Serenity Sunday

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Read Ways To Connect With Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most wonderful and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that experiencing it is often transformational and profound.

To me, to connect with your Soul is the greatest gift of meditation.


An important factor is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it easier and easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage practice makes perfect. Each time you consciously, and with intention, connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are creating additional threads of energy that build a bridge to ease your passage.

Whenever you call upon the Light of the Soul for inspiration or guidance, you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul. In so doing you are making the wisdom of your Soul available to you.
      – Genevieve Gerard

You are able to tap into and expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.


Connecting with Soul Light by Genevieve Gerard

When you meditate regularly, invoke, and invite the Presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are raising the frequency of your mind and your physical body. This leads to an expanded awareness, and insights and clarity greater than you may have believed possible.

In addition, since the nature and essence of your Soul is pure love, increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of true love and increases your understanding and ability to love.

One of the other profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation is an awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy. This sense of universal Oneness, with others and nature, can be a life-altering, magnificent experience of bliss.


Some find that the act of using rituals helps to prepare them for meditation. The primary purpose of preparing to meditate with a ritual is that the action of preparation serves to reinforce your conscious intention.

You can experiment with creating rituals that work for you. When you find one that you feel is of help, you can incorporate it into your meditation practice.

When you use a ritual the time and the effort of performing the ritual serves as a preparation and helps you be ready and receptive to the meditation process. An additional benefit of setting up a ritual is it serves the purpose of helping to quiet your mind chatter as you focus on the intent of your meditation time.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to prepare for meditation. Although you may choose to set aside a specific amount of time for the meditation, this is all your choice and should be guided by what works for you and for your life.

Some rituals that have been helpful over the ages:

  1. Lighting a white or gold candle. If you choose this, having a special or specific candle is usually recommended.
  2. Burning incense (again choosing a specific scent is often helpful) although as you gain more experience with meditation you can change or shift that scent. Some choose the scent based on the desire for a specific energetic result. You may find some favorite scents that you associate with feeling peaceful or calm or feeling more empowered to reach the desired state of consciousness.
  3. I begin all of my guided meditations with an instructional invocation:
    Calm your mind, Open your Heart and Invite the Light.
  4. Sitting quietly and receptively for some time before you start to meditate helps you quiet your mind and put everything behind you.

You can experiment with different rituals and see if they enhance the ease with which you become calm, and quiet your mind chatter so you can experience the presence of your Higher Self.

Setting aside a time daily to meditate, whether you choose to use mantrams, guided meditation experiences or affirmations or mindfulness techniques will empower you and enhance you.

Ageless Wisdom Mantram

A Mantram from the Ageless Wisdom that is often used to help you gain the wisdom of your Soul is:

May the energy of the Divine Self inspire me
and the Light of the Soul direct.
May I be led from darkness to Light,
from the unreal to the Real,
from death to Immortality.

Then, still holding your consciousness in the head and visualizing a sphere of deep electric blue, vivid and living, say the following words, endeavoring to realize their significance as you say them:

I stand in spiritual Being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the Light shines
throughout my form, I radiate that light.
I stand within the Love of God,
and as that Love streams through and from the heart,
I magnetise the ones I seek to aid.”
      – Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul “Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I” p.306

You can incorporate this mantram into a daily meditation, or it can be used as an affirmation of intention to connect with the Light of your Soul. This is a sacred time that you arrange, as much as possible, to be free of distractions or interruptions.

Regularity of the practice of meditation helps it become increasingly easy to give yourself the blessings and benefits of meditation. I can think of nothing else that provides so much opportunity for mastery, success, transformation and joy and takes such little effort.

Because meditation is such a powerful opportunity to grow and expand your consciousness, I recommend keeping a journal where you can record your insights and impressions. Writing or recording what you have received in mediation will be valuable to you over time so you can ponder, look back over, and appreciate the ways you have improved your life adventure.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-30-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Ways To Connect With Your Soul Read More »

Ways To Heal Yourself

Ways to Heal Yourself

Read Ways to Heal Yourself article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on Healing.

Healing happens on many levels of your being.

As you consider your life and all that has preceded this moment of time, I invite you to explore ways you can heal your life.

As long as there is life, self-healing is always possible. Healing is the highest manifestation of life itself.

To consider how you can heal yourself, you must contemplate how healing happens not only in your body but also in your emotions and your mind.

This threefold aspect of healing is ultimately under the guidance and direction of a higher source, your Soul. Therefore, it is through your connection with your Soul, that you can heal from any situation.

I know this is a bold statement, but I make it based on many years as a counselor helping others through the darkness into the light of new possibilities.

It is a deep truth that as long as there is life, there is hope.
      – Genevieve Gerard

No matter what has happened to you in your life, you can heal.

Sometimes the darkness in your life is physical, such as a catastrophic injury. Sometimes it is emotional devastation, based on things you have seen or experienced. Sometimes it is the memories that the mind continues to replay that bring events from the past into the present. Sometimes it is dreams that haunt you.

No matter what has occurred in your life, there are a variety of techniques that were taught to me in the mysteries of the Ageless Wisdom that you can learn to use to transform, transmute and transcend what has happened in your life. This will enable you to open to the possibilities of a future which has not yet formed, which is in a process of being created and coming into active manifestation.

Steps You Can Take To Heal Yourself

Learn to Meditate

Meditation can play a vital role in helping you to heal.

In the last five years there have been volumes written in the medical journals, which have finally talked about the positive effects that meditation can play in your healing.

Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.
      – Thich Nhat Hanh

It is through meditation that you can find a portal to your Soul, which is such a powerful and dynamic part of your essence that it can facilitate your healing. Ultimately, the Souls energy provides healing at the highest level.

Fortunately, your Soul is an integral part of you, a part of you that stands ready, willing and able to help you gain mastery of your body-mind and emotions. Opening to this Presence is the first step of joining with your Soul.

This opening can be as simple as to sit quietly as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

There are many guided meditations available that can provide you with self-healing techniques. It is not as important which products you use, as much as it is that you meditate.

Live In the Moment

An essential part of healing is bringing your awareness and consciousness into the present moment.

That is why an important step in healing your life is to let the past be passed. This may not always be easy to do; however, careful consideration will reveal that the past truly is passed and no good is served by living in your rearview mirror.

Understanding that living in the NOW is the truth that will set you free of the past is a powerful release. It is something that can support and help to integrate your healing. It is a reality that you can use to transform your life.

When you make that step in your consciousness, you are making an important step in allowing healing.

Reduce Negative Self Talk

Another important step forward in your healing is to release yourself from the all too damaging dynamic of reliving the past. Replaying past events in your mind only invites the event into the present and brings out your inner critic.

No good is served by reviewing, rewinding and reliving what happened. It is now in the past. You are free from it if you will let yourself be free. I invite and encourage you to do so.

Forgive Yourself and Others

To forgive yourself is an important step in healing. To forgive yourself opens you to a future that is still unformed and uncreated. In that future, you can be a force for great good in the world. In that future, you will be presented with choices. What you choose will ultimately be a greater determination of the value of your life than anything will that has proceeded this moment of forgiveness.

No matter what may have happened in your past you can heal. Whatever sorrows you may have suffered make your ability to be compassionate have a greater depth and breadth than those who have never known loss and sorrow.

This may not seem possible but since your Soul is by its very existence a part of the Divine it is composed of love and grace. Forgiveness is entirely possible at the Soul level, even though your personality might consider individual acts unforgivable. It is your Soul that does the healing.

In the words of the old spiritual, “there is no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.” Therefore, to ask for forgiveness is one of the steps in your healing and when you ask, do it by the full faith and confidence that nothing is unforgivable no matter how it might seem.

However, even more important is to accept grace and forgiveness. The nature of grace is that it has absolutely nothing to do with deserving it or being worthy. This grace is a part of divinity that may be beyond our human comprehension.

It is my experience that to allow the blessing of healing and forgiveness in your life, you must truly forgive yourself. This is not always easy, however; I know it is always possible. It is in this task that the healing power of your Soul can have the most power. Realizing that the past is passed helps. This is a simple fact that cannot be denied. Let yourself have the relief and release that this deep understanding about life gives.

Check out How To Forgive Yourself: Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain and Sorrow guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard


To assist in your process of forgiving yourself, let me walk you through a guided meditation on How to Forgive Yourself: Release and Let Go Of The Past, Forgive Yourself, Heal and Move On From Painful Events.


Forgiveness is powerful and profound. It may even have multiple layers to it. Each knot that is unraveled and released by forgiveness is freeing. It may involve forgiving others you know. It may mean forgiving yourself and others that you don’t even know personally but may have been involved. No matter how many layers there are, ultimately it is possible.

Now is the time to start unraveling the knots and layers that may have you bound to the past. You can do it!

The Soul’s Role

There is a Mantra called the Mantram of Unification that I love. In it are the words that for me have always spoken to how important your Soul integration is, “Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events, and bring to Light the Love that underlies the happenings of the times.”

No matter what you may have feared. No matter what experiences you have lived through, your Soul has been with you through it. Whatever turmoil, no matter how terrible or tortured it may have been; there is nothing you have ever done or can ever do that will separate you from your Soul.

Whatever damage you may have suffered as a body, emotionally, in your mind or personality, your Soul, which is your spark of Divine Essence, cannot be harmed. It is always with you and can always be called upon to help you heal your life.

No matter how much you may have rejected or avoided its presence in your life it is ready willing and able to assist with your healing. It awaits your invitation to demonstrate its healing power.

The nature of your Soul is eternal. The essence of your Soul is Love.

Use Your Soul to Heal Your Life

There is a purpose to your life. There is a reason you are still here and alive. Therefore, it is to your Soul that I direct your attention. You can invite it, invoke it and use it to heal your life.

Because free will is a universal law, invitation to your Soul and invocation are necessary steps in opening your consciousness to the Presence of your Soul. Because your Soul is integral to your healing, consciously doing the steps (previously mentioned) to bring you greater awareness of your Soul (as a dynamic and powerful force in your life) is important.

Healing your life will allow you to fulfill your life purpose, which may bring about great good in the world. This is the unlimited possibility and potential that comes with your unformed, and yet, uncreated future.

When the past is relegated to the past, you are taking a progressive step forward. You can change your life. The more you release your anger, the more you forgive, the more you bring in the Light of your Soul to guide your next steps, the more you open yourself to enjoy the new possibilities and unlimited potential that are now unfolding and emerging for your life.

This ongoing and constant renewal of life give the promise of a future that is different from whatever may have happened before. Change is always possible. Healing is always possible. This freedom is inherent in life. It may not be easy, but it is always possible.

Open your life to the healing power and the transforming energy of your Soul. Heal your life of the residuals of past traumas to bring you to the new day that is available for you.

As the expression of folk wisdom affirms, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

Choose to embrace the possibility and promise of the rest of your life by inviting and accepting healing into your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 2-9-2020


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Ways To Heal Yourself Read More »

The Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

The Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Meaning of The Lord's Pray Serenity Sunday Article by Genevieve Gerard

There are as many ways to pray as there are people who pray.

