The Soul

Genevieve Gerard Posts About The Secret Life of The Soul

Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul

Read "Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul" article by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most incredible and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that just experiencing it is often healing, transformational and profound. To me, it is the greatest gift of meditation.

An important factor in any meditation is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it increasingly easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage, “practice makes perfect.”

Each time that you consciously and with intention connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are reinforcing and building a pathway to ease your passage. In the Ageless Wisdom, this is often called the rainbow bridge.

Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
            – Michael Jackson

Whenever you call upon the Light of your Soul for inspiration or guidance you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul, your Higher Self.

You are connecting to and making the wisdom of your Soul available to you. This enables you to expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life. This pathway in consciousness strengthens with each journey you take along that path.

When you meditate regularly and invoke and invite the presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are expanding your world to have a greater scope than you may have believed possible.

The nature and essence of your Soul is love, so increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of love and increases your ability to love.

Amazingly, this Soul communication can also be experienced by your conscious mind, as a healing power in your physical body and as a sense of emotional peace and calm.

This is one of the most profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation. Awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life, and especially a sense of oneness, with others and nature, is a frequent result. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy.

Bliss Is Perfect Happiness Serenity Sunday Article


To enjoy bliss and happiness in your life
(after you have read this article,) check out my

>>>Bliss is Perfect Happiness Video Meditation.


Each time you meditate, I recommend that you focus your attention on aligning your whole being and all of your energies. As you do that with intention, you are consciously creating an energetic pathway to integrate your physical body, with your emotional body and your mental body with your personality; and then, raise that energy connection to you Higher Self, your Soul.

This energetic pathway forms etheric substance that is known as the Antahkarana in the Ageless Wisdom. This is known as the Rainbow Bridge and the conscious building and reinforcing of that pathway through meditation, especially through daily meditation, eventually provides support in the meditation experience and allows more conscious awareness of the presence of your Soul.

This formation of energetic substance to empower and support you in your meditative endeavors is significant in understanding why it is easier to meditate daily than at random times in your life. This is a part of the secret and science of meditation. Ponder on this!

The regular endeavor (I recommend daily) of meditation is more than just forming a habit. It is building a support system to enhance the power and breadth of the integration of your Soul within your life.

This is ultimately one of the main benefits of meditation. It allows you to increase the integration of your Higher Self with your personality, body, mind and Soul. This integration enhances your success and improves your overall wellbeing. Meditation, partially because of the creation of the etheric connection of the Higher Self with your personality, then becomes a valuable tool to help you overcome many of life’s challenges.

Every time you meditate, especially when you do it consciously and with an intention to connect with your Higher Self, you are reinforcing and strengthening this connection.

This supportive pathway in your consciousness is particularly useful in helping you transcend, transmute, and transform the tyranny that fear, anger, and emotion can exert over your life.

Fear is perhaps the most limiting and confining challenge in life. Yet, this principle of building the energetic rainbow bridge is the explanation why techniques such as myFeeling FreeorI Am Feeling Freemeditations are so effective.

Imagine if your anger were able to dissolve spontaneously upon expression.

Through the practice of meditation, especially a meditation with the intention to connect with your Soul, you can direct the Light of the Soul to the challenges of your physical desires and needs. You can clear your emotional body with that Light and thus bringing healing. You can receive insights and enlightened awareness in your mind that can be incorporated into a deeper understanding of life.

The full nature of the glory and power of your Soul is vast. Your conscious mind is limited and most likely only perceives but a glimmer of its true nature, and yet that glimmer begins the pathway in consciousness to a thread of awareness that builds and grows.

Through the ongoing and regular practice of meditation, your personality becomes increasingly integrated with the wholeness of your being and is swayed less by your physical or emotional desires.

Meditation, especially when used to expand your awareness and understanding of your Soul, can be even more significant than the health benefits of being calm or centered. It is an adventure in consciousness and a quest for freedom. It provides a portal to a profound and powerful peace and a resounding joy that impacts everything in your life.

Meditation is a tool that can be used to address most life challenges and situations. I have used it in this way in my life and for the benefit of those I have coached and counseled over the years. By using meditation to connect with the wisdom, love, grace, and forgiveness of your Soul there is no dark corner in your life that cannot benefit from shinning the Light of your Soul on it. This is the underlying principle in every guided meditation I have created.

It is no surprise that my answer when presented with a problem in my life, or in the life of others, is “I have a meditation for that.”

Meditation can empower and enhance your life. It is something that you can use wherever you are, with whatever time you have available. Although it is enhanced by a regular practice and discipline, it can benefit your life each time that you do it. Ultimately, there is no wrong way to meditate.

Using a guided meditation is often easier, and there are many available by me or a myriad of other teachers. You can experiment and try different experiences. You can learn from these and create your own meditations. Trust your innate wisdom to direct you to what works for you.

Like a path frequently traveled becomes clear and well-marked in the forest, so too does the path to your Soul become more clearly marked in your consciousness.
            – Genevieve Gerard

I have found in a life marked by many years of meditation that it becomes so reinforcing that I could not imagine not meditating. In my life, it has become the source for so much of my strength and so much of my joy that I am compelled to share and offer it to you.

I invite you to use meditation to unite with your Soul and experience true joy and insight daily.



The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


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Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Using Meditation to Unite You With Your Soul Read More »

Angels Watching Over Me

Angels Watching Over Me

Open and Invite Your Angels To Watch Over You

“All night, all day, angels watching over me Dear Lord.”

So go the words of an old spiritual.

As I was meditating and pondering the message for this Serenity Sunday post, the words of this song filled me with a sense of joy and a feeling of being both loved and protected.

That there are angels watching over me, night and day was, and is, comforting and reassuring. Therefore, I decided to make this part of my ongoing series of articles about angels.

Angels are a dynamic and powerful Presence in the world. Just because their substance is not of the same essence as matter does not make them any less real. I believe Angels are real. What do you believe? Read on and maybe you will believe.

It is a tradition that since ancient times Angels have served as messengers of Divine Guidance. They reside on the same plane of energy as Devas and your Soul and are a manifestation of Divine Purpose, Divine Love, and Divine Will. They serve as a bridge between humanity and Divinity.

What I love is that Angelic messages can cross the veil to be understood by humankind in special situations. The protection of angels and the quiet guidance and prompting of angels can be felt in the stillness of your intuition or in insights that accompany the observation of life around you.

This tradition has been reaffirmed and enhanced through a series of Divination and daily guidance cards created by Doreen Virtue. Many use these beautiful cards to tune into angelic guidance by using the symbols on these cards.

To connect with your angels and effectively use angel cards you first must open your mind and your heart to the Presence of your own Soul and call upon the Presence of the angels and request their assistance. Any form of using cards to clarify your life, such as angel cards, or any other symbolic cards such as Tarot cards, are a way of connecting with your Higher Self and because of this, is within the control and influence of your Soul. This is important to understand and ponder on.

Make friends with the angels, who, though invisible, are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all of your temporal and spiritual affairs.
        – Saint Francis de Sales

It is your Soul that has the insight and wisdom to guide you as you shuffle and move the cards around. Your Higher Self knows the meaning of the cards, with all of the significance of the placement of their symbols, and can provide insight and a greater understanding of dynamics and challenges you are facing in your life. I find it a wonderful way to clarify and understand more about your life.

The famous psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung explained this as it relates to all of the techniques and tools of divination. Jung believed that our journey of transformation, which he called individuation, is at the mystical heart of all religions. It is a journey to meet the Self and at the same time to meet the Divine.

