in my life.”
    -Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California


Video Testimonial about Genevieve’s Coaching

To view this short 1 minute video on YouTube directly
click Genevieve Gerard Testimonial.


One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination.
       — John C. Maxwell

Let me be your Guide on the Quest for Enlightened Awareness


Life Guidance Coaching Details

Coaching sessions are setup at mutually convenient times in person, by telephone or via the internet by Skype.

To those in a coaching relationship with me I offer support and availability with regularly scheduled appointments, but also on an as-needed basis, understanding that life’s challenges can happen at any time and sometimes require additional support and guidance.

A single session is 90 minutes in length. The investment is $200 an hour so a single session is $300. By purchasing more blocks of sessions you will receive a discount, the more sessions you invest in at one time, the greater the discount.


Investment: $200 an hour USD
– multi-session rates are available

Reserve Your Time Now


Why Act Now

  • 1. Right now I only accept a select number of clients for this service so that I can focus fully on your needs.
  • 2. Demonstrate self-love by being good to yourself, loving and honoring yourself, by taking this important first step and act now to start your coaching.
  • 3. Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to something that will transform your life and finally take you to the next level and beyond.


Click here to start your coaching.


– Check Out My Instant Quantity Discounts

I truly want to work with you so if you book more than 5 sessions at a time you benefit with my Instant Quantity Multi-Session Discounts listed below to make the biggest difference.

Book 5 to 9 Sessions at once and automatically Save 10% on each

Book 10 to 14 Sessions at once and automatically Save 15% on each

Book 15 or more Sessions at once and automatically Save 20% on each

Click here to get greater control over your life and tap into your full potential.

Just type in the quantity of sessions you want during the purchase process and our secure shopping cart will apply the Instant Quantity Discounts for you automatically. It can be that simple. When you have made this investment I will personally call you to setup your appointments for your session(s).


Still Trying To Decide?

Your decision to move forward with this coaching can be answered using
one simple question:

  • Are you ready to stop trying to do this alone?

If your answer is yes, trust yourself and move forward. Because I believe deeply you deserve this level of support, and that we will accomplish incredible things together when you make your commitment to getting coached by me.

If this is right for you, the decision to move forward might feel a little scary. It’s like a sensation of stepping into the unknown. I understand. And you can be safe in my commitment to you, knowing this is the best next step you can take.

Show me a successful individual, and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well, I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.
       — Denzel Washington

I am deeply committed to…

  • Providing you with the best and most effective strategies to
    get the maximum personal results
  • Giving you tools so you can cope and manage any stress in your life
  • Helping you tap into your higher source and realizing your potential
  • Always helping you find what’s really true & alive for you
  • Helping you become the person you most desire to be

I’m here for you. Now let us begin…

Fulfill your destiny now


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Not Ready To
Transform Your Life

To find out other ways we can connect and I can be of service to you
click keep in touch with Genevieve Gerard.

Coaching and mentoring is a deeply personal relationship where you can thrive and be supported in a loving non-judgmental environment that exists just to help you.”
     – Genevieve Gerard

I look forward to connecting with you to resolve any challenges in your life and harness the power of your full potential to manifest the life you aspire to and desire.


Last updated 5-8-2020


Copyright © 2011-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Life Guidance Coaching Read More »

Keeping A Journal

Keeping A Journal
Can Be A Pathway To Spiritual Insight

Read Keeping A Journal Can Be A Pathway To Spiritual Insight by Genevieve Gerard

The very process of writing in a journal can help you find more joy and spiritual insight in your life.

This may sound strange, but after many years of keeping a life journal, I began to discover a benefit that I would not have been able to imagine when I began. That is the benefit of keeping a journal that naturally emerges in your emotions and perspective by the process of journaling.

To help you achieve the maximum benefits of how to write in a journal and take advantage of the wisdom gained over the many years of my experience I have prepared some tips on how to journal.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you,
pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
        – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keeping a journal can be a pathway to spiritual insight and awareness. It is a discipline much like meditation. It is a technique to help you get in touch with your Higher Self (what is also called the Soul) and gain mastery over life’s everyday emotions. The very act of writing in your journal can become a gateway to help you calm your mind and gain a perspective of deeper understanding. Journaling can become a way to open your awareness to your inner wisdom.