There are no wrong ways to pray. There are no intrinsically right ways to pray.

That said there are a few great prayers that incorporate the unique elements that make up a truly great prayer. The best known of these is most likely the one attributed to Jesus known as The Lord’s Prayer.

I feel what is said and crafted into this prayer contains all of the best features of prayer. When you think about the words and the mystical importance of the words used I am always amazed at how powerfully it utilizes all of the most effective elements in a very few words.

Take a few minutes with me below and consider the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer and what is truly being said and created in this great prayer. Ponder the underlying and even magical power of these words as I help you understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer line-by-line.

Our Father,

This address in this prayer is one of the most important aspects of this prayer. In using this salutation to God as Father we are establishing a particular type of relationship with God, that as a child to a loving and benevolent Father.

It is interesting to note that during the life of Jesus, God was not seen by many of the scholars and Rabbis of the time in this way. The God of the Israelites Yahweh was seen as a jealous often vengeful God. By Jesus shifting the attention with the salutation of the Lord’s Prayer to Our Father, he is bringing us into a specific relationship with God. It is a relation of what the great Jewish theologian Martin Buber referred to as an I Thou relationship. The I-Thou relationship with God as a loving and benevolent God is a subtle power of this salutation.

When you pray, consider the words of the salutation as an important part of the prayer, not just automatic words muttered ritually. In the salutation you are aligning yourself into right relationship with God; however, you see or believe God to be. This lets you focus the power in your prayer.

What matters is not the name of God that you call upon, but rather the alignment and relationship that is created in the salutation. Ponder this and consider this in light of that relationship. There is great power in the words that we choose. This is always true and even truer when we pray.

Who art in Heaven,

This is an affirmation that our Heavenly Father exists in a unique and special realm of consciousness. Our words, our prayer, and our intention must go to the realm of God and spirit. It is because God is a spirit that God is everywhere. It is because God is spirit that our prayers can access God anywhere and everywhere we go.

Hallowed (or Holy) be thy name.

This is an affirmation of both the greatness of God and of our homage to that greatness. In this short phrase, you are brought into a relationship of honor and respect with the Divine.

Thy kingdom come,

This is an affirmation and invocation in the prayer. It is to some extent the “ask” part of the prayer. In this phrase, you are asking for God’s kingdom to come to this oft-ravaged earth.

Thy will be done,

This is the surrender. The surrender is a special time in every prayer where we acknowledge that Divine wisdom is superior to our own.

On earth as it is in heaven.

This is again affirming and invoking that the kingdom of God be manifested here on earth. It is perhaps significant that of the ten stanzas or phrases in this prayer, two are about bringing about the kingdom of God on earth. This point is worthy of pondering.

How would your life experience on earth be different if God were directing your life in every step you take and every move you make?

What can you do to bring this more into your experience of life on earth, live, demonstrate Love more, practice forgiveness and be generous and giving to others?

Give us this day, our daily bread.

This is significant in what it says, but most importantly in how it says it. This is the second “ask” in the prayer, the first being for all of the citizens of earth, but it is important to note that it is only asking for what is needed now. It both assumes and affirms that our daily needs will be met, but it also focuses our “ask” on the present time, the NOW, not the future.

And forgives us our (debts, trespasses, sins, mistakes)

The words used here vary greatly, but the important principle is asking for forgiveness and seeing forgiveness as something you must give. Your giving forgives is so very important that your request for forgiveness is asked for in proportion to your ability and willingness to give it.

as we forgive those have trespassed against us.

I have always liked the word trespasses because it incorporates a large breadth of mistakes and failure in both others and us.

This stanza is 10% of the whole prayer, and to my mind and heart one of the very most important parts of the prayer because it implies a responsibility not just to receive forgiveness but also to give forgiveness, to others and to ourselves. This is the only part of the prayer where what we receive is dependent upon our actions as well as God’s.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

This stanza contains two very important aspects. It asks for help in overcoming and avoiding temptation, to which you are all subject by your human nature. Most important it acknowledges that there is evil in the world while invoking your protection from it.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the Glory forever and ever.

This is an affirmation of the divinity of God and His ownership or dominion over His entire kingdom. It is further affirmed that He rules with power and glory, eternally.

In some versions of the prayer, it concludes with the assurance of eternity by concluding with the words, forever and ever.

Amen (So be it) or (It is so)

The actual interpretation of this word goes back to several Sanskrit words, the OM (the sound of Universal Presence) and the AUM. The word Amen also is brought forward from the Old Testament and was used in the New Testament to signify deep truth. Today it is most often used as a confirmation of truth and has become a traditional close to most Christian prayers.

This speaks to the eternal nature not only of God but also to the eternal nature of our affirmations and invocations. It is also an expression of gratitude while affirming the eternity of the Divine. The gratitude affirmed in the saying of Amen is an affirmation of your faith that you believe that what you have prayed for will come into manifestation.

When you pray it is most powerful to pray with the wholeness of your Self. Prayer is the merging of your heart, your mind and your Soul. When you pray you are not only petitioning or asking, you are opening yourself up to merging your energies with the Presence of the Divine in an experience of Oneness and unity. This merging of your heart and mind, with your Soul and the Eternal Presence of God invokes the blessings of being touched by the comforter, being sustained by eternity and restored.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated on 12-15-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer Read More »

How To Call Upon Angels For Help

How To Call Upon Angels For Help

Read How To Call Upon An Angel article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Angels.

Angels are all around us.

They are composed of pure energy and pure Light so you may go through your whole life and never be aware of their Presence.

You may have at times felt their presence.

You may have never wondered about angels at all. Since they are a part of the realm of what is to our physical eye invisible you could have completely rejected angels as being real at all.

For many people life is easier if they reject anything that cannot be experienced with their sense of touch, sight, smell, or sound. Of course, sensing or feeling is a part of our sensory awareness also but, not in the same category as the physical senses of the body.

If you are among those who have felt or sensed the presence of angels, there may be a great deal about the nature of angels that have never been explained. Even among those who believe in angels, there is a myriad of theories that may be presented as facts. The truth is that one of the limitations of being in a human experience right now is that there is a lot about angels that is kept behind the veil.

Yet, you may very well sense angelic presences as a part of your life experience. You may have felt their benevolence as something you could call upon for help or support in particularly challenging or troubling times in your life. That is certainly possible and among those who have called upon angels for help, protection or guidance many stories are told. Indeed, your experiences when you open to the angelic kingdom can add to the lore of angels when help is provided, and miracles happen.

How Can I Sense Angels

Angelic communication is a part of coming into contact and harmony with your Soul. Your Soul is the bridging part of your being that opens you beyond the limitations of your body. When you open your heart to love you expand your awareness.

By opening to the Presence of your Soul and by opening your heart to love you open your life to other subtle frequencies of reality that are beyond the restraints of dense matter. It is with this expanded awareness that you can commune with angels.

Opening your consciousness to your Soul opens you to a vast realm of life that exists beyond what is perceived by the five senses. It opens you into an expanded reality that incorporates miracles and expands your understanding of the nature of subtle energies. This realm of reality beyond the input of the five senses is very real. It is the reality of you as a Soul, having a human adventure. It is the reality of you as a child of God. It is the realm of which co-creation with the Divine happens. It is the realm inhabited by angels.

Open yourself to an encounter with heaven, be as a little child.
Release your desire to the winds of the universe.
Trust your angels to catch your wish and
bring it to you in a delightfully surprising way.
       – Doreen Virtue

What Are The Steps To Being Open To An Angel

Meditation is one of the key portals to this reality. Prayer also serves as a gateway. Understanding this merger of spiritual energy in a way that brings perception to the mind of reality beyond the five senses will expand your awareness. Ponder on this.

The principle of free will is an essential aspect of spiritual life. Therefore, invitation and invocation are necessary steps to experiencing your Soul, and communicate with and experiencing angels. The presence of your Soul, angelic presences, and even the direction of the Divine respond to invitation and invocation.

Free will is a universal law. It functions much like other universal laws and principles like the law of attraction, like the principle that energy follows thought and a variety of other so-called spiritual laws. These laws have been woven into the very substance of creation and must be adhered to by even the creator. This is why meditation and prayer are such important parts of opening your life to spiritual realities. When you meditate or pray you are inviting and invoking, thus making it possible for you to cross the veil and enter the angelic kingdom.

As I mentioned in my “Meeting You Guardian Angel” article, your personal Guardian Angel is committed to you, and therefore is the most accessible to you of the angels of the Angelic Kingdom. However, other angels remain close to human life, and human experiences that are charged with, and have taken responsibility for, interfacing with human lives. Those angels are most accessible to you when you call for help, guidance or Divine Intervention.

How To Call Upon An Angel

To call upon angels for help, guidance or Divine Intervention is a very specific type of inter-relationship with an angelic presence. It requires invocation and invitation. In most instances invocation and invitation come when you pray, asking for help. Since one of the primary functions of an angel is a messenger from God, many see asking for angelic assistance as a way of asking for God’s help. They are all on the same team.

When in response to your prayer you sense the presence of an angel, it is time to request help and support. Angels, especially those angels whose mission is to provide aid and support to humanity, often are more available in those places where people congregate to bridge the veil from matter to spirit. That is why churches and temples are often the easiest places to make contact with the angelic realm or for some, their own Soul. The aggregate energy that is formed from the years of human intention eases this communication between worlds.

The cathedrals of the world have long been a place where angels gather. The quest for access from the material to the spiritual has charged the energy in ways that can facilitate your request. For this reason, you might wish to go to a place of worship when you are calling for divine help. Space or distance do not limit angels, but the energetic pathways in these areas have been reinforced by others who have preceded you in asking for angelic or Divine help.

Invitation and Invocation Angelic Ritual

When inviting and invoking angels I have always liked the ritual of lighting a candle. To me, the golden white light of a candle is symbolic of the Light of my Soul. Before I seek communion with what is spiritual I invoke the words “Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite The Light.” You may have noticed that this is an injunction that I use to open the energy in almost all of my guided meditations.

Some have shared with me that they use this phrase and these world like a Mantra, especially in times of great need or stress.

The Mantram I shared in my article “Meeting Your Guardian Angel” remains one of my very favorite Mantras to invoke and invite angelic Presence. I will share it with you again here.

Say in your mind and heart this Mantra of Invitation.

Beloved Come

Infuse . . . Inflame . . . Instill . . .

Incorporate in living substance,

All Thy Will.

Then sit quietly and receptively in the silence allowing the time and space for angelic contact.

By this ritual, the lighting of a candle, calming your mind, opening your heart and inviting in the Light, then issuing the invitation with the Mantram, you have created a sacred space for angelic contact.

As always, I recommend that you have a journal and pen available to record any thoughts, insights or impressions you receive in the silence.

Please Note: When you request help from the angels be aware that there are angels all around you, but Divine intervention always is aligned with Divine Will and the greatest good. That perspective may not be in keeping with what you want, but is always for what is best for all who are concerned.