Understanding the guidance potential, in terms of being available from my Soul, has always made sense to me. Jung included in his theory, I Ching, Tarot, Runes and although Angel cards are a newer manifestation of a portal into higher understanding I am sure that the principle is the same.

Divination as a way of trying to explain and understand the forces that are surrounding you in life, are as ancient and diverse as life itself. The method being used, when understood in this context, is less significant than the process of invoking, inviting and considering the guidance and the wisdom of your Higher Self, your Soul.

Somehow, the symbols, most of which are archetypal, make it easier to consider the suggestions. Symbols speak to both your intuitive mind and your logical mind.

It is interesting to observe that the desire for divine guidance goes back to very ancient times and throughout history ranging from as diverse ways as animal entrails, reading tea leaves or coffee grounds to more traditional forms such as the I Ching which includes the time of Confucius (551–479 BC) or the Tarot which is recorded as a method since the 14th century.

It seems the urge to seek guidance and clarification about what is happening in your life or what forces are shaping events, is part of human nature. However, it is significant to both understand and acknowledge that the very genesis of the word implies that the source of the guidance being sought is Divine. Thus, the intention and connection with your Soul, when seeking clarity and guidance, is what makes the insight most effective.

To open your self to the direction, the wisdom and the guidance of your Soul you need only to invite and invoke the Soul. Your Soul is an integral part of you and is available to your conscious mind when you turn your attention to it. You can do this consciously, when shuffling and manipulating the tools of any divination method, while thinking as clearly as you are able about what you wish to understand in your life.

The more clearly your question is framed, and as much as you can calm your mind and control your mind chatter and amorphous fears, the more clear and helpful the guidance will be. That makes your time with the divination tools a form of meditation and an impetus for aligning with and opening to the guidance and wisdom of your Soul. In meditation, the ability to calm your mind and be open to the promptings of your Soul is always desirable.

Let the desire for clarity and guidance be a stimulus for you in honing your skills. Any way you can gain mastery over what many have traditionally called the “monkey mind” and gain mastery over your fears, is of benefit to you. Learning to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light can be a portal to the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self.

Some use angel cards, tarot cards or even the I Ching as a way to be receptive and listen to the promptings of their Soul. What is most important is not the tool or technique you use to connect with and be receptive to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul, but that you make the time and open yourself to that dynamic and transforming connection.

Meditation, prayer, and journal writing are all valuable ways that you can invoke and invite the wisdom and Presence of your Soul.

Although Angel Cards are newer tools than the more ancient techniques, many have found them a way to be open to the presence and urging of Angels in your life. As the words of the old song imply (“All night, all day, angels watching over me Dear Lord.”) angels are always available and when called upon can be a protection and guiding light in your life.

To open to the guidance and wisdom of your Soul when using the tools or techniques of divination I suggest that you consciously affirm that the wisdom and insight you are seeking is from your Soul. Then, consciously invoke and invite your Soul’s presence to guide and direct you.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending


You might find it helpful to visualize your Soul as a radiant light 3 to 6 feet above your head and imagine that from that point love, wisdom and guidance are stimulating your intuition and insight.

Then be quiet and receptive to the promptings of your Soul. Realize that the language used in this kind of communication may well be symbolic, so interpretation of the symbols is often where the art lies. Listening and opening to the prompting and guidance of your Soul and your angels can be very revealing.

Your Soul has always been, and will always be, an integral part of who and what you are. Your angels, particularly your guardian angel, but also varieties of angelic presences, are aligned with and supportive to you when you invoke and invite the invisible into your awareness.

To see an angel, you must see another’s soul.
To feel an angel, you must touch another’s heart.
To hear an angel you must listen to both.
        – Author Unknown

It may be a prompting or a flash of insight or intuition. It could be a clear understanding of events or circumstances that you did not understand before. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition and incorporate and consider the different perspectives you can now see and touch.

Life is much more varied and diverse than just what we experience through the 5 senses. Open your awareness to what you can feel and sense in the subtle energies that surround you. There is all around you mystery and delight that is beyond the knowledge of your physical awareness into the realm of subtle energies. These impact and influence your life and your world without your conscious understanding or acknowledgment.

Open yourself to be the fullness of the amazing miracle of what it means to be a human being. One who has a body, but is more than a body; which experiences emotions, but is so much more diverse than what your feel; who has a mind whose thoughts have the powerful energy to join with creation as a co-creator. By opening to the realm of the Soul and the world of angels, you are able to experience a reality that incorporates so much more.

Expand your mind, open your heart and invite into your awareness the world of light that the darkness obscures. It is real. From this comes a greater expansion of what life can be. It is available for you, to you, when you open your awareness.

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can,
as a way of thanking God
for the help your angel has given you.
        – Eileen Elias Freeman

Open your awareness to the Presence of your Soul and the Presence of Angels all around you. Life is richer and more profound than the world experienced only through the 5 senses.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-26-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Angels Watching Over Me Read More »

Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul

The Mystery of Eternity – The Magic of the Soul

Read The Mystery of Eternity - The Magic of the Soul by Genevieve Gerard

There is no deeper conflict in the human experience than the profound knowledge that you are, on some level of your very essence, an eternal being.

Contrast that with the stark confrontation that we all know that we will experience a physical death.

This conflict is the seat of most fear. It is often unexpressed, yet it colors and controls many life decisions.

What happens at death is unknowable and unknown. This mystery permeates the desire to understand the meaning of life. This division of your dual existence as a child of God and a Son of Man is one of the great insights of what it means to be a human being. It is integral to the miracle of life. For you, accepting this duality may be an act of faith and as such requires no further understanding. For others, it is accepted as being unknowable and thus occupies very little thought or concern. Yet, whether with a conscious quest for understanding or a resignation that this is just an unsolvable dichotomy of life, this mystery can fuel a great deal of your experience of life.

It can come into a primary focus when in the human experience, we are faced with the death and loss of those we love. The pain of that loss may bring you to a longing for greater understanding.

Yet, what if I said that as you journey through your life there are a vast array of clues that reveal the deeper truth of this mystery? What if I said that the truth that you have always sensed and hoped and prayed was true?

What if you could finally understand how this mystery works and what it means in your relationships and decisions in life? Would that be of value to you? Would you be willing to take some time and make some effort to open your life to experience what is real and true?

Much of what I call the clues is subjective. You can experience the truth but not prove it scientifically. Although there is recent, from the field of quantum physics and noetic sciences, more validation that is scientific of what has been kept secret since the dawn of man. These secrets have been buried in the esoteric teachings of what is known as the Ageless Wisdom.

Questions about the eternal nature of life are dismissed as unknowable and relegated to being issues of faith. Yet, it seems as human beings we have the capacity to better understand the aspects of life that are revealed to us by the use of meditation as a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world. We can in the worlds of the ancient mantra, “be led from the darkness into Light, from the unreal to the real and from death to immortality.”

The Bible’s prolific writer St. Paul said in 1 Corinthians: 13 12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.”   It is interesting that this statement is a part of his inspired teaching about the real nature of love, for it is Love that reveals the most about what is true in life. It is love that most reveals the nature of eternity. Ponder on this.

On a deep almost preconscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends.”
      – Quote by Genevieve Gerard

When you love someone, there is a bond of Love that is a connection of Souls. That makes Love a gateway to experiencing your Soul. The nature of your Soul is Love. It is your Soul that connects you with God, whose nature is Love. When you touch your Soul, you experience a love that is unconditional and eternal.