10 Tips on How To Write In A Journal

1.) I have found that having a special book for your journal is important. This helps you develop a mindset (trigger) that when you sit down to write in your journal you are engaging in a special and important activity.

How to write a journal
2.) I have also found that having a special pen is helpful. Personally, I prefer a fountain pen for journaling. I also like the look and feel that using a consistent ink color brings. These little rituals are not important but have a subtle impact on the experience of writing.

When I look back over old journals, I realize that even the color of ink I choose during a particular period in my life can be significant. The color often followed a theme of the issues I was dealing with at a particular time of my life. It is symbolic of a mood or tone with which I faced my growth and challenges.

3.) Making a daily entry seems essential. We all live busy lives, but for me, it seems the discipline of making an entry in my journal on a daily basis is important. Even if all that I write on a given day is “too tired to write today” or “too busy to write today,” those little entries keep the continuity in a way that helps maintain the discipline of keeping a journal. It is all too easy to drop away from the practice of maintaining a journal, especially in times of stress when the writing is often of the greatest benefit. This little technique helps show you are in control of your life and supports the process.

4.) Do not be concerned about ending the journal entry because of interruptions. Keeping a life journal can be an integral part of your being. Interruptions happen, and it may not always be easy to return to your journal. Depending upon the nature and scope of the disruption you may well be in an entirely different mindset when you do return. A series of three dots can symbolize that the thought needs further exploration. It demonstrates that your process was not finished.

5.) As you write, suspend judgment. Let your thoughts flow free of your internal censorship. It is more important to record your thoughts and feelings than you spell things correctly or don’t leave a participle dangling. If you choose to use what you have written for another purpose, give yourself permission to edit it later. While journaling, you are looking for a stream of consciousness that is an energetic flow.

Journaling is by its very nature a work in process,
not a final product.
        – Genevieve Gerard
             Tweet: Journaling is by its very nature a work in process, not a final product. @Genevieve Gerard #journaling

6.) As you write in your journal, you often find that your understanding of the events about which you are writing begin to shift you into a greater wisdom, a greater understanding. Expand into this greater awareness. Let this insight guide you.

7.) The process of taking up your pen and writing helps you be the detached observer of your life, inviting the insight and perspective of your Higher Self. As you write, you naturally begin to resolve any uneasy feelings you may be having now as the very act of writing shifts you into a state of greater awareness and understanding.

8.) Keep your journal in a private place and make sure that those around you understand that your journal is for you, not to be shared with even the most intimate other.

9.) Allow your journal to become your closest confidant and advisor. The freedom from criticism and judgment it can offer will open you to a greater insight and understanding of yourself that reveals more clearly than a conversation with another, the deeper issues behind your thoughts and feelings.

10.) Over time be sure to return to your journal and read past entries to get a profound confirmation of your growth. When I began to journal, I resolved to keep a journal so that when I was old, I could look back on my life and smile. Re-reading old journal entries often showed me how I had developed and evolved over time. Recognize you have the capacity to grow and develop and rejoice in it.

With the wisdom of hindsight realize you will now be able to see that much of what concerned you in the past just did not matter in the long run. This is a lesson that helps when you think about the issues you face now. This is a way to encourage you to trust in yourself to weather life’s challenges.

Learning how to write in a journal will become a pathway to letting you experience the joy inherent in all the little pleasures and adventures of life.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Hand-Picked Posts That You Might Also Like


Last updated 5-8-2019


Copyright © 2011-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Keeping A Journal Read More »

When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

Are you feeling blue - then read my When You Wake Up Feeling Blue blog post

We have all had them, the occasional morning when instead of awaking with the joy and promise of a day opening to new opportunities, you just feel blue.

Feeling blue might be the residual of some now-forgotten dream, fear, discomfort, or anxiety.  It could be the result of some pollen in the air that leaves you a little clogged up.  It might even be something someone said to you yesterday that troubled you, subtle enough to pass without conscious notice.