Open your awareness to the realm of angels and the guidance of your Soul to receive the blessings and benefits in your life of an expansion of your consciousness into the greater scope of reality. Let the love of the angels who have responded to your invitation enfold you and support you. Then express your gratitude to the angels and return to your daily life.



The Blessing of Love on All That you do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 11,131 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Last updated 1-26-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


How To Call Upon Angels For Help Read More »

Laying On Hands For Healing

Laying on Hands for Healing

Read Laying On Hands For Healing article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my on-going series on Healing.

Hands-on healing, also known as energy healing or the spiritual healing practice of laying on hands, has been experienced for thousands of years.

In Greek mythology, Chiron, taught Asclepius, the God of Medicine, hands-on healing. This was the source of the word Chi-ergy, which evolved into surgery.

Later, in Christianity, we are told stories of Jesus ability to heal using the laying-on-of-hands and initially the Apostles laid hands on new believers as well as believers.

If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
      – Saint Francis of Assisi

Even Science has proven that your energy; your thoughts and intention can be used to help heal another. This is a gift we can give one another in life. One important way we can do this is by the laying on of hands. This connection of your physical body with the body of the one who needs healing acts as a transmitter to energize and empower the act of healing.

A tradition of the early church that extended well into the middle ages was the laying on of hands for healing.

Offering healing to one another is a way of
demonstrating love for one another.
      – Genevieve Gerard

For whatever reason, the laying on of hands is not widely offered today even among groups of spiritual people. Yet to participate in healing is one of the most significant ways you can demonstrate your faith and serve others.

As I open my heart and my mind to the guidance of what I should share with you today, I realize that some of your hesitation to engage in the act of “laying on of hands” could stem from having never been provided adequate instruction in this lost tradition. So this article is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the how’s and why’s of this ancient art.

There are some crucial understandings that will enhance the experience and the effectiveness of the requested healing that I share with you today.

Work In A Group

The first is a recommendation that you work in a group. Not only is working in groups for the purpose of healing a part of the ancient tradition of “Laying on of Hands” but working in groups increases the effectiveness of the healing. If you are moved by this instruction, I encourage you to gather together a group of like-minded people who want to learn and to heal as a service to their community.

The reason for gathering a group together to offer healing to others is that working in groups dramatically increases the effectiveness of healing. From the days of the early church believers were assured that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, Christ is present. When gathered for the purpose of helping and healing another, that Presence further empowers the healing energy. Therefore, to work as a group is more effective than you can ever be as a lone individual.

While this has always been true among a community of faith, it is even truer as humanity enters into the new Aquarian Age that is all about learning to work in groups. On the issue of healing, the passing age and the New Age are in complete agreement. Working as a group is not only more efficient, but is also more effective.

Right Use of Will

When forming a group for the purpose of healing there are certain basic things it is important to honor and understand. There is perhaps no place in life where it is more important than in healing to combine Will and surrender effectively. There is so much about a life experience that can only be understood in a broader perspective than we are privy to that certain safe guards have been built into the tradition of energetic healing since time immemorial.

Among these is the right use of will. Whereas intention, the intention to provide healing, is very important it is also important to invoke the powerful principle of Right Action. Although there is more about this principle that I can say here today, and surely will be a subject I bring up again in future articles and is a subject I know I have mentioned previously, surrendering what you are asking for in the process of healing another to an invocation of, and a request for, Right Action is where that important blend of will and surrender come together.

Ask Only For Right Action

A disease, an illness or an injury may have a purpose, meaning or lesson in someone’s life that we cannot see from our perspective, so requesting or invoking the healing we desire with the clear intention of also invoking Right Action is a way of protecting the person requesting healing from unintended consequences or harm. This alignment with Right Action whether by aligning with Divine Will or the Higher Will (the Soul) of the person you are striving to heal is of paramount importance.

For most engaging in laying on of hands, is for healing. You must however remember that as a group participant it is not your personal will that you are invoking. You need to surrender to and be a conduit of group Divine Will, and focus on what is right action for the person you are trying to heal.

Phrases such as “within God’s Will” and “the highest good of all” are examples of how to invoke the desired healing and the necessary surrender of your personal will. There are many others. Whereas what protective phrase you use is not important, this harmony of using you mind and intention while concurrently surrendering to right action, highest good or Divine Will are essential “rules of the road” to energetic healing. That blending is a protection from the unintended consequences that can cause harm, which is certainly never the intent of healing.

Soul to Soul

It is important to build this invocation for Right Action into your thoughts and techniques of healing and “Laying on Hands.” Therefore it is important that when you offer healing Light you are offering it with Love, from your Soul to the Soul of the one who seeks healing in the full understanding that it is the Soul that brings the miracle of healing into fruition.

Formation of Groups

I would love to see the formation of groups with the focus to do energetic healing be the result of publishing this article. As I realize that I need to bring this article to a conclusion I am frustrated by the understanding that there is so much that is important to know about healing that I can share with you and that I wish to share with you that I find myself wondering about how that could best be provided.

In these days of the technology miracles of Skype, YouTube Live and a variety of other international and national possibilities, if you feel directed in your own meditations and prayers to form a group of like-minded individuals to learn more about energetic healing I invite you to make contact with me and I will consider and create a way that I can provide further teaching for you and your group.

Both my website and Facebook provide ways to contact me so we could together determine what would be most effective for you and the group that you gather for the purpose of healing. If you do not feel so directed at this time I invite you to watch for other articles and instruction on energetic healing that I will publish in my Super Serenity Sunday Articles and I encourage you to check back on my website and I will today commit to twelve more article on the subject of energetic healing. Everyone has the potential to be able to help in the healing of others and I am grateful that I can guide you in this important life service.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8/19/2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Laying On Hands For Healing Read More »

Lessons Learned From Injury and Illness

Lessons Learned From Injury and Illness

Insights into Healing

Insights into Healing - Genevieve Gerard - Super Serenity Sunday

This is another article in my on-going series on Healing.

I dare say there is not a single human being who has not at some time in their life longed for healing, either for themselves or for a loved one.

Prayers for healing are a part of every spiritual path. Beyond prayers for healing are the hopes and aspirations for a life (ours or a loved one’s) to be blessed with the strength and the vitality of health.

The fact that onset of illness or injury often stimulates prayers for Divine intervention gives a hint into the higher purpose dis-ease can play in your life.

It is the intrinsic nature of God and likewise the Soul to in all things work toward good.
               – Genevieve Gerard

It is hard to see suffering, injury or illness as a movement to the greater good, but I can say from the perspective of a healer, a teacher and a guide these experiences are often the catalyst that brings about great personal growth and transformation.

Having worked for many years with individuals through the challenges that injury and disease introduce into their life experience I can say with complete confidence that there is a purpose behind dis-ease. There are also lessons to be learned behind accidents that result in injury or disability. I have learned that healing is always possible. That these events or circumstances bring you to your knees in prayer or stimulates you to seek the healing power of your Soul is a significant factor. Ponder on this!

In many lives, the pain, injury, or disease or the possibility of death that underlies many a healing crisis becomes a transformational experience that creates opportunity for great growth.

This may be an unusual perspective on life experiences that are often feared and avoided, but after so very many years of helping people, I find this to be unquestionably true. In fact, over the years, this factor was so significant that I have given workshops and seminars for Doctors, therapist, health care professionals, and para-professionals on ways to help their patients both heal and come to an empowering resolution of these life-changing events.

In those days, I presented these ideas from a rehabilitation perspective and now I present them from a spiritual perspective but the message is the same.

I believe an injury, disease or disability comes into your life with a Higher Purpose. Discovering that purpose and aligning with that purpose often brings healing. This may sound strange but if you look at the people around you and most significantly at your own life experience you can sense the deep inner truth of that statement. To me, that has always been a comfort because I knew that when an individual got in touch with that purpose, miraculous healing became possible.

It was in my observation of these miraculous healings that I learned much about the working of the Soul and the healing power of the Soul. To see medical opinions having declared that some had only a very short time to live, and then see them go on to live happy and productive lives for years is amazing. Also to see someone with a severe and catastrophic injury be restored to a dynamic successful life stimulated me to learn more and understand more about the deeper nature of life and the role of the Soul in the healing process.

The role that God plays in these miraculous situations cannot be denied but neither can the role that the Soul plays. It is through observing the occurrence of miraculous events that I began to understand the co-creator role of a human being with the Divine. This dual dynamic of the Soul as the spark of the Divine that brings your life into right relationship with God, as a child of God, and observes that through His love and grace brings an activation of a wide variety of universal laws and principles, that makes real healing happen.

An invocation from one of my favorite meditation mantras says it best with the words.

Let the Soul control the outer form and life and all events to bring to Light the Love that underlies the happenings of time.

– Alice A. Bailey, Djwal Khul

 Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II (Mantram of Unification)

I have found when counseling and coaching people who are in need of healing that meditation can be used to support healing when it is focused on understanding their life purpose. This shift in focus can be very revealing.

Often it introduces new goals or creates a completely new direction. It is in this way that, a healing or health crisis is at times a significant life awakening that brings about transformation.

This change often starts with an alignment of Soul Light with your physical body, and emotions. It also may involve using the mind to gain greater control over the debilitating pain that so often accompanies injury or dis-ease. The Soul has controlling power over the body. This is often an inherent factor in healing.

Questions To Ask Yourself So You Can Heal

When asking for healing, either for oneself or a loved one there are some questions it is wise to consider.

Among these are:

What lessons are being revealed by the presence of the injury,
disease or illness?

What would be the best right action or outcome?

What restrictions of energy exist that may have contributed to the disease or illness?

Often clearing that energy block through insight, meditation and prayer can release the restriction so that your body begins to respond in a whole and healthy way. Releasing the blocked energy often requires insight and understanding of both the how and the why you have choked back the energy.

Do I need to forgive myself or someone else?

At times forgiving, either yourself or another can open the pathways for a natural flow of energy that can result in spontaneous healing.

As mentioned in the mantra shared above, the process of Soul or spiritual healing generally involves a bringing to Light what has held back the free and natural flow of energy. Prayer and the laying on of hands by those with healing intention are effective ways to stimulate the energetic flow that has become blocked or congested.

In any request for healing, I always recommend an invocation or caveat such as, “for the highest good of all” or “within God’s Will” or “in harmony with the laws of karma and the overall plan of evolution.”

These caveats clarify that the purpose of healing can be aligned with right action. Although it is difficult to consider, from the perspective of the eternal life of and nature of the Soul, the release of the physical body through death, especially when diseased and aged and losing the ability for healthy function, is a form of healing. That is why death is often seen as an angelic presence.

In the process of healing from the perspective of the eternal part of our being, death is a release. In saying this I am reminded of the words of St. Francis in his prayerit is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

The Soul is an integral element to all healing and works on all levels in natural alignment with both the implications of karma, the overall plan of evolution and in accordance with the highest good of all. Through its eternal nature the Soul has the wisdom of what is the right action in each and every life situation and circumstance and has complete and unconditional love for the one who needs to be healed.