The soul is birthless, eternal, imperishable, and timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed.
      – Bhagavad Gita

Your Soul is not only what connects you through Love to others and to the Divine; it is the dynamic part of your being that is eternal. It is in coming into relationship with your Soul that the mystery of eternal life is solved. It is by developing a relationship with your Soul that great wisdom and insight in your life is revealed. It is your Soul that is available to guide you to understand your purpose in life. Ponder deeply on these words!

Your Soul is much more than a vague concept. It is a source of dynamic power and deep Love that desires a relationship with the wholeness of your being, your personality, your mind, and your emotions. It is in the integration of these aspects of your human experience that a fullness of life, love, and real joy can be expressed. It is through your Soul that you are connected with God throughout your life.

We are told in the esoteric writings of the Ageless Wisdom, that when a human life is ready to incarnate, it is the Soul that draws together the atomic substance that will become the physical vehicle for the life. To do this it draws upon the one permanent atom that remains in a continuity of consciousness from previous life experiences. The Soul then merges it with a permanent atom that creates the emotional body with another permanent atom that becomes the mental body and finally with the permanent atom that forms the personality.

This phenomenon may explain why at birth, instead of a new life being a blank slate, as many believe, an astute observer will note that the personality nature of a baby, the way that they think and how they respond emotionally is already inherent in their being.

This mysterious role of the Soul in eternity opens our minds and our hearts to the unfathomable aspect of the mind of God and the nature of man as a being that is both material and Divine. Under its guidance, your human life is created and at the conclusion of your human life it is returned to and reunited with God in the Oneness of Spirit.

Ponder on this and consider what it reveals and explains in a way that resonates with you as truth.

Meditation, quiet reflection combined with the intention to open your conscious awareness to your Soul, not only empowers your life but also provides clarity and revelation that helps diminish the pain of loss that is so integral to the human experience when a loved one pass away. Touching the edge between the material and the eternal is just one of the blessings of meditation. It has been said in many spiritual circles, “you are a Soul having a human experience.”   That is much more powerful and exciting than the perspective that you are a human, having a spiritual experience. This little shift in your understanding can be significant.

Consider how this perspective is different from the thought that you are a material being striving for a spiritual experience. This shift in understanding, this expansion of your identity, opens your heart and your mind. It is the single simple step that can begin a journey to live less controlled by fear and more open to an active co-creative relationship with your Soul and ultimately with God.

This consciousness shift can create changes and greater empowerment in your life. It is a shift in identifying who and what you are. It is a portal to embracing and experiencing the Divine Love that is your birthright. Meditation is the practice that can open your mind and your heart while benefitting the health and wellbeing of your body. It is a way of integrating yourself into being all that you can be.

I Encourage You To Meditate

As you ponder the mystery of the eternal and the magic of the Soul, I invite and encourage you to incorporate the practice of meditation into your daily life. In the world, and in my work, there are wide varieties of meditations available. Many meditations, and most of my guided meditations that I have published, can be experienced in just 10-20 minutes. In many of my articles, I also provide mantra’s to ponder on and meditation techniques to experience.

I always suggest that to begin you “calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.”   Inviting and invoking the Presence of your Soul while quiet and receptive will yield amazing results.

Just know that there are many ways to meditate and none of them are wrong. An intention is important. A very simple meditation technique, which comes from the mindfulness community, focuses simply on awareness and breath by repeating the phrases “I am breathing in,” “I am aware that I am breathing in.”   Followed by noticing, “I am breathing out,” “I am aware that I am breathing out.”

Focusing on your breath, and observing your breath, are simple ways to enter the meditation experience. Setting aside quiet time in prayer after using words can also serve as an entrée to a meditation experience.

Try out different things. Guided meditations are often easier. One of the most challenging aspects of meditation is quieting your mind chatter, particularly the negative and self-destructive or fear elements of your mind chatter. Experiment; try different ways and different things. Find what works for you. Let your Soul guide you.

Once you have chosen a particular way to meditate, give it some consistency by setting aside 10-20 minutes daily to practice the meditation. Let your intuition and your Soul guide you.

Meditation is opening a door and if you are open, it will guide you in finding what you need from the experience. Peace of mind, emotional calm, and physical relaxation are some of the benefits of setting aside some time out of your material life for your spiritual evolution.

I also encourage journaling after a brief period of calming your mind and focusing on Love opening your heart energy, then recording your thoughts and impressions.

In my life meditation has been the tool that has enabled me to live a life of joy and spiritual relationship with the Divine and my fellow man. There is no greater gift that I can offer you than to provide you with the resources to connect with your own Soul and explore the mystery of eternity and the magic of your Soul.

To support you on your quest I have identified some other articles that may be of help to you and provided a link to one of my guided meditations that I feel would give you the experience of the gift of love and the magic of the Soul.




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P.S. You can always search my website for more information about the concepts you have seen in this post.


Last updated 10-14-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul Read More »

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Ways To Connect With Your Soul

Read Ways To Connect With Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps the most wonderful and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.

When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that experiencing it is often transformational and profound.

To me, to connect with your Soul is the greatest gift of meditation.


An important factor is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it easier and easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage practice makes perfect. Each time you consciously, and with intention, connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are creating additional threads of energy that build a bridge to ease your passage.

Whenever you call upon the Light of the Soul for inspiration or guidance, you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul. In so doing you are making the wisdom of your Soul available to you.
      – Genevieve Gerard

You are able to tap into and expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.


Connecting with Soul Light by Genevieve Gerard

When you meditate regularly, invoke, and invite the Presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are raising the frequency of your mind and your physical body. This leads to an expanded awareness, and insights and clarity greater than you may have believed possible.

In addition, since the nature and essence of your Soul is pure love, increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of true love and increases your understanding and ability to love.

One of the other profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation is an awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy. This sense of universal Oneness, with others and nature, can be a life-altering, magnificent experience of bliss.


Some find that the act of using rituals helps to prepare them for meditation. The primary purpose of preparing to meditate with a ritual is that the action of preparation serves to reinforce your conscious intention.

You can experiment with creating rituals that work for you. When you find one that you feel is of help, you can incorporate it into your meditation practice.

When you use a ritual the time and the effort of performing the ritual serves as a preparation and helps you be ready and receptive to the meditation process. An additional benefit of setting up a ritual is it serves the purpose of helping to quiet your mind chatter as you focus on the intent of your meditation time.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to prepare for meditation. Although you may choose to set aside a specific amount of time for the meditation, this is all your choice and should be guided by what works for you and for your life.

Some rituals that have been helpful over the ages:

  1. Lighting a white or gold candle. If you choose this, having a special or specific candle is usually recommended.
  2. Burning incense (again choosing a specific scent is often helpful) although as you gain more experience with meditation you can change or shift that scent. Some choose the scent based on the desire for a specific energetic result. You may find some favorite scents that you associate with feeling peaceful or calm or feeling more empowered to reach the desired state of consciousness.
  3. I begin all of my guided meditations with an instructional invocation:
    Calm your mind, Open your Heart and Invite the Light.
  4. Sitting quietly and receptively for some time before you start to meditate helps you quiet your mind and put everything behind you.

You can experiment with different rituals and see if they enhance the ease with which you become calm, and quiet your mind chatter so you can experience the presence of your Higher Self.

Setting aside a time daily to meditate, whether you choose to use mantrams, guided meditation experiences or affirmations or mindfulness techniques will empower you and enhance you.

