The Soul

Genevieve Gerard Posts About The Secret Life of The Soul

Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are

Read Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

As I was reading a previous post, I came across the phrase “a life that is soul infused.” 

The phrase “a life that is Soul infused” stayed with me in my morning meditations because in this dance through life’s adventures it is when you can let your personality and ego be infused by the love and wisdom of the Soul that the real power and resounding joy of a spiritual life are experienced.

It led me to ponder how life is different when you are “Soul infused.”

In the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, your Soul is not only an integral part of your essential nature but is also a resource you can draw upon to empower and transform your life.  That your Soul provides support and power in the overcoming of physical addictions has long been an essential element in the success of Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step programs.  The connection and surrender to the “Higher Self and Higher Power” have been a source of strength and comfort to many who have struggled with addiction.

This transition is so deeply embedded in the spiritual journey that the Ageless Wisdom refers to it as a step in your spiritual evolutionWith each spiritual initiation, there is an increasing amount of atomic energy that the Soul gains control over.  The first initiation helps and supports you in achieving mastery over your physical cravings.

Likewise, what is referred to in the Ageless Wisdom as the second initiation the individual can use their Soul influence to transcend the domination of the emotional body.  This use of your Soul as an integral part of learning life lessons is esoteric.  It clarifies ways you can gain mastery over your life through a dynamic and active relationship with your higher self, your Soul.  It takes you from being powerless in your physical cravings or vulnerable to your emotions and desires to being able to integrate and fuse the wholeness of your being in a way that allows you to manifest your full potential as a human being.

As I write these words and consider the struggle and pain that life is for so many, I cannot help but take this opportunity to assure you that within you, within the depth of your heart, within the promptings of your intuition, within the essence of your being, is your Soul.  It is and has always been with you.  Your Soul has always been a part of you.  And, most miraculously you can call upon it to help you in your life.

If, before reading these words you have through your life come to know your Soul, even in glimmers of peace and comfort that may have come to you when you prayed or meditated, then these words will resonate with you.  You might find a smile coming spontaneously to your lips.  You could feel yourself relax a bit even though nothing has changed in your life at all.

What it is empowering to understand about yourself and your Soul is that although your Soul is an essential part of your spiritual anatomy, it is most often silent allowing your personality and “lower self” to control your life.  Free will, which is an essential part of the “rules” of spiritual life require that you reach for the connection to your Soul before it gets involved

To have a relationship with your Soul is a choice.
        – Genevieve Gerard

In times of great sorrow, great duress, and great danger it is common in the human experience for you to reach out for that higher source connection unconsciously.  Since you are on an archetypal and intuitive level aware that your Soul is an integral part of who and what you are, this is natural.  Your consciousness is, on an ongoing basis most likely functioning as a duality that exists between your Soul and your personality ( and ego.)  What is most often the wisdom and perspective of your “Higher Self” is often unconscious.

Flashes of intuition and awareness of what is right action bargain for control of what you do and say.  Your Soul is always available to respond to your invitation and invocation.  Otherwise, it stands silently by as you explore the university of learning life and spiritual lessons from your mistakes and mishaps.

The Soul does not interfere.  It may give flashes of insight through intuition, but it leaves the control for what decisions you make firmly in the hands of your personality and ego so that can choose to listen to the intuitive nudge, or not.

Ultimately, in your life, there is a myriad of choices that need to be made.  They fall into choices you make that relate to the key aspects of your anatomy.

There are many choices and options.  There are decisions of what you eat or drink.  Decisions about whether or not you choose to indulge in the vast variety of things that are known to be bad for your body, whether or not they are addictive.  There are throughout your day a bevy of seemingly insignificant decisions that have an impact.

There are emotional choices you make.  How you express or limit your expression of your emotions has a significant impact on your life.   These are all selections you make throughout every moment and day of your life and how you make them influences your experience in a way that little else can.

Whether you are trapped in your fears or worries effects your health and your overall well-being and your personal happiness.  Your emotional choices have a dynamic influence on your life and so, calling upon the guidance and wisdom of your Soul as you strive to manage and master these volatile and dramatic parts of your being make sense.

There is also a myriad of choices you continually make that activate your mental powers.  As I have written many times in a variety of ways your thoughts are energy released into the world that has creative and magnetic power“Energy Follows Thought.”  Even in the most ancient of times, spiritual teachings from the Bible (Proverbs 23:7) declare “As a man thinketh so shall he be.”

As I review each of the parts of your nature and being that influence who you are, how you live and what you experience it is evident to see that your Soul can help you master every area of your life.  The incredible miracle of your nature as a human being who has been endowed by your creator with the spark of Divine Light (your Soul) is that integrated into your nature is a resource to help you through all of life’s challenges.  That is your Soul.

Expressing your Divine Spark; is a significant way to demonstrate your love and your service to others.
Enter coupon code “NGWS50” to instantly download this meditation for only $5 USD.

Your Soul is uniquely yours and always available to you to help you, guide you, support you, and empower you.  It offers you unconditional love and understanding.  It is a limitless resource that is available to you whenever you need it.

You can open your life to this love, this source of wisdom and this Divine blessing through meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

Your Soul speaks to you in the silence, through your intuition, in your dreams, and through your consciousness.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Your Soul is always an integral part of who you are.  The more you can recognize the voice of your Soul within your being, the easier it is to let the Soul’s perspective of love and wisdom direct your life decisions, physical, emotional and mental.

In so doing you invoke and invite “Soul control” and Soul infusion into the miraculous blend of your life.

There are words from the Mantram of Unification I like to use in my meditations and invocations that talks to this way of living.  I invite you to add them to your affirmations or meditations when and where you will.

Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events,
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the times.
      – Alice A. Bailey (Djwhal Khul – Discipleship in the New Age Vol II)

If moved to do so, you can also invoke the balance of the mantra, “Let vision come and insight.  Let the future stand revealed.  Let inner wisdom demonstrate, and outer cleavages be gone.  Let love prevail.  Let all men and women love.”

I find this mantram empowers and influences my life in dynamic and dramatic ways. I encourage you to take a few moments throughout every day to connect with your Soul so that you can lead a life that is Soul infused.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last Updated 4-14-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Your Soul is Always an Integral Part of Who You Are Read More »

Return to the Garden of Your Soul

Return to the Garden of Your Soul

Read Return to the Garden of Your Soul by Genevieve Gerard



This is an invocation to help you identify with the presence of your Soul.




In the Garden of my Soul, love makes everything bloom.

In the Garden of my Soul, Light irradiates my path.

In the Garden of my Soul, there is unlimited abundance.

In the Garden of my Soul, truth clearly shines.

In the Garden of my Soul, peace always prevails.

In the Garden of my Soul, grace is plentiful and awaits sufficient for my need.

In the Garden of my Soul, forgiveness sets me free.

In the Garden of my Soul, I embrace brotherhood.

In the Garden of my Soul, there is a resounding joy.

In the Garden of my Soul, the Angels dance with me.


I come to this garden to know Love.

I come to this Garden to receive Enlightenment.

I come to this Garden to be blessed by Abundance.

I come to this Garden for the wisdom of Revelations.

I come to this Garden to experience Peace.

I come to this Garden to receive Grace.

I come to this Garden to know complete Unity.

I come to this Garden for the guidance of my Angels.

I come to this Garden so that I can radiate pure Joy in the world.

I come to this Garden to drink my fill from the waters of Life.


The Source of Divine Love fills me to overflowing as I hear the charge, go forth, and share these gifts with the weary waiting world.

I pour forth my blessings to the thirsty world.

My heart sings with praise and gratitude for the many blessings I receive so freely in the Garden of My Soul.  My joy knows no bounds.

I rejoice knowing I can always find rest when I return to the Garden of My Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-8-2019


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Return to the Garden of Your Soul Read More »

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Read Are You Awakening to the Light post by Genevieve Gerard

The word awakening is used a great deal among the consciousness community to describe an emerging awareness that is evolving in the world today.

It is for our time in the evolution of humanity the word most often used to describe increased awareness of the spiritual part of yourself, your Higher Self, or Soul.

The word awakening has, in modern times, come to replace the word
or illumination. Although the process of awakening, without a doubt, leads to ever increasing enlightened awareness, there is within the concept of awakening some underlying assumptions that I think it would enhance the process of awakening to consider.

The subtle and yet powerful difference in the use of the word awakening instead of the word enlightenment has within it the implication that what you are beginning to understand and what is emerging ever more into your consciousness is more a process of remembering. It implies an acknowledgment of what you already know, more than a process of learning or discovering something new.

If you consider that an integral part of who and what you are is a spiritual being having a physical human experience this all makes perfect sense.

Awakening implies that you are emerging from a dream or illusion, realizing what is real. That concept has within it a myriad of assumptions that are worthy of exploring. Most significant is: what are you awakening to and what are you awakening from?

It seems that the concept of awakening has captured the imagination of many who are reaching for spiritual enlightenment because it gives a hint to a deeper awareness that rings true in the human heart.

As I stated, the idea of awakening implies acknowledging and understanding something that was always known to you.

I like the idea of awakening because it affirms the wisdom of your eternal self (your Higher Self, your Soul) is communicating and revealing a deep truth to your personality self.

The concept that you are a temporal and material being, concurrently with your awareness of your nature as an eternal being is the beginning to the adventure of awakening .
           – Genevieve Gerard


Your Dual Nature

Since the dawn of time, the dual nature of the human experience as a physical, emotional, mental being and personality has co-existed in the human consciousness with an internal awareness of the Self as an eternal Soul. This is one of the major aspects of enlightenment. The understanding that I am a material and physical being whose body will ultimately return to dust lies mysteriously beside the deep inner truth of your spiritual Self as an eternal being.

Everything we know is taught to us by God
as He casts His light over the world.
           – Saint Augustine

That we are concurrently a physical and material being, while also the eternal spark of Divine Light is amazing. This awareness of the Self as both mortal and eternal has puzzled philosophers and spiritual leaders throughout the ages.

When I ponder these deep mysteries in the exciting context of the current revelations and awareness, I realize that it is love that teaches humanity about the eternal nature of the Soul. And, that seems appropriate because the nature of your Soul is love.

Ultimately, love is an eternal connection. In the deepest recesses of the human heart, beyond full comprehension is the awareness that love never ends. This is one of the most powerful and profound mysteries of the human life adventure.

It is by learning to love that we begin to comprehend this merging of our human awareness with the light of our Soul’s awareness. It is this merged being that is awakening to consciousness and expression in this dynamic time in human evolution.

The nature of God as love and the nature of the Soul as love combined with the understanding of love creates a state of being that is boundless. This leads our awareness into such mysteries as eternity and the eternal NOW.