Your Soul has been with you throughout all of eternity and will remain with you throughout the eternity that is still becoming. When it heals, it heals you on all levels and prepares you your next experience of life. Therefore, this union of you with your Soul is integral to all healing experiences in life.

This relationship of your Soul, God, and eternity are a part of the mystery and deep magic of life.

These are deep questions to be pondered, meditated upon and prayed about. It is often in the face of disease or the approach of the end of life that the peace of understanding and revelation are granted.

It is by surrendering to the healing power of the Soul that miracles happen, whether that miracle is the restoration of health and vitality or the entrance to the great adventure of eternal life. Ponder on this!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-28-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Lessons Learned From Injury and Illness Read More »

Understanding The Power Of Mantras

Understanding the Power of Mantras:

With The Mantram of the Soul

Understanding the Power of Mantras - Genevieve Gerard Super Serenity Sunday

This article will give you an example of a Mantra (which is a sacred utterance in a word or group of words that has psychological and spiritual power) to help you understand and explain how and why they work energetically.

The Mantram I have included in this article is one I have personally used for years.

The saying of this Mantram daily as a part of your practice of meditation will help you build the bridge to your Soul in consciousness.

Today we will use this as a stand alone meditation, so before you begin you might wish to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

As always when you meditate, I suggest you have a journal handy to record any thoughts or impressions you may receive from your Higher Self (your Soul.)

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending


It is often helpful to imagine or visualize the Soul as a radiating golden Light 3-6 feet above your head.

To facilitate the creation of a pathway to your Soul there are certain building blocks that help to extend and pave the road. Many of these are Mantra that have come from ancient teachings. A Mantram may have been written 5,000 years ago, or it may have been written yesterday. Today we will use a Mantram from ancient times, however; you can create one from the guidance of your Soul.


To expedite your movement on the path of meditation by the use of a Mantram you begin by stating a truth. In the stating of a truth, you use a number of very powerful energies.

  1. You use the power of intention.
  2. You use the power of affirmation.
  3. And, you use the powers of invocation and evocation.

Each of these energies are in many ways similar, but they are subtly different.

So, let us take one of my favorite Mantrams and break down
how these different powerful energies work together.

The Mantram of the Soul

I am the Soul

This truth contains both affirmation and identification. An “I Am” statement has great power because of the dual voice of those two truths.

And also Love, I am

This is also an “I am” statement invoking affirmation and identification. The addition of invocation, calling in the energy of Love, adds power to the statement, as the invocation is like a prayer added to the affirmation. It is truth because you are the Soul (you cannot leave home without it). It is your nature that the Soul is a part of your essential being, and the nature of the Soul is Love.

Above all else, I am Will and clear design

Now this section not only contains the power of identification, and the power of affirmation but it adds more invocation and clarity. Will and intelligence are being added to describe not only the nature of the Soul but also the nature of the human personality; that part of the self that is working in concert with the Soul and the mind.

The Will is the constantly creating part of the self, the clear design. This constantly creating nature of the self works, whether you are consciously aware of it or not, so by directing and invoking the Will you take conscious control of your life to achieve the results you wish, by invocation, evocation, and clarification of intention.

My Will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine

You have now made a clear statement of intention of where you wish your personality to go: into the Light Divine. The Light Divine is another word for Spirit, so you are stating both your intention to take your lower self (personality) to your Higher Self (Soul), as both an invocation and evocation of your Will, the creative part of your nature, aligning your intention with the Divine part of your nature.

That Light I Am

Again, by affirming the truth of your identity as the Soul Light, you add the power of identification, the power of affirmation, the power of invocation and the power of evocation (invitation for the Soul energy to make itself known.)

Therefore, I must descend to where the Lower Self awaits my coming


At this point in the Mantram, let me review what you have done.

  1. “I am the Soul” — You have identified with your Soul using the power of identification, and you have affirmed that identification.
  2. And also Love I am” — As you have continued with the power of identification and affirmation you have added the power of invocation, which adds power of clarification.
  3. “Above all else, I am Will and clear design” — You have now invoked the will, not only identifying with it as you invoke it, but also affirming it and defining it.
  4. “My Will is now to lift the lower Self into the Light Divine” — You have now directed our creative intelligence by your Will and further affirmed the intention of the personality to connect with your Soul not only by invocation and evocation but also by the power of clarification and description.
  5. “That Light I am” — This statement affirms that in addition to being a personality who invokes your Will and directs your intention, you are also identified with that which is Divine, the Soul. You are both simultaneously the creator and the created.
  6. “Therefore, I must descend to where the lower self awaits my coming.” — The “I am” of the Soul–Love, Will and Clear Design–affirms that it has heard the invitation of the personality. It has been invoked, it has been evoked, and therefore it must respond. It must make itself available to your personality. Moreover, the personality knows this and in complete confidence and assurance, simply waits.
  7. Now, having reached the point of the fusion, the Soul energy circulates from the place of the Soul (often visualized as a point of Light about three feet above the head, because the Soul is most often perceived as residing in the upper reaches of the higher mind in your etheric body.)

The Soul energy descends along with the gentle circulating breath, down into the head, down all of the chakras (nested as centers in the etheric body about two inches outside of your dense physical body.) You have invited it, you have affirmed it, you have invoked it, you have evoked it, and the Soul has responded.

You can now enjoy this descent and circulation of energy for as long as you wish.

You may, in this interval, receive clarity about the nature of your Soul. You may experience the profound Love, Joy, and Acceptance that are the nature of the Soul.

You may recognize this consciously, or you may just feel a gentle circulation of energy that is completely beyond thought. It is a state of being. It does not matter how or if you experience anything here. You know what you have done. You have identified with your Soul.

You have specifically identified with the Love nature of your Soul, the Will nature of your Soul and the Creative Intelligence nature of your Soul; and you have invited them into the integrated wholeness of your personality: your etheric body, your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, and you have circulated it through all of your chakras energy centers of your being through your breath.

Now, when you feel ready, the Mantram continues with an invocation that affirms what you have done.

That which intends to lift and that which invokes the lifting
are now at One

“That which intends to lift” is the Soul, and “that which invokes the lifting” is the personality. Again, the clarification of identification, the intention of invitation, and the power of invocation and evocation, have achieved their purpose in a statement of Will.

Such is my Will.

This is simply the reality affirmed.

The OM, the sacred sound carries that energy out into manifestation as it is sounded.

If you incorporate this Mantram into your daily practice of meditation and then sit quietly and receptively, you will have empowered your meditation with the magic of the Light, the Love, and the wisdom of your Soul.

The healing power of the circulation of Soul Light from your Soul and through all of your chakras and all of your body as an integrating and unifying force can not be understated. This balancing and aligning of your physical body with your emotional body and your mind and personality with your Soul opens you up to the wholeness and integration of your being in a way that is exciting as it is igniting the Divine Spark in you. Ponder on this.

Bringing the Light of your Soul into your conscious awareness is the most empowering and transforming benefit of meditation you can receive. Therefore, I suggest that you use it daily, and you can certainly use it more than once a day if so inclined.

This blending of Soul Light to integrate the Soul with the personality is a tool of great value. Using the magic of this ancient Mantram in your meditation will empower you in amazing ways.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8-6-2017

Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.
Mantram of the Soul is from the work of Alice A. Bailey and Djwhal Khul.


Understanding The Power Of Mantras Read More »

Bliss is Perfect Happiness

Bliss is Perfect Happiness

Bliss Is Perfect Happiness Serenity Sunday Article by Genevieve Gerard

Bliss is a word that you do not think of when describing your life experience.

To me, bliss is the best word that can be used to describe the experience of being aligned with and connected, first to the Presence and energy of your own Soul, and to the Source of Divine Love which for want of better words I would call the heart of God.

Ultimately, bliss is perfect happiness.

Follow your bliss and
the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
        – Joseph Campbell

As I ponder how to describe an experience with which I have been blessed with in my meditations, and more importantly, to write the words that can serve as a portal for you to have these blissful experiences, I am aware that my heart is pouring forth with so much love. I am filled with so much joy that I can only pray that as you read these words you open to your own Soul’s inflowing Presence by calming your mind, opening your heart and inviting the Light into your awareness.

If my words and my work can be a gateway for you to touch your Soul and open you to Divine Love then my joy is complete.

As I write to you, what I most want to share is this sensation of bliss, this grace and this Love that is permeating the wholeness of my being.

As I try to identify what I can teach you and how I can best guide you so that I can truly share this with you, I realize the limitations of words. I am reminded that the distance between us and the sense of separateness that we all experience is an illusion, for in the mind of God and the heart of the Christ we are all One. We can connect in that Oneness beyond both space and time. That is the consciousness that I invite you to embrace today.

It is through that Oneness that I can connect with you and share this bliss and sensation of Divine Love that is filling me with overflowing abundance. I invite you to experience this through the Presence of the One Life, the One Love and the amazing grace of Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

“I invite you to join with me in the miracle of the eternal now that transcends both time and space, to be here with me in the presence of the Father, embraced in the cloak of the Divine Mother and emboldened by the Christ, so that I can affirm that Bliss is beckoning to you.”  [tweet this]

Bliss is beckoning to you to join with your Soul and it is beckoning to you to use your Soul as the entrance to the blessing of Divine Love, endless Grace and Light that is your birthright as a child of God and a living moving breathing and ever-evolving co-creating human being.

Now, many concepts are buried in that last statement. Concepts that could extend beyond what your logical mind may understand. Therefore, I invite and encourage you to ponder on this. I encourage you to expand your awareness out from your body, your emotions and even your mind to the full range of what you can experience as your Self integrating into that expansion an awareness of your Soul.

To help you open to these energies and these Presences I am including a simple bliss meditation using visualization and incorporating the powerful principle that “energy follows thought.”

Although we cannot be physically together for this meditation, the cumulative group power that this meditation will stimulate is profound. However, to strive to cross the boundaries of time and space I encourage you to declare your desire and intention to connect with the Presence of your own Soul as you enter into this meditation consciousness.


Bliss Meditation

To view the bliss meditation on YouTube directly click Bliss is Perfect Happiness.

To begin, Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light.

Sit quietly and calmly with your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the floor.

Enter as completely and a fully as you can into this moment of time. Put all that has ever come before this moment firmly and completely into the past as you open your heart, your mind, and your Soul to receive the wisdom, the blessing, and the insight that is here for you, right here, right now.

To begin to become aware of this wholeness of yourself, focus on your breath. Observe your breath as you inhale deeply through your nose. Observe your breath as you exhale fully through your mouth.

Continue to breathe fully as you relax completely and deeply into this moment in time.

Now, do not attempt to control your breathing. Simply be aware. As a part of that awareness, you may say silently in your mind, “I am aware that I am breathing in,” “I am aware that I am breathing out.”

Then repeat the phrases:

“I am aware that although I have a body, I am more than my body.”

