Genevieve Gerard Article

What Are We Going To Do

What Are We Going To Do… 
To Make This World A Better Place

Planet earth in woman's hand with text What Are We Going To Do

Across the world and across the nations, we humans are going through a challenge of a world pandemic.  You may have been required to stop and stay home in order to save lives.  And in the midst of this, it is evident that the life you save may be your own or a loved one.

This disruption of life as we knew it has been difficult for everyone.  The need for isolation is unnatural for all of us.  Human beings are social creatures.  Being alone, especially for long periods, is not what we value.  This unprecedented period with the need to stay isolated and stay at home has interrupted and interfered with how things have always been.

That has been combined with a worldwide death toll that is staggering.  It had caused a commercial shut down that before this happened would have been unimaginable.  We are all shocked and amazed by the photos of New York’s Time Square virtually empty of cars and people.  The Plazas of Italy shown on newsreels without the masses of people we have always seen are stunning.  Everywhere we look in photographs from all around the world, we see a different world, a changing world.

And this pandemic is far from over.  One by one, community by community governments are considering when commerce can open again and how we can return to business without sending this pandemic on another deadly rampage resulting in even more death and destruction than we have already seen.

The daily death tolls, country by country, state, or providence by state, city by city, has been staggering.  The impact on the consciousness of people even if they are sheltered and are safe at home, is a strain.  The fact that people are dying impacts people on an empathic level. That is something for which no one was prepared.

What We Do Affects One Another

This world event is bringing to the awareness of the people of the world truths that may have circulated in the mythos of consciousness but was never really believed.  Concepts such as the unity of humanity have entered the collective consciousness as this virus has swept the world unlimited by borders or the ways we have divided our identities to separate us from one another.

The unprecedented shut down of the world’s economic engine has had some unexpected consequences. We are now aware that there is no place we can go to the world that is protected or safe from this Coronavirus.  It brings to the attention of everyone, everywhere that this planet that we share is truly sharedWe are one humanity, whether we like it or not.

This truth, this reality, in light of this world pandemic, has brought to consciousness, in a way that seems to be a call to the consciousness of humanity, to create a better world to find a better way to relate and interact with one another that makes the world work for everyone.  If there is an inescapable lesson that this Coronavirus has taught the world, it is that what we do affects one another.

This lesson comes at a death toll that is continuing to rise daily that is entirely global and is not even close to being finished.  The Coronavirus is a stern taskmaster, and what we as humans are learning is just the beginning.

As a student of life, and one who regularly considers the issues of consciousness and right human relationships; I find it interesting that this world pandemic, that has closed the doors of commerce, occurs at a time in human history where our careless disregard for this planet that we share is concurrent with warnings that if we do not change our ways, in perhaps dramatic ways or certainly in significant ways we are in danger of making the world uninhabitable.

The scientist has been giving us timelines to the destruction that is known to every government everywhere as humanity continues to operate in ways that are destructive to the environment.  People across the planet observe that the climate is changing in dramatic ways.  But greed and irresponsibility turn the gears of world commerce, and until this world pandemic of the Coronavirus, nothing has successfully slowed them, let along stopped them.

The clearing and cleaning of the air, from places as diverse as Los Angeles to Beijing, is noteworthy.  Of course, the clearance of the air or the cleaning of polluted waters and oceans is only a brief respite.  For our Mother Earth, we must take this world pause and learn from it.  We must consider how to put the world commerce back together in a way that is better than it was before this world crisis.

The Coronavirus Pandemic is giving humanity and the planet a unique opportunity.  It is teaching us valuable life lessons.  It is pointing out and revealing fundamental unfairness and inequities that we as humanity, governments, and individuals must decide if we are going to change or let stand.  These issues have come into our aggregate consciousness partially by the rising of our internal Soul awareness of what is right and what is wrong facilitated by the time and space and silence of contemplation.

Some of this new awareness, revelation, and consideration can be seen in the posts of social media.  The worldwide communication network has in this time of an isolation crisis allowed humanity to consider global rights and wrongs in a way that, like the closing down of the wheels of much of world commerce, is unprecedented.

Allow Silence to Bring You Soul Awareness

When you stop and allow silence to bring to your awareness the wisdom of your Soul, your heart, and mind you expand to enable new insights and new possibilities.  In response to the enforced silence of the busyness and noise of the world, people are, around the globe and certainly across social media pondering and expressing observations about what is right and what is wrong in the world.

From the very moment of birth, there is within each of us an archetypal and indelible sense of right and wrong.  There is an inner arbiter of truth that we recognize as the still and silent voice of your Soul.  Throughout time meditation and contemplation have been the portals of consciousness into that awareness.  That we, as the people of the earth, the group of humanity as a whole are finding within this world moment thoughts about fairness and injustice in our collective consciousness is appropriate to this world moment.

Make This World A Better Place

When the Coronavirus slammed the brakes on the world as we knew it, forty-two million people, or 0.8 percent of the world’s population, have net worths in excess of $1 million. That group — roughly the global 1 percent — controls 44.8 percent of the world’s wealth. So it really is true that a pretty small number of people control nearly half the world’s wealth. (as of Jan 22, 2019, per Oxfam International.)

That is a fact that has been incorporated into “folk wisdom”.  It has become common to refer to that as the difference between the 1% ers, vs. the 99%.  That is the way the world has been.  But I ask you, is that the way you want the world to be?

Is that what you believe is fair?  Is that a demonstration of right action and right relationship between people?  Does that resonate within your heart, and your mind and your Soul as you sit in the silence of this time of isolation and consider the re-establishing of society that needs to happen for the world economy to start running again?

We are being given an unprecedented opportunity to create a world that is better, a world that is different.

We know this.  We post about it on social media.  We create memes about it.  We ask these questions.

I ask you what are we going to do to make this world a better place?   Ultimately all governments draw their consent from the governed.

This was a central principle of the Declaration of Independence as written by Thomas Jefferson and revised and reaffirmed by the founding fathers of the United States of America.  It is the basic principle of the Bill of Rights that are the enumerated rights of America.  But more than being founding principles of the United States of America, they have entered the collective consciousness of the whole of humanity in the over 200 years the United States has existed.

People all around the world use that concept to create changes in their government.  And, at this world moment of the Coronavirus crisis, it is this principle that will be used to transform the world that emerges to make this world a better world than it was when we, the people of planet earth, went home to save our lives.

I believe we are being given an unprecedented opportunity to save the planet and to transform society.  I am asking you to consider how and what we need to change to create a better world.

I am asking you to take advantage of the time of enforced isolation to meditate, contemplate, and consider what that world would look like?  What needs to change?  What violates the wisdom of your Soul?  What screams out to you as wrong and unfair.  You are a citizen of this world.  The wanton disregard of the planet affects you, your health, your safety, and the health and safety of your children and your grandchildren.

I recently led a group meditation considering these issues, which I may publish on YouTube to guide you in a mediation to ponder on and consider these questions.

You have the power and indeed the responsibility to consider these issues and then to send out to the world your insights, impressions, and revelations to enhance and empower transformation in the world.

The world will change from this Coronavirus crisis.  Change in life is inevitable. Your engaging in the possibilities of change is empowering.  I believe you were created as a co-creator with the Divine.




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul, LLC. All rights reserved.


What Are We Going To Do Read More »

Love Frees You from the Pain of Attachment

Love Frees You from the Pain of Attachment

Lovers gazing into each others eyes

This article is part of my ongoing series on Love.

It is one of the saddest parts of observing the human drama to note howLove, the most significant spiritual power and healing power in the world can be used, or more truly misused to create sorrow and pain.

The misunderstanding of what love is all too often fuels emotional pain, not because Love creates pain but because of all of the illusion, expectations, and attachments get superimposed upon Love, trapping Love and holding it prisoner.

This is the result of confusing Love with romance and sex.

Whereas, it is true that romantic Love and sexual Love can serve as a portal for experiencing Love, this failure in understanding the complete nature of what it means to love leaves you associating the pain of need and unfulfilled desires and expectations diminished with what is identified as Love but is a pale reflection of real Love.

Free Love to Be Love

Perhaps the most life-changing and healing thing you can do is to free Love to be Love.  That requires realizing that what you have been told is Love is sometimes not what Love is about.

To free Love requires discrimination and discernment in your loving relationships.  This may require a shift in what you desire and think you need from Love to let Love be the eternal energetic essence that is its nature.

To let Love be Love in the midst of your ego attachments and desire, nature requires a significant shift in your understanding of what Love is, and equally important to understand what is not Love.

Love Is Not Attachment

What is both amazing and miraculous is that Love, when freed from the imprisonment of attachment and desires that have imprisoned itis able to touch your life and allow the real relationships that have Love, be free.

Love can heal your life while it frees and releases the fears, the attachment, from the deceptions and illusions.

That is possible because Love is more powerful than all of the illusions and glamour that society uses to disguise Love.  Yet, to free Love to be Love, to be the eternal and life-changing power that it truly is means allowing it to release fear, dispel pain, and reveal what is real and expose what is not real.

Love is not attachment, and attachment is not Love.  Ponder on this!

It is the misunderstandings about Love that creates pain.  It is the attachment and desire that keeps Love from being the source of joy that Love really is.

Mother Theresa explored this when she said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more Love.

Love is a Divine force in the world.  It is the most essential life lesson we can learn.

When you learn what love really is, and how Love really works, so much of the pain and suffering in life can be removed.  It is not only the healing of hurts but rather the disillusion of the harm into oblivion.

How could what is eternal and unified by its very nature create a sense of pain and separation?  It cannot!  Only the illusions, expectations, and desires can produce the pain of separation.

This is important to understand this both when coping with the potential of the loss of romantic and sexual Love and also in the pain of losing a loved one through the separation of death.

It is a great illusion that you can ever lose one you have loved.  It is an illusion that can create vast pain and sorrow in life.  It is an illusion that can deny the very nature of what Love is and confine it in the trappings of the limitations of matter.  Remember, love exists outside of matter in the realm of your Soul and is held in the embrace of eternity.
               – Genevieve Gerard

Love Is A Soul-To-Soul Connection

No matter how much you strive to limit Love to the material and the temporal, it escapes those bounds for the Soul that connects you to those you love with a bond that is not limited by time, nor confined by matter.

True Love really only exists in Spirit.  What is observed and experienced in matter is a reflection.  Much like in Plato’s famous analogy of life in the cave, what is real, what is true is more beautiful and amazing than the fantasy to which you cling.

To Love in truth is a Soul-to-Soul connection.  To experience the full breadth and scope of that power requires that you open your mind and your heart to your Soul.

Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.
               – Plato

Life is more than what you can experience with only the five senses of matter with your physical body.  To try to take what is eternal and confine it within what is temporal and eternal creates suffering.

Love Is More Than Desire & Passion

Although desire and physical passion can be used to help you overcome the limiting sense of separation and thus often demonstrate the union of Soul that is possible with Love, it is vital to not fall into the trap of thinking and believing that the physical passion that is ignited is the real power. Instead, the union of bodies is only a portal to the union of Souls that true Love creates.

Sexual Love and passion reveal the truth that when you love, you can transcend the pain of loneliness and isolation, but the transcendence is not in the physical release and sensations but in the connection and expression of Love.

That is what is real, and what is eternal you receive with that connection.  Love transcends the times of physical contact and passion for creating that which is unlimited and unconfined by the material world. The sex and desire are only the icings, a treat, a lure, an adventure to open the connection.

That sex can have this connection to your Soul is the reason it is wise to have circumspect and discrimination about how, when, and where you share your body.  It is not from judgment or a moral code, but rather the understanding of the power of sex to open your heart and mind and Soul to Love.

That Love is healing and has the power to transform and impact your life, makes the gift of your body potentially much more than just a physical act.   Sexual expression of Love is designed in the very essence of your being to be a mystical expression beyond merely a physical act of the physical body because it expresses not only physical desire and passion but activates the emotions.  It also stimulates your mind, but what is most important and significant is that it can connect you with your lover, Soul-to-Soul.

It is in that connection, Soul-to-Soul, that Love is born.  It is that connection that can free you from the pain and sorrow that attachment often associates with a lover leaving your life and regular contact.