The Divine nature of love takes the understanding of what it is to love out of the realm of limitations of matter then expands that experience into the awareness of love as an energetic force that is unlimited by either space or time, that is not confined by matter and therefore not limited by matter.

Open Yourself To The Love of Your Soul with my Amazon and iTunes 5-star Rated
Guided Meditation
Gift of Love Download.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

In this dual awareness, the mysteries of a new way of being and a new way of living are revealed. A concept such as accession becomes possible as you consider it is the consciousness and perspective that ascend as you incorporate your awareness of your Soul into your mind, into your emotions, and into your body and let it merge with your personality, ultimately merging into the wholeness of your being. Ponder on this.

This integration of your Soul and eternal spark of light with your body, mind, and emotions through integrating your Soul with your personality is an integral part of the consciousness of awakening.

This integration of the world of spirit with the world of what is physical and temporary is a significant shift in awareness.

This change in perception is a shift in human consciousness that changes everything. Functioning as a physical, emotional, and mental being that is also spiritual and eternal is a consciousness shift that expands your life journey.

That you can dually live in the eternal awareness of your consciousness as a Soul, while still functioning and responding as a personality, is a crucial part of the awakening process.


Meditation Is the Portal To Awareness

Meditation is the portal that can help you awaken to this dual awareness. Through meditation, you can begin to ignite the Light of your Soul and bring it ever increasingly into your awareness.

Connecting with your Soul through meditation opens you to the wisdom of your Soul which can be used to guide difficult life decisions. It can also connect you to the Source of Divine Love in life transforming and powerful ways.

That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.
           – Eckhart Tolle

Awakening and incorporating your Soul (your Higher Self), with the life lessons that challenge your days, opens you to being a new kind of human being that is coming into being in this new age of evolution. Humanity is just now at the beginning of this new way of being.

The process of awakening is a dual process of being and becoming. Living in the Light of the Soul while also living as a Soul infused personality is a different approach to life. It is a new adventure for humanity.

After eons of human evolutions, this emerging Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that people are experiencing across the globe gives new hope.

I encourage and invite you to open your heart and your mind to the transformative touch of your Soul that guides you to this new spiritual awakening so you can live a more inspired, joyful and fulfilling life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 11-19-2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Are You Awakening to the Light? Read More »

A New Consciousness is Emerging

A New Consciousness is Emerging

– With the Touch of Your Soul

Read A New Consciousness is Emerging With the Touch of Your Soul article by Genevieve Gerard

What is a touch of your Soul and how does it impact your life?


We are told by the writings of the Ageless Wisdom that from the moment of creation of humanity on this planet there was, in the mind of God, an overall plan of evolution.

Our Deepest Truths

It was part of the plan of God when in the creation story God said, “let us make man in our own image” (Genesis 1:26,) after our likeness.  Biblical scholars and believers alike have often wondered who is “us”.  Who is the “our” that God, as the creator, referred to?

To understand this passage in the creation story, there are many concepts that we must grasp that are beyond our everyday consciousness and awareness.  Concepts about the nature of consciousness and thus the nature of reality.

Amazingly, the understandings of these truths have, throughout the eons of time, only been revealed as hints, such as in the above bible passage of Genesis.

The Universe is vast, much vaster than our human experience as a dweller on planet earth may be able fully to comprehend at this time.  However, spiritual truths have been slowly revealed over time, often with the instruction to “ponder on this.”

Truths about our human experience as beings who are both material and spiritual are often difficult to fully grasp.  This dual nature of our being, a material physical creature whose body dies, yet who is also an eternal being because it has an eternal Soul, is often perceived as a conundrum.

It is in understanding the incredible miracle of this dual nature of our being that the full power and potential of what it means to be a human being is revealed.  Only man, and of course the version of the man with a womb (woman) are, of all of creation, created in the image of God.

With the breath of life came the creation of the eternal spark of consciousness that is the Soul.  This spark of consciousness shares eternity with the creator.  This is the mystery that is the deepest truth of awareness held in the human heart that is revealed only through love.

Not only are many of the most profound truths obscured by the teachings being held as secret. A quick scan of the known history of civilization shows that humanity has often not only rejected truths that contradict “consensus reality” but has put to death those who reveal truths before people are ready to hear and accept them.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
     – Hamlet to Horatio in Hamlet (1.5.167-8) by William Shakespeare

A New Consciousness is Emerging Now

The timings of revelations require a certain level of consciousness to not only be accepted but more importantly to be understood.  History has shown us that ideas have their own unique moment in time to be accepted by the collective consciousness of humanity.

Currently, I believe, a new consciousness is emerging at this very moment in human awareness.

This new consciousness, new awareness, and new understanding is just happening now, in this time of human evolution, revealing truths that have long been held beyond a veil waiting for humanity to be ready.  Divine Love fuels that consciousness.

Awakening with A Touch of Your Soul

What reveals Divine Love is what I call “The touch of your Soul.”  Your Soul is the divine spark that was breathed into your being the very moment you were conceived in the mind of God as a part of creation.

This awareness of the life of the Soul and the progressive revelation of the touch of the Soul is for the individual human personality life transforming.  It creates a new consciousness and with it, new understandings.

This new consciousness goes by several names in the human adventure.  The names are not important, the shift in consciousness is.

Among the modern descriptions of this new awareness are the words “awakening,” and “ascension.”  These powerful words do reveal some of the truth of what humanity is now becoming able to be, what humanity is becoming able to understand about what are true essence is as human beings.

We are in a fantastic time in the revelation and evolution of human consciousness.  It calls forth from the human experience new ways of understanding and, far more important, new ways of being.

I use the words “new ways of being” specifically because this step forward in the human consciousness adventure is more about “being” and “becoming” than it is about doing. 

In the ongoing process of humanity learning to be and become what is emerging in this particular transition in understanding is a powerful transformation that will shift everything.

Part of this shift is “spiritual,” because it requires an expansion of awareness beyond the material expression of life.  This expansion requires what I call “The touch of the Soul.”  The touch of the soul, your Soul, is of paramount importance in this process because it is your Soul that takes on the mantel of being your teacher through the revelation of profound truths that you might well question if revealed from an external teacher.

The role of your Soul as your teacher ultimately results in the creation of this new kind of human being.  This new revelation is a coming into fruition of what has always been true but is just now coming into expression.

Ponder the deeper meaning of the ancient Sanskrit greeting used throughout our planet, Namaste“The Divinity in me recognizes and honors the Divinity in you.”

The Divinity in me in that phrase speaks to a deep yet often unfocused upon archetypal understanding that each and every human being is endowed by the Creator with a spark of Divine Light.

I often in my writings and teachings refer to that Divine spark as your Soul, and I encourage you to, through meditation, invite and invoke the power and the presence of your Soul to take on the duties of your teacher, the master, and guide that has been with you since the dawn of time and travels with you throughout all of eternity.

The emergence into consciousness of the Soul is what is different about what I am calling a new kind of human being.  It is not really new since your spiritual anatomy has always had your Soul as a part of it.  What is new is the active incorporation of the Soul into your life experience (ideally your everyday experience.)

The expanded conscious awareness that comes from the touch of your Soul is vast.  If in your meditations, prayers or contemplations you have experienced this touch of your Soul certain revelations are consistent and profound.

The amazing thing is that the touch of your Soul puts you in touch with a reality that is beyond your normal awareness of body, mind, and emotions that are guided by your five physical sensory inputs.  The touch of your Soul reveals a touch of Divine Love that opens and fills your heart to overflowing.

If you would like to open yourself to the divine love of your Soul, download my Gift of Love guided meditation MP3 and experience the essence of your Soul.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

The touch of your Soul may reveal concepts and thoughts that bring clarity and solutions to life challenges you have never considered.  You may experience a sense of expansion into an awareness of unity that transcends the sense of alienation that has so often plagued the human experience.

Whatever your personal awareness of your Soul, it will initiate and herald the start of being and becoming this new kind of human being that is emerging into the world.

This new emerging stage of humanity, whether we consider it an awakening, an evolution, or an assentation, requires a new kind of consciousness; a consciousness that integrates the realm of the Soul with the material realm.  It requires a conscious that brings into manifestation a human being who is both in the world, but not exclusively of the world.

A merging, integration, and blending of the spiritual perspective of the Soul, with the reality of the human kingdom which is a world of substance and matter in a new way of considering and expressing life.

Over the eons of spiritual teaching parables, stories and analogies they have alluded to this Soul, Mind, Body merged perspective.  Jesus’s discussions of the kingdom of heaven are an example that quickly comes to mind.

What is unique to this moment in the cosmic calendar is that with the touch of your Soul, the personality and ego are shown the possibility of being a citizen of the world while being aware and open to the prompting and direction of your Soul.

You can simultaneously be fully a human being with all of the “oh so human failures” and be a spiritual being, aligned with Divine Will and Divine purpose.  You can explore your life challenges with this dual perspective of your human nature and your nature as a child of God who is concurrently the Son of Man.

This is a new manifestation of human consciousness and a new expression of spiritual consciousness in a more integrative and thus empowering way than has ever been possible before.  It is an opportunity to be truly the being that the creation story of old said was created in “our” image.  This is the being that provides the way the old sage words of the catechism can be answered.

Question 1: What is the chief end of man?

Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

It is in the realm of the Soul, the kingdom of Heaven and by the blending of the dual consciousness of your human life experience with your spiritual life experience that this becomes possible.

What makes this transition from a human, being limited to the physical, emotional and mental material perspective, to the expanded awareness of the spiritual consciousness is the touch of the Soul.

The touch of the Soul connects you to Divine Love, which is unconditional in nature and transformative.  The touch of the Soul grants an eternal perspective which shifts your perception from the temporal to timelessness, a shift that grants awareness of the eternal now.

I invite and encourage you to call upon your own Soul to touch your life in this transformative way.  I invite and urge you to call upon your own Soul to be your teacher and your guide in your life adventure. See the related posts listed below for more on this subject.

You are a miracle of Divine Light, created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience, right here and right now on planet earth.
      – Genevieve Gerard

This union of consciousness that you are, and always were created to be, is available to you through the relationship that can begin with the touch of the Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 7,820 times. Check out our other related posts below.


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Last updated on 8-27-2017


Copyright © 2016-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC


A New Consciousness is Emerging Read More »

The Heavens Respond To The Cries of Humanity

The Heavens Respond To The Cries of Humanity In Miraculous Ways

Read The Heavens Respond To The Cries of Humanity article by Genevieve Gerard


This article is a part of my ongoing series on Angels and Meditation.

This morning the revelations of my meditations are focused upon the way that the heavenly hosts respond to humanities prayers for help.