“I am aware that I have emotions but I am much more than what I can feel.”

“I am aware that although I have internal thoughts, I can expand my awareness without limitation.”

“I am aware that I am more than my mind, much more than I can think.”

Sitting quietly, with awareness, just observing your breath, is already having an impact on you. Just the thoughts and affirmation about who and what you are is having an impact on you.

You might notice how much more calm you feel. You might notice that your mind is more peaceful and quiet. You could be sensing fullness in the area of your heart. You could be feeling more aligned with the wholeness of your being. You might be experiencing a profound sensation of being loved that pervades your being.

These feelings and sensations are the gifts of meditation. Embrace them. Appreciate them and enjoy them.

Now, for a much fuller and profound awareness, consciously invite and invoke the Presence of your Soul.

One of the simplest ways to connect with your Soul is to use the power of your mind through your imagination. Just visualize your Soul as a radiating golden point of Light about 3 to 6 feet above your head.

Trust that the principle that “energy follows thought” that governs energy is working in your life.

Visualize this golden radiating light flowing over your entire body with Love.

Be aware that although you are visualizing your Soul as that point of Light, 3 to 6 feet above your head, your Soul is your eternal spark of Divine Light and is not confined to any location. Realize that your connection with your Soul is such that it is a part of the wholeness of your being to be integrated with your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body and your personality. Your Soul is not separate from you but is an essential part of who you are and what you are. It is available for you to touch right now!

To further facilitate and enhance your meditation experience, imagine lines of light on an energetic level from your Soul to the Soul of another, and then another. This interweaving of the energetic lines of Light, of Love and Power, connects you on a mystical level.

With Love and service, I offer the Light of my Soul and the Love of my Soul now to help support you and strengthen you as you focus your attention on Soul Light. It is through this Soul connection that I send out to you Love and Light to enhance your meditative experience.

It is through this network of Souls that you are granted the experience of Bliss beyond joy and the Peace that passes understanding not only for you but for you to share openly and freely with others.

Know that this energetic network of Light and Love follows thought and intention in the etheric energies that are not confined to matter. In that etheric field of Light is complete freedom.

Embrace, enjoy and delight in this sense of the limitless nature of your Soul and the fullness of your whole being.

In the pervading Presence of your Soul, you are an eternal being. You are a beloved child of God; you are the miracle of creation that is the son of man and the son of God, a human being created to walk with God in the garden of His overflowing abundance and grace as the first man and the first woman walked with Him.

Here and now as you come closer into the Presence of your Soul you are brought into the Presence of the Father and enfolded in the loving Grace of the Divine Mother and mystically join with the Christ as a manifestation of his work, will and service in the world. Here you represent humanity as the Light, the Love and the power to manifest God’s plan on earth, infuses you.

Rest in the loving embrace of the Trinity as long as it feels right for you. This unity with the mind of God, the Love of God and the Grace of God is the communion that nourishes your Soul. In this trinity of Father, Son and Divine Mother your Soul serves as a conduit to the trinity of the Self, body, emotions, and mind that reveals the principle “as above, so below.” Ponder on this.


To foster your conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul is an important step on your journey to enlightened awareness. With your intention and invitation, especially when you are meditating, this Presence will expand to become more and more a part of your perception of your being.

Because these times that you come into conscious recognition of the Light and Life of your Soul are special, I encourage you to have a dedicated journal book nearby to record whatever insights and understanding have been made known to you during meditation. You might want to record your thoughts, feelings, and impressions right now. I have found that concluding your meditation experience with recording the sensations helps to ground and solidify the positive energy.

Know that this experience of Bliss, this great blessing, is given to you that you can share it with the world as I share it here with you. Amazingly, it is in giving that I receive. My gratitude for this blessing knows no limitation and my appreciation to you for our unity of Soul Light and Soul Love flows spontaneously to mingle with and create good in the world.

I invite you to repeat this Bliss Meditation often and join with me in weaving in the Light of Spirit and the Love of the Soul into your life.

A matrix, along which Divine Love, sublime Grace and the Spirit of Peace, can flow through your life into the world and into the hearts and minds of all who live on earth.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Know that this is mystical work that magically brings with it the essence of Bliss. In this way, we can manifest the mystery of One Life, One Love, One Work and the Oneness.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 11-12-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Bliss is Perfect Happiness Read More »

Love One Another

Love One Another

Love One Another - Super Serenity Sunday blog by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my on-going series on love.

It is recorded in the Bible that when Jesus still walked among His disciples He gave this commandment “that you Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12).

That this was given as a commandment is interesting and certainly demonstrates the importance of this instruction since the Bible records Jesus teaching his disciples throughout his time with them, but this is the only time I recall in the Bible that he made his teachings a commandment.

To me that means that this instruction takes on special emphasis. The commandment was not simply to Love One Another, but to Love One Another As I Have Loved You.

That He gave it as a commandment rather than teaching or instruction means that He was speaking this direction from the part of His consciousness as the Son of God. As such, He was instructing His disciples to love one another with a Love that was unconditional and transcendent. He was talking about Divine Love.

He was commanding his disciples to love one another from the consciousness of their Soul, to Love one another as a manifestation of Divine Love.

To even try to fulfill that commandment there are some things that must be understood about both Divine Love and the nature of the Soul. That Jesus was speaking of Divine Love is hinted at just before He gave that commandment. It is recorded that He said, “As the Father has Loved me, so I have Loved you.” (John 15:9). Divine Love is unconditional. Divine Love is eternal; therefore, when you love with Divine Love you love them from your Soul to their Soul.

Of course, to forge a bond of Soul Love, you must come from your Soul. Since your Soul is the part of your whole being that delivers and provides Divine Love in your life consciousness it is essential to open yourself and your awareness to your Soul if you wish to fulfill Jesus’s commandment.

Now, if you have been following my articles and my teachings you will note that coming into conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul is something about which I write about a lot. It is to strengthen that teaching that I am writing this article.

For me to help you come into conscious awareness of your Soul is my mission in life. It is my purpose for writing these articles and it is my joy. It is a demonstration of the Love of the Christ which I invoke daily in my meditation to flow through me out into the world as an act of service and a manifestation of the Love of my own Soul. It is a way that I can fulfill Jesus’s commandment to Love one another as I have loved you to the very best of my ability.

To help you to come into conscious awareness of your Soul I recommend meditation.

As a start to that meditation I recommend that you set aside some sacred time for meditation. There are many things you can do to “set the stage” for meditation. Just know, there is nothing you must do to start meditating.

A Simple Guided Meditation

It is helpful if you begin your meditation time with intention. It is your intention to meditate rather than just think. This is a subtle but important difference. Intention ignites the process.

It is most effective when you choose to meditate to sit with your spine vertically aligned. That is a point of agreement among almost all who teach meditation. There are many reasons for this posture that I will discuss in future teachings, but this is the preferred posture for meditation.

Then to enter into meditation I suggest that you:

Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light. The Light you are inviting is the Light of your Soul.

As you sit quietly and receptively, there are some things you can do to bring the Light of your Soul into your conscious awareness. I have written about these steps in previous articles and encouraged you to read them for the insight, techniques, and instruction they provide (see related links at the end of this article.)

Since the purpose of today’s article and today’s instruction is to help you experience the Love of the Soul and Divine Love I would like to focus this meditation on that.

I encourage you to sit quietly and receptively with your mind calmed as much as you are able and your heart opened to receive the Love of your Soul and God’s Love as fully as you are able. Invite into your awareness the Light of your Soul.

These simple steps followed by quiet, receptive contemplation may be all that you need. I do recommend that you have a journal beside you so that you can record any thoughts and impressions you have received in the silence.

To go deeper into the experience and to focus your meditation on Love, the Love from your Soul to the Soul of another I encourage you to say from your heart, your mind and your Soul this mantra:

I open my heart to the Love of the Christ
and invite it to flow through me
out into the world to all who need it.


I open my life to be an instrument of Divine Love in the world
so that my life and my Love may be a blessing
and a service to others.


For this blessing, I give thanks.”

         – Genevieve Gerard

Follow the intoning of this mantra with a meditative time of receptivity and contemplation. I suggest sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes in the silence, and then recording any insights, thoughts or impressions you have received.


               – GG


When I have done this meditation, I feel my heart filled to overflowing with Divine Love and Transcendent Joy. I realize that by giving I have received such an abundance of Love that my heart has become a chalice overflowing that can touch and bless anyone I am in contact with throughout my day as I return to the challenges and chores of my life.

This blessing fills my day with a sense of peace, purpose, and joy. It is interesting to note that Jesus goes on to say in the Bible when he gives the commandment to “Love one another as I have loved you” in John 15:12 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. Ponder on this.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-21-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Love One Another Read More »

Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Read my Meeting Your Guardian Angel article by Genevieve Gerard

In the realm of the invisible, where your Soul resides there is a Presence that you can bring into your conscious awareness that is your Guardian Angel.

To begin to open your mind and your heart to a greater and more conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul starts you on a journey of living within the full scope of your being with your Soul a part of your conscious everyday awareness.

One of the benefits and blessings that come with this relationship with your Soul is that you can begin to be aware of, and access more of, the invisible world that exists beyond the material world of spirit.

I think we all do have a guardian angel. I believe they work through us all the time, when we are thoughtful and good and kind to each other.
        – Roma Downey

Within the dominion of the Soul are the angelic beings that are, like your Soul, connected with and supportive of your life. Perhaps one of the most significant of these is your Guardian Angel.

You can connect with and develop a relationship with your Soul through Meditation by the act of invitation and invocation. You can also open your heart and your mind to the impressions and guidance of your Guardian Angel.

Meditation is the portal through which you can experience and discover a world more magical and fantastic than you had ever dared to dream. The nature of your Soul is Love and as you develop a conscious relationship with your Soul that Love and that Healing Presence becomes ever more available to your conscious mind and awareness.

This Love is Divine Love and is therefore unconditional. It rejoices in the good that you do with no requirement that you do good. It is available to you but makes absolutely no demands, and it gives, in response to each time you invite it through meditation, exactly what you are ready to receive, no more, no less.

The same is true of connecting to Guardian Angels.

The footprints of an Angel in your life are Love.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Your Guardian Angel made a commitment to you, to your life, and whether or not you ever choose to become aware of that Presence consciously or not, it is there for you.

In this way, your Soul Presence and your Guardian Angel are alike. Both are composed of the essence of Divine Love. Both Love you unconditionally. Both await in readiness and willingness your desire for relationship with absolutely no demand or requirement that you ever turn to them.

The full extent of this incredible nature of unconditional love is beyond the typical experience of our human consciousness. It reveals the truth that God is Love, and on some level may explain some of the mystery of how God demonstrates and expresses Love to us through the emissary of your Soul and your Guardian Angel.

So much of the true nature of the life of the Soul and the Presence of the Guardian Angel is a mystery because the concepts of eternal life and eternal commitments of Love are beyond what our human personality, ego, mind or even emotions can truly grasp.