Ageless Wisdom Mantram

A Mantram from the Ageless Wisdom that is often used to help you gain the wisdom of your Soul is:

May the energy of the Divine Self inspire me
and the Light of the Soul direct.
May I be led from darkness to Light,
from the unreal to the Real,
from death to Immortality.

Then, still holding your consciousness in the head and visualizing a sphere of deep electric blue, vivid and living, say the following words, endeavoring to realize their significance as you say them:

I stand in spiritual Being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the Light shines
throughout my form, I radiate that light.
I stand within the Love of God,
and as that Love streams through and from the heart,
I magnetise the ones I seek to aid.”
      – Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul “Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I” p.306

You can incorporate this mantram into a daily meditation, or it can be used as an affirmation of intention to connect with the Light of your Soul. This is a sacred time that you arrange, as much as possible, to be free of distractions or interruptions.

Regularity of the practice of meditation helps it become increasingly easy to give yourself the blessings and benefits of meditation. I can think of nothing else that provides so much opportunity for mastery, success, transformation and joy and takes such little effort.

Because meditation is such a powerful opportunity to grow and expand your consciousness, I recommend keeping a journal where you can record your insights and impressions. Writing or recording what you have received in mediation will be valuable to you over time so you can ponder, look back over, and appreciate the ways you have improved your life adventure.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-30-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Ways To Connect With Your Soul Read More »

Into The Silence

Into the Silence: Ways To Calm Your Mind

Read Into The Silence article by Genevieve Gerard

It is in the silence that we can hear the still quiet promptings of our Soul.

It is in the silence that the Peace that Passes Understanding is Revealed.

It is when we enter into the silence that we can hear the voice of God.

The silence is a full and fertile experience opening us to an inner world that the noise of the world drowns out, and the chattering of our mind obscures.

We are instructed in the Bible to “Be still and know that I am God.” For many, perhaps for you, that stillness is hard to achieve.

To experience that silence and that deep stillness is the purpose of meditation. The portal to meditation opens when you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. Each guided meditation that I have created over the years begins with the instruction to calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

However, as I move through my life I hear people say, repeatedly, that they find it difficult to meditate. It seems that for many it is the first part of that injunction “Calm the Mind” that is so challenging. It makes sense then that how to teach a meditator to experience a calm mind has been the work of sages, yogis, and gurus since there have been teachers on the path to enlightened awareness.

For many people, the chatter generated in their minds drowns out the silence. This “chattering” is anything but calming for all too often it is jammed with fears, negative self-judgment, and criticism. It is liberally laced too with the unfulfilled expectation of both themselves and others.

The silence of a calm mind may seem out of reach to you. The mind’s chatter, although you are sitting quietly, may be anything but silent. This is why the regular practice of meditation is so important. It begins to school the mind that your meditation time is a sacred space and a safe space to give the chatter of your mind a rest.

It is in the silence of the calm mind and the open heart that the guidance of the Soul and Presence of God can be experienced. There are many ways that we can move toward that calmness of mind. What way you choose at any given moment of time can be varied and responsive to the events and circumstances in your life when you choose.



What seems significant is that you set aside the time and have the desire and intention to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. It does not have to be a long period of time that is set aside. Ten to fifteen minutes a day would make a great difference in your life. You do not have to go away from the world as the holy men of ages past did to achieve enlightenment. You can learn to meditate and receive the many benefits and blessings of meditation right where you live and in the midst of your busy life today.

Now some may say, “I don’t have time to meditate every day.” The old wisdom response to that is to say,

If you don’t have time to meditate every day,
then meditate 2 times a day.”
        – Anonymous

If you don’t think you can take the time, take that as a sign that you can benefit even more than others from meditation.

I suggest and encourage at least a daily practice of meditation because the health benefits and the consciousness and prospective benefits are best incorporated into your life with consistency and continuity. Whereas any technique of meditation when practiced regularly can positively and dramatically transform your life, some you will find easier than others to help you experience the calmness of mind and dampening of mind chatter that is desired.

In my teaching, I found that guiding people in a meditation and focusing their minds on a particular awareness is most effective. That is why I have created so very many guided meditations.


Check out Grounding Arrow MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


A great beginning guided awareness meditation to reconnect and rebalance you to your life force and create peace and calm is my Grounding Arrow Meditation. It can be done in the quiet of your home or while walking.


Click here to >>>Get More Info About This Meditation.



To choose to meditate, to set aside the time with the intention and the desire to calm your mind, open your heart and experience the Light of your Soul or to hear the still quiet voice of God is what is important. How you do it is not as important. That you take the time is of paramount importance.



I found over the many years that I have practiced daily meditation that one technique or another best suits an individual day, situation or circumstance. Personally, I have changed meditation methods frequently. Although it is human nature for someone to think that their way is the only way, I suggest that within you is wisdom that can direct your choices, that of your Higher Self. In the world are a myriad of instructions and a wide variety of products to choose from. Some are free and some charge a fee. Some techniques are very simple and easy. Others require deep understanding. What works for you is best revealed with experimentation.

Any time you have, at the conclusion of the meditation time experienced, a greater calmness of your body, your emotions or your mind you have gained a great deal. The more often you open yourself to that experience, even if it is in the brief period it takes to think an affirmation or a seed thought, you are opening your life to a richer and deeper awareness.

In addition to guided meditation, using a mantra as either an invocation and evocation, or a repetition of a specific thought focus, or saying an affirmation are all effective tools. Pondering Koans (stories used by Zen masters to instruct on important consciousness points), saying Psalms, repeating a rosary or repeating a favorite prayer in your mind are also meditative experiences. Although there are subtle differences between the experience of prayer and meditation a prayer can often be used to quiet the mind sufficiently to bring you into the receptive part of a meditation experience, the silence.

The use of prayer beads that help followers use repetitive prayers or statements as a mantra are also a way to help you to meditate. Repetitive movements with repetitive thoughts are all ancient ways to meditate. The repetition of a Psalm or prayer is a form of coming into alignment with your Soul, as is chanting. Whatever the language used or technique employed it is the intention to open your mind and your heart to the presence of the Divine and open up to your Soul’s Light that makes the transformation happen.

Within you is a wisdom that will direct your path if you only open your heart and your mind to its Presence. You may have noticed that I often direct you in my writings to tune into that Presence and refer to it as the Soul or your Higher Self. I do this because not only are the health benefits of meditation well documented by science but there are very few things you can do in life that has as powerful and profound a positive influence as meditation, on your health or on your ability to be successful.



A very simple technique would be to declare your intention by affirming and saying:

I am of calm mind,
as I open my heart,
I invite the Light “
        – Genevieve Gerard

Then just sit in the silence, quietly and reflectively.

Of course, there is much more you can do and add to the experience but your intention to have a meditative experience once you have set aside the time is a first step. Then you can add other techniques, guided meditations, repetitive mantras, affirmations, prayers or whatever of the vast array of what is offered in the world that you feel guided to.

In a recent article, I discussed the power of an “I Am” statement. You can create a mantra to repeat in your mind out of “I Am” that defines the Presence you wish to experience that day.

Examples would be:

  • I Am Love
  • I Am Peace
  • I Am Joy

It is in the silence, the time to limit the input of your mind’s chatter as much as possible and in the quiet removal from the world’s input, that the magic of meditation happens. There are some who have created audio meditations where the sound is scientifically modulated (alpha, theta, and the deepest delta waves) to bring you into a specific meditative experience. These are helpful for some people as a way of conquering the mind chatter and putting you in a meditative state.