It is a profound truth in life that once you have loved someone, the Love is etched in the annals of karma and time and exists eternally in the realm of the Soul.  I have found along with my lessons of life’s adventures that there is an energetic pathway that is never severed once that Love connection is created.

This Soul-to-Soul Love connection is true of many different relationships and roles through which we encounter and explore one another in life.  When you recognize the difference between Love and attachment, you also realize that someone you loved in your life experiences, family, or friend or lover is never and cannot be lost to you.  No matter what is true in your physical and material life, this is true in your essential spiritual life.

The ramifications of this realization are vast in enabling you to separate from a loved one when life circumstances make that necessary.  The consequences are profound when death separates you from a loved one.  This understanding is a profound truth that you may have known on some deep and archetypal level but is freeing when you acknowledge it as fact.

The awareness of Love as more than sex, more than need, more than desire, to an understanding of Love as an energy is enlightening.  Understanding that the essence of Love is not material but rather Spiritual opens you to the realization that Love cannot end for it is created by the part of us that is timeless and eternal.  Letting yourself Love beyond attachment takes you to the truth that Love never ends.  Once created and forged in the fire of Spirit Love is expressed by wishing and desiring only what is right for and best for the beloved.  This is dramatically different from the needs, the desires, and the ego demand that fueled attraction and passion.

It is perhaps a mistake that the same word is used to express “sticky” Love and real Love.  Perhaps humanity should create different words like the ancient Greeks did to differentiate and describe the many different ways Love can be demonstrated in life.  Until our understanding of Love expands and grows, we are left with the danger of confusing attachment with Love or desire and passion with Love.

It may be that this confusion is necessary to permit the “sticky” form of Love to serve as the portal for Love, for passion, need and desire to be the reward for the opening to the Spiritual and unselfish aspect of your being that is known as your Higher Self (your Soul.)


Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Love Frees You from the Pain of Attachment Read More »

Love Created Is Eternal

Love Is The Only Thing You Can Create In Life That Is Eternal

Eternal Love article graphic by Genevieve Gerard

In life, one of the strongest urges we have is to create.

For some people, the very act of creation is the driving and motivating force of their life.

For others, the creative urge is focused on creating something lasting. Indeed, the urge to create fuels a great deal of life, in the arts, in business, with families across all cultures and communities.

This urge to create has as many expressions as there are people. For some, the very act of creating something is enough. They are satisfied by the appearance of their creativity and the experience created or the product designed meets their needs. For others they long for something that is lasting, something that exists after their life has passed.

Not Much Lasts the Passage of Time

Many long to see the result of their creativity live beyond their material life. Architects who build and have built grand structures may feel they have captured eternity in their creations. Truly some buildings last a very long time. The nature of the material world is such that eventually, even the most significant accomplishments of human creativity crumble or fade from the attention of others.

When we consider the nature of the material world, we are all aware that nothing ever built and nothing was ever written that lasts forever. Civilizations rise and fall all ravaged and ultimately destroyed by the passage of time.

The urge to create is continuously frustrated by the reality about the human life experience not being everlasting.

This awareness of the temporal nature of life and the impermanence of mankind’s endeavors can provide either motivation and inspiration or can cause you frustration.

I write a great deal in the hope that the wisdom I have gathered in my life can make life easier and more successful for others. As I write, I have available the understanding of others that I can draw upon, learn from and even quote, however I know that the passage of time and the evolution of civilization will erode the relevance of my words. No matter how far they eventually reach, they are temporal and will be vulnerable to the passage of time.

This awareness leads me to meditate and ponder on what we, as human beings, can do that is not subject to the ravages of time. It drives me to consider what I can do in my life that can last beyond my life? I know my life will end one day. But I also know on a deep and profound level that I am more than my body.

I am a spiritual being living and learning through a human body and human life experience for a purpose. I am created as a co-creator with the Creator to evolve my consciousness as an integral part of life that is eternal.
          – Genevieve Gerard

The Soul & Love

This co-creative role with the Creator is not unique to me. It is a miracle and magic of the human experience for all. It is why of all the creations of life on this planeta human being is a dual being residing in a temporal and material body while imbued with a spark of Divinity that is eternal, the Soul. It is to the immortal part of our being we must look to consider what we can create in life that is eternal.

The lessons we learn in our lives that impact our consciousness are lessons that we learn in our Soul. They are the lessons we bring with us when our Soul draws us to the experience of life again. No life experience is wasted when we learn it’s lesson in our consciousness.

I believe our Soul is eternal, and our consciousness is infinite. When Divine Will and Divine Wisdom determines the evolution of the collective human consciousness need you, both what you have to give and what you need to learn, as a Soul, it is then that a mysterious process of creation begins to create your next life adventure and life experience.

Although this is sometimes called reincarnation, I believe that word is often misunderstood by large parts of humanity. I often refer to it as God’s recycling plan and the Soul’s lesson plan. The eternal nature of the Soul embodies a continuity of consciousness that extends beyond this specific life experience. Ponder on this!

It makes sense that with all there is to be known about the nature of eternal life, merged with physical being that is the human experience, that there is an endless myriad of life situations and circumstances that need to be known for your Soul and eternally evolving consciousness to learn, grow and thrive.

As I have lived this life what I have gained from the Ageless Wisdom of awareness and understanding about the meaning and purpose of life, I have concluded that the most important thing I have learned is to Love.

The Failure To Love

As I look over my life experiences as one tends to do as you age, I have seen so many times that I failed to Love and that breaks my heart.

I have made countless little failures and significant, significant failures. Around those failures are the need to forgive both the person I failed to love fully and to forgive myself.

Selfishness and ego are the primary factors that have caused those failures. Equally persistent are my fears. Often what I have not said is as much to blame as what I have said. It is not always easy to love, or to love another, or to love yourself. This task of learning to love can be challenging and pervasive.

Love Is an Act of My Soul

Love is something I frequently write about and teach about, but I am still open to learning about it.

The most significant thing I have learned is that love is an act of my Soul.

When I have truly loved, selfish desire and the need to be loved disappears.  I am left with a joy that is just knowing the beloved is sufficient. I did not require them to be a certain way or to do a specific thing. Even if I was no longer in their life or they were no longer in mine, the love endures and is eternal. It is free from both conditions and expectations. My desire is only for what is right and good for them.

Touching that level of relationship that I have learned is love made me realize the truth of the phrase “love never ends.” By loving, the temporal nature of life dissolves, and I am transported into the eternal nature of my being, my Soul.

The bond of love is a bond that exists Soul-to-Soul and is eternal. Knowing this and having learned this about love is a great comfort to me when someone I love leaves their body behind. Knowing this also comforts me when life circumstance creates permanent separations from those I have loved and lost track of.

True Love

By love, I refer to a state of consciousness that is beyond emotions, desire, and need that is aware of the essential nature of another and accepts and honors them without conditions or expectations, wanting for them only what supports and enhances their life without consideration of yourself.
          – Genevieve Gerard

This love opens you to the part of your nature that is timeless and eternal. It is from that timeless and eternal aspect of your being, your Soul, that you are able to touch the endless element of another and create a bond that connects you and reconnects you through the continuity of consciousness.

Have you ever connected in this life with some people that you seem to have known before, even before you met them, that you trust before they have proved themselves trustworthy? You may not be able to understand these connections, but you recognize them as the extraordinary experience that they are. These relationships come with a recognition that something distinctive is happening.

The Laws of Karma draw us to those with whom we have forged a bond of love throughout our lives, allowing us to explore and manifest the many ways that love can be expressed and demonstrated throughout life.

So just remind yourself, from a friend to a loved one, love created forms a bond that reconnects and restores us to those we have loved throughout time and space.

Love is ‘Eternal’ for there is no End or Beginning
          ― Syed Sharukh

This continuity of consciousness and love that evolves and learns and grows and creates in human form for a while and then frees itself of that form is what life is ultimately about. Always strive for love!

These are concepts about a continuity of consciousness that holds your fundamental sense of identity not in your body, your ego or your personality, but rather in the essence of your Divine spark, your Soul. These concepts are different and require expanding your mind and considering lofty concepts of the Spiritual realm and some modification of your understanding about the physical life you see all around you.

It is in learning to love, and most significantly accepting the transcendent and empowering energy of love into your life that your consciousness expands and opens to the enlightened awareness that life is greater than what you can see through your material senses. The whole universe, indeed, heaven and earth are greater and more diverse than you can imagine at this turn of the wheel of life you are experiencing.

I ask that you consider these concepts although they may be completely foreign or mysterious to you and seek within yourself the thrum of recognition that TRUTH always brings and then with a calm mind and an open heart, Ponder On This.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Love Created Is Eternal Read More »

Do You Need a Prescription of Meditation For Healing?

Do You Need a Prescription of
Meditation For Healing?

Meditation Tonic by Genevieve Gerard

This is part of my on-going series on healing.

Today’s post is a little different than most of my posts. I want to have you explore with me the concept of a Custom Guided Prescriptive Meditation that I have been using with clients one to one.

Throughout the history of meditation, spiritual teachers have recommended a regular practice of meditation.  That frequency is usually once a day or even twice a day.

In all of the stress and challenges of modern life, many people say they don’t have time to meditate.  When people say that to me, I am reminded of the quote:

Meditate daily, but if you think you don’t have time
then meditate twice a day.

I have found that meditation is a practice that can transform your life, heal you, and bring you peace of mind and deep joy, however; it only works if you actually meditate.

To make things more difficult, there are in the world a vast number of styles and techniques of meditation.

Over the 50+ years that I have meditated, I have used many different styles and techniques.  I share a lot of those different ways of meditating in a workshop I call “How To… Why To… Meditate.”

Although there are many ways to meditate, I have recently realized that many people attracted to meditation, especially as it has become popularized in the media, not only do not know how to meditate, they do not understand WHY to meditate.

Meditation is more than just sitting quietly.  Although I would dare say, just stopping and sitting quietly would be a benefit in many lives, meditation is an art founded on the science of the evolution of your consciousness.

Meditation is the portal to your Higher Self, your Soul.  It is your Soul that has the power to heal your life on all levels; physically from the most devastating “dis-eases,” emotionally from the most painful and devastating losses; and it is your Soul that aligns and inspires you with Divine Light and embraces you with Divine Love.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Meditation Can Be Life Changing

I now believe, along with others, with all of my heartthat meditation is an essential element for the evolution of your consciousness.

Meditation is a vital practice to access
conscious contact with your highest self.
      – Wayne Dyer

To not take advantage of the time you may set aside to meditate for that purpose is to minimize the life-changing benefits meditation can have.

And what is amazing and gratifying is that you can experience the benefits of meditating immediately in your life with this regular practice.

That has, in my long experience, been true with a variety of techniques and meditative tools, but when you use meditation to address a particular purposeyour ability to transform your consciousness and health is enhanced.

When that purpose is to relieve stress or limit your experiences of dis-stress, it is especially useful.

Meditation can be used to resolve a myriad of life problems.  I know because I have seen it over and over again. Just look at this Harvard article on mindfulness meditation that has shown the powerful health benefits of meditating.

When you meditate, you are raising the vibratory frequency of your physical body and lowering your standing pulse rate.  That effect may be experienced as profound relaxation.

The sense of relaxation, bliss, and clarity is a common experience.  That alone is a worthy reason to meditate.  Modern medical research shows the health benefits of the relaxation response in meditation.  That single advantage alone provides a significant reason to meditate.

However, meditation can have a more profound impact on your life.  It can help you transform the frequency of specific energies that may have become over-active, or overemphasized especially with your emotions.

Shifting the frequency of your emotional body is a dynamic part of learning to transcend, transform, and transmute your fears and have a powerful impact on your success in all areas of your life.  It is one of the most life-transforming benefits of meditation.

Learning to quiet your mind and master your thoughtscalming what the Buddha referred to as the monkey mind opens your life to greater awareness of the power of your mind as a co-creator in your life.

Meditation focused on improving the power of your mind can alter your life.  Harnessing the dynamic power of your thoughts is a direct result of meditation and has been taught by many thought leaders, motivational teachers, and business coaches.