Call Upon the Divine

When an individual, or even more powerfully and profoundly a group, call upon the Divine for healing or Divine intervention with a world problem, the prayers and invocations create an activation of energy to which all Divine beings respond.

That response is always aligned with Divine Will and the overall plan for earth’s evolution. In the heavenly hosts, where the Will of God is known, all response is compatible with that plan. In all miraculous responses, the highest good of all is seen and considered. The Angels always work from that perspective. It is their nature and their commitment.

Within that scope miracles can be activated and empowered in response to humanities prayers and need. Miracles are the mysterious and at times seemingly magical power of prayer and invocation. This is why prayer works.

Miracles, although they may appear to exist outside of humanities scientific understanding, are always compatible with both the Will of the Creator and the Creator’s Divine Plan. More and more revelations of truths are being revealed by science that may explain how energy works to explain what has heretofore only been understood as miraculous.

These profound mysteries involve a connection between humanity and its evolving consciousness and the angelic kingdom. God did not create humankind and then leave it to its own devices to struggle through the eons of time isolated and adrift.

Throughout the history of humanity, there are world teachers and world saviors that have come to reveal spiritual truths previously unknown or unclear to humanity. No matter what religion or dogma shapes the messages of these exalted beings, or how limited humanities understanding of these truths may be, this outreach from the Creator for a relationship is ongoing. The sad fact is that all too frequently people use these revelations and guidance as an excuse to divide humanity.

That spiritual revelation is used to make war rather than to focus upon Gods Love to bring humanity into greater relationship with Him is a mystery.
              – Genevieve Gerard

The relationship between God and humankind is a covenant relationship that is best explained as an I-Thou Relationship.” The relationship is one that is embedded with Divine Love and filled with Divine Grace.

The relationship with humanity and the relationship with the Divine, and the unique dynamic that exists only between God as Father and humanity as the dual creation, as a Son of God and Son of Man, is both powerful and profound. The Divine spark that God gave to human beings breathed life into His creation. A creation that was made in His image and is unique in all of creation.

Inherent in this creation of man endowed with God’s Divine spark is the brotherhood of man. To use religion and relationship with God to divide people is a violation of every spiritual truth revealed by every spiritual guide, avatar or world savior who has every walked the earth to enhance God’s relationship with humanity.

The Divine spark that resides within every human being enables humankind to work and relate with God, not only as the creator but also as Jesus taught, as a Heavenly Father. This Father included free-will for humanity. This free will is a factor in humanities ongoing co-creator relationship with God and humanities constant need for forgiveness and Divine intervention.

Angels Respond to the Cries of Humanity

Whereas human beings enjoy their co-creative freedom, the Heavenly Hosts and Angels are eternally blended into the dictates of Divine Will. Certainly, this differentiation is significant when Angels respond to the cries of humanity.

Since the beginning of time on this planet, Angels have served as the messengers of the Divine to humanity. During the eons that have passed, Angels have followed their in-volutionary life path. As humanity has strived upon its evolutionary path, Angels have remained in the realm of spirit.

These paths, angelic and human have come together under the auspices of the Soul. When at the ensoulment of a new human life the aid and service of a Guardian Angel has been enlisted, there is a commitment to the life of that human being for assistance and protection. This relationship between a human being and a Guardian Angel has, over the eons created a bridge of awareness and consciousness.

Being a Guardian Angel for a human being, who has both the Divine spark of co-creation and free will is a sacrifice and service that the angelic kingdom offers as a manifestation of their nature as beings of Love, to serve humanity and God to help bring about the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity.

This unique dynamic created a sacred relationship both activated and overseen by your Soul. The consequence of this merging of angelic consciousness into the co-creative, free-will aspects of human consciousness has resulted in a thinning of the veil that once separated human life and angelic life.

This has been accelerated by humanity calling upon the heavenly hosts for help and intervention in their lives. The Angels have responded and through that response and interaction have also learned and evolved their awareness and understanding of human life.

You Can Make A Difference

This expansion of consciousness of both humanity and Angels has created a greater awareness and understanding of both life expressions.

The Soul, your Soul, resides in the angelic realm. Your reach for the union with your Soul, the Divine Spark within you, is fostered by your desires, prayers, meditations, and invocations that help to blend further and fuse these energies.

The human effort of activating this merger of energies, through the invocation of personal will and meditation, have been rewarded by Divine Grace. Divine Grace is inherent in the human evolution process and an active force in revelation.

The merging of your human personality with your Soul opens the portal to the next stage in human evolution. Ponder on this.

Ancient Soul Mantram

It is to empower and enhance that integration that I offer you the ancient wisdom of the Mantra of the Soul for use in your meditations.

Mantram of the Soul – for Soul Infusion


Take a deep breath in and as you visualize the energy rising up to a radiant point of Light above your head.


Then say:


I Am the Soul
And also Love I Am
Above all else, I am will and clear design
My Will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine
That Light, I Am
Therefore, I must descend to where the lower-self awaits my coming.


Now breathing deeply, slowly and evenly, visualize the energy descending from the Soul, down the central energy channel through all of the chakras.
From the crown to the ajna
From the ajna to the throat
From the throat to the heart
From the heart to the solar plexus
From the solar plexus to the sacral center
And from the sacral center to the base of the spine.


Then circulate the energy back up
From the base of the spine to the sacral center
From the sacral center to the solar plexus
From the solar plexus to the heart
From the heart to the throat
From the throat to the ajna
From the ajna to the crown
And from the crown back up to the Soul.


Repeat this pattern circulating the energy back through all of the chakras and down to the base of the spine and back up three or more times.


When you feel the energies have merged, continue by saying:


That which intends to lift
And that which invokes the lifting
Are now at One
Such is my Will


Conclude by sounding the OM 3 times


          – adapted from the works of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul

For a greater understanding of how Mantras can empower your meditation, please read my article on The Power of Mantras.

You will find other articles on my website that contain mantras for the purpose of experiencing and integrating your Soul with your personality, which is a major step in the process of your spiritual growth and enlightenment.

As you reach for the touch of your Soul in your meditations, you will be actively and consciously working to bring the Angels into greater cooperation and support to humanity.

This can only be accomplished by a human being with the activation of your free will through your role as a co-creator with the Divine as you become increasingly aware of your Soul as a part of your full power and potential as a human being.

I encourage and urge you to meditate upon this with a variety of the meditations offered in the related links below.

I also encourage and invite you to explore the relationship with your Guardian Angels through the related links below.

Keep calling for Divine intervention and when you use your meditations and prayers to reach your Soul or the realm of Angels, add your free will and co-creative efforts to a plan and purpose that is beyond your current understanding but can be revealed to you and transform and empower everyones life in surprising ways.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 4-19-2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The Heavens Respond To The Cries of Humanity Read More »

The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

– Even in death love prevails

Read The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

A profound truth that resonates deep within your Soul is Love Never Ends.  It defies logic and yet is cherished and depended on upon, especially when you lose a loved one to the tyranny of death.

Love and death are archetypically tied together in the human consciousness.  Death is one of life’s experiences that makes you wonder about life with a need to understand.

It is often the loss of a loved one through death that causes you to begin to explore life beyond the limitations of matter and the five senses.  It is not uncommon for the death of someone you deeply love to open your mind to reality and consciousness that is more than what you can touch and feel in the material world.

It may be that when you love someone, your awareness expands beyond the limitations of your physical awareness.  Take a look back over your life and consider whether life is larger and more wondrous than what is only physical.

Love is the key that unlocks your understanding of life beyond what is only physical.  This dichotomy exposes the reality and understanding of life as a dual existence.  This duality requires merging what you experience and perceive with your physical sensations, with the perceptions of your Soul.

It is both mysterious and miraculous that you can be aware of physical reality and spiritual truths simultaneously.  As you explore this duality, you begin to understand the full potential of what it means to be a human being.

Love is the greatest teacher of truth that you have in your life.  The lessons of love and perceptions of love are realer and may be more important than any doctrine ever preached.  This is because the lessons of love are recognized deep in your heart and Soul.  When you love someone you know you are transcending into what is real and meaningful in life.

Love allows you to take on power that is not available with any other human endeavor.  It is a unique force that is available when death brings the sorrow of separation.  In spite of the stark reality of mortality, the love is still there.

That makes the death of a loved one an opportunity to learn and expand your spiritual consciousness.  Somehow, the very breadth of love and the stark reality and pain of death are incongruent.  In spite of the loss and the sorrow of someone who you love dying you are confronted with the awareness that your love somehow not only did not die but also understand to the depth of your being could not die.

Life’s lessons, the particular lesson that love reveals come with a resonance of knowing that transcends understanding.  Although love’s lessons may support and fuel faith, they transcend faith.  Love teaches truth.  Truth has the power of revelation that extends into the very essence of your being.

Your Soul has no doctrine, no dogma, and no denomination, yet it always resonates with the truth.

You may not understand the hows & whys of this, but the knowing and recognition that comes with acknowledging the truth are unmistakable.  Your Soul recognizes the truth and understands the mysterious and miraculous with a profound sense of knowing.

Even in the midst of mourning and sorrow you realize that love is not limited to the physical body which you now know and understand to be just a temporary vehicle for your Soul.
       – Genevieve Gerard

There is within you an amazing teacher that always knows what is true.  That insight opens your awareness to understanding the mysteries of eternity that are otherwise incomprehensible and unknowable.  It is that knowing that becomes apparent when striving to cope with the death of a loved one.  Ultimately, to lose someone you love to death brings you face-to-face with the truth that love cannot die.



It is the test of truth known by your Soul that I ask you to apply to any and all of your teachings.  Simply give any experience the test of the “ring of truth,” if it resonates in your Soul as truth, you cannot be misled.

When you open your life to love, you create a bond that is beyond both time and space.  You open the door to what is Divine in life and what is eternal.

Comfort comes with realizing that love transcends even death itself because it exists within eternity.

Love is the bond that connects your Soul to the Soul of your beloved.  This bonding of love is beyond the physical expression because it happens between two Souls.  This bonding of love cannot be destroyed by death because it exists within the eternal.  This bond of love is what you know is still there as you face the fact of mortality.

You may have to learn to live without the companionship of a loved one’s presence in your life, but you can draw succor and strength from the realization that the bond of love continues throughout time.

When you consider the many ways and roles in life that express love, the eternal nature of love begins to make sense.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
         – Henry Van Dyke

When you remember all those you have loved in life, and the many diverse ways that love manifests in your life, the expression of eternal love through our life begins to make senseWe all seek to bond with others through loveThat occurs from the initial bond of love that an infant seeks from its MotherIt continues into the love of close childhood friends and the romance and sexual love of finding a mate.