Because for me meditation has been the portal to joy and love, insight, and understanding and a sense of harmony and union with God and all of life, I encourage you to set aside the time to have a meditative experience. You can start the practice now.

I do encourage regularity. The repetition helps your mind calm as it recognizes that this is the time to be calm, too quiet the chattering mind, to tune in and receive insight.

This then becomes a sacred time as you acknowledge and recognize:

This is the time to be still.

This is the time to let yourself just be.

This is the time to open your heart to the expansion of love.

This is the time to be open to the guidance of the Light of your Soul
and the promptings of the Divine.

Taking this time is a gift you can give yourself that will repay you with blessings beyond measure. To be touched by the Presence of your Soul or to hear in the silence the voice of God guiding you, loving you or comforting you is the gift that meditation can give.

This time, set aside by you is for you and will be a blessing that can transform your life empowering you to be and become all that you are meant to be.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 11-26-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Into The Silence Read More »

Soul Connections

Soul Connections – The Eternal Bond of Love

Read Soul Connections article by Genevieve Gerard


Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone new, be it a friend or lover with whom you feel an immediate bond and connection that defies logic or understanding?

Immediately with these people you may be able to build a deep bond that is somehow more profound and much deeper than most of your other relationships.

These relationships go quickly into a level of trust and intimacy that can be at times confusing.

How, you may question and ponder, can I feel closer to someone I just met than possibly even my own family or friends I have known my whole life?”

These relationships are so different from other relationships that they are noteworthy and recognized as the special events that they are, even if they are not understood.

To understand these relationships, and even more important to not misunderstand the nature of these relationships it is important to understand both the nature of love and the eternal bond of love that evolves when a Soul connection exists. To explore these Soul connection relationships we need to expand our consciousness and our awareness of possibilities beyond the ways we may believe or perceive life to be.

The commonly held beliefs in Soulmates are often examples of these Soul connection relationships. And, when these relationships are begun at a time in life when one is looking for a mate, these profound bonds can be ignited into a lifelong powerful supportive and sustaining relationship. But when these intense experiences occur outside of the time of mating and physical desires our lack of understanding of these special relationships can be the cause of pain and sorrow. We might feel that we missed the chance to bond with our Soul Mate and therefore deny ourselves the love, the support, and the joy that a Soul connection relationship can bring into our lives.

Limiting a Soul connection relationship to the confines of the modern mythos of a Soul Mate is sad because it often denies us some of the most powerful relationships we can experience.”
          ― Genevieve Gerard

By expanding our awareness of the nature of Love to a deeper understanding of life and the nature of the Soul, we open our life, our consciousness, and our experience potentiality to a full spectrum of joyful liaisons to enhance our life adventure.

On a deep almost pre-conscious level we know, not with our minds but deep in our hearts the truth of the words, love never ends. We know this, not as hollow words to comfort us when someone we have truly loved dies. It is through love that we become aware of and our eternal nature, our Soul. When we have forged the bond of Love with another, we have made a connection that is beyond time and space. We have expressed our Divine nature and created something that connects us that transcends the material world and is manifested energetically.

We know these things with the wisdom of our hearts no matter how much our logical mind and scientific explorations fail to make sense of them. We might even say that these truths are self-evident, Love is eternal, and the Soul is eternal. Therefore, we might then consider what is not eternal. We know the body is not eternal.

Each of us who walk the earth knows that we begin our walk to death at the moment of our birth. It may be a very long walk or a devastatingly short walk, but we know that life has a beginning and an end. We also know that along that adventure we are dual beings. We have the life of the body which focuses upon all of the obvious aspects of the matter, but we also have emotions that while at times are impacted and influenced by the body exist outside of the material world. We also have thoughts, which like the emotions are not limited by matter but exist in a way every bit as real as our physical nature. And to complete the full expression of our nature we also have a Soul.

In a sense we are not only dual beings of matter and spirit but amazing beings who have a body, but are more than our bodies; who have emotions but are more than our emotions; and who have a Soul. It is with our Soul that we truly can love. And when we Love we form a bond with that which is eternal in us and that which is eternal in the beloved. It is through that eternal bond, of Soul connection, that we are drawn together in a myriad of roles and relationships through the bond of Love.

When we make in our life these connections that are Soul connections we are given a great gift to explore our deepest nature and develop and grow to a greater fullness of our being. The friendships formed and the relationships that are forged through the bond of Soul connection and Soul Love come into our lives to support us, empower us and expand our consciousness, reminding us on a very deep level of who we are as eternal beings.

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”
          ― Aristotle

These connections which are often recognized by an amazing ease of intimacy and understanding are usually accompanied by a feeling of having known someone your entire life, even if you just met. The depth of feeling that these relationships engender and the overwhelming joy that accompanies such connections is a part of the magic and mystery of life. In these relationships, you are invited to strengthen and temper love to new levels that have nothing to do with Eros or romantic Love but at times Philos, the Love of deep friendships and Agape, Soul Love which extends into the deepest core of your heart.

To expand your consciousness to incorporate these relationships into your life are a blessing that enables you to experience a joy and enables you to transcend the existential sense of loneliness and alienation that may have plagued other relationships in your life. Therefore you can populate your life with Soul Mates, Soul Friends, Soul companions on the path for the mutual achievement of your life work, your heart’s desire and your growth and evolutions in consciousness.

Celebrate and explore these unique relationships whenever and wherever they are offered to you in life. Neither age nor circumstances limit the potential of these Soul connection relationships to enhance your life in ways that can be both satisfying and empowering. These Soul connections offer new opportunities to embrace and express the fullness of your life.


Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Last updated 7-8-2018


© 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Soul Connections Read More »

Live A Balanced Life

Live A Balanced Life

Read Live A Balanced Life by Genevieve Gerard

In your life experience, learning balance is important.


You must learn to balance work with play. You must learn to balance your selfish desires with charity. You must strive to balance your joys and your sorrows. Even when something is good and enjoyable we can realize that too much is not good because it takes us out of balance.

But more important is another step to living a balanced life.

Balance is important in so many subtle aspects of our life that we seem to gravitate toward it unconsciously. There are aspects of the concept of balance that serve as primary lessons for the spiritual demonstrations that are a part of our evolving consciousness.

A part of our growth and maturation as a conscious being and a spiritual being requires learning to use each distinctive part of our being in harmony and balance with the other parts of our being. The lessons that come about from harnessing the desires and impulses of our physical nature and our body are not only important psychological lessons but also important as spiritual lessons.

The Ageless Wisdom speaks of these lessons of consciousness in terms of calling upon our Soul to give us dominion over the desires of the flesh. Likewise, the insight and perspective of the Soul is called upon to enable us to conquer the dragons of our fears and calm the troubled water of being overly emotional.

Balance is the most important of all qualities. We don’t want a little bit of rapid growth and then to stagnate. We want continual growth, continual development, which implies balance, always.
        – Dr. Frederick Lenz (Zen Master Rama)

In a higher turn of the spiral, the wisdom of the Soul is invoked to bring the mental body into balance and alignment with the impressions of the Soul. In each of these important developmental tasks on the spiritual journey, integration is significant. In each of these significant milestones, the evolution of our human consciousness and understanding of the scope of the human experience is demonstrated.