However, when you open yourself, your mind and your heart to the experience of Divine Love, whether it is through prayer or meditation, the grace and the joy that accompanies that inflowing blessing can be amazing.

Just know that when you turn your attention to Divine Love it is available to you for the asking.

When you open to the Presence, whether it be to call upon your own Soul for greater relationship, insight or wisdom, or to call upon God in prayer or your own Guardian Angel, there is no wrong way to do it.

How To Meet Your Guardian Angel

All of the teachers and guides who have ever walked the earth in the annals of time can only share their wisdom and insight from the perspective of what worked for them or what was revealed to them. Although their teachings or my own can be used as a guide, this journey is unique to you.

Your Soul and your Guardian Angel are both deeply committed to you and your life experience so that you learn, grow and manifest the plan and purpose that guides all lives. That there are an overall plan and purpose of evolution is to me both comforting and inspiring. To call upon your Guardian Angel and your Soul to receive the wisdom, insight, and revelation to understand and support your manifestation and fulfillment of that purpose just makes sense. To leave such powerful and dynamic resources untapped does not.

My writings and my guided meditations provide you, to the best of my ability, an opening to these energies. However; the experience you get when you make the conscious choice to open yourself to your relationship with your Soul or your Guardian Angel is completely individual to you, and it is determined by your readiness and willingness to be receptive to it.

That said I will provide you with a simple technique to use to open the portal to meeting your Guardian Angel.


A Simple Technique to Meet Your Guardian Angel

As always, I remind you to Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Invite the Light.

Sit quietly and receptively with the intention to come into conscious awareness of your Guardian Angel. It is always helpful in meditation to have your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the earth.

Bring your awareness to your heart and imagine a connection of Light from your heart to the top of your head (called your crown chakra.) Imagine that Light continuing to ascend to a radiant point of Light 3 to 6 feet above your physical head (which represents your Soul.)

Realize that by doing that simple visualization from your crown to the Light of your Soul you are building, with intention and etheric substance, a rainbow bridge to your Soul that is called the Antahkarana.

Then say in your mind and heart this
Mantra of Invitation:

Beloved Come

Infuse . . . Inflame . . . Instill . . .

Incorporate in living substance,

All Thy Will.

Then I recommend sitting quietly and receptively for the next 10 to 15 minutes. In that time if you are keeping a Spiritual Journal (as I recommend) you may wish to record the impressions and insights you receive.

Remember that communication with the Angelic realm and the Soul comes in the stillness.

An attitude of gratitude for what you have received is also always a good idea.

Once the time you have set aside for meditation has passed return to your daily life and agenda knowing you are enhancing and empowering your life by keeping this sacred time.


I know that your life will be blessed by this intention and invitation to Meet Your Guardian Angel. This ability is your birthright as a child of God.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2/17/2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Meeting Your Guardian Angel Read More »

An Invitation to Your Soul

An Invitation to Your Soul:

The First Step to Greater Soul Awareness

Read An Invitation to Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness and Soul Awakening.

Do you believe that you have a Soul?

Does having a living and empowering relationship with your Soul interest you?

My purpose in this article is to talk with you about your Soul. I want to expose you to ideas of how you can come into greater communication and a sense of connection and integration with your Soul so that your Soul’s power and magnificence can be a conscious part of your life.

Invite Your Soul

The journey to Soul consciousness is a great journey, but like all great journeys, it begins with a single step. You can choose to take that step today. You can choose to open your heart and your mind to the awareness of the presence of your Soul. This single step begins by choosing to be aware of what you experience or sense when you consciously invite your Soul to make itself known to you.

This step of invitation to your Soul may sound strange to you. After all, your Soul is an integral part of you. Why would it be important for you to issue consciously an invitation to your Soul to reveal itself to your consciousness? Consider if you will those moments, those times when you feel you may have experienced the presence of your Soul.

It may have been in a time of deep prayer or meditation. It could have been in a time of profound sorrow when the Soul revealed itself to you in the role of comforter. These fleeting times may well have been held reverently in your heart as a precious blessing that you don’t have the words to express.

That there are not adequate words in our language (or any language I know of in the world) to discuss the Soul is part of why the Soul is a mystery. It is amazing that the Soul, the seat of your Divine Spark and portal to your relationship with God should have so little written about it.

Soulful References

When I began teaching about consciously connecting with your Soul and developed guided meditation experiences to help people come into awareness of the presence of their Soul I thought I could find a vast resource in the Bible. However, I was astonished to find very little to reveal the nature of the Soul and nothing about how to increase your individual relationship and understanding of the nature of your Soul and its role in your life, which I know personally to be of profound importance.

The best resource I found in the Bible for understanding the role of the relationship with the Soul is found in the Book of Psalms, mostly in the Psalms of King David who clearly had the kind of personal relationship with the Soul that my spiritual practice and journey revealed to be so important. The Book of Psalms reveals the joy of a deep relationship with your Soul and how it supports your relationship with God.

As I expanded my search to find sources for the words to describe the Soul and its role and significant relationship in life, I discovered that although the Soul is an accepted dynamic or presence in life, it is most often referred to in poetry, or song. The Book of Psalms is a perfect example of this poetic language. I found this very vagueness to be intriguing. Unfortunately, expanding my search to even the very ancient spiritual literature of the Bhagavad Gita was not revealing.

Poets such as Hafiz, Rumi, and Omar Kham all write beautifully of the Soul. Certainly, the existence of the Soul is embedded in the human heart in some archetypal level of awareness. In much of the Western world, children went to bed saying the prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my Soul, to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Soul to take.” This simple child’s prayer speaks to your deep understanding of the Soul as the everlasting part of your being. It acknowledges the integral relationship between God and your Soul.

The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.”
      – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ageless Wisdom

My quest for greater understanding of the Soul and its role in relation to an individual life led me, as so much of my study does, to the Ageless Wisdom. There I found much discussion of the optimum relationship of the Soul with the personality, the mind, and the body. It is from that body of work that I learned that I could call upon the wisdom of my Soul as an integral part of the wholeness of my being.

Also throughout the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are mantras to use in meditation to enhance the conscious relationship and integration of the Soul, many of which I have sprinkled through my articles. According to the Ageless Wisdom, identifying with your Soul, through the power of an “I Am” statement is extremely powerful. Ponder on this.

Likewise, in my years of guiding and teaching people to enter into greater experience and awareness of their Soul, I have found that stating clearly your intention when you meditate to receive the guidance or the wisdom of your Soul in addition to consciously issuing an invitation to your Soul is a significant step.

Developing a Relationship with Your Soul

Your Soul is an integral part of you, but do you pay attention to it? Developing a relationship with your Soul is like all relationships in life, it takes attention. The more you strengthen and enhance that relationship the more it is accessible to you at your need.

There are subtle yet significant factors related to the principles of free will that have an impact upon how your relationship with your Soul is nurtured. Thankfully, your Soul knows these and can guide you through the development of a greater and more profound relationship, once an invitation is issued.

As with all relationships, attention and constancy are beneficial. Although your Soul loves you completely, and unconditionally it requires nothing from you (as your “personality” self.) To move into the full potential of a Soul relationship and Soul integration of what is possible and available for you only takes providing the time and space for communication and awareness as a part of your daily meditation practice.

Making a connection with your chakra energy centers to your Soul is called, “building the Antahkarana.” This bridge of Light and energy makes your Soul connection more accessible.

A Simple Soul Connection Meditation


To begin I recommend sitting quietly and receptively. Take a deep breath through your nose and let it out completely through your mouth. Do this three times while you relax and release any stress and get centered.

Imagine your Soul as a radiating point of golden Light 3 to 6 feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

As you enter into a meditative state, it is important to “Calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the Light.” Then identify with your Soul as an integral part of your being by saying this Soul Mantram with intention and affirmation.

I am the Soul
I am Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design
I am the Soul infusing the personality
I am the personality Soul-infused
As the Unified Self, I invoke the One
The One in Whom we live and move and have our Being

Then sit quietly and receptively in meditation and ponder on these phrases.


I have found it very helpful to then record your thoughts and impressions in a journal. I have over the years received amazing revelations and understanding from this process.

I encourage you to use the practice of meditation to invite a connection with your Soul and develop a relationship and get to know the wonder of your Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 10-15-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


An Invitation to Your Soul Read More »

Into The Silence

Into the Silence: Ways To Calm Your Mind

Read Into The Silence article by Genevieve Gerard

It is in the silence that we can hear the still quiet promptings of our Soul.

It is in the silence that the Peace that Passes Understanding is Revealed.

It is when we enter into the silence that we can hear the voice of God.

The silence is a full and fertile experience opening us to an inner world that the noise of the world drowns out, and the chattering of our mind obscures.

We are instructed in the Bible to “Be still and know that I am God.” For many, perhaps for you, that stillness is hard to achieve.

To experience that silence and that deep stillness is the purpose of meditation. The portal to meditation opens when you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. Each guided meditation that I have created over the years begins with the instruction to calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

However, as I move through my life I hear people say, repeatedly, that they find it difficult to meditate. It seems that for many it is the first part of that injunction “Calm the Mind” that is so challenging. It makes sense then that how to teach a meditator to experience a calm mind has been the work of sages, yogis, and gurus since there have been teachers on the path to enlightened awareness.

For many people, the chatter generated in their minds drowns out the silence. This “chattering” is anything but calming for all too often it is jammed with fears, negative self-judgment, and criticism. It is liberally laced too with the unfulfilled expectation of both themselves and others.

The silence of a calm mind may seem out of reach to you. The mind’s chatter, although you are sitting quietly, may be anything but silent. This is why the regular practice of meditation is so important. It begins to school the mind that your meditation time is a sacred space and a safe space to give the chatter of your mind a rest.

It is in the silence of the calm mind and the open heart that the guidance of the Soul and Presence of God can be experienced. There are many ways that we can move toward that calmness of mind. What way you choose at any given moment of time can be varied and responsive to the events and circumstances in your life when you choose.



What seems significant is that you set aside the time and have the desire and intention to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. It does not have to be a long period of time that is set aside. Ten to fifteen minutes a day would make a great difference in your life. You do not have to go away from the world as the holy men of ages past did to achieve enlightenment. You can learn to meditate and receive the many benefits and blessings of meditation right where you live and in the midst of your busy life today.

Now some may say, “I don’t have time to meditate every day.” The old wisdom response to that is to say,

If you don’t have time to meditate every day,
then meditate 2 times a day.”
        – Anonymous

If you don’t think you can take the time, take that as a sign that you can benefit even more than others from meditation.

I suggest and encourage at least a daily practice of meditation because the health benefits and the consciousness and prospective benefits are best incorporated into your life with consistency and continuity. Whereas any technique of meditation when practiced regularly can positively and dramatically transform your life, some you will find easier than others to help you experience the calmness of mind and dampening of mind chatter that is desired.

In my teaching, I found that guiding people in a meditation and focusing their minds on a particular awareness is most effective. That is why I have created so very many guided meditations.