Love ultimately directs all of the relationships of our lives.  Friendship bonds can be stronger than familial bonds.  There are also sisters and brothers whose relationships are so much more than friends are.  These differing themes and variations in relationships that provide the expression and support of love in life create what I call, “the dance of love throughout eternity.”



Each life adventure provides different roles and relationships through which you can experience love.

It is with this insight on love that you can expand your understanding and awareness to make peace with the concept of physical death.  It is through this expansion of your consciousness that thousands of little mysteries can be clarified.

To live in a temporal word of matter that experiences the loss and heartbreak of death yet be an eternal Soul who is a spark of Divine Light requires a dual reality and requires a dual awareness.  This duality in your consciousness can be a strength that explains many of life’s challenges.

This duality of a Soul, who has a body but is a being that is so much greater than your body, provides strength and guidance.  Ponder on this!  Coming to understand your dual natures as you face life’s challenges and potential is revealing. 

Death, by its very finality and limitation, brings you face-to-face with the Soul as it is only with an understanding of the life of the Soul and the actual nature of Love does death become bearable and comprehensible.

The eternal nature of your Soul and the eternal nature of love can be a comfort to you at a time of loss.  If you ponder these thoughts and put them through the test of the truth of your Soul’s knowing, your awareness expands to comprehend much in life that has previously been unfathomable and incomprehensible.

Love is exalted as the life lesson that honors the bonds of love throughout eternity as an expression of Divine Love in our adventure of life.  So remember that it is a dance of love throughout eternity.



The Blessing of Love On All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-20-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity Read More »

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul

– Connecting with Your Higher Self for Life Advice

Read Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Recently in a discussion with one of my coaching clients, we explored how to access the guidance and wisdom of your Soul for practical advice.

She was seeking revelation about the life challenges she was currently facing. She thought to receive this kind of clear information was the practical application of spirituality. My client insisted this desire is the reason that spirituality has relevance.

This conversation made me consider her point of view. Particularly, I wondered, what can you do to enhance and empower receiving guidance and direction from your Higher Self? Of equal importance, is the question what can interfere with receiving Soul guidance in your life? That led me to consider the process of receiving guidance and direction from your Soul as a practical real-life issue.

I believe your Soul is not only a part of you but it also a partner in your life. It has a vested interest in helping you learn and grow. However, from the perspective of your personality, the way that it provides the situations and circumstances from which you learn and grow are often not what you want. It is not always clear what is right or best to do.

You learn and grow in so many different ways. This issue seems to need some clarification. In my many years of life coaching, I have led individuals through many meditations in which they reached their Soul for guidance. There are some patterns I have observed. What is most revealing is how much of the preparation for the meditation is just a litany of what the seeker wants or more importantly what they don’t want.

I find it significant that often the answer that emerges as received in meditation is just a repetition of their hopes and desires that were expressed while preparing to meditate. That seems to be a clear signal that it is not the direction of the Soul they received, but rather their desires and their attachments speaking. In considering this result, I am reminded of the words of My Fair Lady, “she’ll listen very nicely then go out and do precisely what she wants.” It is all too easy to project your attachment and desire and then, because you meditated, assume that you have contacted and listened to the wisdom of your Soul.

Not only is this true but in the process of having asked for guidance, it is easy to have the expectation that your Soul is now responsible for what happens. The logical conclusion of this “magical thinking” is that the role of the Soul is to be a kind of “Fairy God Mother” who manipulates the world of matter to make your life easier and more compatible with your desires. I believe this is simply not true.

You can see this kind of “magical thinking” all over the internet and especially on Facebook with the number of abundance posts in which you are asked to type “Yes” to a positive meme graphic about prosperity or miracles. The implication is that by simply typing “Yes” you need only to sit back and receptively wait for the miracle you desire to happen.

This kind of “magical thinking” is a misunderstanding of the Law of Abundance and the principle that “energy follows thought.” It is no wonder that people become discouraged and confused.

What is missing in this kind of “magical thinking” is the role and responsibility of the personality. Whereas it is true that “energy follows thought” it is important to understand that this vital principle is not something you just turn on when you type “Yes” or “Amen” in response to a photo with an inspirational statement; then turn off all of the other thoughts in your mind.

What you do makes a difference. Your dreams, your thoughts, your plans and your goals are all an integral part of success.

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
           – Napoleon Hill

Indeed, meditation helps you to harness the power of your mind. Likewise, the Law of Attraction is activated and enhanced by all of the “Positive Mental Attitude” techniques you may use and employ. However, if you do these things only intermittently; that is exactly how they will work, intermittently.

If you ask, affirm or pray for abundance because you are afraid, you are using these principles to fuel the manifestation of what you fear. This is true even when you pray if what is in your mind while you are praying is fear. Worrying, I have often said, is like praying for what you don’t want. Saying a prayer in desperation without surrendering to Divine Will is an attempt to manipulate God. I don’t think that is how it works.

Likewise, typing “yes” for abundance while thinking about your fears and what is lacking in your life sends a mixed message. That mixed message is most often what you most often see manifesting in your life.

Asking For Guidance

This same principle is involved when you ask for guidance from your Higher Self. You have to stop your negative thoughts, your fear, and your worries. Otherwise, your personality will create from its litany of your concerns what you don’t want. You will not be able to hear anything at all from your Higher Self. Your mind chatter drowns out the still soft prompting of the voice of your Soul. To open yourself to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul or God in prayer requires surrender and a willingness to receive direction and guidance that may be very different from what you want.

To become more aware of how your fears and worries are controlling your unconscious requests is important. The power of your mind automatically responds to all of your thoughts. It responds to your wishes, and it responds to your fears. “The Law of Attraction” and the principle that “energy follows thought” do not have a shut-off valve. It is on 24-7.

That energy follows your thought works with every positive affirmation. It also works with every meditation of intention. However, it also engages with every fear and worry that crosses your mind. Therefore, it is important to understand that what you are thinking is constantly creating what is manifesting in your life.

For this reason, it is crucial for you to be aware of your thoughts and value and respect the co-creative power that they have.

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you use your mind to live the life you desire by gaining mastery over your mind. To help you increase your awareness of what you are asking the universe to provide, I recommend that you do a technique I call the “detached observer.” If you follow my work and my writings you that will note that this is not the first time that I have recommended this technique. This technique is not a meditation but what I call a meditative technique.

Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing on your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Harnessing the power of your thoughts and making them serve you, while very simple is not always easy. Your mind functions in a multilevel way with ideas so rapid and diverse it is like catching quicksilver.

Throughout the eons of teaching meditation, helping the student gain control of what is often called “The Monkey Mind” or the “Chattering Mind” has been the goal.

In fact, the extended periods of meditating on the ‘no thing,’ ‘the void,’ ‘the sound of one hand clapping’ and other techniques that I learned in my early days of meditation, all seemed to be focused on learning to quiet your chattering mind.

Likewise, mantras repeated serve the same purpose. Similarly, the repetitive phrases of awareness that are taught in mindfulness meditations serve the same goal; they teach you to focus your thoughts and wrestle control from the chatter. Using guided meditations serve the same purpose. They are certainly easier than focusing on the “no-thing” or “the void.”

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


All are techniques to focus your thoughts in the desired direction you choose for your consciousness. Guided meditations are an effective and efficient way to harness the power of your mind to help you create the life and experiences you desire. Focusing on a problem with a focused intention on a daily basis can be transforming. The issue of regularity and repetition are key elements in using meditation to change your life.

Daily meditation need not be an arduous process. Moreover, although in my early days of meditating I was instructed to meditate for 30 minutes to an hour daily, I have found over the last 48 years that daily meditation consistently applied with intention is more important than the time spent.

When I create a guided meditation experience, I strive to capture the essence of the subject that I focus on in a 10 to 20-minute session. In meditation, it is quality rather than quality that counts.

The process of quieting your mind chatter enables you to receive the still prompting guidance of your Higher Self. Likewise, to be receptive to the wisdom of your Soul, it is important to cease your attachment to what you desire or expect in order to open your heart and your mind. Ponder on this.

This dual process of quieting your mind as much as possible and surrendering your personal will and desires to be receptive to the guidance you are receiving are crucial steps in receiving advice from your Higher Self.

We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
           – Joseph Campbell

I also recommend that if you are seeking the wisdom and direction of your Soul in your life that you set aside at least 10 minutes a day, regularly to meditate on that very subject. Then apply the technique of the detached observer by revising and reframing every negative thought, aligning it with what you feel your Higher Self is directing you to. Do these meditations with as much of an attitude of surrender to Divine Will as you are able.

I further recommend that you follow your “asking” time with a reflective and receptive time that you write in a spiritual journal. This combination of meditation and journal entry will increase the effectiveness of your request.

You Higher Self, your Soul, is available to you. When you can quiet your desires, your fears and listen to your Souls wisdom and guidance, it becomes a partner on your life journey, and your life journey becomes your spiritual journey.



The blessing of love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Be Receptive To the Guidance of Your Soul Read More »

When Angels Come to Earth

When Angels Come to Earth

Read When Angels Come to Earth by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a part of my on-going series on Angels.

To share with you the mystery and magnificence of the presence of Angels in human experience, I find that I must discuss the subtle role that angels play to bring a unique energy into manifestation.

A part of the angelic mission and purpose, when they choose to come to the earthly realm, is to embody an energy that needs to be manifested in humanity.

It is an act of love and service to humanity that these angelic beings take on this mission.  The celestial beings that focus on a specific and particular energy are often called Devas since the choice to embody a specific energy is a mysterious part of how the angelic realm (a realm of pure energy) works to create energy and influence matter.

The heavenly realm reflects Divine Will at the source of all creation.  The heavenly hosts have an opportunity to serve as the messengers to help with the manifestations of Divine Light and Divine Love that it is the Will of God to provide for humanity.

This choice is one of great service and great sacrifice for an angel whose substance is pure Light and pure Love.  To choose to embody a particular energy requires the angel moving from what is unlimited by either time or space to a specific focus.  This is, by definition contained and, therefore, limited.  It is a sacrifice fueled by Divine Love and empowered by Divine Will.  It is the work for which the angels were created, so it is simultaneously their burden and their joy.

Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than man, they have wider connections.
         – Matthew Simpson

This inner working of the angelic kingdom is not something that is explored and expressed very often.  The mechanism is the same as what is manifested for an angel to become an individualized guardian angel.  That is a powerful and personalized service.  This is different in a subtle way because it is more impersonal.

The transition to becoming available to the needs of humankind is a somewhat different service for an angel as their influence is more generalized and I imagine may be less rewarding since the result is more general and diffused.

For the angels, infused with Divine Love and directed only by Divine Will, there is a willingness to serve the Lord of creation to a task trusting in Divine Wisdom.  This need of humanity or a human individual becomes the life work and the life purpose of that angelic expression. 