Meditation can still the emotional turmoil that leads to so much dis-ease and distress in life.  It is a healing power that you can activate in your life that has transforming and dramatic implications on what and how you experience.

Meditation also has physiologic effects that can relieve stress and impact the myriad of illnesses that are the result of dis-stress. Healthy living incorporates meditation.  By meditating you learn the science behind energy transformation.  You can then apply that science to transform any problem area you identify.

In addition to all of these positive aspects of meditation, you can use meditation to expand and increase your spiritual wisdom and integrate your Soul or Higher Self into more of your life if you like.

Perhaps the most dramatic and dynamic advantage to meditation is that through meditation you can align with and access the healing power of your Soul.

Over the many years of my working as a counselor, healer, and life coach I have facilitated people using this healing power of their Soul through creating customized Guided Prescriptive Meditations to activate this healing power of the Soul to address healing in life-threatening dis-eases.

This creation of Prescriptive Meditation is an outgrowth of profoundly individual work.  I offer this healing service worldwide through the technology of Skype or as an adjunct to personal energetic healing sessions one-on-one.

This personalized prescriptive approach to energetic healing provides you, after the end of each one to one session, with a custom highly specialized downloadable guided meditation that works as a medication to what ails you.

This custom healing meditation is created so that you can use it daily until your next scheduled customized healing session.

Each session is unique and builds on the previous session and creates a custom prescription for where you are at and the issues you are dealing with at that exact moment in time.

I have found that this intensely personalized work can be productive with life guidance or life-threatening illnesses, often minimizing the adverse side effects of traditional medical treatment.

The prescriptive meditation treatment can realign your system to work for you by identifying the ways your body, emotion, mind, and Soul have gone out of balance.  Bringing these diverse parts of the wholeness of your being into proper alignment allows natural and gradual healing to take place on multiple levels.

So often the medical approach to dis-ease are medications that are expensive, exotic and have dire side effects, which is why reducing symptoms can also be a primary goal of this meditation method.

Reducing symptoms then may lead to reducing the amount of medication you may require.

How Can Prescriptive Meditations Work?

Prescriptive meditations can work with and alongside not only the traditional medical professional but also all allied health professionals.

Using meditation to heal your life involves healing the issues on both atomic and often even sub-atomic levels.  It is using the science of meditation to adjust and transform energy into a subtle balance and positive coefficient.

This use of meditation can allow spirit to impact matter, powerfully.  However, as I mentioned in the beginning, it requires discipline and regularity.  To transform the substance of matter requires working within several universal laws and principles that govern life that involve principles of Physics and mostly Quantum Physics that the world of science has recently revealed.

One of these underlying principles is that “energy follows thought.”  Thought and intention activate your co-creator abilities, that spark of Divine Light housed in your Soul.  It is the spark of Divine Light that I believe separates man from animal.  That spark of Divinity is what is celebrated when, across the world, people greet one another with the ancient greeting of Namaste (I salute the divinity within you.)

Another underlying principle from the science of physics is that you can never destroy energy, but you can change its form.  That is the principle used to transmute energy in healing with meditation.

However, shifting and transforming the form of energy, while the most advanced and esoteric aspect of both healing and meditation, require regularity of the practice of meditation.

The movement of energy needed for transformation requires the subtle and regular application, much like a particular dose of medication.

The most ancient teachings I have found on the subject indicate that these life-changing advantages of meditation, especially when doing healing, state that a frequency cycle of daily (at least once in 24 hours) is most effective.

The most ancient wisdom schools recommend daily meditation.  It is throughout the writings of the Ageless Wisdom.  Daily meditation is an essential element of the practice of Raja Yoga, the yoga of the mind.

What I have learned in a lifetime of guiding and helping people heal on all levels, is that meditation can be used as a medicine, much like a tonic, which when practiced daily can help, heal, clarify, and empower your life.

How I Can Help You?

Over the years I have created a variety of general meditations to help, heal, and empower you and I invite you to explore meditation as the dynamic tool that it is.

I am also available to create highly custom prescriptive healing meditations to a limited number of individuals on a personalized basis to facilitate and activate transformation and healing.  If you have such a need, please contact me.

I would also love any positive feedback you might offer on the idea of a highly custom prescriptive healing meditation.

If you are not ready to have a custom prescriptive meditation created for you then at least check out my other self-healing posts and my recommended healing meditation (below) that may help you at this time.




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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Disclaimer: Ideas and techniques discussed on this website are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog or in any of its linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Do You Need a Prescription of Meditation For Healing? Read More »

Open to the Healing Light, Love, and Power of Your Soul

Open to the Healing Light, Love,
and Power of Your Soul

The Essence of Your Soul is Love by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love and The Soul.

Within you, from the first breath you take to the last breath you take, there is a part of you that you may not be aware of.

As you move through your life experiences and adventures you may pay little or no attention to the spark of Divine Light that is known as your Soul.

Or, you could be someone who through either prayer, contemplation or meditation has throughout your life sought the spiritual side of life.

Certainly, prayer, contemplation, and meditation are all practices that can enhance and empower your life.  But to open to the healing Light and the Love and power of your Soul there is a step in your spiritual journey that we as human beings usually find difficult.

That step is surrender.

In our human arrogance as co-creators with the Divine force of Creation, we tend to believe we are the sole masters of our destiny and our life.  And, to some extent that is true, for as a co-creator with the Divine we have been given immense power to influence the way our life emerges through the Universal Law that “energy follows thought.”

But, as powerful as that principle is (and it is very powerful), being human requires a delicate dance between our physical and material nature and our Soul or Spiritual nature.  We as human beings were created as co-creators to live and be in relationship with the Divine (however you define that Divine Source to be.)

The theologian Martin Buber described it in a way that reveals our right relationship with the Divine to be an “I-Thou” relationship.

In that relationship, you are empowered to be emboldened to create and resolve the many problems of the material world while still remaining surrendered to and aligned with Divine Will.

Through that “I-Thou” relationship you are able to be both fully human while remaining respectful and honoring the Divine Spark that distinguishes humanity from all other life on the planet.

You, of all of life and of all of creation, are unique because you were created and endowed with a spark of the creator to live and grow as a bridging being between Spirit and matter.
         – Genevieve Gerard

You are unique because you were created and endowed with a spark of the creator to live and grow as a bridging being between Spirit and matter.  This was not an accident.  This was part of the purpose and plan of evolution that is important to the whole Universe.  How to merge matter with Love.

Your body is built of material substance.  As such, it lives and then it dies.

But you, what truly makes you, you are a spark of the Divine that is eternal, that is your Soul.  Your Soul cannot die.  It is the seat of your consciousness.

Learning to Love happens in your Soul.  Connecting to another and building a bond of Love creates something that is beyond either time or space because Love is created by the merging of the physical and human experience with the eternal and spiritual experience.  This is a part of the great mystery and miracle of life.

That the nature and essence of your Soul is Love means that when you learn to Love there is a surrender of your ego and emotions to what it means to Love.  It is not surprising that learning to Love and what is called “falling in Love” is resisted.

Surrender is not easy, but so sweet and amazing that it makes everything in life worthwhile.  If you have ever loved you know that is true.

Fear, the fear of being hurt, fear of losing yourself, fear of being vulnerable and needing someone are all of the tricks of the mind and emotions that may try to keep you from Loving.  The human, solitary part of you may resist and reject Love.  But your Divine Self, your co-creator self that is your Soul knows the truth.  You were born to Love.

Once you surrender to Love everything changes.  The term “falling in love” is well chosen because in that surrender you don’t know how it will change.

It is only by opening to the joy and adventure of living and loving that you can fully express your potential to live the life of your dreams.
         – Genevieve Gerard

Once you open to Love you also open to the healing power and Light of your Soul.  Love opens you to joy and demonstrates your unity and oneness that enfolds and embraces you.  No matter what sorrow and loss life may bring, you know it is worth it because you have known Love.

Life is a song – sing it.
Life is a game – play it.
Life is a challenge – meet it.
Life is a dream – realize it.
Life is a sacrifice – offer it.
Life is love – enjoy it.
         – Sai Baba

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!




P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 6,491 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 6/7/2020


Copyright © 2019-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Open to the Healing Light, Love, and Power of Your Soul Read More »

Life is About Learning to Love

Life is About Learning to Love

Check out Life Is All About Learning To Love by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

To those who ponder the meaning of life, the purpose of life is a looming question.

So much of life is wonderful and glorious.  And, so much of life is painful and a struggle that even the most casual observer will conclude that it must have a purpose, a purpose that is deeper and more meaningful than simply, we live, we die.

I believe there are, in the pondering of life’s purposesome fundamental truths, and principles that I have come to understand that I would like to share with you.

It Seems That Life Is About Learning

That raises the question of who is it that is learning?  Since I am a spiritual teacher, I examine the world from that perspective.  I consider the human experience a multi-level adventure of life that involves incorporating and integrating our whole self, not only our physical self, but also our emotional self, our intellectual self, and, from my perspective, our Spiritual Self.

I believe that within each of us is a spark of Divine Light that is the Soul.  The Soul is the eternal essence of what lives beyond our temporal and physical body.  It is the seat of our consciousness and is integral in offering us the situations and circumstances that provide us the opportunity to learn and grow to expand our awareness.

To me, life seems to be a vast and diverse university where we, as students, are given the opportunity to learn.

Some lessons we learn quickly and easily, others we learn through suffering and sorrow, yet each event, each circumstance, every situation grants us an opportunity to understand something we may not have realized before.

Expand Your Consciousness and Purpose

To make sense of the experience of life and understand what it is all about it seems that you must expand your consciousness and awareness into the realm of purpose.

To me, to look around the immense diversity of circumstances and situations, the vast variety of the forms that life takes here on this little planet floating in a Universe of infinite and ever-expanding space, there is a purpose to creationWhat do you think your purpose is?

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose
and give your whole heart and soul to it.
     ― Buddha

Somehow the mind of the Creator, who could create the world we see and the Universe we are just beginning to sense and more fully understand, maybe inconceivable to the majority of us but you can still ponder your purpose.

After many years of studying the mysteries of life, especially the ponderings of thousands of years of recorded experience about the meaning of life, I have made some observations and conclusions about life that speak to the question of purpose.

As I have observed and considered this observation, particularly in light of the concept of the purpose of life and the meaning of life, I have drawn some conclusions.

I do not ask you to believe my findings but rather to turn to your own Soul, your own inner voice that resonates with TRUTH.  It is from that Source of inner wisdom that I ask you to read and consider what I am suggesting.

You Are More Than A Physical Body

We all know that we have a physical body, a physical nature. And we know that that body lives a span of time and then dies.  That is an observation that any casual observer can make.  The question that this fact raises about the purpose of life is what happened in the university of life between that moment of life and that moment of the death of the physical body?

Most who have ever lost a loved one have observed that when they look at the newly lifeless carcass of someone they loved, that the body is not the person they loved. Something is missing.

It seems that realization gives us an extraordinary hint.  Although we all have a body, we are more than our body.  What makes up a human being is far more diverse and complex than merely a physical body.

That leads to the question of who we are and what we are since we can easily observe we are not only a body.  We are more.  Certainly, an active and integral part of who and what we are as a human being includes our emotions.

From the first breath of life, we begin to feel, and throughout our life, we are learning to understand and incorporate our feelings and emotions.

Indeed, in this great university of life that we all experience understanding and hopefully ultimately mastering our emotions is the course work for many, if not most, of life’s lessons.

That process of understanding is a function of your brain, and the understanding of how the power of your higher mind works is one of the most empowering lessons you can learn in your time in the university of life.

It is a lesson you learn from the perspective of your eternal spark (your Soul) and incorporates into a sense of truth and knowledge that informs and influences the actions you take and the decisions you make as they are presented to you in this life, your life.

Your Soul is available to you from the first cry of your birth and through life until the last breath that you take.  Your Soul as the eternal aspect of you, as the seat of your consciousness, is integral to not only this life adventure but to all the experiences and trials and errors from which you have learned across the span of time into the edge of eternity.

The lessons you learn in this life are a part of a vast evolutionary expansion of wisdom and understanding.

The tasks of life can be difficult, for they require merging together a material and physical body with an eternal and spiritual nature.