This process of integration continues as a theme in variation through our many lifetimes as we explore the vast array of possibilities in life. You may or may not believe in the continuity of consciousness that is known as reincarnation. If you consider that a possibility, within the context of our evolving and growing into the fullness our dual nature as fully human and our sense that we are in some way connected with that which is Divine in life, as a hypothesis many unanswerable questions seem to find an explanation.

To consider that our nature and the fullness of our being includes a physical body which we must not let run amok in life seems pretty clear. We have all seen the disastrous results of unchecked lusts, gluttony, and laziness. These temptations along the spiritual path are well established and they are even listed in the seven deadly sins.

To expand your thinking to include the challenges of the other parts of your nature, wrath, greed, pride and envy you can see that bringing your emotions back from uncontrollable expression is also an important part of living an integrated life. Likewise, learning to harness the impressions of the mind beyond just the capacity of thought into the more spiritual application of wisdom is a task that often requires courage and conviction. To bring the needs and desires of our physical body into balance and bring our mind and emotions to equilibrium are all vital to have a truly successful life experience.

Integration of these often conflicting urges and influences is the work of the personality. The better integrated, the more balanced and cooperative these dynamism’s are the happier and I believe the more successful and fulfilled an individual is. We can see the truth of this by observing our fellow man.

The Final Step In The Process Of Balance

A less obvious factor in our comprehension, because it is less tangible to our human expression, is the final step in this process of balance and amalgamation. This is the dynamic that becomes available with the integration of our Soul into the wholeness of life experience. It is, however, only when we embark upon this final quest of human consciousness that we can begin to fully understand and express the mystery of our creation as being fully human and at the same time in union with the Divine. That mankind has known itself to be of this dual nature as both human and Divine is reflected in the ancient greeting of “Namaste,” a Sanskrit phrase that means “the Divinity in me recognizes and honors the Divinity that is in you.”

Initiations Into Different Stages of Consciousness

The developmental tasks along the spiritual journey have been explained in the Ageless Wisdom in the terms of initiations into different stages of consciousness simply expressed as:

  1. The first initiation, Soul dominion over the physical body;
  2. The second initiation, Soul domination of the emotional body;
  3. The third initiation, Soul domination over the mental body.

In this integrative process the personality is also integrated with the Soul as the sum total of our body, emotions and mind.

This step in our spiritual evolution of integrating and fusing our Soul with our personality is the culmination of so many life lessons and spiritual lessons that it is rare to find. It is a stage in consciousness to which you can aspire and open yourself to in meditation. There are, in the Mantram taught in the Ageless Wisdom, specific opportunities to open your heart, your mind and your Soul to this experience.

One of my very favorites, the Mantram of the Soul, comes from the works of Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II. p. 123.

Affirming, asserting and invoking this blending of light and fusion of your Soul with the personality brings about a shift in your life experience and consciousness. These, in turn, bring about a new way of being and facilitate the expression of the new kind of human being who is evolving into the world. It is with the development of this new type of human being, that you can imagine the changes and transformation the world will need to undergo if the long-predicted golden New Age will come to fruition.

This step in your consciousness and expression of your dual nature, fully human and Divine, is a giant step for mankind that has been eons in the making. This expression of your role as a co-creator of life in harmonic cooperation with the Divine promises new possibilities and potentialities as you venture through this experience we call life.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 9-25-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Live A Balanced Life Read More »

Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul

Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul

Read "Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul" Serenity Sunday by Genevieve Gerard

In the process of writing while tuned into and receptive to your Higher Consciousness, your deepest truth can be revealed through the wisdom of your Soul. Your comprehension can be clarified and integrated on a level of truly knowing.

This is a focus you can use to bring into your life more awareness of the presence of your Soul in your life. It is a way to experience the influence, the wisdom and the love that a relationship with your Soul brings into your life.

This experience is slightly different from journal writing, although it is similar. Writing in one’s journal tends to be personal or personality based. Tuning into and invoking the wisdom of your Soul when you write is a tool for expanding the awareness and influence of your Soul as you journey along the path of integrating the Soul and Personality.

Soul-Personality integration and fusion is an important step in the ever-unfolding evolution of our human consciousness and our expression of our Divine Nature. It is a way to develop your consciousness and expand your awareness of the fullness of your being.

To write as an exercise of meditation with consciousness is a way of clarifying both your awareness and your understanding of whom and what you truly are. It is a way to align yourself with your life purpose and perceive the deeper influences of your Soul. It is a way to begin to utilize the gifts that are available to you, that are there for you at any time, but only when you open yourself to gain the wisdom and invite these offerings into your life.

Free will is a very important universal law of consciousness requires of us that we choose to invoke and request the wisdom and guidance of our Souls. Until that request, until from our “personality” perspective, we summon forth this relationship, the Soul, while present and attentive all of your life for ways to guide you, remains outside of the notice of the mind and personality.

To unlock the profound wisdom of your Soul by writing, begin by sitting quietly and calmly, bringing your emotions to a place of deep and profound peace. As you do this, take the time to open your heart energy and be receptive to the Love that your Soul brings to you.

Quiet your mind and let the chatter fade away as you drop self-judgment and self-criticism. Assert your intention to have the wisdom of your Soul revealed to you in a way that is clear and provides insight and direction in your life.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

As you do this, invite the Light of your Soul to provide clarity and insight. As you invite your Soul into your life as a source of love, wisdom and guidance, it is also important to understand that your Soul is an integral part of the wholeness of your being. To do this you can visualize your Soul as a radiating point of golden Light about three feet above your head at the tips of your fingers if you raise your hands above your head.

From that point of radiating Light visualize the gentle descent of Soul energy into the top of your head (crown chakra), illuminating your mind, infusing and enlightening you.

To affirm and identify with this part of yourself, you may find the use of a mantra to be helpful. Affirm in your mind and say with intention the words of the Mantram of the Soul.

Mantram of the Soul

    I am the Soul
    I am Light Divine
    I am Love
    I am Will
    I am Fixed Design
    I am the Soul infusing the personality
    I am the personality Soul-infused
    As the unified Self, I invoke the One
    The One in Whom we live and move and have our Being”

You might now wish to send forth in your mind the silent sound of the OM.

Now, with your mind calm and your heart open continue to invite this Soul Light in as you begin to write, with the wisdom and perspective of your unified Soul-integrated personality revealed in your writing.

You can now write as a meditative experience, conscious of your body as it writes, while deeply aware of the thoughts and impressions you are having. I have written about this concept previously in a blog entitled How to Center You Energies Before you Begin to Write.

By capturing these ideas on paper, you often see solutions that you never imagined before. You may have flashes of insights that have eluded you about yourself or the motivations of others.

In my experience with this kind of writing I have received great understanding and wisdom and a perspective that has helped me transcend many of my fears and limitations, as well as granted a compassionate perspective upon the actions and behaviors of others. For this reason, I have found it very beneficial to record these thoughts and impressions so they can be re-read and re-considered as a way to gain greater understanding in your life.

As you write from this point of dual consciousness, with the awareness of your personality (your personal needs and your personal desires), and at the same time with a connection to your Higher Self, you are in a state of mind that is not meditation, but is certainly meditative.

I have also found keeping a journal to be very beneficial with this experience. I believe it is important to record the dates of your insights and guidance because they are often surrounded by significant life experiences and life lessons. This gives you the ability to look back on what you wrote in this connected state of mind, and state of being so that it can have real relevance in your life.

When you have finished writing, however long that takes, be sure to express your gratitude for the blessings you have received as you go forward in your day.