As the veils between the planes of the angelic realm are thinning, more and more awareness of angelic presence is coming into human consciousness.  Angels are coming into a greater understanding of the human experience, as humans are increasing their knowledge and awareness of the angelic realm.

Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
       – Saint Francis de Sales

This is a dynamic transition in the overall Divine plan of evolution.  Human consciousness is evolutionary.  Angelic consciousness is in-volutionary.  What all of this means, especially in this amazing transformation that is being revealed in this time of change is just now beginning to be revealed.

More and more individuals are becoming conscious of angelic beings and their presence and influence on human experience.  Angels are being called upon more and more with the asking for help and guidance through the extensive use of angel cards and the invocation of angelic presence in prayers, there is a response of love and compassion.

This response is wider than just a response from your Guardian Angel.  The heavenly hosts are hearing and responding to the invitation from the human hearts for greater companionship.

Since the essence of angels is composed of Love, this increased invitation and invocation of humanity for the presence of angels increases the awareness of the blending of Divine Love with the human experience.

This building of an energetic bridge from the angelic kingdom to the human material world has a profound influence.  Since your Soul is composed of the same substance as the angels and is known as your solar angel, this calling forth of the presence of angels builds more and more energetic etheric substance along the rainbow bridge.  This not only helps and enhances the ability of angels to respond to your call but forges a pathway along what is known as the Antahkarana (the rainbow bridge) for you to have a greater conscious awareness of the wisdom, the Love and the Power of your Soul.

This greater awareness and greater merging of angelic presence open the human consciousness to a vast world that lies beyond the limitations and restrictions of the material world.  Learning to listen to the soft, gentle promptings of your Soul opens you to a greater perspective of what is real.

Imagination is a gift of your higher mind and is powerful and dynamic.  It fuels your understanding and appreciation of a reality that lies beyond the five senses of matter.

Intuition, empathy, and telepathy all exist in this space beyond the limitations of your five senses.  Learning to sense, to hear, to see and to feel these subtle energies are a part of claiming enlightened awareness.

The essence of life is beyond matter.  Love, joy, peace are all real powers that have a profound impact upon and influence in your life.  Angel’s help these subtle energies manifest in a way that can be more easily experienced by your human mind and sensed emotionally.

At times, great angels choose to come to earth and bring with them specific energies that humanity needs.  This is for these presences an act of Love and an act of service, for with their descent to earth and the material world, they become a source of Divine Love and amazing grace as an active force to manifest God’s overall plan on earth.

These great angels are aligned with Divine Will and Divine Love by their very nature.  They serve as God’s emissaries.  The individual energies that they embody and deliver to humanity can become known to you through revelation in meditation.

Angels offer the energies that they have been charged to bring into human awareness in a subtle way that relies upon those who reach out to experience their gifts of the spirit, like telepathy and imagination.  A part of the expanding of your consciousness to listen with your heart to the whisper of their energetic impression, which is what brings about the healing they bring and the help they offer to humankind.

This blending and opening from the angelic realm to human consciousness is a special blessing.  Many of the great Devas and Angels who appear to help humanity are emissaries of the Divine Mother, the female part of the heart of God and are responding to the prayers of humanity.

These great presences can be touched in meditation and may provide healing or help in response to humankind’s needs.   They are a part of the energetic interaction of heaven and earth, God and man, the world of the visible and the invisible.

In times of exalted meditation, they may reveal to you their name or their purpose and, when that happens, that is an invitation for you to invite and invoke the extraordinary energy they bring into your own life for your benefit and blessing.

Their presence, especially when revealed in meditation can have not only significant healing power but can help bring into manifestation and conscious awareness energies that can help humanity face times of great challenge.

Because these great Angels and Devas are of the substance of divine love, they manifest as spirits who are richly imbued with the essence that they are charged to help bring into manifestation.

When their name and purpose are revealed, you are invited to tap into that energy.

To empower you to receive these angelic presences in meditation I am naming a few who have been shown to me in meditation that you can call upon and connect with:

The Spirit of Perpetual Joy (is a vast and powerful angel)

The Spirit of Peace and Equilibrium

The Goddess of Grace

The Spirit of Compassionate Forgiveness

These great Angels have opened their presence so you can experience the blessings that they have chosen to embody for humanity.

Read about The Angel of Perpetual Joy by Genevieve Gerard


To become familiar with an angelic presence first hand read and experience my free Meditation To Invite an Angelic Presence Into Your Life.


New insights and awareness’s are available for you to enhance your life with joy.

Before you conclude your meditative time, you might wish to express your gratitude for the blessing and healing you have received.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 12-10-2017


Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


When Angels Come to Earth Read More »

Meditation on Angelic Presence

Meditation on Angelic Presence

Read about The Angel of Perpetual Joy by Genevieve Gerard

To invite angelic presences through meditation, I encourage you to enter into a receptive and meditative state.  To prepare for receiving her angelic presence, I advise you to have at hand your journal to record the thoughts and impressions you receive.

There is great power in knowing the name of the Angel whose energy you wish to invoke.  As you call upon her, you are issuing an invitation.

Consciously invoke and invite your Soul to be your guide.

To enter into this meditative experience suspend all judgment as you:

    Calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the light.

    Listen into the silence with your inner ear.  Open your heart to the presence of Divine Love as it fills you and sustains you.

    Align with the Light of your Soul.

Identify with the Light, Love and Power of your Soul by affirming:

I am my Soul, I am One with my Soul.

Then invite into your conscious awareness the healing power, loving presence and transforming joy of the Angel whose blessing you need.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending


Imagine your Soul in the realm of Angels as a radiating golden light 3-to-6 feet above your head.

See your chakras open and receptive from the top of your head (your crown chakra.)

Integrating your crown chakra with your Ajna center and the Alta Major center located at the top of your spine.

Then, using your imagination and your intention visualize this energy of light and love and power moving down your central energy channel (2-3 inches) behind your physical spine.

As the energy descends like a golden substance through all of your chakras, it attunes and aligns them for health and vitality.

You may become aware of a significant expansion of your heart energy.

You may feel a calming and balancing in your solar plexus.

Let this healing energy descend through your sacral center balancing as it descends to the base of your spine, your root chakra.

Breathing quietly and calmly letting this energy circulate and then rise and return to the point of light 3-to-6 feet above your head that represents the light of your Soul.

Let the energy circulate freely under the direction of your Soul and the guidance of The Spirit of Perpetual Joy (or whichever angelic presence you have invoked.)

Sense the Angel and identify with it.  Let its love and joy flow over you.

When the energy circulation feels complete, sit quietly and receptively, pondering and recording the impressions you have received.


For further information, if you haven’t already, read my articles When Angels Come to Earth and Joy Is The Antidote To Fear.


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Last updated 12-10-2017


Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Meditation on Angelic Presence Read More »

Does Your Soul Sing To You

Does Your Soul Sing To You?

Read Does Your Soul Sing To You article by Genevieve Gerard

Within you is a song that is unique to you.  It is the song of your Soul.

The Song of the Soul is the voice with which you join in the celestial music that is known as the heavenly hosts.  It is a pulsing thrum that joins to create what is known as the music of the spheres.  It is probably not a song you hear or are aware of as you rush through your daily life.

The Song of Your Soul is found only within the sound of silence, the silence that is within all sound.

I would invite you to open your life and your inner sense to this voice as a meditative experience to help you increase your awareness of the beauty and magnificence of your Soul.  This meditative experience is an experiment in consciousness.  As with all meditative experiences your experience is unique to you and is guided by the wisdom of your Soul to offer you what you need at this exact moment in time and what can be of benefit to you right here and right NOW.

At times, and I must admit that they are rare and precious times; in deep meditation I have heard the music of the spheres.  In those singular and treasured times, I have felt transported to the angelic realm.  I have been so filled with love that it overflows my mind and my heart as I am infused with the love of my Soul.

I have never written about these peak meditative experiences before.  I have not spoken of them often even among my spiritual meditation group.  They are moments of bliss and communion with the Divine that I doubt I can even find the perfect words to express.

So, when in my morning meditation I felt directed to write about one of these extraordinary moments I immediately found my “mind chatter” limiting me.  I found myself doubting that I could do what I felt I was being guided to do.  Then, when I felt directed to create a meditation to open you and others to this extraordinary experience my mind and my personality began to argue that 1.) It couldn’t be done.  2.)  I was both incapable and more significantly not worthy to even try to do it.

My very human experience of denying the directing of my Soul led me to consider how often my “mind chatter” and insecurities stop me from being who I am meant to be, or doing what I am directed to do.  Sadly, I must admit much more often than I would like it to be. 

No matter how often I surrender my personal Will to Divine Will and I do it very often, not only each day but frequently throughout the day; I am still limited by my beliefs.  And, no matter how often I dedicate myself to the Divine work and purpose, I know that what I give and what I offer falls short of the magnificence of my Soul with which I regularly align in my meditations.  This is the conflict between the Soul and the personality.

Here I sit in my morning meditations and writing time feeling directed to create something to help others touch what I have only been able to touch in the exalted peak moments of my meditations.  I have to trust that although my efforts will fall short of perfection, it is important to make my very best effort.

How I Try To Listen To the Song of My Soul

First, to try to write something that can provide a portal to this transcendent experience I find that I must, as I recommend to you each time I create a guided meditation, calm my mindThen I must open my heart.  As I strive to do this, I am filled with the Love that I have for you.

Please ponder on these words as I share with you the blessing and the beauty of the Touch of your Soul that this meditative experience can provide you.  I have faith and trust that your Soul will direct and guide you to experience what is right for you.

Then in full faith, with trust and confidence that my Soul has wisdom beyond my mind, I invite the Light of my Soul to guide me.

The words of one of my favorite mantras comes to me and with intention I invoke:

May the energy of the divine self inspire me
and the light of the soul direct.


May I be led from darkness to light,
from the unreal to the real,
from death to immortality.
     – Djwhal Khul (Tibetan master)

With that openness and invitation to the Light, I shall strive to quiet the criticism and judgements of my mind chatter.  I attempt to capture for you the direction of my Soul to create a guided meditative experience to help you open to the Touch of your Soul so that you too may hear the song of your Soul.

Within my mind’s chatter is an understanding that my best efforts as a human being will fall short of the glory of the Soul in its realm as it joins with the angels and the heavenly hosts.  Still, I will dip my pen in heaven and write as best I can to create this for youAfter that, you will have to rely on the wisdom of your Soul to guide you.

What it will reveal and what you will experience is uniquely for you.  As I frequently advise before you begin any meditation where you consciously open to and invite Soul contact, I recommend that you have a journal beside you to record the impressions, images and promptings of your Soul.