Fortunately, the Soul has all of eternity to help us learn how to do this.

Fortunately, from the Soul’s perspective, none of us are limited to one lifetime, to only one lifetime of attendance in the university of life.

Your Soul is eternal, and therefore life is also eternal.  Everything you have ever learned, every herculean hurdle you have conquered is in your consciousness, available to be called upon by your Soul to help and support you in this life experience, this life adventure, any particular life lesson.

Will you make mistakes in your life?  Of course, that is how you learn.  You don’t need to suffer from shame and doubt and remorse, you only need to learn.

Within the eternal life of your Soul, you have the opportunity to experiment, try differently, do better.  Forgive yourself, forgive those who hurt you, and consider what have you learned.

What might you learn and how might you do better today? Ponder on this every day.

The idea that you as an eternal being (a Soul) are learning the lessons of life and will be brought back into the experience of life to demonstrate what you have learned in your current adventure may be new and different for you.  It is undoubtedly a way of looking at the world that is different.  It is not even a traditional understanding of reincarnation.  It is undoubtedly different from the conventional dogma of heaven and hell waiting for you at the end of your life.

My just exploring these concepts, considering these concepts, may raise within you all kinds of rejection and resistance or it may be a relief.  But I ask you only to put those thoughts aside and in quiet contemplation consider what could be so crucial that all of life would be arranged around learning.  Ponder on this.

Learn To Love

I believe the answer to what could be so crucial to learn, is Love.  It is not easy for a human being to learn to Love.  Our selfishness, our pettiness, and our fears create a myriad of obstacles.  Transcending those factors to place the wellbeing of another or others may be something we struggle with every day.

Learning to Love can be a big lesson.  It is perhaps the biggest lesson we as human beings may ever learn.

Love one another
     ― Jesus Christ (John 15:12)

Over the span of human history, humanity has been told to love one another.  Jesus not only instructed his followers to “Love One Another,” but offered his life as an example for how to love as he went on to say “as I have loved you.”  It seems that even the most prideful among us would admit that this instruction is beyond where most of us are in our consciousness.

Fortunately, the Divine principles of Grace and Mercy give us various life Soul experiences to master this challenging lesson.

It is to learn how to Love and what it means to Love
that I believe is one of our main purposes of living.
     ― Genevieve Gerard

Love is the one thing you can create in your human life adventure that does not die when you die.  Love, when it is created, creates a bond that is between Souls, and as it is built between your eternal aspect of yourselves, it is eternal, beyond time, unlimited by space.

It is to learn how to Love and what it means to Love that I believe is one of our main purposes of living.

It is what can bring the eternal Soul of humans into communion and companionship with the Divine Creator.  It is what I believe the Creator created humanity to do.

Love has so many ways it can be expressed, so many vast possible relationship permutations that can be created in life that it seems we humans need the opportunity to learn and explore love throughout eternity.

I know that I have failed to fully love so many times as I look over my life that I am grateful that I have more than one lifetime to learn.  I am thankful that within me there is an eternal spark of Divine Light that will give me the lesson until I can demonstrate that I have learned the lesson.

Learning to love is a valuable lesson.  When we, as humans learn to love one another the world will be heaven on earth.

We need only to look around the world in which we live to see that human consciousness still has a significant way to go to live that prediction.  But the promise of a new heaven and new earth is in the desire of all of humanity.

We know that learning to love and achieving the instruction to “Love one another as I have Loved you” (John 15:12), would create a different world, a better world; a world worthy of being in the heart and mind of a Creator who could envision and create the wonder of this world we as humans are blessed to inhabit.

Remember that life is about learning to love and your eternal Soul can teach you this lesson if you listen deep within your heart.




The blessing of Love on all that you do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 4,475 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 5/17/2020


Copyright © 2019-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Life is About Learning to Love Read More »

Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something

Ponder on Something to get Soul insights

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awareness and Soul Awakening.

In the process of gaining more enlightened awarenessyou are likely to encounter many who provide their opinions or their wisdom.

Some of what you are exposed to is wonderful as it grants you an ah-ha moment (sometimes after pondering on its meaning multiple times) that opens your eyes or your heart to something that makes your perception easier or clearer.  Unfortunately, some of what you are told is other people’s truth loaded with their fears, their judgments, and are filled with illusion.

As you journey through life’s magnificent adventure it falls to you to choose what you will believe, what teachings you will embrace to guide you.

This choosing is not easy, for you may love and respect the person who espouses rules, guidance, dogma, and doctrine that the still soft whisper of your Soul rejects.

Ultimately, determining what is right, what is the truth, falls to you.

What Does It Mean To Ponder On Something?

You are the one who must choose what will guide your life.  I believe, and I have found in the journey of my life that there is within my heart and mind wisdom from my Soul.  Whenever I have been presented with teaching that my Soul accepts or rejects, I have used a technique of the Ageless Wisdom by following the guidance to “Ponder On This.”

In my experience, there is within your Soul an arbiter of truth.  It is my recommendation that you put every teaching, especially every spiritual teaching to the test of “Pondering.”

The Free Dictionary defines ponder on (something): 
“To give great consideration to something;
to ruminate or think about something very deeply.”

In my experience, as one who has journeyed long on the spiritual path, the wisdom of your Soul is available to you whenever you open your heart and your mind to pondering.  Your Soul will guide you to the truth and insights about all wisdom or it will warn you if it doesn’t feel right for you at this time in your life.

Ultimately, your relationship with your Soul and your relationship with God (however you define God) is completely personal.  I recall the theologian Peter Marshall wrote about this fact, “God has no grandchildren.”  Each of us is charged to enter into our own relationship with the Divine, what theologian Marin Buber described as an I-Thou relationship.

The faith of your Father and Mother may have guided their path, and it certainly can have nurtured or fashion your own, but ultimately your relationship with the Divine and the relationship with your own Soul is up to you.

Truth always seems to be recognizable by the Soul.  That is the derivation of the folk wisdom of the phrase ‘the ring of truth’.  I have always, and will always, encourage those who read or hear my words to only accept and incorporate into their own spiritual life that which resonates as truth with you.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Ways To Ponder On Something

The technique of pondering on something presented as a Spiritual truth can be a part of your meditation.  It can be the subject of prayer or simply quiet contemplation.  I personally encourage the practice of daily meditation.

In setting aside time for reflection, prayer or contemplation you open yourself to a relationship with the Divine and a relationship with your own Soul as the arbiter of truth and a source for life guidance.

You can, of course, meditate anytime and anywhere, but there are some techniques that mediators have found helpful in maintaining the practice of mediation.  One such technique is to choose a time of day where you set aside time in your schedule.  For me, the first thing in the morning, just after awakening is a favorite.  I especially love the time that the light is returning to the sky and the sun is rising.  For me, that is a time of great potential and promise so I find it an especially empowered and empowering time in which to meditate.

I also find prayer and mediation just before I go to sleep a powerful way to let go of the stress of the day and surrender to the Divine.  My morning meditations and my before surrendering to sleep prayers form Spiritual support to my life enfolding my life.

The approach to meditation is different from your approach to other times and tasks of your day.  Meditation is the time to release your ego and invite the Soul perspective.  Your Soul perspective is timeless and eternal so it empowers you to be in the present.  It gives you the perspective to release attachment and release your fears.

There is a phrase that I use in my personal life and to lead into each and every one of the guided meditations that I offer you.  It is:

Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the light.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Of course, calming your mind is important because in meditation you strive to reach the wisdom of your Soul. The ceaseless chattering of your mind interferes with your ability to contemplate, meditate or ponder with its busyness and noise.  For many that noise is fueled by fear.

Learning to meditate is the optimum way to transcend, transmute, and transform your life to gain mastery over your fears.  Perhaps that is the greatest and most empowering result of meditation.

Because of how freeing transmuting and transcending your fears can be and how that can support and empower your life to fulfill your Soul purpose I have a guided meditation “I Am Feeling Free” that is a cornerstone to my teachings about meditation.  It allows you to learn how to calm strong emotions and transmute fears and doubts.

I Am Feeling Free Meditation Download by Genevieve

Download your copy of I Am Feeling Free Guided Meditation MP3 Now.

In fact, since transmuting fear is such an important part of using the empowerment of your Soul to live a more enlightened life, I also created a longer and more detailed meditation of the technique called, “Feeling Free.”

Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard



Feeling Free

Calm Strong Emotions and Transmute Fears and Doubts.
Feel Renewed and Alive




When I first discovered this technique, I used it constantly.  Now, many years later I still use it frequently.  Using your Soul connection as a way of living a more free and enlightened perspective is the blessing of meditation that is both life changing and life transforming.

I suggest you “Ponder on this.”

Likewise, meditation opens you to the resource of the wisdom of your Higher Self (your Soul.)  This wisdom can be the arbiter of truth and insight that you can make available to yourself when you use the advice to ponder on this (that you will find in my writings and the writings of the Ancient Wisdom.)

Setting aside a special time to meditate, is a way to empower this technique and your life.  For some, the ritual of a special place in which to meditate is also helpful.  Although neither a special place or a designated time is essential, it is something people have found helpful to encourage and maintain the discipline of the practice of meditation.

I have meditated for over 50 years of my life and can say without any hesitation that it has been the greatest source of strength, peace, and joy in my life.  Over the 50 years, I have tried a wide variety of ways in which to meditate and each of them is valuable.

Although over my life the tools and techniques of meditation have changed as my life has changed, the practice of setting aside a special time for connecting with the Divine and my Soul hasn’t changed.  Meditation opens the portal and supports both prayer and contemplation enriching my life in ways that bring peace, love, and joy into my life. I encourage you to meditate!

Meditation brings many gifts.  That I see meditation as a gift of the Spirit is revealed in the name of several of my guided meditations that I offer to you:

Gift of Love guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Love Guided Visualization Meditation
Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love &
The Love That Your Soul Brings To You




A guided visualization to release stress by Genevieve Gerard



The Gift of Relaxation Guided Meditation
A Guided Visualization To Release Stress





In my body of work, I offer many meditations that are based on the technique of “mindfulness meditation.”  If you would like to be guided through a meditation you can access and utilize my meditations as mp3’s on AmazonApple iTunesand a variety of other internet sites like CDBaby.  I also have them available on my website

For me, meditation has provided strength and support through the challenges of life, the pain, and the problems, and brought me to a place filled with Peace, Love, and Joy.

My offerings of this website, articles, and free and paid guided meditations, affirmations, and mantrams are my attempt to share with you the wisdom I have gained through pondering to bring joy to your life.

My website is over 1,500 pages of articles and insights you can use and share freely with your friends and community at no cost.  It is an offering of Love as my gratitude for the grace I have received.

My paid guided meditations are a way to support my work in the world and are downloadable for your immediate use.  Many of my guided meditations were created to give you tools and techniques for a happier and more successful life.  Please support my work by downloading my meditations or make a donation to help continue our work and help individuals, like you, connect deeply with their Higher Self.

However, in all that I offer, free or fee, I encourage you to subject it to the wisdom of your Soul and “Ponder On This”, incorporating and using your own internal wisdom and guidance to choose what has the “ring of truth” and resonates for you right now.



The Blessing of Love on All that you do!


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P.S. Please share this post (below) with anyone you think will benefit.


Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Ponder on Something Read More »

The Three Gifts of the Spirit – Intuition, Empathy, and Telepathy

The Three Gifts of the Spirit: Intuition, Empathy, and Telepathy

The Gifts of the Spirit article by Genevieve

In your spiritual life, there are three gifts of the Spirit that help you experience the world of your Soul.

These three gifts are parts of your unified self that help you transition your consciousness from the binding limitations of your physical and material nature into the broader and more aware Spiritual nature.  Those are the gifts of intuition, empathy, and telepathy that I will briefly discuss today.

Understanding Your Gifts

To fully appreciate and understand these gifts it helps to understand that as a human being you are a miraculous merging of the Divine force of creation, and bringing life and ultimately Love to material form.  In order to understand this seeming contradiction, it is valuable to consider that there is more to life than we as living, breathing, and evolving beings know and comprehend.