Check out Grounding Arrow MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


A great beginning guided awareness meditation to reconnect and rebalance you to your life force and create peace and calm is my Grounding Arrow Meditation. It can be done in the quiet of your home or while walking.


Click here to >>>Get More Info About This Meditation.



To choose to meditate, to set aside the time with the intention and the desire to calm your mind, open your heart and experience the Light of your Soul or to hear the still quiet voice of God is what is important. How you do it is not as important. That you take the time is of paramount importance.



I found over the many years that I have practiced daily meditation that one technique or another best suits an individual day, situation or circumstance. Personally, I have changed meditation methods frequently. Although it is human nature for someone to think that their way is the only way, I suggest that within you is wisdom that can direct your choices, that of your Higher Self. In the world are a myriad of instructions and a wide variety of products to choose from. Some are free and some charge a fee. Some techniques are very simple and easy. Others require deep understanding. What works for you is best revealed with experimentation.

Any time you have, at the conclusion of the meditation time experienced, a greater calmness of your body, your emotions or your mind you have gained a great deal. The more often you open yourself to that experience, even if it is in the brief period it takes to think an affirmation or a seed thought, you are opening your life to a richer and deeper awareness.

In addition to guided meditation, using a mantra as either an invocation and evocation, or a repetition of a specific thought focus, or saying an affirmation are all effective tools. Pondering Koans (stories used by Zen masters to instruct on important consciousness points), saying Psalms, repeating a rosary or repeating a favorite prayer in your mind are also meditative experiences. Although there are subtle differences between the experience of prayer and meditation a prayer can often be used to quiet the mind sufficiently to bring you into the receptive part of a meditation experience, the silence.

The use of prayer beads that help followers use repetitive prayers or statements as a mantra are also a way to help you to meditate. Repetitive movements with repetitive thoughts are all ancient ways to meditate. The repetition of a Psalm or prayer is a form of coming into alignment with your Soul, as is chanting. Whatever the language used or technique employed it is the intention to open your mind and your heart to the presence of the Divine and open up to your Soul’s Light that makes the transformation happen.

Within you is a wisdom that will direct your path if you only open your heart and your mind to its Presence. You may have noticed that I often direct you in my writings to tune into that Presence and refer to it as the Soul or your Higher Self. I do this because not only are the health benefits of meditation well documented by science but there are very few things you can do in life that has as powerful and profound a positive influence as meditation, on your health or on your ability to be successful.



A very simple technique would be to declare your intention by affirming and saying:

I am of calm mind,
as I open my heart,
I invite the Light “
        – Genevieve Gerard

Then just sit in the silence, quietly and reflectively.

Of course, there is much more you can do and add to the experience but your intention to have a meditative experience once you have set aside the time is a first step. Then you can add other techniques, guided meditations, repetitive mantras, affirmations, prayers or whatever of the vast array of what is offered in the world that you feel guided to.

In a recent article, I discussed the power of an “I Am” statement. You can create a mantra to repeat in your mind out of “I Am” that defines the Presence you wish to experience that day.

Examples would be:

  • I Am Love
  • I Am Peace
  • I Am Joy

It is in the silence, the time to limit the input of your mind’s chatter as much as possible and in the quiet removal from the world’s input, that the magic of meditation happens. There are some who have created audio meditations where the sound is scientifically modulated (alpha, theta, and the deepest delta waves) to bring you into a specific meditative experience. These are helpful for some people as a way of conquering the mind chatter and putting you in a meditative state.



Because for me meditation has been the portal to joy and love, insight, and understanding and a sense of harmony and union with God and all of life, I encourage you to set aside the time to have a meditative experience. You can start the practice now.

I do encourage regularity. The repetition helps your mind calm as it recognizes that this is the time to be calm, too quiet the chattering mind, to tune in and receive insight.

This then becomes a sacred time as you acknowledge and recognize:

This is the time to be still.

This is the time to let yourself just be.

This is the time to open your heart to the expansion of love.

This is the time to be open to the guidance of the Light of your Soul
and the promptings of the Divine.

Taking this time is a gift you can give yourself that will repay you with blessings beyond measure. To be touched by the Presence of your Soul or to hear in the silence the voice of God guiding you, loving you or comforting you is the gift that meditation can give.

This time, set aside by you is for you and will be a blessing that can transform your life empowering you to be and become all that you are meant to be.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 11-26-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Into The Silence Read More »

The Magic of Saying I AM

The Magic of Saying “I Am”

Read The Magic of Saying I Am by Genevieve Gerard

“I Am” are two of the most powerful words that can be said. Those words direct not only your thoughts but also your very being and becoming.

The magic of the “I Am” words are that they are a way by which you can direct your life and direct yourself to be and become the person you want to be; what you intend to be, the person who deep in your heart and mind and Soul you know yourself to be.

Those simple words have dominion over the very fabric of your life in a way that begins a chain reaction to bring into your life the circumstances and events that make the “I Am” statement true.

The famous philosopher Descartes had a profound influence upon humanity’s understanding of being and consciousness with his famous declaration “I think therefore I am.” It could also be said that in truth “I am therefore I think.”

Now many people, perhaps you, might ask what the difference is. And others might say who cares? These are some of the word plays and considerations that may only interest the philosophers in the world. Long ago in my college days, I learned that my fascination with these thoughts and subtle distinctions were not shared with most of my fellow students.

Plato with his dialogues and Descartes with his famous statement were all too often greeted with an attitude of “so what?” Yet, over a lifetime of exploring the nature of truth I have found that it is in the pondering and exploration of these admittedly subtle differentiations that an incredible power can be unlocked. It is the power to help you manifest your life purpose and destiny. It is the power to help you transform your life.

To unlock the magic of saying “I Am” it is helpful to understand some of the subtle ways that this statement works. Perhaps the most revealing consideration would be to ask, who is the “I” that is saying “I Am”?

This may seem like a silly question to some, but to me, it is an essential distinction of empowering you to gain mastery in your Life. The I who makes that potent declaration is an amazing creation, a human being, and as a human function on many levels of energy concurrently, often unconscious of all of the tools, power, and gifts with which the Creator has granted a human being. The “I” is the Soul, your Soul, that which has created and directs your life force.

It is in understanding these different tools and in learning to use them consciously, with the intention that you can come into your full power and expression of all that means. First of all, it is helpful to clarify and understand that you are a Soul, having the adventure of your life, a human experience. It is to you as a Soul that you have been granted the role and responsibility of being a co-creator with God. It is when you are identified with your Soul that you have the power to manifest the full glory, the full power and the full potential of a beloved child of God.

It is in that powerful statement of “I Am” that you are brought into alignment with the very highest part of yourself. When you state “I Am,” particularly with the intention and desire of connecting with and aligning with your Soul, you are releasing powerful magic that is shrouded in a deep affirmation of spiritual truth. Therefore, I invite you to use the following ancient mantra to help you come to conscious awareness and identification with your Soul.

It is best to use this mantra with openness and heartfelt intention and desire to connect with and experience your Soul. As you sit quietly and receptively have your spine aligned, and your feet placed firmly on the floor. Then say in your mind the words of the mantra as you read them.

The Soul Mantra

I am the Soul
I am Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design
I am the Soul infusing the personality
I am the personality Soul infused

Following using this mantra I suggest being quiet and receptive as you listen in the quiet to what may become apparent to you through the prompting and revelation from your Soul. Ponder on this.

The Soul speaks and guides with promptings and insights and intuition.

Often, in my writings I encourage you to connect with your Soul, to invoke the wisdom or direction of your Soul. I recommend that you use this portal of awareness, affirming your identification with your Soul, to make available to your conscious mind, personality and emotions the clarity, guidance, and wisdom of your Soul.

Using the mantra with your mind calm and your heart open will help you to experience your Soul.

The more you use this Mantram, the more you call upon the wisdom of your Soul to guide your life, the more you are choosing to live as the amazing creation that you are.

Your Soul is a vital part of your wholeness as a human being. You are not a person who is having a spiritual experience but truly a Soul having a life experience. This shift in your identification of yourself with the powerful “I Am” statement creates a ripple effect in your life, bringing you into greater alignment and integration with your whole self. In so doing it puts you into greater alignment and integration with God, whether you experience God as Creator, Source, Father or Higher Power. It is through the identification of yourself as Soul that you can begin to manifest your role and ultimate destiny as a child of God and your amazing gift as a co-creator with God.

Understanding this mystery of the nature of life, the nature of what it means to be a human being and what it means to be a beloved child of God, reveals so much that can be used to unlock your full power.

The potential of using this mantra in meditation becomes its reward. Using the powerful tool of affirmation by incorporating the “I Am” affirmation is something to use with conscious intention. Keeping an “I Am” statement short and clear limits the possible contamination of your mind chatter, which may resist the truth you are affirming.

When you identify yourself from your Soul’s point of view with an “I Am” affirmation you are invoking a subtle magical power and influence in your life. Therefore, choosing or creating an affirmation for yourself requires careful and conscious thought.

There is within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom an important law in the universe called “The Law of Unintended Consequences.” The existence of this law is among many subtle and powerful universal laws that might be familiar to you, such as the law that “Energy Follows Thought” of which I have frequently written and the better-known “Law of Attraction.” Many of these laws are activated by using an “I Am” declaration. Ponder on this.

I Have Created An Affirmation To Share With You Today

I am created in the substance and image of God to know love and joy.”
      – Genevieve Gerard

I encourage you to unlock your power and your potential by the use of the “I Am” statements of the Soul Mantram and to use other affirmations that are out in the world and available.

Some other simple yet powerful affirmations that you can weave throughout your day to reveal the truth to you as you go about your daily life are:

  • I am Love

  • I am Light

  • I am a beloved child of God

Also you can download for FREE a track called “How to Use Affirmations Effectively,” when you join my consciousness community.

Affirmations are a tool to help you achieve your life’s purpose that can help you manifest your full potential in your life’s journey. I encourage you when choosing an affirmation to align your whole self, Soul, mind, and emotions. These are gifts that are available to you to help you live a happier and more fulfilled life as you learn to manifest the life you are meant to live and the life that you want to live.

When you choose to align consciously with and identify with your Soul you are affirming what is true. Bringing that truth into conscious awareness enables you to receive the many blessings of the Soul. The nature of the Soul is Love. The gifts of the Soul are joy. It is your Soul. It is there for you. The more you consciously align with and integrate with your Soul in your life, the more you can express and manifest the purpose of your life.



The Blessing of Love on All that you do!


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Last updated 3-17-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Magic of Saying I AM Read More »

You Are a Spark of Divine Light

You Are a Spark of Divine Light

Read "You Are A Spark of Divine Light" Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This bold truth reveals what is magical and mystical about a human being.

This truth has been a foundation of all world religions and of all paths since the beginning of time, yet it remains one of the deepest secrets in our human consciousness.


The truth can set you free. Yet, it is a truth that is not easy to really understand and often difficult to manifest in the world. It is this truth that speaks to understanding the nature of God and the purpose for mankind in the world.