Although you may be propelled by the business and busyness of life, with your awareness focused on your body, emotions, mind and your personality’s needs and desires; each and every one of us is endowed with a Soul, that is a spark of Divine Light and is our eternal essence.


Listen To the Song of My Soul Meditation


Take a minute now and sit with your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the floor as you open your whole being to this moment of time.  Let all that has come before in your life fade away as you come into the eternity of the now.

Imagine the Light of your Soul as a radiating Light three to six feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Then visualize that Golden Light descending into your field of energy (your aura) into the top of your head, down into your heart filling your heart with Love. 

To enter into this meditative experience you must hear, not with you physical ears but with your Soul, a song of the sounds that are the essence of all sound that is found only in the silence. Quiet yourself and connect to the part of you that is One with that Divine spark, your Soul.

A Mantra that you can use to empower you to connect with and identify with your Soul is:

I am the Soul.

I am infused with the Light of my Soul.

Grace fills me with Diving Love.

As Soul, I am joined and fused with the heart of God.


As Soul, I am empowered by the Christ to
be of service to do His work in the world.

To do God’s work aligned with God’s Will,
I surrender my little will.


With gratitude and joy,
I open my heart and my mind to the directing of my Soul.

       – Genevieve Gerard

Now, having identified with and aligned with your Soul, sit quietly with your mind as calm as you can bring it to be, open your heart to the outpouring grace of Divine Love.  Invite again the Light of your Soul, confident of your Oneness with that Light.

This is a sacred moment.  In the peace of this moment and the Presence of your Soul, sit in the silence and listen to the Song of your Soul.

Embrace whatever experience has been granted to you with gratitude.  Let whatever blessings and insights that come to you grow without judgement.

Record whatever guidance and impressions linger from this experience in your journal.

Let you heart be filled with the Love of your Soul and your mind be filled with greater understanding and insight.


Before you move back into the events of your day, pause to express your gratitude for the blessings you have received.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Does Your Soul Sing To You Read More »

To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal

To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal

Read "To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal" by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

Love has the power to heal and transform the most wounded life.

It is in loving that we are most connected to the Divine.

It is in loving that illusion can fall from your eyes and truth can be revealed.

There are of course many different ways that love is felt and expressed. However, love is more than a feeling. This is part of what the adventure through life is undertaken to reveal.

Learning To Love

Learning to love and fully comprehending what it is to love is one of the most important and most profound lessons of life.

It is within this experience of love that the deepest healing takes place. It is within the lessons of love that the full richness of life is expressed and experienced.

Love comes in many different expressions and manifestations, and each and every one of them can be a challenge.

You might think that it is easiest to love yourself, yet for many people that is the most challenging of all. You might wonder why it is so hard to love yourself, but who knows more than you how many times and how many ways you have failed to love another. Who knows better than you, all of the selfish and self-serving things you do and more significantly the selfish and self-serving thoughts and judgments that run through your mind.

Luckily, it is in learning to love yourself that you can truly open your heart, your mind, and your Soul to the transformative power of the true essence of Love.

Each time you love in the many different ways that you can manifest love; you are opening and expanding the portal to the Divine. We are told that God is Love and there is no greater truth. The more we can demonstrate love, the more we are joining with God in the Oneness and unity of humanity.

One of the amazing miracles of Love is that Love is merged and blended with both forgiveness and grace. Love also activates compassion and with compassion most often comes understanding. And because Love unites us with the Divine, the more you love, the easier you find it to forgive. True Love cascades with grace and transforms your life.

Learning to Love is one of the most important experiences in this life that is filled to overflowing with lessons.

Because you are learning, any attempt you make to love benefits you. You don’t have to be perfect. However much you are able to give love is always a blessing. Romantic love is often the stimulus that opens you to the experience of loving, much like priming a pump. While romantic love is the doorway many use to enter into love, to truly love is so much more since it involves your whole being, body and mind, heart and Soul. Loving truly is more. It involves looking beyond your needs. It involves expanding your awareness of needs beyond your own, to the greatest good, perhaps of others.

One of the amazing parts of love is that it connects you to the spark of the Divine that resides in your Soul. When you love you are connected with what is eternal in your life. When you love you grow in understanding others. You become aware of a higher-level unity and brotherhood/sisterhood that bonds you with others in a way that enhances all of your life experiences.

We are all told in the bible to, “Make love your aim” 1: Corinthians 13. We are told that of all the gifts of a spiritual life, “the greatest of these is love.”

You don’t need to criticize yourself or judge yourself or others for the inability or failures you may experience along the path of life in learning to love. Whatever progress you make or understanding you achieve about what it means to love is a step toward more enlightened awareness. In each step you take, or revelation you are granted, there is an automatic, spontaneous reinforcement because you experience more joy and more peace in your life.

Learning to love is its own reward. That is a miracle. When I consider the amazing grace and wisdom of that design, by the Divine, I cannot help but be filled with awe. I cannot help but feel loved by God and in that great and amazing grace realize that it is Love that I am born to share and disperse.

As love is given to me freely,
I am guided to give love freely.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Furthermore, the wonderful and amazing blessing of giving Love is that by giving I also receive. This is a mystery of loving and one of the great blessings of loving. Each time that I love I am joined with God, whose nature and very essence is love. I cannot help but rejoice.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts,
there can be no more hurt, only more love.
        – Mother Teresa

Love is the life lesson that seems riddled with paradox because it is so very powerful and so very transformative. I know very well in my life how many times I have failed to truly love, even when I have professed love and strived to love. Our human nature, our personal desires, and needs are such that loving does not always come easy. Romance, sexual desire, and selfishness all confuse this.

Be gentle with yourself. Love is the nature of God. You are not God. You are a human being. Each time you love, you brush up to the majesty and glory of God and are blessed and transformed in your very human life.

The more you open your heart and your mind to Love, the more you touch the divine breath of love that comes from your Soul, and the more your life reflects joy.

Affirmations and Reflections on Love
– A meditation focused on Love

I suggest you have a journal with you so you can record and remember any thoughts or impressions you receive in this meditation.

As you begin, calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

This short meditation will combine both affirmations and reflections. The affirmation allows you to activate your will, your intention and your desire.

The reflection then reveals what you are learning about love.

Before you begin, take a minute to come into the present and presence of you higher awareness, your Soul, where you know what love is. Put the past behind you. Breathe deeply as you relax into this moment in time. Let your awareness be free to experience the guidance of what it means to love truly and freely.

Then calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Then Say to yourself:

I am created by Love to learn how to Love.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

With my mind calm and my heart opened, Divine Love fills me.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

Divine Love heals me and brings me closer to my Soul.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

I am grateful and blessed by the touch of my Soul
and the touch of God’s love that I have received today.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]

The Love that flows to me flows through me to the world.
[Pause, reflect, and record your impressions.]


Ponder on the words of this meditation.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 2-16-2020


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul, All Rights Reserved.


To Love Truly Has the Power to Heal Read More »

A Serenade to the Dawn

Read A Serenade to the Dawn by Genevieve Gerard

A Serenade to the Dawn


A touch of morning pink enters the sky.

Joy blooms in my heart.

There is so much promise in that gentle blush.


Quietly the new day dawns.

The clouds of yesterday storms transform with hope.

The Light is victorious.


New possibilities come into my mind.

I pause to dream.


What can I do with this new opportunity to make manifest what I desire?

Softly my Soul whispers, seize the day with joy.


Spread your Light, give your Love.

All is well in the peace of this potent time.


        – Genevieve Gerard



Last updated 3-14-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


A Serenade to the Dawn Read More »

Understanding Our Dual Nature

Understanding Our Dual Nature

Read Understanding Our Dual Nature article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness.

The experience of being human is an amazing blend of seemingly contradictory factors.

Let us take a moment to consider the diverse parts of the human being that must be integrated every day of our lives.  Understanding this better may help you understand the different aspects of your human nature that are often challenging.

A dear spiritual friend of mine calls this duality, but I feel that term may not capture the full depth and breadth of the dynamics of what it means to be a human being in incarnation, especially at this exciting time in human evolution.

Since the dawn of creation, when human beings first drew in the breath of life, we as human beings have been a unique creation.  We are told in the scriptures, that man was created in the image of God, the relationship between the part of ourselves that is the animal man and the part of ourselves that is Divine created in the image of the creator, has been a source of many questionsIt is that concept on which I wish to expand.

Let us take a minute to consider the meaning of the dual nature of man.  This is a subject that I have long pondered and studied. Within the understanding of that dual nature are many factors that are important to consider.

Divine Observations

The most ancient religions across the planet, even when they differ dramatically in dogma seem to have observed certain essential truthsOne of these truths is that a human being has within them something that is both Divine and eternal.

This truth is acknowledged by the ancient greeting Namaste.”  The meaning of the ancient Sanskrit phrase Namaste is that you honor and recognize this Divinity in another.  This recognition happens in a deep pre-conscious part of your being.  It is both a deep truth and a profound mystery about the human condition.

There are some things that help to consider this dual nature of your being.  Some of these are common sense observations of reality.  Others are more abstract.  Yet, even the most abstract of these seem to be a part of your collective understanding, and archetypal awareness of what it means to be a human being, a unique and amazing blending of what is material and what is spiritual. 

As you delve into this mystery, there are many beliefs that may have been taught to you throughout all of our life that come into play.  When we talk about these issues, these beliefs can be a great support in your understanding or a great hindrance because what I am saying is being judged to match up with the dogma of those beliefs.

What Resonates For You As The Truth

As I write to you today I try, to my best ability, to discuss and explain these issues in a way that have a practical implication upon your life, the decisions you make and how to best take advantage of this miracle of life with which you have been blessed.  As you read this, I am going to ask you to calm your mind and open your heart.  I am going to ask you to consider these words from a place deep within you that resonates and is recognized by you when you hear the truth.

I am going to ask you today to read my words and only judge them by what resonates for you as the truth.  If anything that I write, today or ever does not live up to that standard, I request that you dismiss it.  I am a human being on the same path to being more enlightened in my awareness as you and every other human being who walks the earth.

Nothing I have ever said or will ever say should be given greater authority than the truth.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Inner Sense of Truth and Knowing

Amazingly, each of us has within us a deep sense of truth when we are open to receive it.  The common phrase, “that has the ring of truth to it” describes this experience of considering the truth in what you are hearing or reading.  There is a phrase I have often considered and pondered on along my own path, “no religion is higher than the truth.”  Therefore, it is to this inner sense of truth and knowing that I direct you as we explore this fully human and Divine aspect of your human nature.