Being a human is a unique creation, for we are granted many layers and aspects of life that must be merged and integrated to learn and grow.  The different aspects of ourselves and our awareness require merging and blending that which is physical and material with that which is energetic and consciousness beyond our physical sensing and perceiving.

That we, as human beings have a physical and material presence is an indisputable fact of life.  Yet, much of what we experience in life, especially what makes life worth living is not physical but energetic.

That our physical nature and the physical body is animalwhile our consciousness is exploring what is, in essence, spiritual, makes the human adventure challenging.  As a physical being, in a physical body, you can feel and experience many different things of a physical nature. Among these are sensations of both pleasure and pain.  But, neither the experience of pleasure or pain give life a sense of meaning or purpose.  Since the dawn of time, the sense of meaning and purpose is craved by humankind.

Meaning In Life

A sense of meaning and purpose come from the parts of our life and our consciousness that are not physical in nature, but rather energetic and Spiritual.  This inherent understanding about life and our dual nature as both physical and Spiritual beings is captured in the realization that “the best things in life are free.”  Finding meaning and significance in life quickly take you beyond what is simply physical and material about life.  A life over-focused on the pleasures of life, like life over-focused on the pain in life is not fulfilling.

Balance In Life

As a dual being who is both physical and spiritual, balance is essential.  Learning to understand and respect the material and animal aspect of your nature is vital.  Healthy eating, physical exercise, as well as emotional and mental health are all important aspects of a successful life.  So too is Spiritual exercise, meditation, mindfulness, prayer, and contemplation.

Balancing your physical needs with your Spiritual needs is integral to happiness, to be healthy and to being and becoming all you are meant to be.  It is a mistake to focus all of your attention in only what is physical.  And it is also a mistake to not honor and respect the part of your being that is Spiritual.

For some, or possibly many, the part of your being that is spiritual is more of a mystery.  After all, your body can be seen, touched, smelled, heard and even tasted.  Your Spirit, your Soul, is not as real to you.  That is why you must learn to recognize and appreciate the ways that your Spirit speaks to you.


The Three Gifts of the Spirit

Intuition, Empathy, and Telepathy are gifts of the Spirit and can be as real and recognizable to you as the physical senses, but since they are not physical, they require a different focus and attention.  It helps to understand and acknowledge that you are both a physical and a Spiritual being.

You are not just your body, you are not just your emotions or just what you feel.  Neither are you just your thoughts or what you are thinking.  You are a Soul who uses a body for a span of time, who experiences emotions, who has lofty and inspiring thoughts who is an eternal and timeless being who grows and evolves your consciousness through living and learning and ultimately loving.
- Genevieve Gerard

Part of the way you grow and learn as a Spiritual being comes through what I call the gifts of the Spirit: Intuition, Empathy, and Telepathy.  Developing and using these gifts helps you learn to function as the dual being that you are.


Listening to your intuition requires bringing your logical mind into your higher consciousness or intuitive mind.

Intuition transcends your awareness into a sense that is wider and less linear than logic and reason.  At the time it even defies logic and reason, and that is why it is often hard to listen to your intuition.

Having already thought through a situation, and reaching a decision logically, intuition comes, usually at the very last moment when you are about to act, as a warning voice deep inside you.

To choose to act on your intuition instead of relying on your logic is not easy and may be criticized or judged by those around you.  It takes both courage and a kind of faith in yourself to listen to your intuition, but in my life, whenever I have ignored it, I realize that I should have listened and paid attention or even acted upon the still small voice of my intuition.

It helps to realize that intuition is a way your Soul communicates with your personality to grant you a larger perspective.


Empathy is a different Spiritual gift for it involves transcending the sense of separation and separateness that focusing on our individual nature and being engenders.

Empathy attunes you to the pain, problems, and joys of others.  Some describe it as so intense that it might cause you pain.

Undeveloped as a Spiritual gift it can cause confusion and dismay if you are unaware that the source of the tension and unease in yourself is what you are actually picking up from another person.

While the purpose of empathy is to tune us into our ultimate Oneness, empathy must be cultivated with awareness and compassion to not be overwhelming.


Telepathy, like empathy, grants awareness into the thoughts of another.

Much like empathy tunes you into the emotions of another, telepathy gives a broader glance into the mind and considerations of another.

Telepathy results from a bond of Love that is not bound by attachment, but exists on the Soul Plane.  Like intuition, both empathy and telepathy require your consciousness expanding beyond your logical mind.

These three gifts are often revealed and need to be developed in harmony with one another.  Most significant is that both empathy and telepathy are often activated by you Loving someone, not in a sticky and attached way, but in a compassionate and aligned way that honors and respects the beloved while striving to support and empower the other.

Loves Role

I have found that while these gifts may tune you into the thoughts, emotions or needs of another person, it is wise to confirm your impressions.  You can use these signals to stimulate sending the energies of Light or Love, but you should do it without your own needs, desires or attachments.  That is honoring the teaching aspect of these gifts to help you learn how to Love another.

True Love is beyond emotion and beyond your personal needs and desires.  Love creates a bond between Souls that is both beyond time and the world of matter.  Love is a Spiritual essence that abides in the Spiritual realm.

Learning to Love is where your physical and your Spiritual natures combine to create something that is both real and eternal.  Learning to Love is a gift beyond measure, and it is developed and enhanced as you learn to wield the Spiritual gifts of intuition, empathy, and telepathy.  I believe these gifts of the Spirit help us learn to Love in that profound eternal way.

Ponder on this: The higher purpose is for you to learn to exercise these gifts of the spirit in order to demonstrate and enhance your Soul-to-Soul connection that Love provides.



The gift of Love on all that you do!


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Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The Three Gifts of the Spirit – Intuition, Empathy, and Telepathy Read More »

Freedom To Experience Love Through Free Will

Freedom To Experience Love
Through Free Will

Experience the Path to Love by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

There is in a Spiritual Life the question of Free Will.

Free will is a tricky issue that has created questions since the creation of human life.

Free will is a fact of life.  It is a fact that you and I must deal with in a myriad of ways, throughout all of our days.

Free Will To Choose Love

When the Creator first breathed the spark of Divine Light into his creationfree will came into the mix.

With the creative power that was granted to humanity came the possibility of mistakes; the possibility of defying God’s will and working either for or against the plan for His creation.

Free will affects the choices you make about what you use the creative power of your mind to manifest in your life.  It affects how you respond to emotions you experience in the happening of your life.  And, spiritually it ultimately brings you to the choice of whether you are guided by Divine Will or selfish desires.

The questions and choices that free will bring into your life are somewhat relentless.  This is especially true when you realize the ongoing challenge of harnessing the creative power of your mind to create what manifests in your life.

Free will is a factor, especially when you must decide how to respond to the actions of others, who are also imbued with free will and may not act in ways you approve or desire.

You might find yourself wondering about the purpose of free will.  After all, it takes only a quick look at life to see that people are often greedy.

At times, it’s hard to understand the purpose of free will.  The purpose of free will is a question that speaks to the ultimate purpose of life.

Sometimes people make the wrong choices or act in ways that are clearly in conflict with the Law of Loveor even kindness or compassion.

Choose the Right Path by Genevieve Gerard


This freedom you have as a human being, the freedom to choose between right and wronggood and evillove and selfishness is an ongoing challenge.


I have in my life experiences and through my meditations begun to believe that the ultimate purpose of life is to learn how to love.

Recently, I have realized that the only thing you can create in your life that is eternal is love.  The only thing that ultimately lasts are the bonds of love that you create throughout your life adventure.
      – Genevieve Gerard

With each and every experience in your life, you are choosing to either serve love or serve physical matter.  In the ancient biblical language, you choose to serve God (whose essence and nature are Love) or manna (the material and temporal world.)

In ancient writings of the Ageless Wisdom, it is taught that matter, which has no love and cannot love, must ultimately be redeemed by love.  A human being is the perfect blend of Spirit and matter.  That task of redemption falls to humanity by learning to love and then demonstrating love by loving.

To learn to Love as you move through your life is meaningless without free will.  To be compelled to Love would have no purpose, no power and most importantly, no joy.

Love is only valid if there is the freedom not to love.  In fact, all of the choices that free will grants subscribe meaning and purpose to life.

It is the very opposites, the possibility to choose that makes all your choices have power.

Freedom To Choose Love

What you decide to do; what you choose to think and feel, are all a part of a Cosmic quest that is played out on humanities stage here on planet earth.

Freedom is an essential element in that drama.  Freedom and free will are woven into the tapestry of life, your life and the life of every player on the stage with you.

It is this freedom to choose that gives purpose and meaning to the mundane events in life.  It is the freedom to choose that determines how your story is written in the Akashic record of karma and consequence.  The choice you make today in what you think, what you feel, and what you do are all a part of your creative process as a Child of God who was born in freedom with free will.

That freedom is important for it determines what you create in your life.

This brings us to a crucial question about the times in your life that when you are faced with a choice whether you choose to surrender and align with Divine Will, or whether you will choose only in consideration of your personal ego’s needs.

Invoking Free Will To Choose Love

The other day I was discussing this very issue with a spiritual friend.  We were considering the matter of enlisting the help of Angels in life.

Free will enables a human life to choose to align with Divine Will, or not.  I believe Angels may only intervene in human life in alignment with Divine Will.  So, when you pray to Angels for help, you are automatically surrendering your “little will” to the forces of Love and Light.

For the ego, for your will, this may make it easier to align your will to Divine Will.  You can freely invoke the aid and assistance of the Angels in your life as a tool for guiding your consciousness into an alignment of the wisdom of your Soul, and the insight and awareness of what is good and right.

Directing your attention to how to choose love, and teaching you about love is integral to your Soul’s relationship in your life.  It is also part and parcel of the way the Angels work with humanity to help manifest God’s overall Plan for the evolution of humankind.

The issue of surrender, either to the Soul, to the Angels or Divine Will is usually not easy for the personal ego.  Within the act of surrender is the key to empowerment that can vault your life into success and satisfaction that is beyond happiness. Ponder on this!

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of my Gift of Love Meditation MP3 instantly

Demonstrating Goodwill as A Way to Learn to Love

One of the greatest mysteries in life is the awareness that it is by giving we receive.  It is as if God set up a teaching behavioral reward system that can be summarized as “when I do good, I feel good.”  We can add to that “when I serve others, I serve myself.”

Goodwill is equated with doing good in the world.  For some, it may be easier to think of “goodwill to others” as easier than “love one another.”

So, like enlisting and petitioning the Angels for help may be an easier way for the ego and personal will to align with Divine Will, so may practicing goodwill be an easier way of learning to love.  It is certainly simpler to do good than to demonstrate love.

When I do good, I feel good.
When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.
      – Abraham Lincoln

No matter how lost in the illusions of separateness and selfishness you may be, your heart and your Soul long to love and be loved.  Your Soul knows the truth about life and your heart wants to express love.  Free will can disrupt that expression, but the will to love is an active force.

Free will is still subject to the underlying principle in life that “in all things, God works for good.”  The very fact that “God is Love” (Jesus Christ 1 John 4:8) reveals the promise that “Love Wins.”

You can take comfort in that hope, for it is not possible to create anything that is not created out of the essence of the Creator.  All the way down to the most material and base nature of your being, you are created with love because you were created by Love.

Love is ultimately built into your heart, your mind, and your Soul.  No matter what mistakes you make with your choices in life, learning to love is the ultimate outcome.  That is the safety mechanism within which free will resides.

Of course, you have more happiness and joy when you choose to love.  To not choose love is its own punishment for it deprives you of the joys and blessing life is constantly offering you.

Knowing this, I suggest with kindness and compassion that for your life, you choose Love.




The Blessing of Love On All that You Do!


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Copyright © 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Freedom To Experience Love Through Free Will Read More »

The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities

The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities

The Morning Brings New Possibilities by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

As long as I live, no matter how old I get, morning brings me joy.

As the darkness surrenders to the Light, I am assured that all that happened in the past, is past.

   Click to listen to me reading this post to you (11 minutes).

I am promised that this new day that is just beginning to unfold before me has never been before.  Anything is possible.  Everything can change.

Hope and possibilities charge my imagination.  Miracles are available to me.  Destiny is available to me.