Logic and analysis can tell you that today is no different from any other day in your life except for this amorphous feeling of sadness.

Because you are feeling this way, for no specific reason it is easy to let this feeling grow and escalate.  It is all too tempting to be caught up in your gloominess.

You could let yourself sink into and ruminate upon you sorrows until you can release it all with a little cry.  The little cry can be healing, but most of us feel silly to sit and cry over nothing.

What You Can Do When You Wake Up Feeling Blue

What I find most helpful is to begin by acknowledging that what you are experiencing is just a feeling.  If you observe that fact with dispassion, just that observation is often enough to make the feeling fade away.  The mere act of entering into the consciousness of yourself as the dispassionate observer shifts your awareness.  It gives you freedom from the emotion, as you are able to identify your emotions as just a part of your experiencenot your whole self.

The realization that you are more than what you are feeling at any given moment in time can serve as a portal to other parts of yourself.
       – Genevieve Gerard

It can be a way to explore your inner self and your higher self by observing a place of deep peace that co-exists next to those feelings of being blue.  In addition, if you quietly explore that deep peace and let it arise within, you may find a glimmer of joy that begins to grow.

Whether You Think You Can or Think You Cant You're Right quote by Henry Ford


Nothing has really changed in your life but the focus of your attention onto your higher self, away from your emotional self.  But that change can be significant, and most importantly, that change is available to you through your attention, by your intention and your will.


This is a more powerful step than you can imagine.  By shifting your consciousness from your emotions, and to your mind, and then ultimately to the wisdom of your Higher Self (your Soul), you can transform and empower your life.



Steps To Gain Mastery Over Your Emotions

There are several simple and profound steps you can use to help you gain mastery over your emotions.

The very first, as mentioned above is to acknowledge that an emotion (feeling blue) is just an emotion.  An emotion does not define what is real.  A feeling is just a feeling.  It is not the truth.  It is just an associated feeling that you have given a meaning to. It does not have any power over you unless you choose to give it power.

I have found that differentiating between what I feel, and what is real is an important step to gaining mastery in your life.  Sometimes the simple act of identifying something as a feeling is sufficient to shift your consciousness to a higher and more positive perspective.

You're not stuck. You're just committed to certain patters of behavior quote


 At other times your emotions may be so strong or entrenched or depressing that to dispel especially troubling or sad emotions you need to take a more proactive step. 


Fortunately, right along next to your emotions you have a mind.  And you can use your mind to help you gain both perspective and mastery over your emotions.


The Technique of Reframing

There is a simple technique called “reframing or “rethinking” that is empowering and I believe can help you at this time.

Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts and emotions to find more positive alternatives.

The technique of reframing requires using your mind and your emotions in cooperation in a way that transforms your perspective and your consciousness.  Reframing uses the power of the Universal Law that “energy follows thought.”

If you change your words it will transform your life.
       – Adam Houge

I'm Telling You It's Going To Be Worth It quote by Art Williams

As an example, my husband was in a very bad car accident when he was at college and he had a hard time remembering facts at first.  When someone would ask him a question he would say, “I don’t remember, I was in a car accident.” Months later he realized that he was creating a story, a reality, that he repeated over and over again (because energy follows thought) wherein his mind he didn’t remember, even after his brain had recovered from the accident. This made him very frustrated.

Ultimately, my husband came to the realization that by simply reframing his negative “I don’t remember” answer to a more positive “I don’t recall at this time, but I will later” that he was able to access his memory more and more and his associated feelings about temporally losing his memory then became more positive.

Another example of how energy follows thought can be a self-fulfilling prophecy are individuals who keep repeating to themselves, “if I could just make it through the month,” and then wonder why they only have enough to barely make it through the month.

The concept that “energy follows thought maybe a new one to you.  However, if you have in your life followed any of the teachings of “thought leaders” in business or motivation, from Napoleon Hills now famous work, “Think and Grow Rich” to the abundance masters of “The Secret” and new thought “Law of Attraction” [LINK: ] or Jerry and Esther Hicks with the “Law of Abundance,” and their “Emotional Guidance Scale” the concept may be familiar.