As we consider these truths, I also ask you to consider how these truths relate to the practical daily decisions you make in your life.  In my own meditations lately, when I connect to my Soul, my own spark of Divine Light to grow and understand my life and my work, I have been pondering upon a phrase, “practical spirituality.”  Indeed, if being spiritual has a purpose in life it must be to help us live life more abundantly and more joyfully.

The more that I have come to know and understand the spiritual part of my being, the more solutions I have found to the multifaceted and myriad of life’s challenges.  Meditation has been the portal through which I make contact with the Divine spark in me, my Soul, and it is through the vast and unconditional love that is available to me when I touch my Soul, that I am granted both understanding and wisdom to solve life’s problems. 

I have, to the very best of my ability, tried to capture these solutions to share with you in my guided meditations and my writings.  From my own very human challenges in life and from my many years helping others resolve life challenges I have created many meditations.  My husband jokes that my epitaph will be “I have a meditation for that.”  It is my experience that my relationship with my Soul is both immensely practical and life-enhancing.

It is from the perspective of my own awareness of my dual nature as a Soul or Spiritual being that I must integrate the needs of my body, my emotions, my thought with the directing of my Soul.  I shall strive to describe the practical applications of that dual perspective to you now.

Understanding Your Dual Nature

You Have a Physical Body

In order to have this discussion, it is important that we consider what you know to be the seeming diverse parts of your human natureFirst, you know you have a physical body.  That part of your human nature and your human experience is the source for many delights.  The five senses of the physical body are a source for a great deal of enjoyment.  It is a precious gift from the Creator.  It is a bountiful blessing.

If you apply that recommended filter of truth to the preceding statement about your body, I am sure it will pass the test.  There are those in the name of spiritual teaching who have taught you to deny the blessings of the body, with thoughts of shame and guilt.  Nevertheless, I ask you to consider with gratitude and celebration the miracle that your body is.  Open yourself to enjoy and appreciate that amazing part of the wholeness of yourself.

As it is true that the physical part of your human experience is wonderful and glorious; it is also true that you are more than a physical body.  Life, your life, is multilayered and multifaceted.  Yet, from your awareness of your physical nature, you know that the desires and the pleasures of the flesh can easily get out of balance and out of control.

Amazingly, it is your Higher Self, your Soul, which can help you keep your physical desires in balance.  The Soul, or as addiction treatment refers to it, a Higher Power, is often the key to overcoming excess and addiction to the desires and pleasures of the flesh.  This is for many a first step in calling upon their dual nature in a practical and life-changing manner.  It is by calling on the Higher Self, your own personal Higher Power, that you can gain mastery and start a process of integration.

In the Ageless Wisdom, this process is referred to as an important step in human evolution, that of bringing the Soul into dominance over the physical desires and urges.

You have a body, but you are more than your body.  This is powerfully demonstrated when you use the influence and strength of your Soul to transcend out of balance physical desires to move forward in your life.   This is an example of calling upon the advantages of being a dual being, material and spiritual.

You Have Emotions

Likewise, you have emotions.   This is one of the true challenges of our human experience.  Just as dealing with the desires of the flesh can create untold challenges in the human adventure, so too can the experience of emotions present an ongoing challenge.  The wildly erratic nature of emotions, from anger to joy, from hate to love, make having emotions, and especially not letting your emotions be in control in your life, a major focus of the practical application of spirituality.

There is no doubt that coping with and managing the desires of the flesh is an important part of life.  We have all seen the disastrous results of lives where desire and pleasure were allowed to be out of balance in life decisions.  Likewise, the rampant expressions of the volatility of emotions do not lead to a happy or fulfilling life.  This is the conclusion of a thinking man. 

You Have A Thinking Mind

Truly, the mind is an equally powerful part of the wholeness of your being. Through the power of your mind, you are able to understand that you, in your human experience are more than a body.  And, by observing life you know that you are more than the sum total of your rollercoaster emotions.

Your mind and most importantly the content of your thoughts is essential to understanding what I call your spiritual anatomy.  How these diverse parts of the human nature of physical, emotional and mental combine and work together is truly amazing.  The integration and blending of these concurrently diverse forces of the self is the function of the personality.

You Are A Soul

Although the personality does a great job of striving to balance the parts of the self, the real dynamic power of one’s dual nature resides in the Soul. The Soul, that spark of Divine Light that is so rarely even considered in many people’s daily life, is where the real magic of the human experience resides.  However, as we consider the magnificent multifaceted parts of “being” a human being it is important to understand the different nature of the Soul from your personality.

The Ageless Wisdom teaches that the Soul, your Soul, is available to help you live the full breadth and the full joy of your life.  This is a power you can engage and activate in ways that help you conquer the challenges of the desires of the flesh.

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
          – Swami Vivekananda

The Soul offers the support to transcend fears and one’s more unpleasant and painful emotions.  Your Soul provides the ignition to the mind to serve in a co-creator relationship with the Divine.  With the empowering of your thoughts through the spiritual principles of the Law of Attraction and the energetic dynamics that “energy follows thought,” you can create your life.  Ponder on this.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
          – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Although your personality does an ok job of integrating your body and your emotions with your mind, your personality is not your Soul. Your Soul, which is a spark of Divine Light, is a part of the Creative force and eternal and evolving essence of life itself.

Your Soul, rather than your personality, can do a much more enlightened job of integrating the human nature of your body, mind, and emotions.

To touch your Soul, to open your heart and your mind to that resplendent radiance and glory is life-transforming and can take place every day.  Making this distinction is important in understanding your dual nature as a human being. 

As you develop, learn, and grow as a spiritual being on your quest for more enlightened awareness, it is the touch and transforming power of your Soul that will make the greatest difference.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Soul-Infused Personality

Along the path of spiritual evolution, the integration of the body, the emotions and the mind with your Soul are significant achievements. The integration of each of these parts of the self with the Soul is the forerunner to integrating your personality with your Soul.

To incorporate the consciousness of your Soul with your personality, you must focus your awareness beyond your individual self, into your oneness with all of life. Throughout the day, allow your Soul to overshadow your personality and influence every action you take.  This will make a powerful and profound difference in how you experience even the most mundane things in the world.

It is in the integration of your very human nature with your spiritual nature that the real majesty of being a physical being and a Soul comes into its full glory.

It is in this step in the evolution of a human being and a Soul that the full miracle of merging the physical with the spiritual can be demonstrated. 

Check out any of my guided activity-based awareness meditations to have an experience of this.

I invite and encourage you to experience the many ways that your human nature can benefit from the greater perspective of your Soul’s wisdom and vast unconditional love.

This merging and integration with your Soul (and the ultimate understanding of your dual nature) is the most rewarding and exciting adventure you can undertake. I welcome your comments on understanding your dual nature below.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 8-18-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Understanding Our Dual Nature Read More »

Introduction to How Miracles Are Created

Introduction to How Miracles Are Created

Read Introduction to How Miracles Are Created article by Genevieve Gerard

My meditation and thoughts have been recently focused on the subject of miracles.

Miracles are something that seem important to understand.

As I ponder and consider what makes a miracle happen and what composes the building blocks of a miracle, I realize that some special energetic forces must come together to cause a miracle to happen.

I will strive in this article to explore the factors and components that combine to create miracles. I will try in what I write today to provide you with ways to empower your life to make you more open to miracles.

At its core, a miracle is an amazing thing because to make a miracle happen the physical and spiritual worlds must come together. In this realization, there is an important hint to ponder on about how miracles happen.

As I contemplate on miracles and pray for guidance on how to teach and explain them, I am aware that attempting this teaching is a demonstration of how times are changing. As we enter into this new stage of human evolution, what has long been kept hidden is now being revealed.

The old ways, “to know, to dare and to do and to keep silent” are being replaced by openness, as humanity is changing and evolving. Miracles, while as old as time itself, have traditionally been reserved for Divine beings. The past is peppered with those who were ordinary people before they performed what became known as a miracle.

When I consider the stories of miracles, I, of course, look to the stories of the life of Jesus, which are recorded in the New Testament. At the same time, it is important to remember that Jesus said, “Greater things than I have done you shall do.” John 14.

Jesus’s statement seems to direct people to not only believe in miracles but to take an active role in the creation of miracles. It does not relegate miracles to 2500 years ago. It does not imply that miracles are the exclusive purview of Jesus. It seems to imply that doing miracles is a natural and important extension of being disciples of Jesus and of being a spiritual being. It seems to take away the excuse and limiting beliefs you might have about performing miracles because you are only human.

It seems to mean that miracles are a part of living and coming into relationship with the Divine that it is important to understand. This article, this exploration of the components that make miracles happen and sharing my understanding and awareness of miracles is more than I can do in 2000 words today. I realize that there is so much that goes into a miracle that this article is the first step into this mystery.

Miracles are not contrary to nature,
but only contrary to what we know about nature.
          – Saint Augustine

In pondering the concept of miracles, you may be immediately confronted with what you believe you know about life and science that falls into the realm of miracles. I will remind you that new discoveries are constantly being revealed about the nature of energy, particularly in the area of subtle energies.

Quantum physics and the astonishing revelations of Noetic Science all make it clear that there is still so much we do not know or understand about life.

It is interesting to note that much of what is being revealed and confirmed in Noetic Science is scientific confirmation of much that has been taught in the Ageless Wisdom.

I continue to explore this concept of miracles through meditation. Also, I will continue to ponder and consider what is revealed in my consciousness in my quest to empower you to create miracles in your life.

As I write to you today, I realize that even though I have been pondering and meditating on the subject of miracles for a while now, the insights and understandings I have now are just a small glimpse into the truth of how miracles work.

I will commit to continuing this quest into the subject of miracles and share with you any insights and revelations I receive in subsequent articles. These I will identify, like I do with my healing articles, as a part of an ongoing series.

That said there are some things I have come to understand about miracles that I can share with you today.

Intention, Personal and Divine Will

It seems clear to me that a miracle involves a merger between intention and personal and Divine Will.

This merging of Will seems to be one of the building blocks, or essential components for manifesting a miracle. I am speaking here of miracles beyond the miracle of creation or the miracle of life itself, to the little miracles you and I may wish to focus upon as we move through life.

The dynamic of personal Will and Divine Will is an integral part of all energetic healing. It speaks to the very deep and profound issues in spiritual and life experience.

This issue of personal Will and Divine Will influences prayers, and it most certainly has a profound impact on the creation of miracles.

As I have considered and prepared to write this article, I have found this issue of personal Will and Divine Will interweaving through my thoughts.

As I have explored why my ponderings about miracles have led me repeatedly to the issue of Will, I realized that it is in the creation of a miracle that personal Will and Divine Will must become perfectly aligned.