What is amazing is that although this is a concept that is as old as time itself it seems to be ever a new revelation each time it is expressed. As I write these words I am aware of all of the traditions that have tried to share this truth about the nature of humanity and the nature of God that have become obscured in dogma. This unfortunately only hides the truth leaving just small hints or glimpses into the full power, the full majesty and the amazing glory of what the statement “you are a spark of divine light” means.

It is beyond my ability to imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be for God to have tried so many times in so many ways to reveal this truth about the nature of life and the purpose and promise of life itself only to watch His amazing creation of humanity suffer and struggle through their lifetimes both unaware and unwilling to be what we were created to be.

Even as I look internally, I am aware of so many obstacles in my own mind and in my own consciousness that I understand that this concept is not easy to understand. I find that I lack the vocabulary and the writing skill to teach or express the vast magnitude of what is possible when I let myself realize the implications of that truth.

In India, there is an ancient tradition that has emerged from one of the world’s oldest traditions, that of greeting and acknowledging one another by saying “Namaste.” This greeting serves as a reminder of this great truth when you slightly bow your head with your hands together and over your heart because the word Namaste means, “the divinity in me recognizes and honors the divinity in you.”

In this simple act of tradition lies a reminder of the truth that you are created as a spark of the Divine Light. The Namaste greeting or acknowledgment serves not only as a reminder of this often shielded truth of our true nature but also as a brief blessing. The slight bow of greeting and honor that is commonly seen throughout India, China and most of the Asian world works in a subtle and mystical way, as blessings do. This is because as you acknowledge and honor the divinity in another as you honor and acknowledge the divinity in yourself you are automatically and spontaneously aligned with God.

That is a mystical part of blessing someone. As you give a blessing you must open yourself to the Divine, and to do so you are also blessed. This is the power and the magic of blessing and it is true and profound in whatever culture, with whatever words are used.

What is so magical about both the giving and receiving of a blessing is that when you bless someone you are consciously aligning with the Divine using whatever words you choose to understand God or your higher source. Even more important, you are acting in your role as a co-creator with the creator.

We are told that God created man in his own image. God granted man that spark of His own Divine nature. This Ageless Wisdom and the ancient scriptures from all traditions and all paths tell us this. I cannot think of a single religion or tradition in the world that does not acknowledge this truth.

However, to understand the purpose and the meaning of this great gift that God gave to humankind when life was breathed into his creation is our challenge as human beings. God gave us this great gift but because free will is a universal element of the nature of life itself, God must give us hints and nudges to guide us and help us learn to align our personal will with Divine Will.

There are so many times and so many ways God has tried to bring us into the harmony and union for which we are created. The history of the world is filled with messages and examples of God’s saving grace through history. This relationship with God is the essential element of all spiritual paths and spiritual teachings.

If we study the history of revelation from world teachers to world saviors to prophets and saints, we have been left with some basic directions. These are amazingly consistent despite all of their individual dogma and diversity for they all direct us to love, to love God, to love ourselves and to extend that love to others. We are reminded that the nature, the essence and very being of God is love. And that spark of Divine Light that is within each and every human heart, mind and Soul is composed of love and created by love.

How can something that is so basic to our very existence and so integral in our very nature be so hard to manifest? How can what we all long for so deeply be so often beyond our reach?

Simple teachings like those of Jesus when he answered the Pharisees about the greatest law, upon which all the laws and rules are based when he stated, “Love God with all your heart, your mind and your Soul and love your neighbor as yourself.” Although this sounds very simple, anyone who has strived to live by that direction will acknowledge that this may not be so easy to do.

To love God, to truly love God requires living in right relationship with God, which is an I – Thou relationship as described by the theologian Martin Buber in his book “I Thou.” To love yourself is one of the most important elements for psychological health and well-being and the subject of more teachings and books than I can name. To love your neighbor as yourself requires demonstrating both Good Will and the Will to Good to all who share the planet.


Expressing your Divine Spark is a significant way to demonstrate your love and your service to others. Enter coupon code “NGWS50” to instantly download this meditation for only $5 USD.


Perhaps the reason that Jesus guided his disciples to these manifestations of love is because the significance of how to do things affects your behavior and consciousness. Long ago Saint Augustine said “Love God and do as you please” because he knew that if you were truly aligned with God in that “I Thou” relationship that what you would choose to do, how you would choose to treat others, how you would choose to honor and respect others would result in right action and right human relationship.

These principles that are woven into every spiritual teaching are so basic to your personal and societal success and happiness that you need to be reminded that “You Are A Spark of Divine Light.” As that spark it is important that you honor and Love God, that you honor and love yourself, and that you honor and love your fellow man. Ponder On This. Perhaps it is why that reminder inherent in the ancient greeting of Namaste has had such longevity and purpose. It serves as a blessing, but also as a reminder of who you are, and an acknowledgment of your unity with your neighbor and your need to show homage and love to God.

So I encourage you to as you go into the world this week to greet and bless all who cross your path with the meaning of Namaste, I recognize and honor the Divine spark in you as I recognize and honor the Divine spark in me and in so doing I recognize and honor my unity with the Divine.

Remember, this thought serves as a blessing and an honoring of those you greet and automatically aligns you with your own Divine spark, your Soul, and spontaneously brings you into right relationship with God as you serve your fellow man.

When you consciously extend this greeting and these thoughts with intention you are, through the universal law that energy follows thought, serving as an emissary of Goodwill and Right Relationships. You are actively joining with God in your role as a co-creator to be of service and to be a force for goodness, love, and mercy to come into the world. This simple act of kindness, love and grace does have amazing power. It will impact and influence the world around you as it will influence you and all around you in subtle and yet powerful ways.

You can be an agent of change, and a source of blessing and a force for good in the world. You can make a difference and help create the world you desire to be and help to usher in the new age and the new world that has been foretold in the prophecies of old.

A helpful and powerful affirmation, which is my very favorite from my “Awaken to Success: Affirmations for Abundance” CD, is:

I am a spark of Divine Light, it is my nature to shine.”

Therefore, I encourage you to be a blessing to the world and to affirm yourself as a spark of the Divine as I say to you a heartfelt Namaste.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Copyright © 2014-2015 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


You Are a Spark of Divine Light Read More »

Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You

Getting and Giving the
Transforming Blessing of Peace

Read Peace Be With You article by Genevieve Gerard

The experience of peace has been an integral part of the spiritual journey throughout time.

Being at peace, experiencing peace, and feeling at peace is one of the best parts of the spiritual journey.

The heartwarming and fulfilling moments of peace nourish you at the deepest levels of your essential being. When at peace the pressures and problems of the world fade away leaving you refreshed, strengthened, and restored.

To be at peace is a benefit of meditation, prayer, and opening your heart and your mind to the Presence of your Soul and the Presence of the Divine. The peace that is so often sought is considered a blessing, and indeed, the experience of peace in your heart, mind, and Soul is a great benefit.

Ancient liturgies still performed in Christian churches of a variety of denominations include in a service of worship a ritual called the passing of the peace. This is where fellow worshipers greet one another with the Blessing “The Peace of the Lord be with you.” To which the response is “and also with you.” This ritual of passing the peace is a beautiful part of the group benefit of worshiping together.

The blessing of one another with an invocation of peace is a powerful act that has a far-reaching energetic and healing impact to those who both give and receive the blessing of peace. This is one of the times that by giving we receive. When you wish for another’s peace, you find that the universal law “energy follows thought” becomes engaged and automatically peace flows through you and you become more peaceful. You become an instrument of peace.

A Peacemaker Technique To Experience

Sharing a blessing of peace to others, not just in a few moments of a Sunday morning worship service but as an instrument of peace in the world, empowers you to be a co-creator of a positive reality and makes you an agent of the change you wish to bring to this world.

As a peacemaker exercise you could try an experiment whereas often as you think of it throughout the day, send forth a blessing of peace to anyone you see or notice.

As you try this, observe the impact your blessing and wishing peace influences the energy of the one you are blessing with peace. At the same time observe the effects and results that giving the blessing of peace has on you. You might notice that you feel calmer, less stressed, more attuned, and aligned with those around you.

You could choose, vary or modify what words you use. It is your intention of blessing or wishing them a peace that moves the energy and creates the essence of peace. Depending upon your own personal philosophy, beliefs, or theology, you can invoke the Divine Presence by adding such words to the thought as “The Peace of the Christ is with you” or “the Peace of the Lord is with you” or the “Peace of the Lord be with you.” You can use any of the names by which God is known anywhere in the world.

You can invoke any spiritual presence with whom you intuitively feel connected. This could include the Buddha, saints, or angels. What you send out automatically responds to your thought and intention. The act of blessing another is an act where you are aligned with your Soul. It is a service and a gift that you are giving to others.

This very brief expansion of your thought form about the blessing you are sending forth in this experiment enhances the gift of peace you are giving to the world. I know that when I have used this technique myself I have found that I experienced less stress, more joy and more successful interactions with others throughout the day. By you blessing those you encounter throughout the day, wishing them peace, the energy becomes charged with the good you intend.

To consciously invoke, share and invite peace into your consciousness intermittently, throughout the day, whenever the thought crosses your mind, impacts you because you cannot help but receive what you are giving. It is a simple little experiment. Approach it by being gentle with yourself. Anytime you do it, and anyone you choose is right. It does not require effort. Keep the experiment light, playful, and positive.

You might find it helpful to say what is known as the St. Francis prayer for it embodies the principles of sharing peace exceptionally well. When you say this prayer you are also joining with the energy of those who throughout time have strived to be an instrument of peace in the world.

Saint Francis Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.


O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.


For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Prayer of Saint Francis by Genevieve Gerard download


Download this prayer print for free (in an Adobe PDF format suitable for framing.)
Just click below
>>>Download your FREE St. Francis Prayer now.
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When I think of you experimenting with this Peacemaker technique,
I am reminded that Jesus in his famous Sermon on the Mount said
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God.”

When you greet those who cross your path today with the wish and blessing for peace for them, you are a peacemaker, and you are also blessed. As you perform this energetic work and service you are aligned with others in the world who work for good in the world, known as the New Group of World Servers. Across the world, at five p.m. every day in every time zone in the world, this blessing is said to support and empower this group.

Blessing of the New Group of World Servers

May the Power of the One Life
pour through the group of all true servers


May the Love of the One Soul
characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the great Ones.


May we fulfill our part in the One Work
through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
    – From the writings of Alice Baily

Thank you for giving this technique a try. You are encouraged to join with me at 5 p.m. every day by saying the Blessing of the New Group of World Servers. You can learn more about this group on my website where you can also download meditations to connect with this group.

As I conclude I send out to you, across the network of energy and light that is the worldwide web, a blessing that Peace Be With You Today.



The blessing of love on all that you do.

P.S. If in trying this you have an experience that you would like to share please comment below. I would love to hear how using this technique impacted your life experience and relationships.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 11-22-2020


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Peace Be With You Read More »