The value of using the power of your mind to manage and focus your life rather than be a victim of what you may be feeling is well known.  You, as a human being are multifaceted and to live your life fully you must learn to balance and utilize all aspects of yourself.  Part of that is understanding and using the full scope of yourself in overcoming and managing life issues.

Using the Reframing Technique To Empower Your Life

Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny quote


As I mentioned above, the power of reframing your deceptive brain thoughts relies on the universal principle that energy follows thought.  Therefore, what you think and how you frame the powerful thoughts you have about any circumstance and feeling, matters.

By engaging in reframing your thoughts about something that is troubling you, you are activating and empowering your partnership and co-creative power in a way that ignites your will and empowers you to be the director of your life.

The technique of reframing your thoughts takes you out of the passive role in your life and sends out instructions to the universe working with the dynamic energies of how Spirit and matter interact and inter-relate.   The principle that energy follows thought impacts ripples of subtle energy that affect the mind in your response and reaction to what is emerging to manifest in your life.

All too often the tendency of human nature is to allow life to happen to them, rather than use the power of the mind and the power of thought to invoke your will and apply your wisdom.  Reframing your thoughts requires that you consider what you want, replace your limiting or self-destructive (“negative”) thoughts with more empowered, adaptive (“positive”) thoughts and then apply your will power to create that.

The process of reframing something also involves evaluation and consideration of what meaning and feelings you associate with something in your life, and therefore in shifting your thoughts, your wisdom is also invoked.

Reframing does not mean one has to find a positive re-interpretation at any costs. It simply means to be able and willing to scrutinizing interpretations and re-interpretations, thoughts and behavior.
       – Rauh

It is both essential and necessary to expand your consciousness and stop the damaging impact of worry and fear, both of which are limiting and self-sabotaging thoughts.

Reframing can use affirmations in a positive way or can simply design a positive outcome to a situation.  Reframing is a technique that requires both observing and then changing the instructions you are sending out to yourself and to the universe on the waves of your thoughts.

Simple Reframes You Can Think About To Make You Feel Better

Reframe your thoughts by changing your words.

Original Thought Reframed Thought
I can’t do this I can do this because it’s important to me
It’s going to be hard It’s going to be worth it
Why is this happening to me? What is this trying to teach me?
I keep making mistakes Learning from my mistakes is what is important
This is too difficult I can always improve if I keep trying
Everything happens to me Everything happens for me


Three Minutes to Empowerment Exercise

A brief technique you can use to empower and transform your life is to take 3 minutes each day to observe the content of your thoughts as the detached observer.

Sitting quietly and breathing naturally, review the content of your thoughts, looking at them through the creative principle “energy follows thought.” Your thoughts are instructions you are sending out to yourself and the Universe.

I suggest spending 3 minutes daily actively reframing your thoughts to be more aligned with what you want as an active empowerment exercise.

During this 3 minutes of empowerment exercise, observe your thoughts, without self-criticism. When you observe a thought that contains fear, any negative emotion, or limiting beliefs take that opportunity of observation to revise, re-frame, and correct that thought to bring your thought into alignment with what you desire.

For those 3 moments of the day consciously request that your Soul is in control so that your creative efforts are aligned and empowered by your life purpose.

Let this brief exercise of observation quiet your mind chatter, calm your emotions, and open your awareness to new possibilities and new opportunities.

In this 3 minutes let your awareness come into the present, releasing your creativity from any contamination of the past.


Know that doing any meditative discipline 21 days in a row helps it become a habit. This is a habit that can empower your life, for the rest of your life. It works with the creative force of your creative energies to empower you.

So, when you wake up feeling blue, I encourage you to take control of the power of your mind and invoke and invite your creative nature to let yourself be and become all that you are meant to be.




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P.S. We all have blue days, but some people experience more than that. Learn the signs of clinical depression, a serious illness that may need the help of a trained therapist or the support of a life coach or at times medication to adjust your bodies chemistry.

P.P.S. Have a journal available to record what you choose to reframe.


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Touch of the Soul LLC and Genevieve Gerard. All Rights Reserved.


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