This alignment of personal Will and Divine Will is an important part of all energetic healing, and since the miracle that many desire in life are directly related to healing, that makes a great deal of sense. So in some way it is natural to consider healing and miracles together.

A miracle is distinctly different from a prayer or invocation for healing. Although some of the components are very similar to prayer, there seems to be more to a miracle than just prayer. This seems to imply that there is a blending of invocation and evocation in both miracles and prayer.

The Role Of The Soul In Miracles

As I write about miracles, I find myself needing to stop and meditate to let my mind be open to what is involved in performing a miracle. That very fact seems to give an important hint about miracles. A miracle is performed by your Soul when held in perfect alignment with Divine Will. Ponder on this.

Another vital and very important part is that the personal Will is also perfectly and completely aligned with the Will of the Soul and Divine Will. This trinity of Wills has a dynamic power to it.

To achieve this alignment of your personality and your personal Will with the Will of your Soul is an exalted experience and can be transformative and transcendent. Just aligning with the power and magnificence of your Soul is already amazing. This experience alone is often life-changing.

When energy is further aligned with the power and presence of the Divine, especially through the aspect of aligning your Will and your Soul with Divine Will, energy can be changed. It is in this alignment of Source, Soul and Self that great power is released. It is in this unity of Will and purpose that dynamic transformation can take place.

To concurrently be invoking your Will and to be at the same moment in time completely surrendered is a unique experience. All of the prayers you have prayed through a lifetime of petitions are preparation for this mystical moment of union. It is special and rare, as miracles are special and rare.

Prayer is the medium of miracles;
in whatever way works for you, pray right now.
        – Marianne Williamson

To come into greater awareness of your Soul and to touch and incorporate the amazing breadth of the wonder of your Soul, is perhaps the best way to open your life to miracles.

Meditation Is The Portal

Meditation is the portal to your Soul. When you open yourself, your heart and your mind to the love that is the nature of your Soul, you have embarked upon a quest to understand the Divine in a more profound and powerful way than you may have thought possible.

It might be said that the first step in a miracle is the step of opening yourself to experience the wonder of your Soul.

The joy of connecting with your Soul in meditation is both wonderful and glorious. Today I offer you a meditation to help you experience the joy of connecting with your Soul. I know of no greater gift that I can give you than to facilitate your connection and awareness of your Soul.

A Meditation to Prepare your Life for Miracles

Much like prayer will help you learn to align your personal Will with Divine Will, this meditation is created to help you align with your Soul.

To begin sit in a quiet place, clear of distractions or interruptions.

This is a special time. This is a sacred time. To enter into this meditation first declare your intention to be open to the amazing Presence of your Soul.

Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Let yourself draw in a very deep breath to help you relax. As you exhale, release any tension or anxieties and let them fade away and disappear from your awareness.

Come into this moment of time. It is only NOW. Nothing that has ever been before this moment has any power over you.

Draw in another very deep and peaceful breath. As you release that breath, let forgiveness and grace begin to fill your heart and your mind.

Affirm that although you have a body, you are more than just a physical being. Realize that although you experience a great array of emotions, they wash over you freely and are now freely released.

Accept that you have a mind, yet you are more than the content of your thoughts.

You have a personality. Let it surrender to the Love, the Wisdom and the directing of your Soul. Let the Soul have control.

Identify with your whole self as you open your heart and your mind to experience the magnificent radiance of your Soul.

Visualize your Soul as a radiant golden-white light three feet above your head. Let the Light, the Love and the Power of your Soul, gently fill your whole being. You are Love. You are Light. You are the Soul.

You are a miracle of Divine Light created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience right here and right now on planet earth.

Let that thought pervade your thoughts. Let that truth fill your heart. Open yourself to being your whole self.

Pause as you breathe in this essence of being that is available to you.

Immediately release any thoughts that disturb you. Let the peace that passes understanding into the moment. Accept the grace, understanding and forgiveness that connecting with your Soul brings.

Let all of your fears crumble into dust as they are blown away into oblivion. Gone, they have no substance to emerge again.

You are Soul. You are the spark of Divine Light that is endless, timeless and eternal.

As Soul, you are One with the Universal Presence. As Soul, you are aligned with the mind of God.

Pause and let yourself experience all that is available to you in this meditation and this moment.

Stay with this awareness for as long as you can. Gradually become aware of your breath. Let your awareness drift to your mind, your heart and your body. Let yourself be filled with the Light, the Love and the Power of your Soul.

As you are ready to conclude, become aware of the sounds and the vibration of the world around you.

Before you return to the needs of your life, take a moment to express your gratitude for the blessing this meditation has been.



I suggest that you take some time in the afterglow of this meditation to record your thoughts and impressions in your journal.

To touch your Soul, is to touch the hem of heaven. I invite and encourage you to meditate on your Soul often and open yourself to the amazing creation that you are.

To touch your Soul, can be the fuel for miracles in your life.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-10-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Introduction to How Miracles Are Created Read More »

What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self

What You Need To Know To
Invoke Your Higher Self

Read "What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self" by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

There comes a time in the human experience that you need more than logic to solve a problem.

Your mind may replay possible solutions to your problems, only to cast them aside. You may have a sense that the wisdom you are seeking lies just outside of your reach.

You may feel a prompting that you cannot quite grasp. Your intuition may be warning you that you are about to make a mistake, but you lack the clarity to stand with the strength and assurance to find a different way.

This is the time to invoke the wisdom and the guidance of your Higher Self.

To invoke your Higher Self will aid and empower you. When you realize that the directions and insights are coming from the part of yourself that is most attuned, and aligned with your divine spark and the higher purpose in your life, it shifts your perspective and strengthens you.

Consciously connecting with your Higher Self empowers your life and your decisions. You can invoke Your Higher Self whenever you need its wisdom and guidance. Your Higher Self is internally tuned in with the purpose of your life. It opens you to a sense of your inner wisdom and your inner knowing.

Steps To Invoke Your Higher Self


Perhaps the most significant step in connecting with your Higher Self is your intention.

Intention fuels a manifestation of an energetic connection that is always there, although you may not always feel or experience it. Intention activates the pathway from your physical and etheric body to the subtle energetic substance that forms the Soul or Higher Self.

It is your intention that activates an energetic bridge from your lower mind and personality to the part of you that is your Higher Self. It is important to remember that your Higher Self is a part of your anatomy every bit as real and significant as what you can see, touch, smell, taste, and feel. It cannot, not help but be a part of you.

We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect.
The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.
        – Carl Jung

That you rarely consider your Higher Self consciously does not make it any less real and present. You rarely consciously consider the blood that circulates through your body or the oxygen it delivers throughout your physical body, but we all know they are real.

Your Higher Self is as much a part of the wholeness of your being, even though it’s substance is not composed of matter.


Because your Higher Self is composed of a substance that is uniquely different from the substance of matter, imagination in visualizing and experiencing your Higher Self can be very valuable.

Your Imagination is a function of your higher mind and is, therefore, more aligned with and attuned with the substance of your Higher Self. It is a valuable tool in helping you experience this part of your being that is beyond matter.


In consciously connecting with your Higher Self, it is important that you open your senses beyond what you may focus on in your so-called, “normal consciousness.”

You may need to expand your awareness of a part of your energy field that you may most often ignore. To come into a conscious experience of your Higher Self I recommend that you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. This is a prequel to the meditation experience.

The Soul speaks to you in the silence. The more you can quiet and calm your mind the more the soft, gentle whisper of the Soul can be heard.
        – Genevieve Gerard

When reaching for the conscious awareness of your Higher Self, meditation is a powerful tool. It is not essential, but the more often you forge the pathway from your lower nature and your personality to your Higher Self the easier the path is to follow (like any well-worn path in nature.) When you empower the pathway from your mind and your emotions, you build a way that etheric energy connects you with your Higher Self.

Relax and enjoy the construction of that pathway using your intention and your imagination as you open yourself to the experience of meeting your Higher Self in the meditation below.

Breathing Meditation To Invoke Your Higher Self


Begin, by inhaling a very deep breath, bringing the air in through your nose, letting it begin at your diaphragm energetically.

Bring the air into your chest and as you do this consciously open the energy of your heart to expand. Hold the intention of Love.

Then bring the breath all the way to the top of your lungs, just below the shoulders.

When you have filled your lungs as fully as you are able, release the breath through your mouth fully until you have released all of your air.

This is a relaxing breath. You might already notice how much more relaxed and at peace you feel having fully experienced a full breath.

Before you take another profound and relaxing breath, take a moment to come into this present moment. Let yourself consciously put the past behind you, and relax and appreciate the magnificent power and unlimited potential that is available, right here and right now.

Recognize that the past is now behind you. It has no further power over you or influence over you except what you choose to give it.

What will be, the future, is just beginning to be created as you let yourself relax and reside in the eternal NOW.

It is in the eternal NOW that your Higher Self resides. This moment, this peace, this Presence is available to you.

When you are ready, begin to draw in another deep relaxing and healing breath, in through your nose starting at your diaphragm, through your solar plexus and up into your heart allowing your heart energy to open and expand.

Again, bring the breath to the top of your lungs drawing in as much air as you can hold.

Then as you release this breath through your mouth it may form a sound like a sigh as you let go of any stress or concerns and let yourself relax and come to center.

Observe what you are feeling and experiencing.

Then, breathe naturally not attempting to control your breath, allowing your breath to direct how much you bring in and how much you let go of that you no longer need.

You might notice a calm and peace filling you at this time. You might be aware that you are more present.

Enter into the profound peace and potential of the eternal now, and release the past and open to the possibility of creating a new future that incorporates more of your purpose in life and your heart’s desire.

Taking one more really deep relaxing and filling breath with intention, invoke and invite the Presence of your Higher Self.

With the inhale draw into your heart and your mind the perfect amount of the very essence of your Being.

Let its Light circulate through your whole being with your breath.

As it moves from your lungs to your heart and throughout your entire physical and energy body, accept the healing power and profound love into your conscious awareness, into your heart and into your mind.

As you exhale breath out any negative thoughts or fears.

Release any limiting beliefs that keep you from expressing the magnificent and full being that you truly are.

Now sit in silence and receptivity as you listen for the still prompting of your Higher Self.

In this pause you can offer up any issue and concern on which you would like greater insight or understanding.

Be receptive and record your thoughts and insights in your journal.

Pause for reflection.

Observe the background sounds that surround you. Return to this present moment and give gratitude to your Higher Self for any insights and clarity you may have received in this guided meditation.


Now, move forward with your life confident and assured that the insight and wisdom you have applied to the situation is the right choice for your life and is aligned with your Higher Purpose.




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Last updated 10-03-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


What You Need To Know To Invoke Your Higher Self Read More »