I am unlimited and now free to do things differently.  I can right old wrongs.  I can forgive others.  I can be forgiven.  Nothing limits me as the Light conquers the darkness, hope is in my heart.

Nothing is impossible today. 

What will happen is a mystery pregnant with potential.  My creativity is charged from a fountain of new solutions.  Thoughts that I have never thought before are now available to me.  Dreams I have never dreamed before can emerge onto the blank canvas of this new day that is opening to me, for me.

There is comfort in knowing this day has never been before.  There are release and freedom in knowing that nothing I think or choose to do is captured or confined by what I have considered or done before this day.

The mystery of this new day is magical.  It is empowering and inspiring.  As the Sun moves to chase the moon away, my heart opens to the Light.

Today is a precious gift that I treasure.  It has never been before, and it shall not come again.  I must seize it and wrestle from it all the gifts today brings into manifestation.

It is only one day, but it is my day because it is today.  I have been blessed with the breath that sustains life.  I have been blessed with the eyes to see the Sun be victorious.

My life adventure opens new doors.  I can meet people I have never met before.  I can find Love I have never known before.  I can find an inspiration that can change the world.  I am unlimited and unfettered as this new creation of life is revealed in the Light of this day.

What thought will I think that I have never thought of before?  What idea will I have that I have never had before?  What solution will I find to problems that have plagued me?

All is new and available to me with the emerging of a new day.  The promise of new possibilities is the inescapable reality of right now, today.

As I meditate on this miracle, I pause to consider my many blessings.  Gratitude fills my heart. 

I let myself appreciate the little things.  The air that is abundantly available for me, on-demand, and at my need is a gift I use, often without thought.   Yet, if I pause and consider it reminds me that what I need to sustain my life is freely given and available for me.  I need to only use what is freely given to claim it.

In my breath is also a reminder that life is a constant flow of taking in and using what I need, and letting go of and releasing what is no longer needed.  I cannot only take in, but I must also release and let go.  This ebb and flow is so simple, yet I realize that I sometimes let my fears of shortage and lack cause me to be greedy and hoard.

With gratitude, I look around and consider what other life lessons have my busyness made me oblivious to.  As I sit within the calm empowerment of the morning, I become aware of gravity.  Gravity is something that I seldom consider and yet it is a blessing and a gift that the world provides to me for free.  It is something I can surrender into to relax.  As long as I obey some simple rules about it, gravity supports and sustains me freely, easily, naturally.  Gravity, like breath, gives in perfect measure exactly what I need, exactly when I need it.

I consider the life lessons that breath and gravity grant me as the Sun assumes accession.  I am grateful that the dawn reminds me that everything is possible.  Nothing is impossible. 

I take a pause for a moment to appreciate and consider those blessings I may have taken for granted.

I take a pause for a moment to appreciate and consider those blessings I may have taken for granted.  I invite you to look around your life and notice the blessings and bounty you have that may have escaped your notice.  They may normally be too small or insignificant to notice.  Take a few moments to pay attention and consider what little blessings you may find.

You might notice as you do this hope comes into your heart.  Your mind is ignited by the possibility.  This whole day is available to you for celebration and appreciation. 

In gratitude, you are able to put your burdens down.  With gratitude, you can focus on what you have.  You may be surprised by what you notice you already have of what you need.  You may realize that what is easily available to you right now, in the hope and promise of the morning is enough for today.

If that is true for you let go your constant striving and let yourself relax.  Let yourself just be. Be calm and at peace.  Trust that the lesson of your breath (that what you need is exactly available in the amount that you need it) is true for all of your life.

As you take the time to appreciate what you have, you may realize that you have much more than you need.  You may realize it is time to release what you no longer need or what no longer serves you.  Let the joy of appreciating your abundance fill you.  Let your gratitude fill you and flow from you as you start this new day.

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
     – Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

Arise and go forth into this new day with an open heart and an open mind.  Leave your worries behind and leave your troubles in the past.  Seize this new day with confidence.

Take your hope out into this new day and let what you need come to you freely.  Then claim it when it does.  Let yourself receive and remember that you are a beloved child of God.  And in all things and in all ways, God is always working for what is good.

Like with your breath, life is working to give you what you need in the exact measure that you need it. 



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities Read More »

Letting Angels Teach Us the Meaning of Love

Letting Angels Teach Us the Meaning of Love

Teach Us Love by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of our on-going series on Angels.

We are told in the stories of Creation that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

That may be a statement that has sometimes given you pause, or, it may be something that never crosses your mind; or something you have never considered.

The mystery of Angels is that they are beings of Spirit and Light while we, as humans, are beings of Spirit and Matter.

Tradition tells us that Angels are the messengers of God.  With the evolution of science in human consciousness, the role of Angels diminished.  Humanity has in the recent past become more limited by its collective insistence that only what is experienced through the five senses is real.

An amazing aspect of consciousness is that it is always totally subjective.  Without a concept in your mind, you cannot perceive.  This is a part of life’s mystery.  This is why determining what is real, and differentiating what is unreal is such a significant part of the spiritual journey.

There is a common folk saying that “seeing is believing.”  Yet, we cannot see the energy of radio waves but we now know they are there. Ultimately, I believe it is also true that “believing is seeing.” Ponder on this.

Understanding the laws of matter and relying on your five senses is one way you may see the world, but, it is not the only way.  Sensation and perception can open you to what is known as the sixth sense.  Just acknowledging the possibility that there is more to reality than what you might experience with your limited five senses can shift your awareness. The truth is “we don’t know what we don’t know.”

Here is a secret; opening your awareness is necessary if you want to communicate and learn from Angels.

Greater Awareness Is Coming

Communicating with Angels is something that has changed in these emerging times.  It is important to understand that consciousness is a part of livingness in every form in which life is expressed.  Consciousness is an ongoing process of both evolution and involution as an expression of life itself.

At this time in human evolution, consciousness is transforming to a greater awareness of reality.  A new consciousness is emerging that empowers the human experience to encompass more than just dense matterThe world of the Soul and the awareness of Spirit is in greater awareness.  The substance of your Soul is Spirit and LightConnecting with your Soul Light opens you to the presence and communion with the Angelic Kingdom.

The separation that has long existed between these two realms, Spirit and Matter, Human and Angelic have been thinning.  This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as “the thinning of the veil.” The tasks of the evolution of consciousness are becoming more permeable and interactive than in previous times.

This change seems to be a part of the creation of a “new heaven and a new earth” that is part of the prophecy of the emerging consciousness.  This foretold creation impacts the relationship between Angels and humanity that is compatible with the evolution in consciousness of both realms.

Messenger of God

In ancient stories of Angels appearing to humanity, the Angels were portrayed as messengers.  Angels, being more recognizable and compatible to human life arrived and were visible to communicate important messages.  The stories related often speak to the fear that humans had of Angelic Presence since the very first thing the Angels would say is “be not afraid.”

Fear is a common response of the human experience when presented with what is unfamiliar and unknown.

Special Angels, often Archangels, were chosen for these missions.  And, although these stories are rare and noteworthy, they are sufficiently common for humanity to understand that Angels are real and a part of the relationship between humanity and the Divine.

The role of a Guardian Angel is an example of how the angelic kingdom is aware of the challenges of the human experience.  A special relationship exists between an individual and their Guardian Angel.  That relationship is forged between your Soul and the Angel that takes on the charge of being your Guardian Angel in your life.

Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than man, they have wider connections.
                        – Matthew Simpson

What is significant to understand and honor in these times of the thinning of the veil between heaven and earth is that both humanity and the Angels are constantly expanding their consciousness and awareness.  Angels and humanity, although on different pathways of evolving consciousness have a relationship.  This relationship is about different ways of experiencing the divine.

What We Can Learn From Angels

What is amazing is that these two very different manifestations of life and consciousness are learning similar lessons.  Learning these lessons in a body composed of matter is very different from learning these lessons as a being of Spirit and Light.

Humanity, as it evolves and ascends its consciousness to the ever greater awareness of Light, Love, and Spirit, have much they can learn from Angels.  Now, with the thinning of the veil between Heaven and Earth greater communication is possible.  The Angels remain messengers, as they have always been, but their ability to communicate, teach us and guide us is expanding.

Teaching Us The Meaning of Love

At this time, I believe mostly what they are teaching humanity is about Love.  Learning to Love, and ultimately infusing and transforming matter with Love in an epic transformation.  This lesson is integral to humanity evolving (beyond its animal nature) and is essential for planet earth to become a sacred planet.

Humanity is learning to Love, and Love infusing matter is the mystery of redemption that expands into Cosmic levels of purpose.
                           – Genevieve Gerard

Angels are engaged in this Divine purpose to help and support humanity in accomplishing this transition.  The result of the separation of the world of matter from the Angelic realm thinning is an increased opportunity for communion and communication.  The presence of Angels is moving more and more into human awareness.  Perception is expanding beyond the five senses.

Meditation, prayer, and humanities reach for the Angels and the longing for the true meaning of love are revealing more and more.  The Angelic communication to human consciousness is mostly telepathic and is most often perceived as a whisper of the still quiet voice that is also the tool of your Soul (Higher Self) guiding you.

The Angels are committed to the fulfillment of what is aligned with Divine Will for you in your life.  Indeed, since Angels do not have free will like humans have, they can do no other.

What We Can Teach The Angels

As the Angels are emerging more and more to help humanity learn about Love, they are being exposed to what free will means.  I can only imagine that they are learning from humanity as they help humanity as part of their own angelic involutionary path back to mankind.

Certainly, the increased exposure to human emotion, particularly the pain of unfulfilled desire is a learning experience.  Human life, confined in matter and emotionally subject to the astral plane requires a major shift in consciousness.  In order for the Angels to support humanity in this great lesson of Love, they must become more aware of the trials and tribulations of the human life experience.

This is a great sacrifice the Angels are making.  When they reveal themselves to you in these emerging times I encourage you to be thankful for the sacrifice of service that they are offering to you.  Even to embody matter sufficiently for you to see them, hear them and sense them is different from their essence of Spirit and Light. Have compassion and gratitude and do not abuse their service to humanity.

As this process of revelation increases, the only way humanity can repay their sacrifice is by opening to the highest levels of Love and merging your Love with theirs. When they see life on earth being transformed by Love, and how their gift brings new awareness and consciousness to humanity their joy will expand.  Angels will demonstrate a new integrated way of being that is infused with Love and aligned with Divine Will. I encourage you to honor them with love as the blessing that they are to humanity and to your life and growth.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 5-6-2019


Copyright © 2018-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Letting Angels Teach Us the Meaning of Love Read More »

I Want To Be My Whole Self

I Want To Be My Whole Self

Be Your Whole Self by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

When your lower-self (your personality [body, emotions, and mind]) merges with your higher-self (your Soul which is the essential part of you into which your Divine Spark is embedded) you become empowered by your whole-self.

In your natural life journey, there is a development process that goes on throughout your life between your lower-self (personality) and your higher-self (Soul.)

This developmental process occurs naturally but for you may be unconscious.  When you invite the integrative process of your Soul to merge with your personality, you bring into your consciousness a greater awareness and empowerment of your life’s purpose.

Most likely, inviting your Soul to be an active player in your life is not something you learned to do in Sunday School.  After countless hours in churches and listening to countless hours of homilies and sermons I can say the Soul is rarely mentionedEven the Bible does not specifically teach you how to activate and engage with your Soul.

Although throughout your life, your Soul may have opened to you its presence, your conscious awareness of your Soul may have well been hit or miss.  You may have felt your Soul most present in times of heart-wrenching sorrow when a loved one has died.  And, that pain and compassion may have driven you to your knees and opened your mind and heart to the Presence of your Soul, although it’s doubtful that you were consciously aware that your Soul was the comforter.

I believe your Soul may have given you insight through your intuition that may have saved you or a friend from harm’s way.

I believe that your Soul is willing to step in at times of crisis as an act of Love or Grace, but to really provide the power and majesty of which it is capable it requires a relationship.

Most likely you have been raised from infancy to focus on your five material senses as the way you experience the world.  Any insights you may have experienced beyond the reality of those physical senses is usually discouraged by parents, adults and those who are not seeing or feeling what you might be experiencing.  This limitation is factual across most cultures and is especially true in the Western world.