I know this technique will be a blessing to you to increase and enhance your joy and to bring clarity and wisdom to the challenges of your life. I share this with you to help you tune into and hear the wisdom of your own Soul.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Copyright © 2014-2015 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved


Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul Read More »

Come My Soul

Come My Soul

A poem by Genevieve Gerard

Come My Soul Poem - Genevieve Gerard


Come my Soul

Come my Soul into my heart
and fill it from the endless source of Love Divine.

Come my Soul into my mind
revealing the wise perspective of eternity.

Come my Soul into my body
and heal the imperfections I have gathered in this life.


Come my Soul into my personality
and merge your grace into all I see as me.

Come my Soul into the world
through all the service I can do.

Come here, come now, that with our union
we can fulfill God’s purpose for this life.


Last Updated 7-16-2017

Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Come My Soul Read More »

The Soul Connection

Soul Connection

by Genevieve Gerard

Genevieve Gerard The Soul Connection Article image


Connecting to the Soul is the most profound and transformative part of the meditative experience.

It is through the connection of the personality, the lower self, to the energy of the Soul, the Higher Self, that we are able to experience that within us which is eternal.

It is our Soul that contains the Divine spark. By connecting to our Soul we are granted a glimpse into an awareness of our oneness with all of creation. It is through our Soul that we are receptive to the Divine.

Through the practice of meditation, when the mind is quieted and the emotions are calmed the Soul shines forth in all of its glory.”

   – Genevieve Gerard

It is through the connection to the Soul that we are granted the insight into the moment that brings relief and release from life’s burdens.

Through meditation, as we connect to the Soul we are bringing ourselves into union with our Higher Self that we may experience wholeness. This unified self opens more and more to the Light, like the petals of a lotus allowing more and more awareness to flow into our life. The union with the Soul gives us an awareness of the Self that is greater and wiser than we are able to experience when focused upon our personality and personal needs and desires.

By meditating regularly to come into union with the Soul we find our perspective changing. We begin to see alternative interpretations of the events of our life. This begins slowly, and initially can only be experienced in the meditative state, but in a regular relationship with the Soul the awareness of those brief moments of connection to the Divine begins to expand and give us new insights and understandings throughout the day.

Through the process of systematically learning to quiet the mind and calm the emotions you change your life by reducing stress. Confidence in your ability to be in control of your body, mind and emotions translates into confidence to be in more control of your life.

Each time you make the conscious decision to meditate you are creating the opportunity for your lower self to gain a greater understanding of life. Just the process of quieting the mind and calming the emotions is its own reward.

When you add the connection to the Soul, the experience of meditation can expand into a receptivity that increases your understanding of your self and your life. The more regularly the connection with the Soul is experienced, the more the insights and wisdom of the Higher Self become available to you. The sense of being centered and the sense of calm confidence make their way into your daily life.

As you build and reinforce the pathway of connection to the Soul it becomes increasingly easy to touch the Light of the Soul as you go through your daily life. This touch of Soul contact helps you gain a different understanding and more profound awareness. Over time, as the connection is reinforced and strengthened you find that your life is freed more and more from the lure of negative emotions, and the experience of peace and joy will pervade your being.


About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”  Browse her body of work at Copyright © 2014 by Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul.
All rights reserved.


Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest. You may reprint the article by following our standard Permission to Reprint information.


The Soul Connection Read More »


Before You Rise… CONNECT

Before You Rise Blog image

When you waken in the morning, there is a fertile time before you rise that can be used to connect, align and empower your life.


As you lie in bed, before you let your mind start its endless chatter take a deep breath, settle your body back into the mattress and take a moment to gather Love into your heart.



As you gather that Love and appreciate and enjoy the peaceful sensation that it brings, with the speed of thought, imagine from your heart Love flowing out to touch the lives of all you will connect with today and as your loving energy touches them let it magnetize to you all who you can truly serve today and bring to you, those who can serve you.

If you are enjoying this sensation, as I often do, let your mind drift gently to awareness of the support you can draw from this quiet moment as you align your life with your Soul purpose and gather around you and be receptive and connect to the love your Soul brings to you.

You might wish to add to this brief interlude consideration of things for which you are grateful.

Then move on to your life activities and your day and this connection can bring you strength and support throughout the day.


Genevieve Gerard


Soul Purpose

The Joy of Expressing Your Soul Purpose

Expressing Soul Purpose by Genevieve Gerard

Recently, I was having a conversation about expressing your soul purpose with one of my dear friends. The dialogue prompted me to write this blog post on the joy of expressing your soul purpose.

Each of us has within us a sense of our true purpose in life, the reason for which we entered into life and donned the garments of a body, emotions, and mind. Having experienced life many times throughout the ages, we knew that we would be presented with challenges and lessons as we journeyed on our quest.

These challenges we accepted, these lessons we desired knowing they would nurture our development and allow us to grow and become and be a material expression of our essential being.

Having tread before the path of life we know there are dangers and pitfalls along the way. These we accept and acknowledge as we enter into incarnation before we forget who we truly are and what we truly are.

When we touch that purpose and express that purpose we are filled with a sense of joy. We are filled with the excitement of the promise and potential of life.

We can use that joy, that excitement, that delight, as a signal and direction from our Soul that we are fulfilling our purpose, our reason for living in this time, in this place, in this NOW. When we are aligned with our Soul purpose and manifesting our life purpose, fulfilling our hearts desire we are granted the strength of perseverance. We are fortified to stand even when others deny our purpose or fail to support us.

The support of our Soul and the joy that it bestows is sufficient to our need and carries us forward.
        – Genevieve Gerard

It connects us to Source and provides for us in ways that are often miraculous and unexpected. When we transcend our fears and release our attachments and enter into this relationship with our Soul and surrender to manifesting in the world the work and service we have come to do we begin to live in joy and possess a peace that truly passes understanding.

Therefore, follow your bliss; and let your joy be your guide. Only you can fulfill you purpose in life. Celebrate that truth. Enjoy this adventure we call life wherever the road may go. It is your destiny.



Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


Last updated 11-29-2017


Copyright © 2013-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Soul Purpose Read More »

Body and Soul

Body and Soul

-Your Soul as your Teacher

Read Body & Soul article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

Within each of us lies wisdom, an awareness of truth and more important knowledge of what direction we need to travel in our life to grow, to learn and to develop into who we truly are and what we can become, that is our Soul.

Our Soul is an integral part of our Self, but it is not usually that which most readily springs to our conscious mind when we ponder on and reflect upon ourselves. It remains the most profound and in many ways useful part of what for better words we may call our Spiritual Anatomy.

Our Spiritual Anatomy is usually not a part of our everyday consciousness because when we think of ourselves we most often think of our personality. Indeed, our personality is the vehicle that does the bulk of the “heavy lifting” as we move and function in the world of men. Indeed, our personality is usually a most significant part of our being as we live and move and have our being in any given incarnation.

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
            – Mahatma Gandhi

The ancient wisdom tells us that our being is composed of a variety of vehicles that come together to form the fullness of life. These parts of ourselves are often referred to as bodies, and it is in the interplay and integration of these diverse parts of ourselves that we learn to live and express the fullness of our human nature. It is through this interplay, this integration that we learn that we grow, that we come into our full awareness and learn to express the fullness of what it means to be a human being.

It is through the integration of our physical body, our emotional body and our mental body that our personality fully develops and grows. But the adventure of becoming does not stop there. As we increase our awareness and our integration of Self the process of integration grows and expands as we begin to incorporate the fullness of our nature, that of our spiritual nature or our Soul.