This emphasis on the physical and material world has led to a long span of evolution that denies awareness of the spiritual realm.  This tendency has limited the education and knowledge of the Soul to mystics such as Hafiz, King David (in the Psalms) or Osho. Without this spiritual education, you are left with a part of you that is missing.

You may have unconsciously longed for contact from and connection with your Soul, while steadfastly ignoring or denying the reality of anything spiritual.  You may have turned to religion to find out about your Soul, but religion, unfortunately, is currently usually not the source for learning how to develop a relationship with your Soul.

All religions are true, but none are literal.
           – Joseph Campbell

The core belief of these spiritual writings of King David, Hafiz, Osho, and other spiritual writers you might cherish is that within every human heart is the longing for connection and relationship with your Soul.

No matter which religions or religious beliefs each of these inspired writers serve, their words call to you because the Soul, your Soul, is calling to be part of you through their wise words.

How To Be Whole

If you listen to the yearning of your heart, you will find a longing to love and be loved.  Your Soul is the portal of Divine Love.  When you bring your Soul into active relationship with your personality, body, emotions, and mind, you start a process of integration that brings joy and wisdom to your life. This Soul integration with your personality makes you whole.

Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes.
          –  Paramahansa Yogananda

The Soul is universal and beyond any dogma or religion.  Connecting with your Soul, and engaging in the process of merging your Soul with your lower-self “personality” is also beyond any dogma or doctrine.  It is universal and the next step in the spiritual journey of humanity.

Almost everybody agrees that you have a Soul.  When touched, that awareness opens you to the true nature of the Divine and the unifying principle of Love that transcends religious bigotry or dogma disagreements.

When you consciously open your life to increased Soul awareness and Soul control, you are engaging in what I have referred to as Soul/Personality merging.  Something I have called “The Greatest Merger and Acquisition Project Ever.”  This is when you can live a full life that is Soul infused.

Advantages of Connecting With Your Soul

Connecting with your Soul connects you with your internal source for Divine Wisdom and Divine Guidance.  Your Soul is the teacher that always knows and understands what you need at every phase and step of your life.  Your Soul as your teacher and guide aligns you with the Divine, however, you understand the Divine to be.


To bring your Soul Light into your physical body facilitates healing on many levels.  For some, it is resolution and relief of pain.  It can also manifest as a sense of deep and profound relaxation.  When aligned with your Soul, it might be that you realize that your breath is more accessible, more profound and each breath you breathe is more fulfilling.


To bring your Soul Light into your emotional body frees you to forgive, let go of deep and troubling resentments.  It fills you with a profound peace and calm that releases closely held negative emotions, such as fear and anger.  As your emotional body fills with Soul Light, there is also an activation of Love, deep in your heart.  That Love brings you awareness of unconditional love and Divine Love.


Inviting your Soul Light into your mind opens you to insight and ignites your intuition.  It also activates more creative thinking and has a dynamic impact on problem-solving in your life.

It is because of all of these powerful advantages that with every guided meditation that I create I invite you into the meditative state by asking you to “Calm Your Mind,” “Open Your Heart,” and “Invite the Light of your Soul.”

Your “personality” is the integrator of those three significant energies of the human experience.   When you consciously and with an intention (supported by meditation) affirm these embedded suggestions you are taking a significant step forward in your human evolution experience.

You are embarking on an adventure to become a new kind of human being, a human being who is aware of and in touch with their Divine Spark and their co-creatorship with God. When your lower-self merges with your higher-self you become empowered by your whole-self.

This awareness begins a quest not only to live life but live it more fully.  The adventures on this quest may bring you in touch with much that is unknown to you as you start down this path.  That is true of any great quest or adventure.  There is much your Soul knows and wishes to teach you about your true nature that is beyond the current knowledge of humans at this time.

Merging your personality with your Soul opens your life to new possibilities.  It is a magnificent adventure upon which humanity is only now embarking.  You can be the explorer of this merged awareness.

I invite you to join me in this exploration into the full power of what it means to be a human being, a being that is a part animal man but is also a creative living evolving spark of the Divine.  I invite you to Be and Become All You Are Meant to Be.

I invite you to experience the Touch of Your Soul!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. Please share this post (below) with anyone you think will benefit. If you feel inspired to help in my service to others click here to make a donation that will help me help others connect deeply with their Higher Self.


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Last updated 2-4-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


I Want To Be My Whole Self Read More »

You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control

You Need to Know What Happens When You
Let Your Soul Be In Control

Read how to let your Soul be more in control article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a continuation of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

Many of the solutions to life’s challenges are simple.  That does not make them easy.

Free Will is an essential part of the human experience.

I believe the personality, the “lower self,” must make the conscious choice to surrender to Divine Will, the “higher self” or Soul.  Without that conscious choice, the choice to choose Love, the choice to put your Soul in control cannot give you the full power of your Soul.

It is with your decision to bring your Soul into a conscious partnership that you are empowered to work with the Angels and activate spirit to elevate the world of matter, that real enlightenment can happen.

By the very word, enlightenment requires bringing Light into the substance of matter.  This is the destiny of humanity.

The merging of your Soul, with your completely human body, emotions, personality, and mind is what I have called the “Greatest Merger and Acquisition” ever.

It was to fulfill this blending of spirit and matter, light and dark; personal will surrendered to Divine Will that the Creator designed the human adventure. Something magical and mystical happens when Love (the nature of your Soul) is infused into matter (the substance of the world.)

It was to bring Divine Love into manifestation into the world of matter that the struggle of life exists.

Matter, by its very nature, is devoid of Love.  Only through humanity learning to Love and surrendering to Divine Love can in this dual consciousness of Soul and Personality can the denseness of matter be infused by Love, can the denseness of matter be inspired by Soul Light.

This is the fuel of miracles and the purpose of life.  Not just to learn how to Love, but to let Love so thoroughly into your life that the very atomic matter of your being, your heart, merges with your mind into your Soul, whose nature is Love. Ponder on this.

Learning To Love

Your human adventure offers you the opportunity to learn and grow until Love is clearly the answer.  Surrendering to Love is your path to joy.  When surrendering to Love becomes your personal Free Will you automatically align with Divine Will.

Today, I invite you to choose Divine Love.  By making that choice, you have activated your free will on a path that aligns you with the teachings and wisdom of your Soul.  When you choose Divine Love, you are allowing your personality access to transforming power.

When you choose Divine Love, you become an agent of Divine Will here on planet earth.

I understand, although simple, it is far from easy to surrender to Divine Love and Divine WillBut don’t worry, the resistance you have to this kind of surrender is what makes you human.

Each and every time you are able to remain open to Divine Love and aligned with and surrendered to Divine Will you are taking a giant step forward in human evolution.

The fact that you are reading this article today speaks volumes to your openness to making a difference in your life.

The longing you have to be able to remain in a state of Love and aligned with Divine Will speaks to the presence of your Soul.  The nature of your Soul is Love.  It is with Love you can open to the wonder and wisdom of your Soul.

This walk in life with a human body, buffeted with needs and desires is a new kind of human being, a new kind of consciousness that is just emerging in the human experience.  To let your Soul be in control, while still walking in the world of sorrows is a whole new kind of experience in human life.

When you walk through life as the powerful and amazing being that you indeed are, you are thinning the veil between heaven and earth.  You are demonstrating the consciousness of Love.

 Meditation is a portal to the awareness of your Soul.

                   – Genevieve Gerard


If you would like to open yourself to the divine love of your Soul, download my Gift of Love guided meditation MP3 and experience the essence of your Soul.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 


Bringing Your Soul Into Control

The integration of your Soul with your personality is the result of lifetimes of lessons of love and karma.  The release of personal will to Divine Will is a lesson learned long ago by the Angels.

Coming from a Soul perspective shifts awareness of the illusions, glamor’s and desires of the world of matter to bring an understanding of what is true and real.

Each and every time you put your Soul in control you are fulfilling your destiny as the spark of Divine Light that you were created to be.

When you put your Soul in control, you automatically align with Love.  You activate your co-creator potential that came from the Creator with the breath of life.

Your whole perspective changes when you are integrating your Soul with your personality.  Harmlessness becomes effortless.

Kindness and compassion flow from your heart as you are moved by the sorrow and suffering of others.  You are aware of a unity of Spirit that makes clear your Oneness with all of Life.

Humanities next significant step forward is to master this dual perspective, this dual consciousness, and then bring it into the world.

To merge with your Soul, to restrain any selfishness you may be tempted by, is a significant step forward in the consciousness of humanity.  It is the evolution of a new kind of human being.  One who is in relationship and communion with the Divine.

Imagine, for a moment if you will, just how this world would be different if your Soul were in control.  Imagine if government and society were to follow the Law of Divine Love.  Imagine if the guidelines for the laws were crafted and passed with the principle of the Highest Good For All.

That would undoubtedly usher in a “Heaven on Earth.”  That would fulfill the prophecies of old of Peace on Earth, a time when the Lion could lie down with the Lamb.  These predictions and dreams have fueled all world religions because they are the plan in the mind of the Creator that humanity was created to fulfill.

It takes only a moment of both self-awareness and life awareness to see how far humanity is from manifesting that vision that has been foretold.  Yet, it is by learning to Love, by bringing your Soul into control and by merging your personal will into Divine Will that the best chance for humanity manifests.

To help you on this path I have created an affirmation that you can say as often as you like.


Love & Light Are My Lanterns Affirmation


Today, I call upon my Guardian Angels, my Spiritual Inner Plane Guides, to provide help and assistance in my life that I may fulfill my life destiny and purpose to manifest God’s Will for my highest good and the highest good of all.

I surrender to and invoke the wisdom of my Soul as I place my Soul in control.

I do this to learn the lessons of Divine Love and to teach others the transforming empowerment of love and light.

As I sacrifice my little will and align my life and purpose with Divine Will, I assert and affirm that: “Purpose Itself Am I.”

To manifest this awareness in my physical reality, it is necessary to allow: “Two Minds to Unite.”

And to let “The Highest Light Control.”

To do this, I must “See the Greatest Light.”

This blending of my Soul with my lower self occurs as a simultaneous act of invocation and evocation.  In so doing I open my life to the fulfillment and furtherance of a plan that is held in the mind of God.

I acknowledge that the Saints, the Hierarchy and those who have served humanity to bring about the manifestation of this Divine Plan will guide and direct me as I put aside my personal lower will.

As I remain aligned and open to Divine Will, I realize that my joy, my bliss, and my fulfillment are found in that merger.

Each and every time that I am able to restrain my personal needs and desires, I am learning to Love, and I am strengthened and supported by resources more amazing and vast than I can imagine.

Love & Light are my lanterns.  Through Divine Love, I can align in full faith and confidence knowing that Divine Will has the Divine Wisdom of a purpose and plan that is beyond what I can see from the vision of my individuated lower self.  As I merge with that Divine Will and Wisdom, I relax and release all of the needs that have burdened my life.

Through my open connection to my Soul, the heavenly hosts are available to provide the healing that those I encounter in my life so desperately need.

Through my merger with Divine Will for the Highest Good of All, I am assured that I will do no harm through the unintended consequences of my personal ego or desire nature.

I walk this path of dual consciousness and awareness with vigilance, and thus I stand.  I am a point of light within a greater light, and thus I stand.  I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of cosmic love, and thus I stand.  And standing thus enlightens the way for others.

                – Genevieve Gerard


Your Soul grows ever more in control until the Soul, in power can bring to Light the Love that underlies the happening of the times.  That is the destiny and fulfillment of humanity.  That is the great adventure you can use your life to manifest for the world.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6-11-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


You Need to Know What Happens When You Let Your Soul Be In Control Read More »

Remember Who You Truly Are

Remember Who You Truly Are

Remember Who You Are article by Genevieve Gerard

Perhaps, one of the most powerful and profound messages I have ever received in meditation was the instruction to, “Remember Who You Truly Are.”

This phrase not only impacted my spiritual life at the time I first received this instruction but has returned to my ponderings throughout the years.

Today, I share it with you, hoping that within your meditations and ponderings you will find insight, strength, and wisdom.

When you focus on this question I encourage you to have your spiritual journal with you.  Recording the ideas you receive helps you gain greater depth and understandings of flashes of awareness.

You might initially respond to this Koan by thinking it is silly.  You could dismiss it by giving simplistic answers.  A Koan is an exercise of finding a deeper truth.  I believe to benefit from the use of a Koan, you must look beyond the surface into the heart of the question.  In that way, the truth is revealed.

As you ponder the question, consider if you will, all of the roles and titles you have carried through your lifeMost have been descriptions of what you do, not who you are.

Once you move through the identities of what roles you have played in your life, what is left?

Are you larger than the jobs you have done or the roles you played in other’s lives?

At the center of your being, you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want.
          – Lao Tzu

A Meditation To Explore Who You Truly Are

Take a deep breath as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Sit quietly and listen in the silence to the promptings of your Soul.  How does it answer the question, “Who Am I, Truly?”

Let your heart experience whatever comes to you.  Let your mind be free.  Suspend judgment.

Open to the wisdom of your Soul.  Invite it to reveal to you awareness you may have never perceived before.

There is no wrong answer.  Just open your heart and mind to the promptings of your Soul.

Listen, in the silence with your whole being as you ponder “Who am I, truly?”

Consider the thoughts, concepts, and feelings that drift into your being.  In the silence, you may find paths of consciousness that call to you.

Let them flow freely, opening understandings that are new to you.  You may wish to pause and record these impressions in your journal so you can return to them in another time, in another meditation.

You may experience an expanded sense of being.  Let your awareness grow to the edges of your consciousness.  Let your perception be limitless.

Taking a deep and relaxing breath, release with your exhale any stress you may be holding in your body.  That stress is not a part of who you truly are, so you can let it go.

Then draw in another deep and relaxing breath.  As you release your breath, you can release your fears.  They are not a part of who you truly are.

Now, as you breathe in another deep and relaxing breath realize you can, with your exhale, release any limiting beliefs and thought-forms you may be holding.  They too are not part of who you truly are.

Return to the silence, as you realize these burdens of stress, fears and limiting beliefs you have carried are not a part of your true self, your essential self.  They have not served you, and you have no need to ever gather them to you again.

Return to the question you are pondering; who am I truly if I am not my stresses, my fears or the beliefs that have limited me?

Allow the peace of this experience to permeate your essence.  As you breathe in, breathe in that peace and calm.  Be aware that you are breathing in peace and calm that comes from the very essence of yourself.

Let the energy in your heart expand into that peace.  Let the Love of your Soul fill your heart as you let yourself Love and appreciate who you are.

In the calm and the silence of this moment let yourself receive the grace of loving and accepting yourself.

In the pause of remembering who you truly are let the grace of self-forgiveness fill your heart and mind.

You are more than the total of the roles you have played and the deeds you have done.  You are more than your emotions and beliefs.  Within you, there is an essential Self.  Open your awareness to that Self.

In the silence, in the calm afterglow of this meditation receive the Love that your Soul has for you.  Receive the grace that is your birthright as a spark of the Divine Light that inhabits us all.

Record your thoughts, feelings, and impressions in your journal at this time.  Remember that writing about what you have experienced helps you ground and solidify that experience.


               – GG


Expand your awareness to receive the flow of unlimited Love and compassion that is the nature of your Soul.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Be Open To Your Soul

Take a moment, as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the light of your Soul, to ponder on what you have received in response to the question who am I truly.

Expand your awareness to receive the flow of unlimited love and compassion that is the nature of your Soul.

As, that Love fills your heart and illumines your mind, realize and celebrate that your Soul is an integral essence of who you are.

Yes, you have a human and material body, but you are much more than your body.

Certainly, you have emotions, but they are only experiences along the adventure of life.  They are not who you truly are.

Amazingly, you have a mind, capable of great thoughts and expansions of consciousnessWithin that mind is the power of imagining and perceiving that which is beyond what is material into an essence which is Spirit.

As a Soul, you are a co-creator with the Divine of the nature and purpose of your life.  Yet, for your Soul to work in the world and influence matter, it needs the actions of your physical body. 


It requires the understanding and cooperation of others that comes from the practice of compassion and the demonstration of Love that only you as a dual nature of Spirit/Soul and Matter/Body, can offer to the world.
          – Genevieve Gerard

Your personality and ego are part of a team that brings the Spirit into manifestation in the physical universe.  This merger of your Soul with the material is focused on bringing Love into the world of matter.

Love is the essential nature of the Soul and the nature of the Divine.  YOU, as a human being are the incredible miracle of life created to bridge those worlds, to reveal that truth, to learn and teach the nature of Love.

For this great task was humanity created.  For this great service to the whole universe are you here on Planet Earth, learning, growing and striving to transform matter with Love.

This integration of your Soul (whose nature is Love united with Divine Purpose and Will) with your physical body, emotions mind and personality is a divine purpose in life that has a purpose beyond what you can know and see.

Being, and becoming who you truly are, and remembering and revealing your Divine nature while in human form is the pathway that all of humanity must travel to fulfill the Divine Plan and destiny for humanity.

You are an adventurer.  You are a trailblazer. You are a child of God and a spark of Spirit merging divine source into matter as you learn to express and share Love.

In all of creation, the human being is a unique and special being.  Be who you are.  Celebrate this miracle of life you have been granted.  Accept the love and guidance of your Soul as you master your physical, emotional and mental nature and integrate your personality with your Soul.

As your consciousness returns to the activities and requirements of your life, realize that this meditation of remembering can empower you.

You can return to this meditation and this pondering as often as you like.  Each experience can deepen and reveal ever more of the mystery of remembering who you truly are.




The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


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Last updated 8-10-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2017-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Remember Who You Truly Are Read More »

Breeze of an Angels Wing

Feel the Breeze of an Angels Wing

Be Not Afraid by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a part of my on-going series on Angels

Angels are shy beings, composed Spirit and not matter.  For that reason, they do not appear in a way that can be seen with the physical eye.

There are those whose eyes are focused in such a way that they can see what is etheric.  It is they who can see the fairies and other Spirit beings who live among us, often both unknown and unseen.

It is important to remember that there is more to life than what appears in solid matterSpirit, your Soul, and angelic beings are real and reside outside of the visual field of your physical eyes which are attuned to the material world.

Stories of Angels

Children are the most likely to experience these beings.  To be born able to see the etheric along with perceiving the material is a gift.  However, when with childish innocence, they share their vision with the adults in their life, many if not most adults, deny that what they are seeing is real.  This invalidation often convinces the child not to share their gifted perception and makes them doubt their experience.

In the scriptures of every culture, and in the legends or every religion there are stories of Angels.  In some of these stories, the Angels appear more in physical form.  In others, they appear more ethereal. In some stories, they seem to be a fully formed physical appearance differentiated by a glow, often around their head or sometimes their whole body, complete with wings.  Consider the many paintings of Angels by Renaissance artists.

What seems to be common in Angelic visitations is that their very first message is for the human to “be not afraid.”  Angels know that people are not used to seeing them and are not used to receiving messages from God.  An angelic message is an unusual and rare experience.  It is a great blessing and a great honor.

The universality of angelic appearances makes me wonder why the ability to see an Angel is systematically trained out of children the world over. This phenomenon applies even to many parents who claim to be believers and have faith.

The very word Angel means messenger of God.  It would seem that a message from God is a great gift, not something to be feared or ignored.  It appears that children could be encouraged to explore and develop their etheric vision rather than be told that it is their imagination.

Somehow, in a world that is composed of both Spirit and Matter, Spirit can make people uncomfortable.  Angels, who are the messengers of God and who watch over you to help you your entire life are often summarily dismissed by those they serve.

This tendency has not always been so.  Perhaps it is because the reality of matter has become so invasive in this world that the presence of Spirit is denied.  It seems easier to deny the existence of Angels than it is to accept that the world is wider and more fantastic than what the five senses perceive.

Still, people long for the comfort of Angels.  They cry out for the aid of Angels.  They use Angel cards for guidance and desire the assurance of God’s grace and awareness through their trials and tribulations.  They hope that Angels are real even though they dare not believe.

Many people, when you speak to them of Angels recall their childhood experiences.  It is not unusual for a child, around the age of 7 to have an Angelic visitation that reveals the mysteries and direction for their life.  This event often requires prompting even to be remembered.

I wrote about this phenomenon in an article: Open Your Heart to Your Childhood Angelic Message.

What is amazing to me is how universal this experience is; and how frequently it can be completely forgotten. Forgotten even as someone struggles with finding their life’s purpose; that is most often the subject of the childhood angelic vision.  Remembering, and opening to the Presence of Angels in your life is life empowering.

Spirit vs. Matter

It is interesting that while focusing on living your life, you can ignore such a significant part of the world, Spirit.  Matter is interpreted as “real,” while perceptions of Spirit are often labeled as “unreal.”

That may be why the words of an ancient mantra from the writings of the Ageless Wisdom declare:

“May I be led from darkness into Light, from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality?”

Sadly, the overemphasis on the material parts of life make Spiritual truths and Spiritual experiences harder and harder to understand.  It is as if the compass to guide people between these worlds has been lost in the annals of time.

To limit your perception of the world to only the world of matter
is to deny much of what is most mysterious and most glorious about life.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Meditation in the stillness, quiet contemplations, and dreams are ways that you can listen to the guidance of your Soul, or experience the Presence of Angels.

The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises and messages that God sends us directly: they are nothing but His Angels, His ministering spirits, who usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament.
       – Paracelsus

To deny the realm of Angels and the world of Spirit is foolish.  Although the Ageless Wisdom teaches that there is a veil that separates the world of Angels from the material world, that veil has been thinning as part of the transition in the consciousness of humanity.

The cries and need of humanity have moved heaven to grant greater awareness and understanding of the realm of Angels and the realm of the Soul.  This shift in perception is a part of the evolution of humanity over the next phase of planetary life.

Those who, as children, had an awareness of Angelic beings are able, through meditation and prayer, to find that the Presence of Angels is becoming more accessible.  This change is an integral part of the plan for humanity.

More and more, as books about Angels are published, and more and more as Angel cards are created, the reality of the realm of Angels finds its way into humanities understanding.

The near stillness recalls what is forgotten, extinct angels.
       – Georg Traki

Angels are real.  The fact that you do not often see them with your eyes does not mean that they are not present.  That you do not see them is not important.  You can feel them and sense them in the stillness.

Commune With Angels

When you wish to connect, and perceive the Spirit World, while you are in the consciousness of the material world, a shift in your attention is required.  It is not the Angels who need that change but your personality, your emotional needs, your ego and the aspects of your “lower self.”  Otherwise, even though full heavenly hosts surround you, you can ignore them, see nothing and feel nothing.

Angels are attracted to humanity whenever you reach out to your Soul when you pray or meditate when you are open to the world of Spirit and quiet your mind.
      – Genevieve Gerard

That is why I instruct you when reaching for communion with your Soul or the Angels to first “Calm your mind, open your heart and Invite the Light.”

Since your Soul and the Angels share communicating with you through soft and still impressions, I always advise that you have beside you a special journal to write and record the direction or wisdom you have received in your meditations.

I have found the path to the awareness of your Soul and the way to commune with Angels is similar.   Both your Soul and Angels reside in the awareness of Spirit and therefore require some transition in your consciousness to be available to you.

Meditation is the most useful tool for coming into contact and communication with Angels.  However, let us not forget that Angels are automatically attracted by prayer and rituals that invoke spiritual experiences.  That is why places of worship are often so imbued with Angelic Presence that they can be felt or sensed without conscious calling upon Angels.

Detecting the Presence of Angels is often the unexpected blessing of spending quiet time in contemplation in the great worship houses in the world.  Over the years and centuries, these citadels of worship have called the Angels.  The atoms of these places have become infused with Angelic Presence in ways that make the awareness of the realm of Angels more accessible.

Angels come with your invitation and invocation.  Their presence is subtle most of the time.  You may sometimes have an impression that is on the edge of seeing, or you may feel the subtle movement of air that is the gentle breeze of an Angel’s wing. Let me know your thoughts on this!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-5-2018


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