It is through the emerging awareness of our Soul that we begin to understand and come to the joy of what it means to be a human being. It is through the “Touch of the Soul” that we begin to understand what a myriad of spiritual paths have taught throughout the ages, that as human beings we are a spark of the Divine. It is through becoming aware of our Soul that we can begin to manifest the fullness of this miracle we call life.

To start to understand your Soul as an integral part of yourself and begin to connect with your Soul as a part of your full being and your true nature, is the beginning of wisdom and the portal to real joy.”
            – Genevieve Gerard

This part of your Self, your Soul, contains within you a jewel of the greatest value we can find in life. The ancients have long referred to it as “the jewel of the lotus.”

What is wonderful and glorious is that this jewel of great value is within you and available to you. It is yours to use and come to know. It is yours to call upon for the wisdom it possesses. It is yours to enjoy and express. It is yours as a teacher, as a guide and as a source of love, joy, and peace, the “peace that passes all understanding.”

It is through meditation that this part of your being becomes accessible to your mind, to your heart and your personality. This quest to learn to touch your Soul and to incorporate the fullness of your Soul ultimately into the fullness of your being is a journey that has been undertaken by wise men and sages throughout time and is available to reach by everyone.

I invite you to embark upon this journey of meditation to awareness, to wisdom to joy through meditation. As the ancient Chinese saying expresses “every great journey begins with a single step.” As you embark upon this step be assured that your Soul awaits your intention to know yourself to the fullness of your being with such a deep and abiding joy, and such a powerful and profound love, that the best in life is yet to come.



   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2012-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Body and Soul Read More »

Love Yourself

Learning To Love Yourself

 — Self-Love from the well that is always full

Love Yourself with open arms by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

Many paths of spiritual teachings and self-help books speak of the importance of loving ourselves.

It is a common psychological truth that most people are much harder on themselves than they are of others.

Indeed, loving ourselves is often described as a prerequisite for learning to love others.

Although many teachers instruct us to love ourselves and stress the importance of learning to do this, to those who carry within them the pain of guilt, self-recrimination, self-doubt, and lack of self-esteem, this may seem to be an impossible task.

Love who you are, embrace who you are. Love yourself. When you love yourself, people can kind of pick up on that: they can see confidence, they can see self-esteem, and naturally, people gravitate towards you.
    – Lilly Singh

Three Key Elements of Learning To Love Yourself

There are three key elements of learning to love yourself that are often left untouched and unexpressed that are of paramount importance.

Be Gentle With Yourself

One is to be gentle with yourself. Look over your life, your weaknesses and failures with compassion. You are not perfect and more important you are not expected or needed to be perfect to love yourself.

Anyone who told you that you need to be perfect to receive love did not know how to love and set you up to fail. Love does not require perfection. Love is available to hold you, to nurture you, and heal you exactly the way you are.

Forgive Yourself

Two is to forgive yourself. Of course, you have made mistakes in your life. That is a part of the human experience. It is how we learn and how we grow.

Past mistakes have nothing to do with the present. They are in the past. You need not carry them into the present.

As you forgive yourself you can tuck them neatly into the past where they belong. Let whatever residuals of self-blame and guilt you may have been clinging to go. They no longer serve you and have no place in your present life.

Look to the Source of Love

Third is to look to the source of love that is a bottomless well that is always filled to overflowing (your Soul.) It is through touching your Soul and bringing forth the love that is always there for you into your consciousness, into your being, that you are flooded with love and filled with resounding joy.

You have within you a Source of self-love that when you become aware of it is unconditional and profound because it understands all of the motives and misunderstanding that created the mistakes or life lessons you have Learned.

Your Soul has been with you since the beginning of time. It knows you completely and accepts and loves you without condition. It is available for you to access whenever you call upon it, whenever you need it.

Your Soul needs nothing from you, expects nothing from you and requires nothing from you and it rejoices in the opportunity to fill you with the love it bears for you, to fill you with the resounding joy that spontaneously arises from the touch of the Soul.
   – Genevieve Gerard

From the consciousness of your Soul awareness, forgiveness, Grace, and compassion are available to you. Part of demonstrating that you have learned a lesson in life is letting that lesson be in your past and then, through self-forgiveness and compassion letting it go. Your future is not determined by a past mistake. Your future lies before you unwritten and unformed. It is filled with new possibilities and potential you have not yet had available.

How To Connect

Meditation techniques, visualization, and mantra’s are all available to help you reach for contact with your Soul. This union of Soul and Personality, this oneness with your Source of self-love is the natural state of your being, even if you have never attempted to reach that source before this very moment of time.

In reaching out to touch your Soul you need only be open to receiving the wellspring of Love and Joy that is there to give you all the love your heart can hold, all the joy you have ever imagined.

To be receptive to the experience of the love and the joy of consciously connecting with your Soul, here is a simple meditation to help and support you.

Soul Contact Meditation

If you are ready to open yourself to this possibility, experience this brief Soul contact meditation visualization:

Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

Sit quietly, open and expectantly and focus your attention on your breath. Observe the natural rising and falling of your breath as you take from life exactly what you need and let go of exactly what no longer serves you. Sit up with your spine aligned. As you breathe let yourself calm your mind and let your attention focus on being right here, right now, totally present in this moment of time.

Be here NOW and open yourself to being aware of your Soul.

Form the intention to touch your Soul, and allow yourself to be open and ready to receive all the love that resides for you in your Soul.

Now visualize or imagine a radiant point of Light about 3 feet above your head. Identify that Light with the Light of your Soul. At the top of your head visualize (or imagine) a fully opened lotus flower. From the radiant point of Light above your head see a golden Light descending, like the Sun nurturing a flower.

Bring that Golden light down into the top of your head and allow it to gently flow down to your heart. Let your heart fill with just the right amount of the Light of your Soul and the Love of your Soul.

Remain open and receptive for as long as feels comfortable to you. Let the love of your Soul for you wash over you. You may be filled with resounding joy or deep profound peace. Whatever you experience is there for you, freely, whenever you want to experience this union of yourself, with yourself.

When you have received from this connection all that you wish or need, return your attention to your breath, noticing the natural rise and fall of the breath and become aware of the world around you.

As you open your eyes and prepare to return to the call of the world, you may notice that you are filled with a love, a joy and a peace that passes understanding. Take that with you out into the world and give that to the world in gratitude for the blessing you have received from the Touch of your Soul.


               – GG


By taking this brief time to consciously connect with the Love, the power, and the wisdom of your Soul you are declaring your willingness and intention to be and become all that you are as a human being. You are opening to not only being who and what you are as a human being, but a unique blend of a material human being and a Spark of Divine Light that is the hope of humanity.

As a blended being of Soul and substance you can love and express yourself as the imperfect being of humanity, a being that moves through life learning and growing through all of life’s adventure.

As you learn to love yourself you are exploring and manifesting the purpose of life which is demonstrated by learning how to love, how to forgive, and how to merge what is eternal and empowered, with what is material and temporal. Learning to Love is the most important part of life, and learning to love yourself is an integral part of that process.




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 7-15-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2012-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Love Yourself Read More »

Hay House Book Proposal Video

Here is the Genevieve Gerard
Hay House Book Proposal Promo Video

Created by my team while I was doing workshops in London so that I could upload to .

It discusses why I wrote my upcoming book called Touch of the Soul: How to experience true happiness.

Please share with your friends and comment and post likes on YouTube.

To view this video on YouTube directly click how to experience real happiness.

Hay House Book Proposal Video Read More »